Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1902, p. 2

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TARR DAILY" WHIG, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16. in i ------ A NOT DUE TO CLIMATE. Catarrh Is Found Everywhere. Catarrh is 'at home anvwacra and everywhere. While more common in cold, changeable climaics, it is by 19 means confined to them, Lut is pre valent in eicry «tate and territory in the union. The common definition of cutarrn is a chronic cold in th2 head, which if long neglected »iten destrovs the sense of smell and hoaring; but there are many other forms of the disease, (ven more ae and Jdangee Catarrh of the throat and' bronchial tubes as well as catarrh of the sto- mach and liver are almost com- mon as nasal catarrh and generally more difficult to cure. Catarrh is undoubtedly a blood dis- ease and can only be successfully era dicated by an internal treatment. Sprays, washes and powders are use- less as far as reaching the real seat of the disease is concerned. Dr. Mclverney advises catarrh ferers to a new preparation, by druggists, called Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because actual analysis has shown these tablets to contain cer tain anti septic qualities of the highest value and being an internal remedy. pleasant to the taste, convenient and harmless, can be used ex freely as re quir well for children as for adults. An attorney and public speaker had been a catarrh sufferer for Bays : "Every which would throat and hang and every winter little worse. 1 was continu ing my throat and mv affected to such an extent fe obst nis, as suf use sold as years, fall T would settle in cold and long cet 'a clear catch a my head all winter seemed to ly became to inter on it vol as » with my public speaking. "I tried troches and cheap cures and sometimes got relief, hut only for a short time. until this win ter when T learned of the new eatarrh cure, Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, through a news advertisement. Two fifty cent boxes which I hought at my dn s, cleared my head and throat in fine have and to guard against a return of my old trouble | keep a box of the tablets whenever | cateh a little tablet two ward ous developments." Stuart's Catarrh head the list as a to cheek and break colds, because unlike tarrh and contain opiate, jurions drug. » GIFTS FROM ENGLAND. We received this week one case sample Eiderdown quilts in Silk, Satin, Sa- teen, and all Sateen, which we will sell at about one third less than the regular prices These quilts are guar- anteed to be filled with the very best quality of Norwav Lider Down, and will wear a life time. A handsome and pleasure-~ivin~ gift nowhere be found. Here are a few of the All Silk Frilled All Slik Plain Sateen and Satin' Sateen and Satin All Sateen. . Remember, alike, so the first hest. R. McFaul Kingston Carpet Warchouse. Christmas Furniture quantities of for wise conygh paper cold | offi any take a or and seri Tablets deserves to houschold remedy, up couchs and many other ca these tablets or any in cough cures, no cocaine more could prices . $28, tor $18 $°0, for $18 ... 815, for $10 $20 for $9 $9, for $6 no two of these quilts choice will be are the away furniture We are storing useful and ornamental buyers. Christmas Curtains, Rugs, Screens, Fasc Comforters, Cushions, YHIS large ish, strong and use- ful, only $3.50. We bought a quantity of these; they are going fast. We have a large varic- ty of up to 25 each. Carpets, Floor Carpet ete. ete. I'LSK, size, good fin- these Linoleums, 0il ",Choth, Sweepers, TALL Mall Seats, holders Racks. good presents Hall Racks, cut, mirror, 4 hat pins, RACKS; Umbrella Hanging Hall All make similar bevel glove drawer, and well. finished, $4.50 We only of these J Stands, Medicine fancy Chairs nets to large coat brass on- ly have 8 Cabinets, d Cabi- La- Tahles a Parlor Chiffoniers, dies' Dressers, © our Open: until each evening T. F. HARRISON GO. TELEPHONES 90 AND 91. UNDERTAKING, EMBALMINC. ete selection. 9 p.m Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ladies' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of strength. No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.--For ordinary cases 1s by medicine known. No. 2--For special cases--10 degrees stranger--three dollars per box. Ladies--ask your druget st Cotton Root mpouand as all pills, mixtures and Jmitations are | dangerous. No. 1 and No, 2 are sold and | recommended by all druggists in the Do- | minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of Reice au ang fear 2-cent postage m. e ompany, stampa, Windsor, Ont. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Kingston b: all responsible drogyisse. | y for Cook's FOR SALE. PAIR DELIVERY J. McParland Coon sleighs non ", who on hand and | far the best dollar, . Take no other | PARTLY SUNK THE STEAMER GLENGARY FULL OF WATER. Went Down Outside M.T. Com- paay Slip--To Replace the | Bannockburn--Marine Notes. night the steamer Glen- just outside the M. TI. foot of Queen During last garry, lying company slip at the strect, filled with water and sank al- most up to the main deck. This morning she was lying on the ground bo.tom, ted over on her port side. The accident was not discovered till this morninz, when a portion of the crew aboard ar s- The steamer's hold had filled very slowly, anl she had Kettled without disturbing those aboard, including Capt. Woods. The mishap was due to mn open seacock, thiough which the water gained dd- mittance. To day, a diver was sent down' to plug the pipe. Then the wors of pumping out the steamer.was begun. The Glengarry had most of her Welsh coal cargo unloaded yester day. About seventy-five tons re mained. To Replace Bannockburn. In referen ¢ to the report sent from Detroit, that the fost SS. Bannock burn met with a serious mishap two re and, in spite of the insu ance adjusters' opinions that she had been badly strained, was never dock fed. Manager Cuttle says that the { story is a pure fal rication. The truth | | Irs ago, | of the matter is that; the Bann ck butn was inspected by Lloyds' survey- | v. Capt. A. Reed, Montreal, on Jun Gth, 1901, and then classe as A 1, and the' survevor added that the steamer was then in perfect con dition. Mr, Cuttle characterizes the opens item a «reel slander, ohje 'of which he cannog fathom. Ju Cuttle leit Moatreal last nigh for New. York and depar®s on Wednes day for Europe by the SS. Oceanic. | Mr. Cuttle's stay on the other side {likely to be in the neighborhood ix even weeks and amonost other business be tren<acted will be the purchase of another zteam:hip to re- place the ill fated Bannockburn. It within the possibilities that two new vessels, equal to excerding the ea pacity of the Bannockburn, will he purchased for the she was as of or to is or company. Marine Notes. The tug Thomson was placed on the T. company marine railway to steamer Pierrepont went to bay this morning to break a through 'the ice for the nbarge King Ben, whichh has a cargo of hay for Ogdenshury. The steamer Advance, of which recently brought a grain to the M. T. company elevator. has been unable to ge up the lake, and will winter at Craig's wharf. M. I. company captains in port dao not credit the story that blood wa: found on the life preserver of the SK. Bannockburn, picked up on Satu It was a bit of red paint, they A teierram irom Oswego last ing stated that the [live coal laden vessels for Kingston had not left at all. The schoonms. Tradewind, Sufiel and Queen of the Lakes are for -R. Crawford; the schooner Clara Youell, for the Rathbun company, anl the schooner Flectwing, for J. Sowards. Toronto, cargo of even RESOLUTION OF REGRET. Portsmouth Village" "Council in Regular Session. A regular meeting of village coundil was held last evening, only routine business was transacted. A number of accounts closing the busi- ness for the year, were presented an passed. Remission of taxes were made in several needy cases, some partiall: and a few wholly. On motion of Coun- cillor Kennedy, Reeve Fisher vacated the. chair for Councillor Baiden, when Covncillor Kennedy moved this reso lution: which Councillor McCammon seconded : "Whereas, Portsmouth are informed of the intention of Reeve John Fisher to retire from the council at the expira tion of his present term of office; re solved: That we desire to place on re cord our appredation of his long and efficient services in the capacity, first, as councillor and, latterly reeve village, extending, a period' of during whi bh he has been eves mindful of the best interests the municipality, and to whim special ore dit is due forthe recent improtements to the town ha'l, park and and also for the sound finaniial stand ing of the corporation. We hereby ten ler him our.regret on his rotivement and our Lest wishes for continued pro sperity and success during his future | careeer, 3 2 In presenting the resolution Council lor Raiden of