Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Nov 1902, p. 4

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THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22 -- ------ When It Comes To Carving You want a knife. which will cut and you want one which will stay sharp. It takes gvod steel to makes a knife of that kind. Here are carv- ing sets made of the best material. You will enjoy one of them and you will find it a pleasure to use them. CORBETT'S HARDWARE. Al Ald AX Hs 1 ee "Social" Brand Teas and Cof- fee's, in 3 1b. and { lb. packages, 25c., 40c.) y 50c. 1b. "Social'"' Brand Baking Powder and Cocoa, 15c., 20¢., and 25c. tins. Premium Coupons in each pack- age. Jersey Cream Yeast Cakes. RETAIL. THE STARR CO. 185 WELLINGTON ST. Christmas Gifts, It is not too early. We will sct aside and deliver tor you whatever you choose. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR SUGGESTIONS. H. B. TAYLOR, Ph ceutical Chemist, 124 Tri St. "Phone 89, Successor to B. C. Mitchell. Uaeriages Carriages EVERYBODY Who has rubber tires on their carriages are well pleased with the 'ease. and comfort they "enjoy in driving, if you have not got them on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY and have them on and enjoy your drives. JAMES LATUENEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, 390 Princess St. . Kingston. Menthol Inhalers For Cold in the Head. ONLY-10c. E. L. EBBELS, cxsmistans, or. Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King and Market Sts., Kingston. HIRI IAC IIIIIIIIOIONION PHOTOGRAPHERS! } 2 Do you know that : ROTOGRAPH BROMIDE PAPER IH I give vou different results than other Brontide paper ? $ 1 will "send vou a A doz. package 16 2 Buty craph © Bromik Paprr for an prepay charges. 1. ry it 5 VISE, *"fosonro, CANADIAN AGENT. SCF RSERACK HII 4-5 i IS YOUR AUTCIONEER W. MURRAY, Jr.: body now in for satisfactory pocket by express le serving nearly every that line. He "has a prompt returns and You will be money in W MURRAY, Jr. good sales settle emplovin reputation nents FOR SALE. FLOUR AND FEED BUSI condition, Good rea Apply through A GROCERY, pexs in flourishing sons for selling. Office. ' THE WHIG -- 68TH YEAR. i 2:30 and 4 o'cl "WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub Yidtied every y morning $1 YT Atiathed is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; Sid, stylish and cheap work; nine improved proses EDW. J. B. ENSE, PROPRIETOR. I'HE DAILY WHIG. Opifer per Orbem Dicer.' SOME CIVIC STATISTICS. Of fourteen cijiss in Ontario King- ston's tax rate is lower than all save The es ending scale is as fol- Hamiiton and Kingston, 19.9; 20.02; London and St. Catharines, 21.9; Belleville, 22.5; Ct- tawa, 22.7; Toronto, 23.3; Guelph, 23.6; Woodstock, 23.7; Stratford, 24.9; Windsor, 26 Chatham, 27.6; St. Thomas, 28.2. The rate generally is high because the modern cities must have the improvements that bespeak the progre The place of any pretensions must possess a muni- «ipal water works' system, and an cleetric light plant. = Most of them have concrete En and some of them have also paved streets. The average public debt is heavy, but not overburdening. has, haps, a larger outlay in interest than any other city, population and assess- ment being taken into account. : SLAUGH1 it OF DEER. A shameful slaughter of deer is ported to have taken place this year. sub- one, lows : Brantford, sive spirit. Kingston per- re- The law is very explicit on the ject, and the aim is that eath hunter shall be limited in his captures. The season being warm, however, some of the early sportsmen appear to have the deer they killed, the trees and left them to rot, they pursued the search for others. the vension which they de- much the excitement of It is alleged that the deer hung up upon while It was not sired as the are SO hunt. numerous and by no means in danger of extinction, but the abandon- of of the wantonness which forced the gov- ernment to indulge in stricter enact- ment the carcase, is suggestive ment The aeer sea- son may be changed, from November 15th to 30th that the weather generally may colder, each may -the agora- some years ago, sS0 be and hunter confined to one capture be dumcult to detect the offender men who violate the law with vating regularity--but something must that of be done to stop the waste they produce in the recklessness their operations, ---- A-WORD FOR THE BOYS. "The the hour,'"! said a large employer. labour yesterday, The parent makes a great mistake in sup- need of of "is of educatea boys. average posing that because 4 boy is going tg he leave school The result is that the trade is not so casily Jearned, ynd the gradua- be a mechanic can early. ted tradesman is.not as competent as he might be. He skilful enough' as , craftsman, and he works But he