Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Apr 1904, p. 4

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Sash, Doors, es ins, TO ORDER. FURNITURE | Bed-room Sets, Sideboard, Springs, * Chairs, Melodian, Plano, etc., at MILLS' AUCTION' ROOMS. BETTER THAN EVER = ---- Beis = the ~ furin owned by ane | Thibetans had two objects in view | Westminster cathedral Monday, the] The mightiness of the hairpin ox- Inte Alexander Neal, part of Lot No. oo aniiex: Sikki Nh ML ddy prior to the departure of the pil- | ceeds that of both the pen and the Bain, he Firat Concession Township of Brits Sikkim, which was un grims, when Archbishop Bourne will { sword : HE Haining $14 Beton, more Se der a British protectorate and an { solemnly bless the pilgrimage flag A few days ago George Dudley. of TUESDAY, APRIL 19th, 1904 : -- fut-bulidings, all wood orchard, ote. stock, general purpose horses. 2 brood mares. p veartings, eran, etc. i Tens and conditions PREVIOUSLY DISPOSED stock ete, cash. Salk BBE) amp | DAILY ANE Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. SH Torr z " » a Ca THE DAILY -- . x Hl .WHIC---71st YEAR the admission 'of Russian trade BRITISH WHIG, published | commissionsr 15 the Lbassa. There at King street, py Ear | was no help for is but send such re | Kineton; Outerie. at 2.80 } we wrrisn nla, 23 ea the tiouble and misunderstanding and by moTRings at $1 a year. | at the same time gasert the power and {ine lien in Canadie. vapid siyish and | "0d position of Great Britain. The Bertish Whig Publishing Co , Lirited ted | FU%ia has admitted that she is not ; EDW. J dd | concerned very much. in Thibet or 3 Managing Director | Thibetan affairs, and she cannot, | secing that one paper has pointed out ! THE DAILY WHIG. ot ber nearest tertitors & a thou. « Po Orbems D " sand miles away. The Great Bear is ' Otver pur ---- | not. disposed to dispute Britain's ag SELLING PRICE OF GAS. | gressive action in Thiet. It is a The aldermen of Montreal are. mt { conovsmion which facilitated 'by the regard | fact that just now she has all the war is informa. | she wants, that Japan is engrossing Vher attention, and that the Thibetan to the gas ques tion 'oancerns the people here because it indicates that the cost of the illu minant in Kingston is altogether too | #0¢¢. The truth yemains, that had Ligh and out of comparison with the | Lord Lansdowne not been firm in his cogt in other places. demands Thibet would eventually "be The Star has been' havded o list of | ® source of anxiety to Great Britain, twenty four places in which gas is | that it would has been the base of sling; for lighting purposes, at from | Russian duplicity 'and Russian con- 81' to $1.75 per thousand feet. The | Piracy, with evil designs upon In price is afietted, of course, by the con. | 98 and ite resources. sumption, and it is the lower in i As.it is the Thibetans have been cities in wiih the consumption is | humbled. The clash of arms of P-i very large. In no plpce, Yowover, is i ish arms against' Russian arms in the rate better for the consumer than { possession of the Thibetans-- has been in Toronto, and there the gas is the | a fateful one, and it has produced product of coa,, the residuum of which | an "effect. The Lama is willing to i { make any surrender if the British only go away. Colonel Younghusband will see to it, however, that his mission is made complete- and that it will not | bé repeated. What the British have | done--even to the conflict which was forced 'by the Thibetans any other | nation would have done, under similar the ia the form of coke, is very much in demand and yields a venue annually to the gas company. The the handling of some businesses vate energy and capital, under favour ing These conditions, in Toronto, woull be considered accep tandsome re Hamilton Times favours by pri concilions. They are simply delicious, and a perfect food. Plain or with Chili or Tomato Sauce. ~ W. CLARK, Mn, MONTREAL Wispom, The ups and downs of "the market" do not aflect your Lile Insurance Policy, assuming that you have one Your beneficiaries and voursél! can always bet on a wood endowiuent A Policy in the NORTH AMERICAN LIFE cannot be excelled as a dirgt-clasy estiment nv . Assels Dec 31st, 1008, §5.625,800.78 78 Net Surplus - . 