---- A ---- -- aes & ix ge THE_DAILY wHiL. SATRUvAY, DECEMBER 6. i adilo sp ks fe John, whose marriage to Mr. George Sanderson of that city, is announced. MRS YOUNG'S . FOUGHT PYTHON ON DECK. a . : Lawson Johnston oi Norfolk, took Le . . . -- 2 place on T hursday at Melchbourne, is Mince cold roast mutton very fine. x Exciting Experience of a Captain ° the daughter of Lord St. John of | Make a cupiul of good tomato sauce. SAD CASE And His Mate. : BACK ACHED ' Blesso. Her father s. Bouse is the eldest by cooking together a Xeblesyoouial New York, Dec. 6.--The steamship y * branch of the ancient family ot St. each of flour and butter an and pour- Afridi, Ca ot. Th ymas Golding, arrived 4 ---------------- John. of Staunton St. John, in Ox- }; hali'a pint of tomato} & A ' pt. omas Gok g, ar x 3 +? y : : ; : ) - ' ing on them a ha a pint oO " 3 NN IS ¥ Or. Pitcher Complstaly Cured a Young Treuy 5, Andrew . Hall, which al. well as the clever productions of Mr.}fordshire. A 'elative of Lord St. | Jiquor. Stir until jt thickens. Add to |A STRANGE CASE THAT BAF - yesterday from Shanghal a Sing Lady Subject for ¥ ways looks comfortable anc cosy, and Wrenshall, and his artistic family. Tea | John's, the Rev. Edward Beauchamp | : onful of onicn juice and one po with a go « eas, spices anc ady Subject for Years to Serious | vet has a way of enlarging its bor- } will be served every afternoon oe Tohr rector f Keford : it a teaspo a X a FLED DOCTORS. wild animals and 'the best shake story Kidney Trouble. ders so as reer to appear over-crowd- The Churchwoman's Aid St. Geor- Brien Ee Sie si i of Worcustershire, Eg a \ that ever got by quarantine. The ¢ ! «scene Mi SUCCeSS- Ss : y a % a v- | per to taste and op 1 \ . S 'as 0 3 : ed, was tug goehe of a highly success- | ge's cathedral, will hold a tea and | nolds. His father, (son of 'the eleventh ! t Cook until hot through and | None of Her Friends Believed She snake was a python, twenty-four feet ful tea and sale on Thursday. Un go- cale on Tuesday. December 10th, with |B, 't. Jol nd jorat"in the mutton. TS di long and a foot or more in diameter. There are many young women at the | ing in, one was ushered into the Jap- | an evening entertainment. ? Bron St id Fil Hi sh sgl _ e SBEVG on Squares ut toast, Bra op Could Recoves and Her Case | The captain ako brought a story of resent time earning an honorable liveli- | anese room, where in a cozy corner, yr 3 ow ow | ieen Lope th WL oye ping these into the gravy. {casing Has Excited Gréat Interest. cwappig tigers with a Chinaman "ho Tod ns clerks in stores, operators in fac: | under the dim light of many Chinese 3 of hetr » met with untimely |= The following epitaph is in Leamin® | prow the Courier. Trenton, Ont. didn't now when he had a good tories, dressmakers, bookkecpers, type- lanterns surrounded by hangings and Miss Constance Tandy, who came up deaths by drowning "wile on their } {on church, England : "Here Hes Hie 'the case of Mrs. Robert Young, of | thing. writers, ete., 'whose cecupation, from | (draperies, all brought irom the land of from her visit east this week, is one | passage from Bombay in 1802. The St. | jody of Lady O'Tooney, great-niece of | Stanley street, Trenton, is one that] The rvthen wat taken aboard at jts very nature, renders: them more or | the rising sun, one drank most refresh- of Kingston's bright girls, whom ev- Johns of Bletso can be traced to Ad- | Burke, commonly called the sublime. | has caused a great deal of talk am- | Singar. iv. toge.her with 'a Bengal ti- less susceptible to pain in the back of | ing tea, handed round by Japanese erybody will be delighted to see home | am de Port, a powerful feudal baron, | She was bland, passionate und deeply | ong those who are acquainted with ger nud a | . more pets. On the see: side, frequént headaches, constipation | ladies, "t rather (by Mrs. Hopkirk, again. _. © of Basing, Southampton, Sho