Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Dec 1902, p. 8

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; In oxen of the finest qualityare these oxen and the supply is so considera manufacturers to use the best is prepared by a special process, which ensures the retention of both the stimulating and the nourishing properties of the beef," thereby differing from ordinary meat extracts or beef tea, which " merely stimulate without nourishing. The effect of stimulants is transitory ; a mere flicker 6f energy purchased at the price of greater fatigue. RBovril Sotsth America and Australia pasture is abundant and THE: DALY "WHIG, . 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER: 8; plentiful. Sowiis is prepared from e as to enable the materials at a nominal cost. - It Nourishes AND Strengthens. To sweep any and fl everywhere with a first- class NO TROUBLE \ 5% 37 od We have them from IEEE $1.50 Up. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, $9 and 71 Brock Street. Carpet . Sweeper Our Coal is as Clean as Though It Were Wash- ed and Brushed. Bach lump stands by itself. Good solid eoal --e0 much solid fire. After coal reaches the surface of the earth from the mines, impuri- ties are picked out by hand. Thereafter it is soreened sevéral times before it reaches yom, and dirt, slate, etc., really have no chance, it the dealers are careful. Ww are very careful. st Arrived JANES SWIFT & 50. "Phone 135. 000000000000 NOTICE Is hereby given the public - that I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- ter. Your order is solicited. P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. KINGSTON LADIES' COLLEGE KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day School for Girls. Address i : : : : [ TO-LET. G 00D FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board, 101 Queen street. Four GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, with board, with ail modern cou- venlences, at 1vl University Avenue. 43 KING STREET, WhS1, BEAUTI- fully situated, lacing the Harvor, ent 240 and Laxes. Apply Ww narkpalrick, nogers & Nickie. HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, NU. 56 BAY street, between Bagot and ladeau streets; also stavie and sheds an rear. Apply 45 Wwulia streec. STORE "OCCUPIED BY R. ALIXAN- der, No. 111 Brock street, with re- rigerator, Lxtures, eLc., 1or pork and © meat trade. Apply to John McKay, Jr., 151 Brock street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. i LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Tare dnsurance Company. Available assets, $01,187,210. in addiuon to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited liabibivy of ail the stockholders. Farm and city property insured at lowest possible rates. Belore renewing old sor giving new business Ket rates rou STRANGE & STRANGLE, Agents. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR small sums, at low rates ol interest on city and iar property: Loans granted on city and county deben- tures. Apply to S. C. McGILL, wahager of Froitenac Loan and In- vestuient Society. Oiuce opposite the Post. Office. TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- lars in sums from one thousand . to ten thousand dollars. For particu- lars apply at GOUODWIN'S INSUR- ANCE EMPORIUM, over Ixpress Oflite, Market Square. ' UNDERTAKERS. Pr.' ers, and lowest Night calls--T'. I". HARRISON CoO., 233-235 Princess street. Quality efficiency the best. Prices the "Phones -- Warerooms, 90 Harrison, 91 UNDERTAK- S. S. CORBETT, FUNERAL DIREC- tor, 281 Princess Street, Kingston Successor to W. M. Drennan. A Cosy Bright Fire Is an atwaction for every ome. The cheery glow and immense heat of our coal will make iteell felt wiih pleasure during the cold weather. It's just the kind to cook with, too. Let us fill your bin with BOOTH'S COAL. "Phone 133, Foot of West Street. TABLE LINEN" IS ALWAYS ACCEPT- ABLE TO THE HOUSEKEEPER. | Handsome _ Christmas Souvenirs Which a Woman Skillful With Her Needle Can Easily Fashion--Table- cloths, Doilies and Centerpieces. EW table linens are always use- ful, and .the good housewife welcomes :additions to her store with such enthusiasm that any one who tries the experiment to repeat the experiment not once, but many times. Tablecloths never come amiss. The handsomer they are the better, but even a plain one of modest dimensions has its uses. If a woman has time, she can make a handsome