Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Dec 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18. Comsat Waltham - free 'upon request. [44 . . . Be ruled by time, the wisest counsellor of all." '" The Perfected American Watch,"" an illustrated book of interesting information about watches, will be sent American Waltham Watch Company, Waltham, Mass. Watches. Watch This Space. We guarantee our goods, but see for yourself, in one of our win- dows, the condition of one of our bags covered with foreign labels. We have a Leather Suit Case at $4 which you should look at. Special Christmas prices. RUDD HARNESS CO, 143 PRINCESS STREET. Phone, 402. CHRISTMAS GIFTS, The best Christmas Gift to buy is something useful. We have them :--Decorated Agate Tea and Coffee Pots, Cream Jugs, Butter Dishes, Cuspadores, and many things too numerous to mention. Give 'us a call--no trouble to show goods. Taylor & Hamilton Tinsmithing, Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Hot Water Heating promptly attended to. "Phone 418. Was So Nervous She Could Not Sleep At Night. a Are You One of Those Troubled in this Way? If you are, MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS will Cure You--They Cure Nervous: ness, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Faint and Dizzy Spells, General Debility, and all Heart or Nerve Troubles. Read what Mrs. C. H. Reed, Coboconk, says about them:--Over six years ago 1 was troubled with palpitation of the heart and loss of appetite. I was so nervous I could not sleep at night. I took MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. They cured me, and I have not been bothered since. Price 50c. per box, or 3 for $1.25; all dealers or The T. Milburn Co.,- Limited, Toronto, Ont, FAMOUS BEWUTIES ADRIANNE BARON, Sister of the poet Basile universally admired for -ty and the whiteness of {that volumes were written { praise of that beauty in six erent larguages Beauly"s Langunage Always has been and will ever be 'a Jair lace, coming from a perfect complexion." The skin of jhe face cannot subsist upon it- sell I'ro constant exnosure to requires spe- 1 dirt, it and external nourish- was so cial cure ment. CAMPANA'S ITALIAN BALM food, culation, impuri- this needed rouses the slugeish cir and removes dullness and Ask for it at The Drugygist, 25 By mail, Furnishes Lies Price, Hutchings 20¢ Medicine Co 88¢c. The Toronto some | utensils, { knives and forks, and all kinds of cut ANGLERS' ASSOCIATION. Formed By Residents In Battersea And Vicinity. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the residents in and around Battersea was held at Battersea on Monday evening, to organize an Anglers' Asso- ciation. J. C. Judd, inspector of fisheries, who had been invited, was present, and for over an hour dealt with fishery matters, which apparent- ly were very interesting to the meet- ing. He pointed out the value of the meeting, its influence in educating the community in the fishery laws, how similar associations weie being form- ed all through his district, and how, in consequence of these associations, the Letter enforcement of the laws and protection of local waters followed. He referred to the annual reports and gave a synopsis of the quantity, qual- ity and value of the Ontario fisheric At the close of Mr. Judd's addre nearly evervone present registered his © as a member, and thenselected a vice-president, secretary, r, 'and an executive There being another meeting yraanization of "Chosen F waiting for the hall, the Ang ! gociation was adjouraed to meet the next day for, the purpose of adopting by-laws an [fnoving resolutions as to the requir merts of Loborough and | akes. It is thought that with- in a few davs the association will have over one hundred members, who will take a very interested feeling |, in the protection of their local waters. Pog Pill-Age. Dr. Acnew's Liver ills, 10 cents a vil, are planned aiter the most mo- dern in medical science. They are as great an improvement over the vears old strong dose pill formula a bicycle is over an ox-cart in tr They never gripe and they never 10 doses, 10 cents. Sold ileney Wade and H. B. Taylor.