MES COVER MORE ox and than the ny offers. ie at 5 y um, Mark. Serg ME Woodward Ave , Room and i will oll Immediately be som entinly pew and wall worth Wrse at ence Was Unable to do any Work for Four or Five Months. brirwicg more abr, Thought She Would Die. Doctor Could Do No Good. going to die. mo for some time but | continued to grow At last | decided to " Milburn's taking two boxes they made me well and st 30 thase sulfeeing ee es tou Sigely Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are foSonts per box, or 3 for $u.a5 at all or . SECURITY. "Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of J per bush, le nig Stie, to STic.; oats, per bush. {to Se. Langford, Montmorency Gurney, Lowe Tree, Man, fastener; Arnold M. Squire, | flushing tank: John Melntosh, Joggin ert Latest Quotations me thé | The Rates Which Govern Local 0 Markets. Kingston, ket prices this week 3 $7 to $0 a ton; pressed hay, | §10 10 $11 & ton. } Grain--~Wheat, Manitoba. No. 1, #1.50 to $2 a yuarter; mutton, 6c. to | Je. a lb; pork, by the quarter, 7c. to | 5. a Ib, live hogs, $4.75 10 & al ewt.; dressed hogs, 38 to $6.50 a cwt. | Fruit--Apples; 50¢. to 81 a b le- | mong, Mc. a dozen; bananas, to | Ie. no dozen; oranges, 15c. to Se. 5 | dozens; eranberties, He, to 124c. quart Malaga grapes, 2c. a Ib, Vegetables Potatoes, 90¢. to $1 bag turnips and carrots, 40c. to 50c, a bag; onions, $1.50 a bushel: cabbage BSc. a head; celery, Be. a bunch. Poultry--Chickens, 5c.' to 70e. a | pair; fowl, 70. to SOc. a pair; ducks; Be. to $1.25 a pair; gecse, 12§c. a ib.; turkeys, 16c. a lb. Fish--White fish, salmon trout, and pickerel, 124c. a Ib; mackerel, 15¢. a Ib; haddock, finnan haddie, cod, shad ! and bullheads, 10c. a lb.; pike, Sc. a | Ih; blue fish, Me. ab; lobsters, 3c. a Ih.; smelts, 10c. to 156¢. a Ih; tom- i cod, Ge. a Ib; fresh ciscoes, So. a Ib.: | Seattle salmon, 2c. a lb.; salt cod | fish, Jc. to 15c. a Ib; kippered her- | ring, 30c. a dozen; halibut, 20c. a Ib; ovsters, 40c., S0e., and 60¢ Glia, | Hides. Those prices are given bv | John McKay, . Brock street ; { bides, Bjc. to 8jc. i Ibs kips, No. 1, | 6c. a lb; dekin skins, No, 'I, 50c. to | 60c.; véal sking, T0c, to %ec.; lamb, | skins, B0c.; tallow, rendered, 4c. a Ih; wflw, rough, 2. a lb. Butter. Wholesale--Creamery, 23¢. a Wb. far mers. prints, 19. rolls, 1%¢. a Ib. Retail--Creamery 25c. a Ib: prints, 20¢. to 22%. a lb.: 18¢, a lb. u Wholesels--Fresh, 20c Retail-Fresh + 22c. a dozen. to 25¢. a dozen Toronto Markets. RBoronto, April 5.~The following at to'day's quotations : Wheat, white, per bush, 971, to 9c; wheat, red, per hush, je. to Me; wheat, spring, Wc; wheat, goose, per Ine. to Me; peas, per bush., €8¢. to 70c.;- barley, per bush. 6c. 3 hay, timothy. per ton, 312 to 12.50; hay, clover, $8 to 89.: straw, per ton, 811 to 812; seeds, alike, per. bush. , 5; red clover, per bush., timothy, 100 lbs, ; apples, per bbl, £1.50 A dressed hogs, $6.30 to 87; -- FAMINE. Indians Of Alaska Are Suffering Terribly. Vancouver, April 6 COPFER RIVER * Harrowing is : a n lines of excéssive brevity, which comes sfrom the Copper River country in a . | dineers ayd park authorities by the p from Haldane Robertson, trap : lf ay Jutier fhe prospector, to his mother in Ontario Power company Saturday. per and , The matter was to have been kept this city. : Robertson tells an unembellished tale, which, more than corroborates earlier and generally discredited Te ports of dire distress among the Cop So scarce has been the