Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1904, p. 6

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an will 'move in of analyses of American ure of the cargo of Vladivostok ®, on the oq company, will appeal to charge gt St, subject of the seiz the Arabia by the . The Hamburg. the owners of the Geta foram the Russian cruiser on erew. A part of which is comes from nose, , many steamers are traband, | -- What Russia Will Do. Berlin, J to fully j and their consignees for any 3 ships and ¢ Heurich's mail. Russia agrees restore and forward the contents the two. seized mail packages. ---------- PITH OF THE NEWS, All Over The World. the to injuries due to the bursting of Has She Contraband Goods ? | Viadi July 29.-The Girman '} steamor under charter of . an American company, cantured hy the romobo, July 22nd. 108 milex north of Yokohama, has arrived in charge of a prize the steamer's crew, to be coutrabuiud, ' and, Oregon. c- cording to statements, by the Chi- on he American engaged in carrying con- uly 29. Russia has agreed German shippers osses the seizures of German detention of the Prinze of The Very Latest News Culled From H. A. Kribs, Hespeler, succumbed to Jee little at the end of the wharf alone WA FOR THE LUMBER CAMPS IN ALGOMA. ---- 3 The Steel Plant Will Begin Service About August 15th--Why The Coke Is Manufactured At American Soo. \ Special to the Whig. Sault Ste Marie Ont., July 29.-- The Algoma Commercial is advertis- ing for 1,000 wen for the lumber camps gelling out pulpwood and wood for the charcoal ovens, the saw mill and the vencor plant, which will be operated at once. Negotiations have been going on for the _ purchase of pig iron and other supplies, and the steel plant will commence "ope: tions about August . It is an nounced that coke ovens will be built in the American Soo to supply coke for the blast furnaces. The Tea- sons for building on the American side is on account of duty on coal, the gas, a by-product, will be used for | lighting and heating purposes. ALMOST GONE. er OOOO OO OOOO wardrobe. . --in both styles. (All the proper color effects; for: morning, afternoon and evening wear Made by the famous * Progress " tailors--with broad shoulders, and an easy dip at the waist line which elimi- nates wrinkling. ; g Sold by Leading Clothiers 3 Throughout Canada. ; single and | double breasted 0000s A Lad's Life Was Saved At Swift's Wharf. Swift's wharf was very nearly the scene of a sad drowning accident on Friday morning. Thomas Healey, the seven-year-old son of Thomas Healey, Princess street, was fishing about 1:30 o'clock when, in some unknown balance aod fell secur steam pipe. ' lease of its ship and re She. > The new Canadian fishery cruiser at- in her cruise and other | ttined seventeen knots an hour in her items of expense, s trials on the Clyde. Mr. E has been, it is under. |, A representative committee cf' the , indtructed to make some very | Toronto militia began to organize a te of this OF watery syrups, but ¥ to the andi] = There he a : % fre op ple fi "Heroine" and such mix. -He thought the government, | Much will on whither they to be so 'bad, should act were shipped at - the risk of the con signee or the consignor, SE 8 , ian Es d pre. ta Ti E reg nk abe psa to Ji uid pee ing for | Hou. Mr. Sullivan--Because there are So many - and the liquids are the Snecial to ------------ i i A Criminal Case. Wi 1 n. Madden, of Na. | tenac. There was more than 100 ng. There guests present, i ! many w heard and it At the conclusion of the luncheon, hy broven, that, Parks. in a" burst "of | his lordebip drove (a Anns he , ; , had used an axe in his -as- | where he boarded the steamer Tuni- + |®eult and had threatened to kill | sian, which left this afternoon. He as hh |i Fo Te on || mes Peace. a or steamyacht n answer to the h 1 i pd of the m| i i work next Year, with a supplementary .grant. 