Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY WHIG, - MONDAY, DECEMBER 29. mann ee ou Value for your dollar? Any dollar that the Canadi- an government says is good will buy you more value, more genuineness, here than any other hardware store in the gistrict. Buckskin Driving (lined), per pair, 50c. * Steel Snow Shovels, 25c. and 30c. A hardwood 'pointer sleigh for that boy of yours for 25c. Meat Choppers, $1.50. Mitts Raisin Sgeders, $1. " Our efforts to please you when we succeed, more. CORBEIT'S' HARDWARE, Wellington ' please us TV VVVVVVVLVVVLVVTVVVVVVVVVRVVNTT FP in *Saevsaassa - | | | | | Cor. Princess and é P99" BRB NN THE Ais i Bh [0 V/A A RL, If you like a good cup of tea try our "INDIA BLEND" 26¢ , 80c , 8bc., 40¢., HUc. pound. For Lest results in baking use STARR BRAND BAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. (Canadian Almanac Scribbling Diaries Office Diaries Pocket Diaries NISBET, The Corner Bookstore. F. Table Cream and Butter When buying guarantee of from wus, you have a pure and unadulterated pro- ducts, and the benefit of the highest | technical test offered by one of King- ston's expert pathologist Our hest citizens are by giving tronage. ihe Clarified Milk Company, 'Phone 867. testifving to this, daily, us largely increased pa- THE WHIG -- 69TH YEAR. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, publi 8 evening, at Se B10 ee Street, at $6 per year. Editions 80 and 4 o'clock. WEEKLY Britis WHAG, 12 Pages, pub Jishod every Th y morning at $1 a Attached is one of the best Job Printing OfSees in Canuda: rapid, of siviish and cheap work; mine improved DW. J. B. ENSE, PROPRIETOR. tHE DAILY WHIG. Opsjer per Orbem Dicor.' PENSIONS. afoot England, OLD AGE A movement in among the working classes, the by parliament oi legisla- ticn in support of old age pensions. It is propos-d' that the nation devote sone of the taxes now devoted to war purposes, later on, to the creation of th: peusion funl. But the nition will think twice about the continuance of the war tariff beyond the date whey it can be dis;ened with. There the tax now on bread stufis, and the average free trader says it is wrong He only endures it the, nation il by t Thejold age is, leoking to passage 1s ani ought to go. out of consideration for pride which is touched and touched very deeply. pension would not be so m mand if the masses put lesy' money in- to beer and spirits and more of it into The S war, h in de- the savings banks. average Fng- lishman enjoys himself. He does this even when the times are dull and he does not see too far ghead. He can save money if he likes, and it is this fact which tells strongly the proposal that 'the aged should be how improviden fa for SO against caregl for no matter they have been. In greater vour is the proposal to nro. ie ® 1h: returned helple.s. He When he ceases may the disabled warriors. so'dier is generally is primarily a fighter. to be that he becomes a ward of the state. A SMALLER CITY COUNCIL, Toronto will offer an amendment to the Muniipal Act. It has from the Board of Control. that the of twelve members, that six be required to retire annually (the first vear the and that all of them be There were differences among the members of the but they were agreed that the change should be made, as proposed, anl they emanated In effect it is city council be composed in place of twen ty-four as now, tale nders), elected by the whole electorate. Board of Control in minor points, believinl it would give the highest sat- isfaction. The Board of Control i: largely the city council of Toronto. It is the cen- tral asthority, with all the public ents them to the aldermen in a form to he dealt with. other words it does affect the commit- and does it effectively, the body which deals issues and pres- expeditiously In tee work, he cause it is paid for active, consecutive, persistent service, and performs it with a marked degree of heartiness. In the multitude there iz supposed but it of meditation, to be wisdom, comes of accu- study, of con of is not always in evi lence, of calculated that milatea unfortunately, Out twenty-five ciliation mind, and it of a large bo