Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1902, p. 6

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a ! | The Ning of Ranges-- \ "Buck's Happy Thought" § Pa No Experiment | You don't have to exper. } ment when you buy a - : ) --- LD WA "Happy | | Thought" Range. The "Happy Thought" Ranges are past the experi- { mental stage. They are as near perfection as the best { stove experts and stove builders can make them, { AB DE Ea Ask any one of the 150,000 Canadian Cooks who are using them what they think of them. They use less coal and do better work than any other Range in the world. ) ) Ad. a Write the Manufacturers for an Rlustrated Catalogue. a The WM. BUCK STOVE CO., Limited, Brantford. ) Bold by McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 BROCK ST. Diamond Hall Diamonds. THIS is one of the 'Ryrie' ecials in Diamond Wipe 0. 969. Our price for itis $75. We personally guarantee the quality. Tt is mounted In 1%. gold, for either' lady's or gentiernan's wear. We deliver this safely to any address, and refund the full price if you are not perfectly satisfied. Write for our new illustrated cats alogue. Ryrie Bros. Jewelers, Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. Was So Nervous She Could Not Sleep At Night. Had Palpitation of the Heart and Loss of Appetite-- Are You One of Those Troubled in this Way? If you are, MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS will Cure You They Cure Nervous. ness, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Faint and Dizzy Spells, General Debility, and all Heart or Nerve Troubles. . Read what Mrs. C. H. Reed, Cobos. says about them :--Over six years ago I was 'troubled with palpitation of the heart and loss of appetite. I was so nervous I could not sleep at night. I took MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. They cured me, and I have not been bothered since. Price 50c. per box, or 3 for £1.25; all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Auction Sales. SAVE MONEY : BY EMPLOYING ALLEN & SON, |OUR NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings Erom Various Points In [Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Returned From Manitoba. Mountain Grove, Dec. 2.--Mrs. A H. Rogers, - visiting her parents in Manitoba for six weeks, is home again. Miss Lizzie Drew has returned "from Toronto. Miss Maggie McKnight, after spending threc months in Tam- worth learning dressmaking, has re- turned. Visitors: Mr. and Miss Mec- Knight, Tamworth, at Robert Mec- Knight's, ' Sand Hill Notes. Sand Hill, Dec. 1.--A temperance meeting will be held in Lewis' school house on, Wednesday evening. = Mis. Alfonzo Soles, who has been vis iting Newburg and Kingston, is home again, Alfonzo Soles, who was very ill, is recovering. Henry Lewis' hee was well attended, also E. Flynn's bee 'was bee. Visitors: S. Fox at A, Soles'; Mrs. Gowan,. Chicago, at EH. Lewis'; . Wesley amd J. Moore at 4). Gray's. Arden Tidings. Arden, Dec. 2.--The patrons of the Arden cheese factory were paid on Saturday last, for October milk, at the rate of 31.19. Tt is reported that the Mills property will be used for a cheese factory next season. A, H. Carl, merchant, is doing his. best to establish man agricultural society in Kennebeg. He has succeeded in getting | about eighty members, so that a good show of live stock, and farm produce may be held here. Rockport Ripples. Rockport, Dec. 1.--The anmial Christmas tree will be held in the Me thodist church on Thursday, December 118th. Walter A. Sleaman is' spending a dew days with his sister, Mrs. 1. Washburn, Soperton. Charles Andress is busily engaged building a new resi dence on River sireet. Alexander Tharret has moved on to Club Island, where he is caretaker of Mr. Tavlor's cottage. 'Thomas Jeroy, Deer Island, is building a nelv house on Main strect, opposite the C.0.C.F. hall. Ferguson Falls Items. Ferguson's Falls, Dec. 2--Charles Hollinger shipped a carload of hogs to Ottawa on Monday. 8. E, Morris has been engaged at cheesemapker at the Mississippi cheese factory for an- other season. 