one for presenta. tion to a relative or intimate friend. Cream colored linen should be the foundation fabric. The linen should be inset with a band of Irish lace inser tion and edged with a wider piece. The-lace shown in the sketch of the tablecloth is simple. The heavy flowers in the patterns are crocheted separate- ly, and then they are all strung to- gether with chain stitch. Along the outside of the edging a border of cro- LACE TRIMMED TABLECLOTH. cheted scallops is added. To make the trimming ecru linen thread, the very finest obtainable, is needed. Nothing coarser than 100 should be accepted. Two inches is a good width for the insertion, and the edging should be three or four inches wide. For a table- cloth two and one-half yards square are needed eight and three-quarter yards of insertion and ten yards of lace edging. An embroidered mono- gram should be worked in one corner of the linen. Next to tablecloths dollies are the most acceptable linen gifts. The pretty doily design shown in the sketch is a linen and point lace affair. So many amateurs are skilled point lace makers that no directions for fashioning the trimming are required. The braid is twisted to form the flowers and leaves, and the figures are joined by chain stitch. Possibly the irregularity of the pattern is its chief charm, for it is really not elaborate. A rose is made the floral centerpiece, all the rest of the design radiating from that. The two plain, winglike parts at each side of the rose are liffen. Fancy centerpieces also make nice holiday gifts. Almost any sort of muslin may be used to form a cen terpiece if a colored slip be placed beneath. Spotted muslin may be em- broidered to represent daisy blossoms by using the spot as the flower center and working petals round it in outline. This work Is worth the trouble, as it looks very effective at trifling cost. A couple of skeins of silk will suffice for quite a large piece of muslin, and any color may be selected, the underslip being of the same tint or a little deep- er. Finish off the center with a frill of the silk covered with one of the muslin or else with a full frill of imi- tation valenciennes lace. Net darned with filoselle.in a running design, with stars at intervals, may be substituted for muslin, and the result will be equally pleasing. The special make of muslin now sold at fancy workshops is adapted for embroidery with narrow ribbon or with ordinary silks, and as it is moderate in cost it is possible to use it for table centers The Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels are kept in healthy action by the MAGI Caledonia Waters "and life made worth HNving. Sold everywhere. - MISS M. GOBER, M.A., - Principal. 2eccccccccecnsscccccen | @ 3 : : HARD COAL : : : : The 01d Reliable SCRANTON, Ua. ® ° equalled for Heating Hl : and Coo¥ing. ° . o! . ® :S. ANGLIN & CO.: :, Foot of Wellington St. : Secsccessnecscsccnsnes | the foundation. | a four leaved shamrock. POINT LACE DOILY. which are within the reach of every PRESENTS DECAF HONE of making 'a gift of this kind is tempted: 'TURNOVER COLLAR CASES. Very Dainty Receptacles For Lace Muslin and Linen Collars. 'A natty and useful contrivance for a young lady's Christmas present is a sachet case for the reception of the small linen and muslin collars now so much in vogue. Two pieces of card: board about 15 inches long and 6 wide are covered with any fancy silk or brocade, bands of ribbon being ar ranged on the inside to keep the collirs in place. The charming sachet of pretty colored silk, with a movable square of embroidered muslin, edged with lace, is intended for bhandker chiefs. Another collar case is composed "of Berlin wool and canvas, white and fine. Cut this in- to a large or small square, ac- cording to the size of the case youwishtomake, and then fold in- to the shape of an envelope. On the flaps work in silk any conventional de- sign, such as COLLAR CASE. those seen on old samplers, and if you wish to elaborate the case you can put a worked border all around. A very pretty and effective design is that of shamrocks embroid- ered in different shades of green. They are not difficult and are very effective, but the ordinary lily and rose do not lend themselves to this form of work. The case is now lined with thin silk of some pretty shade, either to match or contrast with the embroidered de- sign, and the whole envelope bound round with narrow silk ribbon, neatly