married | yeligious; also she painted in water | per. Mrs. Young is now in her seven- ond night o t from Shanghai the py- and many other ailments resulting from | Miss Smith, Miss Fairlie, Miss Katie Mr. Neil Polson, Jr., was in Mont ja daughter of Roger %* St. John, a | colgrs and sent several pictures to | ty-eighth year, and is quite vigorous | thon knockeu (he top off its box and disordered kidney and sluggish liver. Fowler, and Miss Jean Craig, all wéar- real, for a few days this week, relation of Xx ja do St. John. who | the/ exhibition. She was the intimate | fir 5 woman of that age. "Three years | squirmed into the temporary wooden Any young lady sufferir from the ef- ing pretty, rich Jap costumes, Just Mrs. Fages line decided not tore tame he oe oe ashe Conquest, friend of Lady Jones. 3m of such 2 ago she took a chill, which appeared house on the bridge deck where most, - fects of kidney trouble will find no other | | tiide of this a long table, rontain- | cove till Monday, December 15th. Oliver, first Lord St. John, was "one he kingdom of heaven. to effect her whole system. Her lower | of the animals were kept. Capt. Gold- remedy prove so effectual as Dr. Pitcher's | ;,,.. delicious homémade cakes and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Tett paid a of the peers who sat in judgment, in Ivish lace of the heaviest make, as | limbs and body swelled to such an ing and the mate went to set what Kackuche Kidney Tablets. They are |, ... as presided over by Mrs. short visit to Mrs. James Gildersleeve, the reign of ERasheth, on Thomas, | well as the light Carrickmacross lac- | extent that she could scarcely move | was the matter, and, although it had sual] und. pleat to take, and their | Gi. rg0 Horsey, Mrs. Faithie, Nve. Meo. | HE week. Linh Duke of Norfolk. His great-grandson. | es, are the height of the fashion in j-them. Her stomach became so disor- | taken ten men to. put the reptile in Sete: ie 8 wroughly curative, does |< "ek and Mrs. Cochrane. Near Professor Adam Shortt was in Tor | Sir Oliver = John, distinguished London at present, this lovely lace be dered that she could not take solid | its cage at Singapore, determined to igtur ie weakest system. them Miss Louie Fowler, Miss Lilla | onto for a day or so this week. himself as a lawyer, and became Lord | ing much used on bridal gowns. And | food, /and her heart fluttered so vio- | tackle it themselves. How they did Herald, Miss Thomsui, and Miss Miss Penner. who has. been with Chief Justice of the Common Pleas un- f the exquisite fine white Irish linen | jently that she could not He in bed, | it the captain tells as follows : Marion Leslie, dispensed sweets. At | Mrs, Cotton, in Ottawa, since Mrs. | der Charles I, and afterwards Ambas- centrepieces, elaborately embroidered, and for two years had to be bolster: «1 knew that a flash from a lan the prettily decorated ice cream table Alex. Rosamond's wedding, was wel: <ador to Holland, under the Conymon. all in white, are the most recognized | od up day and night. The chills which | tem would confuse the python and were, Mrs. Mcleod, Bs J. Mines, comed back to town this week. wealth. The second Lord St. John, on the tables of the haute noblesse. | were apparently the original cause of | cause it to turn the other way. So I Sir Sandford Fleming was the guest like his father, was present at a fam- White furs of white fox skin are tobe | the trouble, became chronic, and ai armed the mate with 'a lantern and 1 Mie: Belle Craig. Mrs. Pollie, Mrs. of Professor and Mrs. Ferguson, while jous trial, namely, that of the ill-fated | pore than ever worn, savs a London | fected her two or three times a week, | took a carpenter's axe. Then we op- Carmichael, and Mrs. Campbell, did a ¢' the dity. * Nary Queen of ia letter, because, first, they are so be- | and after a chill her skin would turn ened the door. The maté flashed the flourishing business in pickles and Mrs. Boomer is in town from Toron- : . coming, and, second, they clean asia dark brown color. Her friends did light full in his face and the snake things of that ilk. The work table, | to . The Hon. Dudley, and the Hon. Ar good as new. The blouses, to be quite | not believe she could recover, but nev- dropped its head and hegan to uncoil which in the earlier" part of the day Mrs. J. B. Mowat and the Misses | (hie Gordon, sons of Lord Aberdeen, | de rigeur this winter, should be of | ertheless did all they could for her. slowly. 