Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Apr 1904, p. 3

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nt, Cleansing cet for delicate sking oiletSoap Co. MG, IONTREAL, Moding Fis tt ists. rete. SUSINESS COLL INGSTON. JUSINESS € ORONTO. OLLEGE cilities tor securing posi. st equipment in Canada. rect, Kingston. 47 3 OR CATALOGUE. Life BuiMing, Toronto, F. Baker, Dentist," 2 doors ii St. from PAPER 'gain table filled up pnuiné IGAINS of American Papers y decorative." . Weese. We do all e decorating. se & Co. for Photos, onery, Bargains in rgans, SE & CO. 00000 n't ar. WET & 00. shone 135. 000000000020 000000 : ; ¢ '* THE e Grocery AP ee ean aes oie 25¢. qt (CKERING, T. PHONE 530. World's Fair St. Louis, Mo., 1904. Opan From April 3)th to Dec 1st The and most costly Exposi- tion ever, . . The space for exhibits is the greatest ever under Exposition roofs, but the very key note of Exposition, processes, rather than production. will be a distinct development in expositions, compared with other positions. The World's Fair of 1904 contains 1,240 acres, in comparison with Chicago in 18Y3, which ambi acres; 1900 with 336 acres, and the Pan American at Bufialo, occupied 300 acres. Popular and fast train service to : and from . the World's Feir City via. the Grend Trunk Railway system. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, City Passenger Depot. KINGSTON & PEMBROKE & CANADIAN PACIFIC 'RAILWAYS. 'World's Fair ST. LOUIS April 30th to December 1st, 1904 Special one-way Mecond Class Cdlonist 'Excursion Tickets, on sale daily during March and April from Kingston to Van- couver, Victoria, New Westminster. B.C., Seattle, Tacoma, Washington and Port- land, $46.30. Kingston . to Nelson, Robson, Trails Rossland, Greenwood, Midway, B.C, and Spokane, Wask. $43.80. Special Settlers' Trains To Canadian Nor.h-West Will leave Kingston every Tuesday during March and April at 8:10 a.m. Di rect: gonnections. Full particulars at K. & P. and CP.R Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F.A.FOLGER, JR, Gem. Pass. Agt. Gen. Sopt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR " .. Tweed, Napanee, Deseronto, and all losal points. Train leaves City Hall De pot at ¢ pan. F. CONWAY," Agent, 8B. Q. Ry, Kingston. = /AL'LAN LINE Liverpool and Londonderry. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS From St. John. From Halifax Parisian, ..... ...... woe . March 21st. Tunisian, March, 26th, March 28th Ionian, April 2nd, ... ... April 4th Bavarian, April 9th, . April 11th RATES OF PASSAGE: : First" Cabin--$55 and upwatds, accord- ing to steamer, to April 1st, After April 1st, $75 and upwards, (summer rates) Second Cabin--Liverpool "and London- derry--PARISIAN, $87:50. Other steam- ers, $40. London, $2:50 extra. Third_. Class--$26, to i Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London. Through tickets to South Africa. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW! Corinthian, Thurs. March 17th, 11 a.m. Laurentian, Thurs. March 81st, 11 am Cabin--$45, Second Cabin, $33 6. A 0) t, G.T.R. Citv : Ve iid Ad? Afenty SGIipEL: VE, Clarence street. Our Sons Fakes the deal cooking fire. - Hien Crawford's Coal fills the grate it's easy to bake. boil, fry or stew. Ouy coal -nakes a per- fire because it is 'ree from the contami- nating influence of slate, stone and dirt. It has no clinkers to clog the grate and make " cold comfort," and = belated. dinner. ton of en vou huy a tom Oo " he coal you buy 2000 pounds 'of ealid heat-- pure and unadulterated. SAmd our wood is good. 'Weliable, satisfying fuel in aur specialty Give us that erder to- day. . R CRAWFORD. WISDOM. The ups and downs of "the market" de met affect your Life Insurance Pelicy assumine that yeu have one. Yeur beneficiaries and yourself can always bet endowment oA ee tn the NORTH 'AMERICAN LIFE cennot be excelled as a first-class fmvestment. Assets Dec 31st, 1903, $5,625,800.78 Net Surplus - - ~ 550,236.76 sample contract of the 3 per For a cent. Gold Debenture Bond, write or call W. J. Fair, PR * The Bightest Thing in Stove Polish Is X-RAY , Goes twice as far as paste or liquid [polist-- No dying up--Laste longer=At ~~ STRAGHAN'S HARDWARE -- District Manager, Paris Exposition inf Kingston, Ont i Don't forget weather strip to keep out the cold FINNEMORE- Judge of the Natal Court, Sends he Following Remarkable Testimonial TO GUTIGURA The World Is Cuticura's Field, Used Wherever Civilization _ Has Penetrated. «7 desire to give my voluntary testi- mony to the beneficial effects of your Cuticura Remedies: I have suffered for some