game more particularly the bear and the deer during the past season that, with the | fishing also almost a total failure, f 1 many scores of the red folk were in November and December last face to fp face with the spectre of starvation. | e all were so scantily clad as to [1 suller keenly from the hitterness oi' the northern winter The Indians, according to Mr. Rob: | ertson's letter, have in many cases | been reduced to such extremities that |g, 1 the dogs have been sacrificed, anc men for the salmon offal At the date of Mr deaths, directly or indirectly attrib able te the shortage of supplies, had |vé ocenrted within a radius of four hund" | rod miles of his headquarters, gl The writer states that General Funs: I 8st t "It is to be hoped." he adds, "that | of red tape will be for once forgotton, and that help will come quickly, for | th indeed, the noed is desperate." ---------- Patent Report, i i | Below will be found a list of patents | recently granted by the Canadian gov i k Onties ernwent through the agency of Messrs. SE hth ML Marion & Marion, patent attorneys, | {2 Montreal Canada, and Washington, D fea C.: William Albert Baldwin, Swith's | 0 Falls, Ont., Sulky plow: Willie A. R | Falls, Que. | Ge means for facilitating the shifting of | pillow dips; William 'Alieft Borden, | Campbelltpn, NR. dothes drver: Mur doch E. Sutherland, Westville, 'N.S. rifle sight; Jacob Walther, Winnipeg, automatic railway gate; Charles 1. peek yoke | ( Trepanier, Montreal, boat. Mines, N.S. clothes pin; Isaie Belair, |W Montreal, emérgency doors; Joseph MARKETS UP-TO.DATE "© Trade Centres. [ eee, per daz., We. putter, diicy per ! April 7The tocel mar | Te. to We.: Potions, per bag, Se, | maple syrep, large ae | peas, 'per bush., 90 te | per ton, 8.00; No. | | ton, 39 to $0.50: No. | gowd, per jton, 810° to $10.50. Fresh plucked turkeys, 134c. to 14} calded tur keys, 12¢. to I3c.: clikms, per Ih. Hoe. to 42 fowls, ie. ww | be. ducks, per lb., 1x C.; geese, ceipts, 4,500 head; slow; 10c. shipping, $4.50 to £5. butchers, $4 to $4.50; £3 to 4.15; bulls, £2 ers, and feeders, £3.25 choice, $45 to 855. medium to $32 10 $42; common, KI to $30 $5 to 87. | shade stronger; heavy, ja few ab $6.85; mixed 3 Troughs, $4.90 to $5.15; stags, $3.75 to to 200: a db; in |g 95 dairies, $5.50 to 85.70. || Sheep and lambs, recipts, 14,400 farmers' | head; active; sheep steady; lambs. 25c. mn rolls, "higher; lambs, £5 to & yearlings, ~ | 85.5010 $5.60; wothers. $5.25 to $5.- | 50; ewes, $4.75 Eggs. {83.25 to $5.15. steers, 83.25 to 8.50; poor to medium, £5.20 10 35 good to choice heavy, to 4%. | 85.30 to 85.4 wagh heavy, £520 to $5.35; light, 85.15 to 85.20; bulk of sales, £5.25 to 35.25. Sheep, receipts, 22,000. market strong: good to choice wethers, 84.75 60; native lambs, £4.50 to £5.90, It Goes Beneath The Horseshoe the story, sketched in the forceful out | neW scenic tunnel run under the fa- was opened for inspection of quiet, but leaked out. ple tunnel was run--by the Ontario Niagara Falls Park per River Indians of interior Alaska. | gol 000 | cataract as jt bus never seen by the from the interior iran a distance of over S00 feet, fol coming out undér the first heavy fall of water over the brink. Small lateral the gorge, Il The shalt has beep a > women and children have fought {an eat " peer -aled. up and remnants of last season =! capacity of te : fated hy a fifteen horse-power Robertson's let- | From the ter, January 18th, no fewer than 218 | ain tunnel | been