Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1902, p. 4

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THE PROBLEM. One of the most perplexing questions of the year, is what to buy as a Holi- day Cift that will be sure to please and at the same time be moderate in price. If you are sclecting something for wother, wife, sister or friend, and want to contribute a large amount of pleasure at a small expense--il vou want sofhe- thing that will please a woman three hundred and sixty-five days a year -- nothing will more fully meet this re- quirement than a latest improved "Cveo" Bearing Bissell Carpet Sweeper SEE THEM AT CORBETT'S HARDWARE If you like a good cup of tea try our "INDIA BLEND" c , 35¢ , 40¢ , HU¢. pourd 92 For best results in baking use STARR BRAND BAKING POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. THE STARR CO, 185 WELLINGION ST. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signa.ure of Je Terral Seo Hac-Simile Wrapper Below. Yery smail end as ewy to tako as sugar. C ARTERS | FOR NEADACRE. FOR DIZZINESS, ITTLE IVER PILLS FOR BILICUINESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW: SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXIOR GETIUIVI MUST RAVE S)ONATURE. Purely Vogetabd wl. | ™ QURE SICK HEADACHE. © The bad results "from ex- cesses of drink- ing are minimgized by users of the MAGI CALEDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. A PAIR _ OLD EYES DIMMED BY AGE. Are often made bright and hap- Py by that' exactly suit them: thereiore what ac- ceptable Christmas be made than such a pair as can be had at DR. CHOWN'S DRUG STORE ? Our eating or glasses nore gift can are fitted to suit the eyes by a Graduate Optician. If - wanted a gift we change and. fit satisfactorily after Christmas. Glasses for will Erp. DR. CHOWN' 185 PRINCESS STREET. CRUG STORE, DAILY Opifer per Orbem Dicor.'{ -------------------------------------- A DOCTRINE IN QUESTION. At the Canadian Society's dinner, in New York, Sir Frederick Borden made a hit by declaring that the Monroe doctrine was as good a thing for Canada as for the southern republics. "England," said he, has the same amount of land on this continent now as she had when it was promulgated. Some of her best statesmen favored it It is a guarantee of no coer- cio nd of freedom and liberty. The Monroe doctrine-is as much in favor of Canadian integrity as it is of the "« then. integrity of any other part of the Am- erican continent." may have given the at he banquet reflection. Under this doc- United States becomes the protector all The eagle spreads its great wings across the con- its The sentiment distinguished men cause for trine the of America. tinent and broods in interests. Perhaps that is an enlarge- ment of the usual idea, but it is in keeping with the expansionist policy which generally prevai By the there is trouble to the United States govern- protectorate business. insignificant peace over way, unlooked for ment in this Columbo--so small and in the south,--is a thorn in the side of Uncle It is offered his proted- tion--he urges it matter form--and yet it denies him the rights Sam. as a of and privileges he would exercise in the Isthmian canal. This and the accu- of trouble in Venezucla effect upon the Monroe that time mulating tide having its The chances are lend a new light the late Mr. Complications like those oc- is doctrine. and experience will to the Monroe. curring in the south may bring about 1 revision of the doctrine philosophy of the changes all too soon. The eventual be surprising. It is sowe- the will not thing, by way. notwithstanding all the talk there has been about it, which has nevér had legislative con- firmation. The message of the presi- dent is not to be compared with the enactment of congress. OVERDOING THE BUSINESS. The Monetary Times has an article on the cement business, one which 1s corrective of current opinion. There were nine cement factories in opera- and they made about a half There ave four tion this year million and a barrels of market able goods, factories in course of erection and capable"of mak ing 850,000 barrels, and three or four industries in prospective, one in will add about 300, a year. 