Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Sep 1904, p. 5

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"1 Do All My Housework and Take Care of My Baby and | Feel So Good." " BPE A YOUNG MOTHER'S LETTER. Mrs. W. McRoberts, writes to Dr. Hartman from Delano, Miss, the following: is Delano, Miss. Dt. B. B, Hartman, Columbus, Ohlo: Dear Bir:--*"I feel perfectly well of cstarrh, 1did as you directed me to snd took Peruna and Manalin. The third of March I gaye birth toa ten pbund baby girl sud 'we sre both well snd happy. I am very thankful to you and Peruna saved my life. I 1% recommend it to everyone and can't Tid J praise it enough. "IES "I send you my own and my baby's x pieture, . She is so sweet and good,--~ Hy she is a Peruna baby. I have such # good health now. Ido all my house- work and 'take care of my baby and # feel so good. "There are three or four of my # neighbors using Peruna now since it 1did me so much good. They were # just run down, and they think itis 1 fine, it is so good to give strength."-- or shine, eviots and » ED MY LIFE RS. L. M. GRIFFITH, Areo, Jdaho, writes: "I am thirty years old snd never had any children; but since beginning your medicine 1 gave birth to a 10-pound baby girl, 1 am stronger than I have been since , MRS. L. M, GRIFFITH, 73 Jeu do not derive prompt and results from the use of write at once to Dr, Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be able advice gratis," E Mrs. W. McRoberts. '* Range -- = EE dy 3 : COMMERCIAL. keep ch ge OP. WALSH, Barrack St, i roduction : i Is selling MONTREAL MARKETS, ~ a : Sept. 14th. Que: RANTON COAL |g rouse co adit i350 to ; fe MW ANAL . ] inireal Sireot Ry "8 ovo - il 5 * HAP ; ' As follows =. Toronto See wy Pd 1081 1034 once used the Pea, per ton... ......... $5.50 | plies Street KY est Ry. 67 ssl ats to change. hestnut, per ton..... 8:50 1 Sith, Hipcrig iy id 8 i tich . v . 60 5 it will pay you tove, per ton........ 0.50 Boll Teawphone ig 50 147 4:4 per ROR. .0iss ins 6.50 Montreal Power hs In &, Well Screenod and oitvie Milling Co. 122 "117 . Yomi N JO. 54 Prompt Delivery. Hp tiue] " 208" oo! Merchants' Bank 1% i LECTRIC FANS Now's the Time you noed them, and Hero's tho Place to got them, I? you want Good Ones at Rea-~ sonable Prices » : : : BRECK & HALLIDAY, CAPILL1 F A clean, healthy tonic, produces a zuriant growth of baje at sny age, A hate on a positive cure for KURALGIA, DAND- ECZEMA cftlent for other tonsor purposes. anulactured and sold by MME. E. EL- Canadian Gunagathon Par- ro 28 street, Kingston. Finnan Haddies Fresh Oysters Wild Ducks | OMINION FSH 60. 63 Brock St. 'Phone IGYCLES Bank of Commerce . Molson's Ban aurante aan etboae NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Sept. 14th. Open. Closed. Union Pacific .... =» 98¢ 99 St. Paul " 157 158 Manlattan 156§ 156 B. R. Transit wo. DAL 56 Sugar . 180% 131} People's Gas " 103% 103} U. 8. Steel 5 15 164 U. S. Steel, pref J 65 67 Teun. Conl & Iron 474 48} Miss, Pac 971 98% Southern Pat. 5 56 571 Cnt. & Western 33 34 N. Y¥. C 125 1258 Atchison, pref 99 094 Louis & Nash 121% 122% Rock Island 27 281 Pennsylvania, R.R 129% 1 Texas & Pacific 31 32 Atchison 80} R3 Pac. Mail a2 00 Col. I. & F. oy a9 a9 Awerican Loco. .... 27% 274 Amal. Copper 571 584% ELECTION TRIALS. Going On In Two Places. Special to the Whig Toronto, Sept, 14.~The Sault Ste Marie and North Grey election trials opened yesterday. In the former, Pur- ser Nicholas Cole, of the steamer Min: nie M. described a trip with alleged personators to Michipocoten and Helen mine. A. Miscampbell, in his examination in the Soo election case, admitted that $2,000 had been sent into the riding in his interests. They Are BOILER EXPLOSION. ---- Five Engieyss Were "Severely In- ured, Special to the Whig Toronto, Unk; t. 14.--A boiler explosion at the rolling mills" of the Toronto Bolt "and - ao company, at two o 'stock, 1 afternoon, severe- ly Engineer Watsom fo , "John Die! Diekson, and two others, one an Englishman. ¥ A ---------- Funerals To-day. Tne foneral of the late James C. Howard, Amherst Island, took place to'day. The funeral of the late Miss Rice, who died on Sunday last took place from her residence on Sydenham street this morning. The remains were taken to St. George's cathedral where service was conducted by Rev. Dean Smith, assisted by Rev. Yawin and Rev. Loucks. The service was largel attended by friends of the The Jate Miss Rice was Sighty-saven years old and was the last of a large family who have resided in Kingston for a number of years. Rev. Father. Burke, of Prince Ed: ward Island, is in the city for a few days the guest of Miss B. an, Bar: CZAR. FINDS DS MYSTERIOUS THREATENING NING MESSAGE Beware 3 Yous Life In Threat- to the Whig. ot. Petersourg, Sept. 14, (via fron- tier.)