een O30 Akai 0.80 .50 630] t needles --the backbone of the icnic table--delicious sandwiches--and ~ 50 nourishing and con- © venient. Many varieties to choose from. CLARK'S I Turkey | ell the Etec., Ete. ¥. CLARK, Manufacturer, AONTREAL J OUR SPECIALS : Saguenay Salmon, Brook Trout, conservauve got voters' lists, by the co atives that Hon. Mr terrible mischief to their eatise. the provincial franchise would be ig nored by the liberals. and the vote re- This to the conservative = mind, | should not have been so Hoturiiug. A conservative government had tried it to its complete satisfaction, and it is something, that, suggesttd or re. commended by_the conservative par- ty, would not bo condemned now. But as. a liberal proceeding it was simply shocking ! Some days age Sir Wilfrid Laurier gave a sketch of the business which itmained for the House of Commons before its adjournment. The election 1 law was referred to. It was to be ain ended in some slight particulars. Cer- tain elections in Quebee, Ontario and British Columbia were not held iu the same "day as the elections for the fest of the dominion, and provision was to be made for them under the Redistribution * Act. - This and some changes in Redistribution Act, as re gards the number of repitsentatives in New: Brunswick, were all, and, ac- cording to néwspaper report, Sir Wil frid said it very softly. Mr. Clark, Tgronta, asked about the Manitoba lists, The premier said whthing would be done. "Oh, that is dropped," said Mr. Clark. "No, not dropped," re plied the premier; "it was never in- tended." But the conservative press will not have it so. It was given out that Mr, Sifton had planned to rob the enemy of their advatitage in the provincial lists, and "one of the bitterest fights in the history of parliament was Fright in sight." When it was stated there was gio round for alarm there was yet doubt, and the Gttawa cor- respondent of a Montreal paper says "the situation is still felt to require watching." The men who are bound to have trouble sometimes get all they want of it. -- THE MILITIA OF CANADA. The most serivus charge of Lord Dundonald against the minister of wilitia is that he suppressed a part of the report which the commander of the forces preferred in 1902, It had tag do, it seems, with the defences of the country, and, in the opiniin of Sir Frederick Borden, should be considered confidential. It resembled the report of a special committee, which 'acted in 1808, and whose work was then before the Canadian imperial governments, Lord Dundonald says his report was not analagous with the report of 1898, and it was not marked private, but Sir Frederick Borden in 1903, speaking in, the commons, and in reply to Col. Tisdale, said he thought he was the best judge whether it should be re garded as confidential. The report' in volved a scheme of defence and should not be published to the world. At the sam¢ time he offered to show it to the, leader of the opposition or to any meinber of his party, Por did the explanation end there, and Sir Frederick Borden went further and said that there were some parts of the report which should he publish- ed, that others involved a heavy ex- penditure which the goveroment had not decided to make, and that it Would be highly improper to give out the whole. Such a thing would not be done in England or any where cbse, | The motives Ff the minister were, therefore, good, and they cannot be questioned now, The improvement of the militia * an- der the present government has been gradual and steady. Sir Frederick Borden is credited with being {he bist minister of , militia that Canada has had in many a year. He has had that reputation from his opponents. He re established the annual camps for in- struction, (drill every vear), equipped the infantry forees with the modorn Lee-Euficld magazine rifles, and the artillery with new guns. He also founded the Army Medical and Army Service corps. Later there came the Army IntMligence and Army Signal ling corps. "In the last six years," says Col. Hibbard, of Montreal, "'{he whole system has been changed from an absolute, neglected, almost useless department fo a decidedly | modern erals were concerned. Manitoba hus a t and it is | supposed to. have got the best of its opponents in the preparation of the freupon it is dssumed _Sifton laid plans which would work He was credited' with a desire to' or- ganize some federal machine by