Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1902, p. 2

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THR DAILY 'WHIG, MONDAY. DECEMBER 8. DRINK CURED BY COLONIAL REMEDY. No taste. No Odor. Can be Kiven in glass of water, tea, or coffee, without patients knowledge. Colonial Remedy will cure or destroy the go eased appetite for alcholic stimulents, whether tient is a confirmed inebriate, * tippler,"" social inker or drunkard. Impossible for anyon-= to have = appetite fur alcoholic lignors after using Color ial emedy. Indorsed by Members of W. C. T. U. Mrs. Moore, Superimendent of the Woman's Christian Tem e Union, Ventura, Cal. writes: "| have teste Colonial Remedy on very obstinate drunkards. and the cures have beenmany. In many cases the Remedy was given secretly, 1 cheerfully recommend ard indorse Colonial Remedy. Mem Yers of our Union are delighted to find a practicr i wr economical treatment to ald us in our temps gi a d Suerywhes and by mail. - sts ere kL Price ¥.. iy free by writing or calling on Mrs. M1, "(for Jetss, 5 member of the Woman's Christe Temperance Union), 2204 St. Catherine St, Montel, Sold in Kingwton by J. B. McLeod, Prin ws street. IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNSIGHTLY THAN TO SEE A PERSON WITH THEIR FACE COVERED WITH PIMPLES ? IS THERE ANYTHING MORE UNCOMFORTABLE AND PAINFUL THAN TO HAVE BOILS? BAD BLOOD Is the Cause of Boils and Pimples. Bad Blood can be Cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Mr. Wm. O'Madlay, Madawaska, Ont., writes:--I used to be terribly bothered with boils and pimples, caused by bad blood -and run-down system. I took two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and it made my skin nice and clear, and built up my constitution. Any person using it will never be bothered with skin diseases. GIFTS FROM ENGLAND. We received this Eiderdown quilts teen, and all Sateen, which we sell at about one third less than regular prices These are gugh- anteed to be filled with the very hest quality of Norwav Fider Down, and will wear "a lite time A more ha and pleasure-~ git could n be found Here are a few of the All Silk Frilled...... All Sk I'iain ....... Sateen and Satin' Sateen and Satin All Sateen..... : Remember, alike, the R. McFaul on Carpet Warehouse. CHRISTA IDEAS EE > aac He ; h A Toachios" NY Mahogany In Oak, week one case sample in Silk, Satin, Sa- will the quilts dsome ivin~ vhere prices ... 525, for $18 $ 0, far $18 ..S18, for $10 $20 for $9 cinaiiseies $9, for $6 these Its will be no two of s0 first choice the Dressers = and White Oak un to Sohd Carpets, Comforter Cushion Cuavtanome in Chenilie, ete. Lace, Satk, "Tapéstry, Sweepers makes present Work easy tmas Grand 2050 up mn Bruss ols a Kreat sale _T. F. HARRISON CO. UNDERTAKING, EMBALMING. 9, Wood's Phosphodine [he Great English Remedy Is an old, well established and re- liable preparation. Has been pre scribed and used over 4 years. All druggists in the Dominion of Cana- da sell and recommend as being the and Wiltons S winter are > 0 ejore. and glves universal satisfaction. It promptly and pe of Nervous Weakness, :, and all effects of buse or Sxcessive uss of Tobacco, Opium Mental end Pra'n 'Worry, all of which lead fo In- firmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Price §1 per SAKRgS; or six for $5. One will six will cura. Mailed ey on receipt of price. Send yamphlet=free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. After. Wood's Phosphodine is sold m Kingston at | oll drag stores only medicine of its kind that cures | ly cures all forms | Spermator- | | SPORT REVIEW. ANNUAL MEETING OF HOC KEY ASSOCIATION What President Robertson Had to Say--The Canadian Team in England--Will Play in C.H.A. At the O. H. A. Queen's was rejresinted Grant. 