Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1902, p. 5

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Se, He - ed ™ Physicians sa; say 'noth- so helpful for be li 5 delplut fr troubles, heties For wang dss or was diseases, I s Petro- El d-igrees with the stomach. It relieves congestion and irritation, soethes and heals the bronchial tubes, makes breathing easy, changes the gharacter of expectoration, TRE DAILY WH, SATURuAY. NOVEMBER £8 IWHERE STANDS ON THE QUESTION OF IM- PERIAL DEFENCE. ------ Principal Peterson Says it Was Disappointing to the Britishers --Effect of British Cattle Em- bargo--Helps Canadian Ports. Moatreal, Nov. 29.--Principal Peter- on, C.M.G., McGill University, who returned from England to-day, states that the. general impression as he found it in England, was that the Ca- nadian delegates to the imperial con- ference had put a drag on the pro- ceedings which ivere without practical effect. English people were disappoint- ed at the attitude oi Canada on the question of imperial defence, but ac- cepted the opposition to direct con- tributions as being representative the Canadian people in view of the welcome which the Canadians received on their return from London. English- men believe that Canada's stand on that point was due to the feeling of security which Canada enjovs under the present svstem of defence of Great Jritain, failing which the United States would be expected to interfere in case of foreign invasion of Canada on its Monroe doctrine. son, of | HOmENTS OF THE DAY. I Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | Reporters On. Their Rounds. Westminster overcoats at The H. D. | Howe Island, is voming | : 3ibby Co. Joan Lox, out for the county council. Table raisins, .40c. kind, our price 30c. Gilbert's popular grocery, The sergeants' mess of the 14th Re- | giment meets on Monday night. Lieut.-Col. Fages will assume com- mand of '"A" Field Battery on Mon- | day. C.~F. Gildersleeve, manager ef the R. is in the city. White or yellow beans, . 50c. age, Gilbert's popular grocery. The next' long course at the Royal | STEAMER SOLD. CAPT. COLLIER 1 IS NOW THE SOLE OWNER | A Budget of News From a Nearby Town--Election' of Officers for the Hockey Club--General Par- agraphs. Napanee, Nov. 29.--Capt. James Col- lier has purchased the half of the Keindeer, held by the estate of Louis M. Collier, making him sole owner. Thé price paid was $1,400. A big fire occurred at Elkhorn, Man., land E. M. Mckim, a former resident of Lennox, lost 300 bushels of wheat ey : . in the flames. . Mrs. McKim has been Military College will commence On | confined to the house for the past Rebruarv 23r A Pehegary By in Brock 8 a | nine months with lung trouble and ivening subject in Brock Street Me- | neuralgia, Montreal, & O.N general company, | pack- | 1s qd te n Y 1 3, . . Hhonist vou Ihe Coming Prohi- [' Fred. Bogart, Gosport, receiv ed a tion ote." nh t ith ' i fine registered short horn Durham calf { $8 'Theeting 3 a ay of the police by express on Tuesday. It is not yet commissioners, Police Magistrate Far- | ccon months old, but weighs 700 rell was appointed chairman. sotifidl = H. G. Jackson was Queen's scien | pounds, i < . > A As 3 ience | © yg. Patrick McKeown, Croyden, delegate to the dinner of the School has removed to Napanee. On the eve Toronto. I Praet ie oie > o . of Proctitel Science, ore i's { of her departure all