--A court attendant is authority for the following story: "A fort. a czar found written 'on the blotting pad of his desk the words, 'Beware; your life is threaten- od.' The czar at once wir jes to be made in an effort to the wtiprit, | but without avail. later the incident was re 'ihe cha had now become a, a general, whose a for clever detection was of the best. The general, fearing his own life was in danger from the conspirators, surrounded himself with a body guard. "The next morning he found the fol- lowing words written on the blotter in his own room : "You have nothing to fear. The game we are aficr is too big for us to trouble about fools like you." The whole of the imperial household is ted to have been in a state of panic ever since tie occur: nay To Assassinate President. Houston, Tex., Sept. 14.--The start- ling mews of a plot to assassinate President Roosevelt, hatched in Bar- celona, Spain, and efiectually frustrat- ed in Vera Cruz, Mexico, was detail- ed here by Elee Hawes, editor and business manager of the Panaman World, published in Mexico City, from which point Hawes has just arrived. Hawes says the Mexican police were tipped off on the plot and received in- formation in advance, concerning the departure from Barcelona of the two conspirators selected for the deed. The Spaniards reached Vera Cruz and after landing they were promptly ap prehended. Their whereabouts at the present time is not generally known, REV. F. L. CHECKLEY Passes Away--Fair Will Be Suc- cessful. Special to the Whig. 4 Napanee. Sept. 14,--Rev. F. L. Checkley passed peacefully away on Monday. night, at the ripe age of sev- enty-three years. had been an invalid for the past nine or ten years, and bore his long illness with Christian fortitude. Two children sur- vive, E. R. Checkley of the Merchants Bank, and Miss Julia at home. The remains will be taken to London to- morrow for interment in the family plot. W. T. Detlor, son of W. 8. Detlor, is very low; he suffered another stroke of paralysis, yesterday, and very lit tle hopes are entertained for his re- covery, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brisco and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawley left yesterday, for a couple of months' visit with friends in the west. Mr. and Mrs. Brisco will visit friends at Edmcnt- ton, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Hawley, will visit their son in northern Dako- ta, as well as other friends. Hugh Hill, Conway, and Dr. Ruttan, Na- panee, will spend a couple of months with Dr. Jobn Hill at the Barr Set- tlement, 150 miles west of Saskatoon. Miss Birdie Schryver left, yesterday, to spend the next two months with friends in Winnipeg. John Prittie, who has spent the past three months with his niece, Mrs. R. McLaughlin, left, yesterday, for his home in Smith:s Falls. * The Lennox county fair on Septem. ber 20th and 21st, promises to be one of the best in the fromis of the fair. The entries are already coming in, and the directors will spare no pan: to make it, as usual, success in every sense of the nl On the first day the usual sports and other at- tractions come off. In the evening there will be other music, and the baby show, after which an exhibition of juggling and plate spimming by W. Frost Anson, London, Eng., and Master Vernon An- son, F.0.8., the champion hone solo- ist, cake dancer; and vocal solist of the world will perform. On the second day two bands will be in attendance, with the usual attractions. GOOD BUILDING YEAR. More Permits Issued This Year Than Last. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Sept. 4.--Capt. Salmon, Ottawa, states that no decision into the enquiry conducted by him in the Cape Breton-Canada collision will be given until all evidence has been given in the suit pending before the admiralty court, at Quebec, between the two steamboat companies. Statistics prepared at the city hall go to show that this will he 5 year for the erection of new buildings. Last year 110 permits for new build: ings were issued by the building in- enector's department. Althovoh there are {pur months to run in the present year, as many permits have, so far, been issued as for the whole of last year. The values however, will not materially differ. Last year a large valuation was accounted for by the erection of large, expensive Shope by the C.P.R. in the east end of the city. They Took A Walk. About half ga dozen women, belong ing to the Brazilian encampment at: the outer depot tired of the inaction of camp life, ventured up to the city, this motuing, with the intention of seeing the sights and plying Wiehe trade of fortune telling