Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1902, p. 1

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69TH YEAR. FA"SY FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. See our Tea Curets, $1.50 and ee our Fancy Rattan Chairs, $2, 245. 25, $3.50, and up See our Fancy 'Morris Chairs, $4.50, 3 up. See our Fancy Cake Stands. Bee our Fancy Gentlemen's Chiffoniers, $7.50, $8.50 and up. See our Fancy Ladies' Desks, $3.50, $4.50, $6.50 and up. All Christmas Goods sold at Special Low Prices. Robt. J. Reid, Two Doors Above Opera House. Ambulance Call 577. Princess St. KINGSTON COVERED RINK Office opened for the sale of season tickets. A season ticket will bo the best 'Xmas box you can get for vour boy or girl. SEASON RATES Gentlemen (Single)... w we eo. $4.00 Lady's (Single) .... .... 8.00 Children under 12 years a 2.00 Family of 2 ...... 6.00 Family of 8 7.00 Family of 4 or 5 . . 8.00 Family of 6 to 10 : 10.00 W. E. BONTER, H. W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Secretary-Treasurer. N.B.--Those wishing to secure good lockers should apply early. "OUR SMALL HAND COLORED PICTURES (OUR OWN COLORING) Are particularly suitable for wedding and birthday giits. It will he a pleasure to show them to you. KIRKPATRICK'S ART STGRE. This is St. John's dg day. us Bi hoy James Sunday and sets at + a.m... and sets at 4:31 p.m LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Mayoralty vouunations, 10 am, Mon- > Caste," Grand opera houSe, 8 p.m. Saturday Township and village nominations on Monday at noon. Aldermanic noiinations, at noon in the different wards It takes a strong corporation to throw bridge across a river. + Soap dirt cheap,' is the way a Kansas grocer advert it Neier judge a woman's mind by the what 1s a hiss? A" thang ot two address. 1s St school, 3 Sunday Sunday at T+ am, \ Monday at 7:34 tie it take her to make it up but much The sun ri The advertising appropriations for Vim tins, Green Mountain remedy and Bogoto Tofiee ure to be greatly increas- ed next year It is predicted that the cigarette will he extinct in ten years, And by that time a smoke it will be extinct also. good many of the boys who CHINA. | We are still showing a full line of handsome goods. Can suit any taste. inner Sets Nice sets of g7 pieces, stippled handles, for 55.50. ..ROBERTSON BROS..|: A FEW CHOICE OVERCOKTINGS LEFT. Prices Right. § onawro & wats, TAILORS § & WALSH, TAILORS : NEW LAUNDRY. 1 HAVE STARTED A LAUNDRY A~ency at 358 King street. Parcels col- lected on Monday and Tuesday and de- livered on Friday and Saturday. Rates reasonable Delivery prompt. If you want the best work, give me a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. A. J. LOVE, "iat nety. lesson term. We do not KINGSTON & BATH ROAD CO. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders will be held at the office of Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, On- tario street, ON MONDAY, the 5th January, 1903, at 11 o'clock, in the morning. R. V. ROGERS Act ing-Sed retary Kingston, Dec. 20th, 1902. CAPILLI FORMA POSITIVE HAIR PRODUCER AND ugrve tonic, cures headache, neuralgia, dandruff and eczema, sold during the holidays for fifty cents per bottle at Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors, 166 Princess Street, Kingston. WANTED. A CHAMBERMAID. APPLY AT HO- tel Congress. ee ---------- A SMART BOY FOR AN OFFICE AP- ply through Whig INVESTORS FOR REAL ESTATE, Debentures and bonds. J. 8. R. Mc Cann, 51 Brock street. 5 BOYS, FOR. STEADY WORK AY- ply to Gould's factory. Smith St. 1 opposite THO Princess St. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTRIBU- ters, everywhere No canvassing Good pay. Cooperative Adv. Co N.X¥. either sexy two st Bld Chicago AT No 4; Township of Hinchinbrooke Apily to Geo. Buttenill Secretary + Cole Lake ee -------------------------- QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR No. 1} township of Olden preferred Apply. stating lar) CxJreTIe! Mcl ean Adu ngton Cour ty Or ssist in store 1 STRONG INTHLLIGENT BOY. ABO! 1. ' X no anly those w ¢ to work \ « 83 a week as eee eee $15 PER 1000 COPYING AT HOME ps for particu- lars Twain Novelty Co, Omaha GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLAS 8 TACHER HOLDING A THIRD Class. Certificate for School Section is TRE TO-NIGHT George 1. Brennan's revival of TW Robertson's classic English couniedy CASTE. Gorgeous costumes, artistic scenic effects, company made up of such well- known stars as Mary