Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1902, p. 5

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--- x 5 2 FEE DAILY WH. G, Mc MONDAY. DECEMBER 22. mm-- "Tuesday | AND Wednesday AT THE - Grand Union Are you buying your boy a new suit for Christmas. What more durable giit than this. For these two days, our boys' and children's suits will be well reduc- ed in price. 0,en at Night. r DUNLOP' The Grand Union Clothing Store, 122 Princess Street. | SPECIALTIES | FOR CHRISTMAS : | Saguenay Sdlmon. | Chinook Salmon. | Malpecque Shell Oysters. Blue Point Shell Oysters. Shell Clams. Fresh Lobsters. Turkeys. Geese. Canned Oysters and Bulk Oys- ters of all varieties. | DOMINION FISH CO., 63 BROCK STREET. 'Phoce 520. SPECIAL SALE OF Watches, Jewellery and Clocks, Sterling Silver Novelties and Ebony Goods, Pearl Crescents, | Pearl and dants, all newest and lat- est | amond Pen- designs, also French Perfume. I have a few | of those special Silver Case Watches, with EIl- | gin and Waltham move- i ments, at $8, also Gold | Filied Cases, with Elgin and Waltham movements at $12. SHLEY, JEWELER & OPTICIAN, 185 PRINCESS ST. -----rIr-So0 Es | pot, | SX, Simpson: | iny each other | by auction five horses | siciered i the {other was secured hy William H. HARD USAGE vn THE BRITISH SOL. DIERS IN VENEZUELA Dragged on Shore and Assailed by Venezuelan Soldiers--Anxious That Roosevelt Will Act as Arbitrator. Loudon, Dec. 22.--Provided the dii- ficult question. of guarantee can be satisfactorily surmounted, the London newspapers agree, this morning, in de- siring President Roosevelt to accept the office of arbitrator. They fear if the matter is referred to The Hague Venezuela will ignore the award. At the same time the president's reluet- ance to accept the office is perfectly understood and his motive respected. It is recognized that he would have a very difficult task because it is said, among other things, there would be something like a scramble to be heard from different nations having claims acainst Venezuela. The hope is gener ally expressed that a pacific settlement will be reached. Great resentment is press, this morning, from Port of Spain, Trinidad, that the crew of athe British steamer Sopaze were dragged-ashore at Puerto Cab- elle at midnight, hali clothed, pro- vided with bayonets by Venezuelan soldiers, roughly handled by the mobs and all imprisoned in one lilthy room. voiced in the at the report, To The Gymnastic Course. The following non-commissioned of- ficers and men are authorizea to un- dergo the gymnastic course to com- mence at the Royal Military College, Kin rston, on January 15th, 1903 : Royal Canadian Dragoons, Corpl. H. R. Williams; Royal Canadian Field | Artillery, Bombardier J. E. Hart; Ca nadian Mounted Rifies, Corpl. W. A. Head. Royal Canadian Regiment: No. 1. Depot, Pte. T. Worswick: No. 2 De Corpl. H. R. Young; No. 3 De pot, Corpl. F. L. Stephenson; No. 4 Depot, Lee~Corpl. J. A. Kaulback; No. 5, Corpl. R. Good. 8th Regiment, Corpl. W. Tokin; 33rd Regiment, C. A. 50th Regiment, Sergt. 62nd Regiment, Corpl. Me- 66th Regiment, Sergt.-Major 69th Regiment, Sergt. EF. Pal Markson: Intyre; Scott; mer. Had A Merry Time. The closing exercises of the separate school, Portsmouth, took place, Fri day afternoon. Owing to illness, Rev, Father McDonald, to the regret of all, was unavoidably absent. At the beginning of the programme, two of the tiniest tots in the school, Philip | Fitzgibbon and Laura Wilson, present- | ed their teac her, Miss Bgadley, with a handsome gift 'and an address. The | usual readings, recitations and songs. in whith the scholars took part, fol lowed. At the close there was a treat for the chiliven and all joined in wish a merry Christmas. Five Horses Sold. t William Murray, Jr. sold that were con- unserviceable for the use oi Kingston penitentiary. They brought handsome prices. Frank Grass Saturday, hought one for |110; Thomas Keyes, ath' Road, one for £69: another went to William Marshall for 816; still an Wil and Samuel Sloan took son for | the fifth at $30. Why Not Get Something Useful ? Fined And Bound Over. "Duff, Inverary, appeared be Price Monday morning at the instance of Mrs. Whelan, whe charged him with housebreaking, The charge was withdrawn and one of com aubstituted. Duff pleaded William fore "Judoe assault mon guilty and was fined 325. and costs, | The, costs were 825. He was also om dered to provide security, two per We are selling and putting away | for delivery a number of Club | Bags, Solid Leather Chatelaines, etec., Wrist Bags, Seal | Suit Cases, Purses, Card Cases, etc. | RUDD HARNESS CO., 143 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phone, 402. Remember The Clarified Milk Co. Gives you the Highest Quality, | combined with the Best Service in | the city. If you want MILK, CREAM or BUTTER, order early for holiday week. i WHIPPING CREAM a specialty. Phone, 567. NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win. ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack M. Ww EATHER STRIPS FOR WINDOWS AND 1/OORS. They 'not only keen out Jack Irost. hut they will help you reduce your cog! qul, protect you from drafts and there- by save manv bad colds. Easily tacked | on, wear well. and the cost is but a trifle. STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. BOARD. , ee OD ROOMS Board. aiso Lad at Mis AND table board Mav te Breden"s, 24 Stuart St FIRST-CLASS ROOM, rooms, with modern ien central, not far and Macd mald Parks A party of LARGE FRONT ALSO TWO s conven- from City Suitable for irom three to tive, 195 | Earl street. \ i Anderson, vied Me in ( hristmas presents, sons, in $200 each, that he would keej the peace for two years Officially Gazetted 5th Kingston Field Battery.--To be medical officer, with rank of Surgeon Lieutenant, Lieut. W. W. Sands, fron the army medical service 11th Regiment Princess of Wales' Own To be lieutenant, Lieut. T. from the referve of officers Mowat, promoted. 1 Rifles sth Gananoque Fi ld Battery.--I'ro visional Second Licutenant A. Bul loch retires -- Vote Yes. In favor of home manufacture, an aril your ales; porter-and-lager from the Bajus' brewery, in our own city. ---- Christmas. Jenkins. Christmas. Store open every evening till Christ mas -------- There is) no skate equal to Boker's «kates. Strachan sells them cheap for cabinets, ladies' and music at R. J Jde<k in oak and mahogany. Reid's. Holly and hi n at Hiscock's, Holiday books. R Uglow & Co. Pure ciaer at Redden's. Parlor ee ee INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Christmas decorations made at the General Hospital. Miss Slater, Kingston, is visiting Ler aunt, Ars. Forbes, Stratford. Bibles and prayer books, for pres- ents at R. Uglow & Co's. The engine for the dynamo in the electrical building at Queen's arrived to-day. Electric scarf pins, the latest novel- tv, at Breck & Halliday's, Princess street." The schooner Sufiel is coal at Booth & Co.s whari. schooner will winter here. All Christmas goods will be sold licht advance on cost, at R. J. Reid's. The civie committee on printing was called to have its closing meeting at four o'clock this afternoon. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. Orders re- ceived at McAulev's hookstore. discharginy The James Mathewson, Sr., Portsmouth. accidentally slipped on an icy svle- walk Sunday night. and fell, breakin: a thumb. Hockey skates and hockey sticks are all the rage. Strachan sells the popu- lar Lunn's pattern that everyone buys. Get them now and be happy. A horse owned by R. E. Wilson has been installed in the fire department temporarily... The department is pav- ing 81 a day for the use of the ani- mal. Nothing Christmas frame picture more acceptable for a present than a handsome from R. Uglow & .Co's. Mrs. (Prof.) Watson, and her two daughters, arrived from England to- day. Prof. Watson and Miss Alice Watson will remain for several months vet. 'the requests for the medical dinner <o numerous the Whig set and printed a. se menus | were ip the type again, cond edition. remain. Special Christmas music was render ed in the First Baptist church on Sun- day. The choir. under the capable directorship of Arthur Singleton, ac- quitted itseli brilliantly. Major D. 1. V. Eaton, "A Battery, R.C.F.A., has been authorized to und ergo a course of instruction at the staff Camberley, England, ommencing January 22nd. The Peate School of Music, repre sented by George A. Peate and Archie (i. Riker, two solo specialists on the mandolin and professional teachers, has been opened in the Exchange Building, Brock street. Their advt. in another column makes an exceptionai offer to new students. Already they have secured several. At the present time they are helping the college man dolin club. ' Frank Babcock, representing the Ma- son & Risch Piano company in this ity and Eastern Ontario for several vears, has been appointed western re- presentative and will leave in a fey Toronto. Mr. Babcock is po- musical dreles, is a good and a clever business man, congratulated on his is succeeded in Eastern T. Locheed. college, days for pular in musician, anl is heartily vromotion. He' Ontario by L. The Situation In Oats. According to advice © received by the Trade Bulletin considerable quantities of oats are held by farmers, who asa rule are holding for better, prices. Some, however, appear inclined to ac cept present rates, as we know of parties who were holding for 3Ge. per 31 lbs. in store here some time ago. : Of course, rear they