time from an excess of uric acid in the blood; and since the middle of last year, from a severe attack of Eczema, chiefly on the scalp, face, ears and neck and on one limb, J was for several months under professional trestmelis, but the Tefscdiah proscribed were of no ayail, and I was grad becomin, worse, my face was ny fully disfigured and I lost nearly all my hair. At last, my wife prevailed upon me to try the Caticura Remedies and [ gave them a thorough trial with the most satisfactory results. The disease soon began to disappear and my hair commenced to w again. A fresh growth of hair is covering my head, and my limb (although not yet quite cured) is gradually improving. My wife thinks so highly of your remedies that she has been purchasing them in order' to make presents to other persons suf- fering from similar complaints, aod, as President of the Bible Women's Society, has told the Bible women to report if any case should come under their notice when a poor person is so afflicted, so that your remedies may be resorted to." | ROBERT ISAAC FINNEMORE (Judge of the Natal Supreme Court), . Pietermaritzburg, Natal, Oct. 29, 1901, oI Mada te nt Quiet Co Oy A a y Boston, 37 - Co., 3 i umbus Ave. Fotter Chem. ar-fend all About the Bin end Beslp® Dr. Wood's N orway Pine Syrup ures Coughs, Colds, Bronehitls, Wearseness, Croup, Asthma, Pala or Tightness In the Chest, Ete. Tt stops that tickling in the throat, is sant to take and soothing and heal- to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, the well-known Galt gardener, writes: -- | I had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest. Some times when I wanted to cough and could pot I would almost choke to death. M: wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD" NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur. prise I found apecty relief. I would not be without it i" it cost $1.00 a bot. tle, and I can recommend it to everyone bothered with a cough or colds Price 25 Cents, VIOLIN SALE $5, $10, $15 $20, $40; pow at $3, $5+88, $10, $20. AUTQHARPS Selling $3, $4.50, $10; Belling now at $2, $3, $s. GUITARS 85, $7, $10; Selling now at , $2.50, $3 so. $5. AT McDOWALL'S MUSIC STORE, 471 Princess Street. W G. FROST CARRIAGE PAINTER Mas ample accommodation for Stor- Ing Sleighs and Vehicles of all kinds. No insurance needed as the building is fire-proof--has iron roof, and ballt of stone. Rates very reasonable. QUEEN STREET, ®*"*§igea pactory. Telephone 626. aeveessessesesessel CANNEL COAL 4 ee FOR me ¢ ! YOUR GRATE. : I lasts all night. Try it. _P. WALSH - 85.57 BARRACK STREET. Serr rsssssradanee Real Estate . "and Insurance. A. F. BOND, 63 Clarence Street. STAMPS AND M RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS: -Iukers, Linen Markers, ¢ Dates, Seif-1nx Stencils, Bank and Dates. Office Stamps, ete., Repairs prompt. Joba Offerd, Whig Office, a OLDEN HOAR MISER'S BIG FORTUNE FOUND IN HIS ROOM. Had £56,000 Secreted Under Car- pets and Behind Old Pictures-- | He Was Quite Original. "Paris, April 6.-Dhe of the strangest \ the Just come to G { Ciseoveries of lidden weglth i history of Paris has So light. } ta December, 1901, M. Narcise Thi baut, a baghelor, of sixty three, who oocupid a room at No. 35 Rue Boulangers, and. never recuived visi: tors, was suddenly nied." It was first of all thought that" he had gone on a journey, but as time passed and he cid not re-appear, the concierge became alarmed and itformed "the landlord, who, in turn, communicated with the relatives ¢f M. Thisaut. But it was oily some weeks later that the disappearance of the old gentleman we made known to 'the poli 0, and on February 22nd, 1902, a magistrate went to - the house and opened the door of the apartment. The moment ho entered he staggered back-in horror; he could hardly be lisve the tight hefore his eyeh. M. Thibaut was seated before an open drawer, which he was clutching with his hands, having been surpris- ed by death in that position. Strange to say, the body was comglotely pum- mified, and Dr. Froger, who was cal!