Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1902, p. 6

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The Nicest Present For Mother It will please her better than anything else, is a Soap Stone Griddle Ne Smell, No Grease, No Smoke. Suitable for baking anything on, but particularly adfipted for Pan- Cakes. The only place to buy them is W. A. MITCHELL'S HARPWARE Do You Know That HOAG Can Show You a Large and Varied Stock of CHRISTMAS PERFUMES, in bottles," ranging in price from 25c. $2. Webb's and Stewart's CHOCOLATES, in fancy boxes, £1.50 each. MPLITARY HAIR BRUSHES, (Real 1lbony). Ladies' Real Ebony Hair Brushes. In fact we are offering our large stock of Hair Brushes at greatly reduced prices. 4 fancy to CHRISTMAS 25¢. to Your patronage solicited. wv HOAG = The Uptown Druggist, Oppeos- ite Y.M. C. A. Suitable Christmas Gift Fancy Vest, white Dress Vest, Choice Selection at : CRAWFORD & WALSH, TAILORS THROUGH THE HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF GETTING READY FOR CHRIST- mas, remember the 'Old Reliable pork market, 60 Brock St. Here you can get the best assortment of cooked Meats, Sausages, Bacon and Hams, in the city. Always fresh and up-to-date. Special for Christmas--English home- made Mince meat and pure Lard. 'Phone 570. CAPILLI FORMA POSITIVE HAIR PRODUCER AND uurve tonic, cures headache, neuralgia, dafdrufi and eczema, sold during the holidays for fifty cents per bottle at Mme. Elder's Dressmaking Parlors, 166 Princess Street, Kingston. COMMERCIAL. t + MONTREAL STOCKS. ec. dnd Canada Pacific Detroit Detroit ...... Montreal Street Ry. 'Toronto Street Ry Halitax Street Ry. . St. John Street Ry Twin City Transit Rich. & Ont Commercial Cable | 2 Montreal "elegraph Bell Telephone Montreal Power Dominion Steel fare Dominion Steel, Pref. Nova Scotia Steel Dominion Cotton Dominion Coal, .. . Dominion Cotton Merchants' Cotton Canada Col. Cotton .. Montreal Bank . a Union Bank Hochelaga Bank - 000 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Dee. 22nd. OPEN. CLOSE. Union Pacific . "og St. Paul 000 B. R. Transit 00 Sugar 1292 People's Gas 000 S. Steel, 11d. RS Miss. Pacific 1052 Southern Pacific 00 Ont. & Western 00 Western Union 00 Lurie 00 sd Jing 00 1534 ey on Louis & Nash 123; Rock Island a 00 Pennsylvania R. R. 155 Texas & Pacific 00 Atchison oo Baltimore 004 Southern RR 00 «¢ ol. 1. & PF RO Metropolitan 000 Amal. Copper 59% | the ITE 5 PA. EDITION. SECOND 'EDITION NEWS ALSO - ON PAGE.JIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. The Montreal Stock Exchange has re- jected its proposition to create Bye new seats at an upset price of $25, Kingston reduced its water i 33 20 in 1888; 25 per cent. 'in 1890; per cent. in 1895 and 124% per cent. 15 per cent. in 1899, and still runs the works at a nrofit. 'The Grand Trunk ' railway company will apply to parliament for an act anthorizing it to increase the issue of Grand Trunk four per cent. gaaranteed stock, created and authorized to be is- sued by G.T.R: act, 1884, to such an amount as the shareholders may ap- prove. Watson & Todd, Liverpool. well-known British buyers, have secured the 1903 cut of McLachlin Bros' mill at Arnprior. It will aggregate fully 40,000,000 feet, including white and red pine. The cash value of this cut will be fully hali a million dollars. The contract includes all the board lumber to be cut 'at the McLachlin mills next season. Every hoard turned off the saws from the day the mil opens in the spring to the hour it shuts down in the fall will be in- cluded. GODERICH GLIMPSES. A Good Catch of Fish--Death of a Young Man. Goderich, Dec. 20.--There is quite a fleet at the harbor to winter: Steam- er Johnston, schooners Singapore, (formerly of Kingston), Kahahdin and Kolfage, and tugs Evelyn, Dyment; Sea Gull, Sea King, Siebold, Clucas and Wright. Several of the tugs need repairs and the Wright needs some re- pairs done to her machinery and some parts renewed. The tugs Eve- lvn; Sea King and Thistle, after the season's fishing at the Ducks, spent three weeks at Point Pelee and had wonderful luck. The Sea King was commanded by Capt. Robert McKay, of Goderich, whose 'lift' reached 96,- 000 pounds, a pretty successful three weeks' fishing. Capt. Robert McKay is the son of Capt. Daniel McKay, and this was his first season as a cap- tain. The remains of who died in the Kenneth McAuley, hospital at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., on December 14th, arrived here on the 17th for burial. He was a sailor on the steamer Min- eral State, and was injured while pass- ing through the locks. An arm, flying from its place on the steamer, struck him in the arm, inflicting a severe bruise. The arm had to be amputated at