bushel in and 33¢. that last have sold at * farmers remember eo, were getting 48e. to 4%. per this market; but the position is great ly changed now, as the crop is much larger both in Canada and the United States. Manitoba has also a large crop, a portion of which is expected to come on this market later. A few car lots of the latter have been re ceived here Yecently, and are said to show good quality. Stocks of oats in store here ave very light amounting to only 39.815 bushels as compared with 176,666 bushels at this time last year. * Death Of Mrs. Vanarnam. Mrs. A. Vanarnam, Clergy street, died on Sunday, after an ill soveral weeks, resulting from Deceased was a daughter William Rees, of this city, wv of Mrs. (Rev.) Horsey, She was a membe Methodist church private, to-mor Charles ness of bild-birth, of the late and a si \hbotst of Svdenhan {he funeral streast will be Have A Look At Carnovsky's Pine apple tangerines, lemons, rape fruit, sweet oranzes, sour oran seedless oranges, kid glove oran green grapes, red grapes, black srapes, bananas, apples, pears, ete. at Carnoyshv's. Books And Pictures. Peautiful holday ¢ and art pictures. 1 books gifts in new Special presentation goods. R. Uglow & Co., booksellers m-- Christmas. Jenkins. Christmas. Store open every evening till Christ mas. are being Put half a dozen copies | CAUGHT A THIEF STOLE A " HOUSEFUL OF GOODS Mysterious Disappearance of Goods Cleared up--Clever Work of Detective Aiken-- Prisoner Pleads Guilty. ! There is nothing like wing thorough in every undertaking; do not do things by halves. This principle, evidently, was strongly ineulcated in the mind of "Count" Ernest Antoine, 5 driver jof "A" field battery, whose © opera- tions gs a thief were unlimited. The amount of plunder recovered from his dwelling on Place d'Armes street would more than form two truck Such a large and miscellan2ous loads. stolen stuff has never colle tion of before found a resting place in the police station. Antoine is a young man. apparently about twenty or twenty-one vears of age. He is short in stature, intelli- gent and sharp looking, and one of the last persons who would be sus- pected of crime. He is a native of Paris, France, and joined the battery about eighteen months ago at Dese- ronto, where previously he had been employed by the Rathihun company. For some time he had been engaged as mail carrier for Tete de Pont Lar- racks, and his deportment won for him the sobriquet of "Count." Last August he married a young lady of an estimable family and took up resi- dence on Place d"Armes street, imme- diately in rear of the local office of the Rathbun company. As a tenant of the building, he was allowed ac- cess to the main hallway of the Rath- bun company's office, in which is loca ted a water tap, whence he secured his supply of water for domestic pur- poses. Having free access to this por- tion of the building led to his down- fall. Stored in boxes and trunks in the second and third flats of this building were household effects of Allan Chad- wick and Capt. R. C. Carter, as well as a camping outfit, surveying appli- ances, ete., the property of T. W. Nash, C.E., of the K. & P. railroal company. To make a long story short Antoine freely helped himself to these taking care to replace the hox- ods, es and chests exactly as thev had been before being disturbed, so as not to alarm the owners. His takings includ- cd almost everything needed in house- keeping, including valuable vases, blankets, silver ware, ladies silk waists, «ilk and lace curtains, silk sofa cushions, silk shawl, china ware, fancy table covers, silk drapings, prindstone, carpets, agate ware, camp- ing outfit, field telegraph outfit anl innumerahle other articles; in fact the man's house was comfortably furnish- ed with stolen goods, and the police had to obtain the services of a wag- gon to remove the stuff to the police station. Thdy left a lot of things be- hind which they had an idea were also stolen. Some time aco Antoine moved from the building occupied hy (he Rathburn company's oflice to one immediate west on Place I)'Armes and was here that the stolen goods were recovered. A couple Chadwick reported to the police the mysterious loss of certain articles of silverware. The case was given to De tective Aiken, who at once proceeded to unravel the mystery, and so sue- cessful was he that on Saturday even Ins, taking Constable Graham along, he was able to place the thief under st and recover the missing praise. cannot he bestowed tive Aitken for the clever in which he up the case. He took it up without a clew. but hy dint of shrewdness and natur- al alility, of which he street, of weeks avo Mr. arres goods, Too much upon I manner worked possesses an that the culprit was taken completely by surprise when the police descended upon him, and readily admitted L guilt, confessing to the wholesale rol bery. wick: ne will be asked to plead in the other charges later, ile was unable to understand the words addressed t kim bv Magistrate Farvell, so Col. Fages, commanding "A" Battery acted as inter through him. Antoin tie was remanded for se The prisoner's wife, sister-in-law and father-in-law we in the « t roou. Several sergeal of Battery were present in the court, but were not asked to give evidence Antoine is i! to have heen a fab Leather Goods. roods for holidav cits, in and purses, imported writ playing cards in cases. 