Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Feb 1904, p. 1

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rT. yssession of g. We will OW st thing we e times the E STORE DAIL ISH -- 71ST YEAR. NO. 45, KINGSTON, - O} g DAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1904. FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE ! * EVERYTH'NG REDUCED, A grand opportunity to save Saoney; from 20 to 25 per cent. saved on each purchase. SIDEBOARDS Choice } cut Oak, neatly carved, set with British Plate Mirrors. Former price. $70 * Sideboards, now $45 Sideboards, now $25 Sideboards, now at COUCHES Velour Couches, Oak Frame, Spring Edge. Former price. $11 Couches, now at .. .. .. $7.50. $6.50 Couches, now at .. .. $5.50. Some good values at $6.50, etc. ROBT. J. REID, 222 Princess Street. 2 Doors Above the Opera House. Ambulance Telephone 577. Ladies' Filled Watches We have a few Ladies' year " Hunting Filled Watches; with Guaranteed American Move- ments. We are able to sell these while they last at $10 each. SMITH BR.OS.. 350 King St. Jewellers and Opticia NOTICE. REGIMENTAL ders by Lt.-Colonel BE Rifles Kingston, Feb., 1904 rade at on T ING N the ISD Se join must be present. By order, J. 1 we are sebplying with coal. Wwe also beg to advise that we have a full supply, Of all the different sizes of SCRANTON COAL. The Rathbun Company. TRANSFER OF TAVERN LICENSE. To All Whom It May Concern : NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN the License Commissioners of of Lennox have been asked to transfer the liquor license of - the late ne: Evans to his widow, Harriet Camden East The said commissioners rr the application at will meet to conside the Dominion House Yarker, March 4th, 1904 Dated at Yarker, this Fehruary, 190 MC Inspector "BUSINESS BROKER 1 €AN QUICKLY SELL, FOR CASH, without publicity, your Business, Estate or Partnership; no matter where located. Send me full - particulars, es, etc. Address, Chas. E. W. Mohowk St., Buffalo, N.Y. abo almata A EU REDUCTION IN PRICES I'am now doing laundry work prices Shirts Cufls, Collars . All other articles in proport guaranteed Iry ot Str workmanshiy LEE SEUNG, 233 Bag A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. wages. Apply at 'Lhe Hub, Street. eer GENERAL SERVANT, WITH RF FER- Apply Mrs. Peart Biriey, en Alpert Street ------------------------------------ AN EXPERIENCED COOK the evening, Housemaid Apply in at 132 Karl St A PERSON TO ASSIST 'care of an invalid, > SE A DWELLING, TO PURCHASE LING a tion, from $1,500 to $2,000. Address | 7 rooms, wmodera, in «Pp, this office. MEN AND WOMEN, OF GOOD EDUCA- tion and ability, in unoccuy tory, to enroll students at a mum salary of $600 a yea with references, Canadian dence College, Limited, Toronto --i-------------- AGENTS, THROUGHOUT The Accident and " HE ACCIDEN TF QF, the most liberal fused ple Building GROCERY BUSINESS Store and Dwelling. Best location Reasongble terms Address, Whig Office ---------------------------------- DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES etc., in any part oi the © try. MeCann's Real Estate Age 3 ¥ 51 Brock street LOST. Br STAR BELT BUUKLE, Sunday last. A Suitable its return to Whig Office DAILY MEMORANDA. Lawrence ward reformers 14th bugle band meets at Armouries bapostie and martyr -headed man isn't necessarily narrow- When two flatierers Majesty goes away . Some men are Lorn great, greatnels, und some remain litile na. f Prof. Dorenwend at British American The'size of a ton of coal depends whether You are buying it or up two fights of stairs. February 23rd in history! painter, died, 1792 { here, yesterd Delightful Are all the more enioyable because of richness of the sorvice in which the a is an important feature We enhance the pleasure You will be interested in our display. ..ROBERTSON BROS.. ent, 14th Regiment, The Bugle the Regiment a Whatsoever at 8 o'clock, purpose of organization All, wishing to H. BOGART. Capt. and. Adjutant WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. » We beg to inform the public that Mr B. Barney is the only Coal dealer that In jewellery for men and women, is made a part of soon as manufactured. of Pearl Pendants, Pearl and Dia- mond Stick Pins, also our stock of ; with any gem you care to "ask "dor, is worth a special visit to 'our store to sce, even if "dé not intend to buy. our figures they are genuine bar- P. B. CREWS, Corner Princess & Wellington Sts. BsssssososscasereEE® AUCTION SAL THURSDAY, Fe ee ---------------------------- FOR SALE OR TO-LET. WAS BREACH Of the World's General Neu- trality Laws. BARONDEROSEN HAS SOME HOT THINGS TO SAY OF JAPAN, A View of Chemulpo By a Times Writer--Russia is Said to be in Financial Difficulties--An Italian Hoped For Victory For Japan. » Hong Kong, Feb. 23.