Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1902, p. 5

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THR DAILY WHIG, . SATURDAY. DECEMBER 27 For consumption, bronchitis, weak lungs, and throat troubles, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is unequalled. It is pleasant to take and agrees with thc stomach. It is a combination of healin; Petroleum,.nerve-strengthen ing and tissue-making hypo phosphites, and other cura tive agents well known to physicians. Angier's. Petro- leum Emulsion heals diseased membranes, allays irritation and inflammation, improves nutrition, regulates the stom- ach and bowels, and relieves diarrhea and night sweats. I was told by three doce rs that I had quick cou. sumption. Angier's roleum Emulsion was pre- scribed and agreed with me perfectly. Within six months 1 had gaiued fifty nine pounds in weight, My cough was cured, and | hay no more night sweats or hemorrhages. v in perfect health. B. H. Walton, Medford, Angier's Petroleum Emu) everywhere. Remember a on is sold by druggists name and insist on getting Angler's. Largesize, $1.00. Small, soc. ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOSTON, MASSACHUBKETTS, U.S.A. Rubber Talk Are you need of e have them from 50c. in a wranteed quality. Good Hot Water Bottles, from | $1 to $2, according to size and quality. Hot Water Bottle combinations from $1.50 to $2.25 each. When you think of purchasing anything in the Rubber Line con- sult ww HOAG The Up-town Druggist, Oppos- ite Y.M. C. A. SPECIAL SALE OF Watches, and Clocks, Sterling Novelties and Ebony Goods, Pearl Crescents, Pearl and Diamond Pen- Jewellery est designs, also French " Perfume. I have a few of those special Silver Case Watches, with El- gin and Waltham move- ments, at $8, also Gold Filled Cases, with Elgin and Waltham movements + at $12. SHL EY, JEWELER a OPT ICIAN, 165 PRINCESS ST. SPECIALTIES FOR CHRISTMAS : Saguenay Salmon. Chinook Salmon. Malpecque Shell Oysters. Blue Point Shell Oysters. Shell Clams. Fresh Lobsters. Turkeys. Geese. Canned Oysters and Bulk Oys- ters of all varieties. DOMINIGN FISH GO0., 63 BROCK STREET. _'Phone 520. _Q TT OS OR ag - Foronto. Miss Minnie Boyd, and her Y X brother, stenographers in Toronto, are in the city visiting their parents, Brock street. Miss Consgreen, a gra ; . duate, and stenographer with T. Ea : The I Gift to buy on & Co., Toronto. is visiting in the is something useful. We have | - i Miss J, Cu a oraduate, them :--Decorated Agate Tea and a ion as Coffee Pots, Cream Jugs, Butter ' ind apher with R Dishes, Cuspadores, and many - .. Toronto. Three excel things too numerous to mention. < To niltle is hrs Bre Give us a call-no trouble to 5 zivee 0) th coneqe oy how goo , few davs, but recommen LL ds. 2 dations could not he made for lack of X i raduatoes Taylor & Hamilton iy" © Cg ol on oo Smt, Jo > 4 \ next, and the prospec a Tinsmithing, Plumbing, Gas > ae the Too a Fitting and Hot Water Heating Over a Siisiter Ince. lis X of large there promptly attended to. 'Phone . Harris Lipman} 1 418. i ! A oy ten A Ue " excelent position mn -------- em meen v Liv. and reports good ad - wi to shine in th glit w ber- | vancement. H. Iver has secured a po- Pies red i 1 wher ihr when the const wae clegr sition as. stenographer with MeDon- / { hit ained that her dear lips mine J nell. McMaste wary, Toronto. \ ouch 'neath the Ale ander Me orks head hook > per for the DeLano Oshorne Engi i i I must take the hitter pill . ii . Is hereby given the public that tently sit and puncl 17 company, Toronto, is in this I purpose making it warm for all ' | fe no kissmg--for stletoe ' spending his holidays with his persons using my coal next win- biais vne ane A half buncl parents ter. Your order is solicited G 1 Daught f i . . 3 a er Of A King. 'iy ' : . Ba an g ill Make A Good Reeve. Fl iy Wis amve an of The indications are that Councillor 1 oc how well th Richard Haider itt be th + . -- Xi hts 1 act when Ah nrg aren will the next reeve dof Cs : Portsmouth. His fr Is" are push 55-57 Barrack §t. he ar xy a Su the he 3 ei, « y he Lo deser g of the honor he ENTS : i 1 I. eks. of filling the chair of th : : His course the council a In Real Estate, ol board has been marked bywis Mining and Oil Stocks dom and good judgment SEE GEO. CLIFF, Potatoes, butter, eggs, sweet and | Potatoes, butter, eggs, sweet gider Crawford's. 115 Brock Street. family | Silver | dants, all newest and lat- | THE BRITISH NAVY. Better Training of Officers--Great- er Efficiency. London, Dec. 24.