Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1902, p. 1

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89TH YEAR. NO. 297 KINGSTON. ONT TARIO, SATURDAY. DEC CEMBER 3 20, 1902. DAILY BRITISH WwW LAST HG. EDITION FAY CHRISTMAS GIFTS. A Low lrices. Robt. J. Reid, FOR and up our Fancy Cake Stand our Fancy $8.50 and up. our Fancy Ludies' $6.50 and up. Christmas Goods Desks, S. GY FURNITURE See our Tea Curets, $1.50 and $2 See our Fancy Rattan Chairs, $2, $2.- 25, $3.50, and up Yee our Fancy Morris Chairs, $4.50, Gentlemen's ChifToniers, $3.50 sold at Special Two Doors Above Opera House. Ambulance Call 577. KINGSTON COVERED RINK Office opened for the sale of tickets. sea Princess St. son A season ticket will be the best 'Xmas Gentlemen Lady's (Single) . Children under 12 years Family of 2 Family Family Family WwW. E. N.B.--Those lockers should apply early. Elegant SEASON RATE (Single) of 8 of 4 or of 6 to 10 BONTER, H. Manager. 5 wishing to se FOR $ cure g box you can get for vour boy or' girl. 10.00 Ww. 'RICH ARDSOQN, Secretary-Treasurer ood "HRISTMAS PRESENTS Fancy Vestings, $4 to $6. Melton Overcoats, $14 to $16 $14 to $22. «JOHN TWEDDELL... TAILOR AND IMPORTER. Scotch Tweed Suits, CHEAP STREET CAR TICKETS. FROM DECEMBER 22ND TO DE- cember 31st, the Kingston, Portsmouth & Cataraqui Electric Railway Company will sell books of @ne hundred (100) Jieks Cts for £3.75 B. . FOLUFE i, HUGH C. NICKLE, Manage J Superintendent. NEW LAUNDRY. LAUNDRY Satisfaction A.J. LOVE. guaranteed Steam L I HAVE STARTED A A~ency at 358 King street. Parcels lected on Monday and Tuesday and livered on Friday and Saturday. Re reasonable Dehvery prompt I BY want the best work, give me a tr col- de- rtes vou rial. Late of the Kirgeten .aundy. WITH OR WITHOUT by 1638 King street FURNISHED ROOMS. table board. Ap BOARD; Al SO LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. for men's presents. Opera House, to-night. empty Depper box Jenkins' **Sapho,"' Of cqurse an season is out of not foundered No, Cordelia, horses are at 4 foundry. Presents ot¢casionally make the heart grow fonder. The man who talks like a book isn't so easily shut ur The sun rises Sunday at 7:31 am, und s at 4:26 p.m. Love bins started a laundry on hing street = advertise- vo, wholesaler, Princess street a wide variety oi Ch X : will he the shortest day in « There will be ewrht hours and fifty-five minutes of sunlight Nominations for county council, 1 p.m Monday N¢ 2 division, Wo Island: No. 3, Cataragui; No. 4, Syden- The Saturday Whig good. This week special it to con- the twelve in Its pages © sistmas in Old Quebec. Pescription of Crown Mills. Canadian Woma Letter. Christmuaspat Under Arms' in Canadian lleroines. Broadirim's New York Letter Shrouded In lee--Word Painting Dr. Moore's Tribute to late Prineipnl A BEAUTIFUL TABLE. An artistically arranged table delight of all persons of taste, ree oi unpleasant. Lehoves you to select v China, which vou can do moderate cost. cut glass is brilliant and beauti- We cairy a lajge line apd prices are right. ROBERTSON Saturday evenings is the and the good and here at our' ful. BROS. Open during De- cember (GRAND) OPERAYHOUSE, |) HOLDEN BROTHERS' ATTRACTIONS T0-NIGHT, SAPHO Prices--18c¢., 25c., 35¢., 30c, TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. 