Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Aug 1904, p. 6

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iw: fm 8% FE. 7 § t | ii i ! i office Graham, when. he 'was FEE §if Fis $iF =2 z g 2 HH i q Ze £ = = a --_---------------- Gave Him A Gift. Wade's drug store, left t for. his home spending a short vacation there, new home. @ Wanted to See Them. i 4 he Will Give An Exhibition. The Royal Canadian Field Artillery 'has been secured by the Central Can 'ada. Exhibition , Association to give ly performances at the fair in Ot. tawa. The battery will give what is wn as the "musical ride," a popu- lar form of military display, Sa---------- Has Gone To Montreal. "Kid" Hazlitt, the contre scrimmage of the Granite Football Club at the time they won the championship, has gone to Montreal to live during ti «season, and will line up with the' Montreal Football Club. hoo of ins in gents' fine boots fat the Pest in Bhat Por summer | Koop posted as to the Lockett Shoo . f a od There should be money in it for you. 3 | Charles H. Stanley, the Blue Button army, who services at the © Rescue Mission at Ashbury Park, NJ, narrowly ed ¢ Eymy, OOOO O000000000000M 000000000000 OOD ferry |ing iru he put to learn that |velt to {ake up five minutes, packers to in this case the | Such a st Kingston dock | strikers, w; inutes ahead of . P..C. Cutts met with a very | (his inful, ] , last night, about fears y with an epileptic spasm and fell backwards pSifainat the stone wall, cutting open | buildin back of his head. He was a¢- | the : Herald's 'surgery where by ji ere_found necessary to freight 'cars were' smashed to pieces, attended from La'Cap St. Ignace, magny, n Letourneau, y , this morning, with the! his throat cut from ear 10 car in the | : i : was ved and it is expect- all right after a few James McCallum, Jormesly clork in morning in Port Hope, Altet will proceed to Hamilton, where he has accepted a situation in the em- flay: of large drug firm, as travel ng pli Last evening his |} friends. at. Mrs. Boun's boarding house, 1237 Queen street, presented him with i ain pen as a token of the es- teem dns atlioly he was held by his chums, best wishes for future success follow Mr. McCallum in his _ Warden Stones was at the city ocaing. looking up the city engineer and the chairman of civic property committoe for the 4 having thew cafwult with county authorities, relative to | Miohat" . cer vements about the court Bishi Fu College, has been tzanstorrind is velling in Europe. ceeded by Rev, erto superior 'of the Scholasticate, Special to the foot to mark, bration, the fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation "of Ottawa as a city, which occurs: on. December 15th next. Capital lacrosse club executive, says their amateur' ¥tatus at next Tues- day's toting oF Sh N.AAA., an ac- tion will be fwtituted against the lat- ter for 85,000 to over the loss that will able to "play their posed games re ghhuir Bro Nationals, : _Beveral styles, steel filled corsets, | and Montrealers accordi to their ] New York Dress Refo schedule. / ae - . on throat and | in his windpipe. The captain was black in the face + fore the G «who di ten: lage': from: A where I io superintendent of cit) station, B= shmond to escape Ontario h band, fireworks, 1 still exists Ar thr . {sh TS, are sflering a loss. bib is ex) the strik leads yo will ar Br Hou produce their books, col OB | tracts and. agreements in open rt. itis, eves by the bring terms and end the struggle. TP ------ BIG SMASH-UP I : s f | 3 Throat. Special 'to the Whig. farmer Mont, pul woods in the rear of the Jocality. Le? Sie SENATOR CASGRAIN'S WIFE. Is Seriously Ill In Chicago--Sena- tor Summoned. > Wimisor, 0 has to Chicago, owing to mess of - his. wife, who been visiting her sister there. Casgrain has not enjoyed good for two years past, and went i in June last to make an (stay. with her sister, in the . the change of scene and air auld assist ih her restoration to healt Le -------------- REV. PATHER TEEFEY, A------ Will Become Superior of The Scholasticate. idl ta the Whig. 4 rote; iad 12.