'Injured Man Former Kingstonian, Some time ago, two men were acei- shot at t 'while Ring Wi wou 1 man, POIs, Was nlivan, formerly of Kingston. He taken to the General Hospi- in Toronto for treatm -- On sight claimed that dition od account ent, Special to the k al our corsets, worth Reform, Have a lool 1 fire and li wover. The at 30 per cent. goods marked thinks good. 100k defeat in the List race otsets, al ¢ York Dress sian. government and | strengthened later on, i somo iev it has been found difficult precisely x the ownership of Stores on the K DUNDONALD IN QUEBEC. Took Steamship This Afternoon For . J. L. | the empire room of he -- TO BE PAINTED. railw canals, h tified W, isger li i J. Sibley" hat I Yisgor line, which yw leaving by Un upon the yacht for passenger serv that the engine York be painted befo on. further business. ---- FIRE CHIEF OBJECTS. -- To The Brigade Taking Part In Labor Parade. Toronto, July ity of the committen matter to council, ---- IS STILL HOPING. A Change Of Air Will Do It \ od. Albans, N.Y: July t t giv of Nift- BE Eh de in Ry, a change of Reaper, alogg with other pro- by the energetic efforts of the citizens, sthol fillsd, 50c. Now Relotm. . represcutations to the Rus. these may be f the develop- facts seems to additional to maintain the -- i Steamer Shutanet Barred From Eorvice TS. The Amount Granted. i 2% _W Hon. lL RX & Miniter of Alexandria Bay, July 28.-- When the Castan repairs sine her accident Friday, w Petition m Frontenac, $50,000 has brought to the Thousand Toland placed in the estimates for the | House dock, this morning, prepara- spur canal from Bedford Mills to De- tory to making her regular trip to Lak I that «:D¢ | Kingston, she was prohibited from of the charred wood i Whie. ompson op | To Show Antecedents Of The posed the fire brigade and fire appli- Assassin. ances being anywhere except at their | Special to the Whig. stations when not at a fire, on the] St. Petersburg, July 29.--Nothing ground that if a fire should occur at [ has yot been discovered to throw any' such un timo there would be great dan- | licht on the antecedants of Von fer to the people in the streets and | Plehve's assassin, The man still ro 'probably much loss by fire. A major. | fuses to give his name. Twenty by- overruled him, minority will appeal the Go 29.<8ir Thomas yacht cup. In a saps air and a visit home might Jo the wrote Sir Thomas ago, odin bie for sportsmanlike way in the hope that he Lightning, ~BDuring the hich passed aver he Baptist w bat was saved i the American night Commander, and )--Lord Dundonald own this morning at €:30 w to the steamer by most pie]. { et of the Captain has been undergoing ited States Steamboat Inspectors Molther and Chestnut. the inspectors she was not in fit con ice and order- room and other re she proceeded 20.--Despite a strong protest by Chief Thompson, th civie t committee has ordered eB Bn bn Un hoxes the fire brigade to participate in th ban's Red rol a on "labor day parade. Chiof Thommen reception to Private Perry. vontrol of the government, found in the chief cities of Japan. Mr. Prefontaine from Palmerston on Saturday, found in a nearby swamp in a . | composed condition, to fall wheat is being cut. The SS. Lake lino from Liverpool, Point, inward, at 5:30 am, and forty-four steerage passengers, -- GET OUT OF CORDON, At the by the CPR. train. Mis lords) ipl, nt wr F Judge' ambe: i i " pecial to the 2. ~ | moriing, "John 'Perm Fan iday | Sas mt Socio embers. of Rome, July ' 2.--A despatch from of Kennebee, way tried on q | driven to the residence of Mr. and Tien Tein stated: that Gen. Kouropat arge of assault, with intent fo do | Mrs. Molson. whose guest he will | kin has evacuated Lino Yang and is Vous ily harm to Thomas | be during his stay in Quebec, This | Withdrawing to the north of Mukden. » & farmer living adjacent to morning a number of local officers | By this, says the dispatch, the gener as one of the old-time quar- | and others paid their respects to his | al hopes to extricate. part of his army fence, The case was | lordship, The luncheo his ad- | from the cordon hich the Japanese are attempting to draw around them. n- | A large body of the Russians, how ever, will be necded to delay the ad vance of the Japanese while the fore es of Kouropatkin are retreating. Officially Denjed., St. Petersburg, July 29.