23rd. WACENHALS & KEMPER PRESENT BLANCHE WALSH As Salammbo In Stanislaus Stange's New Play "THE DAUGHTER OF HAMILGAR" 67 PEOPLE--67 at H douc., v' $1, Seats on sale © Yrices--25¢., $1.50. te Dear Ouy Pore CHRISTMAS DAY, MATINEE & N Wes ' IGHT BUFFALO ROBE FOR SALE. The Newest Novelty, the big Oper- LARGE SIZE AND IN (COD ORDER eratic Comedy Company. Apply to Kingston Exchange, 375 Ring steet. ne wee, 375 | THE SMART SET 1 rs In the Spectacular Extravaganza, Fn- TOR SALE. hit, Dil dibie $hs potent Fm = = wreatest Cast oi Colors Enterta ws C ARRIAG : AM ArDlY to William | on earth A Superior Murray, AN Market Square Chorus Cast headed by 1 and Billy M'Clain; 50 5 Dancers HANDSOME, QUIET. PONY, aNpjond Comedians, he. ss - itr. Siok % ve rices lvening, 205¢., ave. 13¢. rig, cheap Apply' Whig oflice Matince. c.. 853c., due. Seats on sale Monday SITUATION VACANT. saturday. "Pec. 27th, "CASTE." "HOME WORK KNITTING GIVEN ENT honest industrious families, every SPECIAL ANNOUNCEME LN locality. Good wages. Ten dollar Qaturdav a- outfit required. Write Glasgow On mal ine gy ma Woollen Company, Toronto." tinee and cremng Dec., 27, a notable EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR Af revival of T. W. live business young man with small 1lo! erteon's sparkl- capitul to sell exclusively an article | 1. HE ata'? ot eral consumption in town and Ing comeny Caste country Appiy by letter to J. R.| will be given at 2 I} . M.. Wiig oftice the New Grand Op- == TT rr era House by v8 3 distinguished com = | par ud A CHAMOERMAID. APPLY AT HO-} ion SQ ad by tel Congrpss Mary Scott, the , beautiful i A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY TO | &n star; foremost cha - Miss Folger, 13 Sydenham street. ter co ' oi ort \V. Fereu- ST } toss t A COOK, APPLY TO MRS. IT. I.|;oo the Countess do ¢ Breck, 'Sunnyside,' Union street. famous grand nice of ~ parte, who won her dr: A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH-| Sir Henry Irving's company «1 ing or ironing. Apply at 55 1 Lis relijne. who uvecupio 1 Re stir liam Ha eltine, who oecupi 1 iny position in the late Augus INVESTORS FOR REAL ESTATE lv's company. This promises to be the Debentures and bonds. J. R. Mc- | most important theatr cal event of the Cann, 51 Brock street. season. Sale of seats will commende at $15 PER 1.000, COPYING AT HOME Hanley Very lay morning, Dee, either sex; two stamps for vicu- | 21th, pun telly 10 o'clock. Prices lars Twain Novelty Co., Omaha [25 cents to 81.5 On account of the Building, Chicago. 2 intere<t al v mani Th in ENERGETIC AGENTS A\PABLE OF gacement and the numi RG C GID Nt 2 3 t F iries 5 . . a i to ai ina A quiries made at the box © ¢ Wiers new Dustivss Floor Sweep | been deci that applicati 223 Cedar strect, Milwaukee, Wis. | eats sent in | fore the opening o =e! sale will } in the order Qu AL IFIE D TEACHER .FOR 8. 8.1 Lint yositivelv and No. 6, Hinchinbrooke, at an annual | FRCCIPt positively an el salary of £230 Direct applicatdan | 11 elv to. HB. J. Wag er, Sec., Wagarville, -- "Display of China Paint A QUALIFIE 4 PROTESTANT TEACH- ISP 8 0 ina ain ng, er. 10 DN & 8 Fownship of THERE WiLL, BE A Kh ingst oR Apply stating play of Ch Taint on? to 8S. McAdoo. Kingston | here's r tod t Mil for ¢ st gifts. ( ENER. | 10ST. = X | PRIDAY MORNING A n nN WA | tooman Ideal \IN Nn A TEACHER, THE third-class "to take tion No Frontenac num Address perience D Ww k School Board, Long . chi R A of Olik Y per an- revious ex- Chairman Ont Always Bus But this year busier r. at The Lockett Shoe St -- Handsome presents at Weese's. Pric- es reduced. PITH OF, THE NEWS. a EXILES FREE. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, ' . The Very Latest News Culled fon} i r no T Czar Pardons More Students Sent Toronto, Ont.. (11 a.m), Dec. 20 A <er The World. i to Siberia for Riot Moderate winds, fair and cold. Sunday, Another oil well has been struck " 3 be a io Rie ng. | easterly winds, with a snow fall Raivioch tow hip. \ Bl on ot nrg: lee of The - car i = : : . . as grant amnesty He = nts rec I he pre spects for arbitration of the | i i g i \ i 3 iin a ps | Vereen trot ible are Li ht \ who were anishe or notmg on iS { Taught To Canada By Unit. "gee (0 ght op [Made BY o Visitor To a/v dav, He fhpsied to the ! . St. Catt | minister of the erior as follows t arines, died s while visitng ; ed States Nedra Pall ting Mother "Let the students who were ban- : a lf . ishe or © st noes retur > A. G. MacKay was nominated hy ished Jor - ditenrbanes Teun : the Mhorats of Nout thee Tir (0b from Siberia, althoug th they should NO! y e not for the present be allowed to live legistative pasembly t the I | i hive E EX I MOVE Ie wi ln . ' I RADED A WIFE in town where there are high schools. dwa uss 2, fell un a saw & lett tar Sob > ES a al must nevertheless be waken that ------ + So [mnh, Schomyels, Ho voung men on their return be © side i 3 omen h return be en ! " " tru iste to the kee iM their far k Mayor Lighth i Weston FOR A GOLD WATCH AND PUR- | ; of their fam a 2 3 Mayor L of Westmount, has lil 1 urrout 3 i FOR PLEASANT TRADE RELA-| jp dincd to at as mayor again after CHASE OF GOODS ibe SB elt shred Hie ; will fam A Kid Glove is the : a AT XY AY 13 Peg ig 2s 3. 1 x awl i! ora TIONS STATES MUST TAKE. 0 res 2 ¢ T Phpines. i The telegram, which Te ! touchstone of a rchant's i ose 0 es sans oe the i 1 ; 3 2 % *p s imi tecree, pardc integrity. i The Gathering of Canadians in | White Poss and Yukon road is Leing Then the Wife and Her Brother-in- oth es " hag i IE 0 12 20 wither, Jit Y 5 istudents exiled o Stheria i € i T | transferred to the CPR Law Went off and Were Mar- } : t to A eh ts tirewl is that delicate point so ap- New York--The Address of Re pare 1 tort i the ted P to the sixty-two students previously parent Appreciati hi ) As he arumects ) ---- 3 ~ All . > Toes Denglan-Thinks Cube tT 0 rt Fate 8 « : he rie leaded Ignorance When | pardoned. Teint oy t ia ing this % . aN report the years 'rests Follow | -- Ve submi \ da Should Remain Independ- | hus ness will a record. C Arrests Followed. FIVE YEARS FOR BU sah Kid Gicv © you only ent--Sir Frederick Borden's lon. George W. loss deni the oboury, Unt., Dec. Nh--Last week | RS FoR BOODLERS. cid us 85 We know > y report that he is going to rte and a 'ery strange couple were committed | : = s . positively will prove de- emarks. necept T reat in the scnate. to u hire tor a crime which sa- { St. Louis Jury Convicts Five pendable. With us Xid 2 Sucecssful operatiors performe 1 yours somewhat of Arizona and Tex- Former Delegates. 