the impartiahit. shown by Reeve Fisher during the time he occupied the cheir, and strong lv endorsed the dation ofr . at the re sd mado retire village politi we as of uninterrupted SIXteen years this Iv, over time of orounds, ke Irom More New Advertisers. the list of in last o Flition: advertisers Whig, the nis have Resides new mentioned following taken space Dr. AP. toilet articles, ete. His appears on the editorial page Joseph Abramson, elot and gents' furnisher. Prinee The Bankrupt Clo hing Stock, street; JJ AL managers Dunlop, of the Grand he Princvds ctr Hoar, Priness st articles, perfum All merchants | viaty the value of | the Whig enine's in this paper : Chown, drugs, perfumbs, advertisement furrie: treet Pri hier, Pp Clothing BJ 1 toilet Union Ise, drugs reco, appre advertis i The One Thing Neediul. want live to 'are to keen pure. Impoverished blo account able for nearly all hedily Take { Wade's Iron Tonic Pills, and vou will | find vour health hb ited, vour blood | purified and nerves strengthened, pills \for ., at Wade's. I I you take to age, 1 ills Christmas Canes. for Xmas iher un Jenkin Walking Special | tials free canes presents ranted erns, all prices AMONG THE BOOKS. | A Look Through Uglow's Attrac- tive Book Store. | Never before have so many fine books been offered for the holiday | trade as this year, and never before | have they been so artistically illustra- { ted, so well printed or so beautifully bound. - The hundreds of buyers who throng Uglow's book store every day | have & a wide and varied range of the | latest and best books to select from. Mention might well be made of a few of them: *'Just So Stories," for children, by Kipling; 'The Virginian," by Owen Wister: 'Dorothy 'South : by George C. Eggleston; "Cecilia," i y {| F. Marion Crawford; "Danny," by the author of "Bob, Son of Battle;" "Wanted, A Chaperone," by Paul Lei- cester Ford, a beautifully artistic pro duction; "Glengarry School Days," by Ralph Connor; "Prophetic Id-as and tdeals™ ~by--Prof-W.--G--Jordan; this city; "The Diary of A Goose Girl," by Kate Douglass Wiggin, ete. Thesc are only a few of the splendid new books which are so appropriate for a holiday gift. - Successful Revivals. George H. Brennan, who is directing the tour of the elaborate revival of "(laste," which will ke sen in this city at the new Grand on Saturday, December 27th, has made several suc cessful revivals of old plays during the last few Two seasons ago he was associated with Daniel V. Arthur in the revival of "She Stoops to Conquer," in which Stuart Rob son appeared as Tony. Last season Mr. Brennan revived the "Taming of the Shrew." with Charles B. Hanford as Petruchio. In April last a revival of "The Country Girl" was made by Mr. Brannan. In The Country Girl" Robert V. Ferguson made the hit of the production as Sparkish. Katheryn seasons, the | Iwas Kidder played Pe So, unqualified Mr. Ferguson that Mr. Brerinan immediately entaed into an arrangement with him to impersonate Eccles in this season's presentation of "*Caste."' SUCCesS It Does Nearly All. The other day a visitor to the city advertised in the Whig for a smart voung man for business work. When he called for answers and received twenty-six he was surprised. He had advertised for local agents in other places and the Whig had brought him the best response' of any paper, excell ing those of Toronto. So it ought. since it has the greatest proportion of readers to the population. The census gives I houses to Kingston. Not lawful evening but between 500 and 2,700 Whigs are taken in those houses. 0 passes 2 Ice On The Rails. The Street Railway it necessary to tracks as carly morning, in an line open. The found it company send a car over three o'clock this attempt to keep the rain, as it fell, formed a coating of ice on the rails, making it difficult for the cars to make pro Press, However, under the circum- stances, the cars gave a remarkably good service during © the early morn ing. as Why We Get Them. The Ontario government a sthool of agriculture here chiefly re ognition of sue e-sful farming by Queen's college, as witnessed the fine hay crop on the cdmpus cach vear. The school of forestry is to he given at once in recognition of yz treeless campus on Union and Univer- sity avenue. Were Frozen In. being held for two weeks win ls, Osweco harbor, for' Crawford & Co., Yesterday they were in which good work Deceml er thaw will assist, . ) placed in street After by adverse the enal fl