Constructed and the tourist can n had been appealed to for immedi { tunnel whore the visitor. ate aid. i easy chairs, can view the tions of the {sent with terrife | generated by the waters, { soenes have boen arranged for by the else control the | erie feature of Niagara, which is dis- | tinetly ( anadian, penditare of - over Montreal, | cond daughtor of Mr. anh Mrs. Rob New maple syrup and sugar. Craw. ford l From The Various We. fo 22. butter, Creamery p-- Game. Buftalo. X.Y., Times oo, 2 Some people are surely victim# of circumstances, Isaac H ford, w has long been wanted for . violating the terms of his bond furnished for bis release after he had been convict ed ofygiving straw bail for Chinamen is one of these. Since Judge John R. Huizel ordered Radford's bond estreat od. Deputy Marshal Conkling has been hot (7) on the trail of Rac ord. but for some reason Radford remained at ih, + | liberty. - - { Te. to Me.; chickens, per 1h, 12. to Radlord was seen about town on | 15c.; geese, per 1, Iz! it, 120. to Tie. turkeys, per lb. veal, per ewt., 8% to $9. 2 ---- Montreal] Market. maple syrup, small tios Streined'thoney, ver Ji. Si who te dover, ia conn, to Eggs : Fingle cases, ic. to Re; wholeselors, 20ic. 10 Mc. Prime beans per bush., $1450 $1.90: jwa beans, per hush, 81.15 » 51.30; marrow 5c. { lover No: 3 hay, hay, per ton, $7.30 to $5 ordinary, per per lb., 9. to lle. American Markets. Byfialo, April 4. Cattle, re to 135¢c. £5.10 to $5.35; Fast lower, prime steers, to #00; cows. to #4; stock- to $1; stock heifers, 82.50 to 23.15. fresh cows, and wpringers, '82 to 83 higher; good to good, eifers, $3.95 Veals, receipts, 700 head; 50c. lower: receipts, 15.300 head; active: 7 to 8S 0 to $5 Yorkers, at $5.60 10.85.70; pigs, $5.50 Hogs, to $5, sheep mixed. Chicago, April 4.-Cattle, receipts, 3,200; market strong; good to prime $3.50 to 85; stockers, and feeders, $2. 50 to $4.25; . cows, $1.80 to 24.25: heifers, #2 to $4.50; canners, £1.75 to 52.50; bulls, 82 to $4; calves, £2.50 to B50: Texas: fod steers, 81 to $1.60. Hogs, receipts, 32,000; market steady higher; mixed and to 85.40; fair to choice, mixed, $3.50 to' $4.50: western. sheep, £1.50 to 84.- SCENIC NIAGARA TUNNEL. Falls. . Niagara Fails, Ont., April 6.--~The mous Horseshoe Falls of the Niagara the en- ower company for 'the Queen Victoria commission at an xpense to the power company 'of over and iy designed to open up he grand scenic beauties of the great beford been 3 tourist and visitor, 10 bis resort. A shaft was sunk 127 feet of the Table Rock ous and from the bottom the tunnel wing the contour of the Horseshoe annels run. from the main one into giving marvellous views om different positions, elevator ink , with a v people. This is Oper- metor, oot of the elevator to the a broad plank walk has "Ww. Niagara's . submarine wonders ithout being half drowned. Inimense ass ohservation-rooms will be con- ructed at the mouth of the lateral y rechining in fierce onrush the great torrent. feel the verbera- thundering. fall and, see dashing mist and spray force by the winds force of the falling eo wildly These aw inspiring and thrilling without the to the visitor. ~ The Table wk House, in which -the shaft is lo- tad i: under lease from the park mmission. by John Zybach, who will he tunnel. The installa on of the rator was in the hands G. C. BendeM, of Toronto. This new least resents an ox» 000. In Tuesday, Miss Isabelle Joan, se Purvis, Brockyi'ly, was married to iam M' McKanzis, of Montresl Je; ducks, butchers, . several different occasions even whil ~Jthe, doughty marshals hod a capias for his artist, in his pocket. But it really are . » {to #1; cabbage, doz. 40%. to 50¢ was through an accident , that Conk Flour and Feed.