- ed in; seid that he had never met a similar case in"¥Ml his practice. It is known, however, that the deconsed lived principally on milk, tea and dry | cakes. : The first séarch made in the room revealed nothing more valuable than piles of empty cigar and cake hixes all careful y numbered. A plank had served the old man as a table A collin of the poorest type had ul-eady gp been ordered when by the merest chance a sum. of £12 was discovered, and Narcisse was saved from a pan per's burial. Notting more was found until a fortrizht later, when a more thorough investization was made, with amazing redults. Under the carpet, and hid den behind cli ji'tures were sums amounting to £5,000. Another £10, 000 was revealed on opening an. uncut Topy of a irench trwslation of "Paradise Lost." " Other 'secret treasuries yielded up their hoards, and when the total was computed it was found th8 the de- ceased had 1ft no less than £56,000 M. Thibaut showed considerabls ori ginality in his testamentary dizposi- |tiong. - He bequeaths some trifling {sums to his nieces, and left the resi |due of lis estate to the director of {the English society ca'led the "Friends of Peace," of which he was a member. Should the bequest not be valid, he selocted as his heir a cousin, who lad, he seid ienvery kind to him. But this aeandwwan, save The Journal, died a dozen years ago May Designer Aside from the generous display of charming summer garments, which the Standard Patterns supply in the May Designer, and in whch graduating and commencement costumes are given prominence, there is a special - article on "Sunmuner Array for the Wee Ones," in which smell gills and boys are pictured in garb at once practical and becoming, and another on":krills and Furbelows," suggesting arrangement of the airy rutiles which now decorate feminine sleeves and jackets. | There are interesting articks on "Birds' Neste," "'blant Boxes and Porch De- coration," "Poultry und Pet Stock Farming for-~Women," ete. All ~ the regular departments of the magazine ere filled with timely, interesting and practical topics. Nervous Disorders | and Despondency Mind and Body Become Diseased And Helpless When The Ner- vous System Becomes Ex- hausted. / The future of fe sufferer from ner- vous derangememts is not a bright one, Locomotor ataxia, paralysis and in- sanity ere staring him in the face, for these are the usual results of neg lected nervousd diseases. Because there is not usually much pain /associated with derubjpomants of nerves people fail to realize their danger. They forget that sleeplessness, irri- tability, loss of memory, lack of en ergy and vitality, spells of weakness and dizziness, tired feelings, discour- agement and despondincy are symp- toms more to be dreaded than great pain, because the mind as well as thy body is threatened. 'There is no more satisfactory means of forming mew blood and creatin new nerve force than by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This great food cure acting through the medium of the blood and nerves instils new vigor and vitality into every part and organ of the body. It forms new nerve cells and new muscular tissue and while jt invigor- ates the mind jit adds new, firm flesh to the body. You can prove this by weighing yourself while using it. With new vigor comes new, hope and confidence, and weakness and dis ease give place to strength and ener- gv. Mrs. R. W. Allan, 306 Montreal street, Kingston, Ont., and whose bus- band is a bill poster, states: "For a p | YELPUKED TEACHER tor of the N.H.S. had tendered «ferson, , Chant, UNESDAY, ---- Leaves--Interesting Debate--Run : Any Old Tine. - Newburgh, April 5. ~The heavy rain on Good Friday nesrly finished the ! sleighing in village. . The Easter | services in the various churches on - Sunday, were largely attended. Spe cial sermons were preached and the music was Very appropriate; It was with greal rogret that we learned that H. S. Mott, science mas- his resignation, = 10 'accept the vice-prin- - of Ryerson publie school, To- routo. Dur Mr. "Mott's sojourn amongst us, he has made many friends, aud his departure, especially at this | time of the year, will seriously handi- cap the pupils going up for examina- tion. - : C. VW. Thomson and - Miss Madelon Thomson, Toronto, are spending East: er at their, home here. Cadet G. Bee man, of the RM.C., and Wilmot Pa: Queen's University, are speoding their holidays wt their re- spective homes. Howard Nesbitt, To- ranto, spent Easter at his father's, P. A. Nesbitt. H.. E. Moore, Queen's University, t Monday evening with Howard Nesbitt, I." G. Millar, B.A, of the H.S. stall, spent Easter Sunday. with Clarence. Weagent, Yarker, H. S. Mott is spending his holidays at his home in Lyn, Ont. P. 1). Shorey. and wife and children spent Faster at her home in Canifton, Ont. Mastér Ford Finkle is spending his holidava at Geol Hinch's, Belleville. Stanley Chant, Webbwood, -Out., spent Fri day with his father. Rev. J, H. Rev. J. H. Chant and wife spent Easter Sundey with their son in Toronto. 