Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1902, p. 3

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- THE Da!l.¥Y WHI. TUESDAY; DECEMBER 186. EE -- PE British General's Life Saved. Had Suffered For Years From Kidney Disease and Was Cured by Warner's Safe Cure. New York, May 9, 1902. vears avo | recommended vour Safe Cure to mv old iriend, Gen. Wii- liam Frost Nuttall, of the British Army, who was a great sufferer from kidney trou- bles," after long service in India. le took, wy advice, and, after using vour remedy, he was comple elv cured, and was a hale and hearty man when I saw him last, and must hate bien nearly eigniy years of age. lle has. assured me awain and avain that he carnestly believed Warner's Safe Cure saved kis life, and he swore by it I. myself, have used your remedy with the ore benefits as I w refused by the Equitable Insurance Co. irs since for indi cations of Bright's Disease, but after takin: corr eure for some time I was able to ob- Gentlemen--Many tin insurance. iis speaks for itself. In mv rovin: career I have bven grently benefitted by wu iig Wan Safe Cure, not gulv in the torrid climates of Egvpt and India, but also in the Arctic regions of Alaska. Your cure las served me well. Yours very faithfully, . G. PP. ARMSTRONG. TEST YOUR URINE. If there is a red- ish sediment in your urine on standing twentv-four hours, or iW it is cloudv, or if particles float about in it, vour kidnevs are diseased, and vou should At once commences taking Warner's Safe Cure, the greatest known cure for rheumatism, swelling, Bright's dirense, gravel, uric acid poison, cczema, 'aundice, gout, dropsy, and all diseases of the kidueys, bladder, liver d blood. It's Jangerons to neglect your kidnevs even one da , A fre trial bottle has often been sufli- cient to cure cases of kidney disease when the siznple home test described above has been made in the earlier stages of the disease. Warner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable and contains no narcotic or harmful drugs It is free from sediment and is pleasant to take {Beware of so-call- ed kidney cures full sediment and of bad oder--they are "Safe Cure" does not constipate. It the disease ecerms. Warner's Safe Cure been prescribed a used by beading for over twenty-five vears, and is used many prominent hos- pitals exclusively, If vou decide Warner's Safe w need vou ean buy it at regular Sc. and $1 a WARNER'S SA PILLS move gently and aid a epecdy cure, REFUSE SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. "just as good" as Warne wen ine, avhich always cures harmiul drugs which in of harmiul.) Kills has doctors m Cure is what drug store, bottle, the bowels There is none Insist on the Substitutes conta jure the svstem. Trial Bottle Free. To convince every sufferer from dis- eases of the kidneys. liver, bladder and blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will- be sent abso- lutely free, postpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet which tells all about the diseases of the kidneys, liver and blad- der, with a prescription for each dis- ease, and many of the thousands of tes- timonials received daily from grateful patients have been cured by War- ner's Safe Cure All vou have to do is to write Warner's Safe Cure Company, 44 who Lombard St., Toronto, Ont., and mnen- tion having read this liberal off- er in this paper The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher. Carling's Trade Mark on Ale, Porter or Lager is an absclute guarantee of purity, age and quality. Lo ry pp--. Sole agent of Kingston, J. S. Henderson. For Holiday Tirade :. a e FOP OMOFOToO OO JOO} 0 TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT, Very deep sympathy indeed is felt for the family of the late Mr. Arthur Bolger, the news of whose death has been sree i ed. Mr. Bolger had many warm fiends in Kingston, and his eqr- ly death will be much regretted by them. Sir George French, who was one of the notable people to come in for the Lirthday honors, is very well known in our city. While stationed here some years ago he married Miss Innes, a sister of the late Mr. Jobn Innes, and is therefore an uncle of Mrs. Norman Fraser. Cards-are out for an "At Home at Mrs. Neil Polson's, to-morrow