Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Dec 1902, p. 3

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'TH& Oa WHI. TUESuAY, DECEMBER 2. : » - E------------------ = ; = = utes i Saves Tort NOTE He le ee te THE OLD DAYS ETRE, TOLD IN THE nfl dy soil, Shon Sa hut ree Ly SYSTEM i i CAPT. STRINGER TELLS CF v BRANCH LIKE TIME TABLE nin rains Leave the City Depot, Foot of Jchaston Street: GOING EAST. 2, Eastern Flyer .. AM. 6, Local AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. AM. AM. P.M. 4 20 P.M. . A 8:03 P.M i No. 8 daily, except Mon: dav. Nos. 6, 7, 11, 12, 15 and 16 daily, except unday. For Pullman accommodation, tickets and | other inlormation, apply tc J. P. HANLEZ, Agent, City Pass. Depot. Kingston & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Express, for Ottawa, Moutreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, To ronto, Chicagu, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. I'aul, Winuipey, Vancouver, Seattle, l'ortland, and San Francisco. 6:30 p.m.--Looal for Sharbot Lake, eon mecti.g with C.I.R. cast and west. 8:10 am --Mixed, for Renfrew and foter mediate pointe. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 pm. arrive in Ottewa at 5:00 p.m.; Deterboro, 5:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.: Boston, 7:3u a.m.; St. John, N.B,, 11:85 am. Full partioulars at K. & P. and O. P. R Ticket Oflice, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR, Gen. Paste. Gen. Supt. [HE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY NEW SHORT LINE FOR Tweed, Napaoce, Dessronw sod ail loval potuts. Tran caves City Hall Depor ar 4 pm KR J. WLoUN, C.L.R. Telegraph Of fica, Clarence DOMINION LINE RAIL STEARSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE Norseman .. .. .. .. .. .. Dec. 6th *OtLoman Dec. 13th Colonian *inshman ... . California, 1903, .. .. Jan. 38rd ENOrsGInan o.oo. ooo... dan. 20th Steamers marked * do not carry pass- encuis RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon, $50 and upwards. Kor avenmouth Deck and Bristol From Portland. about Gth Dec Turcoman . about 20th Dec Enghishnan... ... . about drd Jan FROM DbUsLUN Merion - wh ane BE Pes, TORN Saloon, $30 Third class, §238 NEW SERViu: HOO te neat. New England ..... ..... nesses Dec. 6th Cowmonweaith, .. . Jan. 3rd, 19038 Midship, Saloon, Ei ctric light, Spa-] cious promenade deel. J. P. Hanley, o. P. Gildersleave, Apt. GTR. Station, 42 Clarence St D. TORRANCE & Co, Gen. Agts Montreal -& Portland ALLAPM LINE CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND. Lunisinn, (rom Halifax, Dec. 8th. From St. John. From Halifax Manxman Bavarian, Nov. 29. Dec. 1, 10. p.m. "Lunisinig Dec. O.. Lec... 8, 10 pan. Corintnian, ec. 13 Dee 5,:10 pan. Pretoran, Dec. 20.. Dec. 22, 10 pun FIRST CABIN=Tunisian and Bavarian, $60, upwards. Parisian, §55 and upwards. Pre- 1 torian and Corinthiah, wards. SECOND CABIN--Tunisian 'and Bavarian, $40, Other steamer $37.50; Liverpool Loadonderry or London. Third Cluss--$25 -and $26: Dory, Beliast, Glasgow, Loudon. New Yorkhto Glasg. wv ana Londonderry Sardinian, Nov, 25th; Laurentiun, Dec. hh: Sardinian Pa goers only J i HANNS, Agent, City Uassenger Depot, Cor. Johnston and Ontario Sta. I' GILDERSLLEVE, Clarence St. BERMUDA... THE NOW FAR-FAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication ai equable winter temperature of 65 degrees, beautiful scenery and 100, mila of good roads, headquarters of the British' army and navy. is uinvalled in ate aturactivencss, reached by the first e won steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in fortywvicht hours from New York. Sailing every SATURDAY" this winter. The tropical islands, including. SANTA CRUZ, ST. KITTS, MA RTINIQU ST. LUCIA BARBARDOES AMD BEMERARA, also afiord beautiful and intercsting tours, all reached bv steamships any from $50 and up- Liverpool. carries 2nd and' 3rd class of te Quelne Steamship ( New York. SPECIAL CRU TO THE THOPICS PER SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU ARY. 1 For descriptive pamphlets and dion of sailing apply to A. EMILIUS OUT- ERBRIDGE & (O.. Ag 39 Broadwav New York: J. PP. HANLEY or J P. GILDER- SLFE' YN, Kingston, Ont. ARTHUR AUERN, Secrotary,) Queh MAYORALTY (903 To the Electors. of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan didate for Mayor for 1908, I respectinilv eo licit your votes apd influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston.: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :(--1 am eo cen - didate for the mavoralty for the year 190%, sud respectiully ask for your votes aod