--Lord Selborne. first lord oi the admiralty, 'has issued a long memorandum detailing import INGALE'S GRASP DAMAGE DONE TO SHIPPING AND PROPERTY. ant reforms in the British naval ser- Streets of Copenhagen Are Closed | ice, which have been decided upon to Traffic--Houses and Mills {by the almivalty. 'ihe changes, which and Factories Destroyed. are sweeping, if not revolutionary, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec ~The} 2 professional standpoint, be worst gale f many v ars visited Dern come operative in July, 1903, s » J Ve sited l= h E 0 iF * > eh Lord Selborne opens the memoran wark Christmas night and yesterday dum with an interesting essay on the and has done enormous damage to chances that Rare verte Kea the gaval { property and shipping. > TIhhto Vv > {F op boit B \ ked off § Service and naval condition, since the oats 2 phe vrech ) Y Bh El ote 2 2 1 ot 3 on hl off § introduction of steam and electricity, ownal 8 hi persons Were | with special reference to the extraor- Elev hn : } ow. includ dinary progress in the past ufteen © "even nen ol the crew, including fyvears; which have now brought the 'aptain Toblasen, were drowned in » r3t30 oF} Wats a th rock of the Nor 3 NI navy to a critical period in its de o ors > yg barque G. velopment. He says that to mect the S. Penry . ant ashore Se ) ? i A The oy a em 2 igh AL Seuw changes in the material of the ficet hon ey e a total wreck and | 5 change in the personnel is required. ner cargo is washing ashore. Only one In the old days it sutliced, he adds, if of her crew was saved. a natal officer were a sonman, How, Telegraphic and railroad services Le must be a seaman, soldier, engineer have been interrupted and delaved. It | und a man of svicuce also. Ullicers of is unsafe to walk the streets of Cop- | the navv have never borne a ater enhagen owing to falling tiles, ete. responsibility than at present. Theit J Sowe steeets were closed to trafic tg task will he impossible unless they avert this danger. The hospital re keep abreast of the scientific, intelloe ports show that several persons were | tual and practical progress of the age. killed and many sustained injuries in | There is danger lest insufficient im- the city. The pillars holding up the | portance be attoched to study and the overhead trolley lines were blown thest value of what is called | practical down and the street car service was | character be placed hicher than it de stopped, Many houses have been un- | serves. : i roofed and some mills and factories With the view to evolving the high { have been partly destroved. est type of naval oflicer it has been The water in the sound rose sudden- | decided to revise the methods of edu | I : . 1: * : s Yel {> nearly hich as it did in the cation. Hitherto the conditions have creat flood of 187 Several ships | been anomalous. The three classes of {dragued their gnchors and collided or {combatant ollicers, executives, en-' | were sunk in the outer harbor. The | cincers, and marines, entered the ser- | ferry service between the Damish is. vice under different conditions and | lands and Sweden has been forced to underwent different training. The exe- stop. The gale was accompanied by | cutive officers have not been taught | thunder and lighting. the use of machinery, engineers have { tn not bes taught v chkeeping or na | SOLDIERS WITHOUT TRADES. | ication. and mar nes have been so educated as to he positively useless [In a Quandary Over Discharged |afloat. | Men. These anomalies will disappear. | - s : There we ¢ syste supply of London, Dec. 27.--There is an im There will he one systen of pp of : a 2 1 oadets fn svster fa ys : portant lesson for the war office in taps, On atom Po nn ho -- the crowd of applicanis who daily System iT I re 3 vii fie y | clamor for Wor k at the pre ices of vears a ri or tz all a The ! same | the National Assodntion for the Bp. fUUISe Which 1w speciiied gu the ne | ilovina . Lc iGice : 3 morandum: At the end 'of the course ployment of Reservists, Victoria | | \ re cach cadet will become a sub-heuten street, Westminster, t 1 ni titl t \ ; ! . an ant Wii he n ie Se In | Hardly more than one or two in al® ne wv ® eu DL uagose Gund : which branch of the service he wil wndred of these unhappy people have ' i i . UY 4 specialize. I hereafter his educational {even the rudiments. of a trade bv "Hi 1 hic) . : - | : : career will he prolonged considerably {which to maintain themselves in civi- i i . | Later the present distinction of the en { lan life] This, rather than the scarci- J 31 SE naad | ty of work, troubles th flicials -f gineers will vanish and they will rank i tor