after- noon. The Elmhurst Reading Club met at Mrs. Birkett's on Friday, and discuss- ed Tennyson's exquisite poem, 'The Princess," which sets forth so beauti- fully a good man's ideal of a true full woman. Some of the songs inter- spersed in the "medley," were sung by the hostes herself, and Miss Ada Bates, and Miss Mildved Macmorine. The chib intends taking up a course of reading on early colonial history, and will begin with Gilbert Parker's-- of the Sir Gilbert, rather--'Seats Mighty." - - . - The Dramatic entertainment which has heen prepared by the German Club fur presentation, Thursday night,ought to be well patronized, and a great treat is in for those who go. The affair mark a ad vance in artistic eduvea- tion. store will Kingston's . . . -. Mrs. Reade has sent out invitations for a children's Christmas party, for Master Greenaway, who is. coming out from England, where he has been at school, and also for little Miss Mary. Mrs. Swift, who has been ill with la grippe, is happily very much bet- ter. Miss Kate Upper, who has been such a weleconie visitor to town, returned to New York on Friday. Mrs. Hughes, Albert street, will give a children's party for her little people on the twenty-second. Mrs. Davis is expected home this week, and will be with Mrs. Frank Strange. Miss Jessie Smith, whose absence at Pishop Strachan school has been much deplored by all her friends, will be home for the holidays next Satur- day. Mra. Fages' pretty rose-tinted draw- ing-room was thronged with visitors vesterday, who were anxious to wel- come this very popular woman back to town. Mrs. Fages received in a most hecoming gown of blue, and was assisted by Miss Gladys Drury. The King's Daughters have decided to postpone their sample sale till some time in February. * . . * Mr. R. A. Thompszon, who has heen | We carry the same stock here as we do in our four other stores, and our prices are lower than ree in Toronto. We may have what you want in Trunks, Bags, Robes, Mitts, etc. | RUDD HARNESS CO., 143 PRINCESS STREET. "Phone, 402. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD ALSO table hoard Apply 168 King etl W-it, near City Park | ever; | bv teller of the Bank of Montreal at =St. Mary's, has been removed to St. John, N.B., and Mr. S. MacGachen will succeed him in St. Mary's. The Countess of Antrim with Vis- count Dunluce, Hon. Angus MeDon el! Lord Melgund, Miss Violet Lamp- | ton, Miss Howard and Mr. Howard, arrived on Friday, at Rideau Hall. Mrs. Thorn Bailey, Ottawa, enter- tained a few friends; Friday, at the tea hour in honor of her sister, Mis: Ella Jaxter of Kingston. - Mrs. Walker Powell of Ottawa, tertained at tea on Friday, in honor of her daughter, Mrs. Dourlas Farmer of Picton. Mrs, A. R. Allan, Senator and Fuliord, of Brockville, Mrs. Smith, and Miss Kate Lizars, re en- Miss ly visited the London ofiice of the Globe. Having one's monogram, crest an coat of arms put on one's china, is a very popular fad just now, so popu- lar and so general, that the observer thay be pardoned for wondering if the two latter ornvmentations are not a recent investment, Mrs. Hugh Fleming, and Miss Gor- mully returned to Ottawa on Satur- dav, from a gay visit in Toronto, The Misses Macpherson, diss Effie Fenwick: and Miss O'Hara were amongst the guests at a girls' tea given by Mrs. Dunlevie at Ottawa last Friday. In Lord * Kitchener's "final" dis patch upon the war inl South Africa, published in the London Gazette, he vipeeiallv speaks of Sie GL CC. Gir onard, K.C.M.G., D.8.0., R.E. The other Royal Engineers mentionetl are Major Nanton, Major H. G. .Joly de Major G. M: Kirkpatrick, H: Lotbiniere, Capt.