'Roy Paul, Pelee Island, is spending his holidays at kis home here. Dr. H. E. Paul. Fort Wil'iam, arrived home on Thursday. The doé tor is to be married to Miss Edith. eldest daughter of Dr. Beeman, on Wednesday. H. Ballard spent Easter at his home in Madoc. W. W, Adams spent Easter at his home in Russe'l, and Mrs. Adams speiit Faster in Belle- villa. G. A. Aylesworth left on Mon day for Toronto to attend the On: tariao Educational Association. Mrs, Wormwith and Miss Carrie are visiting at T. D. Seriver's. William Sutton has purchased the Davy farm at Strath cona.' His brother, Alfred. is moving on it. Among the school feachers spending their holidays at their homes here we notice : Miss Eva Shorey, Be thel; Miss Mvrtle Husband, Svden ham; Miss Florence Hushand, Switzer ville: J. W. Wilson, Parma; Morley Welbanks, Selby. The literary at the M.H.S. on Thursday wes a great success. The feature of the programme was a - de bate, "Resolved. That dress has more influence than education." The-affirma- tive was championed by Frank Hinch, Joseph Robinson and Irwin Clancy. while Fred, Mears. Miss Ruth Lampton and Miss Flda Haight supporied the negative, The judges, Dr. Beeman, F. G. Millar. B.A, aud 1. D. Shorev. gave their decision in favor of the affirmative. The B. of Q. RR: trains are run- ning on any old time just now, Since Thursday, train No. 2. Conductor Laidley, going south at 9:26 a.m. has been from one to two hours late. Pas sengers for Napanee deriving to got back at noon find it very inconveni- ent, while parties wanting connsetion for the west give it up as a bad job, and resign themselves to the task of weiting several Bours in Napanee Then again. on Saturday morning there were enough passengers. to fill two coaches, but only one was pro- vided. It is certainly a nuisance and there seems no effort made to afford the public ady convenience. We regret to learn that W. B. Dunn. the genial station agent here, has tendered his resienation. During his three years in Nowburgh, W. B. hae made a host of friends by his pleasing and general willingness to ac commodate the public, He leaves with the best wishes for his future success from the" villoes in general, Miu Planche Estes. Kingston, is visiting her parents here. Miss Evelyn Grange left on Monday to spend Easter week in Toronto. Miss Helen . Finkle "js spending this week in Yarker, Ont. ec Sentenced On His Head. Vienna, April 5.=Dr. Schachner, » well known lawyer and leader of the sociglist party at Suczawas, in the Bukovina, was sentenced yesterday to eight months' imprisonment, under peculiar circumstances. He had wis appropriated £12 of a client's money, and the case lasted until midnight. When the judges retired to consider their verdist Schachmer asked for a glass of water, Pouring a quantity of arsenic into this he quickly drank it. Two officers immediately turned him head downward and forced open bis mouth in the hope that the pois on would run out again, and it was at this instant that the judges re turned and formally pas sentence An emetic was afterwards inister ed, and: the doctor recovered. ---- Inspected The Canal. St. Catharines, April 5.--Hon. Mr. Fmmerson, minister of railways and canals, accompanied by bis 'daughters and George Riley, M.P., Victoria, B. C, formerly of St. Kitts, arrived hero on a tour of inspection. The minister was met by the mayor, represent tives of the board of health and boar of trade and driven to the old canal below lock two, where the proposed trunk sewer will have its outhet, After making an inspection" of the Jocality the minister drove to Port Dalhousie and made a tour. of the lower locks of the new cans! In the afternoon he proceeded to Niagara Fal's. § Hanging Lover Happy Pari-, April 5. Mlle. 'Berthe Jean {long time I was a.victim of sleepless- fo which was accompanied by ex- | haustioni" of "the nervous system. Some time ago I began using Din. Chase's Nerve Food and can now say that 1 {have been wondefully built wp in { health, My nerves are stronger and | stemdics and I am able to sleep well, | something that was almost impossible | before using this medicime.. It isa pleasure for me to recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food since it has prov. | | ed so beneficial in my case." | Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or | Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. To protect you against imitations, the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. | Chase, the famous receipt book au- | . thor, are on every box, | lover, hanging hy the neck from the f how he was taken, t | youth her hand, and th: magistrate dry, who lives in the Rue de I'Equerre was aroused vesterday by the door I), whih continued to ting in the most violent manner. Going down stairs she found Jean Dubus, her bell rope. She colled neighbors in, who cut him down in time to save his life. Jean tcld the istrate, hefore t Berthe had refused his addresses, and that he could not lve without her. On hear ing this, Berthe promised the unhappy allowed him to go. ep ---- Tarive moth proof bags, last for years. Gibmon's Red Cross drug store. A HAPPY COOK INFECTED THOSE} JAROUND HER AND ALL LAUGHED. 