What is Going on in The Business World--The Markos. vat BR lot or a B.R. wants . of ton] i for this A ro vary New Bork: Stock Ex- Was. Fry from the Tag wale. | ira rd in to } new in- 2 ature in the shape 5 a large ing mill, It will he frun by a local company, having "$40, 000 Bank of Nova Scotia has made application at Ottawa for permission for an increase of $500,000 in the capital LR by the issue of 5,000 additional shares. This will make the authorized capital § , with a rost of $3 1 Prices prevailing on the British cheese market ure 50 to. 53 shillings for choie- u 49 ry 50 aniline for finest. There $ can ad dur ine the coming wee Buyers are be ing, to recognizq that stocks on hoth of the Atlantic are less than was i TB estimated, s Just like what your mother uged to make sulphur, cream tartar and mo- lasses. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Cream rolls, rosebuds, berry and apple turnovers, fresh to-morrow at n's. Abernethy's shoes are always lead- ory in fit and quality. Designs and m Paris and London. * for fine dresses, 44 inches wide, atl and Surgite, S113 yard. greys, blues, ote. eto. 44 inches manufacture, at 60c. per Black Twine Cloths A material somewhat coarser than voile, very much in demand for dresses and skirts, a splendid range of qual: ities, at 60c., . 81, 81.25, $1.50, $5 yard, : in sky,' rose, violei, reat, Nila, brow 0, 'greys, ete, soft cling: newest style, at The, yard. Black Voiles In wool and silk mixtures, both Xam lain sie " Wool Voile and fancy designs, new ideas, " from Paris, at 60c., 75c., $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2 yard. beautiful, brilliant geht; Bh oi eight, ~in French Silk Voiles Soft as erepe de chene, yey dur- able, vioh -appéarance, in all: shades, Navy Blue Lustres Color absolutely fast, perfect weave, brilliant finish, best English manufa. ture, at 50¢., 60c., 750. yard. Silks! French manufacture, at 65¢., 75. yard Black and White Taffeta. Silks Better values then © [ ever, ities, at 63¢., 5c, yids for spring wear, will t of ear ol ef usage, .» 900, $1 yard "soft qual » B0c., $1 yard, can be readily washed inal finish, 27 in. en . Crepe de Chene 1 Pure silk, uine. French manufac ture, my t style, white, black, sky, pink, 45 inches wide, at $1.50 yard 4 Coe Lake; FE. Godirey, Mountain View; W, A. Reid, Belleville; John A, Graham, Smith's Falls. ; WAS PRESENTED. There Is a Good. ood Healthy Balance on Hand--The Black Knights of Ireland Oomcluded Session. . (Continued from Page 2.) Robert Gordon, Tweed, grand treas furer, reported the receipts to be $3. 499.55; expenditure, $1,393.91; balancer, 101.64. Mr. Gordon stated that funds were in a most healthy con: dition, owing to the increase in per capita tax from ten to fifteen cents, He strongly recommended a further increase to twenty-five cents and the 'appointment of an organizer, who could do fren good for the Orange order in Eastern Ontario, List Of Registrations: At three o'clyek the following had iregiatored : - D. Munroe, grand master, Cornwall: Major. W. J. Wright, depiaty grand master, Brockville; Rev. J. M. Me. Lennan, and chaplain, Norwood; Robert Gordon, grand treasurer, Tweed: ¥. M. Clarke, grand secretary, Bo'leville; Thos. F. Ovlton, director of ceremonies, ( 'amphellford. Ny. Adame, West Huntington; J, w. 