>N. GG. Von Hugel, Capt. 4. du PP. Casgrain. Lady Minto was hostess at a smali skating party at Rideau Hall on Sa turday afternoon. Mio and Mrs. Edward Rranscombe were in Teronto for Sunday. and had suppir with Mrs. Stewart Houston. Mr. and Mrs. Branscombe go to New- fount land, and afterwards out to Vine uver, sailing thence to Austra- hia. season in London two smart irs formed rival musical cliques over the merits of Kubelik and. Koci- wn, the two wonderful Bohemian vio- Linist Ronalds, who is the hier arbiter in musical matters in London society, placed herseli in sup port of Kocian, whose engazements at the houses of rovalty and nobility WE OC ACPV numer . . . . Many 'women affect an indifference > the otling ol garments because it vems to them an indication of af fluence to disregard the fate of their DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED | By local applications as they cannot reach the dscased portion of the ear Tiere 1s only one way to cure deafness, ' Is bv constitutional rem Ss 88 used bv an inflamed con- dition of the "mucous lining of the tustach.an Tube V'hen this tube is | intlai ed you have a rinibling sound or nnperiect hearing. and when it is eutire- lv closed, Deafness 1s the result, and unless the inflammation can Lz taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wiil he destroved for- nine cases out of ten, are caused Catarrh, which is nothing but an condition of the mucous sur- inflamed faces. We any tarrh Catarrh FP twill give One Hundred Dollars for case of Deafness (caused by ca- that cannot be cured by Hall's Cure nd for circulars free J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O iv Drur~ists, 75¢ 's Family. Pills are the best. = Hal Lizars | 'clothes. It's an indication of a lack of refinement, for no nice-minded wo- man, will be careless about her clothes, not because she may not be ahle to replace soiled or draggled ones with new, but because she is too really dainty to wear garments care- lessly, or to take care of them bad- lv." - - * - It is generally understood that but- ter and milk can be tainted by prox- imity to decided flavors or odors, but not that all foods absorb and give out more or less of their individual aroma. Vegetables of the plainest varieties are the worst offenders, not only onions and leek and the more yronounced ones, but the tame little weet and the saucy radish. The subtle ways of these demure ones is some- thing that houscholds should guard against, but do not. "We do get so tired of boarding," ¢xclaims a woman who has gone back and * forth from hotels to private boarding houses. but she does not realize the underlying reason. The real reason is 'that the foods are all kept in the same place and all cooked in the same atmosphere, double occa- sion for the flavor takes place. Fruits of the handsomest varieties are prone to make this ex- change, and cheese, wines and even nuts will do the same thing. You have celery. ine the' ice-chest with cream cheese, and if vou have a dis- criminating taste vou won't know which is which by nightfall. Cream is so sensitive to influence that shut up in the cold box with a peach it will taste like peach ice cream before two hours. It is dificult to keep these items apart always, but care can be exercised by placing the more delicate articles in covered jars and the vege- tables in paper wrappers or cven paraflin. Keep the ones most likely to exchange confidences in upper and lower partitions of the ice box, te membering that flavor crossing is an epicurean annoyance. . & =» One of the new silks is all in one color, though one would never think so to look at it, for it changes con- «tantly and takes on a new beautv whichever way it is looked at. In the first place, richly heavy silk is of a pure grayish plum color. The en- tire ground is what is called the seed pattern. a name that very clearly do this fies this rich but small pattern, which seems to show two shades at least. Then over the whole surface is cast a shower of half inch shadow dots. No other color is introduced into these spots with the descriptive name, vet they are perfectly defined. In point of fact, they are made hy heat and pressing, the effect being on the moire order. The whole scheme is as rich as it is novel. . sn 8 Whistler, the great painter, and a pastmaster also, in the gentle art of making enemies, has written a char acteristically vitriolie letter to a London paper, denouncing in violent languace the art critic of the Stand ard. who. being unable to say anv thing against the work.-- one of Whist ler's greatest--said it had been on ex- hibition before. As a matter of fact, the picture, called "The Little Cardi nals" rey enting a little. girl in a red cap, had been shown only in the aris salon. The "Hon. Doe" Brown, of Morgans- feld. Ky.. who represents his district in the state legislature, is. one of Nentucky's unique characters. To il- lustrate a point in a recent speech he gave the following account of his courtship : "Fake my advice and never give a woman anything she can't eat and never make love to her out of an ink hotth. Why. when I courted mv wife I just grabbed hold of her and said. 