5 per For a sample contract of the cent. Gold Debenture Bond, write or call on v District i W. J. Fair, Le ut. EXECUTORS' SALE Valuable Farm Property, Farm Stock, Implements, etc:, on the Premises, in geod repair> The arm bs in excellent state of cultivation. well watered, well fenced, at sawe time and place the Bie. consisting in part, 7 extra with foal, 1 yearling colt, 19 extra milth cows. 2, two year old heiférs, ® 1 brood sow, 4 pigs, about 100 fowls, lumber waegon, 2 spring Wagrons, hugev, % lumber , Cuts ter. binder, mowing machine, 'seed drill, cultivators, sulky plow. 2 other plows root cutter, horse fork snd track come plete. and other implements, too numers OBS to HenLon, a Guantity of WAY and for farm IF NOT OF. made Terms for at 10 am. nat time of sale JNO SEALE \ h ih p-m., St, Lawrence table, with gas at eighty conte per | circumstances. t Tuesday, May 10th,M1 a.m., Stirl Wp th i feet. Yet, what the com rie ing; 3 pm. Frankferd®7.30 pm, » . i Ti TEQ 3 . Very small and asonay oo pany .can do, in. the way of selling | - EDITORFAL NOTES. Glenmire _ (Sotake as emgk gos, efter adding largely to the rest : The average salary of the school Te esday, Yar NW, 10 pu, : J ™ hae 10% : on. account and paying large' cividends, § F0acher .in the proviace of Quebec ix Thursday. May 12th, 10:30 a.m. ought to be atta nabl: by the muni | $15.50 a month, The backwardness of that has often 'bee under discussion, | 8%8inst special legislation. x ao cach namely the objectionable parts of the Bible The province of Ontario is commit: : ted to government ownership in it great force in what he says, that the Temiskaming railway. It is not $6 educated man has the means at his dis- | posed to sell or lease this posal~the books of reference, the me- | completed, but to run it as.a govern thods of study, the plan of investiga- | | ¢ roads tion--whiich enable him to discriniinate in his reading and to reach intelligent | for general reading. There is | when it is -- The conservatives "in 'the 'commons and just conceptions of Biblical | are annoy «dl . because the government events. The illiterate one, however, | has ordered a short session, and. the in subthitted to great perplexities and [talk is not as plentiful as usuel. The ta some fallacious reasoning "as he | low of wperch will go on for a whils, ug lertakes 16 read the Bible and give itd contents his own interpretation. © does pot remember the breeze thay 'was occasioned by Hon. Mr, Rosi, when, as minister of education, but it will be largely on one side, . The educatiorists, in session in To- ronto," have declared for the teaching of Latin and Greek in the schocls. The wHIG, FRIDAY, inforcements as would put an end to | Question is a matter of minor import. | RIL 8. BISHOP'S ENGAGEMENTS, Episcopal Visitation Schedule Ar- : ranged. | Bishop Mills has imde dim ing appointments for April \and May Sawiay, April 10th, Belleville) 11 aam., St. Thomas; 7 pm. St.- Joba's. Ajuzil 13th to 15th, attends meet ings of mission board and of the hows of bishops, Riagston. Taesday, April 19h, 720 pm, De seronto. Wednesday, Amil: 20th, Odessa; 7°30 p.m, Napanee. 2 i: Thursday, April 2ist, 10:30, Strath cona; 3 p.m., Kingsford; 7:30, Selby. Friday, April 2und, 10:30, Yarker; 3 p.m., Camden East; 7:30 Newburgh. Sund; April 21th, 10:30, Marl bank; Enterprise: 7:30, Tam worth. a Monday, April 25th, 8 p.m; Tweed, Tuesday, April 26th, 10 a.m., Acti nolite, 7.30 p.m., Flinton. Wednesday, April 27th, 10.30 am. Cloyne; 7.30 p.m., Queensborough. Thursd April « 25th, 10.30. a.m., Rockies; 7.30 p.m., Madoc. Friday, April 20th, #430 a.m., Ban- 2 30 pam, 2.30, nockburn; 2.3 Glemire; 7.20 Mill bridge. . Sunday, May Ist, 11 am., Ban® eroft; 3 p.m., L'Amable; 7 p.m., Ban- croft, Monday, May 2nd, 3 7.30 p.m., Maynooth. Tuesday, May 3rd, 11 a.m., White church; 3 p.m., Monteagle Valley. Wednesday, May 4th, 11 a.m., Fara day; 3 p.m., Coe Hill, 7 pm., Orms by. Thursday, May 5th, 7.30 p.m, Ros lin. Friday, May 6th, 10.30 a.m., more; 7.38 pm., Thomasburg: Sunday. May Sth, Marmora, 11 a m. and 7 p.m, St. Pauls, 3 pan, Trinity. Monday, May 9th, Rawdon, 10.30 