ly twenty or men, it is one half are workers, that one-half only are doing the thinking and acting and®worrying which the circumstances impose. The conclusion is that it is better that thew twelve should be free from the encumberan ¢ or impediment of the others and that the latter would be retired by the abolition of the ward system. The "idea is to confine this reform to WHO IS YOUR AUCTIONEER W. MURRAY, Jr., Is serving weurly every body now im that fire. lle Las a reputation for good sales, | Prompt returns and satisfactory settlements | You will be money in pocket by employing | W. MURRAY, Jr. | THROUGH THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF GETTING READY FOR CHRIST- mas, remember the "* Old Reliable pork market, 60 Brock St Here yon can get the best assorument of cooked Meats, Sausages, Bacon and Hams, in the city Always fresh and up-to-date Special for. Christmas--English howe- made Alince meat and pure Lard. Phone 570 TH grants AND MARKERS RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, Sélf-Inkers, Linen Markers, Dates, Sc 1 Stoucils, Bank and Ticket Othce Star | etc. Repairs prompt. JOHN OFFORD, | Whig Office | the cold Progect from the Lungs and Chest | piercing winds of | winter by using a CHAMOIS | VEST OR CHEST PROTECTOR. | We have a large assortment 'of | these goods ard can satisfy you inestyle, quality and price. our S50 Chamois vest for Men or Women™is special value. Come in and look at them. DR. CHOWN' 185 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 343. CRUG | STORE, ia "people think «o. ceeded the value of the goods shipped to England in the previous five years by $140,000,000. This increase large- ly reflected the prosperity of the farm- a prosje ity that pled ani ought to be continued. The fact was that a high rrotection tarifi--such a high tariff as ers, was unexein- second some people advocated--would operate against the Canadian British trade. He demonstrated this by quotaticns from the American press. "The Cana- dian manufacturer who is seeking more protection," said (he Minreapolis which is in touch with Cana and politics, "wan s Journal, dian sentiment to get rid of English competition al- most as much American. If he has his way one of the things ihe will do will be to abolish or to nullify the British preferential tarifi by means of a little tariff jugglery. So if the high protectionists finally have their way, there is consolation for Ameri- can: why, desire closer trade relations with Canada, and Great Britain will as not be made any closer by the so- called national policy." Sir William commended such an interpelation of public sentiment to the conservatines who revered the memory of Sir John Macdonald and reynembered his last appeals in the name of loyalty and British connection. Perhaps it may be said that Sir William has no more right to talk on moderate tariff than Mr. Tarte had to boom a high tarifi. But there is a marked difference in the tone of the the other indicates One is dictatorial; Cne government speakers. argumentative. a to the the other is desire rush and results; indicates" a willing ne-s to discuss the matter and deal with it in the interest of the whole jeople. Sir William has been quite «nsible and suggestive in his address. EDITORIAL BRIEFS. The Hague peace conference is be coming an important institution. It has now eizhteen referen-es before it, inclading that of the Venezuelan ai- fair. The Globe sees no hope of a strong government in Ontario unless that of Hon. Mr. Ross be strengthened. There is certainly no general desire to have the present anxious situation unduly prolonged. According to the News the people of a wor- Of the Toronto are still looking for thy man for the mayor's chair. three men in the field, all conserva ti.es, mot one is fitted for the place. Hard, isn't it'? ---- The American papers are extolling the name of Mr. Roosevelt as a peacemaker. Yet he would not arbi trate in the Venezuelan difficulty. He was willing and axious that The Hague should decide the issue. How would the arbitration proceed- of the United States, ite president, ings or of entail "entangling alli- ches The natin