'Wallace, {indsay: R. T. Richard: aon, Huntlay; W. Mitchell, Prescott; . Blyth and Donald R. McRae, Dun. yo Thomas Symonds, horts; Robert A. McIntosh, Creek; George Boyee, Murvaly; A. G Davison, Bell's Corners; Crawford Ross, Ottawa; Richard MeGee, Ot- tawa; . KE. J. Hughes, Carp; J. H. Haren, Deseronto; John MeCyllagh, Verona; Robert Wier and Joseph Bat- ter, Peterboro; G. H. Richardson, Tamworth, Danial McGregor, Croyden; "JJ, - Ham- an, Centreville; N. W. Webster and J, H. Warren, Lansdowne; Thomas Cam- pion, Marmora; J. H. Farrell, Fox. boro; F. Jeffrey, Trenton; Benjamin Brash, Westport; Edward Clarke, Pembroke; 'Joshua Cox, Olden; R. Cavanagh, Hisburn; Thomas Oliver, Carp; John Walker and W. H. Wicks, Tweed; R. Bwmlsigh, Emerald; John T. Thompson, Fenelon Falls. W. H. Cook, Corhyville; I. C. Me Connell, Springbrook; A. J. Sharpe, Sydenham; C. J. Card and J. Grant, Maynooth; A. 8, Gould, Ashton; B. 8S, Buck, Sydenham; J. Welsh, Fort 8; wart; A. E. Smitherman, Campbell ville; W. Warren, and Joseph Brown, Lindsay Robert Linn, Campheliford; John Gaskin, Kingston; H. H. McKee, Stirling; H. A. Buck, Sydenhar F. 0. Diamond, Queenshoro; E. P. ter, Dundela; James Berney, Kingston; J. 8. Howard, Carleton Place; G, Kilns, £ W. Reid, Escott; J. F, Quinn, Lans downe;. R. J. Clarke, Foxboro; Jos hua M. Cox, . Mountain Grove; Ross Wartman, Kepler; W. Buck, Syden hgm; F. W. Ford, Ottawa, W. H. FEowrie, Russell; © John Kelly, Lind say; N. H. Williams, Battersea; G. Brash, Perth; John McDonald, Sun- bury: Brewer's Mills, Brewer's Mills, John A. Hutton, Joveeville; T, J. Kelly and = W. Kelly, Holloway: Ed- ward Dennett, Kingston; W. Fergu son, Cataraqui; J. R. Orr, Battersea: H. 8. Sleeth, Battersea; J. M. Bald- erson, Perth; John Hughes, Clarke: A. Gibson, Perth; Robert Lyle; and Creek, ¢ J. W. McCreary, Smith's Falls: A. Milligan, Tamworth: 8. M. Neill, Sill. ville; W. D. Stinson, Omemee; J. 1. | Fletcher, Deseronto; Isaac W. Green, Deseronto; G. A. McFarlane, Batter sea; D.C. Stuart, Codrington; J. Me Cuaig, Dalkeith; John A. Armstrong, Codrington; W. Hoskin; Warkworth; J. Ec Halliwell, Stirling; L. Vanla ven, Battersea; Ale aide or H. Ander son, Rossmore; W. J. McFaul, Redners ville; J. King 4 D. N. King, Bhi D. N. Kenny, Codrington; Wellington Boulter, Picton. Notes. There will be no to-night. Capt. Gaskin was also at the insti tution of the grand lodge in 1860, He has been an Orvangeman for forty- SIX years, An address of welcome presented by the South session of the lodge was also Frontenac county lodge. It was read by the county master, Capt. Gaskin. This is the fourth time the grand lodge has met in Kingston, It was instituted in Kingston on February 21st, 1860, in the court house. The lat¢ Maxwell W. Strange, of this city, was the first grand master. The grand lodge met ( here again in' 1876, I8R5 and now, in 1904. Robert Gordon has been treasurer of the grand lodge for the past twenty. four years. Ho was here in 1860, when the lodge was instituted. Few of, those in attandance that year are alive nov. John Elliott, resident at the G.T.R. junction, was one Mr. Gor: don remembers. The Grand Black Chapter. The Provincial Grand Black Chapter of Ontario East met in the Orange hall on Tuesday afternoon and even ing and Wednesday morning. Those-in attendance were : E. J. Hughes, grand master, Carp; Rev. J. McKee MeLen nan, deputy grand chaplain; F. M Clark, past grand master, Be J. R. Orr, junior deputy master, Ma doe; J. G. Blakley, Madoc; W. Me Ma. hon, preceptor, Queensboro; Mr. Weir, ast grand master, 'Peterboro; J. Earl {alliday, deputy grand master, Stirl ing; Rev. J. M. Whitelaw, Omemee ; Joseph Baton, Omemee; J. W. Wallace, preceptor, Lindsay: James Brown, Lindsay; R. J. Clark, Foxboro; I. Vanhiven, preceptor, Baltersea; W. H. Cook,' deputy grand lecturer. Corby ville; N. H. Williams, Battersea; R. T Clark, Battersea; Thomas C. McCon nell, grand treasurer, St. Thomas: J He. RR erpout of the GBC. t grand master, Lu fos, James A. Moore and RT. Crs, Questesbuan; William MeAdams, West Hundingtor; Joseph Moore, "Norwood: N. Tuned; James Berney, Kingston; ¥ . Hanley," Battersea. "There was no burning question ap for discussion. Everything was harm; onious. The order shows an increase of twelve per cer cent. in member. ship