Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Dec 1902, p. 1

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THE DAILY BRITISH KINGSTON. ONTARIO, MONDAY DECEMBER 8, 1902. 89TH YEAR. NO. 286 a 4 rr LAST EDITION y 2 oe ! A POINTER Medical and surgi It your neighbor's tree LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Sale of pictures continued by Mills. City council meets, 8 p.m. County Court, 'tuesday, 2 p.m. cal society meets, 8 p.m. Watch for Tetley's page advt. to-wmor- row. Management committee Board oi Edu- cation, 8 p.m. Youth and debt are the world's great- est stimulants. here will be exactly nine hours of sunlight to-morrow. The sun rises Tuesday at 7:92 a.m. and sets at 4:28 p.m. takes pluck to acquire fruit from Some men are pleasant to talk to, but GREAT HEIGHT AN EXPEDITION TO REACH L'HASSA, THE CAP- _ PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Senator John O'Donohue, of Toron- to is dead, Hall, city editor of the Lon- don Advertiser, is dead. Where Men and Beasts Ex-speaker 1. B. Reed, of United Soon Died States congress, is dead. : Seven persons were killed in the wreck on the Intercolonial near Tru- ro, N.S. The C. P. R. is making plans for extending the offices at the Union Sta- tion, at loronto. Troops were called in ficht between members to suppress a of the French 1 disagreeable to listen 10. i gd k . ) 'thus is the anniversary o the concep- Chamber o eputios. Are you in Beed of an overcoat, vies i en a' George's hall ITAL OF THIBET. Not a pound of coal could be bought $ Sale an concert, ot. eorge s nN x ee 4 ) 3 ; 5 € it so you must buy oue at once Tuesday aiternoon and evening : on Saturday at Sc enectady, N. Y. or you Will tress. Hubler 2nd Bicycle Ciun_huckeyists The Sufferings of the Party Was | The cold was intense that day: i . meet a icycle club rooms, pan. var : suspected of S$ end 1] Minutes Auction sale oi Nelson street -- pro- Intense--Icy Gales Blew in Jue n Tr er &rty by Allen & Brown, 12 o'clock i : : ; Jlotting to assassinate the © 3 p Se on Tuesday. ; Their Faces--Finding Jargatie ested in the imperial park at Li- Take the conceit out of some people i Over 1600 ear: = And 10 Dollars and their most intimate friends would Manuscripts 6 ¥ vadia. be unable to recognize thew. nv old. --- By the tine a man gets old enough to -- o oe "Ot In our store and you will be talk well he has ledzned the value of not London, Dec. S§--M. Sven Hedin, 4 comfortable for the winter. talking at ali--=Chicago News i the well-known explorer, who recent: 3 Some hLne examples of sull Vie 4s lv attempted to reach L'Hassa, the ~ aXist he untains of Ken-] =~ & S . res Lt ? VERGOATS Bt ine ore hard ad capital of Thibet, gives a vivid nar ¢ Miss Jell's Christmas exhibit of China ration of his sufferings on the journe: painting at Kirkpatrick's art gallery | from Charkik to L Adakh, which oc FIT WELL, from Ry mday, Pec. Oh to Basnrday, cupied eight months. He lost nearly w ec 3th. 1 . bs : $ EAR WELL, This day in the world's history * Rri- | the whole of his caravan, ong = Ww tish capture Lombard's Kon und destroy { the travelling at enormous altitudes: b LOOK ELL. ¢ | Boer guns, 1899 Mary Queen of Scots ee he Hevs were higher thai the . beheaded, 1543: first California gold | €ven the 'yates: gn } minted, 18 Jefferson Davis died, | summit ot Monte Blane. The mere act 1RRO liberals win in Quebec elections, of breathing was most aifficult. Four 114 Princess Street Jo00: Sango re at Monugal Toe: members of the expedition died simp canes left London for Egypt, 1898: ly because thev could not breathe the ® » "| rarefied air. Two died gradually from "AUCTION SALE --QR -- Dwelling House. WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUC- tion by Allen & Spon, auctioneers, at their rooms, 27 Brock street, on Tuesday, Dec. 9th at 12 o'clock, noon; the frame dwell- ing and premises occupied by John lyland, 153 Nelson street, containing summer kitchen, frame stable RIX rooms, and a good well. lot is ft. front by 1382 fit. deep. Title good. Terms ten ver cent. down, balance in 30 days, subject to one reserve bid. Other con- ditions the 'standing conditions of the court. > For further