that has assum- ed the politi al oversight of all Ameri ca should be equal to the arbitration of the little Venezuela dispute. The International Nickel company has $8,000,000 invested in the Sud- bury mines, and its industry, it is al leged, would be ruined by the imposi tin of an export There are some who approve of this duty on its matte. sentiment and some who disapprove. The matter will. encage the: serious congideration of the government. cin Mr. Dooley says that the good fel prevails at Christmas Men cease lowship which and short lived. in life, their hostilities for a month, is spasmodiz strenuous he says, but they seem to mark the spot where they left cities of 100,000 and over. Why ? Ii a bir city can be managed, municipally, by a small number of men why not a small city whose interests 'are not so extensive and so complex ? The i que-tion is, Would Kingston be given | better (hiss of men, to rule in its | council, if they were limited to twelve, | six retiring annually, and these were | elected or re elected annually ? Some | The cannot be supplied proof is absent, however, and out side of an experiment for which at i present there is no provision in law. TARIFF. Hamilton Liberal Cla}, is MULOCK AND THE The int a live ition. This point is evidenced Ly fre Is capable that has mstance 1t juent | which gre ad irvessed om and who nent nit ar od questic nen on the William n the liberal ot cating of Mulock was the wiht indicating party ns the hour. Sir last to address it-- His utteran hi~ William the Fridav n Cs Were im portant as mind upon did. adminis tarilt question. Sir not speak on behalf of tratien, hut Le advaresd reasons avhy it would be m reasonable to ex pect a moder ite than a high tariff. He | ntimated that parliament would le disjesed to at hesterically in | gad th a matter of th: greatest inv portam e. but it w ld po calm in i tmyer, deliberate in purpose, and ra tional in its mod wn acts sir Witham Mulodd bi | N thasiell. Th: frst fat is thot Canadge had. jr red n let t Can ul prefeence f Lritish ma fa tures hi- had o, ened tl vig of the 'nitish people to the friendh ness of Conada, which bad been bo til eh nnder th: national police Wh n thecpreferesce was shown, iw the lii eral INT, tale wilh i] thor teaen to develop once ¢ vears its value ex | brace of | blood | fice, ! Princess of | attempt | keep her | recognized | the court Pw {of | tron a (ted svi ide at Buffalo off so that they not miss an inch of the person which they proceed Is Mr. Dooley may to whack. Is it so? a ker or a jurist ? CC. C. offended with some of H. 0. tells the people, "1 am a of a fightiny family, if 1 knock him out I am no prophet." the generations, Robinson, Howland's personal reference es, member and segannot A tories, representing blue of fichtinr their way into the the a novel experience several and mayor's of and even smashing furniture there, would he in Toronto the good. WISHES TO MARRY HER. Giron and the Crown Prin- cess of Saxopy. Dec. 29.--It stated that police have heen to watch the movements of the Crown Saxony, and if she shoul to enter Italy to ar: and under observation. The rea- this is that any child born to the next few months, will be officially member of Saxony. A Geneva dispatch savs Prof. Giron to marrv: the Crown Princess Saxony, ler to make her posi Prof. Perlin. the Italian ordered son for her, in as a of 1 i~hes TAKES{ ITS EXIT. THE COSY CORNER HAS MET ITS DOOM. Early Dutch and Mission Style of Furnishing Has Been Re- vived--What a New York Pap- er Says. The cosy corner must go, says the New York Mil and Express. Like ev- sihing else which has been greatly overdon: anl cheapened, its end inevitable. The idea has been so gener- aily copied that its fame spread far is and wide, until now it is popularly placed the first of all ths household gods. A sorrier-looking lot of deities than hosts of these have degenerated into it would be difficult to imagine. With trembling spears struggling to uphold vards of so-called Oriental draperics PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. WRINKLE ERASERS. THAT IS WHAT Richt Rev. J. Festing, Bishop of St. Albans, London, is dead. Furious