Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1902, p. 7

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", THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19. THE 5 PA. EDITION. TRAPS SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. THs is the time of year rats and mice come into the house. The OUT-OF-SIGHT TRAPS will catch them all. Rat Traps, Only 206c. Mouse Traps, Only 10c. Bargains in HARDWARE and SPORTING GOODS. Prices always ®jowest. W. A. Mitchell. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; ALSO TABLE board. Apply 168 King street West, COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. The Boston wool with an upward tendency. Cheese sales: Utien, N.Y. llie. Little Falls, N.Y., 1llic. to 13%. Jamaica exported 10,000,000 tween April and August of this year It reported im New York that German steel have cut below $26 per market is very to 1lljc.; cocoanuts be- 18 billets ben ton. The CP.R. earnings for the of November were 8903000, an increase £101 (00 jor same week in 1901. The apple crop of the lwited States for 1902 is estimated at 43,600,000 barrels, against 27,000,000 barrels The September second week of in earnings of the were $2 3,039, leaving as pro- fits $903,222. The earnings from July lst to September 30th were $6,736,209, the net totadlin~ $2,391,398. book just issued on the trade of In- the year ended March 31st shows that the imports amounted to $336,666,665, an increase of $30,000,000 over those" of the The exports were £440,000,- of $60,000,000. Toss for COMMERCIAL. earnings, A blue dia for NEW YORK STOCK EL h 19th. Union Pacific St. Paul Manhattan preceding year. O00), an increase Sparrows And Earthworms. an saeticle in the Whig remarked a merchant this afternoon, "which referred to the scarcity of sparrows, in the city. 1, too, have noticed that the great ma- jority of these birds have disappear- od. These little creatures are not fond of wet and muddy weather; they pre- fer to hop around on a snowbank. Perhaps their absence is only tempor- ary and they may return with the coming of colder weather. T do not think that the r disappearance can be taken as a sign of a severe winter, 1 notice that the earthworms in mv vard are still coming to the top of the grounds, and that an almost | certain 'indication: that mild weather | will prevail for some time to come. "I noticed last night," Lonis. & Nash Pounsylvania Ry Atchison . x F Copper MONTREAL BTOCKS N Canadian Pacifi Camadian Pa Toledo L. & | Detroit United Montreal Street Ry Toronto Stret Ny Halifax Street Ry St. John trie Twin. City ... lich. & Ont. Nav Commercial Cable Momtreal Telegraph Poll Telephone Montreal Power Dominion Steel Nova Scotia Flour Mill, is Intercolonial Manager Here. D. Pottinger, general the Intercolonial railway, { the city by private car over the K. & | P. railwav this morning. He visited the locomotive works in connection with' the en ines being built there for his road. This afternoon, he left by Canute Color G. T. R. for Montreal. Dominion' Coal 271 Ontario Bank ....~ { R - Molsons Bank Monkey Brand makes copper logan Bark like cold, tin like silver, crockery like Union Ban : Quelee Bank marble, and windows like crystal. manager of arrived in Pid inion' Cotton Me re hants Cotton ae Cotton Soap I I------ Every Statement That We Make in These Advertisements is Absolutely Correct. No Apologizing To-morrow for What We State To-day. You Can Have Perfect Confidence in" Obtaining Any Goods. EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED. OR CHEER- FULLY EXCHANGED AT YOUR SLIGHTEST WISH. FLANNELS. When we say all .wool it means every particle pure, no 75 or go per cent., but 100 per cent every time pure wool. Fast Clot Navy All Wool Flannel, = Plain ard 1 willed. 