information apply to JOHN MUDIL, Vendor's Solicitor. delight of all persons of taste, and the : . " A i y reverse is Psd abi Wales fall just given judg- It behoves you to select good and] ment in a se. involving nearly pretty, Ching, whieh Jou sh do here at | 50000. The evidence showed that the ve 1 e st. ' % . Our cut glass is brilliant and beauti- | New South Wales government agreed ful. We carry a large line and prices | to pay the members of the second Second consignment of Pictures | are right. South African contingent ten shillings . av " >} Tr *, or a has just arrived. What would be ROBERTSON BROS. » : So . The inp nl govern i pen S day evenings during De- HIN e Sal fen wie = g In better for a present ? Attend the cofien aNrCay : ¥ 5 South Africa 1s. 6d. per day. The : - w S ® governnie ic sale at the King Street Store. or ---------------- New South Wales government, which was the defendant, the plaint be This is the last week. Sale at (| RAND OPERA HOUSE. | ing the troopers, contended that it was only liable for the difference he A BEAUTIFUL TABLE. An artistically arranged table is 2:30 and 7:30. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Dec. gth. a Benedict Preconts the Bm JOHN GRIFRITH, ina 1 : Grand Spectacular Production " to show that the imperial govern: NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ae MA( BE 1 H. ment was paving the 4s 6d. per day THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF on behali of New South Wales. Tl Cahada will issue Tt new subserihers Powerful company of players, special | lower court had previously decided in directory for the istrict of castern | scenery. electrical effects. > ns fav Ontario, includiig the City of King- Popular prices--15c¢., 5¢., 35¢., 50c. the men's favor. ston, carly in January, 1903. Orders Seats on sale at Hanley's. S------------------------------------ for new connections, changes ol firm rer ee DOG HUSKS CORN. names, el¢; should be placed at once to insute appearance in this book. THURSDAY, DEC. -11 : he H. W. SNELLING, i" a . i . Indiana Farmer Possessor of Rare Local Manager The greatest success In modern times, : > Kingston, Dec. 6th, 1902. Aulia Ringham presents Canine Specimen. -------------------------- MISS ROSELLE RNOTT FERGUSON Wabash, 'Ind., Dec. S.--A corn husk- EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL CO i No jug dog is the property of Jacob Di . And the best acting company in . } ac < } Q } L OFFICIALS SAY PRICE 18-50 America in fenbaug h, who. lives on the Stephens cents, going to $1, in January; pays 21 1" farm, near Andrews. According to the per cent pep apbum, quurteny; and bet- A MODERN M story from Andrews; the dog ntently ter promised. yuyer before last rise, - ctches ion " isk cor needing funds, will sell part, up to 1,- By Haddon Chambers, England's great- watched Mr. Dif nbauch husk corn Q00_ shires, at -$55 per 100. At this est author one day last week, and then went In cost dividend "equits Sa per cent: Nhe Entive_superb_production as presented | on hi: own hook, tearing the husks will take' this rare )argain rite | for 200 nichts in New York. . x CORPS ¥ y FEY promptly or wire G. K. Morton, pn- ees RS soc. Toc. §1, $1.50. from the cars with more celerity than vate banker, St. Thomas, Ont. Seat sale, Mondav at Hanley's the average farm hand. He wasn't --_ Monday, Dec 15th 'A ROYAL | careful in piling the corn and the ESTATE MARY DONEY. SLAVE hus but he quickly stripped the CREDITORS OF - THE LATE MARY . husks clean. The next dav he followed Doney, Innkeeper, are notified to - send : Diffenbaugh to the field and did sever: in their claims immediately. : u AND al hours of efficient work. Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Solicitors Pees 4th, 1902. l ° IS A HERO. BOARD. S eighs Russian Prince Who Was Deposed : a ro = by Government. GOOD ROOMS. AND FIRST-CLASS 2 S 'etersburg, bee. S--Prince hard: aise. tate board. Mav te | HV8 YOUI Cutters and Slei het =r Putershurg, lee, 2ulrinee |) had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart St coronkofi, chairman of the Soud) LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO single rooms, with modern conven- wnces, central, not far from City and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for { party ol irom three to five, 1%d Far) sureet. LOST. Fixed Up at Laturney's, Where you can have all parts properly attended to. 390 Princess St, 'Phone 125 the nt upward, retaining their the brain being the last attacked. ley gales blew in the faces of the party all the way. The animals suffered terribly. Forty-four of forty-five horses and thirty of six ty-nine camels aie 1. The explorers «pid thau around Lobnor, which is a dried-up lake, there was no sign of life of any kind. He found ruined temples, and houses with high towers in four villages, a few miles apart. Ameng the ruins were found cart- wheels. iron axles, clay jars and Chi- nese. manuscripts, which it can be proved are 1,600 years old. mi------ TROOPERS AT 14S 6D PER DAY their feet senses to the end, New South Wales Court Gives Judgment. ° RS. ~The South Svdney, tween 10s. and 4s. 6d., but judgment was given jor the plaintifis, who thus get 14s. 6d. per day It was held that there was not sufficient evidence disthict, has been deposed and subs wecteq to, police supervision for five rs has been forbidden: to en any public activity on ac the revolutionary resolu tions which were adopted hy the lo cal agricultural commission. The town of Soudia immediately conferred upon. the prince its freadom, and gave him a banquet. * Incomplete returns of the vote on the referundum record 130.576 votes polled, with a majority of 65,149 for the act. Capt. Mahan, of the United States navy, has been elected honorary mem- her of the London Royal United Ser- vice Institution for life, in acknowl edgement of his valuable contribu- building and working of German At- lantic liners with to their engine aaaptability as Lord Beres- ford holds the opinion that the ves sels furnish lessons which British lines might do well to learn. speed and power, cruisers. emperor to a aeputation of working- men. in Breslau, largely occupies the attention of Derlin public and press It seems to be taken as the kaise archy, and at the same time represent the interests of labor. DIVORCED FROM PRISONER: Accused His Wife of Deserting Him for Another. fan Francisco, Dee. S.--Welcome A. Rotkin has secured a divorce for de sertion from Mrs: Cordelia Botkin. The case is.noteworthy, as Mrs. Bot- kin is con lemned to prison for life for causing the death of Mrs. John Dun- ning and her sister, of Dover, Del, by sending them poisoned candy from San Frantisco through the mils. Mrs. Botkin made no defence. Jotlin testified that his. wife left him in 1896. One of the causes, Bot- kin says, was John P. Dunning then a correspondent here, with whom she that she poisoned his wife, with the idea that Dunning would then return to her! When she sent the poisoned candy, Dunning was writing her daily letters from Cuba, where he was acting gs correspondent, and at the time corresponding with his wife. Mrs. Botkin's ond trial will son begin here, most of the witnesses com- ing from Delaware, was so. enamored same SCOTT ACT IN CAPE BRETON. Nearly $7,000 Collected From 120 Convictions. C.R.. Dee, Convictions have been ured in en under Sydney, S ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 33RD, on p or King street West, oe -------------------------------- A SMALL CAMEO BROOCH. Re ward at 107 Bagot street TENDERS FOR TOLLS BURNED AT SEA! { ¥ ON KING STREET, BETWEEN MUR- Catara ul Brid e Co The Passengers and Crew Were | hy s grocery and Barrie eld, A q g . PURSE containing money and Lome . Rescued. papers. Reward for its return to | SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESSED Las Palmas, Dec. »--The British | this office" ~ to--the-nadersigned, will_he received ats goamer Tagtar 'Prince, from New = 'Clarence street, kingston, until 3 \ ok Ee = > 5 AR iE ; A SCOTCH: COLLIE, SABLE AND | o'clock, pm., of MONDAY, December | or for South rican ports, wax white, answers to name of Scotchie, | 15th 1902. for a lease of the tolls of | totally destroyed hy fire at sea on on Friday aiternoon. Will the finder Cataragui Bridge for one year, from the | November. 