Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1904, p. 6

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Litt i Hil [i i (34 fied hy f i 5 i i i on i : i f i i 1 ; i and Le Biel hen Be Eng given by the choir in hoth churches, i Phu inhi nl dangerously ill for the past few weeks R » : 7 : i st} shee asf F. mber- Robinson at P. Har. . Miss T, Abbott, at J. Cham- ickson and T. Briggs at 's. Hannah England at : £ i i T HH 8 ; n and Miss Julia and wife, The in a pretty trimmed with ivory and a pretty white id, Miss Annie Jones pretty pale blae Bryan were made nan bride looked white lustre dress, silk and i was attired in a . 4 gown with «ilk waist. John Waffle | Sulphur Cream Tartar and Molasses the duties of best man. The | for ly left on seven o'clock uddenly on Saturday at a town . near Watertown, N.Y. Much sympathy is felt for his friends. The "Red - Heart" Wine is a good tonic for the . |Spring or any other| Ia pa. on. Tuesday, was largely Desf iond Deliberations. April 6.--Rev, Mr. White Ve a voy impressi nie Bell is spending Faster w % the guest of J. Cerscal of Desinond. ied by Mis Ef r. MeDonald, ill. sti is spending holidary of daughter of J. W, Steward, I with 'pneumonia. B. Switz. y spending a month rents here. Rev. Mr. White ud lake on Monday last. It is crossed so late at Belle Hill a "1 SIR RICHARD SUED. Grand Old Man Defends Gold Min- il continues very in the wonjury assizes hi the instance of the Bullion , of Ontario, and gold mining excitement or six years ago. ng company No. | vwned gold properties near Rat Portage ng to sell out their holding & Company for t a p. two mines at 2 B2 st aster at Maribank. Mr, and M J. Switzer and son, Frank the wedding of their nisce. M McGill, Centreville. this section Have los Walter Macdonald, solicitor for Sir iichard new domosrn attem) nl O00 shares at ten cents pe amount 60,000 shares to Sir Richard Cartwright d 83,000 and short ards tl button out of Juining market, and the company t to isces: Sir Richard now re fuses to pay the remsi.ing' $3,000 of stock subseription, conditions complied with, and the utidertakings mgde were never cuiried TE g£5:% Several, through t valuable cattle, : Hl A Good Man Gone. Pishop's Mills, April '6.--~Death has taken old and respected citi #en in the person of James Rishop. He y-ninth year. The de ly for some time, roing, Apel Sth, : F537 was in his sevent, had { and on Tuesday mo quietly passed away. was most faithful and lived a beautiful funeral service wi Methodist 'church on ¥, the remains were interred n the Alex- ander cemetery. He loaves a widow to mou his loss. A number are spend Easter holidays at home, ---------- itl, Miss Isabella M. Don. oo writ or 3 0.000 (ox of \ st Sr the Baperimental farm, Ottawa. TELLS THE STORY. | | ANTI-PILL REMOVES THE CAUSE. AAS As A xa #: Ne. A Bie : hr Todd, 'teaching o lott, iss ly Woods" home in Kemptville. Stolen Horse Captured. Maberly. April 4.--The: snow is fast disappearing and the water in exponsy whatever. He will and | ta me grist mill is running at full the MeCormis "is 1 the want of more steam. An old and pi Ld 1 rs. after a short il) wns. The funeral was conducted Rev. 'Mr. Young, i i SMT Ehaite T i Frfl dl ; morning. Opening Of Cheese Factory, rifled the sale at the post-office, Glenvale, April 5---Quarterly ser- | vice was held in the Presbyterian chureh on Sunday morning, 'and was conducted by 'Rev, Mr. Milligan, Har- rowsmith. The special Easter singing was much appreciated. Jostph Cram- er opened Mis cheese factory on Mop- dav, April 4th, with a good supply of milk. James Young, who has been is slowly recovering. James Mercer has secured a position on Wolfe Is. his parents in Bedford township. By- ron Gordon sold a horse, recently, for a high figure. Thompson Toplifie is is attending him. Mr. Campsall, Bed George Wartinan and Richard Eller have returned home, Sagar making is the order of the dav. Miss Florence Binnington, Glenburni | is spending her Easter vacation at her parent's. Miss 'Kathleen Orser .an | Flleda Bin- nington. are visiting rdatives in the city. : -~ ---- For Ladies And Gents. We recommend the Sovereign shoe, latest stylss and workmanship guar- anteed. For sale by. the Abernethy Shoe company. ---------------- blood, 25¢. Gibsen's Red Cross store. .