frozen in. being cut out, this able hodied ordially up in were #Bibby's." Grosvenor coat in Canady, na and mendnie, Overcoats. "Bibby's."' overcoats. The best SH in fine beavers, vicu The 1. D. Bibby Co, clothing. Livingstons' for bhovs' | WILL CURE YOU OF AHEUMATIS ELSE NO MONEY IS WANTED. Any honest person who suffers from rheumatism to. this offer. I din a specialist in rheumatism, and have treated more eg than other physician, 1 think. For sixteen vears- made 2,000 experiments avith different drugs, testing all known pe medics while searching the world for something better. Nine vears ago | found costly chemical in Germany which, with my. pre discoveries, gives. me a certain cure, I don't mean that it joints into flesh again; the 'disease. at any and forever. 1 have 000 times, I know nish my write me 15 welcome 1803 any vious turn bony it completely 100, can but stage, it fully aan cure done will fur Simply book on you an bottles Take se fails and that | trial. for my well on this remedy a postal rheumatism, and © will mail sweder rug for of Dr. Shoop's Rheufnatic Cure. if for a month at risk. If it ceeds the cost is only 85.50. If it I will the drugeist imvself your word shall decide it. I nican that exactlv, Hf von restilts are not what | claim, a penny from von. 1 have samples. Any mere sample that can affect rheumatism must be drugge of dang , J use it 1s fol ly to get the seas: Mv most ured on you rerint Six my pay mere ay the I doen't" expect Ho chron to the verge no such drugs, and take them. You must out of the blood. remedy that cult, obstinate oldest dows the that experienc ver found another cure one chronic eases d in all my 2.000 tes I ne that would ten Wr me and 1 will send wrder. Try my remedy for it can't harm vou anyway. it is free. Address is Mild ured i 11] my remedy in te vou the a month. as Hig fails Dr. Shoop, Box 40 Racine often At all cases, not are Wooone or Vo bho * Irucgist ICEYACHT CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS AND RE- GATTA COMMITTEE. Major Hewett is The Commodore --Kingston Curling Club Ex- pects a Prosperous Season. The annual meeting of the Kingston Ice Yacht Association was held 'on Monday evening, at the yacht club house. These officers were elected : Commodore, Major E. V. 0. Hewitt ; vi.e-commodore, R. Mackenzie; secre- tary-treasurer. W, C. Kent: measurer, Dr. D. Allan Black. The regatta com- mittee will consist of Major Hewitt, Dr. Black, J. C. Strange, James Dix, H. Macnee, James F. Allen, F. Strange and Capt. Symons. The committee was authorized to arrange for a series of races for cash prices snl a trophy. These races will be open to all organized clubs on Lake Ontario, Bay of Quinte and River St. Lawrence. Curling Club Booming. The curling rink was opened last night and With fine ice as a begin- vinz. Archibald Strachan is of opinion that the club, this year, will be the strongest organization for ten vears past. "Curling is booming," he said, and chiefly because of the intended vis it of the Scotchmen during January and February. We are sure to get them, and we want to give them a good time and very hot games." The KINGSTON CURLER IN Wiis in_connection with the coming event has had its artist draw gu pic ture of a leading local curler gs he will appear to charm his fellow Scots on the occasion of their visit, REGALIA General Sport Review. Ottawa Rough Riders will stick to the O.R.F.U. Hal McGiverin says. The anntal rughy match between Ox- ford and Cambridge, resulted in a tie, 8 to 8. Association football last ed to have grown in Canada. years it dead games, The Canadian hockey teams that will visit New York this winter s Queep's, Montreal Victoria, and Quebecs. The former a match with the St. as well as Yale. The Henley regatta stewards passed a rule prohibiting the use of pro- fessionals as coaches for crews within a month of the regatta. This means that Canadian and United States crews will not enter. The Frontenac hockey this evening at the Y.M.C and all the city hockevists are re quested to present themselves. The intention ix to place two strong in the OHA. a senior and SO season-seem great favor was in or are Ottawas may play Nicholas team club meets JA. building, teams iunior, The Irich a rughy experts declare that the Canadian team will be quite able to tackle any team in the United Kingdom. The Canadians, though on- lv an average ageregation, are play- ing a strong game, though it a for svstem to their own. Canadian Amatepr