Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1902, p. 4

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FINE TEAS ARE ECONOMICAL. ONE POUND OF "From ANCIZNT INDIA 1 EAS snd SWEET CEYLON." At B0c. will go asfar as twe pounds of common tea, 2nd you got All prices at your grocers. the flaver, STAR SAFEIY RAZOR THE ORIGINAL AND BEST SATETY RAZOR. Mokes Scli-Shaving a Luxury and Home Comfort. Shaves Clean, Never Pulls, Saves Ti: Inconvenience and Money. ne, Every Razor fully warranted. AT CORBETT'S HARDWARE. If you like a good cup of ten tr our Saves "INDIA BLEND" 25¢ , 80c¢ , Bic, 40¢, 5V¢. pou: d ! For best results in baki-g ase STARR BRAND BAKIEC POWDER. EXTRACTS AND SPICES. THE STARR CO, 185 WELLINGTON ST. Home Needlework. "Onward" is the watchword of the Corcticelli Home Needle- work Magazine. Great changes and Admprovements are under way, and the next"nhumber . will surpass all previous issues. 'The magazine will be increased in size to that of the regular stan dard publications, the dimen sions of the pages being 6§ x U2 inches. It wili be _ hand- printed from new tvpe fine' book 'pajer, and contain a vast amount ot information to: lovers needlework, decore cro- chet, drawn embroidery, ete. 'I'he usual number of beautiful colorea plates will appear, as well as many handsome designs and patterns for holiday gifts. Owing to the extensive im- provements made in the maga- zine, the price aiter January lst will lie 50 cents per vear for the four issues, or single copies 15 cents, but orders from now till the trst of the year will be re ceived at the old rate of 35¢. oi 10c. for sample copy. Address Corticelli Silk Company, Ltd.. St. Johns, PQ Write for the great prewium offers now being wade. No lady who, desires to fect herself in the skilful use of the needle, can afiod to he without * the "Corticelli Home Neddlework Macazine." Mention this paper. WHO IS YOUR AUCTIONEER W. MURRAY, Jr, body now that n for sales sorely and will valuable of art on per le serving nearly every line. He has a reputat: prompt returns and = ctory scttlements You will be woney in pocket by emploving WwW. MURRAY, Jr. MEN AND WOMEN, Use » Big @ for i in good [Foot to frye I rn Et Eh EOLE OT PoisOL THE EvaLG Lalu ca ae) , hd. A Bola by Drogeiis | Whitney tlie oflicials about { tions, {appointed THE WHIG -- 69TH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published each evening, at 308- 310 King x Street, at $6 per vear. Editions 2:39 and clock. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 48 Pages, pubs lished every Thursday morning at $1 a Te " "hed is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved presse EDW. J. B. PEN SE. PROPRIETOR. THE DAILY WHIG. Opsrer per Orbem Dicor.' FOR THE OFFICIAL Robinson, who represents faction the undertaken to give Mr. CARING oc fighting the of tory party in Toronto, has pertinent adi ice. Mr. Whitney he should dismiss all some in effect that attains to very it i when power zovernment--or liberal- officials who have Leen at all active in promoting the interests of the party. There Ontario that were the to the cleared in or- is rot a doubt goverment change public offices would be der to make way for the dependants of the The of presuming to select men for public conservative party. farce positions because of their peculiar or pe | p ony sonal qualifications, has gone on cnough. There is an annual ex amination which many persons pass and that is all the connection most of them have with the civil service. this contempt for worth and qualification. When turned The conservative party led in the conservative re to of government dispensed with the pretended power it the Kenzie government. Mac = to but the changes were occasioned primarily appointees of It find a justification for its action, many if not altogether, by party exigency. Had the party practice of the conserva- tive been followed there would of changes the number But covernment at Gttawa has been really have been a large in the civil service. lit eral av hind to the conservative oflicials done for some of them more than thoy expected. Perhaps this fact has escaped the notice off C. (. Robinson, he Lo hut is doing bis best to call atten- tion the fact, and the conservaiie officials may not thank him for it WHO ARE Havana, THE when the SUFFERERS. American soldiers the was ig , a