1 aimed for its middle and was crowded with pretty things, which | Mowat, who have been in the Old | have gone to work in the ship-building | the same color as the coat and skirt, | Three doctors tried their skill, but the axe went half through the body. quickly sold, had for its supervisors, Country for some time, have returned | yards at Aberdeen as ordinary ap- | in silk, not the contrasting shade ! to no purpose, and the strongest con- | Once on deck the snake dragged it- Mrs, Mackie, Mrs. R. S. Dobbs, mrs. to town this week, and are being prentices. Thev_live with one of the { hitherto worn. The shape of nearly | solation they could offer was 'Well, eli along toward the bridge offering McDowall, Mrs. Breek, Miss Fowler, | most warmly welcomed by all their university professors, and may any | every headgear is the same--a rather you know we are all growing old." fa fair mark for our chopping. At the Mise Jennie Gibson, Miss Janie Mec- | old friends. = morning be seen tearing down the | wide capote, not trimmed at all high, Several advertised medicines were then | second blow it coiled again, good and Mrs. Charles Gildersleeve is in town, | streets before six to their work, and but well raised above the face in| given her, but with no better results. tight, in spite of the gashes in the and will be here for some time. home again for breakfast with faces | front. Hats of fur entirely are greatly | In August, 1901, Mrs. Young, had be- | body and back went the head for the Mr. Robert Moore is here from | like chimnev sweeps worn, with very little trimming. come so bad that her daughter-in-law | rine. But the light saved us again = hin : ) e ! . 8 ghter-in-law | SPT: ight 8 § Toronto. : Mrs. Stanley Mudie has been elected | Patti began to' sing in public at | had to come from a distance to nurse and T got a third whack. Even that Mrs. Norman Leslie was hostess at president of the Woman's Art Associa such an early age that she was able | her. She brought with her Some Dr. didn't kill the snake, but it made him a bright little dinner party on Tues- | tion of Ottawa. : to coerce Maurice Strak sch into giv- | Williams' Pink Pills, and persuaded almost helpless and I finally finished day. . . To-day is the first "Studio Day" of | ine her a doll he had promised her, | the old lady to begin their use. In| him with two blows on the head." . ig Batioentt, Porth, is staying [the season In Toronto. by refusing to go on the stage at a | the course of a few weeks there could ------ + chaded candles, in' their silver candle- with Mrs. Feix haw. Mrs. G. W. Stephens was hostess. of | concert until it had been produced. be no doubt that they were helpin Meeting With Success. o 0 Ji Friuchs Whom addres BM il making a very Sadi pies Mrs. Norton returned to Montreal |a fashionable luncheon on Wednesday em -- her, and the doctor py a Councillor on is meeting with . o vy . sd . lo ox ; fr x ><' visi : ; a 3 le Sh s * . . ls . 3 ei yy being cured by the Tablets, gave the fol- | tur: So many were there anxious to on A a tn dave visit n honor of the Jade Bileen Plier, Divorce Bill Defeated. = their use, and now, after using | encouraging success in his canvass of ew rtake of the St. Andre 'e Guild's Ns SC . s when covers wer alc or fourteen. 