which gistered afresh for dominion purposes, 'ing to be 1901, $1,723,021, was spent on new arms and ordnance, The late gen- eral officer commanding the. militia has been impatient. of results, but it will appear, by investigation. that the government has been incurring respon- sibility and espenditure as fast as the circumstahces warrant. The oppo- 1902, which did not get into print. The minister gave them the opportuni- ty of discussing it in 1993. They ean-: not expect anything more at present. r---- EDITORIAL NOTES. Reciprocity, as a' plank "in the re- publican platform, has been revived. Mr. Roosevelt was inclined to leavo it out, but Lodge and Foraker, two of the ablest senators, insisted on it and it was then accepted. The senate has divided on the rail- Sir Mackenzie Bowell's motion, that the new trapscontinental road be built by the government, was defeated Ly thirty-four to The purely --partizan element senate 'is getting very weak. way question, in the ---- Mr. McKinley though dead vet speaketh. His-- views on public is sues have been quoted in the Chicago convention, end what he contended for has been again endorsed. The in- fluence of strong men temains long after they have passed away. -- The cc-operative societies of Eng- land, in all respects save in their re- lation with the farmer, successful. How is it that the farm- unite and act fot their mutual advantage? The Grange in Canada was all right 'udlil politics corrupted it. : seem to be ors cannot should read a partizan journal than the Montreal Gazette in order to un- derstand the Dundonald-Figher incident fully. It has to be remem that when Gen. icised his government somewhat sharply the lines were laid for his retirement. -- The Mail obsfrves that "through eighteen years of conservative admin- istration the vigilance of the auditor general was What does our contemporary mean? That Mr. McDougall and the treasury hoard did not collide The blue hooks tell a difficrént tale. Fancy Dr. Sproule's dismay in reading The Watertown Times somewhat less od, too, Miles er unrestrained." often and seriously ? in the papers that he said, in Mont- real, at the which was tendered to complimentary banquet Mr. "The much decried Orange Lodge is nothing more or less than a conserva- Borden, tive committee room." The conserva- not this but something else composed the doctor's speech, SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. for the militia in 1901, is $3,593,990 or 68 cents per capita. 1n 1900 and Rie not h 1 1 frican ngents, For the and they scornfully called me: "In. cus Mee ite Be ao 2 j ternationalist, and cosmopolitan," and propriated out of capital account: for 'nothing sition talk of demanding the report of | come. Then capitalists with thtir en say in the matter. and I thought and said so whenever | much of*a Frenchman Others are very indignant indeed. So, here am 1 in a sorry predicament. cause man, and as such, I own, when they are in trouble, Do | neither. ine for tive press has hastened' to say. that | fig wrong, and under these cireumsts way Japan ? oT yi: Ri In 1857, when an officer in the French army, 1 advocated an *'Fx- terior Triple Alliance" betweert Eng- I, France and Russia. The idea was ripe among my brother officers, PR or {Kindly added : but "Oh, you! you are a John Bull' English- I I said then and I kept saying all (along if France, England and Russia fim united, who would dre to raise i MEN'S $10 SUITS! d e © If you want to pay just $10 for a suit, don't spend your money until you have seen our $10 SUITS, The coats are single and double-breasted and cut iq sam: style as a suit costing double the price. Che. viots and Serges in the newest patterns, We are proud to be able to offer such suits at $10, and we" believe you'll be proud to wear one. 4 If you will look at them you'll agree. with us jn thinking that they are the BEST $10 SUITS in town. Clothes for the L Little Fellows | We show an immense assort- ment of the popular. Norfolk Suits, Blouse Suits and Little Vest Suits, x $l to $6. Boys' Blouses Boys' Shirts Boys' Caps. a finger in Europe or clsewhere ? They have money and power on land and With these t&vo 1 20s, things 'be- in war as in politics.) nd England would cut for ves magnificent colonies in the negro lands of Ahica and Ruseia would follow suit in the yellow lands of Asia, save where her.two allies have already put on their grasp. If these three