23th; when two days, out kindly leave word with D. W. Gray, | first day ol January next The 'lowest | ¢ <Q \3 : Her Crap, 1 456, Brock street or any tender not necessarily "accepted. { from £t. W1 nt. Her passengers ant Those tendering to name SUrelies, crew were r n bv the steamer SUNDAY AFTERNOON © BETWEEN TIIOMAS MILy or. | Areyil, whi h took the former, to Cooke's church and 1X0 Clergy 3 003 Secretary-Treasurer. | o 4h Africa. The crew were trans street, six tickets for entertainment Pee. 8th, 1902 L} red \ ronmer Gath. | wl tor and silk handkerchiel Finder will eee creed to the steamed roth, bound tor Kindly leave same at 180 Clergy a | Southampton, i street, or. Dominion Express Ofhee | EE = : iv idneys | i if i WANTED. The Liver, Stomach, Kidn y | Swedish Wife Won From American - em and Bowels are kept in Ashtabula. O., Pee. 8 Alon} a RITE Y PRVANT LY : ar ago John Lunborg died, leaving IENERAL SERVANT. AY LY TO > mg r rear ago .John L o nd, g Mrs. RK. Waddell, 176 King street | healthy action by the MAGI a [T.000 Krate anid a widow, w hose ------------ ai = Caledonia Waters and life i money, saved from working hefor INVESTORS FOR RES ESTATE . el | marriage. was the foundation' 6f the Iehentures nnd Bonds, :d. 8. R. Mec made worth living. Sold hitle fortune. A fow months Inter a z Cann, dl Brock street : aa everywhere. boomin arrived from nn THOSE DESIRING A FIRST-CLASS . ny to h nan waitress for dinners, 'etc, can cab 1 ke came at No. 11 Montreal street EE . \ ww. The 1 A GOSTLY PROTEST. ¢ her rights AT ONCE A GENERAL SERVANI ! sohlin decided good, high wages. Apply at ANY Fiection Fight Will Cost About , > " Tow the right time to Mrs. Fred Mcineivey Bell o > t rig 140 Wellington street $4,500. and " Dee. S.--Enquiry con LADIES AND GENTLEMEN DO go R | corning iv expense connected %* work at home, spare time 3 to Aa, ; +t} 'or Tin 3 : . $10 per weck rs with two i with. the heaniig of the South Oxtoru | LBibby's Oak Hall. 'Bibby's. cent stamp. Box 249, London, Ont election nal ows that about Nii ee i & hav Ye Yl was spent each day of ithe frst sitting! > -y adhe 4% = : MAN, WITH BREST OF | of thi com and about 8608 a day at 'iY HD Rit seeks emplovment helievre--that tt The KH. 1 bow . time keeper, orf dre 2 : ---- EE ---- position of trust Apply R, Osue HOULL th oper | Nua: glits a Jenkin 269 Unpversity Avenue. {was celle ted, the Scott act, os the liquor traffic here during the past twelve months. From ths: source 86,101.50 though the expense of the provisicns of the act hich. cufora was \ The pmount of money {derived by the town from this soiree is 8250. which comes from police court joes. In some cases the same persons particular reference The speech delivered by the German wish that an imperial labor party shall be constituted, which will be true to the traditions of. the mon- OT ATTACK Made Upon a Set of Raid- ers. EIGHT VICTIMS BESIDES SOME THIRTY IN THE HOSPITAL. Villagers Attempt to Chastise Horse Thieves, But Are Re- pulsed With Telling Effect--An Episode in Russia. London, Dec. S.--An extraordinary aliray took place a few days ago at Lopatchevo, a popular village in the government of Kieff, Russia. This place has latterly carned an. evil re pute as harboring a band of cattle and horse thieves, who systematically raided the cattle of the vidage and hamlets in the adjoining -district. The rural police took litte notice of the complaints of the victims, and thé latter therefore took the matter of chastisement in their own hands They organized an overw helming attack upon Lopatchevo, which they approached in three columns from various points. There were no fire-arms among the at- tacking parties, but they were well equipped with stout cudgels. The ene- my had, however, received warning, and were prepared for the onslaught, which was delivered with desperate Vi- gor. The conflict lasted a couple of hours, when the attacking party had to re- tire, leaving five of their number be- E. S. WILLARD. The eminent English actor now ap- hind beaten to death. The defenders pearing in New York, who is planning | lost three killed, making cight fatali- to establish a national theatre in Eng- | ties altogether. There are thirty-three land. : : x : . of the combatants in hospital, "many of them injured for life. Year by year, so soon as the dark nights of autumn begin, a veritable plague of hor stealing breaks out in the rural dist of Russia. There seems to be no means of checking this evil, whichis now at its very zenith. cts RIGHTS OF ENGAGED GIRLS. tions to the literature of the British navy. ? Not Chattels of Those to Whom Lord Charles Beresford has, it is Pledged. said. written a special report on the Toledo, 0., Dec. S.