2 ~ Lm : yi them for some < cell » electorate of Ports x lowing | statement:---*I procured Dr. flor 2 es Si > w if a ol Mrs Mortin entertained at dinner i Mr. Jameson was ith Sir Richard London, Dec. 6.--The Italian govern- i red qe a an the electorate of Portsmout for the Pitcher's Backache Ifidney Tablets two pitality, tha was after eight | "pp rcday. Lon Cartwright i AW his | ments divorce and affiliation bill has at had afiected her limbs 1s gore; position of reeve. His long service In Weeks Jetore Cl iets, and iY o clock ore everyhidy, had had ea. Mrs. Petrie is in Montreal a Lady Cartwright in Ottawa, this | 04 with disaster at an carly stage of Hie ehills no longer bother hey Ter the nteted?s of the Tatepayefs com- worked like a charm in my case. I was !l would be impossible to give a ist auth : : _ lit: career, says a Rome correspon stomach is restored to lus horma mends him to the voters. He has serv- a victim to kidney trouble and weak, of those in charge, and of the girls as tr" The engagement is announced of Miss | jung. Five out of nine preliminary condition, and the heart fluttering | ed the municipality for twelve years % h . , P! 3 paisa) back for a number of years, and | sisting, but a few of those noticed Mrs. Henry Joseph, Montreal, gave | Et el Moore, Tupper street, Montreal, | committees have declared against the that had made it necessary to bolster | and has been noted for his independ- ave taken a great many patent medi- | were, Mrs Thomson, Mrs. John |a most enjovable tea on Phursdav. | to Dr. A. b. Angus. measure. The verdict is not necessar- | her up in bed has also disappeared. It | ent stand on all questions affecting : : ] ai * a {lv final, but the bill will probably | 3 no wonder that the case has excited | the welfare of the village. His public Mrs. | Misses Drury, was prettily done in Mrs. Hugh Fleming, of Ottawa, was <hare the fate of previous divorce bills much comment, and the editor of the | course has met with the warmest ap- cines, but while some! gave temporary | Strange, Mrs. Third, Miss Strange, The table, which was in charge of 'the relief, others made me worse, and I | Miss Minnes, Mrs. Donohue, the fact that it occupied Courier, who has personally investi- | proval on the part of the ratepayers i s at the polls should be Miss Campbell, Miss Anna Lesslie, and Leod, -and Miss Harold. At the linen table! Miss McDowall, and her juvenile cuild had some beautiful linen things for sale, and sold them too. The tea tables were all exceedingly pretty, the green and white «of the chrysanthemums and smilax, the «nowy linen, and the soft light of un- pever expected to get anything to eure Bovd, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Scobell, Miss red and white carnations, with red [one of the guests at a luncheon given | in spite of me this side of the grave. Dr. Pitcher's | Gray, Miss Mudie, Miss Mildred Jones shaded candles. . During the afternoon | hy Mrs. Melvin Jones, in Toronto, on | a prominent place in the government gated it, can vouch for the facts re- | and his succes wonderful Kidney Tallets, however, and Miss Julia Horsey. The proceeds | Mrs. George Cantlie and Mrs. W. | Wednesday. programme and the king's speech. lated above. Such marvellous cures as assured. bave Sone me 3 Yond NE oy of the i «ale and evening concert Hops sang ki delightinlly; Mrs. Mr. R. Lewis James, editor of the - eit e---- this prove Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ave away that aw! e | amounted to a very gratifying sum. Joseph received her guests in a | Eastern Morning Gazette, Norwi *h, 3 to be the best medicine offered the : 3 small of the back that uved to bother .s eo =.» gown of fawn ' voile, trimmed with | England, and of the Norfolk Staind Fema Relidved In A Day. | public to-day, and all those who oe x Early Morning Fire ' me 80, esp ially in damp, cold weather. | © Th. very large attendance ail this black bebe ribbon. Those present in- | and Noriolk