'the proposed pushball game be- tween the D.A.C. team of Detroit and the Toronto Argonauts has heen call- ed off and Hogtown's honor saved. Galt won the Ontario football cham;i vr: i by defeating the Toronto Scheel of Practical Science team on Saturday in Toronto by 3 to Not meeting, W..L. annual by Queen's decided not to place a senior team in the O.H.A. With "Varsity and McGill they will play only Intercol- legiate senior hockey. A junior team has been entered in the O.H.A. | centres of the help thai Rugby | | the | | maculate Bl | Mary, Assodation | villi, Hi F116: I vespers and thus deprive the smaller hockey they 'woud get from athletes in the employ: of the bank. Se ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Advent Services--The - Hours' Adoration. In * St. Mary's cathedral, Sunday in Advent) I celebrated by Rev. I sermon was preached by Rev. Fr. The choir rendered a At the offertory, Miss sweetly, the 'Ave The Forty (second mass was Maguire, and oh McKernan. plain chant. Murphy sang Maria. I'o-day, being the festival of the Im- Conception of the Virgin orand high mass was celebra- ted. At the early mass there were a large number of communicants. The epistle read at mass was from Prov. and the gospel from Matt. The altars and statuary handsomely decorated. Grand will be sung in .the evening. festival was instituted and the were « This | dogma promulgated on December Sth, The Kingston skating rink iz being | made ready for use. ed just as soon as cold weather comes to make ice. The directors hope open the doors before Christmas. The Canadian rug team will play its first game in the old country «¢n Wednesday aiainst Liverpool district. The second came will he on Saturday vs. North of Ireland, at Belfast Lritish vachtsmen do not sh ton's opivion that the combinations of defnders © is strongest the hi-tory of the test. They call attention to the that in 1893, Vigilant, Colonia, uriim and Jubilee were built. Detroiters will not have the all to themselves in that district during the winter. Canadian promo ters have secured the biz armoury Windsor, rig cht across the river, and it i: the intention to kold twenty-round bouts between the best men in their by e Lip- York the con fact Pil- New ew hoxing same classes. golf players at St. e beén using a to stifien the in the manner in sometimes stiff. said to be - »< the club an un the Scotland, of wire 1 their clubs, ine rods are ened. The method is ive, although it gi guinly appearance. Just as soon as the ice in the har- bor will permit of it, an interesting hockey match will be plaved by teams composed of clerks of Ontario ward aguinst of St. Lawrence vad. Con. captain of the Lawrence while Edward iday holl a similar for the Uatario ward team. James (Connor, of the Club hotel, will guard the posts the ot. 1 aw rence Ww rd seven; Jerry Hunt will £11 the goal for the ther team. There will Some of Andrew's, wrapping aft of which wine those Millan 1 ward ollice or meeting to hockey to con be a joint nicht of the Ramblers and the of Kingston Picyele Club the question of Sue that 0 series continue in with this end in of economy, it the executive League that he adopted. "this year, which, youll divide the district into two groups, the winners of the series in each to play off on neutral ice for championship. The annual meeting Association held Saturday afternoon President, J Viee-pres ident, A. epond vice-president, treasurer, Wo A, Buch executive, F. H. Wilson (Mark- D. Adams. (Pans), W. H. La {Wel inutc , and PD. 1. Dar rach (Collinewoo A se retary, to stieeced A, H. Peaton, wili be al pointed laters Mr. Beaton, received-a honorarium o 00 will be given a testimonial: The only we, carried v I is ested joint team be i laced in the junior A. Some want to League, and vi, and on the heen roested smmittee ot the group system |} (Juinte score to Quinte h 1S Yo i ne of the Ontario py was in fo un were ele nto rs Ross Robertson; A. Macdonali: Fran is Nelson: first » nan; Fam), mont amendment, of : that in and. home matches, resulting a third 'contest, woull be as was last winter done in i Frontenacs and Cornwalls An amenfime allow Toronto Band Ivacué Rotkevisis to d@sorplay in the OLA. was defeated. In his address to the OHA. on tarday, President col Ress Roberts loclaeed that something must | done prevent OLA hockevists wain-t the Pittsburg, Ma, who were thus being nis amateurs, dine bank president sail: A a to the prin distinctions Why should g hoet am nk leacue in foothall ild be do would abandon ntralizineg thei Many a good 1 and in the cInhis, ant he presence bank ¢ wanted er and ran: conseque case wf in home 1 Az at AW, | FERNS at to Sa to p lav ing ams, reco 1 am opp wroducing § ational sports. ank leaome in oy wor in Toronto frothall or, lac Ll days sor 1 start town knew the 1 All athat 1 with now. branch office in teams fu from of lerk to done very othen vague. 