--Charles White, of this city, was engaged to be mar vied to a girl named Mamie Boslev. White is jealous, and when he saw her on the street with Henry Valentine he attacked Valentine and the fight that followed was bloody. Then Valentine had White arrested on a peace Ww arrant. Judge Templeton heard the case and placea White under bonds. He said : "The engagement, of course, should be held sacred, but just the same the lady has the right to accept the at- tentions of other men. In this case Miss Bosley evidently permitted Val- entine to pay his attentions to her. White should have talked the matter over with her before remonstrating with Valentine." After the trial, Miss Bosley and her mother stepped over to: where: White was sitting and offered their condo- lences. There were in the of the girl. walking tears eyes ee LOCKED IN A TRUNK. Prank of Children Results in the Death of One. Anchorage, Ky., Dec. S.--John Alen, dr six--years old, is dead and his cizht-vear-old sister is in a i condition from a chiddish prank. While playing in the attic they got into an serous old trunk, and pulled down the lid "Lhe Jock snapped, andthe terrified children cried for help. None came, and an hour later they were found, the boy dead and his sister uncon Selous. To Meet In South Africa. Dee. It stated that association has accepted an invitation from the British. South Africa company to hold its annual meeting, in 1903, at Victoria Falls, on the Zambesi river, where an hotel will he erected - to accommodate the mem- Bers. 'The company has allotted £7.- 000 for the expenses of the scientists, The only precedent of the -assveiation meeting outside of Great Britain is that furnished in S81, when its mect- ite was held in Cagada. London, Ss. is the British Demonstration Begun. London, Dee. S--The joint navil demonstration of Britain and Ger- many against Venezuela has now: be- oun in earnest. Consequently no cre dence need be Kttached the reports about Venezuehan mission to report. now to sreret Nothing iz known | | i | MOUSE"S NEST IN HER HAT. A Many Stockinged Commotion in a Car. Newark, Dec. 8s-A thought she would wesw her last win- ter's hat just one more season caused ructions the other day in a Clinton avenue trolley car. Before starting down town for her shopping she went to the attic and dragged out the old hat and put it on without a close in- woman who spection. Then she boarded the car, in which there was nothing left but standing room. All the passengers except Sergt. Brown, of the Fourth street police, and a small boy, were women, And of course they "all spot- ted the new comer's hat and knew its vintage at a glance. "She's a parlor trick lady," sud- denly exclaimed the small boy to his mother. "She can move her bonnet without shaking her head." The bonnet was surely wabbling a little and there was also an uncannv upward movement. The boy's mother called the attention of her neighbor to.the moving hat, and the word passea down the line of seat, so ev ervbody was more or less prepared when the real calamity came. That was when the passenger, suspected of being a parlor tick lady, felt some- thing herséli and began to wriggle. A moment later she shricked and then che threw last winter's hat on the floor of the car, thercbv releasing five small. but very livelv mice that had been born in the hat and might have been raised in it if the women hadn't tried to make it do for two winters. There were twenty women in the car. and no two of them wore the same color or design in stockings, as Sergt. Brown discovered when they all jumped upon the seats and began to scream: He had hall a mind to call oul the reserves, but the. car was go- ing too fast to get help theh, so the seant fell to alone to slaughter the mice and save the women. He killed four of the beasts on the floor of the car and caught the fifth as it was shaken down on a seat, from an ele vation to which it had climbed, and despatched it with his club. The woman who had caused the ex- citement leit the car at the next cor- ner, and was last seen going into a millinery store. POLICEMAN SHOT GIRL. She Wore Male Garb and Resist- ed Arrest. Kingston, N.Y., Dec. 8.