--Flour, bakers' | 1 lower, pes ly 825 10 $1.75; Ling Mt! adiord. Conkling { 'arong. 82.00 10 02: a owt; fnrwery' |}, Op BC don, 0B Le MI couldn't help it. He had to do it 3 50 a owt. ; | Madquarters, ¥7 16 & 50 beef, fore simply because Radford was a victim an patent, $2.90 to $3 a owt. gat | quartirs, $6 Lo. 86.50 ju |, choire, car- | of circumstances, meal and rolled oats, $4.50 to $1. | case, 87.; beef, mmecium, carc ase, 36 to It all happesied thi< way. Redford. a cwt.: cornmeal, $1.40 10 $1.60 a | $6.50; s yearing, -$9.50 0 | who has been dodging about the Gity ewt; bran $21 10 $22 a ena, | $10.50, mutton, per cut, 37 to 8; lor the past three or four weeks be . i : came a bit wearied and so finally de cided to go to the office of 'the United States marshal, in the Federal puild i . : #i i he 'deep-seated Téather white wi Ca- | Montsgel, April 5.-Chose : White | 108.10 »it int p ; atin png, 90e » Washes Jove ao | od coleed, "Toe Oi Bovis | hie and Jo. got ern wheat, 50c. to 8c. a bushel; buck- | Fresh ercamery, per li, 2c. to 21}e.. iil b A bie Dooite wheat, 30c. a bushel; peas, 75c. a | held cgpamery, per 1b. 19. to 0c. le he wat-sitting there Deputy What, iy Suhel; Eras, | a aeiy er) por Ib., 16c. to 163c Marshal Conkling bappened to come | . : A : h dry. yo y x y 154 wm. eo bushel' oye, i. o Yrushel. | pies Bor mer hi. oreo A] WALT 'ah "er, "why how do you veal, dc. 10 Ge. a Wh; spring lamb. {mapls syrup, per | do, Mr. Radford ?"" stammered Conk. ling quite overcome with joy to think that I would not have to walk an- other mile in sear "of the prisoner. "Why I am very well, thank you," answered Radford coolly. Just then a puff of wind through the window whi-h had been left open so 'that the balmy spring breezes could waft through the room. | The gentle puff of wind stirred the | papers on the crafty marshal's desk | and swept on to the open door. . Suddenly the door impelled by the strength of the breeze began to move 4 and it slammed shut, But alas every door in. the marshal's office is fitted with a spring lock and when the door | slammed shut, it_locked securely and the crafty marshal, Conkling, had at last trapped his wary man Radford. "I am afraid er,' ah Mr. Redford," said Conkling. "I am afraid I'll have to arrest you now." 4 { "Oh, very well,' said Radiord. It was a long weary chase and 1 am | glad 'it is all over." : And now Conkling will probably teil the story of Lis (lever capture of the slippery Radford. Thomas W. Pelham, Radiord's attor- | ney, appeared before Judge R. Hazel dnd presented affidavits which purport. | ed to show that new evidence in the case had heen discovered, and on the strength of those statements Judge | Hazel granted an order to show cause why "a new trial should be granted. "The answer i: returpable Monday. Meanwhile Radford 'must furnish a new bond Tor 83.000 or clse stay in itil where he was placed by Deputy Marshal Conkling, who has the sheriff | of Nattingham or. Sherlook Hohnes; beat a mile. came A MEAN PRELATE. Forced To Resign Great Diocese | By Pope. London, April 5.