Hockev denied Cornwall's application for admission and drew up schedule for the five old clubs. The season to February 25th, and Montreal not "he allowed to defend the cup prion that date. Harry president. It is expected that there warm time at the" Cana Union's annual meeting in next Saturday. The ORF. U's, to play the shap hack game no matter what action the C.R.F.U. takes re carding them tantamount toa de claration of independence. A com promise of sort mav | ted, but it not likely. By an almost overw helming majority the Ontaria Rughv Union decided to adopt (h¢ Burnside rules. Ottawa, Petrolia and Quebec delegtites the only dissenting votes. The rules will emploged next fall regardless of any action which the Canat union may take. The f in the termediate and junior se I were creased and expense money will be al I umpires as well as referees, W 'ergnson, of Toronto, was elected sident, and A. W. McPher of Poterboro, ce president, and F. D Woodworth, Toronto, secrétary trea surer. a runs will Stanley to Trihey is the new : be a Rughy Toronto will n decision me considered cast be an in in re son, Christmas Umbrellas. We are umbrellas, suitable giits. The swell, showy serviceable kind. All umbrellas, to by Cr: swell rang of for Chuistmas kind, and the are well built, The I. D. Bil showing a Ak The Long Swagger. overcoats fo ; > X11.50 and 30. Roney Free. Free. Free. Till Xmas we will initial, free, anv umbrella or walking cane bought here. Jenkins. lowest prices. Tavlo Mitchell Purses at wr to E. C one of the INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, 'Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On Their Rounds. { Boys' umbrellas, Livingstons' | English holly, Johnson, florist © Christmas perfumes at Taylor's | at Oak Tal. "Twill soon be Christmas umbrellas, Christmas next week. spring Elegant ties and mufflers at Roney & Co's. Have you been asked to run for ald- erman yet ? {If your ad. is not in the Whig 'you are missing trade. If 1 were you I would do my shop- ping early this week. Turkeys at l2c. to 13c. 'a luxury for Chiistmas. Livingstons' for umbrellas, iny done free. Livingstons', Well, what poor family or families are you going to help spend a plea- sant Christmas? The discase known as' "black leg is reported among cattle in the vicin- ity of "ona. Palms, ferns. Johnson, florist. "The Royal Military College closes on the 19th and the cadetse will have nineteen days' holidays. Christinas perfumes at Taylor's The public schools close on the' 10th for the Christmas holidays, and will resume on January Sth. Initial silk handkerchiefs a Oak Hull The Belleville Board of Education has sensibly decided to hold but one yearly promotion examination. Livingstons' for dressing gowns and smoking jackets, Venezuela has had 104 revolutions in seventy vears. The turn it is tak ing this time may break its spinal column, J. H. Metcalfe left to-day for New York with three fine horses, a team of carriage animals and a fine draught horse. Rowntree's chocolates, at successor to E. C, Mitchell. A sergeant " field battery has been sent up for district -court- martial on a charge of drunkenness and inso- lence, A brother non-com. is the com- pramant. Several customers who have heen ar ound, have told us that our overcoats are the Lest value in the city. Roney & Co's, Roses, carnations. J. H. Truesdell, Division street, has reported to the police that a boat house of his, located near the cotton mill, was broken into recently and number of things stolen therefrom. Boys' overcoats at Oak Hall. Remitters to the Whig of smal! am ounts are using cheques and registered letters when express orders or posta! notes will be cheaper and less (roanle, It takes time to get people out of the old ruts. Ladies Chr iety. Taylor, chell. A host of people still put only a one cent stamp upon letters posted in Kingston to local addresses. This act costs the receiver cach time, and does the harm when favor sked. Westminster a lb. will be engrav- Taylor's, of Johnson, florist. a tmas wifts in great var successor to E. C. Mit- two cents sender Oak Hall. PERSONAL MENTION. overcoats at Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Dr. Echlin, Ottawa, is rejoicing over the birth of a son in his household. Miss Stella English, Corry, Penn. is visiting her an Mrs. Hopkinson, 170 Bagot street. Alderman Harkness left this morning for Buffalo on important business. He will be absent about a week. Magistrate urell was allowed