during the past year. ficers_ were elected-: Grand Master, KE. J. Hughes, Carp. Deputy Grand Master, J. Karl Hal liwell, Stirline, : ? Je 0. G. M., J. R. Orr, Madoc. Grand Chaplain, 8. A Duprean? Belleville, ' Deputy Grand: Chap loin? JM Whitelaw, Omemee; J. McKee McLen- han, Norwood, ! Tio. deputy treasurer .. Craig, Grand Registrar, John Kelly, Lind. aay. Deputy Grand Registrar, J. R. Tye, Athens. Grand Treasurer, T. (. McConnell, Snringbrook. Grand Secretary, W. A. Adams, West Huntingdon. + + + Tied To A Tree. "+ 4 + "+ A special to the Whig 4 ve from Yarker, says : "+ + 's Nelson Perry, missing i + since last fall, was found 4 dead in the woods, tied fast & 4 toa tree. Some hunters + + passing through found 4 + m."' A i$ LEFT TO OPPOSITION. -- Liberals Not Taking Part In The Debate, Ottawa, March 15.-The debate ¥p- upon the address assumed a decided- ly acrimonious tone this afternoon and evening, Opposition speakers were visibly annoyed at the failure of the government supporters to parti cipate in the debate, and in the evening personalities were resorted to, apparently with the design of goading them into a reply. The occupants of the government benches, however, un- concernedly listened to the attacks made, and, with the exception of Mr, Bourassa, who sharply countered the attack by I. Casgrain, paid no at- tent on to the dgnunciations from the benches to the Teo oft of the speaker, Hon. Mr. Haggart, W,[H. Bennett, KE. D. Smith and Jabel Rokinson parti- cipated in the debate. Mr. Smith, in a temperate speech, advocated the establishment of a Canadian navy #nd of an experiment froit farm "in the Niagara district. , Mr. Bennett charged that Lis. opponent in the last campaign and a member of parlia- ment had both received commissions for the sale of a dock at Midland to the government, After routine business Lautiwr, in reply toFgR. 1. 'Borden, promised to have the "correspondence in. reference 40. the amendments to the G. T. Pacific agreement brought down before the amended agreement was taken up. : UNITE THE EMPIRE, By Complete System of Imperial Cables. Ottawa, March 16.~The annual meeting of the British Empiré League was held in 'the railway committee room, House of Commons, ths morn ing. Lieut.-Col. Denison, Toronto, presiding. The report dealt' with matters new and old, expressing plea sure at the progress of the imperial preferential trade idea, and regrotting the mark for war. naval reserve was again repeated. Speeches: were delivered by Sir Wil: liam Mulock, Sic Mackenzie Bowell, Hon. J. I. Tarte, D. McKinnon, M.P., , H. Edward, M. Resolutions were passed regretting the statement ve cently made in Great :Britein that Canada was not in faver of preferen- tied tail, and another;~on the mo tion of Sir Sanford Fleming advoca ted a complete system. of imperial cables, uniting all the diferent por tions of the empiré was given the unanimous vote of the league. Sir Sanford P., and THE MARRIAGE Of Miss Stephens, And A. Hamil- ton, Gault. Montreal March 16.--~The marriage of Miss Marguerite Stephens, daughter of George Washington Stephens, and and A. Hamilton = Gault, son of the late Andrew Gault, which is taking place, this afternoon, is attracting much attention in fashionable circles, although the ceremony is taking place privately at the residence of the bride's father, cent death of the groom's father. Both families are among the wealthi- est in the city. After returning from a European tour, the young couple will oceupy the Gault mansion on brooke street, - which is one handsomest in the city. THE EX-TREASURER of the 0f Kent Co. Re-Arrested--Dropped Dead. | Ont, March 16.--A. L.