1'. Hollinger returned on Saturday from Manitoba, where he has spent the past three months, While away he paid a visit to friends in Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, of Boyd's, spent Monday even ing with fiends in the village. Mus. John Cunningham returned home on Saturday from Lanark, where she had been visiting her daughter. News From Dead Creek Dead Creek, Dec. 1.--Rev. W. Hufi preached a temperance sermon last Sunday. Mrs., Albert" Taylord is re- covering from her long illness. | Miss M. Pringle, Arden, was a guest at Mrs. Co Amey's. Miss M. Kitson and Miss M. Pringle were visiting at Miss Hattie. Wart's. Mrs. €: Amey had a getting in wood: The worth of the work done was about $160. E. Camp sall is building an addition to his barn. = W..Campsall is away prospect ing. Millhaven Meditations. Millhaven, Ded" 2.--0n. Thursday ev- ening Bartie Franklin and Miss Emily Jullock, of "this place, were quietly married in Bath by Rev. Mr. Gay. Conoratulations. Miss Mageie Demor est: has returned® from her trip to Win- nipee, and was accompanied as far Toronto bv Miss Maud Amev, who took the train from there for Cold- water, Mich,, to visit her sister, Mrs, W. Forward, Mrs. Duncan Wemp, dath, is vi-iting at Fred. Wemp's. Fred. Snider and wife "are spending the winter in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Collins and children Toft to-dav tor a visit in Belleville, Wilton Waitings. Wilton, Dec. 3. Missionary anni versary- services: will be condueted hy Rev. CC. E. Melntyre, Napanee, next Sundav, in. Wilton, and Violet Metho dist churches. Rev. Mr. McColl, Odes sa, gave a splendid temperance dis course 1 the Methodist church last Sunday morning. © Messrs. John and Sim Ntormes, in North Dakota for a few "vears, have returned home to spend the: winter, Tra Davison return ed home last week, having spent a few months in Manitoba. Overton Babcock and Hakvey Mills have mov ed into thar fa new residences, Charles Babeock has purchased. the old Gardiner "farm at-"Westhrooks Glenvale Gleanings. Glenvale, Dee. 20-The Methodists have been oecupving' the Presbyterian church for the last few Sundays ow me to their edifice undergoing repairs, The annual shooting match passedoofi very satisfactorily; the oyster supper following was a success. Games and dancing were indulged in until a late hour. Mrs. W. Amey has returned to her home in Kingston. Mrs George Binnington was visiting friends nm Montreal recently. Mrs. Margaret Gordon and Mrs. Alexander Glassford have returned home from Toronto. Visitors :IMr. and Mrs. C. H. Corbett, Mes. Robert Curran, Latimer, at H. ( Orser's. Buying Up Tirkeye: Blair Settlement, Dec. 2.--H. Hunt intends se lps his farm. John Whit- t marsh boug over two hundred tur kevs through here last week, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle were the guests of Henry Blair last week. A number at tended Jennie Blan quiiting bee on Wednesday Mr. and Misi ROO, Leg oatt were the guests of Mh Hutch mes on Suudav. Misses Ida and Bi die Blair are visiting fiends at Bed ford Station. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0 Vlitmarsh were guests of William lair on Sunday. Alexander Blair and 'Vorann, Westport, intend taking a he old countrv. 1. Gorsline nd fomi'y visited friends at Elvin Auctioneers, Test L.. The house owned by" J. ---- bee a few days aco ploughing and. Whitmarsh, on' Zion street, opposite the school house, 'has lately been pur- chased for a law office. ' ¢ An old Settler Dead. Wagarville, Dec. 1.--Death has again visited this vicinity and carried off an aged and respected citizen in the person of W. A. Wagar. The deceased was one of the pioneer settlers of this section. He leaves to mourn a widow, five sons and one daughter. His 're- mains were interred in the cemetery here. The remains of the late Mrs. W. Loucks, of Parham, were also inter- red here. The deceased formerly resid- ed here. E. Simkins, on the sick list, is able to be around again. Miss CC Storey is spending a few day; with her parents. Miss L. Wagar oh re- turned from Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. L. Peters, Stella, renewed acjuain- tances last week. Desmond Deliberations. Desmond, Dec. 1.