to rest from. his labors this morning: there was a blank docket at the police court. Harry Angrove, Arch street, left yesterday for Brantford and Windsor on his first trip as Canadian represi tative of the Manhattan Specialty company, of New York. Is Deserving Of Credit. "1 believe in giving credit credit due," said a citizen nignt. _ "James Swiit has more coal in stock, probably, thin anv other coal merchant within. a radius of several hundred miles of Kingston. | know that temptjpe offers have heen made him to sell to, merchants = at points outside of Kineston: he conld have obtained 82 4 ton more than he retailing it for here, hut he refnsed to part with it, preferring to supply the citizens, By this de ision he saved a coal famine here and Lept down the price. He deserves greatest eredit for the stand where is last has Las the taken." Election Of Officers. At the last of L.O following veoular meeting L.; No. 332, Colebrook, the brethren were elected and installed hy Past_ Master Middleton: W.M., Charles Lee: DML, Menton Lee: RS, DD. H Smith; FS. Fred. Brown: Preas.. G. Shangraw; D. of CC, Davy ; Lect., James Mic le eto n; committee, Hiram Ellis, Sanderson, T, Townsend, Durias Babeoel Kk, Henry Sal- ishury. Casson Farewell Tokens. Previous to the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Binnie for their new' sphere of lahor in Tweed, the people of th vicimty of Mcebonald's Corners pre sented Mrs. Binnie with a Heantifnl silver tea serviee. At Elphin, lave later, the Preshvterians ut gave cold watenes to and Mrs. Binnie. Some of the ci both Mr. Nr. The Table Is "Ready. pool table pir rmallv' *apencd'™" in the wrgeants mess of the 14th Reoiment. last evening, Tt will prove an acquisition to the attractive mess The table was "sot up' and repaired ly Edward Holler, whose skill ic plainl manifest in the perfection of the nan:hip. The chased, new recent lv was quite work Teachers Wanted uv their Christn nver had as assortment of Christn sisting of Cadbury's, on's f y Smith's 1 2 candies trom and laros Rowntrs 1 nd plair Wo tober Tom cock. Christmas Smoking Jackets. for men's Made in Jenkins. The most popular article presents. All styles and $2.75 to 87.50. sizes, England, New York neckwear at Oak Hall NAVY LEAGUE | OFFICERS OF THE KINGSTON BRANCH ELECTED Addresses Delivered by Several Citizens--The Men Who Will Fill the Posts--To Name Ex- ecutive. The Kingston branch of the British Navy League met in the city council chamber Monday evening to elect. an executive and for general bukines Capt. Gaskin presided, with Frank King as secretary. Among those in at- tendance were Dr. Curtis, Prof. and Mrs. Pike, J. S. Skinner, Miss Skin- ner, Dr. Smythe, K.C., Dr. Walkem, K.C., William McCammon, J. McD. Mowat, Prof. Campbell, H. W. Snell- me Prof--Cappon; RF Caron, Brief addre were made by Dr. Walkem. Dr. Smythe and Prof. Cap- pon, who pointed out that the people now fully realized the importance of the Navy League, and the necessity of strengthening it. These officers were elected : ary president, Hon. W. president, John Gaskin: Edw. J. B. Pense, treasurer, J. McD). Mowat. The last three named, with the addition of Mayor Shaw and Prof. Cappon, were chosen to nominate an exec utive com mittee of twelve, and report at an- other meeting. Honor- Harty, M.DP.; vice-president, M.P.P.; secretary Only One Sergeant Needed. "I think it is about time the police commissiomers realized the fact that a little reorganization is required in the, police force," remarked an alder- man to-day. "1 have been around the police sta- tion a great deal and I have heen im pressed by the fact that the services of a day sergeant are wholly unrequir ed; it is ridiculous t6 keep two men in authority in the station to 'boss' three other men. The chief should he capabl: of managing the day men ; why keep g sergeant to do this ? His, services, as a poli 'eman, are practical ly lost to the city. What remedy would Well, if 1 had my way. and I think the ratepayers would sup- port me, I would make one of the sergeants do plain clothes work, and 1 stugoest ? \ os? * Prizes" with common soaps are dearly paid for at the ex- pense of clothes and hands. -- nL REDUCES EXPENSE Christmas Gifts \g French Stagware, the very est this season, for a lady or gentleman Genuine cure Sets Small less varie Purses, some for Christmas, Perfumes, our A Our stock very assorted. Ebony Military $1.50 a pair. Rowntree's English American H. B. "TAYLOR, 124 Princess St, "Phone § 5, Successor to E. 