--An official denial was issued to day. of thé" ge port that Gen. Kouropatkin had been wounded. ------ The Heavy Losses. Liao Yang, July 29. Further details of the fighting below Taschichao on July 23rd and 24th, indicate that the Japanese losses may reach 5,000 men. The Russians Jossts are officrally stat- ed to be about 700, The Russian fore. d | e8 are concentrated at iaicheng aud probally will not retire further. It js expected that the Japanese will now advanth against the left flank of the Russian southern army. -------- n TEMPERANCE PEOPLE, Will Hold Local Option Campaign In Toronto. Special to the Whig Cremation establishments, under the are to be will leave for Brit- ish Columbia at the end of next week to investigate certain fishery ques- tions, : The body of David Gibson, a Crimea veteran, who disappeared was The Canadian Northern railway is Sues a mest favorable report on crop conditions at voints along their lines, At MacLeod, Alberta, a despatch suys drowned child Manitoba, C.P.R. passed Father with seventy-seven saloon, 144 intermediate manner, he lost his into the water. The chifld was unable to swim and, it is supposed, sank im mediately. Hugh Willis was sitting on the opposite side of the warehouse and although he did not see the lad fall in he thought he heard a splash and sus peeling what had happened, he imme diately informed Peter Clark, the fore man stance, pling irons which are kept in the en gine room. and hastened to the spot where the boy was last seen. By this time the boy had been under water, it is estimated, about three minutes and the ouly trace of him seen by his res cuers was some bubbles of air were rising to the surface. Mr. Clark of the circum secured the grap wharf, latter on the The 1 which cast the grappling irons into the wa ter at the spot where the bubbles were up on the wharf, Louis Staley, i rising, So true was his aim that at the very first cast, he was successful in securing the boy's coat collar with one of the hooks and the apparently was instantly hauled the eldést son of Staley, Barrie street, having knowledge of what should be done as first aids to a drowning person, started at once on the work citation. By means of artificial respir ation Messrs, What X. patiin Now Hopes To aged to expel a considerable quantity ouropa n of ( Toronto, July 29.--The Toronto dis- perance, West Knd Temperance Socie- , and Temperance Legislation League, have devided in favor of hold- | ing a local option campaign in Tor onto. The campaign will he placed in charge of the Ontario Alliance at a convention to be held September 13th. ----eee NOTHING DISCOVERED. syandery wore injured by the explosion of the bomb, hut only seven of them were seriously hurt. The Late A. Blakely. Picton Times. Archibald Blakely, gq life-long resi- dent of Hallowell, died on July 25th, and his remains were interred in Glen. wood cemetery on Tussday. Fighty- 150 years ago deceased was born on arm on which he died. Durin his long life he had always enjoy good health, hut about three ponths age be began to fail gradually: and on Sunday night he laid down - for the night and slept ully away. His wife, Lydia Clark, daughter of the late David Quel od him some vears ago. To {I were born six children, all of hey ere | Ww. D. Makely, and Xrs. (Capt.) Purdick, Picton: E. M. Blakely, eenton; Mrs, Albert Vandervoort and Miss Alice, Hallowell. Mr. Ilakely was a quiet, unassuming man. highly esteemed as a friend and neighbor, 5 id range from ten to twenty vears, and Don't forget the moonlight under | py, Gregg Clarke of Asheville, NC the aus vy o de Theat Baptist has a similar camp of United States Stenmer America leaves. 7:30 p.m., or. chestra on hoard. Tickets, 2c. An excursion arrived this afternoon from Carleton Arnprior and » There was a big throng. street this morning trict council, Royal Templars of Tem- | on a street car and awalls an owner, at The large steel steamer Neepawa, of the touched at Swiit's wharf on her trip up from Montreal this afternoon. We have the assortment in' corsets to choose from. Now that St, is over, the weather Should that church announce tertainment during harvest season, is cluarly a timely question. Mayor Bell and Aldermen Mock Toye in attendance last night, so the telephone franchise to stand over till the fall. R. ra-on-the lake, months' prospecting in district, is enthusiastic regarding the climate and power facilities in the with an abundant supply of the best spruce all around. Settlers in the dis trict cannot help but de weil, The survey of the railroad and its location north New Liskeard Trun Pacitie will, cross north of Lake Abitibi is The Victorian Order of Nurses has donated $2,000 towards i New Liskeard. The first newspaper or Herald, has appeared, by John Sharp, Kingston. Two summer camps are being con- ducted at Lake physical instructor of College. conducts one ty punils, youths. These pupils tics, fitted for as given thorough discipline. The settlers Liskeard