0 -------- The . best appropriate Christmas ¢ r's ~hate Acme skates, adequate supply, he had the satisfac tion of bringing the guilty one to! justice. So well conducted was the case Iv good soldier: though not having a perfect record, he did not often "iis ndnet himself, It ic soil that a quantity of dolen from comrades was also 1 in Antoine's dwelling Bo Look At Home. Why order your ales, porter and lager from the "Vote Yes' towns w he n you can buy the purest and best at the old reliable Bajus' brewery, | Kingston. Free! Free! ! Free!!! Until Christmas we will initial fice i charge anv umbrella or walking -ane bhoucht here. Special handles spe ial prices. Jenkins. C | tion, BANKS PUT ON BRAKES. Falling Of In United States Exports: New York, Dec. 20.--The creation of the $50,000,000 loan pool by 'banks has had a beneficial effect. It was a very practical demonstration that powerful interests were agreed in pro- tecting the markets against an un- necessary crisis; that legitimate bor- rowers would secure accommodation, and that no funds would be available for speculative purposes. The large amounts involved in syndicate and A : Great wWor- usual weak spot in the situation. and ried financiers in view of the stress at this season. The etieet of high prices has been strikingly illustrated in our foreign | trade returns, which show a loss of $116,000,000 in exports for last eleven months and ah increase of S75.000,000 in imports. Much of this lo can be traced to the deficit of last year's corn crop and its effect upon other) cereals and meats, but higher prices | for cotton, oils and manufactured pro ducts stimulated imports and checked exports until our excess of exports for the eleven months of this year was on- | lv 833,7400,000, compared with $527 900,000 last year and $571,600,000 the vear before. So heavy a decline in our international trade balance is highly significant. Very Sudden Death. George (C. Reiffenstein, for nearly underwriting operations have been a | - * a : % . Bo & a - BLOOD POISON. rantes my Latest Method Treatment 10 be a DOSILIVE cure ve this a wful disease you are in danger until ely Fe To the ay crm. ponte notice shon'A he n warning to take immediate treatment. Don't put it off yoo ase. Ro it eontiaaly worse. | If you have sore throat, patches oa tongue or mn glar2>. hay out, blotches on body, itehine skin or other sigus of ed disease. call on me. Igive you a written gua tee t rou without Mer- or Potassium, aud You Pay When Cured. Ihave ls diplom certificates whieh Hh my standing aud abuices original Joaumaoniala can be seen at my effice; e3000.00 reward for | cannot show CASE NO. 24083. May $1, 1800 am happy to s1y that your medicines helped my troubdls mare than nyEIg I éver tool REV. W. HoaOUFy BRN. SE NO. 312004. c Sour treatment has helped me wonderfully. ARTHUR RS DIE ASE NO. 248118 I have contidence in you as a doctor, for you bel clpgd is more than _anyone else has, and I feel that you cured m You Need Not Pay Until Cured. arieocele and Stricture wi catting, stretchingor loss of time} also Ch Nervom | 3 TA Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Siomadh, Female and Rectal pe ON FREE. If you canuob call, writa for biank for home of home treatment for those who cannot ook Free, I igor, re tients shipped from Windsor, Canada. "Sl mesioines for Canad AE prepaid--Everything confidential--No names on envelopes or packages-- Nothing sent C. O: I» DR. GOLDBERG in bt amen ee tin ee, emer ee 00O8O® @ 0000LOPOD @® cee ®e hristmas Footwear > 22 VAUD VR BT es 32ers rncae @ --FOR THE-- 0 SOLE forty years a resident of Ottawa, died of heart failure on Thursday, at his | home in that city. He, in his usual health, was standing talking to a member of his family when he fell dead. Deceased, born in London, Eng. was eighty-six years of age. When a voung man he came to Quebec and when the government was removed to Ottawa, he was appointed to a res- ponsible position in the finance de- partment, which he held until super annuated. He leaves two sons, James, of the interior department," and Charles, of Montreal, and