is not a planner. He not- 'his head. he cannot do. it for the lack of that edu- cation to which I have already refer- becomes well. does use Perhaps red. My idea is that the boy who is to the the future have a good schooling. is the better," is, if this employer's 'idea prevail, the be expert of must The more aa- vanced [it The institute institution which the boy 'must leave, with the best Jetter still if training it aliord, the taken. makes his mark needs-all the can technical The artizan who college course can he educa- the more This is a fact circumstance which should be kept the youth, and by the parents more than by the tion he dan get, and it is casily acquired in youth. or continually before teachers, -- A WELCOME TO QUEEN'S Queen's College is to be congratula- a principal. It one who could ted upon its choice of has been hard to find aspire to fill the place the death of Dr. cipal had accepted the leit vacant by The late prin- oflice when the Grant. college. was an unpretentious institu: in truth He suirit into every depart: tion, and had grown with it; he was the cause of its expansion. his its work, an seemed to have infused of i no limit to his ambitions and its use- ment fulness. Dr. Dr. by is a man after the late He is a Canadian He hails to Gordon Grant's heart. birth and education. from a' province which has given the United States many di~tgnguished educators, and it is hop- ed that<he may his best Queen's. Carala and crown his career hy service in connection with £1 be? He has had a varied occupation and experience, and they have, no doubt, him the prin- wi lenéd his view and given peculiar qualification which the cipalhip of a university re Travel, and administrative duty, sreat Guires. contact with men; toral demi aca- have high pro upon and professional servi oe their eficcis on this man of ileals, strong character and will enter the utessive spirit, amd he hi< new field of labour with ar dour, deliberation, and devotisn which of success before 1 the situation. glye assurance, It will be some time he. Gor don can be g master of are many interests, diverse and which the There complex lie must study, but he loval of a very he has the promise of wi'l have support numerous staff Whiz ' / . i that--and in tune be will make bis in- Pa 'man whose mantle never falls to hold the territory a steady pas fluence felt in the college cosets: Farag stores, and they would be limit- May he be a power for good in every walk of life, a worthy successor of the upon him. A HOPEFUL LAND SCHEME. The Mail has resurrected a speech which Mr. Ross made in 1852, while he was a member of the commons. Mr. Ross was then dealing with a serious proposition,' - namely, that of selling vast stretches of the Canadian .north- west to speculators, men who had no definite plans, whose only desire was they acquired until advancing civilization added to its value. Our contemporary sees in Mr. Ross' demonstration of twenty years ago a strong condemnation of the New Ontario scheme in which cer- tain Americans = are interested, but there is really no compassion between the cases. The New Ontario proposal involves the settlement 'of a given dis- trict of 2,000,000 acres within a cer- tain time. The land is sold by the government at fifty cents an acre, and the syndicate is pledged to populate it_and sell for not more than 83 per acre. . To induce the necessary coloniz- ing there will have to be large expen- ditures, so that the margin between the buying and the selling price will largely, if not entirely, disappear. The deal, as it affects the local govern- ment, is a simple ene and easily com- prehended. Mr. Ross wants the lands of New Ontario occupied. An Ameri- can company undertakes to look up to transport them to the in possession of the people, land, and put them it. The only consideration is the dis- in the first Pace, at a The . colonizing com- a great immigration posal of it, reasonable rate. pany is really bureau, which undertakes a heavy task without « reward compensation so far as the Ontario government is con- or cerned. TEACHER OF THE FUTURE! The Journal of Pedagogy is a mon- thly publication of the Syracuse Uni- versity, and one of its editors is Prof. Metzler, whose home is close to the city--Odessa--and whose work is well known to many here. All the articles ave readable, but the very especially bright, and deal with current issues. That describes the teacher's personality is editorials are which particularly striking because it empha- Mr. Macdonald of on a recent sises that which Rev. the Westminster "The intellectual equipment of it is remarked, "is ad- vancing with the passing years, but it is not so certain that the heatt equip- said oe- casion. the teacher," ment is keeping equal pace. The teach- er must have a large heart, a gentle