3 seis The Other Servants Laughed So- Much They Could Not Convey Their Master's Order. New York, April 5.~Father William St. Elmo Swith, a chaplain of the firs department, who lives in the rectory at No. 120 West 24th street, had so much trouble in discharging his ook that he had to eall a policeman and an ambulance surgeon. They took her to Bellvue for examination os to her sanity. The cook is Mrs. Margarst Winn, In the mouth she has been employed Iv the clorgyman she has oswsed much annoyance by violent laughing. Whea Father Smith or anyone else i1 the house spoke to her she would imme ciately laugh. The other servants compluided that they could not sleep | because shoe 'laughed and "talked te | herself 86 much. Fathor Swmish decid ed to discharge her. He commission ed another servant to do this first, but the Fitter could make' no imipres. rion except to make her. laugh the more. Then the chaplain spoke to her, 'and she laughed the harder. The other servants 5 ih had gathored to see. what happened were infected by. her laughter and joined in it. Then Father Snith, as he was sbout to jcin in the laughter, sjisd a resover, Patrolman MeCrow, outside his win dow. Mot'tow came ia and he began to laugh, too, and Dr. Ershi, of New York hospital, who was cabed to take the cook away, eouli not keep The Wirth his face streight either, continued until the ambulance. went away. Love And Electricity. George Ezra Kendatl. We hear it all along the line, This talk about St. Valentine; but centuries before his day Imperial Juno heid her sway. Worshipped throughout all Pagan Roine, Protectress of the wife: and home, These missivos stamp her volaries; I Hers, erstwhile, these festivities, Lost Venus, and Cupid, and the rest, Awoke fund passion in the breast; But she it was who took good éare To bind the game, 'ere loosed the snare. So Erato her lyre may smite And Cupid wings his arrow's flight, Fair Venus fans the pass on's flame, But Juno gave it place and name. And. as on this auspicious date Birth chanced to be St. Valentine's fate Custom, too strong to be forgot, Fixed, pairing on this martyrs lot. | One sweet relic of worship left, | Though of mythology bereft | These two, whose selves wo never see, Are Love and Klectricity. Religions even fade away As well au those who own their sway: Nothing endures, below, above, Excepting the one essence, Love. Now When we call St Valentine; We fesl as did the Romans fine As amber fretted in the dark . Reveals the latent Protean spark, Pills And Piles. A prolific cause of piles is the use of cathartics and pills of a drastic, vio- lent nature. Followed by a reaction on sceount of the resinous, drying properties they contain. " There are other causes, but no mat ter what the cause or what the kind of piles. Dr \deonhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied upon.4g-cure--to stay cured, It's an internal remedy that re moves the causes of itching, blind, bleeding or suppurating piles, A guarantee goes with each pack: age containing a month's treatment, pb can be obtained for 81 at W. H. Medley's. King Edward And Roosevelt. Copenhagen, April 6.--~In the course of King Edward's reception of she di plomats to-day, his majesty was es: #| pecially cordial towards United States Minister Swenson, expressing his ad miration for President Roosevelt, and his influence in the direction of the cultivation of friendly relations he: tween Britain and the United States. Brown's 'Bronchial Troches. Brown's Bronchial Troches give prompt and effectual relief in all "throat troubles. Amos R. Peachy, Hungerford, Berkshire, England, writes : "Change of climate (from South Africa) nearly cost me my life, a# it producid the greatest ' prostra tion from ulcerated throat and bron. chial inflammation, My friends are as- tonished at the remarkable change in my health from the time 1 commenced using Brown's Bronchial Troches." Sunday Cars. Port Arthur, April 5.