Chronicle, established Dr. Agnew's Ointment will cure this | 4iling should promptly give them a Fire broke out after three oelock The swelling of my feet which worried | ooo at 'the quiet services Q cluded Mrs. J. A. Cantlie, Mrs. Doug- | 1761, was expected tae vedtar. | disgusting skin disease without fail. | yial. AN d ists sell these pills this morning in the cellar of Dr. : : - kk juiet services at St. : aT 761, was expected to arrive yester ¥ » " ral. druggists sell these pills, or ry + be iat and inconvenienced me greatly, has left, las Armour, Mrs. Mortimer B. Davis, | dav by the like Meg ic. He wi It will also cure Barber's Itch, Petter. | {hey can | biained b il to. | Sparks residence, on University ave- en 3 , ay by Megantic. He will | ¢ a A hey can be obtained by mai at 50c. ne . he ix kind and 1 am in better health now than I hh oo 2 tions 'ives. AD Ferguson, Mrs. Porteous, i Mr. E. C . 3 Poa Salt Rheum, and all skin eruptions. box : a 39.50. bv writ. | The blaze originated from kindl- : » made up the congregations, has made . ye «tay with Mr. E. C. Ryatt in Toron- | © & d : Jer a box, or six boxes for £2.50, by writ- |. have been in the past two years. t Loup that sensat] I preaching Mrs. Sandeman, Miss Stikeman, Mrs. {to as he is a ver Ar rors {| in from three to six nights it will cure | ing direct to the Dr. William " Medi- | 10% wood near the furnace. An alarm : 's Ba kache Kidnay Tablets 1t clear thal sensa lona 2 reaching on HS Hol Miss P Mrs * lo, as § a vy va m persona Blind Bleeding Ttchi le . ns 4 C ; . 8 ed he fire s ti : uicklv Yos- Dr. Pitcher's Bac 0 ta || Se head line topics, is not hat _ SQ. Holt, Miss Paton and Mis. C. lirjiend of the Bishop of Norwich, a Mind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles. One | cine Co., Brockville, Ont. to the fire stations was quic ¢ ye Soc. Dore 4 30 Jruzgins, or by thev find satisfying Ordinary life to R. G. Johnson. brother-in-law of Mr. Ryatt ? application brings comfort to the most yy pondaed to, and the brigade very soon ail. . Zina Pitcher Co., {oron ih iy nn : : The y war irers iss wn : ay y irvitati sases. 33. S. : e 0 ittle was Ont. ii 0 ry to) day provides enough of the frenzied a any --_---- misers of Ns A Tennyson club has been formed in Jt cents. Sold bv H. Great Clearing Sale pw ou the flames. Little damageiivas for all practical purposes. 3 he almost turn out to the entertainment to be "Toronto, with Professor Clark as pre- . ylor ii enry Wade. . During the month of December. Pre- done. complete cessation of socia Bipetions, given by her under the auspices of the silent. Mrs. Jean Blewett is on the | Bibby's." Oak IL « Bibby's." vost, of the New York Clothing Store, | | Bibby's." Oak Hall "" Bibb 1g 2 INVESTMENT at is. at any rate so far as" his own | 5 yw (A. in the City hall on Friday committee. ; 1bby Ss. Hall. 1bby Ss. Brock street, is having a great sale, ibby's. 5 y's. wople are concerned, speaks well lor December 12th. With her will be Mis I'he Lord Bishop of Ottawa and If vou don't buy, perhaps you will | commencing on December 4th, in ready Our $10, $12.50, $13.50 overcoats --IN-- their obedience to the Lord Bishop's | olen Wyrick, who has received mahy Mrs. Hamilton, will go into their new bve and by. New overcoats, 26 to 815. | made clothing, order work and gents «uit the fashionable fellows, The H. D. REAL ESTATE wishes. flattering = press notices rexardihg hor rouse Qu the corner of Charlotte and The H. D. Bibby Co. furnishings. See hand bills for prices. | Bibby Cony 4 A very interesting art exhibition will NE 2° 3 = 3 Wilbrod streets yrobably early this ee This is nuine sale ---- . 2 SHA : . Jower as a dramatic reader, Ad Miss y I . a 3 a genwt ale. . Mining and Oil Stocks take place on Puesday, Wednesday and Ae Deon, a ee aid month. See our perfumes in fancy baskets ------ Genuine chony military hair brushes. See GEO 'C LIFF Thursday of next week, at Mr. Charles . 