'that in 1903 will be close upon 3,000,000 bar ign manufactured in Can- nothing of the quantity The Times suggests the possibility of the more Kingston, which 000 barrels So there rels ada, to say which will be imported. Monetary business being greatly overdone. Can-, observes, should be governed in the There, three years, ada, it of cement last fac- competi by Germany matter woduction. during the I g two or SO many new that tion has been disastrous to the indus the _ ] tories have sprung up 1808, leading fac to 33 pa of 1902, United "many try. In the year tories were paying from jut report dividend. to cent. by July the Brunswick, according a by States consul at now return nothing on the capital in- vested in them; others are ferred to capital, a number issuing pre- stock create new working have stopped work, and one has gone into bankruptey. The struggle has culminated in a con fhet of the smaller. have fallen that least per the cost of production of between the extermination and lavge factories Prices of cement SO they are now at twenty cent. below works." the capable managed that factories the in Canada will 1903 the most It Canadian of Portland cement will appear to enable to dispose consuniption of have about 1, of S0 cement their outputs to be increased in by 000.000 barrels, or an Jdncrease THE WHIG -- 69TH YEAR. BRITISH WHIG, published each 306-310 King 8 ag mat 00 od ie I'HE .DAILY WHIG. 2:30 rTERRLY Y BRITISH WIIG, 13 pages, pub | Canada. ! Hished Thursday morning at $1 a YOM. bed 3s. one ot te best Job Print ? The Grand Trunk Railway, company Cy Canada; rapid, stylish wad cheap |'is going to have opposition in its de- ant on "J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. |mand¥or a subsidy for its Pacific line. The west is against the proposition, and its voice will be heard in the cla- mours of the day. The British government is wise in declining to restore to Mr. Kruger the privileges of citizenship in the Trans- vaal. bail which would compensate for an indiscreet talk conduct in which he might indulge. There is no or The Mormon missionaries are active evervwhere. There is not a church which would not exceedingly multiply if there were a house to house and most persistent canvass in its behalf. The activity of those Mormons without a parallel. is On dit that Sir Oliver Mowat, when fice, will rejoin the Ontario cabinet. It is absurd. Sir Oliver Mowat is not in the best of health, and in his advanc- ed years is not at all likely to enter again upon active political life. cast upon the It picked up readily and carried away, is that streets is something enormous, The waste 1s otherwise its appearance would be al- arming. The thing is regarded as in- evitable, but in Vienna the person who papeP, used envelopes, or fruit peelings upon the street, would be ar- rested and fined. treatment here make a won lwiul difference in the condition of our streets. casts A similar course of for similar offences, would PRESS REMARKS. Time For Business. Toronto News. Ii they're really going to have anti- treating societies, this is the time of year they're needed. A Tip In Season, Toronto Star. Those who are financially able to follow the fashions are advised that owing to high pices purse-strings should be worn loose this winter. Getting Quite Friendly. London Advertiser. The Detroit Free Press describes Ca- nada as Uncle Sam's long-lost broth- er. Did you ever notice that when a man becomes prosperous his relatives begin' to look him up ? A Necessary Change. Toronto Mail, Many a man who intended his wife a diamond tiara for to give Christ- mas will decide to make her happy by presenting the houschold with a ton of coal instead. Joys Of Expectation. Ottawa Journal The provincial premiers see a good fat turkey ambling among them in the shape of Dominion revenue, and we guess they are sharpening their snie- kersnees Jor good fat slices. THE BYE-ELECTIONS. And The State Of The Parties In Ontario. The bye-elections to fill the seats va- catea by the courts for North Perth, North Norfolk and North Grey will be held on Wednesday, January 7th. North Perth and North Norfolk, were carried in the general election on May 20th, by the conservative canaidates, J. C. Monteith having a majority two, and Dr. I. P. Snider 4 majority of twenty-three. In the previeus legis- lature these seats were held by sup- porters of the government. In North Grey held by a conservative in the last legislature, a liberal was returned in May, by a majority of five. Here is the situation : Liberals .. 43 Conservatives "rise 16 North Renfrew (vacant by death) ....0. ois is 1 Bye-vlections set... .., .. ... ..... 