a m., 12th Line; 3 p.m, Sth Line; 7.30 p-m., Pevers; Money Carrying Place; 7:30 p.m.. Consecon' cipelity, , whith is © governed in its | educat on in cld Canada is not to be Friday, May 13th, 10:30 am., Hil- ' 2 t v . ok : { or: 3 p.m Gerow Gore; 7:30 p.m, J y the 1ighes {i the { Wondered at. Lier: 3 p.m,, ; transactions by t ish t anc ve 4 - Wellington. . soundest busivess methods, | The Sturgeon Falls schocl tax Suse Sunday, May 15th, 10:30 am. ii . > i - . Marysburg; 3 p. Milliord; 7 p.m., SEVERE CRITICISM. ii being examined: by the lisuténant Har ysburg p-m., Millford; 7 \ Canon Henson's: article in the Con. | BOVernor. Something may yet comel Monday, May 16th, Tyendinaga, 11 temporary Review touches a point of the agitation, and the protest | a.m » Christ Church: 3 -.p.m., All Saints Monday, May 16th; 7:30. p.m., Shan- nonvite - Tuesday, Mav 17th, Amherst Island. 7:30 pm.. Stella's Wednesday, May 4th, 30 p.m, Bath. y, May 19th, ericksburg, 3 p-m., Adolphustown. Whitsunday, May 22nd, 1): a.m, Trinity; 7 p.m. May 21th to 27th, executive com- mittee meetings in Kingston, and ex- amination of candidates for holy or- ders, Trinity Sunday, May 29th, 11 am, ordination. 'St. George's cathedral 10:30 am. 10:30, Ge sport; Fred- 7:30 Brockville. St. Peter's. tried which cured me. the usual iriterest. In fac youn lirs. Estes, of New. York City, says: ourht to know how much good your medicine will do them. maging for years before I was married, and if it had 10t been for Phhkham's Vegetable Compound, I do not beli sve I could®have sto There is nd other work that is such a striin on he system. Ob, hoy" my back used to ache from the bending over ! I wi uld have to scream out from. the terry tired and weak, and my head throbbed Jike oe Fan ten ann 20 ats mags gu oot eo... onan sanstenntny Miss M, /Cartledge gives some helpfi advice to Young girls. Her letter is but one of thousands which prove that nothing\is sol helpful to young girls who are just arriving, at 'the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ? "Dear Mrs. Pixgnayx:--1I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkam ackaches and sinking spells, also pains in tbe 'back and lower lim I was sick all over. 1] S Vegetable Compound too highly, for it is the only medicine I ever I suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy at times I could not 'pursue my pftudies with My thoughts became sluggish, 1 hdd héadaches, ! % Finally, after many othér remedies had been tried, we were ad. At such a time, the grandest aid to nature Mrs. Pinkham invites a rs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. * ** DEAR MRs. PINKitAM: -- I write to you bécause [ believe all young gir be strain. pain, and 'the sitting still made me an e gine. Yours very truly, I did dred a § . would feel as thoug! vised to get Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I a: pleased to say that after taking it only two weeks, a wonderful chang: for-the better took place; and in a short time I wis in perfect health felt bueyant, full of life, and found all work a pastime. ani indeed glad to tell my experience with Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, for it made gn different girl of me. Miss M. Carrrepci, 533 Whitehall St, Atlanta Ga.' s Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It prepares the young system for the necessary changes, and is the surest and most reliable cure for woman's ills of every nature. women who are ill to write her for free advice. Address, wd I never conld 3420-- Boys Sizes 4, 0, 8, 10 Blouse and box skirt. Sizes 6, 8, 10.12 Kew Pay CRUN Th SI We h; but the about. will st he tindertook to put in the schools a volume which contained selected read- ings, or chapters having an intimate relationship, and lessons whose teach ings should have an important bear- | popularity of classics depends largely on the way they are taught, and there | 15 a great difference between the teach- ors, : i -------- The opposition is having great fun | most unreasomgble and ercises a suzerainty. over THibet, other to build a great wall by which | 10 close out "the British in their fu- against Thibet, a defeat in the field, and an expressed part of