2be., 80c¢', 8ic., 874c Pure Wool Grey Flannel, L.'ght and: dark shades, twilled and plain, 20c., 25¢, 80c , 85¢ , 874c. a yard. Scarlet Flannels, Real Englich makes, Leavy, soft quien, 25¢ , 30c , 40c., 46c.,/ 508, White Saxony aad Twilled Plannslé Yarn thoroughly scoured aud specially prepared, soft fleecy flannels, 80c , 35c., 40c., 45¢ ;60¢c., 60c. Toc, $1, 81.25 yard Fancy Striped All Wool English Flannels, In neat stripes, warranted thoroughly shrunk, 85¢., 40c¢., 45¢ , t0c¢ yard. 3 -_ F.ench Waist Flannels, A beautiful array mn light and dar French Twill Flannels, Plain colors, very soft, the heavy aualities have a silky finish, Rose, tky, Strawberry, helio, Purple, etc., 2dc., 8Tie., 60c., , yard. Fanc J Flannelettes, In a very large asso:tmeut, everythi g new, '10c,, 124c., 1ic., £0c , yard. E.glish Army Flannel, Canadian idomespun Flannel. FANCY LINENS. : The season is drawing nigh when you will want to re- plenish your store of Linens. We are ready. Drawing Linens, r wl Bleached Irish Butcher's Linens; round even thread, free from 4 all starch and s'ifine s 40 inches wide &6c ; 42 'inches 60c/¥ 45 inch-s 67c.; 64 inches 75: ; 72 inches $1 inohes $1.25. Fancy Damask Huck, 25 inches wide, suitable for trays and scarfs, oniy 40c. yard. Fancy Hem-stitched and Drawn Tray Cloths, 25¢ , 88¢c., 40c.. 50¢., 60c¢ , T5c , 9c. 5 O'clock Covers, yore extensive 'variety, everything 1.25, $1.50, 81.75, $2, $2.50. .: 40¢. 38¢ , 3be., desigus, 50c. yard real Irish linen, | ~ new. Tie, 90c.; 81.10, Sideboard Scarfs, Dinner-waggon Covers, Covers, Real Irish Embroidered Pillow Shams, Swiss Openwork Covers. firm, jrihat | left DATE CHANGED! FOR HOLDING \G OF DOMINION | BYE ELECTION. The Returning Officer Cannot Get His Lists Ready -- Election | Now on December 9th--A Clergyman Resigns. Montreal, Nov. 19.--The hye-election in Maisonneuve brought about by the appointment of Mr. Prefontaine, the sitting member, to a portfolio in the | government has been postponed until December 9th, nomination on Decem ber Jst. The population in the north eastern part of the city has grown so 'rapidly that the returning officer found he would be unahle to make the arrangements within the set. Seven more polls than in the general necessary time originally will be required election. Rev. H: T. S. Boyle, assistant ister of Christ Church cathedral, resigned and will likely accept charge in the diocese of Ottawa. has two offers under consideration. PITH OF THE NEWS. min- has a He The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. T. H. A. Begue, Lundas, has been ! appointed clerk of the county court of Wentworth, to succeed the late S. H. Ghent. Insurrection Northern Siam tionate demands agents. President Roosevelt's bear hunt Mississippi is ended, and he had even shot at a bear. Preston Frost, aged sixteen, living sear Watertown, had his hand torn to shreds by an acdidental discharge of a shot gun. It has been amputated. Patrick Moran, while cleaning a ccal car on top a trestle, at. Os wego, fell down through, the chute thirty feet into the hold of a barge. He mav die, Angus McLeod, Bracebridge, M. P. for North Ontario, 'is very #l with ty phoid fever in Vancouver Hospital. The worst is feared. Mr. McLeod is a lumber merchant. James Knowles, Toronto, who for past had conducted a flour and feed business, died on Tuesday. Peter Knowles, the well-known lacrosse play- er, Is a son. This morning twenty-one William Hendrie, Hamilton, weanlings, vearlings and others, were sold for $1,365, about 865 per head. The highest price $135 was paid for Love Token. i Mrs. Rosotts Etzler, "beauty special- ist,"" Peoria, lll., has been arrested on a charge of having caused the death Mrs. Hattie Hart at Pekin. Medi- said to he composed largely of ficures in the case. The Warren «Bituminous Asphalt company, Toronto, has issued a writ for $10,000 damages for alleged slan- der against Alderman 0. B. Shephard. In council on Monday last it is claim- ed the alderman called the plaintifi's company a huge combine. out ia the extor- government brolen to the has . owing of in not of seventy-nine, years age twenty-seven horses of including of cine, arsenic, BATTERSEA BUDGET. A Successful Supper--Married in Kingston. Battersea, Nov. I8.