--A Tivus special | from Vienna says that Pope Pius X. | has interfered decisively to compel the | retirement of an unworthy prelate, | Mgr. Kohn, the Prince Archbishop of | Olmutz.. The resignation of the Arch bishop closes an incident which has attracted much attention in Austria Hungary and has more than once been: discussed in fourteen years ago Mgr. Kohn, the son of a peasant of Jewish extraction was chosen by the Chapter of Olmutz to. succeed Landgrave Furstenberg as | Prince Archbishop of Olmutz. His ad. | ministration of the diocese gave ex- | cellent pecuniary results, but proved | unsatisfactory in all other respects. | The spectacle of a plebeian Archbish- | op wha, while enjoying an income of | 1,600,000 kronen, or ne arly £70,000;a | year (3350,000) had the heart to pay his agricultural laborers a wage of 24d. (five cents) a day, and to prose- cute them. for "theft if they carried howe a branch of firewood, has so revolted public opinion = that Mer. Koha is felt to have deserved his fate, Under Mgr. Kohn's predecessor, Archbishop Landgrave Furstenberg, starvation wages were also paid, but the management, of the estates was left 10 agents; while the archbishop himself wasted the substance of his diocese in riotous living and allowed his immediate dependants . to pilfer unmolested Mgr. Kohn, on the contrary, per somally supervised the distribution of the wages paid to his wretched labor ers, and with- peasant like avidity pro secuted every petty theft. Hence: his universal unpopularity. Under exist. ing conditions it "is scarce ly probable that = the incident will receive more than passing attention from the pub- lic, who will leave t5e ill-fated pre late to moan in obseurity over the peusion of £4,000 a year, which will he assigned to him as a beggarly pit. tance from' mortmain revenues thrice as large as the salary of (he president of the French republic, 2 -- Canada's Hog Industry. London, April | 4.--A writer in The Irish Times attributes the falling-off in the Irish bacon trade to the com petition of Canada, where 30.000 pio are killed weekly; to Ireland's 5.000 He suggests, as a remedy, that all foreign bacon he branded with the name of the country. of its origin, | ---- Samuel H. Weldon and Miss Caro line Louise McCallum, daughter of Frank - McCallum, Brockville, were united in marriage on Tuesday. ne Ry 9 It Nourishes Infants, r No other baby food le as mowrishing: J = ° wholesome or 00 naiversally wed. It is nm a perfect subatitute for méthers' milk. Nestlé's Food Sample (suficient for eight meals) free. LEEMING, MLES & ©O., mowrneaL. Traps Waty Radiord, who | | | | parliament. Some That Needs A Plumber tention, but we do it quickly and well, bowls or Closets replaced, your Furn Natural food Is the natural cure for constipation and its many ills » ide coating of the wheat--which is missing in whitelour bread--is ---- ie It contains just the elements that Nature prescribes for the healthy lation of the bowels. : i x TF The ety Saods in which you gt his ster coning of the wheat are SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISCUIT «+» TRISCUI The Natural Foods > ; are the , naturally orgaized foods whicll keep. every part of the body as he ect and every function in natural operation. Shredded Whole Wheat + Biscuit may be served with milk or as the basis two hundred and fifty dainty dishes. : Triscuit makes ideal toast and takes the place of starch-mede bread and crackers. : Make Triscultyour daily brea Send for "The Vital Question Cook Book" free The Natural Food Company, Toronto, Canada There'll be Merry Doings Among the Carpets and Curtains during the next few weeks. With +t spring