the shoulder, and after three months' suffering, he died. The new G.T.R. station is a very handsome building, both in design and workmanship. The skating rink was filled with a gay party of young ladies and gentlemen on Saturday, the 6th inst. An Attractive Window. One of the most attractive windows on Princess street is that of the Wemp, Price Co's confectionery store, Princess street. The words, 'A Merry Christmas," mace entirely of colored candy, form an arch of beauty. This was the work of W. Hawkins, the company's expert confectioner. The window, besides showing fine samples of candy, displays the largest candy cane ever seen in the city. A Lamp Exploded. The fire brigade responded to an alarm sent in from the Hotel Dieu, at balf-past nine o'clock this morning. A coal oil lamp in one of the rooms up- stairs exploded, resulting in a small loss. At the same time a mud port in one of the boilers in the laundry blew out, filling that portion of the building with received steam. Fortunately nobody any injuries™ " The Smart Set." A colored show nowadays must he really a great show to catch on in good shape. And this is what is claimed by everybody for Gus Hill's "Smart Set." which is said to he the most complete organization of its kind in existence. It will open at Grand on Christmas day, after- noon and evening, with a great cast, fine scenery and a splendid chorus and principals. Presentation Books. Standard books in sets, and new books in fine bindings for Christmas presents, R. Uglow & Co's. Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. English smoking jacket in plain and trimmed, swell patterns, porfect fit- ting, 2.75 to $9.50. Christmas Dinner. New cauliflower, spinach, wax beans, mushrooms, celery, lettuce, parsley, ete, at Carnovsky's. ---------------- Jenkins' the store for men's Stuffed olives at Redden's presents. x) ° 000 e000 LIVINGSTON'S NECKWEAR Ghe Varied Styles, the Wonderful Variety of Silks, which mark the High-Grade Neckwear in our Large Stock, is not a dream, but a Veritable Fact. think our. Present Collection of Refined HB Novelties has Ever Been Equalled, let. ® @® eee ®®: ~ 9 alone Surpassed. OO OCIONOOIO0 @ ® Open Every Night Until Christ- mas. Call at 75,77 and 79 Brock St. LIVINGSTON' NECKWEAR Sesocecens 020000000 i. | We do not... - @ oooees OCC IOIOIOIO ICO Splendid Tale Of Canada's Human Wealth FROM STATES CAME OVER THIRTY THOUS- AND PERSONS. The Arrivals for the Past Eleven Months--George Argue Killed by a Train--Mishaps Reported on the Ice on the Ottawa Riv- er. Ottawa, Dec. 22.--The total arrivals in Canada from outside, not including returned Canadians, for the eleven months fromthe Ist of January to the 3rd of November, 1902, was %0.- 479. Of these 56,000 located in Mani- toba and the Northwest Territories and 24,000 in Eastern Canada. There was a movement of population irom Eastern Canada to west amounting to 14,300 which makes the total num: ber of people locating in Manitoba and the 'territories for these eleven months 70,300. The number from the United States reported as having settled in western Canada in this eleven months of the present year is 31,48). For the same eleven months the free homestead en- tries executed have been 21,000. In the number of homestead entries the increase has been about two and a half times more than last vear. George Argue, aged eighty years, of Ashton, Carleton County, was killed, Saturday evening, by the Pembroke local train which leaves Ottawa at 35 p.m. Mr. Argue was somewhat deaf and it is thought that he did not hear the train and drove on the cross- ing near Ashton station just as the train was within a few yards of him. The coroner's jury returned a decision of accidental death. Owing to there quantity of ice on the Ottawa river, it is not very firm and a number of mishaps are reported from Bryson, Que. On Friday last no less than four teams of horses were lost and in one case an aged woman, Mrs. George Carswell, of Calumet island, died in a few hours as a result of the chill in the icy water. being an unusual May Take Street Railways. Chicago, Ill., Dec. 22.--The ordinance providing for the taking over of the transportation . lines by the city will come up for special consideration at the hands of the city council to-night. The bill provides a new method for assuming the financial obligation through the establishment of a special fund into which the receipts from op- eration of the lines may be placed, and by the execution of a mortgage, | or deed of trust, to a twenty-year franchise as security for the buyers of the certificates. In case the council approves the bill it will be placed be- fore the state legislature without de- lay. Powerful influences are already at work to defeat the measure and the action of the council is awaited with keenest interest. Rescued From Wrecks. Boston, Mass., Dec. 22.