S the chads Ol | pg executive officers and wear the [t 1e association. Lip . sof Cant. Willd } same uniforms as the latter. Officers of | es i ARN an, > verelary, gave jnparines will be utilized for executive | ec nelny proo rv eATCINeSS . <1 t of the eagern ©! } quties while at sea. | employers to come to the rescue of i men who have done their share of the | fighting. Budget From Bath. { While there is a strong partiality for Bath, Dec. 26. A very enjovable seeking labor, the almost invariable LEG hog tt a \t -- tect demand is for men who possess a programme of recite ion speeches { for-knowledge, however small, of sid choruses ay exceik ntly rendered. {some form of craitsmanship. Of mere th 38 _%hn toow pany nm the neo | Inborers there are ten applicants for | STE and the teachers. Miss Rouse | rR ; 1 Fi, and Mr. Hutchinson, who instructed {one vacancy, while work for men with "them, deserve praise for their work [2 trade is a 'tually hy he chairman, Roscoe Cogtyn, also { A London firm wrote: "Send us two | jC raise for his able re men with some slicht knowledee of Ae a Bre IaRagy | engineering to work as fitters' labor Mah . Thr Yio programme, 2 Eo ors," but out of 180 gpplicants that 4 iy Cae ry a san | dav not one had the necessary gualiii- "hich aE vouch hy 3 iam Tackett, cation. : : . | The clock was unveiled by Miss Avles | In view of these facts the theory is worth. A very touching address. was strongly entertained that the authori then deliverad hiv. Mr Dea lion al ties should institute n sort of appren- {ied hy "For He's a dolly Good | tice system in the army. so that men} oon fendered hy ho school A mizht acquire an elementary knowl Yoté of thirhs was given the chair {edge of a trade, for the difierence he an . f 2 . [ tween a totally unskilled laborer and i formee- citizens spent Christ one even slightly skilled is enor mas here with friends : William Bain, mous, . dof Bobeaveeon, and John Bain, of | (There is another point the war of: Wylie Island, at Thomas Bains; Ei fice micht reconsider. The re "nest Shepherd, from Gananogue, at {scale of merit runs as follows: Adam Johnson's: Mr. and Mrs. Rich lary, very good, good, ard Green, of Athens, at Mrs. S {vnt, bad." To these six d Hloole's: Frank McKenty, of McGill ed that of "latterly better." but onlv] (College. Montreal, at FE. McKentv's | associations in which charity pre ir.d Avlesworth, of Queen's Colle nates concern themselves «with at James Avlesworth's; at Dr. Nash's falling under the final categori s. v number of his sons and daughtors | pent Christmas with him; Mrs. Nash and Miss Almada Howard at Thoma Howard's; Mr. and Mrs, John Arm | | strong spent Christmas with friends in Ne swhurgh: Mrs. William Topliti and | i with frirnds in Glenve Mr Charles John-on and-- Mis. | Chambers, at Witham: Cham | Chambers, P.O. George Davy | and Mrs William H. Hall are on the | sick list. The Methodist Sunday s hoot | chool concert was g suceess. The sum | of SIN was realized. Business College Notes. Erwin, a student of the col le as been appointed book-keeper Sharbot graduate, ther company < A. Jamison, d a good position as steno erapher with the Canada Rubber Co., lun at a for a | sour apples, sweet cider," Crawford's. L Ler, whe is il DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day life -- What the People Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Potatoes, best quality roll and print butter. Crawford's. John Blackhurst, shoe merchant, Lindsay, is Visiting in town. H. Peel, 209 University avenue, has gone to Toranto to spend a week with relatives. Hard or soft corns cured with three applications of Peck"s Corn Salve, 15c. at Wade's. Thomas Allen, and Robert Massie and wife, Ottawa, are the guests of W. Allen, Clergy street. Mrs. Roderick Mackenzie, Bank of Montreal, entertained at a jolly din- ner on Christmas night, H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. Orders re ceived at McAulev's hookstore. The dance, to have taken place at the bicycle club rooms on monday evening, has been indefinitely post- poned. Leonard Williams and sister, Grace, have returned to their home in Toron- to, after a week's visit with friends in Kingston. Councillors Kennedy, McCammon, and Simmonds intend standing for re- election in Portsmouth, in the coming municipal elections, At Mullins' 4 Ibs. choice mixed candy, 25c., 1 large can peaches, 10c. 1 can blue plums, 10c., 2 tins rasp- berries, 25c., 2 tins strawberries, 25¢. Dr. A. Walter Jones, formerly of this city. and a graduate of Queen's, practicing in Akron, Ohio, brother of Mrs. William