Thibet to sign a treaty. It is, | siog this treaty which has been so long ig nored, and an becomes necessary when trade became hampered Russia and China. Colonel® Young husband 'set out on months ago. He was thwarted then ing upon Lic and character. The op- position to the work was most in- tense, It was inspired, of course; by | political malice, and therefore it was out of the temperance question. The premier is being asked about it every day, and in a way which indicates the whith some men are piven. The premier appears to be alle for the jokers. civersion to most unjust, At the same timé it had its effect, and that was to destroy the plan which | nn the minister of education had of put- { Montreal i; ated tng itto the children's hands a Bibl [thod by which labels which vould be read by any,one, at any tive and with the best resus. The Riss Bible was debounced ami damned by the party press, though it had the endorsement of 'the church and of the leaders in li'eral instrue- tion, and it is to-day regan ied, ® over the me are put the hread, indicating its weight. How is the gum on the paper moistened ? Some people want to know. I the labels are licked like postage stamps they will have to go. upon -- Hon. Mr. Ross says the government for cannot give the temperance peopl: the measure they desire, ad it will con | sider "what means are available ' for further action," which means that as the house is pow school purposes, and the pity ix generally in use as most acceptable that it is not more constituted it can ---------- THE CONFLICT IN THIBET. The American press sharply criticiz- not, pass. a prohibition act. es Great Britain for its advance' in The Grand Trunk company will float Thibet, and denounce . rhter of | Thik wa She Soughter of | the bonds on which the money will he ibetans whic to re v | - inwn oA AA i 90 k place a-few | raised for the new railway. . But. the days © ago. ™ of : . = . ys ag conflict was expegted, government which: lends its -- Srecit but it was 'not supposed that the sol diérs "of the Dalai Lama would be so precipitate in their attack and that they would invite extermination. The question has been asked, What are the British wanting ? What is the object of the expedition? One has to #0 back man years and to the time when an official of the Indian govern ment undertook (op negotiate a tréaty with Thibet. He got no nearer to the Lama than many others, though he had the passport of China, which ox | will control the sale Bnd see that the | bonds are scld at the highest prize, | So Sir Williid Laurier says. -- The opposition has become very much éndamboured of the Intercclonicl When the liberels, ever, proposed a connection with Mon- { treal how the conservatives did kick! They are bound to be tru trade. They are against | all at once. how true io their the govern ment in everything. Pilgrimage To Holy Land. London, April 8.--A pilgrimage to the Holy Land, headed by the Bishop of Shrewsbury and the Pishop of Wa- terford, and including over fifty priests entered into an alliance | 27d several hundred laymen. will leave | England next week, The pilgrimage is F [claimed to. be the first of modern Britain watched | times under exclusively Roman Catho- observed that the | lic auspices. A: service will be held 'in and with his failure there was an accoler ation of trouble on the Indian fron tier. The King of Sikkim removed to Thibet and with the Great Lama for offensive and defensive purposes. the situation and which will' be taken by the pilgrims to the Holy Land. The journey is expect. ture advances ed to eccupy about six weeks. 3 Ant a ition | The result was an Indian expedition v Niagara Power. a! | Stratford, April R--8Btratfnd's city willingness on the | council has passed a by-law suthori- the signing 'of an agreement | whereby Toronto, London, Prantford | Stratford, Berlin, Ingersoll and Wood stock, raise $13,000 for investigating the cost of transmitting Niagara pow- er to these muni-ipalitis. These cities | pay 'on the basis of assessment, Strat : sos] fords share being only $32 at the this expedition | most. 8 wy enforcement of which through the pressure of council for S102. Purity--'Tis a Virtue. Is Absolutely Pure. Trinity Sunday, May 29th, 7 pm. |, confirmation, St. James church. Kingston. Tuesday, May 31st, meeting of synod. f OBSERVATIONS. I Will It ? Ottawa Free Press The bachelors' tax will turn the young man's fancy in the right dive tion. Certificate Oi Character. cat af ar work, I was so worn out. ham's Vegetable Compound changed me into a :té og, well woman. Yours very truly, Mrs. MARTHA EstEs, 513 West 125th St Y. City.