--Our annual meet- ing will be "held in the Methodist church December 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Philander Rose, Odessa, visited last week at J. W. Stewart's. Miss May Kelley, teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Switzer were "At Home" to a number of young people one evening last week. Nelson Switz- er has been beautifying his residence by adding a new verandah and giving it a coat of paint. William Hannah spent Sunday the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. Lewis, 'Hinch. Miss Emma Carscallen is spending this week at Moscow. James Evans, Moscow spent Sunday at Henry McKeown's; also Mr. and Mrs. William Barrett. Buried At Mississippi. Mississippi, Dec. 3.--Dr. H. E. Bur- rows, Kingston, has started to prac- ey medicine in our midst. Miss L. Campbell; Kaladar, is the guest of Miss Minnie McKinnon. Mrs. Hodg- son, Sunbury, has come to reside with her sister, Mrs. Isaac Allan. The fu- neral of the late Fred. Deyo, who met such a tragic and sudden death near Kingston, took place from here on Sunday, November 30th, to the Craw- ford cemetery under the- auspices of Court Palmerston, No. 4,000, 1.O.F. Mr. Caldwell, of Queen's, preached the funeral sermon and referred very touchingly to the character of the .de- ceased as being all that went to make up a successful career. Much svmpathy is felt for the bereaved widow and friends, Maberly Musings. Maberly, Dec. 1.--People of this vill- age are improving the comfort of their homes by placing in new furnaces. Peter MeGregor has placed a new wa- ter wheel in his saw mill. Mrs. War- tesky has gone to Montreal. Dr. Hill is kept very busy. Mrs. George Dow- dell, seriously ill, is doing a rushing business in the grist mill. A new frontal has been purchased by the ladies of the St. Alban's church guild, and will make a great improvement on the altar. The young men who went to the west returned last week with good reports. Fred. Judge, formerly of this place, but now. residing in the west, is expected here soon. Alexand- er Buchannan is spending his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Buchannan. Visitors: Miss Ethel Stinson, at Mrs. John Morrow's, Sr; Mr. and Mrs. Sims, Vancouver, at their daughter's, Mrs. John Morrow's, Jr. A Family Of Veterans. Odessa, Dec. 2.~The. service in the Methodist church last Sundav was conducted by Rev. Mr. Dey, of Wil "ton. Miss Braniti, Gananeque,. sang a very effective solo. The concert will be in aid of the Roman Catholic church. A party was given hy Mrs. James D. Snider last = Wednesday nicht. "Miss Nora Simpkins spent Sunday with Miss Mabel Snider. Mrs. Ashford Bell has returned to her home at Svdenham after visiting her moth- er, .Mrse W. H. Laidley. Sherman 3nd has his store opened, amd has a fll line of groceries mi. He also in- tends to put -in dry goods. The deeds of the veteran land grants of 160 acres each, have arrived here, and Postmaster Timmerman receives one lot. His ~three: other brothers get theirs alco. Not, too bad, 610 acres in one family for veterans! The High School ¢ At Home." Svdenham, Dee. 1.--The high school "At Home" passea off very successiul lv. Wesley 'Hall was prettily decora- ted," and a very attractive pro oramme was furnished, consisting of music, vocal and. instrumental, the Day orchestra and promenading. All speak highly of the way in which they were entertained. A new staff of teachers have been engaged for - the hizh school for 1903, with the excep- tion of Miss Henstridge, who has heen re-engaged. "The members of the Methodist. Sabbath school are prac- ticing for their annual Christmas en- tertainment. Owing to the mica hous. being closed, a large , number have been thrown ont of emplovment and have left the village. J, P. Lacev, ill for "ome time, is somewhat improved. Miss Pearl Sills is spending a few davs in the city. Miss Flossie Shan- araw, Colebrook, is visiting her. cou sin, Miss Asselstine: Outlet' Occurrences. Ourlet, Dee, 2.