Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Aug 1904, p. 3

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FR THE vA LER. 7% RAND TRONK To Manitoba and Assinibola August 235th - SYSTEM § FARM "LABORERS" EXCURSION $1 2 ENTS TELL US. Ee -------------------- OUR NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND. | The Tidings From Various Points "ib ok & Ame LY WHIG, FR Richard . Carr, lately | Jusen sed in Erie, Penn. d Ve on that side' of -- lake for ¥ 12 ad MACK ENZ { The Biggest Missing Link Is Now Soa MANN, -- In Eastern Ontario -- What many years, but his body was Arranged To Be Placed--The . DAILY People Are Doing And What | taken to the Province of Ontario for Complete Plan. i CURSI \ They Are Saying. Intstuent. Th Jhtle. ot a Messrs, Mackenzie and Yann are 5 : eral interest. : Shroer known to have cherished m . " any Point Road Pointers. Canadian, but a enarkatle] peare plans for a transcontinental isode life is recalied by the | « "FROM KINGS rON TO Pqint Road, Aug. 11.--The recent bi of oi his I of old at home | T8ilway t. It wow appears that dry weather has been a great hoon to Dr Clark | their lon is to be soon realized. » 3 among his friends. . That is the inference f WORLD'S FAIR | Ss i oc bo which je eta | CLEC, Sl the Hor. of Curr' se | That iv the deporting potteied cutting their grain, which is certain] ¥ | tence te hanged and of hi ay ar yes! s ST. LOUIS, MO. IDYLWILD HOTEL a great crop. J. Wood had his entire cape Paddy ty gallows: a3 wed - plans are for a road which will $22 (Good for 15 days). ¥ [flock of turkeys killed by & numberof | foe that "Cabr: wast on. this a connecting link between the. $29.35, (Good for 80 days). jfoxes. They are so numerous that we side of the lake," 'or that | Mackenzie and Mann line of the mari] » ON THE RIDEAU. can scarcely get our sleep with their he was living -at I. Not having | Hi" provinces and the Canadian or $35.20 (Good until Dec. 15th, 1904) barking. Miss N. O'Connor is spending | | : hing "of him for thirty | Northern, the road with which they . ais sara talued | etn medi, The most popular resort on the Ri a fey Jove as the guest of Mise Burs Years,' I supposed him long. since jue, Nabe the ---- fields 3 the he ? g o rett. Miss Burton, New York, is spend- | 4 ad arrest, ition North-West, and w ue y alm to Ohlins 'TRIP-- Hamilton to Niagara | deau. Every thing up-to-date. Now ling a week' with her sister, Mrs. W, tence ay Figen ng Ss push on to the Pacific, Falls, $1.40 additional. oben to the public. Special weekly ang | Murray. Miss Gladys Ruttan is spend- on with my family and way | Ibe connedting link is the Quebee, For Pullman accommodation, tickets, ; i ing holidays with her uncle, Dr. Rug. meted a ; | New Brunswick and Nova Scotia rail. : ther i; family rates furnished om applicatio S 3 childhood, my uncle," Rov. John Ryer- : n rn End all other. 3. FP BANLES Adon, Ami'y ra urn on. app: 8. {tan, Prince Edward, but will return son being the clérgyuian who attend | YY: which was incorporated = last : Corner Johnston and Ontario streets. WM. LAISHLEY, Proprietor. in a few days. F. Beggs and A. Le- ed Carr to the scaffold, and whe | Y*&%. the bill being 1 after by w " ee oo | Hep are the guests of Ms, and Mrs, prayed against time for the purpose | B- J. Logan, N.P.. the representative Cream, 15¢, iE KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN IF YOU WA NT Malic for - few, days. F. Forney is f of cheating the hangman, = He suc- ol Cumbn fond. The plans poe ils PACIFIC RAILWAYS, Mise MN: Ward iso ount, the asylum. { CC oogiting She BANGIN. 1 DAP Lome its. route: 10 begin aie. indi. m; It's excellent, 25¢, : ob Sensi Salli Hise N, Nard is sing for . nurse pened. poi a Fonte, Nod, Polul o buy a ellin, uildin a ie asylum. A. Patterson has re- on remem! 