io fuente ou my behall J. T. WHITE. Healthy and Bladder. McDonough, of 314 S. Fairfax by the use of Warner's Safe Cure. A Trial bottle of the World's: Greatest. Kidney Cure Sent Absolutely Free Reader of this Paper. M'DONGUGH would take of my Kidneys it completely cu 1 kuew oi * Sale Cure" remcdies, but they did me no have recomnended Safe Curd er Of pes r troub my Iron aly beiore brica-dust oil Cans: rently and aid as Warner's: Safe cures convince that Warner's Safe Cure will trial bottle will be sent abso- nedical booklet wh a prescription for and many 01 the thousane Cure Dr. WOOD'S HORWAY PINE bad cough. into consumption. DR. WOOD'S N OF AGE Kidneys Va., who is 18 YE Tth, 1902, Mr. McBPonough am 8 years oi ape, | have used Warner's Saie Cure for nearly 30 t ou 1 was troubled with pains my kidneys and of bladder As soon 4 botuie of Warner's 1 ss leit me and the r stopped. Sev- 1 caught it settled 1 took Sa we who he s and 1L wor S a blessing to the discase of the I. M. McDONOUGH Thousands of people who have dred disease oi one form or se it had poisoned théir sys- ticy knew it, might have eaamined their found out the true condition kidneys. Puy glass or bottle, let it stand if then it is cloudy, or nas sodinent, or particles float discased, and not attended to at once your life will with brights disease, dia- had they some kidneys are acid pois trial bottle has -often been sutlicient to cure cases ol kiduey disease described 'en made in the earlier stages of the disease Saie Cu the kidney will cure gaulstones, simple home test liver, 'bladde swelling, ninul torpid Liver, uric acid estioa and stomach trouble, which are i by the diseased condi- Kidneys Saie Cure is purely ve ns NO narcotic or v free from sediment and (Beware of of sediment and of are harmtul.) It 1, Kills thy dis her's Safe Cure hus used by leadin vely dv cure kuow 1s what you nest youl can huy drug spore, £1 a vottle Refuse Substitutes and imitations nane 'just as good Insist on the genuine, which contain drugs which injure "the system I ial Bottie free. every: sulierer from dis- Substitutes s. liver," bladder Kiet postpaid Also a valuable ch tells ail about the the Kk dneys, liver d blad- received daily from ' Cowher have-been--cured-by Wa All vou have to do is to write Warner's Safe Cure® Company; 41 Ste. Toronto, Ont, having read ' this. liberal, ofi- paper The genuineness is 'fully' guaranteed -by the LR SYRUP Cures COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS and all THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence E. Mr Iman, New Germany, N.S., writes: -- I had a cold which leit me with a very I was afraid I was going I was advised to try ORWAY PINE SYRUP. 1 had little faith in it; but before I had taken one bottle I began to feel better, and after the second I felt as well as ever. My cough has completely disap- PRICE 25 CENTS. y he has kept his Kkidoeys health the past 35 or 10 to Every ARS OLD Cure ** and od ome." DBe- 1 tried all kidney d like sufler- kidneys morning will cure any Gis- Bright's disease, di- umatism, rheuniat- so-called doctors used inomany S move the dis- I tes- and anén- ¥ * give B MAYORALTY 19203 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN -- 1 respect Tolls solicit yinr votes and inluence to elect we ar Mayor for 1908 J. BH. BELL. " and prepay (PACER EEE FR ¥ S. VISE, CANADIAN AGENT. ERISA ACKIERIICINORIOK *PHGIQGRAPHERS! Do Fou know that ROTOGRAPH BROMIDE: PAPER express charges. TORONTO, * Mr. Euger $ Jose ', 5 El Mr, & 513 QUEEN ST. W, TWILIGHT. Royal The dance at the Military | College on Saturday night was, as all the K.M.C. affairs have been in the past, and are pretty sure to be in the future, quite 'perféct in every way, perfect music, perfect floor, perfect hosts: The college was very prettily decorated, the martial nature of the decorations making a very striking foil for the pretty frocks and bright voung faces, of the great majority of the 'guests. Mrs. Reade, wife of the commandant, did the honors of the college, receiving in a lovely toilette of pink silk, much befrilled and garn- ished with encrustatians of jet. Her ornaments were diamonds, and she carried a bouquet of roses. Mrs, Wor- rell wore a most becoming gown of black net over. black silk, and with her came two fair daughters, Miss kl sie and Miss Grace, wearing graceful crowns of white, and Miss Violet White of Hamilton, who -was in green and white striped taffeta, with applica tions of lace. The bride, Mrs. Panet, pink silk, with accordion-pleated chif- fon flounce, and chiffon on the cors- age. Her bouquet was pink