3 : = 1 | perform by , s Glove selling is a matter of the famons Dr at 4 New York ae It appears that Walter Reynolds, | St. Louis, Dee. 202The jont trial hereafter as 11 clinic, ev one ts of cheering. {> 10 is about twenty years of @ veo | of ive former member? of the House t ti we as. Pres: Joha Roe.e, M.I% for Fat Calw jo ntly returnea' from Aichigan, the {of Delegates, which leaan Tuesday, ent time. Our selection of was sentenced te se month's impris i Soe ol a oy watch. He went to | ended last night in a verdict of fi Gloves for this season is oument for unlawful assembly {¥? with his brother, George A. Rev- | years in the penitentiary for ead A i thly 1 r . rears i ar) ach much superior It is reported that 400,000 pers, ns nolds , in the township of Perey. He | man. ing we oi oF Is Say show tae dostitite ghd staveing, In Hin {hed only got the dust of travel off | The defen lants, John A. Sheri, = eretoiore made land! as a re ult of the crop failure. { yoots, hefore he started to male | Charles J. Denny, ht les Gutle, kd Col. Lynch, M.P,, is inlicted for | 800-goO eves" at his brother's wife, | mund Bersih nd T. All rig were Somebody said that wise peaple J s . i < lo ; hich treason under statute enacted \unie Clarke Reynolds, also about | convicted on Sy of bribery in ven : Duy sheath Rig Gloves. In in the middle of the fourtventh- ecn- | t'Yenty years of ag and the mother | connection with the passage of the be a oo ould tury. { of two children, the voungest being | subtrban strect car hill, to red . A true hill, en a of high obly ahout two months old. The ten: | plith which, it was charged, one is that they are seldom treasan, was jelur aga'n:t Col. | * il veling was returned by Mrs. Rey- had been placed on deposit to Le wed aot chen en that they are de : 3 3 ' i yal . Lynch, who was e M.I2 jor Gal- [BY ds, and a Re vnolds himseld did | as required. reasons will ah Probably 'these way. not care, a bargain was struck be- | . . The Grand Trunks gpplication for a Io the two hrothers, bv which. Wal- | ANARCHIST SLAIN. Note [8 Few of charter for a rail from North Bay | 1° was to exchange his gold watch | to Port Simpson appears in today's | Jor ok s wile, and Wolter was to | Miss Voltairine Cleyre ot ur Makes and Gazette. uy the household effects. The br The Untario co. ernment, on idav, {ers went to Roseneath foe Sreth. Philad oes In Br Prices. SIR FREDERICK BORDEN. heard arguments for ani agaiast the | Purchased the marriage license, and te ir ii "Ce for a noted Snare} New York, Dee. 20.--The Canadian establishment of a third power cow- { the next day Walter and Mrs. Rey- | i t oe *h fl Bo in } a Yor ¥ m en Ri Gloves, Society had its atl ginner at Del | pany at Niagara. {nolds went to Norwood and were! is A Sout il ' on oa done fasteners, in als x monico's last night. "James Douglas, Anson Raymond, hotel keepep, was | Si Lced," while George stayed at | Helscher . : el ov Merman shades of Greys and Browns so \ : 2s ; eatitted : esr day home and minded tl mh { Helscher, a former pup inl. The woman well as Blacks and Whites. Q who presided, said, in opening the | acqitie at Toronto, on day, of home and minded the baby. They were {is dying in a hosnital 1 Helscher ify guaranteed. Speci BILLS: gual i that most of thdse the charg of having counterfeit bills | brought hefore John Miller, J.P Nd tin ret I & Dose ony Johor pe Hed iobevisl, $1.05 A d i B . Yel in custody. Unrequited, love is said Our Marcelle" Kid Glove. whether they had become citi- YOSSESSioNn. committed for trial, she being charged | : jy a do . , v had become citi . J ; , cing: charged | (5 have