Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1902, p. 3

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do -- \ TRAVELLING. . -. RAILWAY GRAND TRUN SYSTEM CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S | , HOLIDAY RATES. Simgle First-Class Fare Going December 24th and 25th, valid returning' from destination on or before December 26th, 1902; 'aiso going De cember 81st, 1902, -and January 1st, 1903, valid returning from destination on or before Januarv 2nd, 1903. First-Class tere and Ones Third Going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th, also December 29th, 30th, 31st, 1902, and January 1st, 1903, valid re- turning from destination on or before January 5th, 1903 Scheel Vacations. To Teachers and Pupils of Schools and Colleges, on surrender of Standard Form of School Vacation Railway Cer- tifieate, signed by Principal, Round Trip Tickets will be "issued at lowest ONL WAY FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, good going December 6th to 31st, inclusive, ' valid returning from destination on or before January 19th, 1908. For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLET, h City Pass. t. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. FoR CBRISTMAS VACATION Will issue return tickets to GENERAL PUBLIC. At SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, good going December 24th, and 25th, good returning until December 26th, 1902. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, going December 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 1902, returning until January 5th, 1908. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS. At FIRST-CLASS FARE AND ONE- THIRD, irom December 6th, to 31st, 1902, inclusive, good returning until January 19th, 1903. For full particulars at K. & P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. ¥. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen. Supt. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FUR Napance, Deseronto aad all local points. Train leaves Olty kiall Depot at 4 pm. R J, WILSON, CP.R. Telegraph Of DOMINION LIN BAIL STEANSHIIS. Colonian *Inshman . .. c. 27th Calliormia, 1008, -. Jan, 8rd *Norsewan .. .. .. Jan. 10th *Ottoman .. 17th Colonian ... Jan. 24th AGE---Saloon, $50 OF and upwards. For Avonmouth Deck and Bristel From Portland. KATES PASE *Englishman ... ... about 3rd Jap. Steamers marked * do not carry pas- Bengers. NEW SERVIC Boston to the Moditerranean. Commonwealth, .... ... Jan. 3rd, 1903 Vancouver ...... . . Jan. 10th New kngland | . Jan. 17th Cambroman, .. .. . Jan. 31st, Midship, Saloon, Electric light, Spa- cious promenade decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. Station, 42 Clarence Stu. D. TORRANCE & Co., Gen. Agts. Moutreal & Portland. . BERMUDA .. THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH eable communication and equable winter temperature of LS degrees, beautiiul seenery and 100 milvs of good roads, headquarters of the British armv and navy, is unrivalied in its atuactivencss, reached by the first elass iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eizht hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY this winter The tropical islands, including SANTA CltUZ, ST. KITTS, MARTINIQUE, ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AND DEMERARA, also afford beautiful and interesting tours, afl reached bv steamships of the Quebec eamship Company from New York, SPECIAL CRUISE TO THE TROPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY, 1903. For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIDG & CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, New York: J. P. HANLEY or J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AHERN, Becretary, Quebec. ALLAN LINE For Liverpool, Calling ar Movilie. REOWULKHDL WINTER RATES, From St. John. From Halifax 1' hee 20th. 10 om Ra 1 10 pot Tun 1 roan al Nat) 4 A $ Bavari Th Ir Other SAT 50. Liverpool, London and ) derry FHIRD CLASS--825 and 826. Liver- oul, Derr Glasgow, Belfast and Lon- New York to Glasgow an De carries 1a orl } HANLIY, Agent, City Depot. Jd I'. GILDERSIE MAYORALTY 1803 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIFS AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan Qidate for Mayor for 1908, I respectfully eo licit your votes and Infinenes to elect me. C. J. GRAHAN. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN (=I am acen didate for the mayoralty for the year 1908, and respectfully sek for your votes and in @uence om my behalf. : ' J. T. WHITE. MAYORALTY (903 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I reapect 11+ solicit your votes and influence to eleat nw as Mavor for 1908 J. HK. BELL. DENTAL. ® *® SPARKS, DDR, LDR, MD, DEN Med, 28304 Princess street, Kingston Pdward M. Ely, DDS LDS, assistant L colds. Never Falls Established 4 28 YEARS / Have you a Cough ? A dose will relieve it. Have you a Cold ? A du. et bedtime will remove it and accept no other. An unfailing remedv for : gl renchieis Influenza, : ~ As and sold bv all chemists. s FT NA $Y cured And Stronger." "My voungest daughter was of a very heavy cold before she the second bottle, 'when in' a weak state, and has been stronger ever since. All my family use it now with great benefit when they have E. Evans; Chapel House, Aber cured taken mule. "35¢c., 75¢ a Bottle. we BRECHE A MANON LADY TELLS OF HER EXPERIENCE DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS The Great and Well-Known Kidney Specific for the Cars of all Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Mrs. P. Bertrand, Breche A Manon, Que., writes:--I think it nothing but right for me to let you know what DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS have done for me. For five months I was badly troubled with a sore back, and such severe pains in my kidneys that I could scarcely walk at times. I got a box of DOAN'S KID- NEY PILLS, and before I had them half taken I was greatly relieved, and with another box I was completely cured. I cannot help but give them all the praise I can, and will never fail to recommend them to all kidney sufferers. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. are 50c. box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co,, Toronto, Ont. nog MEN AND WOMER, m 2asoug Tibiaise, Prevents Contagion, joes, and not astrine re) THE Eas CHEMIcaL Op, 8°Rt oF poisonous: i Sold by Druggilsts, SHORMAT, 0, or gent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, Ice , or 3 botties, 82.75, ar ont on Tequest [Tae a or [2 [oe] 2 To WX) i » ® Tye T Right x n in x SO : fe =0pportunity ! = a0pportunity ! = = tk. = el Not long to wait for Christmas, = Iw] THE BANKRUPT CLOTHING x x store although doing a rushing pr 3 business, hus not cleared out all |® PE its stock yet a x The fremises will soon have to [& J) ) Ld = vacafed. A chance of a life for pg wants Just to fili for what very vou > your little want for money tl aX » occasion. SLE Perfect Fitting Clothing; fine, comiortable Underwear; Fashionable Gents' Furnish- ings, and a great lot of rubbers, very cheap. I'ry us please; the sconer the better 184 PRINCESS STREET. J. A, MANAGER. Auction Sale To=night. (me oT] oe oo Foe ore oe oo oe a Cutters Sleighs Hava Your Cutters and Sleighs Fixed Up af Lafurney's, Where you have parts properly attended to. 390 Princess St. 'Phone 25 3] eon m0] 3a] nef oe pa 2 = i all can UNION MEN, Attention ! Brower \ stock of the 1 t \ . Ca oy Ww - s pot ars, and n i= « 11 M Ww en Gir Ah Gong The Thompson - Botiling Co, 292 Princess Street. 'Phone 304. STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SEI inkars, Linen Markers, Dates. Seals, Stencils Bank Ticket and Office Stamps, ete. Rapairs sromps. JOHN OFFORBD. g Offies. had © "IHE DAILY WHIL. MONDAY, DECEMBER 23. THE CHURCHES. MESSAGES FRON- THE -DIF- FERENT PULPITS. The Sécond Coming of Christ -- Words From a Palestine Mis- sionary--Fine Music in Some of the Churches. The Bishop of Ontario, in St. James church, Sunday morning, delivered "a thoughtful sermon, appropriate to the season of Advent, dealing with the se- cond coming of Christ. The speaker based his remarks on part of the twelith verse of the nineteenth chap- ter of Revelations: "Un His head were many crowns." Looking back to Calvary we see a crucified Christ, said the speaker; looking forward to Ad- vent we see a crowned Christ. We in reality, will some dav see the crowned Christ which St. John was permitted to see in vision. When he comes again He will be the King of angels.and of saints. At His second coming the Jews, who at one time rejected Him, will hail Him as their King. He will come again as the Prince of Kings