1 a who 1 banks order little lo vat The ack to @$ SO VERY DIFFERENT Some people condemn our advertising, because it iseo very different from other advertising. Many people praise our Medicine, because it. is so very different from other Medicines, The ; difference in each case is intentional, IRON-OX TABLETS ARE AN INVALUABLE NERVE TONIC, A GENTLE BUT EFFECTIVE LAXATIVE Try Them Your health will be so very different. 30 Tablets, 25 Cents nie n.d final Phe 1t will be open- | to | | Legin and will | church. | powerful and thoughtful Lig," | advent, and. the signs { | ¢ | sions i the text of his sermons during | | | outstretched | watch and pray, | and save. { whe spurned this love, amal amation. | of the O.H. | the | ¢ | punishment. | week of intercession- | ed hope, { The 1854, by the late Pope Pius IX, and was the cause of much controversy among the various Christian churches. On Friday next, in St. Mary's ca- thedral, the office of the Forty Hours' Adoration of the Holy Sacrament will he concluded on Sun- This office is one of the of the Vv evening. impressive in the ritual St. George's Cathedral. The Bishop of Ontario was both ecle- brant and preacher at the choral cele- bration of Holy Communion at the cathedral on Sunday. His sermon, a one, was bas 1 come quick- Lord's second and wonders which must come to pass before His appearance to judge the world. The bishop was preacher again at even- song, expounding the last two divi- of the passage in the second chapter of Titus, from which he took the the gospel's bless- motive. hope, with eyes, ed on the text, "Behold, and dealt with our and its constraining first, the church's glorious which she should be neck and eager the appearing of her Lord and Savi- For this she should wait and preparing herself now by personal devotion, personal sur- render, for the blessed time when she shall "see the Bridegroom face to face. While dealing with the last division-- the gospel's constraining motive--the bishop said it was his belief that 'in the final day of account there would be fewer souls lost than man suppos- ed, for the compassionate love of God was ever reaching out to seek And the final doom of those would not he of red-hot coals, and scorching flame, but the condemnation living forever in the realm of law- lessness, put there by the law whic through all Inwlessness, viz, the evil deed its own The bis bop cited several the word translat- for looking our. a punishment of runs that in which passage s | ed iniquity in the authorized version, | main [city | nig the prevail all re- win reality lawlessneas, curse of the the the only which to eternity. curse of shall age, curse in time, Church Paragraphs. Misses Knight and Clark sang' "0 ine Redeemer'" (Gounod), as duet, in Chalmers church, last evening. Rev. Dr. Philp took ill yesterday afternoon, and his pulpit was filled by Rev. Mr. Ferguson at the evening service, Rev. invited pastor of Bri church, Belleville. Fev. A. H. C aan, of George Crevooan, of heen appointed recgor of Tyvendinaga parish. and will likely take charge about the beginning of the year. Jesus Meek--and-Humble," a bean titul composition hy Ambrose, fendered as a by Miss Bailey * ¢hareh during evening It finely present- Crothers has been heartily fourth year as Methodist Dr. to remain a street Bancroft, son this city, has \S mn ser solo St.oJame vice Sunday. was The Y.M.CA, afternoon on Sunday and much Rev. Mr. address, Mr. De eathering very large manifested. telling and singing with vim. Anthiff made fitting and touching reference on Sundav morning to the deaths "of Mrs. Whiting and Mrs. John Johnston, both well-known and highly regarded members Queen street church, Methodist had passed away in the triumphs faith. was wa made a Bailey: sane sweetly led the Rev. Dr. of who ot PERSONAL MENTION, Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Te N. hunting Miss I. Abraham, home. Miss to the « BP Heville Mrs. Sharman of this city is on tour. Polson, Mr. has and Murs. returfied visiting Montreal, returned Vidit in Grace ity after Bajus has a pleasant