1 il= are AVY n . . der, 10c., 15e. and FARM LABORERS WANTED Lot, Farm, Count By or oF & | turned from the hospital, after having a Dus a1 ren Ser well the vif Quebec and crossing the . § PROGRESS BRAND - y FARM LABORERS' EXCURSION 3 : Ty 3 undergone a very successful operation, ge the discovery 5" crime for | follows tho valley of the FEtchemtn Cc LIVINGS City Business, Please call and -- as ty 'was tr The | boundary. Tt crosses the state of by ; ot 3 ifie 1 Will be run to stations on Can. Pac. | see our list and get particulars, A Fine Picnic. whole 'vil pe Vittoria was in an | Maine in almost a StEaight line to ea at lve eat do eR or nm wet; sou kon apie 10 The farmers have | uproar. Someone had sister ae oo | the: town. of Woodsiant Sip line ta Taylor Drug Co, Street - - "Phone 59, ER"S TREATMENT. R'S SYRUP umors heum ous Swellings, etc. R'S CERATE PETS people are finding tages of cleaning Autumn instead of and for this com we are showing signs in STERS NS IS ELS prices. in Two-toned Car- | Gretns and Crim- POO PPRME OE PPEEN EEE PRIDE GORS me Wilton, made, d, at $1.65 per 5st wearing Carpet [cFaul et Warehouse. 20000) 3 MOOSE JAW ESTEVAN and YORKTON From Kingston, and all P. R. stations, on August 25th. One-way tickets to be sold, but each person, purchasig wi be furnished with a coupon on which a ter such person has been hired at Winy uk to work as a farm lahorer. but not | factory results. We doart brag, | a rushing business at its new stand. | another poor fellow named Smith, an mastian with dhe Atlantis a the later than August lst, 1904, free | put perform the work. Nothing |The Brown Bros. are aking u suc | Sentence of death was passed up i ing rig) Se transportation will* be given the holder : > 8 { cess of their new patent stave cheese | on Cart and Smith, and they would | CWring running rights on the short Som Winnipeg to any Canadian Pacific | sacrificed, but your best inter- |, 'which promises to be a good robably have been executed mext | ¥ction of the Intercolonial between Station iu Msnitobu or Assinibiota est studied. thing and much praise is given to its os but, I suppose, the Sheriff | Pugwash and New Glasgow, At the or s -wes r North-wes f . . ppose, K : sl peg, but not beyond Moose Jaw. Ww , inventor, W. Campsall. C. D. Godlrey thought it would be regarded as un- latter town connection will be secured an or Yorktown. -d. MURRAY, The Auctioneer. who has been ill, is able to be around gentlemanly and unfriendly if he did | With the line Mackenzie and Mann are Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. TT ari Mrs. R. Hall, Toronto her in th is dis- | building to Country. flarbor. a fine Ticket Office, Ontario St Lh : totonto, at her | not arrange the tithe so hut his di i Ny . F. CONWAY, Fi. FOLGER, JR. mother's, Mrs. Craig; Miss 0'Shea, | tant constituency could get in to | *eaport in the provinee of _ Nova Gen. Pass, Agt. Gen. Supt. CAPILLI FORMA Kingston, at FP. R. 8: Mrs. Lem- | withess the sight. Travel was slow | Scotia. However, this js not the -- 12 Sloan, Healthy tonic, produces a | mieux, Sudbury, at her father's, T. J, | in those days of no railroads. | only eastern Seaport that is te be THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW | prevents ares nen of as or | Nefeey; Mrs. J. Butterill, Mountein | Among those who were horrified and [Wade use of for the Hluht show a ; HEADACHE ALGIA BRNO | Grove. at J. McKeever's. There is a shocked at the approaching execution | branch from the main line of the '® SHORT LINE FOR Jrure AND EC CEMA, excellent for | new moon at 6. Moon's--it's a girl. was my uncle, the spiritual adviser uahec, ew gif Pimtick, und Neva / o us e8 and other ton ial ¥ i Scotia dow e Valley of he St. N Tweed, Napanee, Descronto, and all Manufactured and ald BF MME a Cass. Se of the poor fellows, and Dr. : John JOhn river to the city of St. John bs | local points. Train leaves City Hall DER, at the Canadian Gunagathon Par Shops Do Nominal Trade. Roll, whose memory still clings to the: chief winter port of the demic 3 Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent, | lors, 251 Princess street, Kingston. Sunbury, Aug. 11.