among Kings. As to His second com- ins, we are left in ignorance; not even the angels in heaven| know when He will descend acain to earth; God alone knows when this is to take place; we are to be kept watching in expectan- that cy. All around us we see signs point out that this day may not be far distant; He mav come anv dav. We are told that ere He comes again the gospel shall be preached to all na* tions: it was not enjoined that all na- tions should be converted, but. that His word should be delivered to all quarters of the globe. To every na- tion and tribe God's word is now preached. That should lead us to stop and think, and to look up for His coming. The question is asked, "Shall He find - faith on the earth? Men will | vise up and oppose His teaching, and while they exult in their power, He wi'l come. His coming will be a period of rejoicing for those who trust in Him, but jt will also be a time of partine, as we are taught that of two men grinding corn, one will be taken and the other left. Every grave will be opened, and those who sleep in the Lord will have their bodies reunited : not incorruptible bodies, but spiritu- al. It will be a time of great mentai tribulation to those who are left. When the evil one has been banished to that condition which will remove him forever from the world, those who have heen left will come to Christ because of His advent, and Christ will rule forever over the earth. Then the vo of man will go back to what it was, so that it will be said that a wan dying at 100 years will he. con: sidered to have died in infancy. Those who are God's own at His coming will not sufier death; their condition will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. God does not in tend that His enemies shall frustrate His plans. that the world shall be blotted out; He will rule over all He Las created and of which He has said. "Behold, it is very good." The speak er enjoined his hearers to live righte ously, to overcome evil and on the day when He comes they would re ceive "their reward hy being gathered to Him. The pulpit was occupied at serviee in For Pale, Thin Bloodless Girls Who Are Weak, Languid and Despondent There l¢ no Pre: paration so Efficacious as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. ns. The question often arises as to why Dr. Chase's Nerve [Food so remark- ably successful as a treatment for the ils of girlhood and womanhood, and the answer is found ir the fact that Dy Chase's Nerve Food goes ditectly to form new, rich, lie-sustaining blood. Nearly "all woman's ills are due to deficiency in the quality or quantity of the blood, and are permanently overcome when' the blood is enriched. Pr. Chase's Nerve Food is making hosts of pale. weak, bloodless girl: and women strong and healthy and will undoubtedly be of lasting benefit to anyone who uses it. Rev. T. Brown, Methodist minister, Omemee, Ont., writes: "Pr. Chase's Nerve Food has been a great boon to one of my girls. She was thin, pale, bloodless and altogether unfit for work or exertion «i any kind. She hecan the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and by the time she had used one box a very marked change had taken place. "Her appctite wa: restored, her weight increased, her color decidediy iraproved and she was ready for acti- vitv of anv kind. It was the best re sult 1 ever saw in so short a . time. Fh. Chase's Nerve Food also restored me after a re attack of nervous es haustion, I have recommended and "4t to many persons with most excel- lent resulis.'" Mrs. T. Dalzell, 2! Charles street, Kingston, Ont.. state: : "One « mv dren sufic very much with head- ache, caused no doubt from over study and a run-lown condition of the ner- vous system. These attacks of hedd- he were very trying on her: and 1 that gradually grow- ing weaker About two months aro | ¢ her a hox of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and since she noticed she wa and more nervons, has been using thi: preparation we are more than pleased with the im rrovement which has been made in look her nerves bothered w incre her health. 