--I125. Wonderful Egg Producer. A consignment of 500 boxes of Wil son's IEgg-making reached us to-day. Feed is thoroughly reliable and used extensively and with great cess in the United States. Twenty-five cents per box at Wade's drug store only. This Lg is sue- Free! Free!!! Free!!! Uniil Christmas we will initia of charge any umbrella or walking cane bought here. Special handles spe- cial prices. Jenkins, All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured hy using Carter's Little Liver Pills pain, eriping or discomfort attending their Try them, Sunday school entertainment in St. Peter's church, Seeley's Bay, be held in Select Knights' hall, Tuesday, Brd., Good of will on programme. December Annual Christmas" entertainment of | the Seeley's B Methodist Sabbath- school, in Select Knights' hall, on Christmas night, Good programme. Jenkins' the store for men's pre No man should be without 4 kind, for whatever wrone with him or his affairs, he alwavs find joy in his fad. Cail in and see are pianos before purchasing. Weese & Co. Photogra phers, dealers .in music, stationer fancy goods. Monkey Brand 8 steel, mov cleans and ap iron lery. Don't talking, they art of when the others cultivate interrupt are but listening. Smoking Jenkins. Narcissus, primroses ist. : Select vour presents gt Weese's, Jenkins' the store for men's presents. The mail-carrier has a roundabout way of getting a living. jackets, 2. to $9.50. Johnson, flor- "Docsn't cough much through the day. comes that he coughs so hard.' I's whea night Don't let these night coughs deceive you. Some day you may wake up to the fact that your boy is thin, pale, weak, even seriously ill. You can't safely trifle with any throat or lung trouble. Cure the cough quickly with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral It's the sere a © coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, Three slzes: «I have the greatest confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. years up a cold." -- C. aud I aver knew it to fail to break hild. The young doctors "indorse it now, same medicine your old docter gave you when you too, for consumption. J. C. AYR CO, Lowell, Mass. 1 have usad it for a number of HARLES PREVOST, Platisburg, N. Y. : ERE » 30c., $1.00. |' burg, SCIENCE NIGHT THE STUDENTS HAD A FINE BANQUET An Inspiring Piece of News--Able Addresses Made by Leading Men--The Affair Very Success- ful. Write on the Doomsday book of Queen's the unqualified success of the annual dinner of the Engineering So- ciety of the School of Mining, the uni- versity's very affectionate and fortu- nate. ally. The qining-room of the Hot:l Frontenac was so filled that there could Le no lament over vacant chairs. The walls and columns were tonsd up with' bunting and faculty colors, the United States flag being in evidene, thus, as usual, showing, a good spirit if almost yg hopeless ex ample. Crosby and Thornton's orches- tra made the air lively, and Ld the students in rousing songs and chorus- es while the courses were being hiaden from sight. The Lill of fare and the toast list was elaborate, the frontis- piece being original and appropriately artistic, from the pen of W. N. Gorda- nier, Napan-e. The presidint, W. P. Wilgar, Co- was enthusiastically greeted shen he let open the post-prandial flood-cates. With the regret for non- attendance from Mr. Bell, of Canadian | Miving Institute, came the announce- iment that Mr. Scott of Listowel, one of Queen's students, had won the cold medal for best oricinal essay of the vear, while Mr. Silver of Kinoston, | medal. | Gill competed, but Queen's won { completely. commit. | | presented the society's eoreetings | <ion } not in the condition of Egypt Feed for poultry, | r-making | | grown i demonstration, | and grandeur, or its grand chains communication, as good | self-reliance of 1 , ; , 1 Jenkins' the store for men's presents. | [it and | thereby roused to the Gaelic "yell." | Ing {all | 3 + university. kitchen | tinware, | | Guelph had s | ine, but | more art another Queen's student mended for the second nrize, the silver Students of "Varsity and Me out Professor Gill, honorary president and registered pride in associa- hroad and ambitions pointed out the need of enoi- welcome, with Queen's, | neers for Canada's rapid and pressing development, and claimed superiority for the colle brea man, Theory is almost inevitably sustained in prac- tice: it mav fail because defective, hut from fundamental error. Engincer- ie it was said, tended to commer- cialism or materialism: the revolution and manv other great works of civilizing and im- provins force this tion., Canada needed the hest eneveirs ¢f all her sons: distant fiel Is were not the oreenest hy anv nicans, and Queen's students should be Canadians first, last and always. The toast &f the king. and the na- tional anthem, preceded Capt. John Donnelly's proposal of "Canada," in standing the great development of min- ine, iron and pulp industries, of ocean and lake carriers, outpaced by noth- ing but the erowth of Ningston Min ine School. From a gathering of twen- ty-three souls the annual spread had in a few years to this disvroved assump- areat PP. McL. Forin, bani of British Columbia, a freshman in science, sang "The Bandolier." Edw. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., responded for the Dominion, lauding not so much its great expanse, its naturg! heauties of ise to which aspirations and patriot t and varied of ninety- the i Sm were advantag one 0S, putting its ores The ine se . [n ne per cent. last year in export of Lal r products was a striking picture { tional prosperity. The lovalty and the people at critical periods was dwelt upon, as welds the | ne place its men nblaces in the old land. The mavor proposed "Queen's Her Faculties," telling how ¢ Kingston appreciated the univ : and esteemed its faculties, and how happy it felt to have the students like its oi The students were ol mbiic took In eo} oirls met a rous- He re 1 facul Professor Dupuis, dea reception, ere respondin iewed the birth the seve that of seience out-paced them and threatened to dominate the There, were no new facul ies to woo: forestry, domestic science and navication, subjects proposed, were allied to science. Under = Prof. Goodwin'$ leadership they had been pegging away for six years on fores try plans, and now Toronto and iledd in under ernment favor and carried off the first fruits. He hoped they would succeed in that the eastern college centre had than equal claim: The western colloce may have a few trees, but Frontenac and sister counties had the forests and a reservation, and strencth of their efforts and their ad vantages the Kingston workers had been promised provincial support. Queen's had put navigation upon its curriculum years since, but could not students, mariners not more than a minimum store 'of knowledee, Unless Ottawa pov ernment better education and raised the standard. there would beno students of navigation, even in Kings ton, the home chiefly of Canadian sailors. In picturing the future of their alma mater the dean stirred the stu dents up to cheers for Queen's and for the speaker. - . Prof. McComb replied for divinity in one of those good humorwl which cannot be mirrored in print, but which greatly pleased those around the board. There was a school in New York of one subject, the gentle of conversation, but it was not needed in Queen's, judaed by this gath ering. Put he was not so clear on the t of the i actual relations to of oo on secure do desire the desired subjec mit the distinction she reilected upon them. Chorus, "Jolly Goodfellow." S. L. Rose, Tamworth, gave an ori- ginal song, devoted to the professors and their fine points. S. N. Graham, student, toasted "Sister Institutions" and Mr. Gibson, science delegate from Varsity, neatly responded, embracing a jolly good re- ception, football, hockey, and the surprise the fine equipment héf¢ in science halls gave him. Howard Ken- nedy, for Arts, and J. Ferguson, for Divinity, made excellent responses! The latter remembered when only one student came up for B.>.--now be- hold the host ! Divinity was expand- ing, having dismissed arts and sgience from its halls. leaving only the Le- vanas, and these angels were about to take wings and fly away. Mr Forin, solo, "Oi to Philadelphia." E. Malone. student, lauded **The Professions," the enzinceringe and mining societies, and the trio of up to date and vigorous colleges, Queen's, Varsity and McGill, 'The scientific achievements of Sir San liord Fleming, the chancellor, were detailed as no- table Canadian triumphs, Alex. Kirkpatrick, city engineer, in replying, wade a potent claim for railway enginecring as a great civil izing and developing agency. The scientific qualities of the work were fittingly illustrated. Professor Goodwin, before honoring "The Prospectors," lauded thea ban- quet, and the credit the students re- flected on the college. The success of its student and gradeate prospectors had been a strength as well ds pride to it. The old style, however, had passed; the new style called for a combinati of woodcraft with scien- tite training. "Here's to the prospec- tors,--1 like the breed." Prof Guillam pleased with his maiden speech in Kingston, dwellinx upon the prospector occupations, his disappointments an ,' his soirit and determination. lf anyone can "get there" he will, and he will not hang back for government sub- sidy either. Professcr Miller, provincial mining inspector, who came down to the ban quet to meet old associates, recalled his first teaching year here, in 1893, when the equipment of the geological section was a blackboard and a piece of chalk. The stali was notably now of uniform character gnd a har monious whole. They were all voung married men, attracted, no doubt, by Kin_ston's reputation for from cholera morbus and croup. The GUTLR. extension to the Pacific would open a great field for prospectors. Al ready the increase of mining ~produe tion was sixtyv-three per cent. within last three years. Chief Engineer way, responded told a bear story, Professor Brock was asked to match it. He told of an encounter and such a run footballer Mr. on SUCCELSSCS freedom B.Q.. rail- and hav Evans, brightly ing as would immortalize any on Queen's Sythe, Ramsay Gage ld oft for and G. SN. Machenzie spiked a reputation fi humored, campus. . Song -- "*Seniors"' sohd for good off hand response. 