gales are enlangering ship- | finz off the coast of Newfoundland. | The number of dead in the wreck at Wanstead is placed at twenty-eight. Frederick Post, Sodus, N.X., has be- come suddenly insane from smoking cigarettes. David A. Robson, a Toronto money lentler, has left the city. There are sev- er.] dissatisfied creditors. A negro and his wife were lvn hed for the murder of a white man' near Greenwood, S.C, William Reid, Cardinal, on the G.T.R. near Iiescott. over [ity years of age. The Ea tern and Western Land com- pany, Toronto, has been incoriorated with a capi al of a million dollars, was killed He was The Cataract Auxiliary company has AUSTRALIAN L ord Tennyson is fifty, the son an 1899. LORD TENNYSON, THE NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF and the popular governor and comma nder-in chief of THE COMMONWEALTH. d bhiographe: of the late poet laureate South Australia sine: bravely aloft, of a papier mache every instant the weight sword and shield threatening an utter collapse of the whole riditulous counterfeit. It is entirely due to these laughable caricatures that the downfall of the popular craze has been brought about. Possibly, to go to the other extreme is the reason why the carly Dutch and Mission styl:*of furnishing has been revived. Anything more sternly opposed to the bare idea of sheltering cozy corn- ers could not be thought of easily. It is certainly severe to a degree, but it is so delizhtiully clean looking it is positively refreshing, so free from all idea of harboring dust it ought tor a woman even to look at gr treated in this sen-ible fashion. J No haunting visions of "frequent Hruse- cleaning upheavals néed torment her, for there are no hiding places for moths and microbes. In such a room there is no danger, no awful risk of droppinr uncomfort- ably into a heavily upholstered ch to find ons secli suadenly sneezing from the di:turbed dust. Farther awav still is the embarrassment of stepping vnexpectedly on the head of a wild animal as vou attempt to greet your hostess. It no compensation what- ever to larn that others have fallen oer the tiver rug, Better than all, in a sixteenth century room one does not have to hazard one's precious life near an impossi le cosy corner. Another abused term "a den." Thoroughly modern apartments, fur nished most luxuriously, are called dens. Why a handsome, stately room, with four wals lined with well stock 18 too, is ed hookeases, is pronounced a den in stead of the library, is a mvstery. Try as one will, it is dificult to connect ideas "of uncivilized living or prowling beasts with such rooms. It harilly seems to be quite applicable to them or to the dainty silk or cretonne reanlar, -8 qd to ouch robal in order princess and M. Lhe remain in Gene un p place Giron i the nt will 1 lv take H London Col th ans Lieut to Nar hes, Mornin tempt he services corpl that an belittle made to his Lp CC. Fils vn overwhelming vote Canadian ner ciation | Mattie Gough, } St. Catharine Faronto, Comte draped room of a youns wirl with re fincment written all over it, from the case covered dressing table to hey silver littered desk, The End Of Things. From observations by Mr. Dooley lhe raison no won is afrmd iy on Hinnessy, it that no wan ra ally undherstind: it= Hl anv wan iver come to undhersta it he'd he scared to death. Ii they'se anny st thing as a cow'rd, which: doubt, Ss i man that comes nearer realiin' thin | ocker men how sedrvous a mat h it is to die. | talk about it, an' som time: t think about it. But how do | think alout it? It's me Ivin® there in a fine thoot iv clothet an' listenin' to all th' nce 'things people are say in' alot me. Um dead. mind ye, bnt I can hear a whisper in the furthest corner iv th' room. Ivry wan is askin' itry wan els: why did 1 die. "It's a | grieat los to th' country," avs Hogan, "It is." says Donahue. "He wa: a fine man," saves Clancy. Asx honest a man is iver dhrew th' breath iv Ife." sas ° Schwartzmeister. "1 | hope he forgives us all th' harm we imptel to do him," says Donahue. give gnaything to have him haek," savs Claneyv. «**He was this and that. th' life iv th' party, th' soul