--Rev. Father eeley, for 'many years superior of St. superior of the Scholasticate, He not in good health, and is now tra- ile has been suc- Father Cushing, hith- | S------ TO MARK INCORPORATION. '---- Ottawa Will Be Fifty Years 0ld Soon. Ottawa, Whig: Aug. 12,<-A proposal is on hy/some. suitable cole: I ------------ Capitals May Sue. Ottawa, Aug. 12.<Mr, Foran, of the at if the Caps 'are not given back be sustained if the Caps are un- ---------------- Noarly Choked ;By Beetle, Ocean "Grove," 'Aug. / 12.<Capt. "a Bicor Ts; is leading escap- to death, while singin A he oaths hig 'mous Wide a high note a beetle flow down his insect eonld be dislodged -------------------- Gi or > Feared ome Woman, Mishawaka, (Ind... Aug: 12.--8.. B mysteriously mily and marry her. An 'Annual Event. The clearing ont of all summer stock Friday evening, A t 12th, Lak Park, Tith band, fireworks, od corsets, combination ough it the the fight and force the the packers to Quebec, Aug. 12. About 4.30 o'clock morning a freight of thirty-five , vushed 'down grade from Charle- - He was walking past | borough, and teft the track at Hedley- - Us ville. "Phe 'station at Hedleyville was demolished, and the train piled up in the ditch. The station agent left the ig in time to save his life, and engineer had his 'left log broken his cab. Twenty-five : k: 3 (A, © i AST Over in - Heir RINA OF RUSSIA. Special to the Wh dy sing well. tpl STORM OF INDIGNATION. «Montreal. Special to the Whig. surprise was all the more painful. of the Victoria Jubilee bridge. GETS FIVE YEARS. Money. Special to the Whig. £20,000, \ ---------- ALMOST INSTANTLY K KILLED. Car Repairer Struck By Detached Car. . Speeial to the Whig. Barrie, Ont., Aug. 11.--Samuel Dic- key] a GT.R. car repairer, was killed almost instantly in the Allandale yards last evening. He was at work under a passenger coach, when a de- tached car ran down the siding, catch ing the unfortunate man, and crush- ing him so badly that he lived only a few minutes. He was thirty- eight years old and married. I AT BRANTFORD FAIR. Attendance Beats All Records-- 25,000 On Grounds. Spegial to the Whig, Brantford, Aug. 12. Yesterday was citizens' day at the Brantford fair, Attendance broke all records, it being estimated that 25000 people were on the grounds. The mayor and council of Winnipeg, the exhibition board, and the railway commission, were guests of the directors, -- BEFORE SMYRNA. -- To Demand Compliance In Various Matters. Specinl to the Whig. Smyrna, Aug, 12.--The American fleet seit ito make a demonstration against Turkey to enforee compliance hy the porté with the American demands, ar- rived at Smyrna to-day. The war ships are preparing to land men. 4 Special to the Wig, -------------------- Twins 82 Years Old. Flgin, LL, Aug. 12--An interesting family reunion was held; today, at the home of N. R. Sanford, in this citv.! The peeasion was in celebration of the eighty-second birthday of Mr. Sanfprd and his twin brother, David Sanfprd, whose" home is. ih Pennsyl- vais. James J. Sanford: of Daven- port, la, a, brother of the twins, came to Elgin to attend the reunion, notwithstanding the fact that he is Hitt tua years old. Ti history of the family is remark- able {in several respects. It originally consisted of thirteen members, seven of whom survive. The combined ages of the brothers and sisters still living is 585 years, this bringing the aver- age to eighty-three years. ----i One Hundred And Seven Years Special to the Whig. ies NE 12 us Delilah G , living near the town of Lan- castef, "this county, to-lay celebrated her 107th birthday. | Mrs. George is living on the same farm where she liv- ed for the past ninety years. Amo her carly recollections is that of the burning of Buffalo by the Indians