'C. Mitchell. lat- o Ebony Toilet and Mani- $1.25 u gilts in end- extra good 235¢. up. Xmas large value, specialty. and well Hair Brushes, Chocolates Chocolates. SHAVING CUPS AND SHAVING BRUSHES Make a Suitable Christmas Present. For Sale by E. lL. EBBEL S, CHEMIST and DRUGQGIST. Market Square Drug S'ors, Cor. Kingand Market Sts., Kingston. thus have him render some return for his salary. Such a svstem would, practically, give the city another pol- iceman.| This is only one of the chang os which might he made with. some benefit.' For Head Of The Department. "Now that Lord Dundonald propos introducing signalling into the militia system of this country, he 'ought not to overlook Canadian men of worth in establishing the depart ment," remarked a local officer last evening while conversing upon the subject. "He ought to hear in mind that Capt. Bruce Carruthers is thor onghly versed in the system of signal ling, that he had it in charge for the first contingent in South Africa. We have also in this city another first class signaller in the person of Sergt. Swinyard, who also saw ser vice in South Africa. 1 understand that Capt. Carruthers has already heen recommended for the position of chief of the signal department at Ot- tawa, a staff appointment, and we all hope that he may get it. A bet- ter man than Capt. Carruthers cannot be found for the position." 0s '" The Wizard Of Oz." "The Wizard of 02," which comes to the Grand next Wednesday evening, is said to be the greatest production of kind ever put on the American stage. To give one an idea of its size, the local management callad upon to furnish a stage force of forty men to work. the show, while the company numbers over eighty people. Besides the regular orchestra the com- pany carries ten musicians, 'Ihe nos aid scenery are said to more Leantifully harmonized nn color and tone, better designed and richer in material than any spectacular pro duction that has ever graced the Ame rican stage. Fach, succeeding scene brings out new glories of confection, the chorus charing with he principal in the glory of their raiment, are now on sale. its 18 cous he Seats $2, And $2 Prevost, of Store, Proek reat barvain cular prices + sold during P. "This offered .50 Pants For $1 the New York Clothing street, is offering 0 in ready-made pant 2 to 250 a pair, will the sale for 81.50 4 the greatest barcain tothe trade vet. .50. is exer Given Three Contracts. Claxton & have heen of con Lawrenson, awarded air heating of Daniel Me Langwith, Sun- rigs, Wolie had very Lemmon, this = city, tracts for placing hot plants in the residences Lean, Pittsburg; C. bury, ands Theodore Island. This firm prosperous season. New .York Neckwear. We've just opened a big assortment q the prettiest idead in Christmas neckwear vou ever All the new that are the rage of the hour. D. Pibhy Co. has oa saw, rancies The H, Christmas Smoking Jackets. The most popular article for men's resents. All styles and sizes. Made in England, $2.75 to 87.50. Jenkins. English raincoats at: Oak Genuine ebony military Woa Taylor' Narcissus, primroses, 1st Haye R( mption he good * Gray Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor does not suddenly turs your gray hair black; but gradually the old color comes back,--all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hair stops fall: ing, too. Better try it. Hall. hair brush vr at Johnson, flor un yon vou, paid vour up to dat newspa Now per will glow make feel! eold weather with, 00. Let ue fl! your bia with BOOTH"S COAL. Our Coal} is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. Fach lump stands by jleatt. Gy Good solid eoel --s0 much solid fire. After coal reaches surface of the earth from the mines, im Se He are picked out by hand. Therealter it ie several times before it reaches you, bad dirt, slate, etc, really have no chance, if the dealers are careful. Tw are very careful. crm he ape wn Foot of Queen St.--'Phone 9. 2040000600000 Fresh $ : Mined Scranton Coa Just am -- mem tn - ~~] --_-- 0050006000000 0 JAMES SWIFT & G0. "Phone 135. 000000000000 NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P, WALSH ss. 57 Barrack St. A Cosy Bright Fire In an ateraction for every ome. The cheery and immense heat of our coal will felt with pleasure during the It's Jost the kind to cook $1. All druggists. J. C. AYER CO., Lowsil, Mass. 'Phone 133, Foot of West Street.

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