the friends and : i nes in Steal Joriay, all the | neighbors of herself and . adopted eading lines, all prites, make your | daughter, Mary Ann Dwyer, gave them selections now. McLeod's drug store, | a great farewell surprise and presented AN Campbell, Ontario commission- g : ; | Mrs. McKeown with a beautiful wal- HELLO, CENTRAL ! Give Us Everybody on the Wires. Cuban Warfare Among Prices. Jiamp Into These Bargains Double=quick or Quicker : $5,000 Worth of Dress Goods to be slaughtered at less than manufacturers' prices, Many of the brightest and newest styles, bought for this season's trade, are among this lot, Be among the first buyers and get your choice of the four tables at these prices 29c., 39¢., 56¢. and 77c. In many cases they are worth double the prices mentioned. doc / , er of roads, is to speak at Collins | > > i and cures the cough. Its Live stock shipping circles are oreat- | Bay on December 17th, on the toll aut Tecan chall, SDlsigeds 3D effects are rapid. It aids [lv interested in the British embargo | question. Ft an Po 1000 yards Ceylon Flannelette, 12%c. and | 12000 yards of 6¢c., 8c. and 10¢c, Ribbor, your a tion: 'hel imilate the * placed on shipments from. North Atlan- | The addition to the C.M.B.A. hall at | (ith stand. 15C. line, to be sold for only 9c. YARD choice only 5C..a yard, 3c. and 4¢. Ribbon 15es n, pe ase atetne | ti: ports of the United States. Tt is Marysville, Wolie Island, cost $1,500. After a six ' weeks' visit 'with his 1 YARD food, and has a healthy action [taken to mean that the laroe ship | Jt adds thirty feet to the length of | parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll, . going at. . . c upouthe bowels, - Fills and [7 Ff Guatian catll theengh {ihe hall. Nilkineon, Matt. Carroll and eldest | 300 yards of Fine zoc. Wash Silks, to be : : . , Portland and Boston will have also | William Duff, Inverary, tried Satur- { daughter, Mollie, left on Friday for sold at : . . 19¢c. YARD Lawns, white and fanc , a great assoriment aperients are unnecessary. to cease. This will thine he mien day morning at Cataraqui on a | Apcata, Cal. Miss Carroll made for at from 25 10 50 PER CENT REDUCTION I was troubled with bronchitis for ten years, bein; of shipments on St. ohn, N.1 = whic charge of house-breaking and assault, [Herselt a host of friends who, along . frequently unable to work for months ata tim. § |<lipping men say, is mot sufficiently {was committed for trial. TC a ey 252 735c. 31 and $1.25 Silks to be cleared out at : : oot Y Yo uy Tenis 62 wis Poor jestlis. 1 Sed Au. well equipped to handle all the tradg new altar of carved oak will be her leave for her far-off California §5¢ a yard, this lot is very choice, bought Linen Towelling, extra special, only 5c. ARD have not been so well for many years.-- Robert | that will be forced to seck other out- | placed in St. Barnaby's church, Brew- homo f I d 11 1 55 YARD ii AE A Hae NI . > en ev . . we = . . eir, Toronto, » Cotta. lets. It is probable that Halifax will fer's Mills. H. P. Smith, this city, -is | " pimund Bristol, Toronto, one of or this season's tra e,all colors Jac. Men's $1.50 Suit Underwear at 87u%c. EACH Anglers Poumon Bowen 12 wld by dmigh get. be next in view of those ports, heing {propanig the plans therefor. the lawyers for Mr. Carscallen at the - A "| the only winter port in Canada able ames Hinds; late of Hinds Bros'. ok ison N a Ato? . n : as . 