Scott, Robert V Ferguson, Countess de Castel Vacchio, and Wm. Hazeltine Prices--Matinee, 23¢c., 85c., 50c. Box seats, 75¢. E young, 25¢c., 50¢., 75¢c., $1. Box seats, $1.50. ' MONDAY. Dec. 29 The play has London's ap; roval -- wonderful Drury Lane success, "THE GREAT RUBY"|: A play of startling climaxes. For two vears this attraction was the unau2stion- ed dramatic triumph of England's capi- tal. An elaborate scenic nroduction. PRICES--25¢., 50c., 75c. ilox seats, Seats now on sale at Hanley's. MANY KILLED. And Quite'a Number In- jured in the Collision NEAR LONDON. PACIFIC EXPRESS CRASHED INTO FREIGHT TRAIN. des, Many of Those Killed Were Pas- ot sengers as Well as Some of the Railway Crew--A Special Train Sent to the Scene of the Asoident, nan extra Fed this morn- ing, a the followi collision, between train No. leit ro an A, late, an east-bound freight tain, occtrred at or near Wanstead, to-night. the meagre pattic ulars to hand' it is bon Biter n or Sateen injured. gineer of the freight and the fireman of the express are among the killed. 'he others killed were passengers A special train ter, ill-fated express. Twenty-Four~Killed. , 2, 10:10 o'clock last cht, at Wanstead, a Suion Sarnia branch of the G. a Seddon collision n . 5, and an east-bound : The express was proceeding west at its usual high rate of speed. wd was to have on the switch at with a frichtiul crash, turning into the ditch. ! and express cars telescoped r, with appalling results. wreck was complete and, it is thought, that hardly a single passenger in the smoker escaped injury. of i the passenger train remained on he s accident occurred word avas sent to this city, jured was then proceeded with. . fireman on engine No. express, are among the killed. [give the oh as Swenty- four "Killed and eighteen wounded. Taking Out Bodies. BIG OFFER! TO INTRODUCE AND ESTABLISH the Peate School of Music to the people of this city and vicinity, the manage- meat offers a $15 MANDOLIN FREE To every scholar who will take a but give the scholar the privilege: of paying as they go along. We will be pleased to w what can be done on the mandolin and explain v- our ofier in all its details. Please call at PEATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Exchange Building, Brock Street Opposite BMcRae's Warehouse. A Few Fine Overcoats and Black Cheviot Suitings Left, which we will sell at close price. Special prices on Dress Suits. ..JOHN TWEDDELL... TAILOR AND IMPORTER. MOTHER HENDRY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT. Will Cure Burns, Frozen Limbs, Cuts, Salt Rbeum, Broken Breasts, Cracked Nipples, Children's Sore lleads, © Boils and Beahog Fingers. PRICE--250. \ SITUATION VACANT. every "HOME WORK KNITTING GIVEN ho strious famili loc ivy. od wages: 'len dollar outfit required. Write Glasgow Woollen ( ompany, Toronto.' ind BOARD. Hoard, aiso table board. May be had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart St ---------------- -------------------- LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO with modern conven- angle roon ences, central, not far irom City and Macdonald Parks Suitable for a partv of irom three to five, 195 Earl strect. ON FRIDAY 'NIGHT. A LADY S S = 27. --T'wentv-four dead and 'eighteen wounded have been { the Wanstead wreck up r o'clock this morning. The injured were taken to Those Injured. both gone home. SarnigsJracture arm and injured chest, : . Ridout street, Lon- . dislocated shoulder, 1 i burns on hoth hands, KINGSTO ONTARIO, L. R. En on ineer . Lond n. g Sarnia Tunnel, and the firemen of Eek engines. Edward Debean, the hospital here. Miss Geddes Sarnia Brockville, died and Mis: Beatrice Ged Barnes, Woodstock. Laren, Watiord. Wanstead. t will Le issued by the To at noon. A Tel egrapher s Mistake. about twenty injure { reached him. understand stead, take resulting in the accident, such a blunder est and most the system, of the Great Cross Montreal, --Supt rintendent McGuigan, G/I.R., says he not in ation to give out the int of killed and injured: in the accident at Wanstead. mformation is that + were killed and thir tut a reliable list has not He savs he cannot the operator at Wan- charged with the mis- made He is one of the old- able telegraphers on having entered the service Western in INTL. It appears he failed to signal give the passages train orders cht at the station. Everything is ns done for the jured. London, Riel sall; Mr. Port ticketted warden Dr. Penwarden's wife; J. H. Brock, Burwell, Port Huron, Wilson Morton, Chicago; Miss 1 Mr. Cameron, Petro- eral bodies still unidenti- Brucefield; Mich; Geddes, lea, Ont. fied. The Official List. Dec. 27.