sewed on. The back of the case can be either embroidered or left plain. A FINE LACE COLLAR. A Handsome Piece of Fancy Work Suitable For a Young Girl. Irish lace is all the fashion, and for- tunately it can be readily imitated by the amateur lacemaker. The hand- some collar here illustrated is made from very fine linen thread. The leaves, flowers and scrolls are cro cheted separately with a fine steel nee- dle and are then fastened together with chain stitch. A firm edge is then given to the cellar with double crochet, and afterward the small loops are added. The separate pieces may be pinned in position over a paper collar cut in the shape desired. They may then be the more easily connected by chain stitch. This collar will make a handsome present for a young girl. Begin a lace gift early, so that it may be ready in ample time for Christ- IRISH LACE COLLAR. mas. It is better to prepare something simple than to hurry. A tiny tie end or the little two inch collars contain many stitches. A large design as the first attempt is more apt to be laid away in disgust. A bolero jacket, if properly made, takes two or three months of infinite care, whereas such a design as the collar pictured here may be finished after a week or two of work and is something dainty and pretty. Point lace, collars are very handsome, and there are many attractive designs for this work. The skill of amateur lacemakers is in many cases really re- markable, and holiday gifts of this kind are really in better taste than the tawdry trifles which are usually given. " For the Housewife. For the busy housewife any useful article will be welcome. "If possible, select something that will lighten her labors. Sink drainers are capital things. to put in the sink when wash- ing up. They are quite easy to make at home. Measure the sink and cut four pieces of inch wide wood one inch less than the exact length and four pieces one inch less than the width. Get a piece of fine wire netting half an inch smaller all round than the sink, Now lay four of the pleces of wood gether so that they form a square, or whatever it may be, of the same size as the sink. Lay the wire netting on the square and lay the other pieces of wood over so that the places where the wood joins do not come one over the other. Nail firmly together, and the drainer 1s ready for presentation. A Pretty Razor se, A new case for a razor, which will one. Such work looks best with an un- derslip of color, edged with a full frill | of valenciennes or fine lace over a pinked out frill of colored silk to match For small square tables square ta- ble centers are best. A pretty variety | of this style is to cut out portions of the square, leaving a shape resembling On each of | these 'leaves" a spray of flowers may be worked and the whole finished off with a deeply scalloped border worked | in buttonhole stiteh. They look equal- ly well in art linen or satin. Silver fruit pocketknives are nice 'presents for men. The wisdom of a man may be mea- sured -by his ability --and--willineness sometimes to make a fool of hims=eli A conceited man admires his own mistakes because he makes them. Seld-reliance is a flower of life that isn't reared in a hot-house. ' ean be quickly made cut of two nar | row strips of wash | round with filoselle matching the satin ! in color, the name of the owner fis aot be despised by a stay at home man who likes pretty things about his room, feather joined to | gether at the base and sides. Another piece of leather must be cut toform a fringe and stitched to the Dottom of the bag. The top part is of satin, headed in the usual way and with 4 ribbon draw- string run through the hem. Scope is left for individual taste in ornament- ing the wash leather." Herringboned worked In chain stitch diagonally across the bag. A man may be reasonably sure his friends" will not' forget him as long as he owes them money Tt is easier for some people to make mistakes than it is io? tomy to keep TE | Wee SOLD BY The Fig of Ran McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 7 Brock Street, Kingston. es -- Buck' . Happy Thought." A CANADIAN RANGE B "Happy Thought Range" 1s strictly made in C 'and was designed and constructed for the mein consi to. It has large fire box and oven, capacious warming closets; and broad cooking sutface. Tes a perfect cooker with either wood or coal. The ** Happy: Thought' Range is the standard Jansen] of Canada. [t's the most economical Hue) consumer and mpst perfect copking Range constructed in the world ' WRITE THE MANUFACTURER FOR AN ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUR. - The WM." 