- per and concert, The turkey sun- given bythe Metho- dist church on Eriday night, the gnni vesary of the opening of the now parsonage; was quite successful. "The tables were at the parsonage and tastefully and beautifully arranged. Afterwards an adjournment was made to the church, where JI B. Mekas Ringston, together with Samuel Ange hn and Mr. Karacter; Queen's College; furnished good programme. Besides having an "enjoyable evening about R100 was realized to apply on the re maining parsonage debt. Rev. Thomas Meredith Latherland, Ivey: wore Wednesday night to assist for the tempera local Orancemen celeb Sth by sting' ones up another set and George down in _organiz umpaien. - The atea. November of the new notch, after which the "customary ovster stew was in- dulged in. G. Kirk, ick. and Miss Jennie Boal were married in Kingston on Wednesday. After returning in the evening a reception was given them at the: bride's home; where a pleasant time was spent. A party was given by the Misses Mary and Lottie Sutherland on' Wed nesday night, attended by about thir- ty voung people. Our deer hunters captured nine «this vear. Visitor? Miss Jennie and Charley Anglin, city, at W. J. Anglin's; Douglass, Gueen's College, at F. W. Van Lu- ven's; Miss Mina Randall, Seeley's Bay, at W.. H. Jameson's; Mrs. (Dr:) Daniel "Lake, - Fulton, N.Y., at Dr. Lake's; Miss Beatrice Arthur, Inver ary, at J. L. Sears': Co Hartley and wife, Seeley's Bay, at J. Miller's, TO ARREST HIM. on my James A Former French Cabinet Minis- _ter Accused. Paris, Nov. 19--A rumor gaining credence, to-aay, that the arrest a is of former cabinet minister 1s imminent in connection with the whol swindlings of M. Boulaine, the banter. Boulaine did his swindling hy means of bogus companies. -Hg was arrested early in October. Only A Girl. Rome. Nov. 19.--Queen Helena gave hirth to a daughter this morning. While great disappointment is felt the child is not a boy, neverthe- | 'at preparations pre being maae to celebiate © the event. When the child was born the great bell the castle rant ot nino the » a8 Ve to J Hunt an at noon to-day visit relatives S. A. Arbuckle, is spending a fea davs A.M. Chisholin lof for Toronto, on a business trip. H Heville, for Be San Francisco, in Kingston noon to-dav | weeks ia | for A VETERAN ACTRESS. Has Had Long and Varied Thea- trical Career. MRS. ANNIE YEAMANS, New York, Nov. 19.--Mrs. Yeamans, the veteran actress, plaving a leading role at the ( to-day celebrated her sixty- birthday, and the fiftv-seventh year of her appearance on the stage.' Her.| many friends in and out of the pro- fession remembered the anniversary bv arranging a benefit performance and at the matinee at the Casino to-day the venerable player found her dress- ing-room banked with floral tributes from her innumerable friends and ad- mirers. There are but one or two actr of any note on the American sta who are older than Mrs. Yeamans and none who have a longer, or more va- ried theatrical career. Born in the Isle of Man of Manx and Welsh parentage, she was taken when a baby to Aus tralia and in that far-off land she made her stage debut. When still quite voung she joined a circus and in the next few years went on a trin around the world with the show. When the circus stranded in Shanghai, Mrs, Mrs. Yeamans got together a few of the performers and they toured all through the possible, parts of China. Subsequently appeared i - pore, Java and the chief cities of Ja- pan. In 1868 she came to the United States and settled in New York. Dur- iny her thirty odd years' residence in this country she has visited all the leading cities and been identified with many theatrical productions. Annie who is | 'asino, she WANT A GRANT To Help Defray Expenses of Quar- antine seventh | 4th IS IT RIGHTI? LISTEN TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE And Vote To Shut Up the Bar- Rooms -- The Action Of The Presbyterian General Assem- bly. Supplied by Local Prohibition Committee, Let the prohibition movement be re- membered in the prayer of those who attend the church prayer meetings this evening; and then vote as you pray. Have the courage tions; no one the of your convie- admires a coward. If vou believe the barroom is a curse, join the anti barroom crusade, ai lend a helping hand. Cowardice as "ls it safe 7" Expedie ney asks, "Is it politic ¥"' Vanity asks, it popul ar?" But conscience as Is it right 2" Professor Goodfellow (Baptist) say: We have the same right to suppress the liquor trafic as we 'have the right to suppress any other evil. With thé right to suppress has come the obli- s|ration to do so, and the opportunity to suppress will come on December The general assembly of the Preshy- terian: church has several times put itseli on record in favor of prohibi- tion. In 1890 it thus referred to the necessity - of prohibition : "That inasmuch