'ea » =» : the engagement of Miss Alma Gay- |at 15¢. and. 25¢." Taylor, 124 Princess | Bibby's."' Oak Hall. « Bibby's," | Our prices are low. Call and inspect - ' Wrenshall's studio, when a great deal ne . fer, daughter of Mr. H. Gayfer, of H. street. Try our $1 non-bulging shirts. The them. vior, 124 Princess street. 118 BROCK STREET. of o160i-town work will he shown, as fhe Honorable Edith Laura St AL customs, Ottawa, to Dr. E. J. Underwear at The H. D. Bibby Co. | H. D. 'Bibby Co. > Caps at The H. D. Bibby Co. ya - a ------------ George's cathedral, when many men tat SVT TT TVA BV TRAN A «> TTT VHT ERR ceacevsee eT TTT ITT VVV VAAN RY seer TeeTn wan i TTT Handkerchiefs Black Dress Goods Some people will tell you that you seldom purchase 2a linen K" ! The surprise is that you obtain such value and style at such harfdkerchief, which is all pure linen. Well ! Have you ever bought * 9 . low prices. But don't forget that we. buy direct from the manufac- any linen handkerchiefs irom us. We not only guarantee them to be turers, thereby saving the wholes aler's profit. When you compare, all pure linen, but on every dozen the maxer puts his:stamp, <All 1 0 y these goods with what others off er, the goods will be found to be Pure Linen." . [0G dal 8 in on S. genuine bargains. Broadcloths, every piece fully warranted, color - perfect. goods Ladies Henstitched Linen Hand kerchiefs, i, 3 and 1 inch hems, i - i - . ] . fish, $1.15, $1.50, $1.75, $2 doz. Lined Kid Gloves and Mitts Ji wish To ustial, 766.81, $1.25, $150, §L7S, 42, - . y . correct sizes, very even, sheer ; No half measures about these goods. Every particle of the inside: Corded Goods, Hollow Cord, Persian Cord, Bedford Cord, Pop- es. made of a very strong sheer, linen cambric, },- §, and 1-inch abst; 1 Jr er Je Ho 3 Soe Angers, 2nd Bot lin, Windsor Cord, Russel Cord, 44 inches wide, soft and hard fin- ; : and sewn, but every ger is ish, . 1.25. hems. $1.80, $2.25, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, 5. doz. made in proportion. .The wrists fit snugly. he ERSalNiel Selo gos, 9, pw ¥ Cloth. any one - atin Soleil, Venetian oth, Amure, e e oA, Sheer Linen Squares, very fine Handkerchief, qualities, suitable We carry a splendid range St these gloves and mitts in dog makes a splendid skirt or dress, very newest ideas, 80c., 90c¢., for contre pieces; 6 ina 9 in. square, 12}c., 15c. each. skin, Mocca, Cape Tan and Kid. Prices only 50c:,75c., 90c., §1, $1.- $1, $1.10, $1.25. - ? * . -- . 25 pair. . . Priestley's Silk Warp Henriett as, the gem of all blacks for a handsome dress, $1.50, $1.75, $1.80, $2, $2.50 yard. Curtains This city never saw such hand some lace curtains, nor so many Underwear of them. Most reinarkable, the pri ces instead of being on the ad- % You may not have another chance to purchase such good under- Silks vance like other lace goods, are fully 25 p.c. less than usual. Imn- wear at such low prices. We always keep our stocks as well assort- Nothing so desirable either f 1 to give aw cluded in this lot 'will be found many high- class novelties in Irish ed as possible, but it is almost impossible to obtain any more of Black F " sirable either for yourself or to & ay. ow point, Swiss Guipure, coronation and plain centred effects, from these goods from the manufacturers at former prices. Every size in Teenot ek an Duchesses =e gue of all silks for ry iets: $2.75 to $10 a paira Nottingham Lace Curtains from 50c. to $4.50 every style. : ' $1.50 $1751 42, 250. able quality, very wide wi 8; $1.88, pase : Dodie Blak Wool Tights, ola tic, close Stting and periect gol- : Flack Peau de Sole "e great advantage of this silk is that be or, 50c., 90c., $1, $1.25. ' - 1 4 + . . : 5 d ur Ladies' pure wool, white undervests, long and short sleeves, in . ng the same on both sides it can be easily turned. Every yard pure . : iol s 3 as silk, at $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 $1.75, $2 yard. very light weight, also medium and extra heavy qualities, 90c., $1, F Striped 4 Br ded S ilk fieht and dark grounds $1.10, $1.25. : ancy Striped an ocade ilks, lig! , b tiful lecti 1 jety, 50c., 60c., 75¢c. 90c. : Ladies and Children's Combinations, in. all cotton and pg ection, very large va riety, Ste, ? ? r¥ wool and all pure wool. Some excellent values, at very reasonable Gentlemen's Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, the correct siz In Tapestry Curtains, We show some exceptionally good va- lues, heavy fringed top and bottom, both solid colors and fancy allover effects, all colors, $3.75, $4.50, 85, $6, $6.50, 87, $7.50, ' $8.00. TTT TTT THAT VL TTL TRV LRD 'pillow Shams and Five O'Clock . Christ Umbrell I : ristmas Umbrellas Covers Eiderdown Quilts 24, 26, 28 inch sizes, for men and women. Covers are of all silk i When you think of linen you naturally think of the best. Irish' serge, or union silk Handles are specially selected, many havi linen is pre-eminently the finest, m ost even and most durable of all silver plated finishings Every one of these umbrellas is guaran- linens, especially is this so in em broidered goods. teed new snd viorosghiy up-to-date. Prices; $2.50, $3, $3.50, $3.75, §4, $4.50,° $5. Every quilt you purchase here has the manufacturer's guarantee on the edge. They are thoroughly cleaned and covered with a down proof fancy sateen. Prices $4, $4.5 ristmas presents and are marked We have placed in stock a mag nificent assortment of Irish em- ~.. These quilts make suitable Cho, $5, $5.50, $6, $7. broidered squares suitable for table covers and pillow shams. Prices exceptionally low in price. $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50 each. . White Bed Spreads, some exc cedingly" good values, sateen uilts, real English make, ver stylish, for single and double 3 Damask Covers, aqemstitched and drawn work,75¢.,90¢c.,$1,81.25, iS $1.75, so. $2.50, $3, $3.25. pe iy 5 ; Holiday Laces 31:50, $1.75, $2, $2.50. : : Extra Marseilles Quilts, beaut ifully raised designs, thoroughly Laces at this season are a very strong point with us. Our stocks a Sn finished in every way. Improve af ter washing, $2.50, $2.75, §3, $3.- are extremely large. Our prices are proportionately low. 50, $4, $1.75, $5, $6. pista tuted el : . . Fine Val Laces with insertions to match. Red Toques, Mitts, Stockings, Bene Cluny laces with i nsertions to match. , Q- : WwW 3 WwW fo 3 Hand¥bme silk laces, black an d white, with insertions to match. 3 ashes : hite aist Materials Fine all linen Torchan laces with inccriions to match. Le pulled well up on the legs, The only real way to know the values of these goods is to see : them. This merely gives you a sm all list. > Shantung Silk, White and Ivory, 27 inches wide, perfectly even : The mitts have extra long wrists and can be pulled over the quality, 50c., 75c. yard. \ . : Kid Glove S leoves, . French All-Wocl Waistings, sp lendid finish, 42 inches wide, 50c., _ The style, reliability, quality of the Kid Gloves you obtain here 60c. yard. : : combined with their low prices give us the well earned reputation English Mohairs, 42 inches wi de, only 50c. yard. ! of being the best store in Kingst on. The Toques are well made, knitted double and thoroughly finish- > Rough Cheviot Waisting, 44 i ches wide, 48¢c. yard. | Xmas Gloves, for ladies and gentlemen, ed in every way. All sizes, prices, 20c., 25c., 30c., 35¢., 40c. 45¢c. > French Twill Flannels, 40c., 50¢c., 60c. yard. i style, 81, $1.25, $1.50 pair The stockings are long enough to and 'very elastic. The sashes have have neatly finished ends. every size in every \ «' EP rteeatssA ALLE TALSAEEMISIAANIIVRIS IASI TY PERSIE SS NAA SAA TIAA LAYIAAAAS IA FIAT : ; ET S---- vVVVVH NS AAD VIVE IVVVVTVIVWS SVRRRRRAT TIVO @ TTTVTTT ITTV VVLARTIRSDDD HRDW DOVER TTT ITTV VRRP AR TIRRTR DARA >