Drury, will be married on December 30th to Miss Vida Win- serter, a lady of that place. The members of the Flower Misdon have arranged their annual treat for the inmates of the General Hospital for Mondav evening. Merchants and others who contributed are invited to Le present. Those desiring to add gifts Le may send them to the hospital COMPLETE IDENTIFICATION. One of The Killed in South Africa Was a Kingstonian. In January last the Whig the information that Trooper Charles Hooper, $i, of the 2nd Imperial Licht Horse, was killed in action at Vischgat, South Africa, November 11, 1901. From acts stated in the letter of the record oflice, discharge depot, from Cape Town, the Hon. William Harty haa reasons for suspecting that Charles Hooper and Vere formerly a resident of this were one and the person, William Harty communicated his to Sir Frederick Borden, of militia, withe a request he wold ask the British war to institute up close and rigid in ration: p= to identification marks that might be found on Trooper Hoop er's body. In September the sent to the minister of militia idavit from T William of the 2nd Light which after aaditional investication. established beyond doubt the identi tv of Charles Hooper and Vere Hoop- as one and the same person. Th minister of militia having become fully published Trooper Hooper, city, Hon. suspicions minister that offic vest same oflice an af Walters, Horse, war Yooper Imperial or ied of this ordered the pavment to Mrs. Vere Hooper, of this city, of or i and back pay due her husband at the time of his death, and as his al representative oned receipts for the money on Saturday last. - BURIED THE WRONG MAN. Identified Body as That of Her Husband. A strange story comes from Barrie. 'wo months ago a man was mangled railwav vards at tele > whose people | ht it 'was her to Winnij and four certain were brougd interred darriv. A d decease in the From a home a lac Barrie thou She went body "hy in a fatality Winnipeg. sraphed in hushand. identified marks, and hack to {'ookstown brother of the suppost who thought it was a ease of. Bis aken identity, had advertisemencs | d inthe Winnipee papers, vith the res that the husband turned up alive and we kad ex pended S300 ia burying Is¢'s husband. A few days later a l not deseription ive the the On cel remains and near an, 1 ult some, one 'h ladv, applied | Fren who speak English, escort to ve the body There was objection to but an o of the law har request. She wanted to in it the identification of the corpse vould permit her to marrv again was much ased to hear that it would. The c was by to the | mi . but the gnch atter her riosity had been «ati hurried wav withéut 1 ing anv informa ti with regard he corpse or h eli \nd he unknown man still Wise Willie. anta Claus only comes t , if he believes all he Ste is good, den he's as Dr. B«l h aryived here this kis fa- BOYS, DON'T LOAF. w ~ The Front Requires To Go To Husthing. Hamilton Times. Don't loaf, boys. There's very little fun in killing time in thar way. It is not likely to improve you in mind, body or pocket. It does not make you friends: it does not help to a realiza- tion of the seripusness of life, or aid you in grasping opportunities, The man looking for a bright lad to put into a position of trust, where there is a future of promotion does not hunt for him among the groups on the street corners, " It does mot help to good habits, either. Your mind'is not much im- proved, and your morals are exposed to contamination. There are so many better ways of | spending oda hours, too. Has it ever occurred to vou that who have risen to positions of honor gnd wealth did not do so by loafing * They hustled. Some of them had very little chance in the way of schooling, having to begin early the battle with the woli; some" of them had their other handicaps. While fellows were "out gang' they were preparing for things. The money others "blew" in cigar smoke or swallowed in beer, they put toward qualifying themselves to earn more, to occupy better posi- tions, to command the confidence and respect of employers While others railed at "capitalists," and complained of having "no show," they laid in a capital in the shape of capacity. They bought books and studied them; they obtainea a knowledge of men and things; they stored their minds with information that was to make them us 1 to oth- ers, that was to make their future. They realized that knowledge is pow- They attained power. Of course they missed many hours of a certain kind of fun. Two hours a night, three nights a week, devoted to a well-mapped