roses. Mrs. Koderick Mackenzie wore a becoming gown of vellow, with: touches of green. Mrs. °W. I. Nickle was in a strikingly handsome costume of pink brocade. Miss Kathlven Harty wore a modish little frock of black silk voile and chiffon, with a huge bunch of violets at the corsage. Miss Winslow of F and Miss Irene "Kent's handsome white silk dress was also Miss Grace Kirkpatrick's white frock was very prettv, and Macaulay's stylish toilette very beautiful topaz ornaments. Mrs Almon wore black. Mrs. Boak was in a handsome a becoming a very pretty frock of black with touches of blue, and Miss Bea McGill's of black sequined net was most be- comina. Mrs, inglv becoming black Kathleen Kirkpatrick wore the dainti and Miss May Smythe wore the al applique and perfect number. A verv charming sev en they were, wore a very throat. Miss Gol- pearls at her Marjorie die and Miss Miss Dora Herch gown, of white china sali. mer's was a very handsome with insertions and trimmings of lace Mise Marion Lesslie was oreatly ad- her jricht hair. Mi-s Kathleen Saun- aiorette in her high-coiied Mics Mildved Cooke, a bright © dark eve boeirl, looked lovely 'in her dainty, eirlish frock of shite dotted ilk mus fin, with its ¢lovds-of chiffon on the sleeves and corsage, and. with chrysanthemums in her dark waving hair. Indeel very pretty and bright they all looked, and wonderfully sue cessinl were they, and very much de pre's & faded whin at HDS "Gord orchestra, and they conse chasing the flving hours fying fect." And the regret wasn't conlinl: to the fre. 1 young dehutantes either, but girls of several wid the chaperons, too, wayld kept up much longer, so was it all. hotvever, before an RMT. function. - - » - It a measu the women's guartess in the new art aiding, was cnjovable. The room was very arti ti ally decorated with buntir that institution whi h has Untario strand." The guests were 1 ceived by Miss the pretty and"@cown made most assiduous wail LOSSES, and rang, a del @lemic air to the afiair. lars. » » . - The el at a large reception Edward Cox, Isabella day last, A treat is being Modern Lanouage mati: performance some time the third week in December, in-addition. Ms. Boomer, Murray street, Toron ¢ a very smart tea on Friday to, vat Mr. Boomer reeeived with his wife I he enya. Farnham, England, is announ Cards are out for the marr Miss Florence Bowles, and Mis. Wo €. Bowles, Ottawa, t war, whos s a widower and looked charming in a lovely gown of ( ericton, looked extremely well in white much admired. Miss Frances of black lace over white silk was set off by gown of black silk, Miss Lorraine Lesslie wore March came. in a strik- costume. Miss est of pink silk frocks. Miss Smvthe ways hecomine white. Miss Constance (Cooke wore a dainty frock of oreen and white striped grenadine, with lace chiffon on the corsage, and Miss Lorraine Dalton had on a most becoming pink toilette. And now to the debutantes, seven in all, the frocked all in purest white, and each carrying white flow- ere. Miss Tyrell, the out-of town bud andsome white silk with trimmings of lace and a strine of Clarke, two pretty girls, who "came out > at the last moment. were in dainty frocks mired, with her frock of white «ilk, all frills and flowers, aud 5 white chou in Jers looked sweet and demure in her aide white silk frock, with a white hair, and white Save the King! sounded out from the had perforce to with, easons, have Leen mare than willing had the gaiety delightful A little bird has whisper- ed that it won't be so very long @gain, pretty frocks wile have a chance of hing aived again at The tea given on Saturday by the Levana society of Queen's, swhich "was the formal opening of hivhly successful and ince the time of the flood on the old Byrson, president of the Levana, and Miss Saunders, and under-graduates in eap hifully nea The proceeds of the tea amounted to sixty-five dol : of Naughty-Six, has issued invitatic for an "At Home' on I'hursday, December 4th. Mise Rionev was one of the guests ® given hy Mrs. "street, on Fri prepared by the Club, «wf Queen's, which intends to give a German dra during There, will probably be a musical programme ment of Miss Sara Mol «on. of - Lennoxville, daughter of the late Capt. Molson, to Col. Lowdell, of daughter of My of Woliville, \.R John Brodrick, secretary ol encacement to Miss M Starlev 1s heen recently annoumeed éraniiather, Adlerley. - o a. Mrs. Prince, with her mother, Mrs. Rislev, and Miss Ross, leave Toronto shortly for Permuda, where they will spend some time. Mrs. Morrow has taken a country house in Englani, a few miles from Wellsbourne