--Baroa De Ro sen, lately the Russian minister at i Tokio, and the Russian military and jnaval attaches and consul, arrived | from' Japan on thir | way to Russia; Baron De Rosen -in terviewed. said that the naval fight at Chemulpo was a breach of neutra { lity and a cowardly action on the | part of the Japancse who knew, . be { fore the declaration of war, the exact date which they were going to attack and land at Chemulpo. An important point, he said, lay in the fact that the Japanese -had . been holding for many months the telegraph lines of Korea, in spite of the fact that Korea was gp perfectly neutral country Ad miral Alexiefi suspected the Japanese of intercepting a telegram in cipher, orderine the Variag to leave Chemul po, and return to. Port Arthur. This telegram was never received pnd the Varing remained in ignorance of th sitvation until the Japanese warships 1 arrived. A View Of Chemulpo. Lendon, Feb, 23.--A despatch to the Times from Wei-Hai-Wei, dated yester day, says that the Times' steamer Haimun entered the Chemulpo anchor age, on Friday last, being the first private-owned "vessel to arrive there ne the engagement on February h. As she entered she was ordered 'to heave to, and was boarded by an officer from a Japanese cruiser but was politely permitted to proceed by the long end devious approach. The port presented a buky appearacce. Nu- rous transports were entering' and parting, and the anchoragé was thronged with craft oi every descrip tion. Conspicuous were the tops of the submerged Russian gunboat Korietz while the flat side of the cruiser Var- jag was visible at low tide. The Japanese are landing * en army corps of three divisions, The twelfth division is disembarking; the guards follows immediately. The present base is Chenulpo. The regiments on land ing advance to Seoul, Small detach ments have already been despatched north to establish for depots A general advan The d Japensse excite great gdmiration British officers state that they are an improvement on anything in their ex perience anv European power A further change of the base to Chi nampho is highly probable, once that place is free of ice It is believed that while the Russian sea power at Vladivostok is intact, » Japanese will not attempt a land on the eastern coast The Nagasaki correspondent of the Daily Telegraph savs he has received a telegram from Chefoo to the effect that Admiral Ccoper, with the Uri'ed cghisers New Orleans and Wil Bagot street, near ( ---- Ring Et m---- "WILL CHALLENGE SCHWAB. Baron Rogniat, who | writer to the shipbuilding { experienced and ec | Nevertheless it i baron to a correspond | furious with him," will prosecute hi 8 |i 3" i { grave of military reputations the defamatory articles if 3 1 n 32 | I am glad to catch bh and illin t wake herself Taine ory 159 Johnston err SAILOR SENT TO PRISON. | paring to draw upon Finland's | supplies. This will n Gets Long Sentence For Rdbbery | by establishing Russ soventecn years in Sing Sing was pro a lor, who had pleaded guil ity to robbery in the first degree. On { October 14th" Davis with three entered a store here end the proprietor and a few days g ated in a burglary 1 Sickness Policies o * AND GUAKAN- 3 COMPANY OF CANADA : i A rite GODDARD, Managing Director, , MONTREAL Most Penetrating. The quickest soother of pain, and the most penetrating liniment on the mar ket to-day is Smith's White Liniment | A positive cure for sprain { inflammation, neuralgia, Big bottles, 25c,, . vicinity of Niagara Falls cans pie peaches left Chefoo hurriedly vester the view of making a demonstration at the mouth of the Yalu river. * Vienna special save : The ien forces iv Man it should he deal etent corr an doubted whether Gen: Kuropatkin 'will he able pidly to evolve order out of the apparent mistakes made by him at St. Pet u Manchuria, like t i= thought, is likely to 1th Is Short Of Money. Berlin, Feb. 23. It is reported that | Russia, which, within three days 'of the outhreak of war issued bank notes | to the gmount of fifty million roubles | (825.000.0000), has now begun to with {draw her depe | European banks. Stories are eurrent that she is already in financial diffi culties, and it is said that che is pre e partly inland, and partly by substituting | branches of the Russian Imperial bank jor the Bank of Finland. { Santini's Hope. Rome, Feb. 23.