1 . . : . er IE dn 3 yy xiner EA x [reams inde: Ja pr bd No election Sl; isan ok Napa Jovi Ladies 20¢, and 25¢. Hose, ribbed, Hemsol- Men's $1 Cambric Shirts, sizes 15 and 15} > evi AL ' o hg = ¥ 3 a s he late PRN, ristol, ~ . . BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A. es | town, N.Y., next week. He may lo- | 3 50 Go dolf dye, going at . 14c. PAIR ouly, very choice patterns, sale price Bishop's Engagements. cate there, his former home. The iriends of Harry Oldbam, Chi- only ; . . . 59c. St. George'y cathedral, Kingston, Rote Fawcett, of Wale Island. has | cago. 1l., who with his family is in $1 Ladies' White Wool Shawls at only 55¢. . week of special services, Dee. Ist to | received, =o far, one tender for a ferry | (he habit of visiting friends in Na- ry: : or T ? 1-Wool Blankets, $2.40 PAIR COMMERCIAL. 5th, S$ p.m. [ between the island and the city. The | 1, ree. will be pleased to learn that Wit, ; $3 50 White All-Wool Bl: s, $2.40 Dee. Tth--11 am. and 7 p.m. St. [1 tender came from a Toronto firm. pa Ss been la a member. of: the; 190 Ladies $7 and $8 Jackets, lined and un- * $ x 1 + . Oe *: a . . woe : 4 ' . . NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Girorge's cathedral St. Farhi Choice matliel © 2%. a dor., Gil | 1ilinois Etater legislature, receiving | lined, this year's make, sale price , $2 50 Wool - Blankets, in nice grev shade, : Noy n Dec th-- a.m., St. Mark's, Bar- wrt's popular gr ! over 13,000 votes and a majority of . EN. . . . 5 J a Union Pacific . I aoe viefield; 7 p.m., St. George's cathe- The Kingston & Pembroke railway | | 400 over his nearest opponent. Mrs, . . i s $2. 99 and $4 your choice for . . Sl 75 PAIR St. raul i764 dral. company is applying to parliament for | Oldham is a daughter of Robert Ma- i . : . 2 N hs Fi Dec. 21st--11 a.m., St. James, King- L wn eStension-of the time in which the | theson, a former headmaster of the $15 Ladies' Tailor-made Costumes, at $8 qo, $s Ladies' Tailor-made Skirts for $3, $3 and Sugar 121 ston; 7 p.m., St. Paul.s, Kingston. fine and its branches are to be com- | high school here, and now a resident onlv a few of these left $8 a0 $ line at $2 19 EACH U. 8. Steel B61 Dec, 25th--11 a.m., St. George's ca- | pleted. in Chicago : y : 4 a . : y y Miss. Pacific 107 . md he dis | > Tn " Southern Pacific 63 a thedral. [ The Ladies' Aid of the First Con- Mrs. A. B. Avlesworth, Toronto, Western Union S]3 28 Dee. 2%th--11 a.m., St. Paul's; 3 p. | gregational church conducted a social | arrived in town on Tuesday and will Reading, 9 40 im., St. James'; '7 p.m., St. Geotae's \ 0 and congert last evening. After tea | spend a short time visiting her mo- ! \ St ! YS Louis & ArT oY I [ cathedral. | had been served a good programme ther at Newburgh. Mrs. Walter Clark, Penntyls ania RR 157 | re [ was given. | Frnesttown, is seriously ill of blood > : : GovEyivani HR 2 a | ; a YR WW ta LS We can please you with our assortment and save you money. Bring the children eX oa 82; 83 Quadrille Party On The Island. C ar Inspector . H. Brown, t. p IROmng, 1 d th ill d hat S Cl f; y Montreal "Se. Ry. rn 44 1397 |. The completion of the work of en- j Homa, nely Lroekville, was | In hie Save Josh of hot 2 a ong and t ey wi remin you tha anta aus is not iar away. OH, Ss S338 | larging the C.M.B.A. hall on Wolfe Is- | killed on the « R._tracks on | covery, 'hiss Rmps : Anions Jus So 2 