personality, a ' spirit, a great and noble character.' The fact is not generally recognized. "The office of the teacher," the "is far too little appreciated public. We laud our- too, but we strong says writer, by the general selves, and rightly do not notice them all. fought and many a victory. is won in the class room. Not a few teachers are their they teach: Are not these unrecognized he- They that developed (educated) into strong char- Many a battle is giving their best energies, yea, very lives for. the sake of those roes ? die others mav men and wonten of self-reliance and courage, that life. The good teachers will, be more appreciat- acters, others may have larger day is coniing when eck-and all will be better equipped for their work." too, when the What ~ qualifica- degree does the candidate for but What is his char- his The day is c¢Ohing, question will not be, tion or engagement hold, acter, his beating, his influence, power of impressing his personality as The only, well as ideas upon the pupils ? ideal teacher is not the scholar but the man who duplicates himself in his scholar. ---- A LACK OF FIRE. The people have not been thorough- lv aroused in the campaign which cul- minatés in the voting on December 1th. a want of have "considerable thought. The ahsence of life is not due to interest, for most people the Ontario Act They have their minds pretty well made up in regard to it. The probabilities are, indeed. that when they vote their ballots will their deliberate judgment. given Liquor express mature and There is a aivision of opinion upon the need the Ontario Liquor Act. It is pointed out that there has been sobriety of progress towards in recent years, and the gdvocates of high license find in this experience the reflection that it is best to leave well enough alone. It is pointed out, too, that there is Against this is the facf that there has less public arunkenness, - been an increased consumption of beer has de the to and this revelation the The more and heen spirits, made by irdana revenue partment, the more prosperous they and there ds no evidence as to people liquor seen imbibe, how they consume it. Then the to abstapers are called whether the Mould be 'improved total upon consider the very 3 ma hy ol the dical change for Act There immediate pessation of Ontario Liquor provides, would be an the traflic so far as the shops, hotels, ths for are concerned. the saloons and cl of the distribution would be only medium alcohol in any form be | alter halite | companied hy A: abits | which the i The | ed in their dispensation of it. It is up to the people to say what they think of the situation. The legis- lature has passed the act and referred the enforcement of it to them. It is stipulated that the affirmative vote shall be such as to guarantee that public opinion is behind the act, 5nd in that event 'it will have the favour and support of constituted authority everywhere, The want of the campaign is the opportunity to contrast the pros and cons in public debate. What promises to be the event of the season is the debate in which Mr. Ferguson, of Chi- cago, and Mr. Mudie, of this city, will engage this evening. The effect of it will be inspiring generally. There will certainly be infused into the cam- paign the fird which it has so far lacked. : EDITORIAL NOTES. Stratford's school board is going to stand by its vertical hand writing, but 'will have it better taught. A great deal depends on the teacher. The Hamilton Times says that some people in the Ambitious City think it is taxed for the teaching of the pro- vince. The contention is not admitted.' Let us have some light upon the sub- ject. minister of inland revenue is going to have the metric system of weights and measures taught in the public schools. The min- ister of education should have some- thing to say' about it. On dit that the Mitchell, "violence never con- In the judgment of Mr. of coal miners' fame, tributed to the success of a strike, be- cause it loses for those on strike the sentiment of the public." Words well and wisely spoken. council has decided, one from Ontario that succession duties cannot he collected from, the es- tate of one who is not * domiciled in the province. This may mead refunds to hundreds of thousands The privy two appeal on cases, and one from Quebec, amounting of dollars. -- Mr. Mitchell, the president of Coal Miners' Union, tinction by the skill with which carried the has won fresh dis- he himself as a witness before some of the most expert cuss examin- in the United States. McVeigh pronounced Mitchell the best witness he had ever conironted. | ers The of Toronto made. a serious mistake they took Mr. Kirby, Troy, and allowed him to insult Employers' Protective Society when of the referring to them as up union by "human devils, men "union brutes," and "'perjurers. No advantage can be gained for any cause by calling names. -- The Grand Trunk is expanding its serv ice. It is running lines ingv arious Canada, and into the Most important of all the proposal to cross the. continent. Will the C. P. R. pany object ? Not if Sir William Van Horne's late- talk "amounts. to any- He has it that the trade of the wants "all the transportation railways afford, directions in United States, its schemes is com thing. country facilities the can The New. York'Sun has reached the conclusion that there is no reason for a diminished. church attendance save the lack of "Only, "it adds, lieve in the world to- come, religious zeal ~ or fire. "when men really be- anid that all other profit is a snare and a dehu- sion, so long as they lose their souls in its pursuit, will the churches thronged as are the and the stock exchanges." be as marts. of trade A Plain Talk About Catarrh. In a late number of an Ear, Nose, and Throat Journal, the editor de- votes a considerable space to a very clear description of the different jorms of catarrh, and of a treatment which is curing cases where other methods have failed. A large number these cases are described so plaints as to give every hope of a cure io those who have suffered for years, cspecially as the new treatment can be followed at home. For deaf people thee is also a report . upon the sucecessfui treat- ment of defective hearing by externa: application; with a summary of some really remarkable cases cured eve, after operations have been performed. For the benefit of those who are in- terested it is announced that a free copy of the "Journal" can ii: obtain- ed by addressing the Fdicor, 72. Re- gent"s Park-road, Londén, ' England. With the "Journal" a special "up- plement" will be enclos»d, winch oives details of upwards of 10 casos cered by the new metho! during the past month, also 4 Report Form Ly reins of which anyone can obtain full par- ticulars and free advice. .as to the use of the treatment in their own ase Wagarville Waftings. Wagarville, Nov. *20.--The wed ling party at Joseph Cox's on Wednesday evening was well attended, The Young people enjoved themselves by dancing. The party broke up in the wee small Bears Miss Mina Ruttan has returned an of a year and a half. J. formerly of this place, but now in the United States, has returned after spending » while with friends here. He and A. Cronk. hunters have all returned report that deer are still atiful. 'The shooting match Storev's last Saturday was not well attended. absence Davis, residing was ac Th and quite at . very "« Bibby's." good rain or The H. D. Bibbv " Bibby's."' Oak Hall. Engli-h raincoats, shine, 35, to $12.50. Co. Strength, Purity and Flavor Combined. IN LEAD PACKETS [GY i 2h AS 4 25¢., 30c., 40c., 50c., 60c., 70c. and $I. PRESS POINTS. Brand New. Toronto Star. Lots of men are Toronto these days. "making. money" in The Poor Coal Men. Hamilton Herald. If this weather continues much long- er, we may have to take up a collec- tion for the poor coal men. A Very Fitting Close. Hamilton Times. n a Chicago divorce court the other day a love letter put in as an exhibit caused some merriment. Its closing words were, 'Lovingly, your Lttle jackass." Chance Of His Life. Toronto News. Vancouver clergyman alleges that in the western city thére is but. one Bible for every six families. _ There's where the book agent would et fat- ter than ever. It Would Seem Not. Lohion Advertiser e Messrs, Dubs; of Glasgow, have me] a contract from Japan for thirty locomotives in competition with German and American firias. The Bii- tish manufacturers ave not such dubs as the enterpriing Yankees have tiiol to make the world believe, ' The Kaiser Of French Des€ent. The * interesting fact has recently been discovered. that Kaizer Wil iam is in direct descent from the ill-fated Coligny, who was killed by the Duc de. Guise on the eve of St. Bartholo- mew, 1572. Wiliam 1 of Orange, nick- named "the Silent," married as his fourth wife in 1583, Louise, the only child of Admiral Coligny. From this marriage sprang Frederick' Henry, Prince of Nassau, afterward Prince of Orange. He in his turn left one Prince William 11, who married a daughter of Charles 1 of England. He had three daughters; one of whom, Loui-e Hemiette, became the wife of the Great Elector of Brandenburg, the ancestor of William TL son, = : : " Bibby's."' Oak Hall. " Bibky's." Buyers who - have been the rounts say that our 210 overcoats beat them all. See them before vou buy. The H. D. Bibby Co. Now the season rapidly approaches when the festive small boy will learn to swim by going skating. Try Oak Hall for neckwear. Pneumonia Attacks the Fireless City ! ther { | Scarcity of Fuel and Lack of Heat Cause Grip; Colds, Bronchitis and Pulminary Ills to } Increase. i | | The Humphreys' i Influénza, ( oF Me Dr up Colds. ventyrseven,"' .