--Eva Hen Jerson, nineteen years old, was shot in the leg by a policeman while she was trains to escape arrest. She was dressed in man's dothes. The police man was detailed to watch for a mysterious woman in Llack or mam, who had been teerifying women and children at nicht by prowling around houses and trying door knobs and windows. The policeman arrested Miss Hender «on. who said she had been having fun flizhtening neighbors. The girl broke away from her captor twice, and the second time he shot, the bullet strik- ing her in the 1 oor. STRUCK AND KILLED. BURROWS DIED. Passed Away in Hospital in De- Detroit. Detroit, Dee. S.--Aifter. living since the night of November 2Ist, with a bullet lodged in his brain, by a shot irom his own hand, Francis Augustus Burrows died at Harper Hospital. on Saturday evening. Burrows was from Montreal and came to this city to vis it his brother. From remarks he made during lucid intervals, after the shooting. Bugrows appears to have thought he Sas the victim of unre quicted love. Succumbs To His Wounds. Philadelphial, Pa., Dec. S. After lin- gering for nearly a week, Barry Johnstone, the actor, who last Mon day might shot himself, after killing Kate. Hassett, a member of the Keith's, Bijou theatré, stock com pany, died vesterday at the Hahn mann Hospital. Death resulted from rtlonits, Six Days Wheel. York, Dee. Eight New S. thousand | persons, saw the start of the six-day | hievele con Square Gardin at i | race, the tenth annual cham pionship event which started in Madi twelve minutes after midnight, today. Yixteen teams are competing. World's Heaviest Sheep. | were compell d to pay R50 fines seve- | of it in Perlin, and Germany would, ral times. besides, be just as iittle inclined as | Britain to pay any serious atten- To Make Enquiry. _| tion to such overtures. London. Dec. S.--Tt is said that Premier Daliour will appoint a Royal On Wesnesdav last at Vancouver, B. commission to inquire into the sub- i .. Miss Adele R.. daughter of Dh. G. ject of municipal trading: "1 he sue- | Macdonnell, forme rly of Almonte, and coss of municipal trading' in certain | E. J. Ridgeway were married. = Mr. of the large municipalities is encour- Ridgeway is a resident of New York, aging the smaller bodies to embark | in charge of the American «nd of large | upon undertakings for which they Fnlish business interests. are hardly fingnciafly strong enough Lewis York, Mont le,, are twen Toronto. Dec. S.--Messrs. J. H. and hic condition of things has led to a jty-one, went into a stable to look af- | GG. Patrick, Tderton, at the Interna strong demand for an impartial in | ter two horses. when they kicked him | tional Live Stock show at Chicaco vestigation into «the probabilities of | vn, and tramp! hin ensi- ion Thursday. won the first prize fou the future and o the sefurity "that | Filitv. "When ress 1 was the hiaviest sheep in the world It ought to te exacted on belall of the was found to be cru he I was a Linealn sheep wind the pha ratepayers. | wery is im bie {100 in cash. | Jan Patter a farmer whoNves -- Julia Marlowe No Longer Ill near = lake ith wrhrooke, The death occurred on Sunflav even Now York, Pee. x Mis< Julia Mar i! unsueehs nil nt ta con ow of Mis. Jane Gibson, relict of the To aw fal vered fr h e- | le ny! g his throat with te James ! formerly of Gdn ot illnoes and Vill re-onen her inter: (8 This mikes. the second at C4, Sy her hime; corner of Union and ¥ t tonjoht at a tha prompt ne has mad tuna Seat Gordon | streets. Two daughters sm ( in oe, He lay is th iar . vi ¢ ny < Nts xk : al i A. EF. hinovan, H Jifax. 'wh el nos Xinas cops Senking. 