condition. took possession of it; at close of the Spanish-American war, nost unsanitary Sew streets, public - buildings, hospitals and orphan asylums: were cleaned and placed in a sanitary condition, and Lambing and scwage svstems estab- ished. Isolation hospitals were opened and cases of infectious diseases placed herein. Sewers and streets were con inually "and thoroughly disinfected. Stables, bakeries, butcher shops, ho- tels, cafes and stores were careful. id=. spected., stalled Sanitary plumbing was in in houses where conditions de- { bringing a -e - - . ik SOMETHING TO REFLECT ON. A fuct has to be remembered, and it has its quieting. effects upon those who' protest against the bigness of the ma- jority required in the -adoption of the Liquor' Act of 1902. When the govern- ment of Ontario agreed to submit the act' to the people a 'difference of opin- ion occurred as to the percentage of the voters which should be behind it. Mr. Ross suggested that the affirma- tives be sixtv per cent. of the whole. The prohibitionists would not have that. They would have nothing to do with a "loaded referendum." Time passed. The of the changed. It was proposed that the vote cast in the, parliamentary election of 1898, be accepted as a basis for the referendum, and that the half of it should settle the issue. The prohibi- tionists dil not want this arrange- but if an alternative were conditions vote ment, ne: cessary they preferred it. Therein they made a 'great mistake. Had they accepted the original propo- siti .n the Liquor Act 1902 would have been duly endorsed and would, in 1904, have been duly enforced. It was announced that-up to Saturday 107, had voted yes in the clee- The figures" add- ed give a total of 172,865. Sixty per of this 103,719, where- the of 502 people tion, and 67,363 nay. cent would be as the number last reported for affirmative side was 107,502, The cry against the loaded referen- lum was not a very wise one, and this revela- becomes the clearer in view of tions. When some people are inclined to find fault it is well that they flect upon what might have been. re- ------ EDITORIAL TIPS. Events says the Globe nearly wreck- ed the liberal government in 1598 bv starring Mr. Whitney. How that ¥ was in it coun- silver dollars United States one-half Of circulation the 30,000,000 the is estimated that They in are terfeits. good to are pretty pass detection. Smith the of last week to mean a more stringent regulation of the liquor trade. In the the to mean that the bar-room must go. Goldwin interprets vote west vote is taken the in Kingston are getting they cannot tell them- They dread a dark horse, No tell how mayoralty candidates one can along, and selves, and he may be in the running any day. The crops in Sweden having failed terrible famine, and thou- the Canadians are not sufli- there is a sands of people are on verge of starvation. ciently thankful for the plenty which they enjoy. Mr. settled his six- teenth labdéur dispute since the estab- lishment of the Bur- in March, It is certainly acserv- ing of the kind things that are Glocking has Ontario Labour eau Leing said about it. New York are They are being pursued" by the infinite The gamblers of on the run. and a He nerve Jerome, district-attorney, tact and courage. the man of seems 'to possess about all administration. there is in the civic has a good cartoon illustra- the It Punch of "Charity begins at Mr. veteran to and "Look it you can afford to set up all tive motto, home." represents Punch B wounded John here, Bull John, observing © The result was the conversion a hotbed and contagion into as healthful city as be country. Now ington manded, of Havana from of disease | is to found in America or any ogh- or Wash- to a the a the owing reports are reachi that inspection government velaxation of the un you again, surely t6 keep this the workhouse." business little of those Boers in can spare a cood fellow out There is and An that. point pertinence WHAT PAPERS SAY. Should Wake Up. santary conditions are returning. and Havana will soon be as bad as it was Col. reign. Leonard an his I he nealth arises from before refory oreat the atory danger to | existence of de fective plumbing, and of noxious and | where efficient inspec carr d offensive odours | tion is not This ferers on. Who from this want of The in houses that is suggestive, are