--In the chamber of deputies, vesterday, Signor Santini, a ! I. member of the opposition, eri icised the Russian policy in the far east. He expressed the hop be victorious, that country represcnt ing civilization snd the open door. Rignor Tottine, minister of forcizn of fairs deplored Signor Santini's at tack upon a frisndly power, rnd again assorted the 'government's dsterm na tion to remain neutral. -------- New blood geanine } Lwd's ron fills give both. HW for store, Prince KEil"of, the celebrated engi peer, is superintending the eonsiru tion of the raileay around Lake Bai kal. Does Not Like His ~The name of Dr. ty of Chicago, has ped. After July 1st his however, is thats s § authorities of the he high ; of Prof. Triges that most ech i-uously wae his ranking Roe fell r and Pullman with Shakespeare Other incidents wee his ciiticisms © Longfellow, Holmes, Lowell and other American poets and his denunciation of many church Bymns as "dogger establish a theatfo on the lines so-called national theatre contractel with a number players and says he z TWENTY-TWO SAVED. A British Steamer at the Storm's ercy York,- Feb, 23 The Slyman line steamer Alsano, Kudenhold, from to port Capt. Raymond twenty-cne shipwrecked cuary L The Albano left Hamburg Februaty 3rd with jp general cargo, but no pas She experienced very stormy Felirnary 16th at a.m., sizhted the Kentigern gow, flying distress signals. She was relling heavily and had g heavy list. along the Pekin i {road to Ping Yang is expected shortly embarkation, methods of the r and four men, and difficulty succeeded nd believe they demonstrate an organization supetior to that ol the Kentizern launched one and were taken on raving nothing but JUSTICE BRITTON Won't Direct--Says It Isn't His tton has reserved judg tion proceedings tal vie investigation in at the last muni has been decided enquiry pending ad. } and has arrived dt Shanghai to ' toi : ¥ to the irregularitie sin the United States squadron, with hompson, the atcused n. Kuropatkin to is regarded here as gion that an recognizes the of the ation, and ix that ith Afviva, that the men hack icn proceedings are : EASED CATCH its from western Correspondingly gold cted n currency in value of the sca0n's entch as 81.547, Ontario waters since 1870, is 337.742, wes, but the 1i.h Frequent storms han i that Japen would hermen from rai ing Tourist Robbed Of $70,000. City, has been the in a case and locked box in her room at n she dropped into a doze. naw life, The 5c. Gilron's Red Cross drug els wore worth $50, ro was in the wel ease n letter of credit for $50,000, which alo WORLD NEWS. Despatches From Near And Distant Places, pn EVENTS OF DAY eee. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST FOS SIBLE FORM, ~~ Matters That Interest Everybody Notes, From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The ship owners of Hull, Eng., are anxious for np direct service with Can: ada. v the Turkish minister at Washington belioves war with Bulgaria is impend: ng. Washington's birthday was general ly observed throughout the United States John Thamer, wanted at Ayr, Ont, on a charge of forgery, was arrested ut Spokane, Washington. ihe Montreal Reform Club will give a dinber to Hen, LP. Bordeur on Saturday evening next. it has been docided to allow ime ports from New Zealand to come un der the preferential tariff. Sir Leslie Stephen, president of the Fthical Society und a wellknown au thor, died at London, aged seventy: two. Everything suggests that the Ja pen se contemplate an immediate dash Korea. hour of each other. attending a patient, ter to Persia, and for many years pro Magnolia Springs, Fla. Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president carly in March, to join Lady Shaugh nessy and his daughters. has been passed at Ottawa. ve he projected James' Bav railwav by buying freely. years a missionary and the far east, seid in Torcnto, "Rus at. heaven, for de warships cruising on the Korean coast Presbyterian missionaries Jacob Hess, former police commis in revit of the rise in four Ike large loal is now eighteen cents and twenly cents, according to district and quality. nd fatal in the Mormon church, sho lv wounded himself at Kan cently A indicated fNfily trout le. Henri Poukassa made a fierce on ddaucht on Mr. Chamberlain's prefer up in parliament Sir Frederick Bor DEATH MAY RESULT, With Serious Accident. London, Ont., Feb. 23.