---Grain cutting has | the village, Rev. John Ryerson was fh re ba o otnion . . B.Q. Ry., Kingston. --_-- ia roneral a ther to Dr. Egerton Ryerson, D, | at Ry : J : ae [| Sunbury, Aug. 11 {Bana |B Superintendent of Edwation' bu | Te Gwin New Bewnewick and] In order to clear out all ODDS and ALLAN LINE "YERPOOLana TRY LOWE INLET" will be cut this week. S. Sloan dis. 5. Supe Novae Scotia at the western end will . i fei LONDONDERRY ALWAYS | posed of a fine driving horse last week. "Dr. Roll was mare excited thas | be connected with the Canadian we are making Big Reductions all Royal Mail Steamers I'he Salvation Army will conduct an any other of Smith and Carr's sym- | Northern hy means of the Great 3 §g is From Montreal. From Quebec RELIABLE | ice cream social in the barracks on yo Northern, the ( a Atl . 1 mont * Bavarian, Fri. Aug. 12, t m. . Wednesday evening, A very select pro- Pathizeys, and iy eterna io fide i, or Fort William he is anf ' . . 0 Aug 12.2 p.m gramme. has been prepared. A large | to Toronto and intercede with the | i ion , A Cabin: Livarons a x, Second BOARD. number of visitors 'are ngs enjoving | Governor, who, I. thik, as Sue | d ction i this portion. of the sou Our fall goods are coming in and we $37 56 and $40. London. $2.50 extra!| FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, |, Jinited stay in our mick Ensilage | John Colborne. Before departing on | nection, has been arranged lor. " 5 Third. Class, Super actommodation. bath, etc, 102 Bagot street, nea: B f whi ' : or ilagel o8 hazardous errand of mercy Dr, | plans: which were filed with the min | room. ae Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, Lon: City Park. able rates «J corn, eh a fair utente oa Roll 'was closeted with my uncle. | ister of railways today bear the sig . i don, $15. ° sown, Will be a fine crop. etre. R The latter subs. | ature of D. D. Mann. LT a Th tickets to South Africa. AL quent showers that have fallen has | Rev, (John Ryerson. uttor 5B N d ; MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT, EDUCATIONAL. Shen it. a rapid growth. Presbyter- | Seaently told me that he.had agreed See The New +99' uy ow an Vi J Pretorian, Wed., Aug. 10, (daylight) lan services are now held both morning | to delay the hanging all he could by : : ¥ a . on a Sr Gina ga 2nd up. 2nd Daou, PRIVATE SGHOOL and evening, and good congregations making the closing prayer as Jong as It is now claimed there ard 1,000 ' . bi) Pas 15 ent, G.T.R. Cit *\. | regularly attend. The hay crop has | his strength. and power of utterance | islands. The new "09 are only to be ; 8 pir: EY, Agent, G. GILDEK.| Miss Alice King, assisted by Miss | 1) been housed, and a good yield has | Would permit, provided that Rolf had seen by taking in the North King or i a a Shi SLEEVE, Clarence. Street. Grace Clark, M.A., and Miss Margaret been reported on all sides 'of our | Ot Feturned. Good Dr. Rolf raleul- Caspian ramble; leaving at- 10.17 aun, * The Be. <P A "| King wilt yeopen' schoil surly 1 Ser- town. A aumber interested in berry. | #ted upon getting back a few hours daily, exeopt Monday. . v * : tember, 215 William street. icking have this week gone north iu | before the time set for. the execution, § The Bay of Quinte Route Classes both marning and afternoon. Erp have this Tok Zope marth iu He set out on the swiftest horse to A Trip For Saturday. The Leading Shoe Store. DAILY SERVICE Puoils prepared "for Entrance, Civil church services on Sunday evening | be had in the village, but' the people § 1. popular steamer America will 4 Ly Servivs wna Matriculation Examina- were surprised when they were grected | had little faith in his ability to | 1 one of her famous tours of the ions Rochester, N. Y., & 1000 Islands STRS. "NORTH KING' AND "CASPIAN" $12 K. & innipeg only will A. F. BOND INSURANC ; AND REAL 63 Clarence St. E i= Junior Classes for Boys ard Girls. Apply Alice Street. eee ee iil KINGSTONBUSINESS COLLEGE Commenc June, K ily, no Monday, at 5 KINGSTON. ay in an ort . - 1000, an sanicurning will ar- | TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGE i t 5 a.m. same days an eave for Thousand" Ielande: malin" aso deave TORONTO. dria Bay and Gananoque. Unequalled facilities for securing posi- STR " "» tions. . "ALETHA Largest and best equipment in Canada Leaves Mondays at 5:00 p.m. for Pic 321 Q Ki ton and Bay of Quinte Ports. ueen street, » ngston. For fu information apply to E. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. E. HORSEY, G. P. & F. Agent, King- Confederation Life Building, Toronto ston, Ont. 5 J. P. Hanley,J. P. Gildersleeve, Jas ¥ Bwitt & Co. Agents. TO-LET, SUMMER COTTAGE, RENT Low, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED. River Gulf of St. Lawrence . akin Craises in Cool Latitudes Screw. Irom SS. Campana," a h ic bells and all com ort. SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON DAYS at 3 p.m., 4th and July; 1st and 15th and 29th August; 13th and 36th September, for Pictou, N.S., calling Cove, Grand. River, 'Sunsmersigep ST J ver, a ELL, Core, ttetown, P.E.I good fishing and shooting. Appl. 293 Princess street. bi ply DWELLING, ON BROCK STREET, 10 rooms. All modern improvements. New hot water heating. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock St DETACHED, SoLID BRICK HOUSE on Frontenac Street, near Princess 7 rooms. Lot 66 feet front, street, d Cl , PB. . by 154 fest decp. Lots of room to The trip of the seasom for health build. Also wood barn, sheds and and couifort. Bike poultry house. Apply through ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, office. Fp. CHANEY, "areryoms Ei | Tew: moRsEs morn reer 4. P. H o Or J.P. 2 : HORSES BOTH ABOUT 14 SLEEVE, Ticket Agests, Kingston, Ont. bands; 4 past, new Commercial - Wagon made by Laturney, King- ston: Bew Set Harness, made by Dolan; Pair Blankets. bargain M. Sheldrick, Piano Store, 213 Prin- Cess stree . Goor BUILDING LoT, SOUTH SIDE hy Shonen and \ LN RO y 0! atreet. Toronto, Charlotte, Thagsand Istands, . oP ore Brockvlile, Prescott and Montreal. BILLIARD TABLE, CAROM, NEW York make. with Cues and Balls, Leave xstom ly. Gotng Baar: 6 yy Going West, 5 p.m Kingston to Or Hondas ™. Fo: Apply through Whig Office. STEAM YACHT, APOUT THIRTY Test long. Enquire through Whig MONEY AND BUSINESS. \ UVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Mamliiton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and Fire Inguroies Oompany.. A Shank Montreal Line. assets $61,187,315. In addition to LEAVE KINGSTON: which the 'policy holders have for GOING EAST--Wednesdays, Fridays, security the umlimited liability of and Su , at 4:30 p.m. all Farm and city GOING WEST' days. Thursdays, » Fi insured at jDwest possibie 1 , at 11: . 10. Before OF giving J.P. HANLEY, "JAS SWitr & CO. mew business wet rates bod Strange Ticket Agent. Freight Agent. & Strange, Agents. 4 A ireet MONEY TO LOAN IN G Direct to Queboe Without Change [MoXux To LoAN IX Tance on Str." Alexandria " In commission again. Teaving Kingston r Quebec, August 22nd Leave Craig & Co. Wharf every Mon- dey at 6:30 .p.m for Montreal and Que bec, running all the rapids Returning, leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 Midnight for Charlotte and Buffalo The Steel Lake Excursion Steamer, * Niagara " open for charter. For particilars CRAIG & CO. A BURN, Manager, Picturesque Rideau § Envi fo apply to w G ents, or A. W. HEP- POWER & on sity and 1arm 5 gran on city and county deben tures. Apply to 8. C. McGill, man. ager of Frontenac and Invest. mest . opposite the Post Office. Property. OUR POLICIES COVER MOKE ON buildings and contents than any oth- er company offers. Examine them st Godwin"s Insurance Emporium, Mark et Square. EE ------------ ARCHITECTS. way EWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- . second floor svar hoo . « store, corner ago streets. Bagot street. . Entrance om Telephone 608. ---------------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF- ite of New Drill Hall, near cor- a= of Queen and Montreal Streets. SON, pARCHITECT, MER- "s Bank ilding, cormer Brock a nk | streets. . "Phone 212 hrs ws », STATE, (oat Contsese. 'LET ME HAVE YOUR SALE! And I will guarantee you satis- i Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60¢. a box, at dealers taken advantage weather and have the hay well sav Bedford Lime with rain when after service, nominal trade. -- Death Of A Lady. Bloomfield, Aug. 1l.