fae was ark hy i rding ol a [ Tuesday. Tt "is supposed that there | lv ill of pneumonia, hw not improv- ee | quadrilie party on Friday night, which | there was foul py. me hh leh. Yius Lama Sapmen This is only a few of the numerous bargains that will greet you here at every REA a: Seve 0 5 lbs. an currants, 25c., at Mu 13 also. § MI fle i MONT L STOCKS. on jv as oh nod, by eost hi 3 C ean sie 5, 2 , 5 re | Bie Wirnte Templeton: left last Sa. turn. Come with the crowds. You will find twenty- five pairs of hands here willing couples, including a number of voung » soupons al or i Aav for op Snior 3 Canadian Pacific B03. | ie trom Kimaton, Howe Toland "which we will exchange for | turday for Montreal to enter McGill | and ready to show you the great advantage that awuits the forehanded buyer. Don't Toledo 1. & I' Li Pittsbure. D. Moran, H. Dawson' | silverware, rocking . chairs, Morris | i as a Saree im iain. mistake the place : Detroit United - 1 er fv yA ii} chairs, ete. Mullin's. t is expected trains wi e run . : . 1 Let 1.1. Bair and C. ( < CO coq] | Chaws, ete., at a 2 > . i the ae coi Ge thet rnd This moming W. Mafeay, Jr, ang [ning on the new Lianch of ithe B. of : \ Halifax Street Ry the affair. out so admirably. Crosby & {-tioneer, sold - on the market a fine | Hi. I Hany to Dasvonte aban Ea . S ™ 1obn Milcetrie ote s orchestra, of the city sup- looking horse for 867. A number of id ba k. v. EOL as purchased A | - win ILy x oy . : : or nw "Os nN or { ; » es. robes, ete. vere also dixpos . utler s rick re idence ridge 4 Kich- & Ont.' Nav | plied music for dancing. vehicl » robes, etc, were alse treet at 81.200 Connnercial Cable | ed of, good prices being received. root vest. Ite Rhein . Bil elerhone | Oo Leo Teck DVL. b. Fraser dhll, assistan secretary es hel ie 118 and 120 Princess Street, ip date Mai tical Power ; . telegram from Hamilton last and Janitor i the Y.M.CA., ih Irs, ! pose of forming a farHice's. nssudin _-- Ee mel sss . Domdgion "Steal. & Jron, ii asked at what hor. the Lime. | Bell, left the city to-c.y. Alter afew | i000 1 1 ay mes Toft. 10 wa Stated that Tigers | Weeks" visit they will proceed 'to Tor- | tion: Newt Toileo. Ko J: "FROM THF COUNTRYSIDE; BE L E B ova OL | eo It : : t th i ih ti {onto where Mr. Bell will enter the At 2 Senn Pane ot 2 1 IT i ¥ i VING AQ salaae oh Yehils i N y arrange for oir reception. ' ai TH 3K n Tuesdav las 5 aale Laue nite pap Ly likely its Fiaces wanted i el new Y.ALC.A. training school. | Pe H : oie oF oi Ny Ye 14 Lombardy Legals, Ne Di {themlover. The dimestones spent the i Purdy and Daey Jpeughi i ext Sori s Vanalstine, NG: C Joubivdy, Nov. i = doy Kine | Absolutely IP ENTERS UPON ITH Hochelaga Bank nicht in Toronto to the police station ast might a | Frizzell VG: W Mivhee BS 1 re urned Lome on t ic Sth from J ant i - m = vouth named Duff, of Inverary, who | yy 1 i. BR. Gt y Svasn "| toba, after spending' a couple of | SIXT fe XE n d 239TH QUAR ERLY VOLUME eee ' : i McLaug SS. G. B. Joy, treasur- ih . An Doing Well. Police magistrate Farrell ha iven | vas under arvest on a charge of house- | lcLaughlin, | i oYy treasm months engaged in harvesting and A an | R13 as ove \ as S br. . 