| ex-county treasurer of | Rent county, was arrested in Detroit | this morning, "in connection with the | charge of embezzlement, on which he | was acquitted at Chatham last fall. It is said that his arrest is the re-| sult of the non-fullilment of the terms | of the settlement upon which he ob- tained his liberty. James Foster, a painter, aged forty- | seven vears, dropped dead at his home | here at one o'clock this morning. i Windsor, Shambleau, | wdmmispli-- Travels By Special Car. Welch, preceptor, Monteagle; J. Grant, Maynooth: William Horner, Fort Stew- art; Chester J. Card, Maynooth; J. A. Graham, past preceptor, Smith's ' Falls; J. W, McCreary, Smith's Falls; William Warren, Lindsay: James Boal, Charles A. Clarke and A. B. Mclean, Rattersea; Robert Shannon, Sunbury; » J. Johnston, preceptor, Pine Hill: A. J. Lowe, grand standard bearer, wndhunst: Elgin Jackson, Willman's | Corners; G, A. McFarlane, treasurer, Rattorsea: E. JJ Teepel. Battersea; K. | C. Hawkey, Mount Chesney; Robert " This afternoon T. H. dent Kingston branch, A.0.H.,, re | ceived _a telegram from Montreal. ap prising him that Hon. J. Torus Tarte | would leave Thursday oid am, | travelling by special over the | C.P.R. e will reach Kingston about | {four o'clock and will be the guest of | Hon. Senator Sullivan. | James, presi. | ------ i J, McDonald, of the Toronto | World, i« in the city in the interests | of his paper. Fresh eggs, 0c. Crawford's. Grant, | These of: | Sir Wilfrid | that Canada's defences are not up to | The demand for a | on account of the re-| Sher- | | meeting defeat. | opponent, | vietorias to Lis | as perfect physical | the coming event. | are proving | pressed a desire To-day members of the Limestone football team, junior champions of i the O.RF.U., received their dis | with friends, has returned to Toronto, [ENTHUSIASTIC PROPERTY OWNERS GIVE EN- COURAGING SUPPORT ---- f Toward Effort oi City to Acquire' Thé Plant of The Light, Heat | © & Power Company--Well At- i tended Meetings Last Night, And Some Splendid Addresses. If the feelings exhibited at the ward meetings last night, called to aid- in the securing of the passage of the lighting by-law, can be considered as | showing 'public sentiment, then - they | sugur well for the success of the by- ilaw. These mcetings were arranged with a two-fold purpose, viz, to or- ganize to" aid in assisting in the adoption of the measure, and to dif fuse such informaticn as was deemed necessary in educating the ratepayers a8 to the necessity of and benefits to be obtained from municipal ownership of the lighting plant. Not a dissenting voice was raised, nor a discordgnt note struck at any of the meetings, though criticism was invited and "antis" asked to present -their side, if any were present, but these challenges were unheeded, so it was assumed that there was, not any opposition to the by-law. The ratepayers of Vie torig ward met in the senate chamber of Queen's Uni versity, and a large number assem- bled. Speech-making was not indulged in, those attending confining their «f forts towards comple ting organization and arranging to man the polls and get out the voters on Monday. Cat araqui and Frontenac ward property owners met in the city council cham- ber, a number attending. After the principal business, viz., organizaticn, had been completed, addresses were delivered by Alds. McFarlene and Me Leod, Capt. Gaskin, J. D, Thompson, D. Reeves and others, gll favoring the purchase of the plant by the city. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and considered very satisfactory for the I-success of the by-law. The, Rideau ward rally took place at McConnell' hotel Williamsville. There were about sixty persons' pres- lent. Ald. Meek occupied the cheie, and opened proceedings with a refer ence to municipal ownership in Eng land and Canada. He pointed out that there were failures in the old | land in the electric light and gas busi { nese, but these failures were owing, | apparently, to weakness of manage | ment. Wherever there was efficient and vigorous management, there appeared | to be success. In Canada the experi | ence was somewhat limited. Many towns and cities had entered upon | municipal ownership, ro far as the | water and the light business is con cerned, and they appeared to be mak ing. good progress. Personally he fa vored the commissioners, eventually, for the reason that they occupied of fides for longer periods and would be {in a position to continue policy for a certain time. John Mcintyte entered fully details of the arbitration conc ering the value of the plants. He made re ference to the appeals from court to court, and the fnal judgment in favor of the city by the privy council. He made it clear that the taking over of the electric light and gas plants would be an advantage to the city, and he encouraged the property owners to do all in their power to make the elec tion of Monday a success. He gave some very useful instructions in re gard to the manner of conducting the | voting. a certain into the | There were also addresses by Ald { Knapp, -Fx-Mayors R. J. Carson and N. C. Polson, Dr. Browh and Col. Hunter, all of whom spoke hopefully oi the work they had in hand, and | gave the assurance that everything possible would be done by the quali fied voters to make their work effec | tual. |. A motion was also passed endors | ing the proceedings of the council to wards the purchase of the electric light and gas plants, and then the meeting proceeded to organize for Monday's | campaign. The meeting gin rally was regarded as 4 grea: success. With but one exceptior ery mer chant doing business on Pr s street {who has a horse, has promised to have the same at the polls on Mon | day, at the disposal of the city to bring votes to the booths. Sphndid success has been met with in securing | horses and rigs," citize ns responding | generously to the mayor's appeal for, volunteer horses and rigs. ---- Wrestling Match Arranged. | After more or liss newspaper | ring, Joseph Hawkey, the Chi ago wrestler, and Daniel McMahon, - the giant of Paisley, have come together and iizsed articls for a wrestling match, to take place in City hall on Tuesday evening next. Both are no ted wrestlers," and a exhibition may. be looked Zt Maj Prince, of the loyal Military Col ge, will ~ be asked to refsree. The terms of the agreement' are two fall: in three, strangle holds barred. Mr. Hawkey is a son ¢f Thomas Hawkey, township of Kingstoh. He has been iding in Chicago lately and . has in many. bouts there, never No Iss noted is his has a long string of credit. Both are in condi'ion as it is in preparation fo: ar who possible to reach, Evangelistic Meetings. The evangelistic now in progress ia the First Baptist church, helyf:l. Good econgrega tions attend, and on both Monday evering and last evening a number ex to find Christ 'as meetings Saviour. Little Late, But Appreciated. tinguishing badees from thé executive committee of the big football corpor- ation. 3 Bottles Raspberry,- Peach Or Plum, 25¢. 3 bottles jam 25¢., pure maple syrup Be. qt., Crawford. Spy Talmon sweet apples. J, T. As: Andre, after a short visit Weve A You = are. missing an important event if you do not see our LADIES' NEW SPRING SUITS AND JACKETS. J ~ Try this year and see if you can't be fitted in a Ready-to-Enjof Suit here. Think gf the saving--at least one-third--with fully as much style, just as good" materials, linings and trim- mings as you will find in the expensive made- to-order suit. We are showing | New Clear-the-Ground | | Walking Suits In that very characteristic lies the chief Spring, 1904. The inch of clearness keeps them out of the mud-and wet, yet makes pos- sible a graceful hang to the skirt that