as many are, through the influence of the liquor traffic, hardened to the appeals of the gospel and the arguments to the true interest of their fellow men, or the welfare of their country, it is neces- sary in order to protect the young, the wéak and the unwary from intem- perance and ruin, and to restrain the lawless, to invoke the aid of the law, 20 as to "reduce, and, if possible, ex tinguish these evils by wise legisla- tion." "That whilst the restrictive and pro- hibitory features of existing liquor laws are gratefully acknowledged and should be persistently utilized, it is the conviction of this; assembly that legislation short of prohibition, igidly enforced by the proper civil authorities, will ever he sufficient to free our land from the terrible evils of intemperance, ete. "We who believe in prohibition and the total suppression of the drink traflic, are sometimes called fanatics. What is fanaticism ? Fanaticism is simply intense devotion to an unselfish ideal, and supposing that ideal is the emancipation of your fellow-men from the most despotic tvranny that 'ever dominated the heart of man--such fa- naticism ennobles and consecrades. Fa- naticism elevates a man above the no On Wednesday afternoon, the county council received a deputation compos- ed of Reeve Purdy, Henry Mclver and John Martin, { Kingston, who asked that the coun- cil give that municipality some com- pensation for the quarantine laid up- on F. Gallagher's house st summer. 1t cost the township $365. The quar- antine was a matter affecting the whole county. Reeve Purdy pointed out that in a similar case at Sharbot Lake, the county council voted a large sum to the township implicated. It was moved by Councillors Pillar and Sproule that a grant of 8150 be made to the township. The warden ruled this out of order, as the matter had first to he considered hy the fin- ance committee, Councillor Pillar's motion that the matter be settled at once, whe lost. The finance committee will deal with the question. The council made an early adiourn- ment _ for benefit of the committees which had mugh. business to transact. BOTH CLAIM.THE LOTS. Disputé Over Deposits of Corun- dum in EaStern Ontario A dispate between John Donnelly of Kingston, and B, A, C. Craie, manag- of the Canada Corundum compar was aired betore Hon! ® EK. J. Davis, commissioner of crown Linds, Toron or from the township of | mere dust and drivel of ordinary exist- | ence, and that is why I believe fan- {aticism when it tells vou that the reign of strong drink will be over soon."--1. Lloyd George, M.P. Mr. Ferguson in Cooke's church on Thursday, and in City Hall Friday night. . St. Lawrence ward - meets bar-room headquarters, cess and Bagot at anti- corner Prin- streets, at seven o'clock to-night. Let every interested man report the "ves" voters that he knows of, in this important ward. Cataraqui and . Frontenac wars meet at headguarters to-morrow night. Rideau ward meets to-night on Toor i ner of University avenue and Princess { streets, by order of J. A. Gardiner, chairman pro-tem. AMUSING ACCOUNT. | The Romaunt of the Hall. Tuesday night's. meeting of the > Society, Prof. Shortt gave account of ihe earkv It appears that of government City At Historical a most amusing days of our city hall in "11, when the seat was here, that it was thought advis able to erect buildings for the better accommodation of the legislature. No funds being available, the mayor of that time, to wit, John Counter, was sent to England to negotiate a loan to, on Tuesday. Mr. Donnelly made application for two lots in the corun- dum belt, and Mr. Craig also applied for them, and vlaimed them on ° the ground that Donnelly did not comply | with the requisite régulations. The lots are said to be valuable, . Judge ment was reserved, County Council Cabinet The county changed : and mini-ter Warden Councillor T has been Ister tisheries, of "finance, | of public council cabinet Hows : of marine Spoor: minister mer; minister lor Prin mlaister of Councitlor -Mozier: minis Councilor Ruttan; of customs, Councillor Avery® supervisor of "forestry Councillor Wood: minister of interior, Coun- dilor Reynolds: whip, Councillor" lil- lar; minister without portfolio, Coun a lor Campbell; chaplain, Counci'lor Shannon: minister of supplies, Coun