partners come" to a quarrel and blows over the division of the spoils, as this generally happens in the best managed concerns, they would fight it out cheerfully. In the meanwhile we would all be dead, for 1 hope the three contracting parties will make a treaty to assure peace for- at least thirty jxoove. Then our sons will take care of themselves, * These good to dy sea. CIOOCOCOTOOOPOO 00000000 0V0OVOTOOO0TOTOO O-O0000C ngs of the past stand y, France and England have shaken hands warmly, and Russia in spite of her present predicament, is anxiously looking on. King Fdward, the greatest peace diplom ever born, and Rus i waiching his ofiporturity tia will walk in in due time. . . . . 0000000000000 During the Boer Boer, and my fii the Frenchmen, once more, said 1 was too English for them. They even refused some of wv writings as dangerous for the deficlk feeli of their readers. 1 have before my eyes over a score of returned arti 5 I was anti Boer, not because 1] & thought England had any mo! izhts | C than "the Boers to the possession of Q ® ® 03 these South African lands, Oh, no! @ 3 . The Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. Far England and ate PPG 0000 0000000000000 war, I was anti OO0000 VOO0V0O000 CO OO00000CTOOO000 now these | O00 Boers wghts and never had any over that #oil that belongs to the Zulus or other tril, right of conquest, of might is nothing but the right of theft to me. But this is another sub Jeet, 3B O< & Sesoco0soc. >FOO000000000000066REe I was anti-Boer because the Boers refused the title r of citizens to Brit ishers, and in ali surfounding coun tries the Boers enjoved the privileges : of British citizenship. One of their own kin was even the The Trans Saturday Night From 71 to 10. vaal was poor be- » found. Then the English capital to MEN'S- FANCY VESTS, in dark, light and grey colors, washing goods, regular $2 and $2.50 goods, while they last you may have your choice $1 39. for.... " fore the mines we Boers induced gineers and men, made the Boers rich, paid all pvernment expenses and were refused the right to have their This was unfair had a chance, - » - . Sssssssr antisites reset ent ante nnns In the present f. a pro-Russign friends, the ar castern war, [ am and this ti elish, time, my say 1 am tho to suit them. ocular called Frenchman." In some lines we have not all the sizes, but you will find your size among the lot. Also 25% Discount ON ALL Boys' & Children's Suits TWO AND'THRREE-PIECE. One kind journalist me: "8 uch a cynical I sympathize for Russia simply he I am a Christian and a white stand by mine approve Russia ? Not at all ! Japan The: coup tries are not fight rights or j Justice, thev are for spoils, They are both ting should I, or anv other logica white man, favor yellow and Pagan All goods marked in plain figures. You get your Japan shows svmpathy and friend Not A Bad Job. he an = wh the ht ipiese. | choice for One-fourth Less than the marked price, Toronto' Star. heart; and if victori wig, she will § Earl Grey says there is absolutely no truth in the report that he is go- governor-perieral of Can adi. He needn't get angry about it, for he might easily find a worse job than the one rumor gave him. . Difference Between Men. Buffale Times. John D. Rockefeller's stomach is so bad that he is obliged to diet solely on crackers and milk. A large num- ber of other people have an aflliciion that forces them to follow the same course, but it seems to he centred Fn their pocketbooks rather than their stomachs. A Minister Who Bets, Toronto Globe. J Harold Spender was not far wrong | k when he said Lord Dundonald trying to impose on Canadians a | complicated and claborate scheme "of the Brodrick kind." For- 1! tunately we have a minister of mili- | | tia to intercept such follies, London Advertiser. 'this sickening lordolatry is respon- sible for much of the fuss over Lord Dundonald's ¢ismissal, though in the main the motives are purely politi- cal. The British newspapers have a clear conception of the case and are wasting no svmpathy on the general. It remains fof the Canadian snobs and politieians to resent the assertion of Canadian spirit ard Canadian con- ivy 3 t stitutional righs. Coronation Of King Peter. Special to the Whig. Vienna, June 24.