'Sally, vou are .the sweetest thing on earth and vour beauty baf- flos the skill of man and subdues his ferocious nathire," and 1 got her." In every well ordered bath room a { small wide mouthed earthern jar should be kept. Into it should be thrown the scraps of toilet soap that are too small to be used in bathine and which should not he wasted. When the jar is full the soap should have poured over it a cupiul of warm water, and then two teaspoonfuls of glycerine should be placed in the jar. "The result will be a jelly like con sistency that may be used instead of a cake of soap. A Lasting Benefit. Don't suffer with rheumatism. Get curs d, as aid Johnston Larmon, Oso Station, Ont. He had rheumatism in one of his hips for years, used all kinds of medicine without getting anv relief. Two bottles of Hall's Rheuma- tir cure cured him completelv. He has not had a pain or ache for thre vears. This front blood purifier is put up in bottles containing ten davs' treatment, 50 cents at Wade's. Painful Accident. Gananoque Reporter. On Thursday, Robert Henderson night conductor on the T. I. R.. met with a painful accidint as a result of which he has since carried his ri hend ia a sling. He was engaged handline freight cars, and was about to couple the engine on toa car, ani while he was opening the couplr on the car the engine hacked up and caught the lower part of his hand in the coupler. The third and littl» fing cr and part of the hand were crushed flat, the bones broken and the tle-h badly lacerated. The hand was dies ed and placed in splints gs soon as he could rot to a aoctor, and it 1s thought that the fingers can be saved The wound pro be is essing favocai hy Live Stock Market. Montreal. Dee. 15.-- Thera were about S00 head of butchers' cattle, 15 calves and 200 sheep and lambs offered for tale at the East End Abattoir to dav. The butchers were ont and there was a strong good demand and frm prices wae paid for anvthing prime, or nearly so, but the commor and inferior stock were not wanted end prices of thse continue pretty bee low. 'A lot of 1% prime ; Ss, if that wei had 19, were sold toa dealer at 3} pretty good dattle to 1} and the at frém to 3 calves sold at from $3 to 87 each, or fc. to Je. per lb. Sheep sold at from 3c. to 3ic. and lambs at-frem 3%. to 4ic. per Ib. Good fat coll at about Ge. per li. weighed of the cars. : fat cows anl he HO los, from hogs walking 'cangs at Princess strest Electric Breck & Halliday 's, exchange that ' 'ARE TENACIOUS |AT LEAST THOSE WHO ARE WEALTHY. Some Curious Figures From Brit- ish Vital Statistics for 1902-- To Reap Largely From Death, | Dues. London, Dec. 16.--The vital statistics of England for the year now drawing to a close show that the good may i die young, but if they only become , wealthy there is apparently no neces- sity for hurrying from this mundane sphere. {During the present year 206 persons died leaving estates valued at more than &500,000 each, the - aggregate Lvalue being $300,000,000. The average age at death of the persons who had at their disposition these $300,000,000 was nearly seventy-three years. (ne- fourth of them had lived for eighty vears and upward, and of these, six : had passed their nincticth year. The chancellor of the exchequer i likely to reap as rich a harvest from is . the death duties this year as in the preceding financial twelve months, when the revenue from this source was $92,500,000, the best on record. A further windfall will accrue to the ex- chequer through the death of Colonel Harry McCalmont. It will, of course, take a considerable time to value his estate for probate, but the fortune he left is not likely to fall much below 215,000,000. L AN ORDER ISSUED. Factory Work Stopped to Save Girl's Life. { Chicavo, Dec. 16.