prompted the deed. When ar ollar is a Worli-beater.. We zens or nol, had become a part of the ig walsans Raiser Wilhelth and | with bigamy, and Walter for inciting rested He Inchor's nly x hit ti a : : > Or oh, Hunan pits ofthis commonwealth here. Speaking of an- Prinz Heinrich have made three feeble her to commit bicamy. They rleaded | the follow ny NNN Ye er and sedan, d | 4 : . A yy led the fo Ving : . Ie. Ditrels soil: oT belive | attempts to flout the German warship (ignorance of the law. oe a eweetlicqrts, of i) i$ in nA ketp hat Clnuth hold remain: hudepend Wittolhach, which grounded during a | ------------ She £ > : ) « the art : she Sik : trons, Fawns. and Tans: ol ) - | ¢ broke m AEN i Nerve O Ary Ss . : 1 ent, and that the independent unity of | 109 near Halskay Gdde, Sealand. | A GENEROUS BENEFACTOR. |}, killed : oy deserved | Hh Ad wil as ' White ang 3 i; ' ; R10 ee RES a pulne ws teners rea the race is better for both countries > | i French Kd 3 3 5 s + Mi o Clevre is wenty-six 'ars ; wd, sizes Li wo TE. Spe than if they were organically one. As A POLICE SCANDAL { Employees in Factory Get Christ- | (ld and her : al 3 me rr Te Tar ; it be ) 3 i i it ut : S . 8 * + such they can become -irrestible in | mas Gifts : RS wide Mocha Gloves ino new ly hay con oie : : io re . s Gifts. --_-- re wae shades, we large spreading representative government, Brought to Light Through a Sim- | (ure. Ont. Peo! 20-Miss Mi MAY SAVE HIS EYES duing fastener, very stybsh, sis pot by numbers, but by moral force." ple Flan. |) ; Dean > o3 to +. Special, oe In introducing Sir Frederick Doula i TA Tee. IN -T) . 3 f ¢ well, rous of carrying out the ~ pe : Best: Mocha in aw Brow Me. Douala: dad : thi Mr ih .ondon. Dee. 20.--The Daily Gra- | wishes her Inte hrother. William (A Clergyman Accidentally Shot new. Grey aad oH rowan. Mr. Douclas aid that Mr. Carnegie phic correspon t at Sebastopol | Mit hell, anl of wi i ati In F uoing | Jasteners, shes '51 to 7 had irritated Canadians by savinr | writes: Nicolaiefi, the second naval | of the Taithiul ' ing n ace, Alun is the est aaniity: ore that Canada hail hotter he left out | station in the | a at re by | Montreal, Dec. 20.--Rev. John Melnt L.73. Speciai, $1.35. i a : s ca, Is vo employees ne fa , 3 as a factor in future industrial devel- | excited over a police scandal of a instiictel ) : ny factory, | tosh. 3 Pres rian minister, was ac yl dies Eva Rid Gloves -- opment. somewhat extraordinary character. It | of of : ve, t . di ils an TE r | cidentilly shot in the ¢, on Wednes i ia MS ME Quece v » : J are i of estate. to divide amar : : ' 8, ne Vhite Nir Frederick Borden, presented fie | was bron ht t icht, an official au- | tr-reven innloy : Ame iis [ day, while in the woeds near Malone, leagt igh nd \ . s : Q seven employees o \ ho | - Y. ekaa Tt L 50, cures to show Canada's growth in the | thority informs me, by the newly-ap- | handsome i of 8 ¥, the | N.Y, amd both eves were injured. He and & . | 0 by nds sur of § ' , 1 his. oY Just six vears, and added: "We have | pointed governor of the old-naval Loren Pn Be Toni | was brought to this | city and placed / shabie Kid Glove that will to thank the people of this country | headguarte Rear-Admiral 'Enquist. | lenath of servi I iE $e? n 1 he | in the Royal Victoria hosnital for Rasa Wallner! finest oi French : . h Y ' v service ard fa 3 Sh . cu rey > for'teaching us the lesson of Fhe town and port of Nicolaieff, it | of duty : Th iz thin! dis apps | treatment. Dr. Buller operated on the Crean, erations to Whit with liance. We want pleas: appears have during recent years ac- ! will - he 4 ahs t id made | clergy man's eves, and hares to pre soap and water. Special, $1.65, tan. but we wont the next move | quired a very evil reputation for all | meri ier Ah oii in a nr A serve the sight of both of them, ler and Rid Gloves, finest ment started. on this side of the line. { manner of crimes. and it was ex: othor wiss do y. and aan they a gloves ar Hi A od. : : 2 ier do. and will kee ho IVES ! p » 3 Saw When the invitation is extended to us | tremely seldom that the police secured | poss of their a ) a il 1 i = ROBEED OF $900. and Faris pissed Jigen {o meet you again we will gladly ac- | 2 conviction, Without previous no- | thoi ony ieepnsod hienctm n, 5 ig lan, Fawn, Mode Sys cept it. tice, the new governor recently order- : A Mysterious Case Reported From hy Sarl, uf and Blac : : = : 4 - we Sizes 5§ to at Special, Of the Monroe doctrine the sj «| vd a parade of the whole of the local Sr Forf ah s t tine the sp a parade t e loc HE STATION SEIZED orfar. Girls' Kid Gloves -- 23- said 1 "The Monroe doctrine is a ood polite fosvep before his palace. The | : rockville, Ont. Dee. 20M. H. Bh wh Kid, new Browns Dome thi for the American continent, j HUSter numbereo fori) three men and Both As An Infringment And Young, Forfar, reports to the police Ens. Bizes 3 to 6. Special, The. England has the same amount of lanl seventeen ns ctors and sub<nspects | 2 2 that William Adri of that place 2 love's fig [dloves.liur small on it now as she had when it was | OT Lhese represented an establish- | Menace. 1 has been robb d of 00 in cash low fag Fete, 13, Yours, good qui. promulgated. Some of her best states- ment of over three hundred men and Cherbourg, Dec. 20.--The French ad- | the robl gained en atice t vy We i relate inl, $1 favor rani " twenty-six inspectors, Th - . nities here have | ir | ins hota | dna : the » I nen favored a guarantee of no coer | INCRE 3 Api tors. The police-mas th Mil here 1 ave seized the wir | Adrain's house is not known as the Box Free with cion, and: of freedom and liberty. The se wow dismissed and ar arrest, | telegraph station erected by a priva windows and doors were well secured or Over Monroe doctrine is as much in favor | 12 = JRany es _ past hoon draw- | combany on the promontory. 'The land showed no signs of being tamper see if only to see. of Canadian integrity as it is of the ie pay ol the full fore o It was seizure was made on the ground that {ed with. integrity of anv other part of the Am- i Covered that most of the po- (it 1s an infringement on the state | aN ivan continent | had be moo cupied as the. mononolv of telegraphs, and endang- i Wife Saw Him Drown y servants of i police-master (ers the: national defence. ' R iT CRITICAL STAGE PASSE and inspectors. Tt is said that for | -------- | St Ge N.B., Dee. 20.--Tuesday i ED: vears past s lic ae 1 s | mo: ning reen Batvidson, keeper of Yea be tay olicoman Nor sass {| Holiday Recess Of Congress. the lioht* at the Sogitiors W ee Ta : : : s : tet 10 streets of cola | 'a<hi ' < { ¥ i Ta n ives, was = And Arbitration is Now The Like- | Their absence is now explained | Washin ton, D.C, Dee. 20.