* that sc McDe Then I was irregular, and had such rightt*:l cramps ev month they would simply double 8 up with pain, .and woulé have to give up working and Tie dewn. But Lydia E. Pink- No other female medicine in the world has received such wiide- spread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such = a record of female troubles cured. Sold by drugg'sts eve: Refuse all substitutions. Remember every woman is cordially in- vi if there is anything about her symptoms she Mrs. Pinkham's address is Lynn, Mass. ted to write to Mrs. Pinkham, does not understand. where. Ppr---- Toronto Star FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce the original lefters and signatures of For th According to the address of Mr, $5000 8bove testimonials, which wil} prove their a denaineness. oy and take Riddell, it would seem that R. J.] Lydia E. han Med. Co., Lynn, Mass. jorary ha Fleming is a mighty fine man and | == S-- ---- -- ---- Chicago } n't anything of the kind. or corn. Effect Oi A Curse. Montreal Herd The Grand Lama of Thibet spent three days .cirsing the oncoming Brit ish mission. Tt was a pretty long "curse, so no wonder a few score of the D9 soldiers got snow blind. o It Is Somewhat Nervy. $ Exchange $ It may be said without prejudice, 9 that the %rans-Canada request for a 2 quarter of a million from the people < of Canada for permission to build a @ railway through = their own territory | ® i$ pretty nervy proposition. ° Clean Sweep Wanted. : Ottawa Citizen ® Five convictions have taken place in| & connection with the Toronto munici- { © pal election frauds, but there are still 2 allegations that the real instigators, | i if not accomplices, have not vet been $ brought to light. It is upeto Toron- pg to to make a clean sweep. ! A Broad Statement. This announcement is made without any qualifications. the one preparation that guarantees it. Hem-Roid will cure any case of piles. It is in the form of a tablet. It is the only pile remedy used inter nally. > It is impossible to cure an establish ed case of piles with ointments, sup- positories, injections, or outward ap- y plicances. A guarantes is issued with every package of Hem Roid, which contains a monthjs treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about Hem-Roid is in -the world - Sold in Kingston by W. H. Medley. Elizabethtown, had eight sheep~fHed and fourteen wounded by dogs. He has presentod a Lill to the township rr S---- Ti WM. BAILLIE, | Executor. WAL MURRAY, Jr. Auttioneer. and turned back. Insult was added by | Wrapper sale at Woods' Fair, All Grocers sell it. 0) PURE EEOT HEIN 6.660:50:9 66.6 oe FIt's Time To Change | Pee ' ber that our Guarantee of "STYLE AND SERVICE" - Goes with every sale we make. We shall be pleased to show you the new things any day, for our garments invite admiration. Cure For Round Shoulder Try the " Gamble Celebrated Shoulder Brace," : , $1.50'and $1.75 For sale at Resumes ELEVVEASIEIIRIO GRR Ta McMilla: Give your faithful but . WHERE 1 tired Winter Suit a rest. How Russia 5 { A few days. ago it took With i re 3 - St. Petersburg, courage to wear a Spring | top eh Suit. 5 . ne h Sil 8 . oe uni s the Now it takes more cour- road "department age to keep on your Winter Jether, 236,000, " Duds." ® loses" at least: $1 "s 750 for the ortho If you knew how many $ Korea. The educa ® oser hy N004,504, of the very best dressed g fice dupartment men you meet were wearing 3+ his SIGHT w a eh er o economy of $6,500 SUITS o hs the .indem iy ® ers. Agriculture a Bought here, you'd be sur- ¢ 500,000. The new prised. . --- 2 1 Seoee $10. $12, $12.50. $13 50, ® | = $14, $15 AND $16.50 & It . & y Is our scale of prices on » | Spring Suits, and remem- [ TeaoC aan RB

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