street, vis New Ordnance Mrs. Kerr, Shar man, iting her daughter, boro, 1s very ill. David N. Watertown, was married a few days ago. He a former resident of Kin Charles Comer, Calg , visiting hi parents, Mi. W. H. Comer. Division of Calrary' NY. was Gowen, in the and My treet. Me enterprising large hard ia, Comer 1s merchant ae conducting a wate store, ¥ Rt. Ex-Comps. W. R. Murch and A. Shaw, of this citv. attended y joint meeting in Brockville, on Friday ht. "of St. L and Sussex Chapters, RAM. was served ahs the visit of Ss. awrence A spread the gran office re, Will Lose Three This Henry He in. & & PP cars neg R} loft Fingers. morning a aley, conductor, the vonnl caught be have to be amputated. The acct lent The brakesman's 1 stuck to the ould not be occurred it a PENITENTIARY, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, FOR SEVEN YEARS FOR FORGER CARTER en "at Taylor's, Prisoner Took the Sentence Coolly --Large Docket for the Magis- trate's Consideration--Magis- trate Getting to be a Lecturer on Morality. Police Magistrate Farrell had his first wrestle with a heavy docket, this morning. Eleven cases him to pass judgment upon. The most important was that of the forger Charles H. Carter, who, a week ago, pleaded guilty to the crime of utter- ing a forged cheque. A large crowd filed into the court room when the doors were thrown op- en; their curiosity leading them thith- er to get a glimpse of the forger, who took a scat in the box as cooly and calmly as though it was an every day occurrence with him. "1 delayed this matter for a week said Magistrate Farrell to Carter, "in order to learn something about you, if possible. A large number of letters have been received Trom the west, from places where you admit having heen. They state that a man answer- ing your description had been guilty of passing forged cheques upon mer- chants in different towns and cities, However, without that evidence, your own admission, and the fact that you had in vour possession forged cheques antl a forging outfit, is sufficient to convict vou. It is evident that you premeditated doing this work, and that you were determined to'live on the public. There is no redeeming fea- ture about your case. The sentence which IT am about to inflict will be one which, T think, will meet the crime, and will allow you your freedom when vou will still be a young man. I 'will commit vou to the Kingston peniten- tiary for seven years." A Disorderly Husband. George Farrell was arraigned on a double charge of drunkenness and with having broken a door and glass in the house of his wife, who lives on King street east, Mrs. Farrell testified that Friday ev- ening her husband, with whom she had not lived for eight months, went to her house, broke a glass panel in the door and four panes of glass ina bedroom window. She did not know why her husband had left her. Farrell admitted going to the house with a message for his wite. He rapped on the door and somehow or other a elass panel was broken, J. M. Mowat gave Farrell a reputation; even when in liquor he was not quarrelsome. The magistrate could Farrell had anv richt wife, especially they apart by mutual consent. and costs was imposed, There was not any evidence against William Arniel, arraigned on the charge of having stolen a cap; the owner had left the citv. The magis- trate read Arniel a lecture and allow- ed him to go. Dog Bailiff Conley laid information acainst L. Hughes, charging him with harboring two does without taking the precaution of purchasing tags for them from the city treasurer. Bailiif Conley gave evidence as to seeing the dogs about Mr. Hughes' home. A fine of good see that near , hi were living A fine of $5 not to go as 22 and costs was imposed, Some Minor Cases. Collings, a drunk, had not been before the court = for six or seven vears, Hb given a lecture upon the error ways and allowed to oo. Addison Reid, Gordon Randall Bernard Farrell were charged with the theft of a ham from the store of T. H. Pelow. They were not asked to 1 but were remanded until Tues Fmoming, being attowed*out on Peter was of his and room. was cleaved hy or- Sergt. Snodden and saw il. The court der of the magistrate, telling "ga- home wool." A voune professional rested on a charge of