--There | drowned by the capsizing of a dory -- ly Result. | : 2 | 1 oA b of \ Many de gin congressi | Leiore the exes of his w who wus PERSONAL. New York, Dec. 20.--The Tribune's | DIED AT WESTPORT. Jens} Sedu disie he pot twa jen the dere wt Ue rime. For LADIES : USE OUR HARMLESS RF. London cable sg Public interest in re 3uth houses adjourned for the | nearby were w able to recover the Menst rion il i at : Drie. a y ; ig Hn > holiday recess vilnv # i a : ; i pn nnNgl fa) i the Venezuelan mn is simmering. | Passed Away Suddenly From not Be il to-day and will net fhody. Mr. Davidson was keeper of the Tre Paris') Chemical Co. © Mi} The difliculties of a fair settlement are Heart Failure | Dey ' tin us jo 3h Ho area i licht for five oc six years, and in his Suitpes, Nis evident, but there is a general belief | we tpor Gnt I : ! a trains to-day carried a | earlier days was skipver of a hin: = YO nt. Yoo be gooulv nu or SOR as ib . + that a practical, solution will be found | 1 one of the 1 : Are a Err, nh r of senators and repre- | schoorer that sailed out of Glovers BUSINESS CHANCES. ) ¢ ] . le, one o e oldes s sentatith: o Ne an he Star M : {rth , after a full interchange of views be-| (Fo town, died Re : re : of 5 LATE vs homeward to spe nd the | ter, Mass. He was thirty-f years of HOME WORK KNITTING GIVEN tween London and Washington. ! he oh umn a: this Horning NICs season among tacie fmmbies | age, an I leaves a wife and small HS Industrinus ojiiilis, : | Berlin horts that arbitration hos | from heart futhne. He was widely and fr 'nds. A large number, however, | family. jocalny rere Whines Ten dolar been accey pted ard premature, for d known and highly respected He Will remain in Washington for the m-- Woollen Cun, v. 1 Ah Shgow | acc le el ' > ) <Q 0 » pe Hen » ' I : : Yirde - Ss x [1 at h s are s wing Ir ntly Naar We. Se fan consisting of holidays and th: season promises to | Let Them Go Home = ES : . . --- 4 A 2 : vn, We-tport, hi { ner » one. of us corial 4 I i { : * Bibby's.'" Chris | tiveen the diy tic capftals and and Wis Your Fors of Lop i he on a il ro ial 'brillianey for | &¢. Jchn, NB, Pec. 20-The pas Bibby's Christmas Neckwear. alondon b ndicate Is tein apd i eter Ferguson, of the | the national ital. } conue:s of th < plain n Seems we are the onlv st itl \ | os dicate S sing | gy tlace i . . oy Be : « © € nan i et Ne ne Vv store with strenuous efforts to make its influence | Kuelish chverech and 2 thier of the -- | in quarantive, 130 in number, were vo neekte sc Its the way now-a-! : a ] g x 1 polities was . FIV3. Toivid ! ! " ~ felt Loth in Berlin and Washington. | anch conservative Bolhitics w 3 Employ es Will Divide $30,000. | allowed to lund yesterday and pr ! Oak Hall" to set the Tadion The settlement of =o domplex a mat- | > ! : Piuehurg. Pa.. Dec. 200 Fifteen hun ed to their destination. The United the H. D. Pitby Co. ter cannot he « «1 without much are motormen and conductors em States antherities and the loeal ee - vexatious dela The most probable | INSTANTLY KILLED. ployed by the Fittsinrg railways come | hoard oi health are convinesd that no tSpecial low pricedon oocd hedroo solution suzgested by men of experi pany to-day receivegl bonuses of $2 {t p | I | "i donrd l surest 3) ' y 1 y COTY Og ) ex of 20 | danger was to be red. , wlonrds, extension tal les a y ¥ i direct payment of an in He