~Miss Mav vas on a visit to relatives here, at- critical. TRIFLED WITH HIS LOVE. ¥. A. Siegler Fired Twice at Mrs. Smith. in believed that Siecler will die. Sie his own head. for a straglegic position in Northern Mrs, Elizabeth Ennis and her daugh- ter, Lizzie, of Hamilten, both died of consumption on Sunday within an Dr. J. Mortimer Crawe, Watertown, N.Y., is dangerously ill with hood poisoning, contracted recently while Frederick H. Winston, former nifris- minent in Chicago, died Saturday at of the C.P.R., will leave for Eneland The order-in-council transferring ta the marine department control of all waterways. from the lakes to the sea A devutation from Orillia waited upon Mackenzie, Marm | & Co. to ask that Orillia. be. on the main line of There is good authority for stating that the Rothschilds on Saturday re- fused the request of the Paris Bourse officials te intervene to stop the pani: Rev. Jw... OG. Evans, for ten xp liver. dm sin is slated, T might almost say in Everything possible will be done bv the Admiralty to notify the British to furnish transport to the Canadian sioner and for many vears a powe: in loral #tepubliaan politics, died at Bye, N.Y.. after an illness of nearly three month He was born in 1847 in Ger wan : In* Montreal the price of bread has bern raised twe cents a large loal, as Lotenze (rosshy, said to be an elder s City while en route from Atlanta, Ga, where he had bien stationed until re. letigr found in his pocket entinl pelicy .at the Theatre National Francais, in Montreal. He well bring dine action in taking a seat on tha imperial defense committee without the anction of the Canadian Miss Armstrong, Exeter, Meets Armstrong, twenty vears of age, fell beneath a train at the Clarence street crossing of the Grand Trunk, Miss Armstrong who lived in Exeter and tempted to pass between two trains, which were standing at the crossing, One of the trains began to move, and this startled her, causing her to lose hor footing on the snow, which was piled high between the tracks and fall. yoth Iogs went under the wheels, one being so badly. erushed that am- putation was necessary, while the doe- tors mav also find it necessary to amoutate the other. Her condition is £1. Louis, Feb. 23.--F. A. Siegler. a carpenter of Omaha, and Mre, Julia Smith, a widow of this citv are at the city hospital badly wounded. Tt glér came to this city for the avowed purpose of killing Mrs. Smith, whom he charged with trifling with his af foctions. Ernest Woods. the spscessful witor, wos presenti at the house when olor called on Mra, Smith, Siegler ran Woods out of the house at the point of a revolver, and then, inthe preunce of her son, Albett, shot Mra. Smith, who was sick in bed, twice in the hind. He then put a bullet through A NAVAL STRONGHOLD, There Are Only a Few For . eigners, {a Louden, Feb, 23--A correspondent § = cables that Port Arthur is now stk ly a naval stronghold and tha foi are being manned by naval 8 Only twenty foreigners are now &t Port Arthur and they are traders, dis- posing of their merchandise. Some of them_are undoes. suspicion and there 1 ie tkedil Ged of their--huing arrested. There are many complaints of unwar- ranted arrests, unexplained expulsions and defamation of character hy -- the] Port Arthur police. The report that large bodies of Cos sacks and other troops are occupying New Chwang and Hsin-Ming-Tin are unfound.d. A Daily Mail despatch from Hong Kong says a British squadron is con centrating there, | and that a corre: sponding French concentration of war: ships is ocourring at Saigon; Indo- China. This is supposedly a result of the Anglo-French understanding. Fired On British Steamer. Wei Hai Wei, Feb, 23. The British steamer Ching Ping belonging to ths Chinese Engineering and Mining com- pany of Shanghai, has arrived here rom Port Dalny end reports that the also was fired upin hy the Russians, and was hit seven times around the water lines A Russisn pilot boat that was coming out of Port Dalny to pilot the Ching Ping was blown up by a mine, Russia's Difficulties. St. Potersburg, Fob. 23.