--The follow- ing list of he killed is authentic; Mr and Mrs. tts, © Petrolea: Stewart, Petrole Tunnel; Mrs. Trot- Mr. Lawrence, Watford; Oil Springs, or Hen- Jefirey, London; Glen Roaly, Mich.: A Guy Depencier, lacrosse, Wash: Dr. . Pen- dy supposed to « LEAVE ME MY LIFE." An Irish London, alleged land, was Saturday where man, with the prisoner's coal. home, The Daly, ness for ten, ther's death with his That slept in on kitchen. by shouting in his father The boy clothes as young 3 ing his father, ing on. Then they saw their father dragged over a Tavlor, and heard noise as if Somehody was being struck In the mosning the bay, acting on his mother's directions, field. He there found rody, and his mother with a went his Tats terwards turned then sent instructions happened, was dead. Taylor, and in hi ay eleven, crying, Boy's Tale of His Father's Death. 27. --A strange story of in Queen's county, Ire by a boy of eleven on the Maryborough assizes, his mother, Mary Daly," and a stand charged murder of the female husband, John Daly. Daly lived near the Castlecomer coal mines and earned his living by carting was constantly away absence Taylor, who was 'a small farmer, visited his wife. prisoner 's son, John is the principal wit- the crown, and corroborative evidence is supp lied by hm sister, aged The boy's story, as told to jury, was that on the day of his fa Taylor was in the house mother, and he heard them talking in a low tone near the fire. the bov and his sister He was awakened the vard, and heard 'Leave me my life." girl hurried on their going into the yard saw, declared, Taylor beat- and their mother look- examined it, and breakfast. The children were to the police station not to sav what had just that their father BLOTTING PADS DID IT. -- Device by Which a Fickle Woman Was Caught. 27.--In a divorce case the evidence showed that the Tiand noticed that his wife was writing and receiving a large num- ber of letters. He thereupon filled the inkpot covyving ink and placed a clean blot- the writing table each Paris, heard ting pad day. A collection delity, of blotting pads pro- duced in court proved the lady's infi- and secured a divorce. STRUCK BY SNOW SLIDE. And Only Two of a Dozen Escaped. Ys Dee. ated gnd bruised face internal injuries. Samuel Cummings, Port Huron, | Hattie Northey, VER WATCH Letween Cher trect } Address, stating ol Board, Long lake, Ont per an- previous ex- ° D. W Cronk, Chairman unmarried, bu ter, from general d is Nelson, at the Gi rom here, sleeping end one Only two | bodies are still mi the men escajpn SUCCESSFUL ROBBERS. Dynamited a Bank and Got Away With The Booty. Dee. 27.--The State 'Kan.. has been dyna he { of =1.500 in cash. dug a hole through oe enough to admit then hlew open the steci Superior, bank, mited The robbers stone aped. Neh. and, <t whivh, held the money. They Will Be Hanged Same Day. Ottawa, nent of he Yukon Dec. 27.---The depart 1 from has been ady nd Leave Stage. i% 27.--~Mlle. Z and from with with --A bunk-house mine, about nine wiles in which twelve min rs were struck by a snow slide it was carried awav. Three n recovered and five more Hospital. LAZINESS GERM. FIRST SYMPTOM IS DISINCLI- NATION FOR EXERTION. Known as Ankylostoma--Many Thousands of Parasites Attack Intestines and Death From Loss of Blood Follows. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 27.--A patient at Johns Hopkins oni is said by the physicians there to be suffering from a disease which has, as far as records go, only once before appeared in this state. I he disease is known as ankylostoma, or "lazy disease," end acquires its name from the fact that the most striking visible symptom is an increasing disinclination for phy- sical exertion of any kind and the most extreme lassitude. The authorities at the hospital re- fuse to divulge the name of the pa- tient under treatment, but stated that a brother of the patient recently died from a similar disease. Guided by the facts furnished by a post-mortem ex xamination in the form or case, Superintendent Hud, of the recover. The only ether ease is reported in the Johns Hopkins hospital bulletin, vecently arrived in port from a South day after his a hinission. physicians at the Johns Hopkins hos pital, made at the request of the Bayv- view authoriti paras ites were actively at work, bor