course of study, looks hard, doesn't it ? But they grew to like it; there were difficulties to be got over, but in getting over them they felt the joy of the victor, and every obstacle surmounted made the task The world became larger their minds expanded; their am fired, their ability to do course the fellow loafing on He] street had some advantages. The stu dent could not hope to carry a dga- rette with the same grace and hateur or squirt tobacco juice with the same unerring aim at an object ten feet dis- tant. He could not discuss the latest prize ficht in the same picturesque slang or with the fellow on the corn- r. He could not hope to be an expert at craps or a connoisseur of drinks. You see, he was a "mere bookworm." But the man who wanted somebody to fill a good position didn't mind the hookishness at all. He wanted charac brains, ambition, ecntlemanliness, executive capacity: and he saw them in the student fellow. The student fel- self-education was not in vain. and the men with the .and associates. easier. to them; bition was 'S was incre Sed low's The employer's eve was on him, the, employer was not slow to see that the » outh aimed high and meant to deserve ga success; he was not only He intlu- in his with he was able to do. the broadening was visible time-server, willing to do: intelligent; of his study work. He was not a one eve on his boss and the other the clock. He did his duty, and made the interests of the business his own. These were the secrets his success, He didn't loaf in his boyhood: he didn't loaf in his manhood: he did not complain that the world denied him a chance. DEFENDS APPOINTMENT. was ence on of Refers to John F. Power's Excel- lent Record. "A Catholic ten to the press severely « has writ Ratepayer riticising the better | Is a shower bath of this des- If, however, it does happen, telephone us and we will Fill vo it quickly and well. = cription. McKELVEY & BIRCH, PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS, 69 AND 71 BROCK STREET. PLUMBING DEPARTMENT PHONE 581. Warm Slippers, Warm Boots, Warm Overshoes, Overgaiters and Rubbers A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR. Skating Boots For Ladies, Boys and Men. ALL PRICES AND STYLES. Kant [rack Rubbers "IKUNKS and VALISES. ABERNETHY'S. For your Christmas Purchases 20 to SALE OF TABL ES. A' GREAT REDUCTION ON A FEW THAT WERE LEFT FROM CHRISTMAS. 5 of Solid Quartered Oak Polished Tables, ONLY $1.50, regular $2.50. 8 of Solid Quartered Oak Polished Tables, ONLY $2, regular §;. 3 Golden Oak Finished Extensions, ONLY $5.50, regular $7. Buy quick as there is a limited number. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker. TELEPHONE 147 A. Wishing You a Merry Christmas CHOCOLATES Superior quality, asscrted flavors, 20c. per pound or 3 pounds for 5OcC. Our joc. line is a winner. Three pounds for 75¢. A. J. REES. Princess Sf, Terre ---------------- Ie IT IN THE WORLD (Golisioste appointment of John FF. Power, of | = ) R cto ran Simeoe, as one of the parate school | Fa i : i p inspectors. The complaint infers that | fe \ the only qualification Power had was i HW : : «lationship with the m nis ster of edu E A coc OR COUGH AND INFLUENTA. cation. The relationship js rather dis CUR = PREVENTS PNEUMON : eve M ), er having mar- | a tant, how , 3 Powe phy FAs ai Slocu's COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT is a bland, soothing, curative ried a cousin of Mr arco «7 8 | sreparation, that stops all tickling, hacking and itation of the throat and matter of fact said the minster, | jronchial tub " by all druggists Price 25¢ Always ask for ySlo- when speaking to the Toronto Tele- | cum's COLTSFOOTE XPECTORANT and vou will get it. oram "this has been a drawback, but | The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co., Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto. his scholastic qualifications were such | that he could not be overlooked. He i = mr = A -------------------- crue holds a prof: sso) Second and first | QUEEN'S CHRISTMAS GIFT. DIFFICULTY SOLVED, class certificate, a head masters cer: | icate andthe rt of M.3. rom | Given a Dinner, Also Food and Pastoral Gown Controversy in Queen's University. He has el y ee | Clothing. Ottawa Church Solved. ears' ext mee in separate schoo gi : ro are In ui nN chool worl | London, Dec. 27.--Hundreds of wo Ottawa, Dec. 27.--The pastoral \ ' Je re in Collegiate Institute] pen and children -widows and orphans | pon question at the Dominion Met! § « s ears yey ne » | . 