Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Dec 1902, p. 1

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LUI 89TH YEAR. NO. 298 HE D J { L BRITISH KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22; 1902: LAST EDITION. SOLID COMFORT When you ' get home after the day's work to put on a warm 'HOUSE COAT And sit by the fire and read your paper. : Our large range is entirely English makes from $2.75 to $9.50. All sizes and patterns in men's Smoking Jackets and Dressing { Gowns. 4 s JENKINS 3 The store for Men's presents. { t of t's The Kind of a Sahta Claus We Are A jolly, old, stomach-filling Santa Claus ! No nonsence and knick-knacks about us. What's the use of Christmas if you don't fill up on the best of the land. That's wnat we are here for--to make your stomachs glad and your din- ing table tired on Christinas. he rush ts on. We are very busy. Give us a call. ' THOS. H. JOHNS, 270 PRINCESS STREET. KINGSTON COVERED RINK. season Office opened for the sale of tickets. A season ticket will be the best 'Xmas box you can get for your boy or girl. SEASON RATES Gentlemen (Single)... Lady's (Single) Children under 12 years ... Family of 3 .. Family of 8 ... ... Family of 4 or § ¥amily of 6 to 10 .. W. E. BONTER, H. . $4.00 3.00 2.00 6.00 7.00 .. 8.00 ou sesseinve 10.00 W. RICHARDSON, Manager. Secretary-Treasurer. N.B.--Those wishing to secure good lockers should apply early. --_-- ITUATION VACANT. FOR A Ss EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY live business voung man with small capital to seil exclusively an article of general consumption in town and county Apply by letter to J. R M., Whig oflice LOST. RUFF, ON Reward for SATURDAY SABLE its retdrn to morning this oflice Sp TO-LET. STORES, STORAGE. J 'ann, ltegl kstate, ktc., 51 Brock street, DWELLINGS, S.R.M HOUSE, NO 57 Possession at once. Ap- slie, at Mrs. Mur- FURNISHED (ieorge St to WANTED. CHAMBERMAID. ADPLY tel Congress. A AT HO- A GENERAL SERVANT; NO WASH- ing or ironing. Apply at 55 George street. ESTATE, Mc- REAL INVESTORS FOR J. 8. R, Debentures and bonds Cann, 51 Brock street. $15 PER 1.000, COPYING AT HOME; either sex: two stamps for particu- lars Twain Novelty Co. Omaha Building, Chicago AGENTS, CAPABLE QF handling sub-abents, to sell the A RW a new Dustless Floor Sweep- er, 225 Cedar street, Milwaukee, Wis ENERGETIC A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH- er. for 8.8. No. 8 Township of Kingston, 1903 Apply. stating salary, S. McAdoo, Kingston Mills for to YOUNG LADY FOR SHORTHAND AND typewriting (Remington machine), and to assist in general othice work State experience. Address X., Whig IER FOR ee AS CASH branch who would be come to Toronto for a tor traming Apply. by age amd giving refer. iw. Davies Co. Ltd.. 3H s west, Toronto ---- A YOUNG LADY ur Kingston 'o months stating The Wi A TEACHER, THE HOLDER OF third-class certificate of qualification to take charge of public school, sec- tion No. 2, township of Olden, Frontenac Salary 220 per a num Address, stating previous perience, ID Cronk, Chairman School Board. Long Lake Ont Art calendars and novelties--all specialties at R. Uplow & Co's Raspberry vinegar at Redden's. 7 LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. City conncil meets, 8 p.m. Jenkins' for men's presents. Sale of cheap sfreet car tickets begun. A man without hands can never feel well. Never kick a live it's down. Hanesty isn't the kind of policy found lottery shops. 'The sun rises and sets at 4:27 p.m. Christmas week : Concerts nes, as a rule, suspended. It is easier to make a dollar than i is to ayoid arrest for counterfeiting. The more checks a man receives in his business career the sooner he 'gets there 1t sometimes happens that a nan agrees with you pécause your argaments ke him tired. Rh vears ago to-day Lord Roberts started for South Africa to take com- mand of the British troops. a poison, $0 18 tea, Tho' in another shape; What matters whether one By canister or grape 2? electric wire when in Tyesday at 7:32 am., and meet- t If wine's is killed is the tistically arranged table An artisti y oh ibs delight of all. persons of taste, reverse is unpleasant. 1t behoves you to pretty China, which yom a very moderate cost. Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- ful. We curry a large line and prices are right. ROBERTSON BROS. Open Saturday evenings during De cember. ([GRAND.X OPERA HOUSE. |) TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 23rd. WACENHALS & KEMPER PRESENT BLANCHE WALSH AS SALAMMBO In Stanislaus Stange's Now Pla «THE DAUGHTER OF HAMILCAR" 67--PEOPLE--67 Seats on sale at Hanley's. Prices--25¢c., 50c., 75c., $1, CHRISTMAS DAY, MATINEE & NIGHT The Newest Novelty, the big Oper- eratic Comedy Company. THE SMART SET In the -Spectacular Ixtravaganza, En- -hantment, produced under the nersonal direction of Edgar Temple, with the ereatest Cast of Colored Entertainers on carth. A Superior and Opera Chorus. Cast headed by Ernest Hogan and Billy M"Clain; 50 Singers, Dancers and Comedians. Prices : Ivenin Matinee, 2: Matinee at Seats now Saturday, BIG OFFER! INTRODUCE AND ESTABLISH School of Music to the people and vicinity, the manage select good and can do here at $1.50. 50¢., 7bc. 3 o'clock. livening at 8:13. on sale at Hanley's. Dec. 27th, "CAST! TO the Peate oi this city ment offers a $15 MANDOLIN FREE 7 scholar who will take a 30 e. do not ask cash down, scholars the privilege of they go along. We will he show what can be done on the mandolin and explain fully our ofier in all its details. Please call at PEATE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Ioxchange Buildi Brock Street, Opposite McRac's Warehouse AUCTION SALE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Perfumes, Plat- ed Ware, China, Jewelry, Cutlery, Clothing, at 228 Prin- Sales afternoons and erm. ~ut give the paying us pleased to Tweeds, cess street. evenings. : ALLAN & SON, Auctioneers. SINGLETON'S xusic Store 286 PRINCESS STREET. Hits Music S20 cent 25 cents, Mandolins Guitars, Popular at hali pieces or Violins, Newest in price See our supply anything In can you possible Piancs fact we cash prices, lowest the Wishing hoping soon to make your PIANO FOR SALE. UPRIGHT, IN GOOD CONDITION, $150 cash. Apply through Whig office RUSSIA'S DECISION. at in Ine a musical and acquaintance you merry Christmas, AN Direct Relations With Afghanistan. London, Dee. 22.--An official © com- munication has been received from the Russian foreign otice, which states that Russia's relations with Persia are continually improving. not akiressed a request of any sort to Great Drnitamm in regard to Afghans tan has simply notitied England of decision that it is desirable that should enter into relations Afchanistan in the ture. To Make She her Russia with fu a tm---- Turkeys ! Turkeys ! 25¢. cooked roll Turkeys : Turkevs, gvese, ham, 2c. tongue, | butter. Crawford's chickens, Que, prints or ex- | Shop earlv on Monday at R. low & Co's for holiday aifts, | Rev. Prof. McComb leaves York 'on Thursday afternoon Jenkins' the store tor wens presents for Russia has | LIKELY DONE Transfer Of Customs Dues To a Commission Sinn, ACTIVE REBELS THEY ARE MARCHING DOWN ON CARACAS. Castro Has Many Troubles of His Own--The Powers Would Like President Roosevelt to be the Arbitrator. Port oi Spain, Trinidad, Dec. 20.-- It is reported here that four Venezue- lan revolutionary rebels, with a force, said to number 10,000 men, are march- ing on Caracas -and are believed now to be near that city. Cable messages coming from Eenczuela to this port, are subjected to Venezuelan censor- ship. Want Roosevelt. Washington, Dec. Roosevelt has proposed to the allied powers that the Venezuelan dispute be submitted to the Hague tribunal. The powers have®re- plied with a counter proposition that President Roosevelt, himself, arbitrate the issues. Still Perplexing. New York, Dec. 22.--Tribune's Lon- don calle: The still remains involved and perplexing. The impression, in well-informed quart- ers here, is that in the end some ar- rangement will be come to which will lead to the transfer dues to an international commission, Venezuela and the foreign creditors. whole Roosevelt or to The for adjustment. In any case, it is fer- vently hoped, by the provincial' as well as the metropolitan pre that the affair will quickly be settled. So far the affair has served te cordial relations which exists between Britain and the United States. It can- not be said, with equal truth that it has aided to promote Anglo- friendship. Britain and regard each other's bine against Venezuela been with enthusiasm. / In financial circ of all' South American securities held in Europe, and it is significant that Venczuelan government bonds stand two per cent higher on the a month ago. A later dispatch to the Tribune says : General approval is expressed by to-day's newspapers of the propo sal that President Roosevelt arbitrate the Venezuelan though few believe that he will accept the task. WILL DO SOML: GOOD. Land Question Cannot Bg Settled by Conference. London, Dec. 22.