dur- ing the war of. 1812. eit Engagement Announced. grea need : Alexander Morrice, instructor at the a ly oo at Bie a al Rk Ma ® iy » hited o Deaf and Dumb Institute, Belleville, \ advertisement to-day te late Richard Srpicn Suights . of | 8nd Miss Agnes Macluncs, of the Belle: tells the story. = "|x 5 Mrs. Campion, Princess street, to 1). J. Dewsley, of this city. The wedding will fake place on September 5th, -------- ett Keep posted as to the Lockett Shoe Store =m sale. There should he 1 styles, steel fill Amoney in it for you. ig. : ? St. Petersh JA ing that Brown was "'forninst" Me 0 A se 12. apn and | ne" that' Town hot, nm. The empress and the child are | Charles Babcock, the eleven-year-old The birth occurred at 12:30 p.m. | shot at, was brought up from the po- The child will be christened Alexis. ---- Over Raising 'Thsurance Rates In James Brown, the defendant, tosti- 4 Montreal, Aug. 12.~The action of the fire imsurance underwriters in. in- creasing the rates fifty cents per $100 in the business part of the city, on acéount of the reported inofficient con- dition of the city's pumping appara- tus, has raised a great storm of in. dignation at. the City hall. It is claimed by the aldermen that this is not warranted om the report of the Water © superintendent, which, it is claimed, was unncéessarily alarming. Coming at a time when the aldermen were hopeful of reduction on wecount of increased fire-fighting facilities the 'The delegates to the Brotherhood of International Engineers have given up the greater part of today to sight-seeing. This morning they. are doing the Lachine Rapids, and in the afternoon the G'.R. will take them to Point St. Charles for an inspec tion of the works there, and a view In Pen For Spending Employers Montreal, Aug. 12. Five years in penitentiary was the sentence mét- ed out to L. H. Duran, the local man- ager of the Paterson Manufacturing company of Toronto, who was recent- ly arrested on 'a charge of stealing the firm's funds. Durand's purchase of a gasoline yacht and other evidences high living, led to investigation, Whig. which resulted in his arrest. The nt, Aug. . 18~~Senator { amount of the defaléation is placed at heen. money in it for you. to Chairman Knapp, of the board of gentleman, this morning, stated that day or. two was the cause of most of the trouble. < Near Port Dover, With Engineer- P 'ing Party. All Ladies' Oxford Low Shoes reduced Just the same way. No Empress or Doroth with Major Gray, government en. ]10 above list. gineer in charge, and a party of en-§ One Lot Girls' Don sizes 11 to 2, $1, All Bargain Tables loaded, but all er sounded. its whistle for assistance. not on the tables. Ask to see them, Special to the Whig. member of the "boy bandit" quartet, has ben found guilty of complicity in | the apening of the great bisnnial gen the murder of John Lane, stage car- penter at tne Mlinois theatre and was sentenced to life imprisonment. with his wife and child, were drowned near - Northport, was tipsy when he started from the reserve to bring his family home. The hodies of the man and his wife were found clasped to- gether, the body of their little girl floating ashore at "The Bluff." Several small children are left. ville Business College, were married on hursday. : FOR SALE OR TO-LET FURN- "FAMILY FEUD, ENDS. inst" The Door, , | "| judge's eriminal court. case enlightened 'the court hy explain- son of the man who claims he was lico station, where he has been locked up on a charge of robhing a freight car near the K. & P. station vester- day afternoon. fied in his own behalf, He admitted that he had fired a revolver in front of Babcork™s house on the night in question, but he maintained that he had no desire to injure Babcock, and was merely shooting the revelver in the air to frighten him, as: Babcock had struck and knocked him (the witness) down a few moments before. He had been carrying the vevolyer in