among superstitious inhabitants. The © police force were apprised of their arrival and the "ladies" man' of the force, P.C. Timmerman, was, them to desist from work. The colony expect to camp on Friday next and will leave for eastern cities. two bands, as well as 4 » ; a business a eile Dav, Broth street, has ro- Nr. SE Ee Famboohs Appleton, is again in Kingston to resume her stu: ns Georgia Gaudreau is howe again after a two weeks' vacation in Toronto. Fraser D. Kid, B.Sc. left yesterday to assume his du as chemist at Craig's corundum Thomas Konan has yeturned alter atten Convention of the Cana- dian Ei ng dhe "Association in To- ronto. Miss M St. ay 1. Wilkin to Kingston. to Thouasi dine oi her. studies at Queen's Uni- contin iy Rev, Dr. formerly provost he serious illness of of New York oh rinity College, "Toronto, is caus mm, § anny LaChance, Montreal, has re turned howfo after & short visit to Wolfe sland, Howe Island and King ston friends, .. L. Bass a down from Toronto tor, a couple of 8. He is now well established a he jewelry business in the Queen Gf Mr. Ne. R. D. Anglin, who have ou guests at the Port Dal housie manse, have left for their home in Kingston, | Mr. and 'Mi H. A. Miller and two daughtery, Kinguton, who have been visiting Miller at Grimsby, have retw The maeri "of Miss Gertrude Bryson, Univ ad be take Pio C. Murphy, is arm to t place on the 20th of September. Mr. and Mrs, Megill, of Ottawa, are in Kingston, and - will visit Toronto, Niagara Falls, Montreal, and Quebec before retu to Ottawa. John 'Hamilton, Sr., of Bedford Aills, No was ng a few holi- 2 of Mr. and Mrs. James Nu wey. harles street, left for home NC Geliivan, V.8., who left here about two weeks ago i now settled at Lethbridge, 'Aberin. N.W.T., where he will act as inspector of live stock fot We.) Dominion government. any friends of Miss Mattio Gould ill be sorry to hear of her de- parture from the city, She wil leave on Monday next for Pulaski, N.Y. Where she has a ok posi- "alirea JA, She hae old the od Kai matics at Albert Prptgtof Belleville, for the past year, arrived in the uty yesterday. He has been ehg: shgaged. as lecturer jn science and mathematics at Queen" Messrs. ohston and Superintendent Lopes, divisional superintendent and r agent respectivel y, of the Be and Pitty burg Railway company, ived here this morning, and went to Sharbot Lake to fish. B. G. Bolton and IL. W. Bolton, Smith's Falls; A- W. Thompson and J. Graham, Port Arthur; Valter L. Joseph, Montreal; Lieut.-Col. Wil liams, Toronto; D. W. Hodge and Wil- liam C. Hodge. Bufialo; J, W. Fraser, Pembroke, were in town last night and to-day. ie WOLFE ISLAND NOTES. Lucky Prige-Winners -- Successful Lawn Social, Wolfe Island, Sept. 14.~The island lost one of its highly respected ladies im the death of Miss Margaret Grant on Sunday morning. Her funeral will take place to the Roman Catholic church on Tuesday at nine, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung. There is no improvement in the con- dition of John = Dee, who has been very ill. Mrs. George Pyke and John Kingsley, were a couple of the lucky prize wimmers, who had thé honor of carrying off a number of firsts from the Cape Vincent fair. The an church held a very successful Yawn social on their gro on Tuesday evening. The steamer Faweett made a special trip with the 14th Band and a larfy number of Kingstonigns. The new boat is giving the best of satis- faction, and is prospering under the command of Capt. Crawford. Mr. Costello, proprietor of the Is- land hotel, is about to sell out to Reeve Fawcett or Michael den; it is undecided which will be the new manager. Mrs. Gardiner, lyn, N. Y., who spent the summer here, left for her home. Misses Mary and Sadie Furlong will spend a month with their brother and sister in Mon- dou, N.Y. Misses Su Con- ley, Oswego, N.Y. re vit Mrs. T. Conley. Steamer Fawoott carried a large excursion to Gand nel nd Miss ie Bolton, Miss Tund, ee Mary Mel Maw Kovle, xe br: -- boy of Hive. vase was billed oa 8 on of Yee Qa ent one of the European dis- Eee (Rio Grande is fe ver is twen one bd and "the flood Bw de 200 When the schools in New York, op- ened over 100,000 childdn had to be put on half time on account of lack of room. Premier Ross and Hon. Mr. Dryden were present at the opening of the new dairy building at the Western Fair, London. The inter-parliamentary union at Bt. Louis passell a resolution urging the powers to intervene in the war in the far east. Governor - Terrell, Georgia, orders court-martial against oh state militia officers, who made no sufficient effort to restrain a mob. A reward of $1,000 is offered by the Rock Island railroad and the United States Express company, jointly, the