~The [Irish land question will not be settled. hy the conference which has been arranged between Lord Dunraven's committee, representing the landlords, and John Redmond, William O'Brien, J. C. Ha rington and J. W. Russell, on behalf of the tenants, because the land own- ers' convention, which claims to speak jor nine-tenths of the Irish land-own- ing class, will have nothing to do with the nationalist party. This irre- concilable attitude on behali of the official body of landlords hag furnish- ed the nationalists with a test upon which to base accusations of hostility to any movement which aims at a friendly settlement of. the land war in Ireland. The conference will not, how- ever, be a complete failure. It will, at least, enable Mr. Wyndham, who intends to introduce an Irish land bill into parliament, next session, to see whether his proposals are likely to run parallel or thwart those whoso popular judgment. as reflected -by the conference, is likely to approve, and may cause him to modiiy the measure in certain respects. MENTALLY DERANGED. Tax Collector Not Responsible For Actions. Sturgeon. Falls, Ont., Dec. 22.--A North Bay press dispatch of December Gill, tax collector, of this town, embezzled town funds. Mr. Gill was wentally deranged through illness and an apparent shortage was his accounts. Th never was any question of his ability or willingness to make good any discrepancies, but the surety company was notified and through" an unfortunate misunder- standing legal action was taken, al though -the alleged shortage had been paid, pending an investigation into the acggunts in dispute. direct | | trouble, | lies, { the war Has Written a Poem. London. Dec. I'he Times, <trenuonsly opposes the British alli ance with Germany. in the Venezuelan prints poem by i, ervst ing the popular an- rman sent nt. Under the title The Rowers," Kipling pictures the of wars-men grumbling at being led to join hands with such al who were the bitterest haters of British during the South African 9 -- New Youk neckwear at Oak Hall | 20.--President arbitration of The Venezuelan 'question of the customs as in the case of Bgypt, with a view to the division of the revenue between Most people here would like to see the question referred to President Hague tribunal strengthen rather than to weaken the rman Germany movements with distrust and suspici,n and in neither country has the com- hailed Jes it is fully expected that a settlement of the question will have an excellent feeling on the price London stock exchange, to-day, than they did should question, 17th is in error in stating that H. W.! had | found in | which | Rudyard | MONEY AT HAND. - To Carry Forward Sault Ste. Marie Industries. Toronto, Dec. 22.--A Sault Ste. Ma- rie spedal to the Globe says that F. H. Clergue announces to a cofrespond- ent that, as a result of the negotia- tions in Philadelphia, the sum of ,- 000,000 was now at the company's disposal to meet present liabilities and to earrv to completion the works now under way. Mr. Clergue added that this loan was floated on the se- curity of uncalled stock, which am- ounts to $8,000,000 as well as on the securities of the company. With reference to the recent panic, Mr. Clergue said it was confined most- ly to Toronto; that only 10,000 shares out of a total of 1,000,000 changed hands and that of that number the trading was done, on 25,000 shares. The Globe's correspondent says that the various industries, with the excep- tion of the rail mill, are now actively at work, employing about 4,000 men. He quotes R. A. Leon, local manager of the Imperial Bank, the company's bankers, as saying that the creditors of the company need not have any ap- prehension. Did Not Start. Detroit, Mich, Dec. 22.--A Sault Ste. Marie special 'says that F. H. Clergue announced on Saturday that owing to the steamer Leafield and the barge Agawa, being caught in the ice near Midland it would be impossi- ble to start the steel plant on Mon- day. as had been previously announc- od. The two ¥essels had been sent to Milland to load pig iron at the blast furnace there in which the consolidat- ed company owns a controlliny inter est. RECEIVED A MARCONIGRAM. Wireless Messages Have Been Transmitted. London, Dec. 22.--The Times an- nounces that it has received, bv mail, from Poldhu, Cornwall, where the Marconi station is situated, the fol lowing Marconigram from its corres- pondent at Glace Bay: *'Being pres- ent at its transmission in Signor Mar- coni's Canadian station, 1 have the honor to send, through the Times, the inventor's four wireless trans-Atlantic messages of greeting to England and Italy." ) Successfully Accomplished. London, Dee. 22.