* broaks 'atarrh, Pains chest, Cong eh. | Fhroat, General Prostration and { use Specific rip. and } soreness in the head and Sore Fever, and prevents Pneumonia of a small viai ot pleasant pellets--[its the vest pocket. "77 consists | lof Fhiep-his [tom prey money {1 what: r, sebeesrt W. G. CRAIG & CO., Wholesale Some clothiers think that in Distributors for Kingston, Ont. em i ii order to conduct a retail clothing business, it is necessary to advertise, day after day, week in and week out. Men's $15 Overcoats, Special to-day $10. Men' s $10 Overcoats, Special to-day $5, These values exist on paper only, and the in fact he never expects to find them. thod of advertising, custoquer never 'gets them People are disgusted with this me- WHAT MAKES TRADE ? It's the pleased customer telling his friends where he and. where his money was well spent. them scripture measure for their money, Ws tented right We treat ow patrons fairly--give an | guarantee every article of clothing we sell. One tells another and so our business grows, --------------e eee THE H. D. BIBBY CO., GONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. -- DOUKS ALL RIGHT. Letter From an Eastermer Who Knows Fhem. Sudbwy, Ont.," Nov. IN.--(To the Editor) : After taking a run out far as Medicine Hat, we came down to Winnipeg on Saturday, November Ist. We were fortunate enough to pet a climpse of 'the Doukhobors en route tor Winnipeg. Fhey were encampel in a wheat field, and slept in the straw bucks -that night, in spite of the fact that it was almost zero. weather. Some, of course, are poor, ignorant men, with 'vacant-looking faces, hut there are others in the group that are very intelligent looking. When 'these speak to one of reigion, which they invariably "do to every one they meet, they seem to belong to another sphere. In fact their faces shine with zeal as though the licht within must shine through the face. We can but feel corrowinl for them being mis guided through the past, sum mar. | suupose 1 was with the Doukhobors as much as anv man who five with or near them. There was a large number of the 'mon our extra gang; and I never met more honest fellows to do a day's work or mind their own business, One could lay his cdofhes down with, money, watch, ete. in them, and ii they were in the way he could find them again alter three davs or g week, untouched: If they were in the road the Doukhobors would 1i't then and keep all as vou leit it till vou return ed. Thi: eannot he the gar Italians, Scotch Irish that hail. In fact tims one had hand Fis pocket or contents-would he pi hed ont the wearer A strange ani among us ' (oes not not said for Wer to the while on or many over perhaps higher! cus them. When they do a dav's thev want their night. After being paid thee their earnings toa cortai arts as treasurer for He no account of but buys everything for the In this way there is ger of ane starving while rich, It's all a common wor give all man. who whole gang. te another gets stock and No man has mote than he needs; pone lacks. We Fave heard a great deal of censurg passed upon these poor fellows by those who perhaps never saw one, or. never studied their habits. They can not or should not he censured in any respect. Hf any one is to be blamed it is the party who brought' them here without understailing their customs. We left Winnipeg and came to Sud bury. The passing around the north of Lake Superior thi: time had-lost some of its beauty. It was raining dismally that day and' en ervthing had a dull, gy appearance instead of the bright summer under which we first saw it. Sudbury is a vear, Business has this vear, compared thi= town 1 wiil © write Yours truby-- (5; common explnliture. colors thriving town thi increased double to last, but of ? next Itching Piles. Ointment is proof against the torments of itching piles. Thousands of tedtimpnials of cures effected hy its us. No vase too aggro vating or too long standing for it to soothe, comfort and cure. It eures in from three to six 5 cents, nights. 25 Soll hv H. B. 1 avlor, and H. Wade. Dr. Avnew's shirts for Jl est man hs the pn'! Chis friend and HOW'S THIS ? We to drop call it fer Ome Hundred Dollars Reward lor thal cannot be cured Lv 4 Co., Toledo, 0 Wa, the undersigned, have. known F i Cheney, for the last 15 vears, and heli him perf ctl honorable in all busine rangwtigng and financially able to earry out dy by th ir firm Pe linale Druggists, Tole Hall's Cat Cu CHENEY & "West & Truax, Kinvan & Marvin, Wholesale Dri ) internally, wero us nt all Cure in token upon the blood asd thesvatem. Testimonials 5c. per bottle. Sold Drugeis Tails Fumily Pills are the best. by week, -

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