--The fishing schooner Mansett arrived to-day, hav- ing on board ten survivors of the wrecked schooners Frank A. Palmer and Louise B. Crary, which were in collision, on Wednesday night, off Thatchers. Eleven sailors wera either killed in the collision, drowned or died from exposure. Kaiser's War On Pets. Berlin, Dec. 22.--The kaiser has banished all cats. dogs and birds from his palaces, fearing that they may carry disease to himself and family. At the same time all fur rugs were subjected to a thorough chemical cleaning process, and a general war against microbes inaugurated. Destroyed By Fire. Knoxville, Teiin;~ Dec. 22.-- Fire which started in an unknown manner in the 'Knoxville Pats conpany's building, this morning at two o'clock, destroyed business property, valued at half a million" dollars; about three- fourths insured. Two men are report- ed under the fallen walls. Raised $20,000,000. THE DAILY WHIG, 80000 (ONE SENT A MESSAGE. Sir Richard Cartwright Sent a Marconigram. London, Dec. 22.--The Times, to-day received the following message by Marconi wireless {elegraphy from Sir RJ: Cartwright, Canadian minister of commerce: "The government of Canada, through the Times, desires to congratulate the British people on the accomplishment, by Marconi, of the greatest feat modern science has vet achieved." It is reported from Glace Bay that the Table Head station, at Cape Bie- ton, will be open for commercial busi- ness in about four months. In the meantime Signor Marconi will perfect the Cape Cod station, which, for a time, will be the necarest station for commercial business of New York sec- tions. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 22.--In an inter- view on his success in sending mes- sages across the Atlantic, Mr. Marco- ni stated that he experienced very lit- tle difficulty in transmitting mes- sages; ~ indeed, he was surprised at the ease with which 'the instruments worked. Mr. Marconi and his assist- ants are naturally very jubilant over the success of trans-oceanic telegra- phy between Table Head and Corn- wall. While pessimistic reports have been sent out as to the probable out- come of the system, Mr. Marconi never, for a moment, doubted that the u.timate result would be crowned with success. The magnetic detector was used 'yesterday and Mr. Marconi says it gave great satisfaction. The citizens of Glace Bay will tender Mar- coni a magnificent reception within a few days. HELD FOR MANSLAUGHTER. Did Not Send Back To Flag Train. Montreal, Dec. 22.--William Robin- son and Daniel Welsh, in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway company are held for trial on a charge of man- slaughter in connection with the deaths of James Murphy, the engineer, and Michael Devaney, the 'fireman, whose deaths were due to injuries in the recent accident at Morrisburg, Ont. Robinson was the conductor and Welsh the fireman on the train which collided with Murphy's train. At an inquest on the remains of Devaney, it was shown that Robinson and Welsh, when their train was stopped by an accident, had not sent back to flag the approaching train, which they were required to do by the rules of the road. The jury returned a verdict of manslauchter, and the accused were relased on bail to appear for trial. WOMAN LED BANDITS. Carried Off $50,000 From Rich Russian Land Owner. St. Petersburg, Dec. 22.--News has reached here that the band of brigands terrorizing the central provinces of Russia for the past five weeks attack- ed the house of M. Muciewic, a weal- thy land-owner in broad daylight, in- timidated the inmates and escaped with silver, jewels, and money to the value of nearlv £150; The report that thie leader of these desperadoes i: a woman is confirmed by M. Muciewic, who describes her as above the medium height, a daring horsewoman, and a crack shot. She and her followers were masked, so the description goes no further. So far all efforts to capture the outlaws or to discover any clew to the identity of them have proved fruitless. Sergt. Hazleton Remembered. Sergt.-Instructor R. M. Hazelton, A. S.C., returned Saturday from Mon- treal, where he completed a term of instruction to No. 4 company. On the eve of his departure the non-commis- sioned officers and men pressnted Sergt. Hazelton with a beautiful watch bracelet, such as military men carry. The watch was suitably engraved, and the gift testified to the popularity of the genial sergeant. The Course Arranged. Lieut.