| James Wauklyn, M.P.. cafe Lord Hugh Cecil and Winston Churchill *'hooligan froefooders, who hdve lost their heads and at next election will lose their seats." ES -------- Send For My Book. If you want to feel better. if you want more Li you lack ambition, If you can't do things like you used to, If you lack confidence in yourself, It your nerve--your courage--is leaving | you, 3 It you lack vim, vigor, vitality, If something is eat Ng AWAY your cone stitution, write to me for the book you ood need. The book tells of my discovery. Tells how after thirty years I fond the cause Of these symptoms and many others ve. 2 x E ' ¥ ¥ parents here. Our teacher, Webster, is at her home in Syd- during the holidays. James to | Townsend and Charles Weeks have | rening to wit- | Ch & new boat. this spring. James | of Spice.' tune to get bis thumb and finger, bad- | ly eut ing root cutter on Monday | i Sazhavom ining ing feature of an ill-heated ty Bp jon for this roos. esas With the heating system comprised of 1 system is the ean i oe enema is he Oxford Radiators Fr an Oxford Hot Water or Steam Boer provision is made or every room and hallway, an even tempens- and et - aad torent ban re ., The very het grade o ron, akled tors install. sid ate ormaments to any room. \ nd (a very Taftat im penements make Osford Radie- ] They are designed oa lines which give a free channel for the flow of water or steam, thus keeping the entire at Toroms Tunction, covering a FO To ih. Sactia Boilers and We would like to send you some of our 'booklets about the O: heating the water qu & dating the tEmperatore ig pe 2 Exclusirely 15 the Hes Oxford Radiat xford Hot Water and Steam Systems of i i operating with perfect silence, : Sp Fi The first section isnear the Henting--they tell the whole story. : : THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO. Limited ... Toronto Moatreal © Winnipeg Vancouver x ----R i] Each loop aad afterwards ench assembled Oxford Radiator fe submitted to a cold water test of 130 pounds aul seldom g r than ten pounds. pressure though in use the pressure is seldom greate: Items By Mail From The British land. He will be greatly missed in this } oo Rent ophuing ity. Th Kn, at ra | n . 1 locality. McKnight is visiting Rev. William M. Watt has complated sixty years" ministry of the pansh of Ireland defeated Scotland in the in- | ternational hockey match by eight ford, has moved on to the farm late. | Mrs. H. Chapt and Iv vacated by Mrs. Alice 'Binnington. ns a, ands. Teck Viet friends chard Ells. liam Dickson and William Tumblinson are busy cutting wool at the siding. Widded. At Westport. Westport, April 5.-A very pre wedding occurred in St. Paul's church on the ick list. Dr. Wood, Kingston, | Minnie Martin was fined £1 at Col- chester for stabbing another woman Chief Baron Palles, at Limerick: as- ne. sizes, commented in severe terms on [ i I 0 R 0 D | \ E the frequency with which juries dis- in Ireland, prisoner was charged horsehair and doing orses, five of which had their tails cut off. perative Wholesale Society. the strongest trading concern in the world, has an annual turnover of over ¢ £20,600,000 sterling On hearing that her husband. Albert Butler, had been killed near Vauxhall [ i l 0 q | D | § E station the widow, London education board for 4 . he secretaryship of the school of | COLLIS BROWNE'S with a salary of £150 a | tle. Although he was worth several thou. The book tells how by scientific ex- my prescription--Dr, Shoop's | Restorative. Where weak organs were found, I al Ways found weak nerves. Not the nerv- { This was a revelation. i Then my real success an. i T combined jugredients that {would strengthen, that would vitalize these nerves. That prescription 1-called | & restorative. It is known the world | Over pow as br. Sh 's Restorative, case in each hundred. In the extremely | difficult cases my failures for five years Were one in each forty treated. I found ancer incurable. Canter is for wargery, | ROL medicine, Then how to get this prescription to Sick ones sverywhere was my thought. | I 'must announce in the public press. | i But, thought |, whit they realize the | They truth of my discovery--the real power of Dr. Shoop's Restorative? Then a w 'ame 10 me--like 'an inspiration, *ill offer it to the wick on trial. they will know | am » h I wrote a reliable druggist in each | city and village in America. They to co-operate with me. Now by | Then | Dr. Shoop's Restorative month 1 will let you use it eatirely at my risk hook Jou howl, When | send it 1 will | Jie ut a druggist wear by who wn } pefmit ¢ month's trial. ise the Ite | storative a month. Thos decide. If | you | ld 8 ve you of any, help me, at will relie Ih Ao] This is #y way 'of ceatin your mind | of all doubts as to what be. Shoop Restorative can do, No matter how | solute security 1 offer. You canmot re | et an offer like this if you are atall | sick. + ¥Ru can't da things lke. you used to them. tell me about it. - will tell you a way to help.' book now---to-day. my | who has died at Folkestone, had lived 8:0 traced: out "the cannes: that : house for a year. He Prine on 'chronic diseases. It tells how | Preferred it. 1 At Newbury an auctioneer disposed 1'found livariably : that where 'there | of the effects of an undertaker, About Was a weakness the inside nerves were | 1OTty elm Weak. Where there was a lack of vi- { each. tality