-Harvest in general and the crop is | arge. Among those who came from Toronto on the "Old Boys' excursion were - Miss 'assiec Bowerman and mother, Mrs. Trumpour, Niss Roberts, Mrs, Bates, Albro and Samuel Thorn, Isaac Jackson and daughter, Rev. Mr. Har- tis and many others who visited friends in this place. Miss Minerva Stanton and Mrs. Robinson, St. Catharines, visited last week at K. P. Stanton's, and ..J Mallory's. Ted Pierce has returned here from Owen Sound. John Barker had the misfortune to break his arm on Thurs- day by falling from a waggon. Tho brick work is finished on the church, Margaret Jane Bowerman, relict of the late Gilbert Jones, died suddenly on Sunday morning. Mrs. Jones re- tired to bed in her usual health, hat expired before medical aid could he procured. Mrs. Jones had been a hioc-long resident of this place a per- iod of seventy-three years. She was married twice, her first husband being William Hubbs, of whom one daugh- ter, Mrs. Dorland. survives. The fune- ral was held on Tuesday: interment in Glenwood cemetery, Picton. Philip Ellsworth, Iowa. is visiting friends here after an absence of eighteen Years. Mrs. Reuben Noxon is very sick with pneumonia. W . Brans- combe has purchased the house and lot belonging to Mrs. Hagadore. ------ Saturday Excursion To Watertown Leaves 4.30 am. and 2 p.m.; tickets good to return from Watertown Mon. day, 9 a.m. or 4.05 p.m. Only 81.95 return. of the fine harvest Kiln company is doing leaving the churches Stores are all doing a ed. The Sunday school picnic was a upon Carr, who was known to' be five success, although the weather Poor, and in whose house the odor threatened considerably. Addresses of cooked meat still hung, The vil- were delivered by Rev, Mr. Ferguson, lage Dogberry and shallow dignitar- | E. M. York and others, Music was ies, who were next to deities in my furnished by the Bethel choir. The | eyes then, succeeded An extorting a confession of guilt from Carr people flocked in from the surround- ing country. Uncle John did all he could to comfort and lead them to A realization of a greater mercy than man's, but they refused to be comforted. The fatal morn came, but without any tidings of Dr. Rolf. The hour arrived and the men were lead out to die. Pri- vate hangings had nat come into fashion then. It was conSiflered good and wholesome for the common peo- Ple to witness the awful and Just Punishment of the horse, sheep or cattle stealer, "Smith and Carr Position, and when the hangman's little preliminarics were over the sheriff was informed that all was ready for the parson's final blessing or prayer. Then Rev. Ryerson got down on his knees and began the longest and most remarkable Sprayer on record. His voice was low pur- Posely, for he wished to husband. his vocal strength. He prayed for about twenty minutes without creating re- niark, for long prayers were hot 80 distasteful then as now. But when he entered the second half héur great restlessness was manifested, The sug Poured down upon the uncovered heads, and many did not hesitate to Say aloud that they were getting too much of a good thing The sherift was impatient, and the hangman looked weary. The proceedings made him tired. Even the poor wretches awaiting death showed signs of an- noyance, for uncle had not told them of his compact with Dr. Rolf. ° The murmurs rose higher and higher, but uncle prayed on without ceasing. Ap hour passed and he was still on his knces.. There was now. no relevancy in his appeal. He merely uttered words and disconnected Phrases to were placed in Happy is the man who works--pro vided he doesn't work the wrong par- tv. Dampness Causes Piles Experience of ga Kingston Ex. pressman Who Was Cured By Dr. Chase's Ointment. John Tuttle, expressman, 101 Stew. Consume time. The muscles of his throat contracted, bis ton, was dry dnd clove to his mouth, and his Voice was husky: but he Prayed on. "He told me later that he dig mot know what he was saving, awd that the real prayer hé uttered in all that time was a silent one, and com. Posed of four words: 'God hasten Roll's footsteps.' Whenever I see the Pay of Damon and Pythias 1 am reminded of that fearful scéns," eon- tinued Dr. Clark. "At the end of gan hour and a half there