--Mr. and Mrs. George dradley, Athens, visited friends in this vicinity, on Saturday and Sunday. A teiperance meeting was held in Wood- we school house on Mondav evening. Ww) 0G. Ve anderbergy made a business trip to Brock: on Monday. War burton cheese factory closed on Fri day, the 25th ult. Mr. and Mes. Geo, Stacey and little son, Leshe, were cuests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Vanderbery On Saturday the 20th, a very pleasant at hering took place at' E. Vanda bet A It was a bi rthday dinner given to celebrate the eighticth anniver of Mrs. Vi anderheres mother, Mrs. Ri chard Bradlev, who was eichty vears of age on Sanday, the 20th. There were twenty-six who sat down to din ner. Four renerations were present Two of the old lady chilihon were hege, an nintnher wal he i Lildren three grtdt-grandehild My vv received a nie wv of useful presents with the! host wishes of all for many returns of the av. Accident To Young Man. Lake Opinican, br 1 Harold n L { C. W. Austin _met with a sad ac- lected Havana tobacco by skilled workmen. factory smoke. We are putting up ten Surpass Cigars in a neat, handsomely lithographed box for Christmas gifts. Send us this Coupon, filled out, with Postal Note for seventy- -five cents (75 eents) and we will send a box to any address in Canada. Postal Note Will Cost Three Cents. If you want Surpass Cigars in larger quantities they cost box to contain .... cigars, you paying $1.75 Box of 25, $3.50 for 50. $7 for 100. Money Back if Not Satisfactory. CANADIAN CIGAR SYNDICATE, Proviiter.., . 821 Craig Street, Montreal. J Uh ya A Truly Satisfactory Smoke. oy We know that the Surpass Cigar is the best ten cent smoke in Canada--made of specially se- We want more people in Canada to know this"truly satis- Once you have tried the Surpass Cigar, we know no other cigar will satisfy you, so we SPECIAL CHRISTMAS CIGAR OFFER Canadian Cigar Syndicate, 821 Craig Street, Montreal. Enclosed find .... dollars .... cents for .... boxes of Surpass Cigars, each postage. Should they not prove satisfactory, after trial, I reserve the right to return the balance and have money refunded. Name ...}%......................: Address. ........c..0ioi iid Town........ .............. yy cident while hunting last week. gun accidentally J i + back of his left hand and coming out above the wrist. was all shot away, s crushed and cords split, i * "a- consultation, advised that he should be sent to the Brockville hospital, i piece while camping. 1 sent it by. post Hinchinbro oks Council. and Niagara Improvement f S20 granted to the amounts of their Pe oJ. ceived an order for $10 for an error Tons T / 21 5 , Inverary, is visiting at A. to jay ja S15 on south. boundary : . arrears of taxes Keelerville Catches. {, there being. an error in as are drawing to ven is preparing to move his factory. i: William Shephard, Sutherland and family have ic. Robb entertained . A number attended the dona- tion at Battersea" on Friday evening. Ru 2: ' an Skies visit » village anticipate > i wv, S15 to be laid out on Adina to mee attending Turki with a painful om a ETB is |g RRR RE a RRR Caird have their new buildings al- most completed. Visi i He That is where most. of the heat--the eB cooking power-- goes in most ranges-- 2 the 'way careless housekeepers waste 2 time, energy and money. In 9 a 5] = { SOUVENIRS a a 9 i made to do 1 a El the heat is made to do its work around g the oven--not up the chimney. The { e only range with the improved cele- 5) brated 9 al oh | AERATED OVEN 3 [5 : xt The most perfect baking and" cooking apparatus ever made. We are so sure 9 18 that Souvenirs will, give you a satis- i g factory and perfect service that we are a &@ willing to give a written guarantee with A & : @ 5 every: stove. Sold by -leading dealers 4 g everywhere, or write us for particulars. J 5 i a 3 IB S. J. HORSEY, Local Agen, Prncéss St, Kingston. The Modern Hotel. 2 18 a = ------ 2, 2 2 THE GURNEY-TILDEN Co., LIMITED, 2 2 Stove, Range and Radiator Manulacturers; a a Hamilton, Ont. : ol g WHOLESALE BRANCHES--Toronte, Montreal and Winnipeg. f ER RERRR RRR RRERIREEE [ree eg eo feof eR ae REPRE! 1 == CHRISTMAS | GIFTS. We have just what you want for a suitable CHRISTMAS TREBE NT. Whe could Le nicer than a Ladies' or Gentleman's Chiffonier, I.adies' or Gentleman's Peer Mirror. Ladies' or Gentleman's Writing Daven =, port. Cluldren"s 8-Picce Toy Bets, Childreu's igh Chairs and Rockers. Also Eas] Jardinier $tands and + Screens. JAM ES REID; = = = Princess Street. ASK FOR CUR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE.

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