1s eis n I Athens, Ont has 'been askedt to You can no mistake in buy h: (a a mati 101) feo tan on hor one of thee vour offices at" Stroud's, as ohr Paul Ki ' W | vn in ne p are the best in the market and nd X cancs at Jenkins', \ mas walkin WEATHER PROBABILITIES, ' Toronto, Ont., Dec. Sth, (10 am.)-- Strong north-westerly winds, wostly far and colder, local snow flurries. Tuesday iair with low temperature. One Relies Upon. We want our customers to understand that in this store they may rely implicitely up- on the fact of our furs being what they are claimed to be. One does not need an expert knowledge of fur to buy here. We challenge fair ex- pert criticism, and, moreov- er, we will refund your mon- ey if you think you have any cause of complaint. Every reason, convenience, satisfac- tion and economy in purchasing your furs here this winter : WOOL UNDERWEAR Special values for Babies, Children, Misses, Ladies, Boys and Men. LADIES' COATS Our stock is most complete Don't put off buying. at their now. Assortments are best for sizes and qualities. Inspection invited. RECK-CALDER--At Camden East, Des combers $rd, John Beck to Missy Georgia Calder CALRD-I'OTTER--AL Eaterprise, Decems ber 3rd, G. DB. Card to Mrs Pottery + DIED. GIBSON--In Kingston, on December Tth, 1902, at her residence, corner Union and University Avenue, Jane Gibson, widow of the late James Gibson. . : Funiral private. A Lamentable Accident at Grims- AW CONNELL--In Richifond, December : 2nd, Margaret Dawson, relict: of the by Station. late Ale McConnvuil, 'aged sevenly= Grimsby, Ont., Dec, 8.--Miss Manc five years \ y H ' hes ve i al hree i d GRIFFITH--In North IFredericksburgh, ug hes, aged a out twenty three, Miss Decomiber 1st, Mrs. PD. Gritlith, Gertrude Hainer, aged about nineteen, aged BILY-SIX years ' nd Harry Brady, age atv. | MEAGIHER=AL Marvsville, on Decems ot P i ¥ ded, shout, teh ber 1st, Katherine Meagher, aged a wl noing. to Grimshy, were kil ed fifty-five years. on the public crossing at Grimshy | GRA Sin ninaston Dec. Tth, 1902, «tation, last nicht, by the Toronto Marinda Graves, aged thirty-one re rai hick N " 8:35 years. : express train which passed at 35 | Funeral takes place to-morrow afternoon p.m. The voung people were in" com at © two o'clock from General Hoss v ar ; + fr a re pital. - pany on their way home from church, | BUT 0 Kingston, on Dec. 8th, and on reaching the track were stop 1902. Gladys Alvinn, youngest ped by a freight train running east. daughter 'of Thomas Martin, aged Just as the (nl of the tran pass «l six months and two wecks. Funeral private the express 'came along and the three ' voung people failing to noti e the Qik itil , . 3 Sa " approaching train were steuck. Then HY, Lil FORMA bodies were carried some distance WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE. west. onts falling aud gray hair: Cures Dandruff, wczema and Neuralyia, llead and Face Mas age. Ladies shampooed at home if 3 Ame Hicer, TO-LET. Ol JAENUS, 8 WS, nt McCann, Leal Estate, Ete Brock street] URNISITED HOUSE, NO 57 George St Possession at once. Ap ply to Mrs lesslie, at Mrs. Mur- ray's, 212 Kin~ St To Probe The Matter. A praminent prohi i ionic stated this morning that the question of bal. lot hox stufling at the polis on Thurs. lay last woul not he dropped. Tt wis intended to prohe the matter to an wd, and to ute parties if their J rose i lentity can be learned. ie ~ a_i aaa if CHRISTMAS ANNOUNCEMENT LC. JONSTON 3. B30. JEWELERS. EB ¢ ? In approaching the festive sen- . son one note we wish to state o the public that while it is eur $ intention to open a large store in $ Montreal in éurly: part of the year, we are prepared to supply your ' Cha as wants, in a hetter way $ or We plaged our orders ¢ in usual way, and have now every # available ¢ in store filed with ¢ the new and best value goods ® we cver had We have in past 0 adhered 1 rictly one price @ arked inh cures. which has $ al Ss been cry fair, and ¢ comi wrerd mae than favourably é with nm 0 li in Canada ' We are now ng a straight dis- co ' thing in store ' and i" articles we would { ' ther acrilice than move We | exivct to be compensated hy a i ' 1 ie of business, So ' tt antace will he to I J 1 I ede pri re for E64 E ? 4 ges

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