--The dates for the coronation of King Peter have been definitely fixed at Belgrade for Aug- ust 2th, 30th, and 31st next; It will take place in the cathedral with great pomp) Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, and * Prince Nicholas of Montenogro are expected to be present at the cere- mony as guests of the king. The for- cign courts will be informed through diplomatic channels, but no direct in- vitations will be sent. The same dates have been fixed for the grand bration of the 100th anniversary of the liberation 'of Servia under the mA i The Latest Styles Are Here not to see the ' irighten children, and sill In a few years, if Japar is victorious, they will see the vellow Chinamen shall then pay $360 to come to Canada or will say to other auestion of give and take if yea refuse our sons. wo door, to clorious and industry all over the world ! What of it though, if the vellow peril was | Russia in Siberia and in Europe, defence | lia, look States, in thy Philippines: look ----- for the rest of the world. What will Catering To Snoblery. "then stop flood ? ene hour at Cape. 33¢. ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disinfects. Cross Drug Store. divorced from defendant is : en laying the charge against him. » amd to all ot their s under vellow the vellow peril kind of a bo what v They will see if peril is. Roney & Co., 127 PRINCESS STREET. elsewhe Chinamen countries : "It's a between us. EE -- 7 Special Bargain Attractions / --FOR-- THURSDAY gm 3 70) Wo non's White and Cresm Babe Bargain 1 Rotular "alae, ¥%¢, SALws PRICE. close our vou. And then, what a inundation of cheap dabor 8 is onlv one side of the qubstion, 7 weornes warlik ? Then, look out for look ut for England in India and Austra out for France, in Tonquin and Cochin-China, look ont for the Mitch, in their Indies and the United out the onvush of the vellow Underveste, with half sleeve. 5c. each. n Vests, long slceves. | Regular, value 25¢. 1234c. each. Vests, with long - 25c. each. * Parasols and Sun Umbrelias. The handle of each crook 'hat for 5e. 10c., §e. or 2c. may be made as : QUR CHOICE FOR....".. .... 25c, each. Bargain 5 Yume Nie foo; Sie, i shes uy 1 ad 06 ¥ ich. J your aize is here come quick as they WILL PAIRLY svi rietanyase asonnay 49¢ each. in value from 30c. to $1.35. 25¢. each. slightly imperfect on '5C. |a yard. Trip To Cape Vincent. Steamer America, Saturday, 2 p.m. Bargain 2% amps White Bally! Woncn's Natumal sleevis Color Fine Balbriggan Regular valve 30c. SALE PRICK... in a. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- Bargain 3 Bargain 4% ou For hot burning = feet good ae new. 3 alcum powder, 15. ust borated Gibson's Red Reuben Tinck, Windsor, having heen wo wi is now the Igamy case, two wounr- : 168 Wan! Sample Cakpet Endsy ra Bargain 6 WHILE THEY LAST AT. Ask your Grocer for nde Bazrgain 4 5.000 Yards Mosguitto ve Fir Net, in all olo: one side... . Tae above specials are seasonable wants and among the best offerings of season. i leadership 'of Kara George, CRUMLEY BROS. 1 Absolutely Pure. Queen | Tan Boots buttoned ; also ment of Tan and Boots, $3.7 Oxfords. $3 J, I. Suther] The Fashi Send for sworn Caradian De. KOHR NED BUY We believe pu points profit vefore wheat is not likely at present prices. on three cent mar McMillan & © PETERBORO--134-13 Valve Engios, all in dition, used ouly a sh will be sold at a low ons Reversible Marine gine and Boiler, suital work or Steam Yach horse power, cost $150; for $75. Bale Wire for Fences, 75¢c. per hundre do the Nork ol Vite 5 price. Apply to J. .- Cor. King and Qu ETACHED, SOLID B 8 Frontenac Street, street, 7 rooms. Lot by 154 feet dep. Lot build. Also good bar large poultry house. / Whig office. NEW, BUILT-UP WE : Morrow Brake, Bverything at edually Bicycle Munson, Toront THE SHOP, DWELLING ises, No. 240 Princess ed by Maker Bros. A) Mudie, Solicitor. Goor BUILDING Lor, t Queen street, between | Bagot. Apply 49 Colb BILLIARD TABLE, C4 York make. with Cue: $180. Apply through STEAM YACHT, ABOI feet long. Enquire t ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCH fice site of New Drill F mer of Queen and Mont POWER & SON, ARCHI chant's Bank Building, and Wellington streets. KENRY ». SMITH, | ete., Anchor Square, 'Phsne TO-LET. | WELL, FURNISHED HOU fully situated, opposite t street. with all veniences. For particuli Mrs. Wilkinson, 134 Ba ------------------ eee STORAGE IN THE STE! ing, 260 King strect, ra proof. J. S. R. McCa street. The Finest Ice IN THE CI Vanilla, Chocol Pineapple Frui livered in any brick or in bulk A J RBES', Prin