2. L. Rose sang "Highballs," and the science boys shocked their guests hy their familiarity with the chorus. Professor Broek and Manley Raker said thanks for "The Graduates." toasted by 8S. 8S. McDarmid, student, Through thorough trgining here, back- od by ambition and research work, no- ible success had been atta The duel over "The "Ladi between Samuel Squires and Clarke. Captain Bogart, lauded . "The Press™ and Professor Kirkpatrick, with the modosty of the eraft, accepted the noble offering. E. A. Collins rememjered Wild and Woolly West," brinaing t singer from British Forin, to his feet. Mr. Pense, for the the Engineering Society, and all responded as_those who had a cheerful debt to discharge. Presi- dent Wilear acknowledoed the com pliment, and at 3 Auld Lang Syne was sung with a steadiness not surpassahla by anv band of prohibi tionists in the land. was Cc F "The the SWE Columbia, Mr guests, toasted and each a.m. Have Comfortable Quarters. The sergeants of the 11th Regiment are now comfortably located .in their ti ly mess room in the new armouries. There is an air of luxury about the ce. It contains a piano for the am- of those musically inclined; a pool table for those desiring to in dulee in that kind of sport, a ping pong "lay out," numerous other games, reading matter, ete. The sergeants of other local corps are eli- the fee 1 that paid bv wnt. The cosy gquar- usement besides membership, ing is lesa than of the 1tth members feel proud of their ters, le for which members Gocd Day For Trade. This was the best at the in a long the B. of crowds to day for trade Kingston merchants have nad time. lie KR. & P. and W. railroads brought large the city,' while quite a wumber of farmers drove in to do their Christmas shopping. The stores. were well filled all day, and the sight was to the merchants, been very slow the a welcome 1 whose trade few weel pne has past His Name Mentioned. The name of Rev. James Elliott, for soma years pastor of Queen street Me thodist church, is mentioned in con nection with the principalship of the college, which will be vacant next spring through the resignation of Dr. Magas. Men Buy Two. come here { They can't re shirts, perfect Co. ' Men who rt buy two Christmas The H. D. B bby Green Fruit For Christmas. No be had better than green al . Cape ¥ was the chief vocalist lizhted 'the large audience nd bv her sweet 0 8 preser STRATHCONA WANTED AS GOVERNOR- GENERAL OF CANADA. The Montreal Chamber of Com- merce Makes the Request--A New York Swindler Captured in Montreal -- Correspondent Defends Himself. Montreal, Lec. 18.--The correspondent of the London Daily Chronicle takes exception to the re port sent out from Ottawa to the ef- fect that he cabled information that the export of Canadian cattle via St. John had been prohibited. As a mat ter: of fact his message was to the entirely opposite efivet, and was de joned to 'ofiset any reports which might have gone from New York, sta- ting that St. John route has heen put under the ban. At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce' yesterday afternoon, J: X. Penault"s motion to express the de- sire that the next governor-general for the Dominion of Canada be Lord Strathcona, was received with acela- mation, and adopted on principle. It was decided to call a general meeting ing for next Monday for the purpose of endorsing the adoption. Felix Robert, who came here from New York, is under arrest with a charge preferred against him of at- tempting to defraud several large jewellery firms. Robert deposited 8550 in a ik and then ordered several large orders of goods sent to his ho- tel, where he offered to pay by cheque, at the same time exhibiting his bank book. Growing suspicious some firms put the matter in the hands of de weetives, who found that Robert had drawn out his money while retaining the bank book. The original $550 was found on his person. The executive of the Dominion Iron and Steel company is in session hee today, and a proposition is before them to give up the plan to estah- lith a steel rail mill at Sydney and to substitute therefor a structural steel will on the product of which there is a larger profit than on steel rails. There i: little doubt that the propo- sition will go inte effect and work on the steel rail mill will be abandoned. Montreal INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked up by Reporters On Their Rounds. Purses at lowest prices. Taylor. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Holiday books at R. Uglow & Los. A. N. Parke and wife, Gananoque, were in the city to-day. 7 1b. pail of Upton's pure jam, 45c., Mullins'. J. A. Forsythe leit this afternoon for New York. He sails on Saturday for England. See out line of watches before buy- it wiil pay you. C. L. Bass. A Toronto man was liberated the penitentiary to-day. under ticket-of-leave system. The walks on the side streets are in a very dangerous condition, and re quite 'some attention. in Silver, Montreal, a former Princess street merchant, is spending a few days in the city. 3. NN. Prown, Relleville, organizer «the Inlepeadent Order of Fores 5, is in the city on a business trp. D. T. Smith, Ottawa, a Queen's oraduate, has passed the final exam ination of 'the Ontario Medical Coun cil. The d. and d: vnst. James court this morning, of 83 and costs 'inflicted. one wooden leg. The schooner Annandale, whose an chor caught on the water worl suc- tion pipe, had. to drop it, including sixty-dtet of its chain. The anchor will be brought up later. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. Orders re ceived at McAuley's bookstore. It is not generally known that mem- bers of, all the Canadian contingents who served in South Africa ave entitl- el to land grants. All who have far presented their claims have re- ceived warrants for the land. Jenkins' the store for men's presents. Four lbs. icing 25¢. at Mul lins'. The equipment of No. 3 company, A. R.(%, is arriving by dribs and drabs. of it came to hand Tuesday, in water been at ing from the offence was. lodged Burns at the police and the usual line Burns has SO sugar, Some the form of waistbelts, bottles, ete. The carbines shipped from Quebec and are expected here this week, At Mullin's : 25¢.: 3 lbs. fruit biscuit ; mixed peel, +; 5 lbs. ¢léan currants, 93¢.: 3 Ibs. layer raisins, 23e. 2 lbs. : 1 Ib. good cook- spurs, have 3 Ibs. Boston crackers, +f Hy Sultang raisins, iny butter, 13. Holiday books at R. Uglow & Co's. It is expected that on account of the finished work accumulating ahead of the output, night work at the lo- comotive works will cease during Jan uary, or a part of the morith at least. Six locomotives are under course of erection in the shops. Our show fairly glisten with watches and jewelry, suitable for Christmas presents. See them at C. L. Bass'. The annual dinner of the Ancient St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. MX. heldon the evening of St. John the Evange- li-t. will take place on Monday night, 29th, iast, instead of Saturday nicht, 27th, the anniversary of the festival. rases Hard Times Hit: Trade. Dec. 18. --The most reliable lace England's Christmas <pendings at confiderablv s than a ar ago, as a result of the business d pression which is becor ying more pronounced dailv. This decrease, he ever, is said to be accomplished oslv bv a reduction in value, indicatic -howing that there will be no diminu- tion in volume. --m---- Christmas Presents. The best gift Yous ome article of hy 1 i fu < London, estimates | make will . be have a very » for Christ the turers line st of $4 1 Free! Free Free !! Until Christmas we' will initial® free anv umbrella or walk here. Special handles spe- charge rht Lgl W Jenkins. ago hen Santa ceeoee® PO@®O Tickled to Over @OReE EX @ He Will Be WRT WHEREVER ENGLISH IS SPCXET "From ANCIENT INDIA : EAS : aad SWEET CEVLON.™ : ARE THE LEADERS FOR QUALITY, NEVER DETERIORATE. Prices - $1, 70c., 60c., 50c. and 40c. per 1b. BECAUSE THEY ©0000 O00 EOC OP 90 o @ (®) ® ® ®) ® Ql @® @ ® @ © @® ® ® ® @® Claus Calls Death SUTHERLAND'S SWELL CHRISTMAS STOCK Prices Are Very Low! See Our Windows ! 0 VOD VOOR ©VONOLO0O OO® LW ONE ( presents, as we 20% Importers, ip Raisin Seeders, Meat Choppers, Sad Irons in Sets, Razors, Jelly Moulds, NO MORE SANTA CLAUS. Ohio Ministers Conscience-Strick- en on Imposing on Children. Hamilton, Ohio, Dec. 183.--The cciences of Hamilton ministers not permit them longer to impose on Sunday school children at the annual Christmas entertainments elaus must according to the animous action taken at a meeting of the Hamilton © Ministerial ~~ Alliane, which met < the question Christmas an! the childrens tree con will un go, to wan's Mitchell. jelly powder, re 1 CESOT el to fine DISCOUNT -- ON ALL, ,.. China,Glassware,Silver= ware, Lamps, Toys, etc. Be sure and get one of those English Rag Dolls Free with 1 1b orTea. STROUD BROS., 109 Princess *Sruppnet® Some of the Good Things We Have FOR CHRISTMAS Santa | of ! ge he, WEEK FROM CHRISTMAS ! Now in the time to get your alow .~. + 3 § # St. aE > Plated Kettles, Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 a.nd 71 Brock Street. ------ : FUNERAL HELD. | Remains Of Rev. Dr. MacVica: Laid To Rest. Montreal, Dee. 15.--7The funeral late Principal MacVicar, of th yvterian College, took place, thi afternoon, and was very largely ao tended by representative clergymen | and laymen of all denominations. Th body lay in at David Morri Hail until two o'clock, when a so vice took place at v h Rey Prof i and Prof. "Clarke Murry caher Later the remas esc nb street Pre arch, when the pea br. Warden, Toronto, a i state Coulis arclay, Shaw, John M Johnson, and R Dean Evan m---------- The newest whims of scarf fashion are at Roney & Co's. 1 1b loaf sugar, 23c., at Mul lins', cut

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