three daugh- ters, Mrs. J. Pennington MacPherson, and Misses Carrie and Julia Reifien- stein. A number of relatives reside in Kingston. Still Making Cheese. A meeting of cheese factory patrons was hela in the brick factory on Wed- nesday evening last. All the patrons were present, The secretary gave a statement of the number of pounds of milk received and the number of pounds of cheese made. The average price received per pound by patrons jor the season was 10.3c. The patrons were well satisfied. A vote of thanks was passed to the salesman, cheese maker. and proprietor for the able manner in which the factory was con ducted. Refreshments were afterwards served. Songs were sung and stories told, ant a pleasant efening was spent. The Glenbur angry is still making fourteen boxes a Week and is not going to close. Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings Stockings at 10 cents. Stockings at 20 cents. Stockings at 40 cents. WHOLE BUNGH. Can Old Santa Claus ©: OO] 9 9 ® Do better than to give the little folks ® 9 Footwear for Christmas? We are sure ® ° he can not. What can you think of that & > would make more sensible or useful @® D) Christmas Gifts for the boys and girls © @® than a pair of new Shees or Slippers, ® ® Leggins, Arctics, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, ® ® Hockey Boots, Snowshoes or a Tobeg- - ® gan ? Such gifts as these are ap ppreciated * ® ® ® than knick- & by the children far more ® knacks. Everything that children wear ® @) in Footwear is here and at moderate ®) ® prices. Let us Shoe up the children for ® O) Christmas and the money will be well ° ® expended. @®) SSH 2000000 © 2), H. SUTHERLAND & BAD, "52 3 09? OOIOORIOOIGIOIODIOIOKIE ODIOIOCIOC)] GREAT CLUBBING AND $1.10 *Frewion oreen $1.10 Fer $1.10 we wil! sind you for one year Stockings at 80 cents. Stodkings at one dollar. Nothing gives the childven such wn alloved pleasure as Tom Smith's stocking's. See them at James Red- den & Co's. | ! Engineer Saved Money. Toronto, Dec, 22.--The engineer es times that on the work ied ont by his department, other than by contract, or the city, has saved S10, 000: the cost having been that much | i less than the next lowest tenders. bo | Do You Smoke ? { It doesn't matter whether you do or i vou will be very comfortable in { not one of our new house coats, 0 to 20.50. Jenkins. New York Neckwear. display of Xmas neckwear, i wortl Leven thing new, The H. i. | Our is well cong to Bib Antoine spent from Saturday nigh Special low price on good hedroom to Monday morning in the police cells, setts, sileboards, extensicn tables, but did not appear to have suffered jote., at Robt. J. Reid's. any from the confinement when he ap- | Periumes, one bottle in a box from peared before the magistrate Mondav i 13 cents up, ¢ > morning. Only one charge was prefer: | Christmas g s, Toc. 81 and red acainst him, that of the theft of yp. Jenkins. blankets and vases from Allan Chad: To Tavlor's for Xmas chocolates, Paling, ferns, Johnson, florist. Christmas 'of what to give 'to buy. Wise to plan ear- ly and get the bet selec Our display of Holi- day Shoes is the best we i have ever made. ' If you want a light pocketbook to do heavy your holiday buy- | { \ | | } | i | i | i | l | wor k in ina come to = coermolls Ia SHOE Presents Everybody is thinking arid where | STORE. A Homa Needlework andthe Montreal ily Horald and Weekly Star LINEN ome STAMPED COL~ Besides mailing, of ct 1 | LAR, or a ST ark h LING ' inches in size. This is one of the greatest clubbing um offers ever made by the Corti- needlewc decore" crochet and ! celli Silk Company, and all lov | home decoration should take a thus oticred at ». of the op} ortunity once. | Corticelli Tome Needlework has been enlarg ed te the - standard maga- { zine size, and the January number, which w in be mailed to subscribers shortly, is a book that should be on every y's wor thle. Order promni as this unparalleled oer may be with wn at e Addyess } CORTICELLI Sil XK COMPA 1t4.. P.O. Box 341 ¢ "Johns, rq. ee cei. tne mm------ I ------ -------- NY Le a re . arm Slippers, Warm Boots, Jarm Overshoes, Overdaiters and Rubbers A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR. Skating Boots "25, and Boys and Men. ALL PRICES AND STYLES. Kant Krack Rubbers | 1KUNKS and VALISES. Yor your christmas ARCRNETHY'S Lames "POLISHING MITTEN woOuL Price 15 Cents. For Stoves and Shoes 3 3 McK ELVEY & BIRCH, Furnishing Hardware. 69-71 Brock Street Wishing You a Merry Christmas CHOCOLATES assorted flavors, 20c. per Dealers in Stoves and Ho Superior quality, , rounds for 50¢C. # Our joc line is a winger. A. J. REES, Princ pound or 3 'Three pounds for 75¢. Telephone Neo. 58. ess . St.

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