drunkenne as "then broucht before the mag and oiven a talking to. crowd to man, ar- Horse In A Hole. A repoiter of a loeal newspaper, who vi tied Harrowsmith last had an experience there that he o far failed to write up for the hene tt of 1) ibers of the paper he represents. It was after dark when he home and he berame o "his horse up the instead of into the hwav., The © result was arse fell into an open cattle Half the village turned out to the seribe's from position. re ea en HD week, has sheer to drive tur irack arted confused, rescue eo' perilous at The Pihbhe Co, A SOLDIER'S FOE. Down By Unsuspected Enemy. the brain and nerves that proper nutrition is inter- fered with and final ending is fre quently nervous prostration. =Buring Spanish-American war, I went with troop to Chickamau- 4 : . +1... Talbott, of "Ii there is any where one drink it 1 in the army 'hack bone." and 1 that I drank mv months of hard out, the chiet food, over ex Knocked Cofiee so alicets the the the one place on ari) more than Jt 15 a sure coffer other i von several lth collee, can a share. After drilling mv h cause being ertion and On the tendered heart full gave bad eat, advice resig the surgeon, | and with my mv nervous I 'turned' hon thing the Te advised me was to first inti had anv- The of nation oret and mation thing to do wit h next thing was 'x Mv wife Food Colle it right, Vf Tond tion. 1 trouble ervous I th soon came were slated for | "hursday : Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Underwear at the H. D. Bibbv Co. Jewel cases in very pretty designs, 124 Princess street. there's a Will there's a says the Portsmouth philoso- "Where Billy, 1 her. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's, New York. .Orders re- ceived at McAuley's hookstore. In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very satisfactory. The William Arniel, in. the police court on Saturday, is not the one in Booth & Co's employment. The electric dynamo at Queen's was overloaded, and it is being replaced. The li; chting of the new Arts' building has been very poor. Gloves at the H. Brockville D. Bibbv Co. riding gave this vote on For act, 1,757; against, 750: - In Brockville alone the act was sustained by a majority of 154. Outside of Quegn's Li represented by W. L. Grant, M.A. Kingston had no representatives at the O.H.A. annual meeting in Toronto on hg Ebony military hair brushes, at 81.- 50 a pair and up. Taylor, 124 Prin- cess street, The goat of the Painters' dead. It was a familiar figure in the Labor day parades. Now is the time for intending applicants to join the union. The street railway company found it necessary to send a car its lines Sunday evening in order to clear the rails of show and prevent the switches be omiug frozen. Westminster pvercoats at The Bibby Co. Rev. Dr. Antliff hoped that as a re- suit of the referendum vote the legis Iators will give advanced laws on the liquor question. The vote cast for temperance merits consideration. Alderman McLeod hopes to see a be ¢inning made next spring in the pav- ing of Princess street. With that end in view he has 'had prepared mn esti mated cost per block of the proposed improvement. Stroud's 20 per cent. which started to-day, great saving to Christmas buyers, as it includes all their well assortea stock of china, lamps, silverware, glassware, toys, etc. Sleighs were strongly in evidence this morning. The slipping about the city excellent, but a little more snow would not do any harm. It is now in order for the voung man to take his best girl for the first sleigh drive of the season. Westminster overcoats at The Bibby Co. The mercury in local took a drop towards during Sunday night, but did not quite reach it. The lowest point reached was eight degrees above. A cold brecze from the north made the atmosphere feel colder than it really was, union is over HD. discognt sale, will prove a 18 H.D. thermometers the zero mark A Touch Of Winter 'Weather. Sunday's weather was another fore taste what may be expected to settle down upon us at any time. At this season last year an abundance of snow covered the ground and sleigh- ing was good. lor a time, early Sun- dav morning, it looked as though the sleighing season had again returned, ond the snow