Hall, the honie of Mrs. Ro Matthews, and will send the winter between there and Chimay, where her on.in-law, the irince de Chimay, and his children are. Miss Hugel is with Mrs. Matthews (her sister) at present, and will accompany Mrs. Morrpw to Chimay. . Lord and Lady Minto gave a large evening reception last" week, the first of a series to be given during their visit to Montreal. Lady Minto wax exquisitely gowned in white satin, with garniture of rare old lace, her ornaments being diamonds, Her ex- «eNency has visited the Day Nursery, Pelmont Park, the Foundling and sick baby hospital, the presidents and com- wittees of the institutions receiving her. Lady Minto was also present at the mecting of the Local Council of Women, on Saturday afternoon. On Friday the Lady Eileen Elliot was vuest of honor at a luncheon of twelve at whi h the Mises" Angus were hos tosses, Miss Erie Temple has returned to Toronto, from Chicago, where she has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Carter Troop. Mrs. Travers, of Hamilton, was hostess at a very jolly "Kitchen Show- er' last week in honor of Miss Muriel Steele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tasker Steele, who will be married to Ar. Ernest Wrizht on Thursday, De: cember 11th, at St. Thomas' church. "A very good fashion which has been «ot by no less-a. person than the queen, is that of wearing opera cloaks at the theatre when the gown §« de- qollete. 11 heatres are draughty places, as a rule, even the best appointed and women who catch cold easily, will hail the innovation with delight. Licut.-Col. J. Dunlop-Gemmill has I'rought with him from England, cop- irs of some valuable portraits for re- production in Mr. Henry. J. Morgan's "Types of Canadian Women," now in pre 8 in Toronto. These include por- traits of Lady Crokd, wife of Sir Alexander Croke, of Nova Scotia. and of Lady Stanley. of Alderley, wi'e of the sey ond baron of that name. Lady Croke was the mother of Lady We- therall, whose husband was attorney- ceneral in the Liverpool Administra- Roth Lady Stanley and 8 tion. Lady V.etherall were natives of Nova Scotia. ~ - - . - The sauces to serve with meat are: With roast beef, rated horseradish; "roast veal, tomato or horseradish canee; roast mutton, currant jelly; roast porl, apple sauce: roast lamb, niint sauce; roast turkey, chestnut Cres ing, cranberry jelly; roast _veni- son, black currant jelly or grape jelly; roast goose, tart apple sauce; roast quail, currant jelly, celery sauce; rog canvashack duck, apple bread, hack carrant jelly; roast, chicken, x a ? inend sauce; hied chicken, cream oray corn f i'ters; roast duck, orange ' salad: cold boil d tongue, sauce tar- tare or olives stufied with peppers; veal sausaze, tomato sauce, grated Parmesan cheese: pork sausage, "tart apple sauce or fied apples: frizzled 1 ogi, horseradish; pork croquettes, to- mato sauce; corned heel, mustard; loh- ctor cutlet, sauce tartare; sweethread, eatl t, sauce Bechamel; Reed birds, fried hominy, white celery; cold boiled fish, sauce piquant broiled steak, maitre hotel 'butter or mushrooms; tiipe, fried bacon, and 'apple rings; a fresh mackerel, stewed goose- 1e80 fresh salmon, sauce and green peas. - cream special training in the art of smiling is being given hy a London beauty deetor. This individual promises to fit out a number of tilted ladies with the smile of their-queen. Fancy Queen Al:xandra's lovely smile made to or- oi some of Britain's aristocracy ! the : + college colors being very effective, and at the sania" time appealing 'to the pa troti-m of the sons and danghters of stood thouch only forty-six ars of age, ¥ and_g remarka Jv voung looking man Flix his ace. His first "wife. Lady Hira Prodrick, a daughter of Toul : vi sinee the ome. th onl and . a © Smiles are de rigueur this year, and WRECK IN TORONTO BAY. The Packet Steamer Between it | tle York and Hamilton in a Storm--Some of the Ancient Sailing Crait on Lake Ontario. Toronto Globe. Some interesting reminiscences of the old sailing days on Lake Ontario are recalled to Capt. George Stringer of Chatham by an item republished from the 'Globe of fifty vears ago in issue of November 15th last, in which it told how the schooner Albion and the biiz Eberts had gone ashore in the bay. Captain Stringer was on the Eb- erts at the time, and remembers the incident perfectly. Although he is now cighty-eight vears of age, the cap- tains memory goes back very vividly to the times around 1832, when he was sailing on Lake Ontario. Regard- ing the item published in the Globe Captain Siringer says : "Fifty vears ago 