--Marconi last succeeded in establishing less communication across the lantic.. The message which he transmitted from Lord Minto the is an accomplishment which should do away with the many doubts as to the ultimate success of this re- markable system. Wireless telegraphy is already in gommercial use at sever- al of the Lloyds signal stations, while some of the great Atlantic liners have been making from £350 to £60 a trip by transmitt'ng messages to shore. The British navy also employs the svstem in a modified form, nearly all the modern battleships and craisess being fitted with the necessary appar- atus. has a wire- At- has to peculiar king BURNED ALIVE. One . Man Rescued--Quite An Ex- citing Time. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 22.--Oscar Bender and Harry Focht, workmen, were burned alive Saturday night in one of the Lebanon furnaces of the Pennsyl- vania Steel company. Disobeving orders, Bender rode to the top of No. 3 stack in a truck of stock, and was dropped into the outer bell over the mouth of the furnace, being suffocated almost instantly by the gas. > As he plunged to his death, Bender screamed, and George Reigert at- tempted to save him, finally leaping into the bell with Focht, who had climbed to the top of the stack. Both Reigert and Bender were quickly pulled out, the former alive, but it was some time afterward that Focht's badly roasted body was re- covered. Reigert. miraculously escaped death, but, with others of the rescuers suffer- ed greatly from gas. Bender was thirty years old and married. Focht was twenty and single. TROUBLE IS FEARED. Notorious Haters Of On War Path. Shanghai, Dec. 2l.--Excitement has been caused by reports from Shensi that the notorious gencral, Tung Fu Hsiang, is mobilizang 10,000 well equipped troops at Kan Su, and buy- ing. large quantities of grain and fod der. It is stated that he is preparing a big move in conjunction with Prince Tuan, another notorious hater of for- eigners. Four thousand imperial troops who have been disbanded from the imperial command, are said to have gone to join the voung Fn Hsiang. Friendly officials have warn- ed the missionaries and other foreign- ers to leave Kan Su. It is believed that the dowager empress and Yung Lu, first grand secretary, are secretly encouraging the rebels, and supplying them with money. Foreigners He Is Well Pleased. London, Dec. 22. --Mr. Mosely, who organized the Mosely labor sion, arrived in Liverpool, vesterdav, by the Umbria, He is sq completely i catisfied with the results of his schepe that he will take out an educational commission to the United States next | autumn. CONS. ' Killed By A Fall. London, Dec. A man Frederick Wells, a painter, is dead fnjuries received by falling from a scafiold, on which he was working on Saturday afternoon; Wells came here from England eight months ago. He leaves a widow. De) namea { Read Livingsto » {l ol BOUGHTBLOCK A Purchase Made By Mac- Kenzie, Mann and Co. TO HEAD IT OFF THIS MAY BE PURPOSE OF HILL AND MORGAN. | The Grand Trunk May Not Effect Traffic Arrangement With the Canadian Northern Railway Company. Winnipeg, Dec. 22.--The sale of the Western Canada block, at the corner of Portage: and Main streets, to Messrs. Mackenzie, Mann & Co., is confirmed by a member of the latter firm. The deal gives Messrs. Macken- zie & Mann one "of the best business <tands in town, situated in the heart of the city. A St. Paul (Minn), despatch says: "The Great Northern railway has is- sued a notice to agents that traflic arrangements have been made with the Canadian Northern railway and instructing them to route freioht for Manitoba and Ontario points via Eme.son and St. Vincent. It raid that the Northern Pacific and the Canadian Northern will pass into the control of the Northern Securities Co., which now controls the Great Novth- ern, Northern Pacific and Burlington lins. It believed that Mr. TLI and Mr. Morgan will head oif the Grand Trunk project to efiect a tra- fic arrangement with the C.P.R. 18 is PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Rev. Father Fogarty, parish priest of Dublin, Ont., died suddenly on Sun- day morning. The Russian government is spending huge sums in relief work among fa- mine sulierers. Paul Fabre, son of the commissioner in Paris, died on Friday aged thirty-five. ; The Princess of Wales gave birth to a son Saturday night; "mother and child domg well. W. EK. Milner, Brampton, the liberal candidate selected for Peel for the federal house. Three more companies have been in corporated to operate in the oil fields of Western Ontario. W. I. Milner has heen nominated for changes in the staff of Trinity Col- lege school, Port Hope, Railway officials report about thirty per cent. more passenger trafic this vear than last year. Ten