soon ceased falling and the rays quickly reduced the white ir. which overspread the ground. Toéwards evening the cold became intense, and soon everything "freczable" was solidifed. of sun's COV Series Of Organ Classics. The first Mr. ening organ classics church was given of James' Sunday ev- in St. Andrew's vesterday, and was listened to. by large congregation, the service. The series the organ- ist Is giving is the six sonatas by Men- delssohn. Last evening he played So- nata No. 1 in F. minor, including Al Moderato e Adagio, Andante Recitando, and Allegro As sai Vivace. Mr. James plays with marked exactness, expression and shading. His Sunday evening series willbe mueh enjoyed. > after legro Serioso, Runions-Cordukes. The marriage of Edward Runions, Mille Roches, to Miss Mabel Gertrude Cordukes, Eldinburg, place on November 26th, at St. David's church Wales, The bride was dressed in her travelling suit of brown broadcloth trimmed with satin, and white silk blouse. She was attended hv Miss Blanche Runions, John Run ions, of the oom, acted as best man. took Cornwall. bride coltsin Is Alive And Well. Edward O'Reilly, been a member of the crew fated Bannockburn, safe and well. He w of the tug Hall, and was to have ship ped on the Bannockburn on: her last trip, but failed to remaining aboard the=Hall, which came inte port on Sunday. to have of the ill has returned home as one of the erew reported do so, Great Clearing Sale During the month of December. Pre- vost, of the New York Clothing Store, Brock street, is having a great sale, commencing on' December 4th, in ready made clothing. order work and gents nishings. Sce hand bills for prices. is is a genuine sale. Officers Chosen. The local union 'of wine vesterdav elected othiee old oflicers elected, with veption of the wv resigned. Beaupre was s BUecessor, clevl All the Flanagan elected met and were ex retary, Ww ho Marine Notes. King Ben called her lath with hard co od fron The cn route 0 steambarge to 1 wWeoo, The the harge { Hamiffon. Strengthening And Easily Digest- ed, pork and beans to be anufac = deli statistics Clark, m on ars idea Mon turer, To . Cure A Cold in One.Day. Take Lax ati' eo © Fhas sig very box, Bromo Quinine Latur 6% rrr 206. op © the lab' LARGEST -YET WAS THE VOTE CAST IN SATURDAY ELECTIONS For the Officers for the Alma Ma- ter Society of Queen's Univer- sity -- The Medical Candidate for the Presidency Won. Queen's Alma Mater Sodiety elec tions were held on Saturday afternoon and evening, © at the college for the lady students, and in the city hall for the others. The vote totalled 570, the largest recorded in the history of the sodety. There was a keen contest for the presidency between G. B. McLen- nan, B.A., the arts representative, and- J. H. Laidlaw, B.A., medicine. The latter won by a good majority, the medical candidate always having an advantage, as he must be an arts' graffuate to qualify for momination. When the contest between an arts and a médical representative, the lat- ter invariably wins. After the returns were announced at hali-past nine o'clock, short speeches were made by those elected. The Alma Mater officers for the ensuing year will be : Honorary president--The new prin. dpal, Rev. Dr. Gordon. President--J. H. Laidlaw, dicine). First (science). Second * vice-president--I2, will, (arts). Critic--R. A. Wilson, ation). Secretary--G. Assistant-secretary--R. (medicine). Treasurer--dJ. cnee). Committe--E. A. Solline A. C. Spooner (medicine); nell and J. Fairlie (arts). TO TAKE LONG COURSE. is B.A, (me- vice-president--B. Strachan, W. Good- B.A., (acclam- A. Brown (arts). K. Patterson B. Dillabough {sci- (science); . Macdon- Names of Officers Authorized by Department. The following officers are authorized to undergo the long course of instruc- tion, to commence at the Royal Mili- tary College on February 23rd: Lieut. E. F. Mackie, 2 S.0., C.M.R; Lieut. J. Carlon, R.C. : Lieut. A. E. Shaw, 3rd Be, OH Licut. KE H, Bowen, 6th - Hussars; Lieut. J. FE. Mills, 1st Brigade, F.A.; Lieut. W. B. Almon, 1st Regiment G.A.; Lieut. E. ('lairmonte, 1st Regiment C.A.; Lieut. B. C. White, 6th Regiment C.A.: ljeut. .C. 8S. Wilkie, 10th Roval Grenadiers; Lieut. E. K. Eaton, 68th Regiment. Why He Didn't Wear It. Alderman