and finally producing death. ease is prevalent amon known as the "clay eaters" region. ----------nn WINGED THIEVES. at Manning House. nihan, head waitr house, marauders. On Saturday Miss Monni ve was at length recovered from the roof, the trail. A PANTOMINE Anglesey. Hood." The production was more € lab Boy Blue." In this r final s the marquis gave a Bl Dance, danseuse. The admission to the per formance was free, -------- Present To A Pastor. Christmas entertain: bath school at Sharbot Lake, was ¢ pronoun ed success. Much of the pro chool and was well De Con { spicuons amare the manv presents on the Christi tree was a. coon <kin for the | The pro coat and a pHrse of 8 tor, Rev. Flwosd eds were $6, Notable Scientific Gathering. Washington, D.C... Dee. 27.--Secion i f erica, repre the irom all pa eal, I received by senting chemical, i botanical, teroscop ical, yy "1 ta chological, and Kine in We Horan H. Lee hospital, states that the patient will December, 1901, and was that of an English sailor, who was sent to Bay- view asylum from a vessel which had ern vovage. He was supposed to be culfering from anaemia, gud continued to sink until he died on the eighteenth A post-mortem examination hy the revealed the fact that many thousands of infinitesimal ing into the mucous me .mbrane of the intestines and causing a loss of blood, with resultant lassitude and inertia These parasites, according to the statement of Dr. Hurd, ave especially abundant in certain sections of the Carolinas and Georgia, and the dis- what are of that Two Cunning Ravens Stole Money Windsor, Dec. 27.--Miss Mageie Mon- < at the Manning been missing sundry toilet articles. coins and bric-a-hrac irom ber rooth. Miss Monnihan kept watch on her room for some time, but fail- od to detect the thieves, and finally, though reluctantly, she suspected some of the atiaches of the house. Close watching and careful investigation failed to reveal 'the identity of the han happened to look out upon the roof, not a great distance from the window, and \there saw a number of coins amounting to about $2 and a qety of other vari-colored ohjects which had caught the eyes of two tame crows which Miss Monnihan had been in the habit of feeding from her window. A great quantity of stuff and the sleuths and bloodhounds from the police department were called off Given By The Marquis Of London. Dec. 23.--The eccentric Mar- quis of Anglesey has produced his se- cond annual pantomine at Anglesey Castle, under the title of "Red Riding orate than its predecessor. The only amateur in the cast was the marquis himself, in the character of 'Bonnie + he found scope for his effeminate fondness for displaying jewels. He appeared in the me gleaming with diamonds and other gems. After the pantomine manipulating his draperies with the cleverness of the most skilled Sharbot Lake, Dec. 26.- The annual ent given here on December 23rd, by the Methodist Sab- oramme was given by the pupils of the BR ITISH WH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1902. NEW DISEASE Found In Patient In Balti- MARRIED AT WASHINGTON. Miss Texas Bates Became a Bride. MiSS TEXAS BATE potted pl nts and the musical arrange- commen=urate with the surroundi Mansiield Scudder, Chicage inent army - officers, members of con gr Af western Pennsylvania, where Mr. Me tume. BULLET REVEALS MURDER. Not Killed By Cars. tra bridy would run over it against them. ARE QUITE PLEASED. dles Munroe Doctrine. prospects of arbitration of the Vene ry Seven Frozen To Death. New York, Dec. 27.--Seven men froz for twenty-four hours, says a des Zinnet, Sharpsburg News Of Indian Slaughter. that while a number of Salmon In furs they were attac managed to escape. Destroyed By Fire. cantile estabhshme The loss is unknown, American History Discussed. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 27.--~Histori Houston hall this morning at the ses sions of the American Historical As SOC general i discussion Rebel Makes Attempt. Panama, Dec. 27.