3 Mr. Ross has decided to take chane- es on an immediate appeal in the three seats, If he wins the three he will have a majority of five. 1f he loses the three he will be one behind. If he loses one and wins two, he wiil be three ahead. Then there returned a liberal. been tried, and on Saturday Chief Justice Meredith and Justice MaeMa- hon decided that argument would heard at London on January 7th. date had previously been set for cember 20th. North York East Middlesex, which The petition has is he The De- (L. ) and the Soo (C.) 1902. the A conditions thorough inves- of contem per cent over | tigation into the | { | | | | | cement trade by those who plate erecting new factories, will, the Times remarks, prevent any disap- pointments and possibly disasters, NOTES. the EDITORIAL of the vendors in of milk Monopoly has not succeeded as The Toronto to raise movement price bas failed. it desived. r Mr. and Ross over 1 The the pe prohibiconist be Liberator abuses referendum business, Vi "x ts him to do great things for the Libera cause. ihe 1% irrational. bound to North Hon with The Toronto Telegram wants Ontario to exact. a pledoe Mr Fi 1} he the remedial i~latis td the 1506, from h which Does he the ster, that throug : « lol n "mash party. in agree * Prof. Robertson dairy commls- | sioner, has been mal an enquiry of consohdated rural The mto into the question Ohio h ie pit What schools in professor some lite the subject ting TBLEPHONE 343. he says is not new. It deals with the | are ta be tried in January. The can- didates in North Perth are: J. C. Monteith, conservative: and John Brown, liberal. In North Grey, G. M. Boyd, conservative, and A. i. MeKav, liberal. In North Norfolk, Dr. Snider will again be nominated. The liberal candidate, "already in the field, is A. quality of the work. What school trus- tees want to know is the advisability of trying the consolidation scheme | in he leaves the lieutenant-governor's of UARTERS OF EARTH. ---- Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear Public. Costa Rica still suffers from earth- quakes, Lord Minto and family may spend part of the winter in Toronto. Dr. Jamieson, M.P.P., was 'operated on for appendicitis at Durham. It is said a new conservative paper will be shortly established in Halifax, N.B. The notorious Parisian the Humberts, were arrested at drid. A royal commission may enquire into charges made against the Montreal police force. Friday's blizzard was the ever known at Laramie, Wyoming, is believed that considerable life will result. Henry Baker, a farmer, swindlers, Ma- worst It of loss cast of Oak- ville, lost his life on Saturday, his charred remains being found in the ruins of his burned barn. 2 W. H. Gentles, grocer, Halifax is wanted on a charge of forging $8000 in notes on the Union bank, Halifax. The name forged was Bauld Bros. Michael Rorke, St. Thomas, was found dead at the foot of the cellar steps of his boarding house. It is supposed he was killed by a fall. An explosion of benzine took place in the Canadian Oil refinery works at 'Petrolea, burning four men, who were fighting a fire at the top of the build- ing. Solomon Osmeansky, Montreal, fined 2600 at Utica, N.Y., for taking into the United States a Russian Jew im- migrant affected with an infectious eye disease. The Western Ontario Commercial Travellers' Association, at its annual meeting in London, decided to abolish accident bonuses and to increase mor- tuary benefits. The trustees of the National Sani- tarium, at their annual meeting, in Toronto, announced that they con- templated erecting a fourth sanitarium at the Pacific coast. The blizzard raging in Wyoming for twenty-four hours has reached North- ern and Eastern Colorado, and all railways running into Denver arc either blocked or badly delaved, Dun's Mercantile Agency reports the total number of failures in the domin- ion the past week as sixteen, against twenty-seven in the previous week, and twenty-six in the corresponding week of last year. Corporal Minchin, a Hart's River hero, will enter the Galt hospital for treatment. He was wounded in six places, and his leg and lung are giv- mg him a good deal of trouble. Rev. Burns, a pioneer Bap- tist minister, dead: at Woodstock, George is Ont., aged eighty-six. His first charge was in New Brunswick, forty- seven vears geo, and since then he had held various charges in Ontario. The largest battleship in the Ger man navy was launched at Kiel on December 21st. She was christened Brunswick by the Prince Regent of Brunswick. Prince Henry of Prussia and his wife witnessed the