inches of snow fell in Sante Fe and Mora counties. The snow fall was the heaviest since 1592. Sixteen persons , were Killed and many injured in a railway w eck near Byron, Hot Springs, California. Temporary letters of administration of the estate of the late Eli Hyman, the Toronto miser, have been grant ed. The czar has issued an order allow- ing students who have been banished to Siberia to return to the universi- ties. One hundred and fifty thousand men employed on railways running out of Chicago have demanded increased sal aries. France has decided to appoint sever. al new commercial attaches to the Un- ited States. They will receive. special allowances for travelling expenses. Sir Marcus Samuel, the Lord Mayor of London, Saturday, laid the found- ation stone of the new central crimi- nal court, which is to replace the his- toric Newgate prison, popularly called "The Old Bailey." Alfred Austin, the poet laureate, has written a play on the subject of the battle of Flodden Field for Beerbohm Tree, which the Tatter will produce at his Majesty's theatre after the run of Tolstoi's "Resurrection." The school-of tropical medicine has issued a report on the sleeping sick- ness which is now devastating Ugandy. Though it was discovered only a few days ago. it is computed that the dis- ease has already killed from 20,000 to 30,000 people. and is spreading to new areas with increasing virulence, Canadian is Death Of A Crank. Oceanic, N.J., Dec. --Owen Mec- Carton, a rich recluse of Oceanic, is dead. Although he had spent forty vears at Cceanic, he was Wy known to any except the members his own family. For thirty vears he had not crossed the threshold of his dwelling between sunrise and sunset because of an election bet. During the presidential campaign of 1572, be tween Grant and Greeley, McCarton was one of the latter's enthusiastic supporters. He made a bet with a iriend that if Grant was elected he would not leave? his house except dur- ing the night as long as he lived. Me- Carton lived up to his wager. About five years ago his house gaught fire, and for a time it los as if he would have to break his agreement, hut the flames extinguished he fore they had sutlicient. head wav to compel the pre mises, D sCarce, of Were ned to leave Reciprocity Of Tariffs Washincton, Dic. Senator Lodge introduced in the senate a hill an thorizing the president to remove the | duty coal the United States from whenever the du tv on coal from the United States go ing into Canada be removed, Oe) on coming into Canada | <hall | | Christmas. Jenkins. Christmas. | Store open every evening till Christ 'mas. | Table figs at Redden's. 'SOLD BY AUCTION. Adopt This Means of Keeping Families From Perishing. St. Petersburg, Dec. 22.--Harrowing accounts of the condition of the starving peasants come from the cen- tral province of Russia. The suate of aliairs in the government (or pro- vince) of Kovrofi is almost incredible. Regular auction sales of women and children) are held there, the wives, daughters and little ones of men who are too poor to buy food for them being knocked down to the highest bidder in order that they may not perish. A sound, wholesome young woman fetches $135. A healthy child sells for from $10 to $25. Whole fumi- lies are subsisting on a little meal, mixed with the ground hark of trees, while roots and herbs are boiled with the flesh of diseased animals to make soup. MESSAGE PICKED UP. Found in Bottle on Lake Ontario Shore. Consecon, Ont., Dec. 22.--The fol lowing message was found on the shore of Lake Ontario, yesterday, con- tained in a bottle : "August 25th, 1902----Seven miles off the south shore of Lake Ontario about 5:45 p.m. Witnessing a severe gale; mast broke; rudder gone. (Signed) We:ley Hutchison, John Sandon, To- ronto. Also signed by George Hyams, one side of the paper. at STOLE WHEAT. Charges Laid Against Rat Port- age Lads. Rat Portage, Ont., Dec. Four young men, named Fullbook, Talley, Craig and Comer, were arrested at the instance of a C. P. R. inspector, charged with stealing wheat from cars. It is alleged they broke seals and car ried the wheat away in sacks, dispos ing of it to the people around town. It is thought that the men got away with nearly a whole car of wheat. ' 29 _ DISQUALIFIED. The Decision Against Brunet. Montreal, Dec. 22.--Judges Tait and Loranger, tod handed down their decision in the case against Joseph Brunet, member of commons, for St. James' division, declaring him guilty of corrdpt practices. This decision will result in the unseating and dis qualification of Mr. Brunet under terms of the electoral act. Joseph v IMPERIAL RESPONSIBILITIES. Beresford Says They Exceed De- fence Organization. New York, Dee. 22.