-The street railway commissioners yesterday de- cided to inaugurate a Sunday street car service on the 17th inst. THE BOCK TELLS YOU WOW To Get Well At My Risk, If you want to feel better If you want more strength. If vou lack ambition If you can't do things like you used to, If your perves--your courage--is leave ing you. , your"tonfidence in yourself is lens. If vou lack vim. vigor, vitality. If something I8 eating away your cop~ stitution Ask me by letter for the book. Jone wend a penny Let me take the ris Let me tell you of a druggist near vou who will give vou six bottles Dr, Shoop s Restorative on a month's trial, Take it and see for yourself what it will do. 'Then decide. No icost--not a penny~--il vou say, * am no better." Dom't leave it to the druggist--uor 10 me. We might be orejudic « You, you alone shall, say the word, whether you, pay 85.50 or nothing. The drureist can't complain. © He is to bill the cost 'to me al your say so Try Dr. Sioop's Restorative at my risk Not a penny if It fails. It's a two-cent stamp-or a postal-- arainst six Lottles of gy Hestorative-- against $5.50, their cost, Don't vou be. on to believe the Restorative can do something unusual for the sick 7? I have found. long saxo, how certain it is, how seldom sit fails. I'll risk my reputation on it. And the cost of the medicine too. 1 know, and 1 want you to know. This is my way of gaining vour interest Others don't do it Lhat way. L's pay anyway with thom. sk me for the book you need, Write me Now--to-day. Simply state Book 1 on won book you Book 2 en want ad- Rook 3 on dress Dr. Shoop, Book 4 for Box 40, Racine, Book 5 for Wis. Book New mapl: syrup, 81 ° gallon. Craw- ford, = are exclusive. --and modified to conform taste. exclusive. Exclusiveness, SE @ "Fit- Reform" Styles They are the novelties and staples, sanc- tioned by Bond street, Londoh, and Fifth Avenue, New York the Canadian. ideas of good @ " Fit-Reform " gives the Canadian gentlemen the best of the London and New York styles, without the exaggerat- _ cut~double breasted and § ed effects. "Fit-Reform" fs ~~ Sefeetmeitin dot conservative, without being = "™ , mediocre, cure arity eres @ What "FitReform" Deautifully made. vouches for, is. correct--in Jongh ant Seth i perfect taste--and, above all, a 'B. P. JRNKING, KINGSTON to on the Market. j ; JAS, McPARLAND, Agent. "SUCCESS" | Where is it? Just beyond, and The Canada Metal. Co. are butting in with the word "RELIABILITY" its ram. 31 William 8t., Toronto Canada. & Malt and Hops. -. THE RACE PROBLEM. Booker T. Washington Explains How It Is Being Solved. "The south out of its comparative poverty," says Dooker T. Waahiigton, "hos contributed: liberally to the edu- cation of the ngvy, and the Juirth how iven generously. The question, thero- ph a" the. value ou that educa: tion is a proper one. 1 hold that the education of the negro has been a payiog proposition from every stand sint, To begin with, it has paid po a strictly seliish viewpoint. "There are in South Africa 5,000,000 negroes, and yet the wicing and other interests of the country are repidly deteriorating, because of the scarcity of labor. Fhe South African negro refuses to work, Why? Be onuse ho-has not been li'ted 'up; the horizon of his: needs has not been broadéncd by. mental or manual train ing. His wants are few. He can work one day a week and [1 them. Ho refuses to work mores "There -are 7,000,000 or-5,000,000 ne- foes in the southern states who la gio six days in a week, becauso by contact with the white man by the upliliing influences of dflucation their needs have become larger. "Ninety per cent. of the intelligent colored people have mado up their. minds to encourage their race to re= main in the south. It is the most en. couraging habitat cl the black man. It should be, thergfore, our sim to cultivate the confidence and sympathy of the people by whose side we live. Whosoever seeks' to stir np strife be- tween the races is an enemy, We must muke up our winds 1hat the prob Joma before us are not to 'be settled by emigration, extermination, or L amalgamation, but by the sympathe tie co operation of the races," F. W. Timlick, Brockville, was pre. mented with a handsome pair of field glasses, by the members of St. Paul's Mild cases, not chronie, are often cured with one or two bottles, At druggists, church, prior to his leaving for Win nipeg. > ' A [© Come and seeour' EASTER NOVELTIES - Chocolate Eggs, Chicks, ete. Largest assortment in the city at ; A. J. BERS, Princess St. Everybody Ready ? When House-cleaning, met your dence wired for Wiectric Light, Bells, Private 'Phone, ete. Wi submit estimate and guarabtes work, ig A

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