Grasped a Telephone Wire and an ecath of 30.000, Six cic, at Robt. J, Reid's | a moderate amount for Death Ensued. months ago the: com announced Defends Government. House coats, co and warm, $27 | v of British and German ves Grand Forls, Bt s+ 90T} that it would give a honus of one \ : . » S050. An ide ui Lins i : : 5 so Dee 0. ~Thom- RQ § one | Viet 4, De r al pif. den ns. ! and ctibmission of all other | as Bacely, who came here from: To wnt hour to every motorman and |' n ws Chain braceleis at Bass', | elon a mixed international tri- | rorto. sliprel, while standing «nen luctor who did not have an ae: | o nt d tish m-- { bu The idea ad cod bv sone 1 tel platform nd in § iy nt daring the r.. Jy half the hl 1 . by a piadd n, ant n fa oral u . ist aall the |; Columb islotien, tin "Sate vevsan ">a | lea writers that t United Ste | lephot nd was instant. | CoD luctors and tormen closed the | havine attacked at for and | ¢ - { govern vent shall provide guarantee 1 in from the powe desig gne d period with c! in records | intimated that be will f'wh ¢ ° | for the payment ot the 17 is not | line, Lh is the sup and these shaved in the division of the | (6 Ottawa, whore it ie S entertained in v influ quarters | p se of the accident as the | MORY: lin Britain. That inte ation of lire was not cross ig To -- $ | at int o ! i as not crossed. Fulton Market Gone. 1 { the Monroe doctrine would send up New York Society Wedding. Ch { Kix iv ti $ { all of South American secur re : 2 Bi : Te trond Pulte ] a 3 elt: THE BYE-ELECTIONS New York, Dec. 20.--Grace Church | morning partially de-troxed Fulton | 6 S ¥ 5 say he befief nas the scene at noon to-day. of one | martets causin a fuss of Aiki one i S( Ou il t nost critica ye we r i he | T i of 1 dispn : on Ba : Are Likely To Be Held On :! f the most Bionable wed lings of | Tie market ! of wholes i ; Te : a ; nu- January 7th { the season, when Ni Helen L. | butchern vi and yveral a r a y . . nt ze . hier i 1 viet rv ' Toren: o, Pec. 20.--Th Glol Kountse, datghter of Mr. and My man « peter : « snl no, e, =Y.~ " Wlobe savs he inide cf s advanced smart. | today 'It is understood that the ne urine Ji ' OF byve-e dictions to fill the seats re and | vacated by th riz fo known A TW $ North Norfolk and Ne : tacts | 4 / A Joint Commission hold on. Wednesday, < ma wade expressivior 1 4, It will take BI. Vinhy ' / OO a ! A ] l 1 r ¢ \ Mu \ i ter = ' We have decided : x The Best Of All ¢ e have decided to give a 1 1 3 tl i : i ' ti ¢ Srecial discount of 20 per wil 1 nts n 4 + 1 | : roan J a} io ant. (ivhable brand t want ® ceut. on all pendants, that observed till then : = apk aoe EN n 2S. Kio 3 50 peek ¢ sell regulgrl t $20 d in ; 1 ti ! , : = RE = ; guldrly at $ an re iin b ( * EY 27 "7 Qi « ) over : i h KINGS STON & BAT H ROAD GO. ¢ over. ; Ya : - NNT \ IXG GF Ti ¢ T gives yen an oppor- Xs 7 I ! an < . } y i i Ca $ umiy t t ar extra fine \ 3 t 3d in . 5 0 \ 1 De 4 . x + Mitel 22.50 . ¢ Gny $ extre low I y R] ) pn re mn 2m en \ ( \ $ 5 . - ; : ¢ Re tor ct \ v _ vd = 2 2 ' i ere #3 ( 1A CX, ne -------------- g 1 lt : Im B ¢ B i : 2H th I J 5 B FARM FOR SALE. ¢ ' iin i SLR : SINTVONE ACT ¢A C. JOHNSTON & BRO 1 > 0 oJ 1 t ! id os ™ " . ' re i eet wets G20 svn} 14 JEWELERS. a s* COLE * at Read + 1 sats at gi a to De Sh } : - BRT BE RE RRR eS Re Yh eY

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