--To save the life of a fitteen-year-old girl, who has itt passed the, crisis of an. attack of i typhoid fever, Secretary Pritchard, of the health department, aided by a de tail of polic stopped work in the machine shops at No. 639 Carroll avenue. The patient is Pearl Culver. She was constantly disturbed by the blows of a gigantic irip hammer in the fac- tory adjoining her home and her phy- sician said that in order to recover she must have quiet. Her father ask- Led the owners of the place to discon tinue the use of the trip hammer, but his request was refused. Then he ap- pealed to the health department. Secretary Pritchard was undecided ahout his right to stop work in the swops and consulted Corporation Counsel Halker on the subject. Mr. Walker said that the secretary had the power and then the order to cease work was promptly given. It it thoueht the suspension of work will be a matter of hut pn few days, as Miss Culver is said to be improving and will soon be out of danger. An Able Report. An extensive and valuable report is that of J. A. Kins:lla, commissioner of dairving for the fis'al year, lately passed in New Zealand. 'This 'former sractical instructor in Kingston dairy hool has literally gone west and grown ip with the country for a more thorough and. practical report, review of operations, and compilation of suggestions for the futwre is rarely The dairy system of New Zea- land is being rapidly improved under government inspection, with corres- pondins growth in export, the life of any land. The butter trade with Eng- land dwarfs that of Canada, which puts its strength into cheese. seen. Bibby's. Mufflers. Bibby"s. Wouldn't you enjoy the soft hug of one of our handsome silk mufflers these days ? It's no sure thing that vou'll vet one for Christmas--betteér buy one now, while the assortment is full. New silks, new shapes, 50c. to $2.50. The H. D. Bibby Co. The Christmas holiday visitor arr: ing. 18 | bit skins, BY BRITISH MAILS. Items of Interest From the Old, Land. An Edinburgh street preacher has been sent to prison for ill-treating his children. A solicitor at Highgate has out a summons against an infant four years for assault. Over 200,000 copies were sold of the Lirst number of T. P. O'Connor's new paper, "T. P's Weekly." Twenty millions of Australian rab- valued at £112,000, were sold last year in London. W. Hastings Keppel, a well-known member of the London Stock Ex- change, has shot himself. Five English shipping firms are com- bining to form a new line between New York and the far east. A society is being formed in London to--assist poor people in defence against arbitrary action by the=pol- ce, A niarine at Llymouth has died from taken of blood poisoning due to the trigeer of his aitle cutting his finger while at drill. Earl Roberts has issued an order that malt liquor is not to be served in canteens in any larger measure than a pint, Silver girdles are again coming into fashion, There are also evidences of the dog collars reappearing for neck ornamentation. 'The Rev. George Martin, charged with the intention of blowing up Cor- onation stands in London, has been sent to a home of rest. The Kelty girl's action for slander in an article in Blackwood's Magazine, "Among the Fife Miners," has been settled for £100 and costs. At Gloucester assizes, Richard Daun-* cey, solicitor, pleaded guilty to charg- es of forgery. He was sentenced to five years penal servitude. Sir Alfred Jones . has' contributed £5,000 towards a chair of "Tropical Medicine and Parasitology' in con- nection with Liverpool University. Countess Beauchamp has inaugurat- ed an open-air sanatorium for treat- ment of consumption, on Ankerdine- hill, Worcestershire, 3,000 feet above sea level. During the demolition of St. Peter's Birmingham, a portion of the wall crashed intd a wine and spirit ware- house. Huge casks of rum and brandy were smashed. Largs Parish church members have subscribea £130 to provide pulpit- robes and a bible for the new minis- ter. This double discounts St. An- drew's, Kingston, Contracts have been let for a large extension of Guinness' brewery, Dub- lin, which will be 150 feet in height, will cover an immense area, and will call for thousands of tons of steel. Owing to nn remark by the headmas- ter touching the poverty of High- land students, ten of them withdrew irom Robert Gordon's College, Abér- deen, and went to another college. G. W. Massey, aged twenty-nine, moulder, whose