'BUCH STOVE co. AN Tr ORD Give Him a Box of Good Cigars for Christmas We pay postage. Larger quantities 'at prices :-- Box of 25 for 100 for $7. - A ---- Remit by postal note, costs 3 cents. 50 for $3.50. Your money back if not satisfied. CANADIAN GIGAR SYNDICATE '821 CRAIG STREET, FMONTREAL. 10 Excellent Sian ~5C. You can buy ten cigars in any cigar store for seventy-five cents--you can buy them for much less-- but you cannot buy a cigar that will even nearly equal the A Truly s rr Se for anything like that price. would make such acceptable holiday gifts, we have neat box, which we will send anywhere in Canada, at 75 cents a bcx, if accom- panied by 'this Coupon. As a special introductory offer, and because they put up ten Surpass Cigars in a Canadian Cigar Syndicate, 821 Craig Street, Montreal. Enclosed find ., .. dollars .... cents for .... boxes of Svrpass Cigars, each box to contain .... cigars, you paying postage. Should they not prove satisfactory, after trial, I reserve the right to return the balance and have money refunded. the following $1.75. Nanie ...... Address. 4 Serer sects sess sess es Town.... eh Lecce seer anne Province........: XMAS PINCUSHIONS. Ornaments For the Dressing Table That May Be Easily Fashioned. A charming Christinas remembrance takes the form of a pincushion repre- senting a robin redbreast merrily perched on a snow covered twig. Fash- fon the bird's hody from brown cloth, adding a pair of real wings if these are easily obtainable; otherwise the feathers may be worked with wool. Paint his breast a vivid red or, as be- fore mentioned, work in the color with bright red wool, Real feathers may be added to the. tail. Two pieces of stout wire will form a . pair of sturdy legs. The bird's beak may be | made of painted wood, while the eyes can be fash- ioned of two beads. Affix the model to a piece of tree branch, neatly varnished and cov- ered with wool to obtain a snow effect, and the pincushion is completed. ROBIN REDBREAST PINCUSHION. trinket box in addition to its chief use may be made as follows: Select a deep square cardboard box about five inches deep and eight and a half inches long, This line with thin silk, putting a wad- ded covered silk pad at the bottom and attaching the lid (from which all edges have been removed) to it by two little gummed straps of china ribbon. Pad the top of the box to a nice depth and cover with satin, with which @lso cover the outside of the box. Place a deep | frill of satin all round the edge of the lid, on which a spray of flowers can be painted or embroidered, and your pin- cushion is complete. Novel Slipper Bag. A novel idea for a slipper bag is to get a piece of black or red baize and work the word "Slippers" in crochet cotton on one side. It looks pretty, if the letters are made big enough, to have a few silver scquins sewed here' and there on them. Round the bottom of the bag and up the sides, if liked, boot buttons can be sewed as a decora- tion. New fruits at Redden's Coughs Probably you know of cough medicines. that relieve little coughs, all coughs, ex- cept deep ones! The medicine that cures the worst of deep coughs is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. from criticizing others. Bc, Soc, S100. 4. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. A pincushion that will serve as a - JAMES REID, TAKE A LOOK In Our Window And You Will See the Best Men's Shoes Made in America. They are Geo. A. Slater's Invictus Shoes A. ABERNETHY'S SHgE___ The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. , Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. FcPARLAND, AGENT. KING STREET, KINGSTON. Bir, CHRISTMAS GIFTS. {1 We have just [what you want for a suitable CHRISTMAS PRESENT. What could be nicer than a Ladies' or Gentleman's Chiffonier. Ladies' or Gentleman's Peer Mirror. Ladies' or Gentleman's Writing Daven port. : Children's 8-Piece Toy Sets. Children's High Chairs and Rockers. Also Easel Jardinier Btands snd Screens. : Princess Street. ASK 2 Xar OUR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE. LEAD PIPE All Grades. There never was as good as manufactured by the CANADA METAL C€O., WILLIAM "STREET, TORONTO, ONT. »

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