'oshing lanzome <Percive Toledo, | «t : ntains © rh standar( { er v excellence whic as "1 have been a reside nt of New York | ut that hereafter citize harboring [Loabing and assault. He pe Lake n .On November "20th. the hockeyists the hing. atk 4 Bit olin, { ll Jasiatains phe high fo Re oa ls _ o iv ahas state for seven years," remarked 2 dogs without paving the customary f Cut Ro ataraqui this morning toy lecttd © the following 'officers for Po i Sh iT <Q, ral Ad | form, eonsidering its great amount of ory osu s oO ' gstonig S > oR tn 5 HY { trial, Wd. Yatrons Mossig arvev ! Dy VR-ago. Mrs, aa eL-Ad-4 owibe oi it weekiv is ani v { Ne EisTae ny omplete- { Shier King soles thi nan Hing andl license fee will not be shown the same | Fo Dr. Philp. writes to the Teton: | Ion : Patron e 3 rs. Harvey ror. Sudthis Palle. ent b dow dive | uw iy Ft 3 = i eh ie i 3 BH ony Tape in that time ave met auncreds OL leniency, as vas bestowed upon -violat- | : Er : Warner and John T. Walsh: Hon, pre: b hiv--neiehhorhGod; VisitH feionds Criticisms; -- Serial -- and Sort Stories. Skeiches of 'lravel and old Kingston hovs, and all" have heen Y. ers of the by-law who 'were heforetho | 0 © dob ahout the Ted pou debate Tne, FLA. Rikleyv: president. J. HT DHE HAmher docs visrbine PEee A large Discovery. Poetry Scientific, Biographical, Ilistorical, and Po doing well? The only - thing 1 have | police court this morning. here on Saturday last. The result he | hafoe: vice-president, Charles Walters: and acquaintances. Christopher Reid, | i £ Hiticak iormation, from they vaste fehl of Foreizu Periodical been asked for by those has been a gp. vour- name put on subscribers' | cons sjdeted asigoal_trininph_for__tems Jl ionarer--~WoE-Waltersc--secretarv----1-North Augusta, came, up. for his mo- |} Fateratur two cent stamp." I t at Uglow's for Jessie Maclachlan's | a The writer points out Mr. | (yeasurer, W. FE. Fretz; captain, I. | ther and sister. who resitled here for |; 0CTAVD Le following list inewdes some of the writers represented in a Smee eemalom Lo and have first" choice of seats! | errors in -his quotations. of pmburys- delegate to Quinte league, | Aashe sof years, Eb voioud ls Fe single Ved rs umters cof The Living Ane, The Freda or atl Yallior > foots c : +1 | Milton ery: Wagar, in the village of North Augusta. Mes, | - ; ; I'he : Fraternity club, to have met alifornia apricots, 10c. Ih. Gil- | At. the Queen's dance last night the : SLL (Rev.) R. C. McConnell returned home VOLUME Algernon Charles Swinburne, Sir Gilbert A T. Hue last night, adjourned its meeting, ow foes s popular grocery, | | Wie } bi oo - Ten ; Ss or hati tan) at=Mircl 1 ler-Conch, The Bishop oi Ripon, Augustine Mrs. Atbice ing to want of a quorum, until Mon- Our new Enplis h' chocolates have | electric' lights in various parts of the | << Bibby's."' Oak Hall. ¢* Bibty's: titer visting: Jrienas gis Winchester, I levnell, W. B. Yeats, Andrew Lang, Katharine Tynan, BNux- 8 949 ha ce | building went out. Once in the middle Pha. irl an vw 3 | Miss Jennie Pierson, Smith's Falls. well Gray, Sid «oe. Herbert Paul, S Idwin Arnoid, Id- day evening. arrived. James Redden & Co. | g Ihe" Westminster overcoat, perfectly : ' I. at 11 hs Mi ra lof rit , + -Moéreditn, Fiona Maurice, Maeter- [fa dance, the reading room was sud tailored; 88, SH S12.50 814, $15. They "Penta few days at Thomas. Mille piu id he hn Buchan, Sir ------ m---- {dently thrown into pitch darkness: and F111 pinhy Co Rev, I. G, Nirkpatrick will hold spe or AMe'chior dé Voie testo Step confusion reigned till the lights re - > : dial services in "Brinity