expert tailors have taken full advantage of. New Spring Jackets .. Short and trim, cut on smart lines and adding y Se to the general ap- charm of newness of these Walking Suits for . ; LAIDLAW'S i This Splendid Array of Boots for Gentlemen ?: Burt & Packard's "correct shape," all American swell shoes. ADA 4 WEL £ Could Anything be Better ot the swellest of The American Walk Ezy Boot, all new styles, new ideas, just the shoes to catch the dressy young man. ---- The Crossette Shoes, Boston styles, designed by young men, made by young men, and,K worn by young men, The Original Slater Shoes, made in Canada on American lasts and patterns, by Canadian work- men under an American superintendent, The J D King Shoes and the Jno. McPherson % * Shoes will make such a complete and attractive ¢ show of Gents' - Fine Shoes as Kingston has never before seen. J G. LOCKETT = RAARARRRARAR y Baw 'A Book and an * Emporium 38 ky u . 3p Zany sn evening » ee Lie ha " bookish " man selects his clgar Emporium 10¢c Cigar "a favorite, Tis satisfying flavor ana. a pure, white ash-- ied Sum," and you smoke t Cigar it 10e can buy, MANUPACTURED GY TMPORIUM CIGAR CO., ST. HYACINTNE, QUE the Fresh eggs, 20¢. Crawford's. iNew Spring Su Have Arrived. 2 Fit - Reforr ® Ready Tailored Clot & emboding the latest i of of the leading New Y ®experts. Stripes ® Worsted and Tweeds, $10, $12, $I Perfect Fitting. (wl 0) J OVAL BREAD Ti We have a line of ti with "Centres" suitably graved, in Satin or FE nished Finish, which fully guarantee. SMITH BR. 350 KING STREET. BRING US YOUR OPTICAL pico hdl til 1s Soa WANTED. mre PARCEL BOY, AT JOHN LAII Son's. A GOOD LARGE SKIFF, AP Brock Streef. A GENERAL SERVANT Mrs. eee eee A GOOD COOK. MUST HAV erences. Apply: to Miss FE King street. Macpherson, 13 Mack £ EXPERIENCED COOK. wages. Apply to Mrs. Bi Stuart street. AN COOK FOR FIFTEEN MEN, Dominion Bridge Co., Kingston Mills. ep -------------------------------- A GENERAL BER ANT WF ing er ironing. Ap Fn vthe. 59 West aay ---------------------------------------- SIX BOYS, FROM 14 TO 16 old. Steady work. Apply Gould & Co., King St... nes ONCE, A YOUNG GI assist in caring for child +he evening. to 196 Johnsto References required. AT MAN TO WORK AT Good wages. Avenue, bi A GOOD business. 252 University and 10 a.m. 'BETWEEN burner Ad STEAM LAUNCH, 80 feet long; wood No fine finish desired. 5 Whig, Kingston YETECTIVE--Can © you spare ! your time for profitable, work ? No experience need American Detective Associ dianapolis, Ind. SSMEN WANTED FOR SALES --best. compressed sprayer Niade; aplendia sell terms; write for par ple machine. CAVERS BR ont, MEN WAN THROUGHOUT CANADA AND UNITED § SALARY OB Sd age Bree re oe Expetionce: Lg Write at once for 0 iasieueons, MA 181 Divis THE FIRST OF Brick Dwelling, near Princess twelve Tooms, bath, ete. Weich & Son, or to 179.D THB 1ST OF MAY Prick Dwelling, 86 Lower occupied by Mrs. Ed Eh Modern lmprovements Water and Bath, etc Vaughan Terrace. BY re 4 NGS,. STORES, FA PWELLY in any, part of the Cit try: McCann's Real Esta 51 Brock street. FOR SALE. --_-- ROUGH CAST COTTAGE rick Street, 8 rooms, city water. Frontage, © and good garden. KEasy ply - 'on premises, _corne Street and Raglan Road IRISH SONGS, 15c. 1 150 i Popular Recitations. + latest Popular Songs, 15¢ have any two of these bo post * -paid The Amer Agency. 127 Bay Street, S------ A Very Small Majo Paris, March 15. --Consic portance is attached in pe cles to the reduction of ment's majority in he oh Deputies, a vote, of cont pa only by 284 to 265 came on a socialist interp the non-execution of pledge the subject of workmen's p Tell 'The Childre YThat they can get sweet morrow at Ferguson's for -------- John Knight has sold apd whter power at Fourt! John MeRae, Feanville, fi Butter 20c., Russets 1%