launching. The pope has signed the appoint- ments of Bishop James E. Quigley, Buffalo, N.Y., as Archbishop of Chica- and Rev. .J. W. Regis Canevin, rector of St. Paul's cathedral, Pitts- burg. Pa., as Co-adjutor Bishop of Pittsburg. Solomon Barmash, a forger, sent enced in London, Eng... to fifteen vears in prison, shot and killed himself in his eell. It is thought friends who visited him in the infirmary some days ago gave him the revolver with which he killed himself. The state of New has a strength of 14,168 in National Guard, the force corresponding to our volunteers. The population is 7,268,- oo, York 012, nearly two millions more than the Dominion had. Canada has over 25.000 men in volunteer force. A charter has the government Erie Jockey been granted by authorizing the Fort Club, limited,, to en courage the breeding of thoroughbred horses and to hold race meetin and other lawful sports, the head office be ing at Fort Erie and capital $50,000. Daniel B. I. M. Callaghan, a lawver, who refuses to give the names of his clients has instituted proceedings against the General Electric company and the Westinghouse Electric and company, for alleged the Sherman anti-trusg' Manufacturing violations of law. Nearly Lost His Life. NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR | BREF FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS. Chocolate drops 10c. pound. Creams 10c. pound. Peanut candy llc. pound. Cocoanut candy ' 0c. pound. Butterscotch Ite. pound. At Me- Laughlin's, 201 Princess street. Read Livingston's ad. English holly. Johnson, florist. Dundonald suits, at Oak Hall: Jenkins' the store for men's S presents, Turkeys, geese, chickens, Crawford's Xmas chocolates at Taylor's 35c. per lb. Special 81 umbrella with cover at Oak Hall. Rowntree's lime juice creams, at Redden's. Patronize McLeod's drug store for flavoring extracts. Electrically lighted clocks;=for night use, at Breck & Halliday's. All our ladies' secretaries in oak and mahogany, $5, $6.50, at Robt. J. Reid's. Special brewings of XXX ale, porter and lager for the holiday trade. The old reliable' Bajus' brewery, -~ingston. In bottles or kegs. Perfumes made by Pinaud, Roger & Gallet, Stearns, Colgate, Lubin, Atk- inson, Taylor, Piver, etc., either in bottles or by the ounce at Wade's + Be sure and lish get rag dolls with every 10c.., 0c. or 6G0c. | the children, one of those Eng pound of tea, just the for Stroud Bros. Special Case. See the new umbrella with a leather case, $2.50. Jenkins. Initials put on free. Fountain Pens. We keep only the best fountain pens made. Every pen guaranteed. Beauti- ful and serviceable gilts. R. Uglow & Co. ) New York Neckwear. Exclusive neckwear, the newest, the swellest, the smartest things me al ways here long before vou can find them at other stores. The H. D. Bib- by Co. For Old Or Young. Chocolate almonds, 25¢ Chocolate walnuts, Raspberry, strawberry , vanilla. Lemon chocolate creams, 23c. Plain cream chocolates, 13c. Maple chocolate, 15c¢. You pay for chocolates, boxes. Crawford's. A Word About Tea. During the holiday season, we are not fancy looking for something different than usual. Something special. But as a matter of fact, we cannot get along without our tea. Have you tried our special bl'nd 7 It is the most popular tea in the city to-day. Put up in pound packages by ourselves at thir ty-five cents the pound, we claim it cqual to ordinary fifty cent teas. Try it. James Redden & Co. Xmas chocolates he. per Ib. The coming wa will be at Taylor's, Otta- the fat stock show in' held in buildines near centre of the city by aid of a grant of 0 by the city council and S500 by surrounding counties, SRE LIVER KIDNE' BOWELS ¢ THE SYST Gioings a RS 3 i PATION a BrruaL Co TS Bip, © °° I BENEFCAL gFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE --MANTFD BY CRRA GSYRVPC ti ACTS GENTLY Ernesttown, Station, Dee. 19.