church, Lom- taut W. F. "Courtney; Professor ¥ me------ y ; + v hristopher Benson ST eovered. Purkevs, turkeys, plump, J2¢ Ih. hardy, if me SE of vent. | ry an ihe a Te or, . Gilbert's popular grocery: \ young a y and. geyl bet i 1280 | rr & Graben. Wallin Watson WHY THEY DON'T SPEAK. The aw: a in the dispute between | eared a ew days ago (Or amiits ago) | Theoj hile Gautier, I'rince Krop- Russia and the United States regard sud nothing Bos heen seen or hed ing fisheries in the Behring sea, favors [01 them su Atntrinony 13 pronably x I the United States. but the swins | of | their aim dward Kelly 'is¢ able to be PUBL'SHED EVERY SATURDAY. OF ONTARIO. indemnity claims are considerably di around again alter a severe though Aud miving about 3.800 Pages a Year: of tha. Test Literature, nitishod. : hort illness. Herman Flynn and Miss Popular vet of Permanent Valué. Jennie Kelly, eleven vars. wha tived HH anny--Lyons-- New --Boyhe,--spent-Sun rn sete -------------- ESE ri LR ey oy a day at the residence of John Robb. Subscription Price, $6 a Year. Single Number, 15c. sii ; ii . e : vatér from a well. when she slipped Christopher Patigeso, Sohn Join : Our 1 Fox has pet retnened from a trip of personal imvestipation of wd falling into the well was drowned and Georoe Cove returned on ridav : the. wondertal oil gusher fickd in the Towns Wp ol Raleigh, in the County Ii OD want the Wn _ Y ini | from the west, where they assisted'in THE LIVING AGE COMPANY. { of Kent. His report is that the whole country iter: Hh F Kinoston ow have tl : En lish oa taking scare of the harvest. Lombardy | P. 0. Box 5206 13: Bromfield Street, Boston | ingston, we have them, Enelish and | Te | . 0. § . § | | American. Taylor's, 121 Princess St. | cheese fuctory closed "on Monday. Me. porssipisiin SN ge Trv. The Hf. D. Bibby Co. for over Mustard, as sistant chee e waher, left | p at couls. doy, Hove A week see 20 ed | ESTABLISHED 1890. PHONE MAIN 4303. wil I arewe to 1 people o pm Se = | Lombardy on Saturday. Frank Single WITH EXCITEMENT. THE ASSOCIATED BOARD ton, Newhoro, was in the village on : Monday. Messrs. Williams and M« n Chatham--respectabie, easy-going old Chatham--stands amazed. while: oil OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC | Creevy: shipped a carload of hogs to ' operators from Penny hvania, Ohio, Texas, lifornia and from the big re AND THE Montreal on Saturdav. The Hornetites it BOND BROKERS, finerigs at Pe Higivs aud Sarnia Gill her h 1 nl streets to overtlowing--all ROYAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC are holding a. convening trie wok. seching oil, Sok ficures that would have been considered sheer -- aK nus N. Covell has improved the' looks of a few weeks aro. The roads to the oil lich ls are lines with all kinds IN CONJUNCTION Will his pronerty" in the village by new | 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. gre, wageons and loads of 'machiaery and derricks. Several drilling McGILL UNIVERSITY. fence and two new gate MAIN OFFICS--47 Broadway, New Vork New York; 60 State Street, Bosicnm, ars already partly ei 2d : acts have been made for the sink President for Canada, His Ex- : a a: Sn, STOCKS, BONDS . A ND GRAIN . Eadie fey eo on ol wo ors two weeks. 