body was found in a pond near Leigh, had pinned to his jacket a note stating, "Place on my grave. a turtle-dove that all may know that 1 died of love." Addressing the grand jury the recor der of Derry said that the district was very free from crime, but there was an appalling number of civil bill cases ecah session. There were over 1,000 processes at every sessions, or = from 1,000 to 5,000 a year: Wonderful Egg Producer. K*donsignment of 500 boxes of Wil- son's Egg-making Feed for poultry, reached us to-day. This Egg-making Feed is thoroughly reliable "and used exterfSively and with great suc cess in the United States. Twenty-five cents per box at Wade's drug store only. . is Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. Mothers can see at a glance the ex- cellence of our boys' overcoats, $3" to $8.50. The H. D. Pibby Co. ----th Cake Tins ROUND, SQUARE, FANCY. If We Haven't Got What You Want We'll Make It. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brack Street 1,000 LBS. GANONG'S Chocolates and Bon-Bons For Christmas, Fancy Boxes, all sizes, very pretty designs. Batger's Christmas Crackers, Tom Smith's Christmas Stockings. NOTHING LIKE THEM. REES. Princess St. ™ 5, rr -- A. J, © MONEY AND BUSINESS. 1 IVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE TO-LET. =e GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR Fre ATI, Siren adiaable without board, 101 Queen street. which the policy holders have for | - S-------- = security the unlimited liability of [ FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, all the stockholders. Farm and city with board, with all' modern con- property insured at lowest possible | veniences, at 191 University Avenue. rates. UDefore renewing old or giving | -------- new business wet rates from | 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTI- STRANGE & STRANGE, Agents. fully situated, facing the Harbor, Rent. $240 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates of interest i on city and farm property. Loans | HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NO. 56 BAY granted on city and county deben- street, between Bagot and Rideau tures. Apply to S. C. McGILL, streets; also stable and sheds in manager of Frontenac Loan and In- rear. Apply 45 William street. vestment Society. Otflice opposite SR ------ tha Post Oflice. ARCHITECTS. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOI- Fax 10K 1 ums from one thousand to | WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT. OFFICE, tn mig dollars. } or particu- soond floor over Mabood's Drug Bute lars apply at GODWIN S INSUR- corner Princess an ANCE EMPORIUM, over kxpress trance om Bagot street. OfMice.. Market Sauare. ) > FOWER aN ARCHITROTS, MEROZL at KE a' uilding, ocermer UNDERTA RS. Wollington streets. 'Phone 212. I'. F. HARRISON CO., UNDERTAK-| ,prqyR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OFFICE ers, 233-235 Princess street." Quaiity site of New Drill Hall, or and efficiency the best. Prices the and Montreal 8 ans syrame lowest. 'Phones -- Warerooms, 90. Night calls--T. F. Harrison, -91. AENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, . Anchor Building, Market Samere, 'Pheve S. .S. CORPETT. FUNERAL DIREC- "a tor, 281 Princess Street, Kingston Succesnaor to W. M. Drennan INVESTMENTS --I N= CAPILL! FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. Prevents fallfng and gray hair. ~ Cures Dandruff, Eczema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Massage. Ludies shampooed at home if desired. Mme. Elder, New York, 166 Princess St. REAL ESTATE Mining and Oil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, (1X BROCK STREBT. SA ED EY HEA Jim Dumps was not allowed to eat Of pies and puddings, rich and sweet. But served with orange marmalade A perfect treat from "Force" he made, Which dish he ate with greatest vim. " |t tastes so good," says "Sunny Jim." leaves no unpleasant memories. fro=1 by. #4 : ra. 0 Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt] Brazilians Benefited® is very usefnl for those who snffer 11any who have benefited IL Wooubwarn, Natal, Brazil." Tone preparation of 1a ids warm cdoaace there ad heat called {Force L 8, Cilia

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