weather comes the demand for housecleaning; calls for New which Carpets and Curtains. We have completed the remodelling of our store an] Oileloth department purchase and design, have added quite a little Carpet, Curtain and Floor Every yard and every roll in stock'is this spring's and marked in plain figures at LOWEST CASH QUOTATION &* Tapestry body and Stair Carpets, Lace Curtains, in 35c. to 5c. a yard. 25c. to $7.00 pair. Velvet Carpets, with Border 'o Srecens and" Frilled Sash Nets, 5c match; a few only in exquisite color- | 30c. a yard. ings, 81.33 a vard. Tapestry and Chenielle Curtains, £2. ¥ool and Union Wool Carpets, 40c. | 50 to $10.00 set. to £1.00 a vard. ve YJ broidered Door Panels, 35 Striped and Flower design Hemp | ¢d} each. Carpet, and Stair, 10c. to 25¢ 2 \ s2-e Curtain Ends, worth fr m Net and Sw iss, to Japanese" and Chinese Floor 'Mat- | 5 § 2.0.50, for 25¢c. each. ting, 15c. to 45¢. a yard fat. Blinds no good for 25¢. en ki Canadian Stair and Floor 0il Cloth. | 2» Blinds some good for 30c. enc), 12§c. to 35¢. a yard. . avd on up to 81.25 each, according ¢o Scotch Linoleum, 2 yds. wide in car- | lece trimming and width of 1 lind. pet patterns, 50c, and 60c. a yard When on the hunt for als Oy nen Inlaid Cork Floor Covering, 2 yds. | see. what we are showing, ana fi ..¢ wide; wear a life time, £1.00 a yard. our prices. Pri CRUMLEY BROS, "Royal" Shoes Are made with particular t* e for particular mer, Every shoe represents a style®approved by Fashion. Only Two Prices : $4.50 and $5. : Te rng McDermott's Shoe Store, a An" Emporium make up many an evening' eas: " with the Mme nice arr a his Emporium 10¢c Cigar Is everybody's favorite, Tts antiafy fragrant. aroma--and rhe ns faves prove its Syvana filler, Smoke porinm 'and you smak the best Cigar that joc can buy, . MARUPACTURED BY ruPoRIUM CIGAR CO. OT. NYACINTHE, QUE. Souk, 48 selects his elgar Badly wants him in short order. Wa t only give your werk prompt at If your Pipes need repairing, vour ange renovating, your Wash- needs * or Steam-Heating Apparatus put 'phone or write us. », x MCKELVEY & BIRCH, Breck Street, Kingston. Here ? Sti Ma Senior Fourth IL K dy. - 5M W. Gravelle, 49 RK , 488; call, 4i7; A. Ka 435; J. McCorm 406, : Junior Fourth oghue, 483; KE. B x T. Halligan A. Gravelle, 430; Rochefort, 426; lms, 404: T, Dale James Hanley, . Cassidy, 379 Plack, 362; N. ( van,"339; M. Fin 325; V. Mahone 302; M. Diamond 270. Senior Third C 300) : WW. O'Ne 280; E. Guay, 27 E. Beaupre, 269; McNeill, 261; E, 206; B. Mallen, ° 49; B. "Hunt, 21 Millan, 235; L. V 9 T. Geoghegan, 207; | lan, 203; L. Mcln ville, 196; L. Fit: nedy, 185; A. Pai 177; R. Somervill 154; L. Tucker, 12 Gingri 9; C. Rya + ke. Vil 25; E. #rasso, 25 Junior Third possible, 420): | Grattan, 288; A, Murphy; 283; L. Millan, 277; R. Ashley, 267; F. M dick, 252; V. Gra 246; Wilfrid Marti 234; A. Staley, L. Cassady, 234; Martin, 223; H. Brien, 216; C. 1 cotte, 211; W. Ma) 210; E. Martin, W. Guirey, 201; A Gommer, 7199; V Beaudry, Sangster, 19 Cochrane, 188; V, dgan, 179; T. Mi Maiden, 160; J. nott, 153; J. Cla head, 132; I. Law Ardle, 115; B. In #0; J. Campbell, ' Murphy. 0. Becond Class--(' 263.) : Edgar Blak fin. 289; Howard fred - Turcotte, 28( 280; John Donogh ley, 279; Edward Downey, 265; Abb Linaugh, 264; Fre ward Little, ¢ Frank Guirey, 242; Joseph Leduc colte, 238; Ja Frank Smith, 210 Fred. 0O'Donnell, 196; Joseph Rock Sinnott, 195; Jo Ernest Decker; 19: 178; mond F Hammond, 167: A Frapk Cirtwill, A C r bs A