the =uf- sanitation any town or city poor. They cannot live are provid «l with modern appliances, but they an live in buildings which have pro per drains and traps. Typhoid feve has been somewhat prevalent in King- months and it is bad of ston during recent had The ef drainace, airg-pr all the fect is not hard to establish 'in and the call loudly application of a remedy. The tion of lue to bad water, to any or thew. connection between cause ane some facts tor the cases, has undertaken, at the law council board of health, to enforce a which requires the builders of houses to consult the pub the sewage conn ani a step further will be taken when a plumbing inspector has the miter Fhe workingmen favo appointnient, and they are most ested In i. will ('. {. Robinson How Oppose land for, the mayoralty of Toron Fussiness against funny an | hunting for { provinee the | been | Montreal THerald. Toronto man died the other night while suffering with nightmare. Real lv, the people of Toronto ought to wake up. The Unexpected Happened. Star Hartopp, it wasn't trouble avhen she took her husband to the hunting districts, but she got it Foronto Lady seems; Where Has It Gone ? Ottawa Free That papers have not | appear Yarmouth which certain discovering late to - have reached Argenteuil. tory of does either or Everything In Season. Foronto Telégran Ontario boasts of pansies blooming in the open air at a season when "the would of hard coal blooming sooner boast the cellar, A Poor Sandwich. Post-Stanhard avs a n Windy City, There the they in Syracuse "Meni in the wiches them and the worse contemporary like sand in some of 1s in others, ar nothing more ther are." Muscular Rheumatism. Produced hy develops into almost aneredit] neglected, chronic form with rapidity. South Am Cure 1c a quick-act simp! and harmless cur directly on the system, not a temporarily deaden pain that abso forms Sold. by exposure, if the ericin Rheumatic sare, ent will in from Henry cure <t three acute davs Tayl INEWS OF WORLD| -- TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. mir, Matters That Interest Everybody | ~--Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered _ by Public. . The majority in (Toronto for the li- quor act was 1,703; in West York, 603. It is said 'Lord Milner will succeed Lord Minto as governor-general of Ca- nada. John Dillon, the Irish was taken ill at Chicago, covered. The Masonic Temple at Laconia, N. H., was burned on Saturday. Loss £125,000! Grippe is unusually severe in» Eng- land. All who can afford it are leav- ing London, The moulders of Cleveland are . on strike: They demand a raise of fifteen cents an hour. Jacob Brill, aged ninety-nine, act on Thursday. Rev. Dr. King, Galt, had his left thumb cut off, while chopping feed for his: horse on Friday. In a riot in the French Chamber Deputies, M. Combes, president, forcibly cjected from the rostrum. The Mormons are causing trouble in Syracuse. The people object" to the elders making converts and preaching. Mrs. Sproule, aged eighty-one, mo- ther of C. H. Sproul, auditor-gener- al of Ontario, is dead at Drummond- ville. The snow storm in New York city on Frilay, blocked all traflic and many accidents were reported owing to the icy pavements, John Barrett, Oregon, is ited States minister to Japan, the vacancy caused by, the death Alired E. Buck. Two tobacco de alers were fined S10 and on Friday, in Brantiord, for selling cigarettes boys under twelve years of age. Lieut.-Col. Lamb, the British Palma trophy to Ottawa, in September mitted suicide at sta. A Chicago park policeman Yo, pro- bably, been fatally injured by the reckless racing of an automobilist. Two horses were killed. The barns of the Cohoes way company were destroyed on Saturday, at Albany, N.Y. trolley cars were burned. {obert E. Peary, Arctic explorer, in a Philadelphia hospital in order to have his feet amputated. They were frozen on his last voyage. In a Montreal fire, a lady, aged sev- enty, and two children were rescued in their night clothes, They were tak- en out the windows. Rev. Hugh Price Hughes asked for a quiet funeral and a tombstone bhear- ing words of his faith and experience: "Thou, 0 Christ art all 1 want." The crisis in the London bookbind- ers, trade has ended, the parties hav- inr agreed to arbitrate. The men want a raise of four shillings a week. Canadian