1- cent. better, she ik not She one hundred are stead- he al <:Netve Food ha t | RY 0 in thousands of vases h wmvl cortainly at or : 1 hailds un the en weakness © which ailments and f |PO! fency, ho new ceonfidence, new vitality instilled into the body and health and strength take the place of Dr. Chase's Ner vod, 50 cents a box. 6 hoxes for 2° 0. At all dealers or Fdmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto are disease. the evening by Rev. Sydney Gould, B.A., M.D., a graduate of Queen's Vn- iversity, engaged in missionary work in Palestine. The speaker delivered an eloquent missionary --gppeal, busine his words on St. Luke, xxii, 20--"And I appoint unto vou a kingdom; as My Father hath appointed unto me." Christ's church on earth, he said, ex- ists for the one object of winning men for Christ. The speaker gave a brief outline of his work in the Palestine mission field. There are 84,000 Jews 42,000 being in Jerusalem; among they, povery reigns supreme. Everywhere the touch of the Mohammedan faith is felt; sixteen per cent. of the world's population follow the crescent and re- ject the cross. Five-sixths of the MNo- hammedan world is open to the teach- ing of gospel, but not one-sixth is reached by Christian missionaries. Last vear the missionaries in Palestine treated 70,000 patients in the Chris- tian hospitals and missions; the doc- tors found it necessary to limit the number of patients to 100 a day. Aj these applicants for treatment by Christian doctors are abjectly poor: the meaning of the word "poverty" is not known in this country, It is al most certain death for a Mohammedan to receive Christian baptism, but des- jite this terror, manv readily adopt the Christian faith. The speaker quot- ed instances as showing the zeal and fortitude of these converts, Sydenham Street Church. Christmas choral services were held in Sydenham Street Methodist church vesterday. The soloists were Mrs Kerr and Arthur Craig. The music throughout the dav-was very fine. At evening service, Rev. Dr. Philp spoke briefly on the Christmas-tide, which festival, he said, was a moun- tain peak of the passing year. Looking backward we are filled with gratitude, while the forward look inspires the soul. "Can any good come out of Na- zareth 2" To that question, as of old. we answer the seeptical--come and] see, As we study the ages and mark the progr through the centuries, we see Christ ruling. To-day he rules in art, in literature, in science, in educa- tion, in government. Take Christ out of the world and the world would he a desert. Surely good has come out of Nazareth !| And also comes the ques- tion~ Is the song of 'Peace on arth," being fulfilled ? It assuredly is. We mav be impatient, but we must remember that God thinks and plans hy ages. The world is coming near to Christ slowly, but surely. Church Notes. Bishop Mills held a On Thursday at St. George's private confirmation cathedral for adults. Next Sunday afternoon the Bishop of Ontario will address the pupils of St. James' Sunday school. Rec. C. J. Boulden, of Brockville, intoned the service at St. George's ca- thedral on Sunday evening. There will he midnight mass in St. Mary's cathedral on Christmas. The choir will render Farmers mass. The Sunday evening service in St. Andrew.s church was very brief, con cluding at a quarter to cight o'clock. Rev. Dr. Ross in the morning, and Prof. Dyde in the evening, were the preachers in Cooke's church, yester- day. Rev. & H. Gould, the Palestine missionary, preached in St. John's church, Portsmouth, yesterday morn- ng. Rev. G. L. Starr resumed his duties at St. George's Cathedral after being laid up for over a week through a slight accident. Rev. Robert Orr, formerly of John's church, Eganville, has been ap- pointed by the Bishop of Ottawa to the parish of Stafford. Bishop Mills occupied the pulpit of Qt. Paul's church Sunday evening and delivered a sermon upon the subject of the second coming of Christ. St. At the morning service in Chalmers church. Rev. Mr. Macgillivray made yeference to the death of Rev. Princi pal McVicar, of the Presbyterian Col- lege, Montreal. Hich mass was celebrated in St. Mary's cathedral on Sundav, bv Rev. Fr. A. Hanley. The sermon was preached by Rev. Father Mea. His Grace the Archbishop presided. Rev. Mr. Menzies, pastor of the Preshyterian church at Beachburg, was presented with a coon coal and a pair of coon gauntlets hv his congregation. Mrs. Menzies was the recipient of a purse containing ten dollars, Strance. that of the comparative fow who faced the rain and bad