--The Sun has the following from London. In an address during the week Rear-Admiral Lord Jeresford said : "As a British sub ject T do not want to an acre more added to the British empire, as our imperial responsibilities are enor mously in excess of our organization for defence." 4 see Practical Forestry. Washington, Dec. The farmers of this country own about 50,000,000 acres of woodland, ten times the acre- ace of all federal forest reserves. Most of it consists of small wood lots from which the owners derive timber sup- plies for farm purposes. The bureau of forestry several years ago undertook to furnish to them, without cost, the services of its foresters. The offer proved popular, and applications for assistance have far exceeded the ability of the bureau answer them. Two experts have been employed in the north and south, who have examined and put under management several thousand acres of woodland. Usually jonly one visit to the farm by the bureau's expert is and . this service is given without cost to the owner. When, as occasionally hap pens, a second visit is needed, the owner is required to pay the travelling and living expenses of the expert while at work. 99 to necessary, Has Gone To Venezuela. Halifax, ~N.S., Dec. The Alberto, the Italian warship, which was given by the King of Italy to Marconi to assist, him in his experi ments, left vesterday, for Venezuela, to take part in the blockading opera tions davs ago to proceed to Venezuela, hut as her immediate departure would have retarded Marconi's operations, the order modified and she held at Swdney until trans-Atlantic communication was sie cessfully accomplished. * 99 Carlo The warship was ordered some seriously was was The Mail Recovered. Victoria, B.C., Bee Capt. Flet cheg, post office inspector, has recenn ed word that the mail, lost when mail carriers Ahbie and Melntyre were lost through the on the Atlin trail, ha< been recovered, but that the ear riers' bodies have not yet been found. 09 ie Suggestions. Our store is a fund of ideas men's gifts. Drop in and see the play. Jenkins. for dis- Wrist Bags. Am appropriate present for a one of our imported wrist bags. Lelow & Co. lady, ------ Prive, J. 1. Whiting, David and Deputy Sheri Asselstine i fon { Judge { Purdy | are 19023 selecting urors an'l Warden enzaoed Mavor of in Shaw the Spo { members re lent. | Acme ! make i hove and right prices. not pres Skates I ne rr popular for then ar the are 3 ht Strachan sells ery a box "ting 1Istinas | Gibson s new hook, "The Social Lad at R. Uglow & Co's. More French stag ware in this morn ing. H. B. Taylor. : X:aas shirts at The H der, I D. Bibby Co. | at T$ WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Ont., Dec. 22. --Strong north- westerly winds, clearing and becoming colder: Tuesday, fresh north-westerly winds, fair and considerably colder. EER RR STEACY'S ADVERTISEMENT. | Our store will be open un- til 9 p.m., Tuesday. Two days only to do your Christmas Shopping. Shop in the morning if possible. 33" WHY NOT GIVE A SILK WAIST? Can you imagine any wo- man not being pleased with a handsome Silk Waist gift? Few things would be more acceptable. And it is so easy to find out her taste and fancy, too As for size, you can't go wrong; all you need is the bust Come and see our charming styles in Waists. You'll be sure to make a selection either for ,your own use = or for Christmas giving. measure, THE EVER POPU. LAR PRESENT, AN UMBRELLA. What could be more accep- table as a CHRISTMAS GIFT, for either Lady or Gentleman. Special values, nice hand- les, good. coverings, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2 up to 7 each. Handkerchiefs, Kid Gloves, Lace. Collars and hundreds of other articles suitable for Gifts, in large variety. Inspection invited. GUESS--In IHuarrowsmith, 1902, to Mr. and Mrs daughter H. W. Guess, a BELL and wr 18th chelvey 1902 Bell to Nr. a daugh- DIED. Kingston 1902, Mrs VANARNAM---In ber 21st, nam Funeral Decetns Vanar- on C. A private, Tuesday afternoon, hali past two; irom her late dence, 108 Clergy street (Buffalo papers please at resi copy.) i Christmas -- Jenkins -- Gifts. Warm comfortable dressing gowns for the Xmfs trade, 86:75 to $20 many pretty patterns, ------------ 11 Xmas scarf< and mutllers at Oak Hall. ---N Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens The Most Periect. The Most Acceptable. Plain er Gold Mounted. Our assortment of § ver a half gross is? rge enough to suit a'l riters. C. JOKNSTON & BRO. JEWELERS. ' : ' ~ A

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