-Col. Biggar, commanding the Army Service corps, will be in the city on January 5th to open the spe- cial course for members of No. 2 company. The lectures will be given every evening from eight to ten o'clock. While in the city Lieut.Col. Biggar will be the guest of Col. Mon- tizambert, D.O.C. Exports Oi Hay. During the past week 14,581 bales of Canadian hay were exported from Portland and St. John as against 5.- 159 bales for the corresponding period last year. The shipments of Cana- Dorchester, Dec. 22.--Rev. Dr. E. M. | Mills, corresponding secretary of the Methodist Episcopal thank- offering | fund, is finishing his' final report here, and Dr. Mills says that every dollar | of the 820,000,000 called for three | vears ny has been raised in cash and | pledges. Capt. Peck Dead. Watertown, N.Y., Dec. 22.--Captain Frank H. Peck, soldier, scholar and lawyer. has passed away, a victim of | heart failure. In his death Northern | New York loses one of its hest known and honored citizens. + Zola Statue Fund. London, Dee. 22.--The Paris corres- pondent of the Times announces that the subscriptions to the fund for a statute in memory of Emile Zola have now reached 61,000. Twenty-Three Dead. San Francisco, Dec. 22.--The latest revised list of the victims of the col lision on the Southern Pacific rail way, near Byron Station, shows that twenty-three are dead. Returning Home. . Rapidan, Va., Dec. 22. --President -Roosevelt and family leit here at nine o'clock "on their special train for | Washington. ---------- At Mulins, 6 cakes of chocolates for icing, 25c.; 1 quart. molasses, 510c.; 1 Ib. best cocoanut, 20c.: 1 Ib. good cooking butter, 15¢.: 1 lb mixed peel, 15c.; 5 lbs, clean currants, 25¢.; 3 Ih. new select raisins, 25¢.; 2 quarts cran berries 25. Corner Johnston and Di vision streets . Mrs. William Punlop, Union stre:t west, 1s critically ill. | last | Mayor Shaw will invite the aldermen | to dine with him in one of the com- mittee rooms, where a banquet will be held { British Columbia. dian hay from the port of New York week were 12,690 bales as against 8.437 bales for the correspond- ing period last year. Was No Session. A mectihg of the civic finance com- | mittee was summoned for Saturday afternoon, - but at the appointed hour only Aldermen Walkem, Macfarlane and White presented themselves. A meeting was arranged for hali-past se- ven o'clock to-night. Will Be Entertained. There will be "something doing" aft- er the city council meeting to-night. Brought To Prison. > Sherifi Cameron, of London, brought to the Kingston penitentiary, Sunday, two convicts, George Baker and Alfred Johnston, who will serve two and one-half years respectively for theft. Given An Office. Simpson Jo<eph Lake, Battersea, has been appointed by the government clerk of the fifth division court of the county, in place of I. W. Van Luven, resigned. For Wednesday And Friday. Large * salt water herrings, large smelts, large halibut steak, frozen haddock, 5¢. a pound, at Carnov- sky's. During the stay in England of ! Lieut.-Col. Ogilvie, undergoing a course of instruction at Woolwich, his familv will be guests of friends ia MONDAY, DECEMBER 28. NEWS OF WOR TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARIH. Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From all Over--little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. The Prince of Wales has four sons and one daughter. The population of Russia is now es- timated at 140,000,000. The court of appeals will hear the Lennox election case on January 7th. Building operations to the extent of $71,000, were made in Waterloo, Ont., this year. Two large hotels are to be built 'at' Vancouver, B.C., They are to he up to date. Montreal aldermen will raise $10,000 for the relief of poor persons who need coal. It is period that Brandon schools will have to be closed owing to shortage of fuel. The St. Thomas street railway will be extended to Port Stanley--a dis- tance of nine miles. The county of Oxford is moving to abolish tolls from the roads within the borders of the county., A. G. Field, the noted minstrel, is said to be a mayoralty candidate for Columbus, Ohio, where he resides. The "Archbishop of Canterbury pass- ed a comfortable night. He has taken more food. No increase of weakness is manifest. It has been learned in Rome that no one of the allies contemplate submit- tiny the Venezuelan difficulty to The Hague court. The Crown Princess of Saxony is said to have suddenly, in a state of intense mental excitement, deserted her family at Salesburg, and to have gone abroad. Rudolf Boaz has been arrested at Regina, N.W.T., on a charge of mis- appropriating moneys entrusted to him 'to send to Germany for the passage fares of emigrants. The writ for Burrard, B.C., vacant by the death of Mr. Maxwell, has been issued. The dates of nomination and polling