the afternoon, as he had intended go- ing on a fishing trip, and did not go home on purpose to get his revoly- er to shoot Babcock, as the latter claimed. The witness also stated that he had heen drinking and was slightly intoxicated. This is Brown's first ap- pearance in police court circles, and he has hitherto led a fairly quiet life, Judge Price was willing to take a Jen: ient view of the case. Hoe decided that Brown was guilty of carrving and discharging firearms, and imposed a fine of $26, which Mrs, Sager, Brown's housekeeper, immediately produced, and Brown was set at liberty, receiv- ing somb very good advice from the judge. J. L. Whiting, K.C., for the prosecution, and T. J, Rigney for the defence. Young Babcock stated in his evi- dence that he had gone to school for two years in Bdloville, and had there learned how to write, but not to read. gr? x INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. "1 Reporters On Their Rounds. Several styles, steel filled corsets, | 50c. New York Dress Reform. Buy Ammonia powder at (ibson's Red Cross drug store, only 10e, Quaker Oats, Te. per package, Swiss Food 10c. per package, at Mullins'. Crawford & Co. has heen awarded the contraet for supplying coal to the lighting plant. Keep posted ae to the Lockett Shoe Store summer sale. There should be " CHAPTER _|IN, SHOOTING FRAY. AND | Babcock Tells Same _Story-ot "Bullet, Bat Fall, Broke Plate, : n Some--Brown "Torn- The last chapter in the Brown-Bab- .eock shooting" fray and family feud was concluded this morning at. the ecottrt house wh Brown appear- od before Judge ¥ in the county The evidence for the prosecution was "| much the samé as during the police 'I court pr . Babcock told the fame story, swore that the bullet fired at him while standing in the door by Brown, who was on thé walk, passed 'over his head, and brose ga china plate in the cupboard. The platy wis not produced in court, and the impression' of those who have seen the plate, was that it had not heen been broken by a bullet but by a fall. One of the woman witnesses in the SPECIAL SALE 'To-Morrow! TO-MORROW we will sell the balance of our summer stock of fine imported Zephyrs and Fancy Wash Go. 12%¢c., 15¢, 18¢., 20cC., 25¢. Your Choice To-Morrow 600 Pairs Ginghams, Muslins, ods, sold regularly at Cashmere Extra good quality, heels and t silk that gives added strength. ity Mending Wool attached to e are 10 inch., 10% and 11 inch. oes spliced with One card best qual- The regular value of this quality JF sock is 3 Yours To-Morrow Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | SALE OPENS AT 9:30. money in it for you, The Pony baschall team plays in Gananoque next Tuesday. Efiorts are also being made to arrange a game in Ottawa on the 17th. Lake Ontario Park, Friday evening, August 12th, bun and watermelon ecat- ing contests, 14th band, fireworks, dancing until 11.30. Tickets 10¢. The yacht Kate, with Commodore Macdonald, of the Gananoque Yacht Club, and party on board, arrived at Swift's dock this afternoon, as can be. «W, J. Crothers. Keep posted as to the Lockett Shoe Store summer sale. There should be Several complaints have been made works, regarding street watering. That he presumed the high wind of the last } THE. NORMA FOUNDERS. Port Dover, Ont., Aug. 12.---The gov- ernment boat Norma, from Toronto, ginters, foundered on the reefs two miles south of Port Dover harbor at eight o'clock last evening. Signals of distress were displayed -and the steap- Three tugs from the sport responded, and reached the disabled boat before serious damage was done. Fortunate towed into the harbor. Major Gray and his party eseaped without injury. They werd coming to the port to ex- amine the pier and arrange for the DE -- Chicago, Aug. 12.