1 had taken re- fuge under Toronto point. There was » strong east wind, and 1 took the pre- caution to anchor far enough out to swing, in safe water if the wind shiited west, as | had often seen it do. Soon after anchoring a vessel ran into us and carried away our jibboom, think- ing our licht was that at thelentrance to the harbor. She swung round and ran inside' of us and anchored too close to the bar, and, the wind shiit- ing west, a strong gale came up and she foundred. I knew of the fate of the schooner Prescott. A few wears he- fore my time, in 1829, she met with the same fate as the above schooner. Part of the crew took refuge in the tizming, but Captain Ross and the cook found refuge on the companion with a blanket about them durine the night, till Captain Richardson of the steamer Canada rescued them with his hoat in the mornin." Captain Stringer's maritime experi ence dates as far back as 1831, when he shipped on the schooner Duke . of York. Later in 1832 he shipped on the William IV., and afterwards on the schooner Prescott. When the side-wheel steamer John Boy ran a packet ser- vive from Little York to Hamilton in 1823 Captain Stringer ran her. Here is another incident of his career: "I was on her on the wav to York, in a strong cast gale, and the steamer lost headway near the Humber and fell rountl "in the trough of the sea. She wallowed back to the west of the Riv- er Credit, and thumped up close to shore and shipped a sea inside. The passengers all got ashore safelv, "In 1835," Captain Strincer con- tinues, "I was a passenger on the (Queen Charlotte to Chicago. She was loaded with flour at one dollar a bar- ril freight. The Queen Charlotte was the flagship at the battle of Lake Erie. She had heen sunk in Erie har bor for many vears, but was then fit ted out by a Buffalo merchant. T was in Kingston harbor with the brig Eb- erts. when a steamer was sunk that was said to have government stores, I was engaged to help to raise her." Captain Stringer asks when the seat ol government of old Canada was re moved from Kingston to Montreal. 1t was in 1844, Practical Philanthropist. Lord St athcona is a practical Kind of a philanthropist. In the city = of Celph there is a man named Robert McConachie, employed as a watchman by the Grand Trunk railway. He was an intimate friend of Canada's high | commi-sioner in his school hoy days, and for many years Lord Strathcona has forwarded him a letter and cheque for 850 every three months. As. Me Conachjs has twenty-one children liv ing_out_of thirty horn to him, the in come given him by his old friend is no doubt welcome, Ti "washing "woollens and flannels, Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) will be 2 TT day. has gone past when a wise woman will put up with an inferior cooking apparatus. She has heard of Ihe 66 appy Thought" Range, so superior. The Ming of Ranges-- * BUCI'S HAPPY. THOUGHTS The ( ortugatcd Ovea and her neighbors tell her what it will do. If by chance you do not know tl.: merits of The " Happy Thought' you owe it to yourself to investigate. look into the firebox and flues, weigh the covers, note the patented dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the corrugated oven plates, and all the different features that make this Range so different and See the Range, You don't know true household comfort if you don't know The " Happy Thought' Range. Write the Manufacturers for Rlustrated Catalogue. ude The WM. BUCH STOVE CO., by & Y > LS x wom . Ton? TAKE A LOO in Our Window And You wiil See the Best Men's Shoes Made in America. invictus Shoes A. ABERNETHY"S =n They are Geo. A. Slater's der on the anvthing but mobile faces found very satisfactory. Overcoats at The H. D. Bibby Co. distressed, About an unexpectad guest. nothing: in the hcuso to eatl" *"Thera's something bettor fa; than meat' The gues" endorsed Jir "Therc's with vim When helped to "Forco" by © Sunny-Jim," "When Jim Dumps found Mrs. Dumps "Rev. ---- D-------- (Name furnished on application.) Yin LEAD a view The Rcady-to-Serve Cereal Sweet, crisp flalies of wheat and malt. Why Her Vacation Was Prolonged, ag / t swoonareh of all ¢ .. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-21 Brock St. TROUBLE everywhere with a first- i+ Carpet : Sweeper We have them from $1.50 Up. McKEL VEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street STORE. PIPE All Grades. There never was as good as manufactured by the CANADA METAL CO... WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT, | | | i 4 30 NN ready fcr any emergency.

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