manufacturers will wait wait upon the Laurier government be- fore the budget is delivered, and press for higher protection all alone the line, Mayor R. Wright, and eleven Den- ver aldermen, Saturday, were sentenc- ed by Judge Mullins, to serve four months in jail for contempt court. James Rogers' rig was struck bv a train near Havelock. Mrs. Rogers was killed, one fatally "injured and Mr. Rogers two other children hurt. Joseph T. Brunet, M.P., legal acts by agents in the St. election in Montreal, cnation. He will leader who has fully re- Sr., Underwood, "Cnt., voted for the liquor of was to be Un- to fill of COsts to who accompanied rifle team last, com- City Rail- by fire Twelve 4s of son and admits il James' and run contested offers his re again. : Edward * R. Wise, 8 twenty-three committed suicide, he was employed, in--the-head: Arthur H. U. editor of awcuse, N.Y.. vears old, a Taw student, in the oflice where by shooting himself Colguhoun will become the Flavelle-Willi- resigned his posi staff of the Tor associate son paper. He has tion on the editorial onto Mail-Empire: John A. Wyate, of New York, an nounces that he has found u safe and effective method of treating tumors. The method consists of injectinr boil ing water-into the growth. George Jl, mitler at Erin. Ont. in a -haft and wheeled round an! round. He miraculously caped, not a bone being broken: clothing was stripped off him. Wil iam Smedley, famous chormas ter, who has held that position in James' E iscopal church, Chicago, since 1539, has heen compelled, becawse was caught os Hi: St. of, approaching blindness to retire. The total freight carried thrench the two Sault canals dining Noveni- ber last amounted to 4,133,088 tons, an increase of SINN3T compared with the same month last vear. The Berlin Vorwaerts, the newspaper which charged the late Herr Krupp with immoral excesses in the is land of Capri sint a lawyer to Naples to substantiate its charges. November Tth, when an earth shogk up Southerm Utah and extended as far north as Salt there have been daily shocks extreme southeastern portion state. Cattle Canadian tons has Since quake in the of the line of the Pacific railwhv will be able to forward all the cattle thev wish in future for the port of St. John, as a previous order prohibiting it cancelled. Kinz Alfonso has charged Senor Sil to form a conservative Spanish cabinet, to succeed the ministry which neil on Wednesday, The Cortes dissolved, the kine having con- u decree to that effect shippers along vela Christmas. - Vianna Fageblatt states ah of Persia has INL Cire 1.1060 the lighed hefore The that ~ agita by redu to 60. The astound caused ' 1 Persian oo les hi~ haén . 11 15 regarded anost in Persia; bl ar! of Mascagni vttach the by the composer ar Mass. Ma the ltalian recel awrence a letter to at Washing ton the Dear | } When THE DAILY W HIG. MONDAY. DECEMBER 8. | seECBLATION THE DANGER. {Prof. Shortt's Address Canadian Club. | Toronto Globe. Prof. Adam Shortt of Queen's, was | the guest of the Canadian Club, on | Friday evening, at a special meeting, and delivered a remarkably clear ad- mainly devoted to the com- relations between Great Bri- tain and Germany and the United | States respectively. He concluded with a review of present conditions in this --eountry, which incluaed a con- sideration of the question as to whether there is a prospect of hard times visiting this quarter of 'the world, and a warning that the. only danger now visible in the situation is to be found in speculation. Prof. Shortt described Th¥detail and with great clearness and force the conditions in Germany and the United States, holding that Great Britain is in no danger whatever from the form- er until she has revolutionized her so- cial and political system, and has little to fear from the growth® of the United States, owing to the peculiar- ly close relations which are springing up between them. So close are these relations becoming, he remarked, that even were Great Britain to cease to Le a great manufacturing centre she could live as a capitalistic centre. In conclusion he asked the vill the present boom end? on the verge of hard times ? These usually come. in eyeles" of from nine to eleven The last period of dey came to its climax in 1803, and 1903 should by precedent be a particularly bad-year, with -the be- ginning of the due in 1599 and 1900. Germany, Russia, Belgium, ete., had answered "Here" when hard times called, but Great Britain, the United States and Canada had con- tinued to prosper. No crisis is in sight, and the building trades, ete. have orders booked for the whole of 1903. 