Walkem has a great rev- rence for the mayor's gold chain sig- nia of office. When he arrived to at tend St. Andrew's dinner, as «Mayor Shaw's representative, President Nickle said to him : "Joseph, why have you not the gold chain dangling from vour neck ?"' Alderman Walkem looked shocked, and slowly replied : "Do vou think 1 would wear that valuable chain in a crowd like this!" And the 'ompany laughed heartily, as the ter- vible accusation against Scotchmen dawned upon them---that 'the Scotch keep not only the Ten Command- ments, but everything else they lay their hands on." Held An Examination. This weck the Haney action against the Locomotive Works company will ome up for héaring in single court in loronto. Last week, Thomas Mulvey was in Kingston, examining the de. fendants and witnesses. Those examin- «d were Hon. William Harty, presi- lent of the company; J. J. Harty, cretary,-and Mr. Birmingham, manag- ing-director. J. L. Whiting was present on behalf of the company. se- H. D. Ovep-drawing the Account |$ Every hour in the day you are using up nerve force, body tissue, blood cells, en- ergy--everything that means health. Always taking away, always borrowing--do you ever pay it back? The thin body and pale blood say no; the Tteserve force is about gone. There is a general weakness and the body is run down.. You have over-drawn your account; you must make up the deficiency, but Low? : Scott's Emulsion makes it gp with interest. It will clear you of the debt you owe health and give you a working surplus of solid flesh, good blood and healthy tissues. It's the lack of fat in ordi- nary food that shortens the supply of fat. in the body. In Scott's Emulsion the necessary element of fat is plentifully supplied in the most palatable and easily di- gested form. ystem quickly and without 0 There's no tax on the "digestive organs--no strain 'on any 'part of the body. We'll send you a sample free upon request. SCOTT & BOWNE, 85 Front St, W., Toronto. Underwear at_the Bibby Co. ;_;ao°waithlms ------ J but they wil Cun, It enters the- Well Made. ure flour and pure yeast do not necessarily mean good bread. It nay be Spoifed 3 the making. Just material s not everything. Prof. W. Hodgson 148] ial Analyst to the Dominion Govern- ment, after a number of analyses, re- poits that " Sunlight Soap is-a pure and well-made soap." * Well made " and y of a "well-made" soap, and will see that Prof. Ellis is right. No one should know better than he. 214 CHRISTMAS GIFTS . . French Stagware in small mani- cure picees, Toilet and Manicure Sets, Min Me Toilet Rolls at 6( fume Atowizers, Jewel hoxes, Sewing Sets, some handsome or- naments, Genuine $1.25 up, English colates Our stock is our prices low. ents as many will set them 'H. B. TAYLOR, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 124 Princess St. "Phone 59. Successor tv B. C. Mitchell. hisks, Sets, Sets Cho- Manicure and Comb American Fhony Brush and very pretty and Choose vour press | others are, and we aside. Syrup Of Tar and Wild Cherry A MOST FFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR A HACKING COUGH. SOLD BY E. L. EBBELS, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST. Market Square Drag Store, Cor. King and Market Sts., Kingston. Our Coal ix as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. Each lump stands by iteell. Good solid eoal --e0 much solid fire. After coal reaches the surface of the earth from the giiuce; impuri- tins are picked out by hand. Thereafter it is screened several times helore it reaches vou, and dirt, slate, ete., really have no chance, il_the dealers are careful. Ww are very A careful. Foot of Queen St.--'Phone §. 2000000000006 Fresh Mined Scranton Coal Just Arrived JAMES SWIFT & $0. 'Phone 135. $0900 06 06000 NOTICE Is hereby given the public that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St, WEATHER STRIPS FOR WINDOWS AND DOORS. They only keen out Jack Frost, 1 help you reduce your coal (ill, protect vou from drafts and there- Ly save wanv bad colds. Easily tacked wear well, and the cost is but a CHAN'S HARDWARE, 0090990090990 900000909909 3 not trifle STR Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, Auctioneers, AR

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