walk nr to attend some churches last even ine. about three-fourths were ladies and voung girls. As the men are nof co sweet as to be in danger of melt no, they must be rheumatic or: gouty. Capitular Masonry. The members of Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui Lodge, A. F. & A. M., held their annual meeting on Friday nicht and elected the following offi cor: 1 Ex-Comp. James A. Minnes, Z.: Ex-Comp. Walter TI. Connell, H.: Ix Comp. John L. Renton, J: Comp. lackson, SE: Comp. J. Kearns, Ex-Comp. H. J. Wilkinson, Comp. Charles Maund, P. ' bay Th y + : Comp. =E. Ball, tyler. Installation will take place on the third Friday in February. ni Free! Free! ! Free!!! Until Christmas we will initial free of charge any umbrella or walking cane bousht here. Special handles, spe- cial prices, Jenkins, Gazetted A Captain. Lieut. W. Bruce Carrnther King ton. unattached, 1s made a captain in the Canadian militia, in recognition of ervices in South Africa. Bibby's. Christmas Shirts. Bibby's Qur line of men's ]L colored chirts for Xmas is right up-to-date as to color style, fit and workmanship. The Bibby Co, We sell the finest chocolates 25c. rev i mixed candies, 25c. r candy, 2 { A Bie 2 Ibs. cream chocolgte, 5c. 2 Lia, Kisses y 2 lbs. maple c .i 2 2 lbs, maple, : Maple syrup in Crawford's William Culber, ofield, Man. dropped deat in: his home from~heart failure Deceased was venty five oF vears 1 L age Jenkips' the store for men's pre ents. DAY'S EPISODES PARAGRAPHS PICKED UP BY OUR BUSY REPORTERS. The Spice of Every Day Life -- What the Feople Are Talking About--Nothing Escapes At- tention. Westminster overcoats at Oak Hall. Turkeys in quantities. Crawford's. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Roses, carnations. Johnson, florist. Some love letters: are too soft to file. ' Xmas chocolates at Taylor's. 33e. per lb. Our cobbler rocker, $1.75 to 25.00. R. J. Reid. A man usually blows in a lot money on a blowout. Stir up a man's wrath if you want his candid opinion of you. With the exception of ballet chronic kickers are a nuisance. Never judge a woman's mind hy the time it takes her to make it up.' The most delicious Xmas chocolates of girls 35c. a Ib. Taylor, successor to Mit- chell. Wrinkles, vou know, my dear, are the diary of a woman's life in ciphor. House coats, cosy and warm, $2.75 to $9.50. An ideal gift. Jenkins. In some business transactions the middleman soon becomes the head- man. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Many a woman bends a man's will during life and breaks it after his death. Table raisins in 1 1b. boxes at Red- den's. A red nose may be due to the rays of the sun or to the raise of the glass. High grade goods at low prices, Robt. J. Reid's. It is generally understood that a man dislikes a slippery pavement when hevis down on it. Westminster overcoats at Oak Hall. This is the season of the vear when more hooks are hought for the bind ing than for the contents. at Perfumes in cut glass bottles at Wade's. All men have their troubles. Many a man who is seemingly happy is wearing a shirt made by his wife. Perhaps the. worst thing about rhen- matism is the apparent necessity of listening to evervbody's cure for it. Ladies, like bills of exchange, are allowed a little grace and, unlike bills of exchange, are much pleasanter to meet. We thought we had enough French stag 'ware, but had to order two more skipmeats, iv is all in this morning. Taylor, successor to Mitchell. I suppose honesty's like the gout. It runs in certain families for several cenerations, and then it skips a gene. ration. Smart furnishings at Oak Hall. When two men get together each talks about himself; when two women meet they both talk about some other woman. Oh, isn't there one perfect world out of all the millions, just one, where evervthing goes right and fiddles never get out of tune ? The mean man who would look a Christmas present in its "price" will usually find it rubbed out, unless it is more than he would think. Our teas and are a hold necessity. checks on all our teas, cocoas, per, mustard and Stroud Bre house- given pep powder. colices Premium coliees, baking The Spring Assizes. Napanee--Jury, 28th April, Justice Ferguson; non-jury, 22nd June, Jus- tice Robertson. Picton--Jury and non-jury, 3lst March, Chief-Justice