--Heavy snows and bliveards over the Siberian [| railroad, especially east of Baikal, are largely increasing the difficulties of transporting troops, hesides better enabling Chinese hrigands to operate. Japanese agents gre reported north of Viedivostock, inciting the brigands to Taction. The Japanese To Fail. St. Petersburg, Feb. 23%-"The war will end in August or September, in the complete defeat of the Japancse," said a high authority to-day, in inti piste touch with the Russian plans, whose opinion can ba taken faithfully to reflect the belief in the highest of ficial quarters. He added: "How the Japanese can hope to succeed when our army in the cast is strengthened to a point equal or superior in num ber to that of our adversaries, we aro honestly unable to comprehend. It, will not be difficult to place two, four, or even six hundred thousand addition. al men in the field, if necessary. When our forces are concentrated and ready, they will finish by driving the Japan ese into the sea. Frankly, it seems te us that the Japanese cither have terly failed to. 4 2 sources sr 0 ald Great Britain or the United Std neither of which aver contemplated bi. coming involved." _ " Fresh Engagement, Berlin, Feb, 23.~The Lokal Ansel: vor tovdav, Wn despgteh from Tokio sayh "A fresh engagement took place at Port Arthur, Saturdav. last. The details have not been announosd by the government,' Wanted An Archivist, Ottawa, Feb. 23.-The position ol Dominion archivist is once more va- cant. In December last, A. G. Dough- ty, Quebec, was appointed to the office ot a salary of 21,900. He considered the stipend insuflicient, and before en- tering upon the duties asked: that it increased to $2,000, This the govern: ment have declined to do, and an or- derin-council has been passed rescind ing Mr. Doughty's appointment, ---- Spain's Plans. Madrid, Feb, 23-The governmen! subiritted a bill to the chamber uf deputies asking for extraordinary cored: its of $1,764 900 for war material and £190,000 for const defence. Premiior Maura explained that the measures contemplated 'were due solely to Spain's obligations to maintain - her neutrality, Hanna's Will. Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 23.--The late Senator Hanna's will was filed for probate to-day, One-third of the es tate is bequeathed to Mrs. Hanna, the remaining two-thirds going to the three children, Nothing is left to charity. The estate is valued. at 83, (00,000, G. 0. Highie, for some years the Pa: cific coast manager of the American and Red Star lines of steamers, has been called to New York to become wanager at that port. John W. Elliott and wife, Universi ty avenue, were home over Sunday, after two months' absence in Toron to. Mr. Elliott returned to Toronto today. + REFORM MEETING Reformors of No. 5 and 6, St. Lawrence Ward Wil meet on TUESDAY, at 8 p in the Heform Rooms, Golden Block, to elect subdivision chair under the new constitution. By order of the president, R H. TOYE, Secretary. "NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL CREDITORS AND OTHERS having claims against the Estate of Jobn Troy, late of the Townrhip of Wore Tula Yeoman, deceased, wh dic on the Sih day of November 1904. are notified, pursumnt to io Statutes of Ontario, -to send the same with full particulers to the undersigned on or are 24th day of March, 1004, after which date the administrat- rix will proceed to distribute the Estate. heaving regard only to the daims of which she shall then have notice and will pot be linkle for any part of the assets 10 fnyv person whogg claim is not then in her hands. Tn Dated at Kingston, the 28rd day of February, 1904 J. MeDonuld Mowat, Clarence St., So- | licitor for the Administratrix. : exposition of the pre world along this line. - special attractions we would = tion the following : ¥ Shadow Crepon. Poplin de Chene. Blob Crepon, ete, Space won't permit our telling of them. We show all kinds, from the sheerest weaves to the ; of canvas linens, more stylish than ever, more, beautiful than ne, r rR : FY ola Hotel Dieu, K p vuary © 20rd, Nila one d years, 2 = aged twenty-six years. 3 Ho Dieu, requiem mass will be sung. and acquaintances respectfully invit at da. S Richmond, February 17th, Mani aged sixty-one At y Ann, relict of the ight Suggestions Jor Joent : Boneless Sardines, Truffled Sardines. Sardines in Glass. Kippered Herrings, Herrings in Tomato Sauce. Herring in Shrimp Sauce, Herrings in Mustard Sauce. Anchovies in Oil Salmon, Lobsters, Shrimps, Clam. Jas. Redden & Co. ~ JEAN LOUIS LEGARE Gets $8,000 For Capturing Sitting : Bull. . t Winnipeg, Feb. 23 ronch resides at Wood Mountain, Se and who captured Sitting Bull twen- ty-five years ugo, Just which smoutit the Btates senate acreed was compense for time ' and pended inthe euptuss of the IT WILL DRY roughness. 5 i It softens and whitens the hands. It heals and prevents cracked ips. . 1t is delightfully pleasant to use. Has been used with perfect Taylors Lot

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