--<David Kelly, 4 ---------- William Maracle, the Indian who. JOHNLADLAWESO) Notice This Attractive List of Prices: -- One Lot Ladios' Empress Kid Laced high Feels, ll Ladies' Light So'e Lacs Boots All Ladies' Light Bo'e Lace Boots Price, $2. Now $1 50, All Ladies' Light Sole Lace Boots. $3.50, for $2.50. One Lot Ladies" Empress Patent Kid Laced Boots, light soles, French heels. 84, for $2.50. All American-made Leather Lace Boot: with light soles reduced 20 per cent : All Girls' and Child's Low Laced gola Laced Boots, | Shoes reduced 25 per cent. SEAR SE THE LOCKETT SHOE STOR A FINE COMPANY. proposed improvements to the har | The bor. Speci y Whi "Boy Bandit" Convicted. Souinl en Whig 1B-T.way a} distinguished assemblage that Massey. Music Hall, this morning, at eral meetings Those present ---------------- Lighter Than Aluminum. Prof. Borchers, of Aix-la-Chapelle, is said to have invented a pr metal calcium by the low cost. so that it may play an impor tant part as an industrial metal. Cal- cium is harder 'than lead and lighter than aluminum. numbered several hun dred 'men and women* and represented | in the fullest sense of the word religibus and educational activities of the Socisty of Friends in the United Statds and Canada. Baltimore, Phila delphfa and New York sent the largest number of though Ohio, In diang and states likewise well represented. Schools and methods of teaching was the general subject considered at the opening session. of West Chester, Pa., presided, and the speakers included William G. of Toronto, Mary Philadelphia, and" Edward B. Rawson, of New York. oxidizes rapidly. pening of the gathering t when a big wel takes ISHED. NO. 57 GEORGE STREET. APTLY to' Mrs. Wm. Lesslie. g 5 > x ; coming demonstrat jon will be held day ---- T re -- Whether or not we "live to eat," ' thing we turn out is as good as can be made; as near like home baking 4 - Has Started With a Good Ring About I, 1 ESL Ladies' Fatent the bargains are with Dr. 0. Edward Janney, of Balti delegates and visitors will be greeted by Mavor lr- quhart, of Toronto, Premier Ontario, and Prof. Goldwin Smith, of John William Graham, Master of Dalton School, of Manchester, England, address on "The Friend and His Mess- of will deliver an specific gravity It can be hammered in: to the leal form, and possesses many characteristics which. may render it The candies we make and. sell are held in hi ard tasted -- Wo Cro! Ridean boat for Ottawa every Thursday and Satur- . Swift & Co, by all who have thers. y Mon- SALESMEN CA Music finest mad Bedreom ter. Extensio are sellers. Sideboanr RO] The L LADIE (Ki A Resident re-opens Th 'Thorough ; Ye School Fo the different Public Scho E staff of the 2 vears. 1 E singing, sew dergarten cla: For terms ] L ply to the pi ~~ 1.O.OF. EX er x Kingston to ( Special G.T 'WEDNES Special trai f 805 am. T lowing "day G.T.R. agents HOUSEMAID vant, iy William sun ® -- Goon ce = A 4 washing or 3 H F. Mooc ---------------- RTO HIRE, A Horse, brok October 1st -- GOOD PLAIN | two weeks an assistant Hospital ------ GIRLS, 14 TO ing employ Lo the Cash Wellington si TO BUY, 01 dwelling, in four acres Estate Agen Ans YOU MAF is being Work is ple permanent London, Ont. ee GENTLEMEN, cloth to T. Ga St. Style, ing, etc, pro IMMEDIATELY, servant, coun erences rogui Knight, Alice ------------ AGENTS, TO iest kitchen v ston and surr Exclusive ter distribute dod street. SALESMAN, T7T tion advertise manent, libera quick selling Openings limi pany, Ottawa ware, Toy ant my patent | something nev wight seller o sell. R. A. Ri P---------- LADIES AND © $20 per 1,000 mailing or car bished. Send velope for part G, Box 228, Ww ---- TRUSTWORTHY a branch office turing concer month and co) must furnish en ta <9 Manager, 323 . 337 Bro ---------- 160 ACRES OF | tario Apply 105 Wellington B.A. Hall ---------------- THE EAST PAR) 5th Comerssion acres, with far cupied by Geor to do fall plo) possession on Terms favorable ply to John M ston SE -------- LO A BOOT-LACE Si ----n MeKelve containing urs rewarded by ret:

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