--Victoriano Loren the revolutionists, made a sensatiom al attempt to escape from confinement { on board the Colombian cruise bor | gota ves (however, and retun terday to the ship. To Probe Reports Of Plague. h ital service" sauth est nl the seizure of oods i ion | nectivn with a dressmaking bill Washington, D.C., Dec. 27,--A brilli- ant wedding to-day, was that of Miss Texas Bates, daughter of Gen. and Mrs. A. E. Bates, to McKee Dunn Me- Kee. The ceremony was performed at the hands me home of the bride, in '* street. The large parlors and reception rooms of the "house were lavishly decorated with flowers and ments for the ceremony were on scale The bride's attendants "included Mrs. Marlin E. Olnsted, wife of the Penn- svlvanian congressman; Mrs. William Miss Mil- dred Barnes, New York; Miss Henriet- ta Whitney, New Haven: Miss Caro- jan, San Francisco, and Miss Storey, Boston. Lanier McKee acted as his brother's best man. The large recep- tion which followed the marriage cere- mony was attended by scores of prom- and other persons in official life, sa brief wedding trip Mr. aml Mrs. McKee will make their home in Kee has large business interests, The photooraph published above was taken in London, in court presentation cos- Jacob H. Bostick, Lancaster, Pa., Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 27.--The body of Jacob H. Bostick, the Penusvl- vania track walker, found on the two weeks ago, near Bain- :, this country, was exhumed yesterday and a bullet discovered at the base of the brain. 'The murderers had planned to hide their ¢rime by placing the body so that the cars Two men from Co- lumbia, named McCoy and Gutter- man, are under arrest, and the autho- rities claim they have strong evidence Will Watch How Tribunal Han- Berlin, Dee. 27.--The German press expresses general -satisfaction--at the zuelan affair and is curious to see how I'he Hague triounal will award any consideration of the Monroe doctrine. en to death is Pennsylvania's record patch from Philadelphia to the World. The victims are: Matthew ; James H. Coats, Pittsburg; Philip Sohn, Harmanville ; Richard McCann, Sigan Station; Lu cas Falon, Allentown; James H. Han- nigan, York, and Thomas Monaghan. Victoria, B.C., Dec. 27.--The steamer Amur, irom Skaguay, brings news dians were on their way out to sell ked by the Pelly hidians, who recently murdered a store keeper with whom the Salmons were encamped at the time, and al were slaughtered except a few who Vicksburg, "Miss, Dec. 27.--CGlennal len, a village in Washington county, with a populaticn of between 400 and 50 was almost totally destroyed by fire yesterday, only two busidess blocks and an oil mill being saved. Nine mer s were burned. ans and professors of history from many parts of the countrve filled rican history was the zo. the Indian leader who fought with was captured, Washinton, Ik 27. --~TheglUnited LAST EDITION. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont., Dec. 27.--Fresh north- erly winds, fair, lower temperature to= night; Sunday, fine and cold. For the balance of the month we will offer our stock of FURS and MANTLES Cloaks and Jackets, At Big Reductions On former prices. DIED. BRUCK--In Storrington, on Dec. 205th, Lo John F. Bruce, aged 61 years, I'he funeral will leave his late residence, near Latimer, on the Perth Road, on Sunday, Dec. 238th, at ten o'clock a.m. Friends and acquaintances re- spe ctiully invited to attend. § --In Kingston, on December Henry J. Dykes, aged sixty- four years The funeral will leave the residence of Charles Walker, No. 3 Cherry street, Monday morning, at nine o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are re spectiully invited to attend. PERSONAL. USE OUR HARMLESS RE- for delayed or suppressed Menstruation; it cannot fail. Trial free Paris Chemical Co., Mil= waukee, Wis. ° BUSINESS CHANCES. "HOMIZ WORK KNITTING GIVEN honest industrious families, every locality. Good Ten dollar outfit required. Glasgow Woollen Companv, Toronto PIANO FOR SALE. AN UPRIGHT, IN GOOD CONDITION, £150 cash. Apply through Whig office. FOR SALE. CARRIAGE TEAM. Apply to William Murray, auctioneer, Market Square. CAPTAIN MURDERED. Like a Victim of Troubles With Indians. Winnipee, Dec. 27.- News has [ust come in, by runner, from the north, to Selkirk, that the body of Capt. J. Petherill, of Windsor, Ont., employed by the Dominion Fish company, was found murdered in his shanty on Snake Island, Lake Winnipeg. A French fisherman was found insensiblo and half frozen on the floor of the <hanty, covered with blood. - The de- tails to hand are very meagre, but, it is supposed, that the crime was ommitted by Indians or other per- ons having some financial grievance ai theocaptain., Weiorriin Ideal : Fountain Pens The Most Periect. The Most Acceptable. -Plain or Gold Mourted. TNS Our assortment of over a half gross is large enough to suit all writers. A C. JOINSTON & BRO. JEWELERS.

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