---A voung son of section foreman Blaney, fell through the ice on- Mill Pond, while skating a few days ago. Had not timely assistance arrived the lad would have been drowned. Joseph Millican talks of giving up black- smithing, and going farming. Mrs. M. Hogle- 1s recovering from her recent illness. W. Armstrong. in the employ ment of Fo Amey, had the misfortune to break a bone in his arm, while cut- ting wood. Mrs, Hartman is confined to her room, owing to her advanced age; her recovery is doubtful. Charles S00000000000000000000 1903 1903 (Canadian Almanac Scribbling Diaries Office Diaries Pocket Diaries The Corner Bookstore. F. i, IT IS. A MISTAKE TO SUPPOSE THAT GUOD TEAS ARE INJURIOUS TEAS "From ARCIENT INDIA Ave a Stimulant to the Stemach and An Ald te Digestion. Prices - $1, 70c., 60c., 50c. and 40c. per Ib. At Your Grocers FOR XMAS Our Display of CHRISTMAS FURNISHINGS is Simply Beautiful ! This is the season of the year when we have hundreds of lady patrons -- we enjoy waiting on the ladies, and, the fact is, we have just the things a man ap- precigtes most, the way of Christmas Gift, If you can't find something to please him here, where in the world will you find it ? See Our in a Come, Display ! THE H. D. BIBBY CQ,, One Price Clothing House, Qak Hall. y Telegram from Santa Claus Fairylaad Telegraph Co. Utiopia, Dreamland. Dec. 19th, 1902. MY DEAR MESSRS. CRUMLEY BROS. A year has nearly passed since I was at your beautiful store last Christmas. I had a grand time with the children and. never met a prettier, heaithier, happyer lot. The good warm undercloth- ing, Pants, Fur Collars, Fur Caps, Mitts, Stockings, Toques, -Sash- es, Clouds, Fur-Boas, and Over Stockings have a great deal to do' with keeping them thus health Yy and happy. I carefully examin- ed your childrens' wearing apparel, both on and off, and I was delighted with them. They are by far the best I have seen in any part of the world. No parent should think of buying any oth- ers for their children but yours. I will start immediately, as my load is indeed heavy and weighs so much that my reindeers cannot travel very fast, and they will have to rest now and then on the way. I will be at your store on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 24th, at 10 o'clock, and will re- main until Christmas Eve My best compiiments to you and mers. Ever your admiring friend, ¥ SANTA CLAUS 3 to all your children custo- Jesse s SELECT EECE CEELCEee sess Of All Competitions. We place our elegant New Holiday Stock of Men's, Youth's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Coon Coats, Fur-lined Coats, Fur Caps, Gloves and Mitts, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ties, Underwear, etc., the best ever show n in this locality. Fall in line all you people who wish to see a bright and beautiful display of Charming Christmas Presents JOS. ABRAMSON'S, Clothier, Furrier and Haberdasher, 180 Princess St. Between Redden's & Crawtord's. 333338 FIN MN A MN \ - . : HARD COAL : . ® . ¢ : The Old Reliable SCRANTON, Un. ¢ ® equatied for Heating : : and Cook'mg. € : - . . :S. ANGLIN & CO.} : -Foot of Wellington St. : ®eco00cc000evssccceoces M. Little of Waterford. Kilganon had his foot injured while North Renfrew, vacated hy the death pressing hay: he will be laid up some of Mr. Munroe. is not legally vacant | time. Mrs. Hester Forward, Millhay vet: the government is adhering to le- fon. spent the past two weeks at her gal practice. Tt is necessary. before a lcon's, George Forward's. Mr. and seat is declared vacant. fof two mem- | Mrs. Laidley have returned from a hers of the legislature to notiiy the | pleasant visit with friends in Toron lerk of the house.' This has not heen | to. Miss Halli and Miss Fairfield. Mill- done, because the government takes | haven, were guests of Miss Blanche tht ground that®there are no members | Fraser. Saturday and Sundav last of the legislate, because they have | Mr. 'and Mr<. I Thoms spent a week not been sworn in vet. at Carthage, N.Y, with Mr. Thom's - sister . Bibby's. Haberdashery. Bibby's. Our new neckwear, our shirts, om As A Table' Luxury. loves, onr underwear, collars, cufis, As a delicious and in every way hosiery, all smack of newness ana ori- | satisfactory beverage for the table or nality. The H. D. Bibhy Co. for sodal purposes, the Vineland : i ------------ grape Juice has no equal. In pint and When In Doubt quart bottles, at Jas iden & Co's Give vour brother one of Jenkins' Chri<timas ties. He can't have too Christmas--Jenkins--Shirts. manv. The new small patterns that are so : ----------------rig popular with the voung men are \t We had to order more French stag | ong our ( hri<tmas assortment. 81, $1 ware to supply the demand. See it gt | = $1.50. Taylor's ,rr-- 2 Rowntree's chocolate caramels, at Xmas cho olates it Taylor's . Redden's. per lh, . Fancy suspenders at Oak Hall Vineland grape juice at Redden's. LADIES' FINE FURS CLARK WRIGHT'S. SOLDER and BABBIT ALL GRADES. THE CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT,

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