the vital nerves lacked power. | for an oak coffin, coffins fetched about 5. The top, price was five guineas 1 A in Essex, a farmer hae es commonly thought of, but the vital | boilsd a bushel : atgans" Berves, the inside--the invisible | rats and given them to his ¥ nerves. says that mixed with bran and oats, | they are betier than mutton broth, W. Sutton, who had practiced | in Dover for fifty years. was buried re- cently. His coachman drove his horse After that 1 did met fail to cure Sue | destroy it on his return from the f ral, -------------- Lack Of Cusswords In Japan, Detroit 'Froe Press, 7 benighted heathen cannot In Japan ? Possess ng 'ardent cuss words In Japan ? lows off their hats their dartings provi™untrue i When they slip and crack their slats . 1 wonder what they do ' n Japan ? | When the wind bi any sick one | Does the per never fall upon In J ) t i floc eve Cel "De taken on tris). For a full i Do insistent Si Sollectors never come | When they think they've got downstairs Send no money. Just write me for the | 4, « A's far away, the Jap man never swears, ). I wonder what they say, in Japan ? +a mouth tort did not | P° they never miss the last car out say ruggist, i i In Japan? €OSL | Do they mever hit In Japan ? wt in all their cash And are therefore hrought to grief hen the market goes to smash, 's | When thay p | How do thay obtain relief, I } prejudiced. you cannot dispute this ab- |W In Japan ? If you have a weakness write me. If i Do People mever . chance 14. step € do A Write in confidence. As a physician 1 Deo ot In Japan ? { When they don year the Lord Mayor of Colds. only receive an official sal- ary of £1,600, instead of £3.000, Coughs, Of 2,138 students who matiiulated ' at Glasgow University last year 360 were women: 272 took arts and seven- who had recently. been confined, went raving mad. «The last foundation block of the i | western arm of the national harbor 4 works at Dover, which extends 4,000 feet into the sea, has been laid. Always ask for "D2. J, COLLYS PROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," Nea ly 700. applications were receiv- of spurious compounds or imitatichy: The genuine over have apother beauty man named Tinson, and a hali of degd igs, He with instructions te u- a ne the sidewalk whey un Japan | get their fingers caught (THE ORIGINA Ty (Overwhelming TRY THE "ART" THE GED. A. SLATER "IvVICTUS" DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S %e=:CHLORODYNE L AND ONLY GENUINE). is admitted by the profession to he the most wonderful and valuable rewm edy ever discovered. is the best remedy known for COUGHS, COLDS, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHI. TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and 3a the only specific in CHOLERA, axd DYSENTRY. efectually cuts short all attacks EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, PALPATA- TION and SPASMS. is the only pelliativ RHEUMAYISN, , TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS and Sold i ; | show, with membore of both sens | SOM in bottles at 1s, 14d. 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. Two cups are offered to "the fnest man and woman in the Brith Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle.) Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. A Modern Bath-Room Can now be had in every home for very little money. * To those now building new homes or contemplating re- fitting 'old ones, we solicit an opportunity fo submit an estimate on the plumb- ing work. The quality of the work we do, the ma- terial used and charged all give satisfaction ~ ELLIOTT BROS .. 77 Princess Street, : 35, Residence, No. 56, E are going to continue Ww business, and wish to. introduce all the NEWEST STYLES SPRING FOOTWEA SHOE FOR LADIES. : Simply state Hook 1 08 3 Whe Siothes and fing ! PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT OUR LARCE STOCK. 5 4 hich book you Nook 2 on the Heart That they've left their clothes behind, | : y din bs » ay . i EH ENATED, Re e Abernethy Shoe C Box' 40, 'Racine, Rook 8 for Mem (sealed ------ 3 : y Vi Ny X Doak 6 on Rhaingtism cold cream for rough skin i 4 cases. not chromic, are ! Gibson's Red Cross drug store, With one or two bottles. At druggists. ° 123-125 Pringess Stréet, Kingston. ee A Good Shoe $2. be buying what will H., Jennings £3. $4.30, $10; Sel AT McBOWALL'S 471 Princes e in NEURALGIA, GOUT CANCER, CARRIAGE Nas ample accommo Ing Sicighs and bears the words DR. J. CHORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of dach Lot No' insurance needed fire-proof=has iron r¢ Rates very reasonab Perec rsasreew { CANNEL I lasts all nig TRAVELS a tat Real Estate A.F.B BOARDING § During the rest of . cquduct a good board animal gulfanteed bes " HARDING'S "210 Wellington St.

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