honor, th' frienl iv th rdisthressel, th'hoolwars iv th' ecenstichoochion, a pathrite. a gentleman, a Christyan, can' goscholard." *n' such a rog wav with him," sas th widow 0 Prien | That's what ! f I Jud eed f BAEC) thd dn as 8 nt h A ' i airy hid } » ; is a hayro to h uel \her been incorporated by Hamilton capi tali ts. The London sodalist labor .party has dedi ied to place a mayoralty can- didate in the field. A vouny man named Caskey, died at Queensloro, it is d, as a result of a blow struck by u companion named Phillips. A meeting of the creditors of (, W. Anderson & Co. the Oakville bankers. has been called for January 6th, at Oakville. Benjamin F, an aged and was run ower to death. Ennis, Clinton, N. Y., deat nightwatchman, by a train and crushed BEFORE THE CADI. Two Cases For Hearing Were En- larged. Two cases occupied the attention oi the magistrate at the police court this morning. John Fisher charged Joseph Knott with assault, and Joseph Knott charged Jokn Ii-her with the same olitn e. The altercation was reported in Saturday's Whir, it having occur red in front of the Locomotive just before one o'clock. The evidens works, by Mr. Fisher and his father was to the effect that the former had asked Mr. Knott for some back rent, ani that the latter had replied with vile language and a blow. Then the com- t lainant struck hnott, knocking 'him down and rolling him on the ground. The defendant denicd saving anvthin to Fisher, whom he declared struck Fim without provocation. The magix trate enlarged the case ti'l to-morrow Ynorning, 10 secure two witnesses to the fight. James W. Bell, of this city, charged Robert Matthews, sixteen years of age, with unlawfully taking a load of straw from a farm in the township of Kinston, which he had bought from the executors of the Matthews' es | tate. D. M. McIntyre appeared for | the accused. The matter is simply a misanderstanding as to gn asreement., wil! he adjusted on Wednesdav, | the executors will be summoned simply acting under in and when The structions. boy was BOXERS REPULSED. ay EAS ARE. Smooth Out the Wrinkles From Our Daily Troubles and Invigorates. Prices $1, 70c., 60c., 50c. and 40c. per 1b. At Your Grocers. WHERE TO BUY PERFECTLY TAILORED Suits and Overcoats GROSVENUR OVERCOATS styles, $8, $10, $12.50. OUR. DUNDONALD SVITS in fine Tweeds, Worsteds and Serges, perfect beauties, $8, $10, $12, $13. $14, $15. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., One Price Clothing House, Oak Hall. in newest er -- BRONCHITIS, the fore- runner of Consumption, is cured by using (bridge -----In successful use for over 28 years.---- Prepared by W. T. OwBrIDGE, HULL, ENGLAND At all druggists, price 35 cents and 75 cents. "1 have given it for severe asthma and bron-hial affections, combinad with much coughing, and it has imm ediately given®r. lif, when all other remedies have failed." Charles F. For shaw, D.D.S., Bradford. LANGTRY AT "THE GARRICK." | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. To Put on Four-Act-Play Written Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By By Herself. Reporters On Their Rounds. Chocolate drops 10c. pound. Creams 0c. pound. Peanut candy lUc. pound. Cocoanut candy l(c. pound. Butterscotch 10c. pound. At Mo Laughlin's, 204 Princess street. A butcher's horse became frightened at a Belleville street car on riacess street, this morning, and dashed up against a large window in Sears' hardware store, smashing it. The men of the 1th regiment are somewhat over the delay in an I'heyv crumbling the arrival oi their pay for the nual drill periormed in 1902. will result in thinned say the delay ranks next vear. Saturday afternoon the C.C.M.G. of St. James' church hell their annual Christmas tree entertainment. Games were in lulsed in instead of the cus tomary treat, which was a question ai l* chanse in the opinion of the lit | tle folks. The tree, however, was a { compl te success and all received a { si LANGE | present. Rev. Mr. Savary personated : . iS ANGTR = L s 1 r 18 qul.e Summary Action Follows Raid on New York, Dec. 20.