'Out-itle of collenty, the Governor Generdl, fhinty 3 Osh Ball Bi = the Gurd & Co. Borie : . is RE. Hor. the Ear] of Minto, Visi- he Westminster iiss Tl ! Bagg and Sold fer Cast cr on Marglo. tor of the University. Vi rd IS MH i i Cor Particnlas attention given to Canadian Beeuritics. Market Jetters mailed } xa tii} ions fo 6 voar go2-a | S200, 11, 3 © . . Bibbs ol = d = Ae 3 via THE ONTARIO AND CALIFOR NIA COMPANY, = ew ony (Lee year an | Taily (4 p.m.) on application. Cpe nea invited. } iT Theory (written), May 4th. - a inte ine 5 bo: 1 ------ ---------- I -- , Y 4 : . At Mullins, cooking butter, Je. 1h. | omm---- re } { \ I'ractical, during. the wnt 0 é v = (LIMITED. = 4 . A Rey or th nes ile Mads 3 lb. ney raisins, 20c.; 1 1b. best cu ef | 5 | i he i fhe to al J 7 \ given) he L coanut, 20c.; 25 1b granulated sugar, wore the first on the ground, and have the iu ' 1 a2 a Jing to ab n addition to the Local Cent and "2 oliow si addies out one thousand acres, right mm the bio her in Raleigh, ; . School "Examinations, a Teacher Cer- 21 30 Ihe, well y 4 rar, 3h bad : 2 TAD | Tosed oC Ti "Well, tf anv man gvere to try and 1 ite Fixamination maivigiat 1 hs 2500 Corner Johnston-an Hyt-ton vt the ene or 0) eration ux, close pegotiations lg me : x teaching Certificates and 1 tls of Licer atreets, the repre entative of two of the fires oil rotineries in Canada to sink a | We were ¥ talking ahott imbo t the Assol 1 ' Thomas: Fawestt, reeve of Wolfe Isl number of well: IMMEDIATELY, aniat last FIVE WELLS must be com ibilicies Yo Id Alig 4 Bp : : dime MN hel. advertising in the Montreal pleted within SINEY. DAYS ties: : a or a horrycTiotween | : At NORTHWOOD, about ten milesfrom Chatham our eighteenth well ---- : rat 4 Li his ii I. on | To sweep any and down a it three hundred feet, Here the con any aperating on about Business College Notes. 3 I free : | ey veq! vo Beoin June hd, | everywhere with a first- SINTEEN HUNDRED ACRES of great promi IA ell «sunk <0 far ha I The ' Napanee ess ni that eo am : : > : : Fit Smite ol a Yell ale. to rdhime ia fae, Ne a A. JicHOLSON, Registrar, 10) 1 vin WE. Halliday. of | class tising spack is limited. Send for 0. & ¢ port for November and see | Napanee boy, emploved in the office McGill University, Montreal. of Io b Hotel. was cold hv avction | for vourself. The vohune of enquiries to . how that our peoble are { of a large manufacturing establishment ---- eee ea : 'market this morning for £25 becoming alive the great possibilities ht at our own door: fin that city, will be tran-ferre OUR JR SMALL HAND COLORED I : iaho tuner from The stock is ing rapidly and at any withdrawn. | Quek to the new office in Phil a Chi York. (irders re- I nerd ta { Ww kstore TWENTY. Five CENTS PER SHARE > I URES ec He S - PICT Ed weeper Fally Paid and Non-As es-able, a | nhis Ie 1h he Jae ! ent h ind on Apri E went . Get vour orders in IN. TIME. No order filled for les: thin one hinged : (OUR OWN COLORING) wif The NorthWest Bank is bein We have them from Bb ares, Apply J. 1. Finch. secretary Ontario-& Californie@it Cox Limited. Are particularly suitable for "incl in Winnipeg el $1. 50 U t 3 ot | tw ooth and i 1 h Welding iy Diipney giits. | nipeg this afternoon: P- lake position as t wi a pleasure to show | Just arrived 40 Linds Chii tie' 19 and 21 Adelaide | Tor onto. H them to you. | CHS pudding, fruit cake ar i Street East, grachumte; has ue et ke iter C 1, wper mm r © tam ote vereoat * TORONTO. [oh ihe XIRKPATRICK'S ART STGRE, | FT 69 nd 71 Brock Street. N\ @

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