was quite' an A diligent search resulted in the dis covery 'of the hide, and suspicion fell and make the journey in time and less faith in the Governor's inclination to interfere. The days flew on, and the the doomed men St. traversing th the counties Cumberland 1 extent of the to sell during his soft front, 75¢. and $1, ; 4H class shirt at less than cost, See Fit igs xd window, Al izes, fourteen to seven: AT THE DI : teen, : Ad Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfee- La At x tant Soap Powder dusted in the, ; bath, softens the water and disin- an rup fects. asl LA AJ N} [ AN pdt SEE OUR W RATTAN John river. river is followed down to Fredericton, the capital of the province, there the road is to Brunswick and islands at 2.45 p.m. Supper on board, Only 3c. ------------ Prevost, Brock street, has decided for room for fall importation. This is a great opportunity J The valley of this and from run to Moncton e northern portions of of Westmoreland and o Pugwash. This is the projected Quebec, New Nova Scotia. August the balance of American shirts, worth 50¢c. each, to make to secure a first. for Saturday. WWW AMID RAIA shelves of a big lot of Footwear end the prices ANAND) row are even better than for a week 0000 J ] Big suap in Mens' Tan and Chocolate AAA IY Bails. mostly all this vars goods, : assorted sizes Saturday's prices J n gaPrenent aluat ase-bal their value, ee tsetse Another very interestin Item will be a lot of Mens' Oxford Shoes, at ofc, and $1.16 a pair. f rt ------------ Fadies Foxed "Prunella Boots, Inced, slightly shopworn, former ioe, INDOW $1.20." Saturday, to clear, Sc. o pair RNTTURE ' Spring and Rattan Furniture, whether for tow country houses, prices attractivel + substantially ma they are designed Alro specials Dressing Cyses Brass and Iron Uproar, and the discontent had al- most. become a riot, when a voice cried: 'Here comes Dr. Holf!" My uncle did not Wear or heod the new art street, Kingston, Ont. states : "Like most men who de, much driving, sitting a great deal, and often ex posed to dampness, T have been a great suffer from piles: As a matter of fact, 1 had piles for a number of years, and trind everything 1 could | bear of in a vain offort to get cure, | but "only succeeded when I used Dr. | Chase's Ointment. The first applica tion of this grand preparation brought me relief from the dreadful itching, | burning sensations, and less than two boxes made a perfect and permanent cure.' I am grateful for the freedom from suffering, and desire others to benefit by my experience with Dr. * Chase's Ointment." or SMITH, ARCHITECT. hy 4 2 Jan , Bates & Cy timult that now mrose, but prayed on, becoming weaker each minute Soon the horseman approached near enough to be recognized and the doctor dashed up to the very foot of the scaffold, scattering People right and Jeft. He was. too weak = to speak or .move, buf a man in (he crowd snatched a document from his hand and, mounting on the haek ol the horse, shouted: 'Repriove! Ri. prieve!' It was so, and that is hon Carr and Smith were saved," For househol if entrusted to best attention, High quality, service. We cater to of customers. etc; we gain their confidence and patronage it will be a mutual benefit. pose you give now. AT SALE PRICES, Your Weekly Order OUR MOTTO: If not already a customer sup- 5 i on n or can be found here at | Big bargaing in Ladies' Buff and Pebble y low. inexpenyive. but Boots, good and strong, M5. and de for the use for which Wie. o pair in 3 Mahogany or Oak nd Waisthands, and on DILLON'S OLD J.B. BIETTE, A d needs in Groceries. us will receive our low prices, Prompt the various wants If by fair dealing, ' ¥ ! , This is an unusal us a trial. yr and the United States. ak SA A And in consequence we offer intensely interesting prices Last Saturday's prices were the means of u All the odd lots from the consist of Enamel Box Calf, Vici 5: iia be chance to BARGAIN in the finest Shoes VG is 'ON & BRO. 3 i An, ON : LO 1 i ago. A law pairs of White Ld avality on Good Strong pair, Boots, for Boys, ote, 185 bi . or E

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