have established a telephone Service between the pl | stomach. vigorous signs of returning moved to the conducted by Philip Haffner, the uncle bed and medical soon the lad An ambulance hiem wards decided to leave him where he was until fully recovered. and Louis Staley commendation and gency. Had the rescue heen delayed o few seconds more that resuscitation impossible, Local Notes, and Also Things in Gener Back currants at Carnovsky s. Abernethy's : shoes. Huyler's New York creams, cnly at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Peaches, best that we can buy. W. J. Crothers, 'orsets ordered descriptions. T was at Swift's wharf Men's black ity, for 39e. cach, Saturday night. Roney & Co. A lady's shawl was found on the of resus- Clark and Staley man the water from the lad's lungs and After several minutes of treatment the boy showed life aiid he was re Anglo-American hotel, the rescued child. He was put ip ail summoned and recovered consciousness, was called to remove to his home, but it was after Peter Clark deserve the highest for their pPrompiness of mind presence in the emer- ' it is quite probable would have been -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. lor boys' vacation plums and cantaloupes, the or ready-made, all New York Dress Reform. he steamyacht Winona of ( layton, W this afternoon. shirts regular 65c. qual- by the motorman the police station. McKay company, Hamilton, New York Dress Reform. Janes' garden party is again very fine, an cy e civic finance committee had only and question will have ---- New Ontario Notes. McIntyre, fruit-grower, of Niaga returned from the two Abitibi He soil. found splendid Iroquois Falls, Temiscamingue from to where Grand the in progress. an hospital that town, The Temiscamingue and is owned formerly of Queen's. Abitibi, Mr. Cochrane, Upper Canada with about six- from Ontario, whose ages are taucht ath- overy dav life as well T : : ° in Hailevbury, and New aces, PROGRES ® Grunks LDD OOOO S BRAND CLOTHING is sold in Kingston by C. LIVINGSTON & BRO. only, -- To - Morrow, (Saturday, . 3 We bave just secured a most seasonable bargain. There is quite purchase, how we were goods at the prices we hae arrived and will be ROW. 4,360 12Y%c. Victoria L 15¢. Victoria Law 20c. Victoria Lawns for 1 30. 25¢. Victoria Lawns for 17c€. 3o0c. Victoria Law Sale Opens at 9 O'clack. : All Saies for Cash Only. JorNLAIDL ever made. Raw Hide i 2000099030809 09050 ® Fibre Suit Cases... Durable as iron. cording to the size. Genuine Joeather Suit Cases Prices, $4.75, $5, $5.50, $6 up to $ra. FOR ALL PEOPLE, he Lockett Yards Fine White Victoria Lawns ALL DIFFERENT QUALITIES. 1oc. Victoria Lawns for 7c. Japanese Satchels he nicest shopping or excursion satchel Prices, 25c¢., Shoe Store. ® cee eosees coe ce0e All Day) a history back of this enabled to get these did. However they ready for TO-MOR- awns for 8c. ns for 1oc. ns for 19: AVES} ee 35c¢., 50c. oe oe 000i 0ocoe® Pr ces, 6oc. to $2, ac- FOR ALL PURSES. § Music Cabine finest made. Bedroom Suite ter. Extension Tab are sellers. Sideboards, $2 ---- ROBT. Toe Leadim A Residential a re-gpens Thursda Thorough Matri Special classes Music and Gymne Graded Primary can be arranged o For terms and ply to the princiy Watches fr See '( Guarantee wird and st Metal and 2062.30 SMITH 8 Refrigerators, Wood and; Coal H Tables, Chairs, So TuRi's "aga WA) ee AT ONUE, AN OF to Dr. Third. A CHAMBER M. Iroquois Hotel GENERAL SERV two Apply 23 FIRST-CLASS 8¢ ply to the Brit A GOOD COOK 1M wages paid. A 196 Johnston st CIRCULAR AND ¢ tors, @veryw. Gadd 'ay. NY. TO BUY, OR dwelling, in sub four acres of | Estate Agency, TEACHER, FOR No. 18, Ernesto and ex; Snyder, Secreta) P.O, Ontenis salary BY A LADY, TW rooms, double pu ny and well-heat good locality. Office," at once, 8 COST $4. PROFI wanted for sew letter and gum C ing Maching Sh Nt., Philadelphia AGENTS, TO Si jest kitchen utcn ston and susfoun Exclusive terri distribute dodger street. > SALESMAN, THE A advertised t manent, liberal s quick selling s! Openings. limited pany, Ottawa. ------------------ OVERCOATS, TO and Oi to have _ ---- ALL INTELLIGEN" ple who are scoki J those k 1 yi La furmish tit fe BY A COMPANY borg pt ton® Phi, i 4 won Wii vy Brant pod = hie w ve stock of the " Secretary," Wh A GOLD. CHAIN. J terday. on Princes sone Oh = bl at B% of ER

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