capture of any of the train ban- dits. The men who robbed the C.P.R. ex- surround- press car are reported to be ed in Onited States territory, and news of their capture is hourly ex- Works, Syracuse, N.Y., is burning; loss already $55,000. Operations in the iproved building were begun but a ago. The Italian government has asked J. P. Morgan if he will return an an- cient cope, which he purchased not knowing it had been stolen from a cathedral. The four companies of the 9th in- fentry that have garrisoned Madison barracks since their return from the Philippines will remain at that post instead of being sent to Fort Thomas, Fire destroyed the Ky. i Masasquan, N.J., block ice and cold storage plant, i h to » tailing o loss of $150,000. Fish amount of 1,000,000 pounds, against the winter demand, was stroyed. LIVES CONSECRATED. Vows Taken In House Of Frovis dence. Among stored de- the many events to be re- ported in today's columns, is an in- teresting ceremony of inWestiture and which oc- curred in beautiful chapel of the House of Providence, on the Feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross. Archbishop Gauthier officiating, re ceived the perpetual vows of Sister M. Camillus, formerly known as Miss Maggie Bradley, Brockville; and ad- mitted Miss C. Crowley, Prescott, and Miss Apna Hallinan, Place, to profession of the vows of poverty. chastity and obedience, thereby cton- secrating their lives to God for the service of the poor; ignorant, sick and suffering. Their religious titles will be Sister M. Rose of Limg and Sister M. of Carmel respectively. The white veil and habit of the order, were thin giv- en Miss C. Cournoyier, Tweed, and Miss LL. O'Halloran, Charlottetoun, P.E.L The altar gleamed with lights, and a profusion of flowers shed their fragrance upon the sanctuary around which were seated some of the distin: guished clergy : Very Rev. J. Master son, V.G., Prescott; Rev.-Dr. Salmon, Dean Mea, Father Gray. chaplain of the institution, and Fathers Traynor and O'Farrell of the city. At the conclusion of a ceremony, so significant of heroic sacrifice and. self: renunciation imposed by deliberate choice, jthe ecclesiastical benediction was mi imparted, and the new- ly-professed retired to receive the con- gratulations of their numerous friends and relatives. Township Of Kingston Council. Sept. 12. ~The petition of 78 rate payers asking council to submit a by-law to a vote of the electors in favour of the proposed electric rail way company was presented by Mr, Paul, who answered nmmuerous ques- tions, the matter being discussed at great length and held over. Cn mo- tion of Mr. Fowler, Coupcillor Hed dan to examine complained of by J. Harpell and Councillor Gates to examine job on ditch near Mr. Haw- key's with power to act. On motion of Mr. Hyland, the township «ngineer, George W. Smith, exqmine the rock Ju the bottom of the creek, on J. ney's farm at the lower - of Glen- vale swamp ditch, at the renuest of the ratepayers. Voted: Goneye, Gibson $22, balance for repairs of two bridges on 3rd concession road; Geo. Hamilton, 819, for building on Wart- man's Hill; Thomas Evans, $21.25 for work on division 50; Thomas Evans, im for work 2 road near Sharv houag Hawkov , 6. for the ort James isl a pai for four months; John Hawkev, ho, for breaking ' roads and pu gravel, division 37; Elias" Quick, 80, for work on division =. B. caster, $11.25, for sions 12 and" 14; Ww. No. iii for repairs to Coll and gravel; John ditt, $13.50' for putting on gravel and repairing bridge on oud hetvueen Jingvicn aid Expat town tow As Redden, $7 for Brown. £3 for stone for: sidewalk. : journed to 'Monday, 20th instant," A hy-la bE t w way 'will take place. £ Xie Peed actor of the new Gemiral iron 1s the concentrated medicinal virtues of fruits ¢ more effectively than any other kpown tres Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Torpid X ness and Kidney troubles. At i draggin: Soc. top of hs ven Alsought peroradions sides and back. en hath sulting in uniformly cooked food. : rie oon oe fd ry oft be lig fr According fo From the assignee we have made prices of our Ee Boots and' sow Men's hand-made Long Boots; were $2.35, n now only ng were $3.50, now only $1.95. Soldiers' hand-made Knee Boots; Men's were $5, now only $2.45. $1.75, These boots are the DILLON MAI the premises. The name Dillon is a to every purchaser that these boots satisfaction to the wearer, : Good strong Laced Boots for Men's toca and boys' wear, $1.25, now 80c. were! », Good strong' Sthool Booty' 'for "Men ios wre $118 boys, were $1.40, now 9bc. now 95¢. X Ladies' Laced and Button Boots, =| Many of the were double thi pHcS He me

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