'lL here ms, he said, quite a possibility of getting past the hard gimes period if onlv the speculators will give the industries a chance Speculation in stocks, lie pointed out. has necessary connection with in dividuals, and trade may be para gitimately when the countr in a sound condition. The speculative element is the only danger of the future. Before | dre | mercial Are we years ression aepression no Lottery Tickets By Express. Washington, D.C%, Dee. S.--Bearing on the question of trusts ani involv- ing the right of cong to regulate commerce between the states, the lot- tery which came up for re-argu- ment, to-day, before the: United States supreme court, is of special interest. The case is. that of Francis vs, Uni ted States. Francis was convicted in Cincinnati of carrving lottery tickets across the Ohio line into Kentucky. I'he question is whether congress can regulate interstate to the extent of preventing lottery cambling hy the aid of express companies, Cou- plied with this cases is one from Chi cago--Charles IF. Champion vs. John CC. Ar , United States marshal-- which in olves the constitionality of the lottery act of 1585. Eminent law- vers and jurists regard the twq as having bearing on the future poli y of courts and of congress. SS case, commerce Ccoses Hides, Wool, Tallow, Etec. Toronto, Dec. 6.-Hide receipts fair, and prices steady. No. 1 green steers, 60 Ibs. and upwards, 9ic.; No. 1. 8ic., No. 2 cows, No. 8 vs, 64c. Cured; for and Ye. for steers, Calfskin prices are nominal. Skis uy to 14 Ibs. bring 0c. for No. 1, and Se. for No. 2. Above this weight prices are le. lower. Sheepskin are moderate and prices firm at 0c. to T5e. Wool market dull, with very littl offering. The best washed fleece bring: 131c. to Ife. and unwashed Tc, to Pulled supers-are quoted at 13c. 16¢., and extras, 18¢. to 19c. Tallow market continues dull. are paying for rendered, for rough. Rendered sells in small lots Our black teas are all blending and guaranteed to "tisfaction, as we, unaerstand thor oughly the = art of blending teas. Stroud" Bros, 16) Princess" street'. A St. Louis millionaire hrewer sentenced to two in the tentiary in connection with 'hoodling?" scandals. Burnt leather photo and up. Taylor, 121 Gloves at-the H. D. 3c COWS Sic. COWS, offerings Deal and at Me 6le. ers our give own sa was peni- the years calendars, 30c, street, (Co Princess Bibl Lake. | the | has been. AcTs Sewn KIDNE Cows BOWELS ¢ THE SYSTEM SES EFFECTUALLY; (PEL 5 CHES Si b coo EM FEVER OVERCOMES STIPATION | MABuAL Co ess ITS Benger: yr BUY THE ai LY G Ca BE ares question : THE WHOLE SECRET Of the Remarkable Success of a Rzmedy for Indigestion and Stomach Troubles. \ NEW REMEDY WHICH MAY R&VOLUTIONIZE THE TREAT- MENT OF STOMACH TROUBLES Now_Placed Before the Public and Bears the Endorsement of Many Leading Physigians and Scientific Men. situple: because there trouble if the food Stuart's Dys Iv upon the Colt tely ed into 'biood. nerve and Every drop of biood, and tissue an the body in but one way, and that is from whole- sone food properly digested lhere is no other way and the idea that a medi- cine in itseli cam purity the biood or SUppiy mew tissue and stro ridiculous and a par with the de-rol that i is a. germ or, that that. a stomach whi made the is can be no stomach Is pro This preparation not a wonderiul discovery nor yet a sceret patent medi- ine, neither is it claimed to cure any- thing except dyspepsia, indigestion and stomach troubl with which nine-tenths of our nation are more or less affected The remedy is in the formu of pleasant- tasting tablets or lozenges containing vegetable and iruit essences, pure. aseptic epsin (free from apimal impurities) iolden Seal and diastase. They are sold sts under the name of Stuart's Fablets interesting *ith these tablets show reinarkable digestive rain oi the active principle in one Stuart s Dyspepsia. 