ditlor Sproule, Prime mit and as f wor Conn ¢eal mines, ter of collector ! hs, rarwayvs] the the Death Oi Miss Hickey. The death occurred this of Miss Margaret Hickey, at Johnston The about ill of The deceased millinery . brothers, one of Rigney & Pittsburg sisters sur afternoon her heme deceased, about three on aged treet, fifty, pnemmonia. formerly conducted a street, Two on, Prin ess - . the firm member Hickey, and. the other township farmer, gnd four The late Mi Hickey many amiable that her to a wide true was Ste of a possessed endeared friends. vive. qua < circle of Two Days In A Trance. Nalhellnnd, Jr, of i from Oswe in Mulholland & OCOMOtive veral days his for John Oswego NY. Liat 10 Sr. Wo rks, § m removal two days | Torts vee of t} heen ill H Hotel Pica. in a vho ihe ther 10 | H alton, were seftled ro-day, further : proceedings will not be FS1 , Napanee, spent to-day in the cit) | | weren't i rate, i building came to be laid in 1843, they | tive | this { some I alarmed | old { hims | February, af "C50,000, which he did at six per cent. This was put ine the Commer- cial Bank, at two and _a hali per cent. It struck the worthy fathers of the city in time, however, that thev exactly coining money at this and when the foundation of the again at Some more fellows ' were, this juncture with a bright a. are business men," they said. "Capital = always a good thing to have in business: we'll just lend money to ourselves." When this called for, for building purposes, the worthy aldermen found themselves unable to pay up, so they hotowed more at eight per cent., "tll the Commercial Bank would le nd 1 no more. They then issued paper money of their own, and when that Was exhausted, dhev: had: dies made, and we into the minting business, ortu Bately for them, Sir Charles Bagot vot wind of this, and stopped the in dustry, and then the interesting part began. The Commercial Bank got ex- cited over the 1s money, and its solicitor, 4 certain John A. Macdonald. who by this "time had visen to ug hich eminence in the regar the citi wrote a threatening tte the committee of the which received by him- chairman that body, and him with much unction to his People won- to put the sum out a hali per cent. than their decided and was *ogoing ue ot paper of ens, finance was to council. self read by as of fellow-workers. dere what- the outcome of this inter esting situation might be, when two days later, John A. sent im his resig nation 'and bx uiember for Kings ton. It ix needless to say that the chieftain cot none of the money i. but the most of those who cid, left suddenly to pav a prolonged it to cousins across the border, and he City hall with its history and debt. ! ame ilitia Orders. Bat Provisions Of 1 id at h 1 . h ! from the 30h instant to the 1903. ston, John E. Nelson is confined to home on Brock street, seriously ill coarse ? Common Soap What 'made youl linens soap. Sunlight Soap saves linen. UNLIGHT REDUCES EXPENSE Ask for the Octagon Bar } I ¢ 2 | | ANAS a EER EEE 29333333366€ EE - WOOLS of all kinds and ; : Knitting Y ARN Si i An M 3 fe IIE IVA EEE DID NMS You Will Find a Most Complete Stock of Wools and Yarns Now Ready. Shetland Floss, 3%c. Skein. Berlin Wools, 50 shades to choose from. Single and Double Berlins, Shetland Wools, Saxony Wools, Zephyr Wools, Merino Wools, English Vest Wools. Genuine Baldwin's Beehive Wools. Unbreakable Yarns 3-Ply Farmers' Yarns, 2-Ply Farmers' Yarns. Golf Yarns, Made by Paton, of ik Scotland. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. Pas I rsa S\N NRA PRINS INS NICAL NS PS OP Perf SNS NS ONS PRI SNIP SNS 0 \ 8 different styles of POPULAR PRIGES --AT THE-- LOCKETT SHOE STORE. Ladies' J different styles of Ladies' 9 different styles of Laced Kid Boots at Ladies' Laced Kid Boots at Laced Kid Boots at Boys' and Girls' Boots at Popular Prices. We consider our present stock the best in value and most attractive in styles we have ever shown. $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 F.C. LOGKETT, PRINGESS ST., KINGSTON. BRFECT FIT ERFECT WORKMANAHIP ERFECT MATERIAL . ERFECT FINISH " ERFECT COMFORT COMBINATION UNDERWEAR sss J w-- Perfect Underwear, MANUFACTURED BY THE KNIT-TO-FIT MFG. C0., 613 Lagauchetiere St., Montreal,

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