Falconbridge. elleville--Jury, 10th March, the chancellor: non-jury. Perth--Jury and non-jury, 1ith April, Chiei-Justice Meredith. Brockville--Non-jury, ISth May, the chancellor; jury, 6th April, Chief-Jus- tice Falconbridge. Pembrokes--Jury and non-jury, 15th May, Chiei-Justice Meredith. Quantity And Quality. We have the finest assortment of Ch:istmas fruits that can be had. Flo- rida oranges, California seedless, Ja maica, Mexicans and Valen iy oranges, fancy clusters Malaga grapes, dates, fips. table raisins, nuts, ete. J. Ilis- cock. Just A Reminder. In the hustle and bustle of vow Christmas shopping, do not overlook the necessaries. We would just mention that there is no cofice equal to our Java and Mocha blend, We roast it on the premises, prina daily and guaran tee it absolutely pure. James Redden & Co de Bibby's. $1 Umbrella. Bibby's. We are showing a swell range of um- brellas, suitable for Xmas gift. See our RI special with cover, at The H. D. Bibby Co. Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. A man can always use another tie He never has too many. See our spe- cials for Christmas. Turkeys ! Chickens ! Lots of turkeys, geese and chickens. cooked ham, 20c¢. tonrue, 20c. prints or roll butter. Crawford's. 25¢. The report that Don Carlos purposes to abdicate his claim to the Spanish throne, in favor of his son Don 15 untrue, Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware, knives and forks, and all kinds of cut levy. Rowntree's Redden's. The Scotch artist Roche has for New York, where portraits «f Mrs. and Jaime peppermint creams | at loft he is Mi (ilasgow, to paint Carnegie : Governor Bailey, of promi=ed to marry if. elected, he Kansas, who has 1 anted and says cannot' make a choi Christmas umbrellas are Initials free, $1.50 to our speci ality. Ri5. Jer kins, A/ coal Msn Sait to be New almonds, new fillberts at Redden's Jenkins' the store for men's occurred in t People riot Saturday. served Paul. 1 wold n walnuts, new presents A COLD OR C Pe PREVENTS BETTER STOP YOUR COLD QUICKLY. The sooner you stop your cold the loss harm it will do you, Slocum's COLTSFOOTE EXPECT ORANT will stop a cold quick, this means relief and a cure. sold by all Druggists ; when you buy a bottle and you will get w! The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co., L CoOL always say C(OL.5. COTE EXPECTORANT TSF'~TE IXPECTORANT is ycu want. Price 25c¢. imited, T.v Xing St. W.; Toronto, Don't ex- periment | to the former. UseED DY'S POP ccs TEST TITIIRITII IT erd . J. A. HENDRY, Lad oe with other | be started with so little trouble . and inferior ith Headlight 500 as with an Eagle 200 and brands. Tory Victoria, EDDY PARLOR MATCH FOR SALE EVERY WHERBE. = T A AD aa aad il canta desadaladal ooo Xe dod dha) Ad COAL AND WOOD PRODUCE HEAT. E.B.EDDY'S MATCHES CREATE FIRE. The latter is indispensable OQurBr King Edware 1000. No fire can Little Comet aa anadenarasadasasasatadsanald ad Agent, Kingston. FRCP EELS PEIC LITO IOIO LIPO L OS FETIP LLL SHIROV EI ONS Curse DRINK CURED BY COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor. Tan de given in glass o water, tea, or coffee, without patien.'s knewledge, Colonial Remedy wiil cure or destroy the dis- eased appetite for alcholic stimulents, whether the pati i e, '"tippler," social drinker or drunkard. D ble for anyons to have v1 appetite fur alcoholic lignors after using Colorial Remedy, indorsed by Members of W. C. T. U. Mrs. Moore, Superintendent of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Ventura, Cal., writes : 1 have tested Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards. and the cures have been many. In many cuses the Remedy was given secretly, 1 cheerfully recommend ard indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem Sers of our Union are delighted to find a practiced «4 economical treatment to aid us in our tempre= an work." Sold & ~ druggists everywhere and by mail. Price #1. "rial package free by writing or calling on Mrs. M. . Cowan (for years member of the Woman's Chnst \ Temperance Union), 2204 St. Catherine St. Mouwal Sold in Kingston by J. B. Woleod, Prin we street. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNSIGHTLY THAN TO SEE A PERSON WITH THEIR FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES? IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNCOMFORTABLE AND PAINFUL THAN TO HAVE BOILS? BAD BLOOD Is the Cause of Boils and Pimples. Bad Blood can be Cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr. Wm. O"Madlay, Madawaska, Ont, writes: --I used to be terribly bothered with boils and pimples, caused by bad blood and run-down system. I took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it made my skin nice and clear, and built up my constitution. Any person using it will never be bothered with skin diseases. FOUR IN THREE MONTHS. Afflictions Of a Family In Windsor. The In | Piece, Cl. s than as paid four vis Windsor. tat. three months death its to the home of the late Bernard McCrae, Mercer street, The last was on Friday. when Mrs. Mary McCrae died. Deceased was sixty-four years old. The first death was that of the Inte Mi MeCrae s erandson. Then in quick s<uecession followed her daughter, Miss Alice MeCrae, and Dernard Me- Crae. her husband, who died less than three we Bibby's. Overcoats. Bibby's. Distinguished overcoats for mem of taste. See our Westminstees, 8x; 310, 812.50, $15. The H. D. Bibby Co. Free! Free!!! Free!!! Until Christmas we will initial free wnbrella or walking of. charge anv cand bought here. Special handles spe cial price Jenkins. In a woman's word hook, 1 hate voulolten mean I ile vou." That worth remembering TO-LET. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen street. FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, with all modern con- veniences, at 191 University Avenue. 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTI- fully situated, facing the Harbor, Rent $240 and = taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, HOUSE, 7 sireet, streets; rear. ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY between DLagot and Rideau also stable and, sheds in Apply 45 William street. ARCHITECTS. OFFICE, WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. ood's Store, scoond Hoor over Mah corer cess and Bagot streets. trance on Bagot street. POWER & BON. ARCHITECTS, MEROU- ants' Buildiag, corner Brook and Wellington streets. 'Phome 212. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE site of New Drill Hall, near ocorner of Queen Mon Streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ETC, Anchor Building, Market 'Sguare., 'Pheqe MONEY AND BUSINESS. I TT TT TT I SR TT LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets, $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders, Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business wet rates fron STRANGE & STRANGLE, Ageuts. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest on city and farm property. Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGILL, manager of Frontenac Loan and In- vestment Society. Otflice opposite the Post Office. TWO lars in HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- sums from one thousand to ten thousand dollars. For particu- lars apply at. GODWIN'S INSUR- ANCE EMPORIUM, over Express ONTa, Market Souare. _,UNDERTAKERS. om HARRISON CO., UNDERTAK- 233-235 Princess street. Quality and efficiency the best. Prices the lowest. 'I'hones -- Warerooms, 90. Night calls--T. F. Harrison, 91. T. FP. ers, S. 8S. CORPETT, FUNERAL DIREC- tor, 281 Princess Street, Kingston. Successor to WM Drannan The best Christmas Gift to buy is something useful. We have them :~-Decorated Agate Tea and Coffee Pots, Cream Jugs, Butter Dishes, Cuspadores, and many things too numerous to mention. Give us a call--no trouble to show goods. Taylor & Hamilton Tinsmithing, Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Hot Water Heating promptly attended to. 'Phone 418. Wonderful Success. THE LIGHT THAT LIGHTS. Do not be disappointed hy buying cheap imitation mantle burners when you can buy the best, THE KERN BURNER Ts made upon honor, and every one guar- antoed. They are made of hanvy material, finely fininhed, equipped with the best mauties and lacaware. | Give the light and save pas J. W. OLDFIN.** Shr. Cure 'that cough with mo ear pat : Grufiion, on A oc. bottle generally suffice. Pleasant to take Sold by Druggists s0¢. and $1.00 = Hare iven Angie pr Fw on 3 wrough te » ds mmend it {or Consumption aud Bror ANGIER CHEMICAL COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS, U. § A : 3

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