1 i : " . . hip! id has met with the highest | ol British soldiers who fell in the re o'list church, which has been son Sn ndutic 5 | cent war in South Africa- were made ! (hat of a controversial character, h, ) enaa mes, - ¢ + Talim | clad to-day the thouchtiul generos- | heen settled. The ladies of the con Lity of Queen Alexandra. In response to | oregation who first started the mov Panic In A Street Car. No. 2i car was speeding down A= Alfred street yesterday afternoon, at about 3.30 o'clock, a mass of flame <uddenly made its appearance on the front platform. 'This very paturally alarmea the eight or ten passenger who occupied the car, particularly, as the motorman and a couple of com panions rushed irom the front to the rear platform and out into the snow, The passengers were not slow to fol ow suit, and the stampede became ge reral. A Portsmouth gentleman was in such a hurry that he left a siuall hand-bag and part of his clothing be Find him. Two young ladies, also from 1 in the anxiety to escape. loft several parcels behind them, and in their ficht fell over a well known Ie gal gentleman, mm i the | } to < ne, whi h was found later on on The fire went .out and order <tored. The sev 1 passengers slip i i in the dark to their seats, and as lichts were turned on, tried to look a if they had never left then The fraud was ton transparent, how ever, the changes were too great It was necessary to transfer the passeng ers to anotl car and thev went on their wav rejoicing at their miracnl ous escape and highly pliased with their courage. ¢ Laid To Rest. [he funeral of > ( K \ o'yl t ar nature. " rvi Rev. Gi. 1 arr Rockwood hospita remains were placed in t wal t Cataraqui cemetery Many xe 1 floral tributes were laid upon et by sorrowing friends. | the proclamation announcing the | Lent, could not agree, consequently a queens intention, the bereaved, many | jew gentlemen friends of Rev. Dr. Rose | in desperately poor drenmstances, ga- | sprang un surprise upon him on Christ- | thered for a free Chiistmas dinner, | ha¢, by presenting him with a beauti- and after they had eaten theie fill weve 4 ful gown, and he wore it at that «ent ho laden with package "om | avs service, The congregation pres- taining faod and dothine, The dinner | oy warnlv approved of the changs was viven at the Alexandra Trust Re taurant, of vhich the queen is presi Mountain Grove Tidings, dent, und wl BH was mnded in March Mountain Grove, Dec. 26.-- The an- Im, by Sir Thomas Lipton for 16 j wil Cha tas entertainment was | henefit-of th During the largely attended, the proceeds am- noon, ti ia escorted hy ountine to 810. J. W. Lgidley is I | lin upon i! or spending some months in den pnd laren predent, | Manitoba, Rev. W. H. and Mss. -- {t liike have gone to Kinmount for ** Keep Your Stomach in Good { the holidays, Misses Minnie and Gertio Worki Order. | Mebona are spending Christmas in | nd v | health will take Tweed. Mise Mabel Gates has been en- i This ix the advice of | gaged to teach school section No. 1 " tomach | for nexty year Miss Jessie Kennedy ; the. ad- | has goné to resume her studies at ir. Yon = Stan' wm high sc hool Her sister, s a wonder work- | tta Kennedy, is re engaged to er in all phas i stomach disorders | teach Williamsville school. Miss Tillie from the little "ferment after cating Coulter leaves soon to take charge of to the chronic dyspepsia. Sold by | Desert Lake school. The infant child Henry Wade aud H. B. Taylor.- {of John Uens died on Friday, the { 19th. On Wednesdav, at the parson : age, a double wedding took place +The One Thing Needful. 5 Frneet Walker, Godirey, and Mi E Mc Ii you wapt to live to a green old | winber, Wagerville; and Arthur Har age, take care to keep your blood | tin. Long Lake, and Miss Shellington, pure imp wverished blood is accounts | wire married at the same time. Visit able for early all bodily ills. Take | Percy Abbott. of the Kingston | Wade's Iron Toni Pills ' and you will | business College, at home: Miss Mag find your -heglth henefited, your blood gie Kennedy, Cole Lake.eut H. God purified and nerves strengthened. 89 |i uy's; Rev. C. A. and Mrs. Fox and pills for 25¢..7at Wade's. t Walton Fox. Westport. at C. G. Fox's: ere eee €. Este Newburgh, at S. Abbott's; i LAT h, at | Ross Butterill at J. Butterill's; Mrs fold nara ; i h Chaw- | McGowan, Chicago, at John Arw- to Mis Emma Wood, both of | #trong s. : Picton. Herman Harrison, Cressy of . - ficinted as best man and Miss Eunice Try our antiseptic tooth paste in collapsable tubes, lUc. [srorm : {van of Ross Hall, wade a charming Mcleod's drug | bridesmaid

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