--To night sees | ania laus, at which he is quice an . + . adept, City. changes of bills at a half dozen of the n Whir dose. ast tire of good \itoria, B Dec, 29. According | Broadway houses, but the interest o ! vords for Di. Rarnardo's homes in to auvies revived hy the steamer | Playgoers centers chiefly on the Gar- | po land. This year this chicfest of Tartar, the Boxer ri<ings in Sze Chu rick, where Mrs. Langtry begins her | philanthroy i sts has 6,200 boys an l an continue and another attack was | "Ngagement in "The Crossways, els under hi: care. No other society made on Chenrtu in November. four-act play. written by herself and ! in Engand has over 1,000 dependent While some of the rebels battered tpe H. Manners My. Lanutry's on ! chi'dren. The, Farnardo, homes rescue gates another boav surprised the out gagement In New York will last only from the streets sizty waifs per week, or fortress, but the soldices fought | three weeks and she will then ~tart on nd the doctor's emphatic verdict, af desperately. and ultimately de sted a tour of the leading cities. jo an Xperitn among poor child the Boxers, kilhng many and cantur- EE ren that must be uni jue, is that "no i : > Wall Street's Safe Policy. [ % Le, H ins some. [ one is hopelessly handi apped by his Had tle fort been captured by the New York, Dee. 27 Three months {000 GiGons." That is a message 3overs the itv would have been at | of persistent and severe liquidation of hope well worth remembering. The the merey of the invaders, have exerted a sharp sobering effect In 20 ox enditure iss enormous, and The captites were tortured and from | Wall stres Enterprise thi would in spite of giits as high as £300 or informadd«n obtained several «itizens readily i been underwritten several | £1,000 ia h, the vear closes with an were arrested, charged with boing in times over could not now obtain overdraft of £16,000, leagne with the rebels. All were be. | heaving. The conviction that a halt headed. : is necessary in financial operatic . New Year's At The Y.M-C.A. Jefore the execution a mess ar- | and that a thorough tal ng of sto {| Every citien who loves to help s » patient 8 " < of ; rived from the Boxers, demmn line gr the | must be patiently ie n heeds ee his | young men onght to go to the Y.M. release of the prisons The messen the striking features of too ST \n (CA. concert, New Year's evening. A cor was 'hon:ed in a ultra-conservative mood, which began sulendid diay of Holy Land Views near the we : w here ree it ¢ x os os | bv sterennican light. Epch view ., ex- S were most freely nd sperm | Ad eve witness, Proceeds to e t hoid Fever. 1 . | plained by an Died Of Typhoi F e . ated through all the : until the help entertain young men during win- Montreal, Dee 14.-- In Hopkins, <mallest operator is pi of his con ftor o vg Ti kets on sale at Tay- : : § er ey : superiniendent of the Montreal Ma: | servatism. We have had a drop of lor's store and Uglow's, at 13¢ tend Hostal, is dead of tvphotl, | twenty to thirty points in a majority «acl after a sh illntss. He was a man of orl securities: severe liquidation | of about 'twenty-five vear and onl hns taken place without disaster; our : : + ; Vig et nnd treat «pupil graduated fir rom McGill last vear, with | debt abroad been niaterially ! Eh ual i J ha y , 3 : i ; b % ol of St. or hi_h ho norg in 2 ects, He bee Lduesd financial tion t pn : : an} la She NB Is <x than ix months eh e pl aid uesday night Tha nothened « (hwin te, the fact that in | axte Veal 1 1 take place without the Sunday school rooms have been Killed On The Railway disastor ie retharkabl w liouna inadequate to accommodate all Potert oro, Ont I 20 Willing sonndaess of the country's trade and Lah desired to attend it was thought a deai : Hed on ihe | jogusiry outside of Wall street wld able to en:aze the city hall thi 1 of here this -- | venr. Tea will be served to the chil ing on the track | pg; George W. Ros address dren en a concert wll afterwards he tr hy { eld . Ower nn, and fg n go n. and | Oh Le 'r_cabin-t speakers witl| Hard ar soft corns cured with three was twenty six {f as North Notfols #nd North | applications of Peck's Corn Salve, 15c. leaves z wife and at Wade's. -

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