are to be fixed by the return- ing officer. King Victor Emmanuel, morning, received a wireless message from Marconi, forwarded from Cape Beton, via Cornwall, and sent a con- gratulatory reply. At teri N.W.T., on Saturday a stock train ran into an open switch and the engine, a new one, was badly smashed. Several head of stock were killed and engineer Manley was badly scalded. Rome, this A dispatch from New Marghelan, Russian Turkestan, reports that the recent earthquake at Andijan killed 2,500 people in and near that city and destroyed 16,000 houses. The rumb- lings continue. The Standard Oil company's ware- house, located at 17th street and the Rock Island tracks, Chicago. caucht fire early this morning and the build- ine was practically destroyed, together with 3,000 barrels of oil. Loss $30,000. R. Farquharson, M.P., for Aberdeen- shire, promised, on Tuesday, at Aberdeen, to introduce a bill for the removal of the restrictions on the im- portation of Canadian cattle. The measure, he said, would be strongly backed. A union of millinery workers, en and women, has been formed at Paris, France, and 11,000 skilled milliners are out on strike, demanding higher wages and the exclusion of Belgians and other foreigners from the Paris ateliers. The milliners of fashionable shops earn from $30 to 8100 4 week during the busy season. Cornwall Has New Chief. Cornwall, Dec. 22.--The ' Cornwall town council has accepted the resigna- tion of Chief of Police Allen Camer- on, who had beep verw ill for a couple of months. Officer' Robert Smyth. has been promoted to the rank of chief, and George 0. ("Manny") Crites has been appointed to the vacancy on the force. Mr. Cameron, who is nearing his eighticth birthday, has filled the position of chief for twenty years. Assail The Prince. Berlin, Dec. 22.--Crown Prince Fred- erick William has become the centre of attacks by the liberal and socialist press. The crown prince, spe aking to laborers, at Oels, recently, referred to the socialists as a miserable element. The newspapers are advising his high- ness to remain a student and to Feep out of politics until he has reached vears of maturity. To Paint Lady Minto's Picture. Montreal, Dec. 22.--Robert Harris, C.M.G., has been \commissioned by the Art Association to paint a picture of Lady Minto for the gallery. The asso- ciation has purchased Homer Watson's picture of Doone, Ont., for 81,500. Anti-Gambling Act. brussels, Dec. 22.--King Leopold has finally signed the famous anti-gamb- ling bill, which is aimed at the gam- ing establishments at Ostend and the Spa. The bil. will regulate the gamb- ling at these places, and will ruin the resorts. Ward Killed Himself. Buffalo, Dec. 32.2dohn Ward, a voung man, whose home is said to be in Toronto, Ont., shot and killed him- self early yesterday in a Swan street boarding house. He left a note saving he was tired of hie. ------ Merchants generally report 4 hetter Christmas trade than last year. Su therland Bros., shoe dealers, say their sales up till Saturday last were heav- whole Christmas ier than during the and New Year's season last year. M. D. Tetro, Lake View house, has sold his well-bred iron gray two- vear-ola colt jor $213, to a Syracuse gentle man. In taking it over on the | steamer the purchaser was offered £300 for it, but refused the proposition. INVESTMENTS --IN-- REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. grown. It is HIGH fragrance proclaims ALL GOOD GROCERS. Coffe (1 ®.and 2 Rv. cans) is selected from the very highest grades CHASE & SANBORN, GRADE PURITY--its its excellence. MONTREAL ano BosTON. EE ---- To-morrow Morning We will offer the special just received and very suitable for Christmas Giving, 3 K LADIES' TAFFETA K WAISTS Are entirely new designs, made within the past ten days by the leading firm of Ladies' Waist Makers of Canada and sent us as a sample lot. The Colors are Black, Cream, New Blue and White. The quality of the silk used is very good and the special price for this waist is $4.7 S Each sign at so modest a cost. We have a large stock of BLACK AND COL- ORED SILK WAISTS in other makes and styles, but we are anxious for you to see this special de. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. And many more nice things for Christmas Presents at THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. JAMES REID, The ~ Christmas Specials A beautiful line of Golden Oak or Mahogany Cobble Seat Rock- ers only $2, regular $3. Fancy Rattan Rockers or Arm Chairs, only $3.50, regular $4.50. Children's 3-piece Toy Sett only $1.75. Screens, filled or in frames. Easels only 50c. for the holiday 'season. Ambulance, 147. Leading Undertaker.

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