'Tablets being ent wo oroughly digest 3,000 I lean meat, egus, oatmeal or ~vholesotie food. Stuart's Tablets pepsia food eaten SO hat it can nerve can Le renewed made pos one of sufli- grains similar experiments that they power, ease weak reiuses to do so bowels can be ning by Tablets ¢ sour stor ach, s and urnish Stuart's nen ia water tarrh of the alter nieais be gestive power Dyspepsia brash, stomach thev is do not act upon the owels like alter dinner pills and cheap 'athartics, which simply irritate and nflan.e the intestines without having the one ny elfcet whatever in curing indiges- ack, and tion. . | i ack is bed it is Ii the stomach can he rested and. as- ! 0 as by the the work ol « astion it w ni pris recover its normal vigors at itely 1 X ve ) rand so much abused and the stomach. This : ret angl the whole secret the remark- | Stuart ners thle success of Stuart's yspepsia Tahb- demonstrate et a remedy practically unknown a cy better than. © years ago and now the most popu- vy are sold t ar, safest and most widely sold of any | and ! t reatment for stomach weakness, 'This success has beens ared pon its merit as a digestive, (ise which stomachs use of sisted in which very soen 10 organ is vorked as two of meals one or Tablets ater their merit and efli- any other gument. drugaists everywhere On cause and cure will 1 mailed free Stuart Co., Mar- entirely ) dressing 1 A pure and Bees InNe® ® ® ® CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR! not use, for on Cl. iiiiins him. If there is a man or e arth who could would not Le glad to receive a new Tie gift, where is he ? We w ould like to see IT'S ELEGANT. Yes, it's elegant! T hat is the only word that covers the territory and the only way we can describe our Christ- mas Neckwear display. Every Smart Swagger shape.every new pattern in silk, every new kink is here--Bows, Tucks, Puffs, Straight Ties, Imperials, Four-in-Hands, etc--all are here in new designs. Our Nechwear display alone is well worth coming to see. Regardless of whatever else you may buy him, you can't miss it, if you buy him a Christ- ® mas Tie. >THE H. D. BiBBY CO'Y., 3 Clowners and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. 99009 9) Of the Following Articles Are on This Week's Shop- ping List, Pay a Visit to Our Store,For We Verily Believe We Can Suit You to a "T." Ladies' Silk Ties, Scarfs and Featherbone Collaretts, 50¢., Tbc., $1, $1.60 each. Chatelain Blt and Wrist Bags, aach. tilk and Velvet Fancy Be'ts, 23c., 335¢, 40c., Cushisn Tops, Handsome Designs, 25¢, 85¢.560c., Tic, $1, $1.60 each, Cushion Sateen: and Rope Ci rds in a variety of colors Cushions Fil ed with Down, Battiag or Feathers selling at exact cost price. : Bi k Neck Ruffs for women, $2 to $5 cach. Children's Red Toques, Sashes, Stockings and in sto k. Fancy Cashmere and Wool Knit: Gloves for women and children, Way's New Storm Scarf for ladies aad gentlemen, 50¢ and facgach. White Wool Boas and Clouds, 26c., 8ic., 0c. h. If making a new Coat, Dress, Suit or Child's-Dress, buy a NEW IDEA PAPER PATTERN. Children's patterns ave 10¢, all others 15: each. NEW IDEA FASHION SHEETS ALWAYS FREE--ASK FOR ONE. A GENUINE OFFER. Cu-tomers making cash purchases from now to Jan. 1st to the amount of $10, anc pre-enting cash checks, for which you receiva a 10¢. conpon for each dollar speut, will be given the Now Idea Woman's Magazine fie: for one year. 25¢ , 49¢,, 50¢, 60c 90c., 81 to 81 50 75¢, 50¢ , 60c , 75¢ , 85¢c. each. Mitts." Other colors also CRUMLEY BROS Ee » > 0000000900006 000000600 .) iim ui AEN na ay HARD COAL 5 fooviwes cuser On poor, fb Bavosed but- The 01d Re'lable SCRANTON, Use ter, when you can get a equalled for Heating pound of the best Clarified and Cooking. ala i 1 CC a fam a Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, ior 25c.- Try a pound and see how pleased. you will be. % Clarified Mik Co, 2. '2hone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts, x aration \ APPLE PIE ORDER PUDDINGS wits I ; 3 s ' 3 3 ' a » ? > ° [XIN IIE vx au]% +S. ANGLIN & CU > Foot of Wellington St. » #roeesccececencess wy COLLE( GE| STON. 1 TO RONTO posivess COLLEGE TORONTO. Largest and best equipment Unequalled facilities for weeuring 821 Queen Btreet, Kiage.on. SEND FOR CATALOGUE Confedsration Life Buoildiogs, Toronto KINGSYON A EVERYTHING !! HLAUK AND fo Cunnda Dos Lions DON T WAIT TILL WINTER of ge volr the cig Bofire vou k tring t Oak Hall. Bibby' "Bi bhy \ Cal us. FROST, ara Painter, 402 King Street East,

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