Kingsgon & Pembroke & Canadian Pacific Railways. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12:40 p.m.--Ezxpress, for Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, ton, To routo, Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco. 5:30 p.m.--Local for Sherbos Lake, oon- meotbag with C.P.R. cast and west. 8:10 a.m --Mixed, for Reunirew and inter mediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:40 v.m.: arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Peterboro, $:10 p.m.; Toronto, 7:30 p.m.: Bostom, 7:30 a.m.; 'St. John, N.B., 11:35 a.m. Full particulars at E. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt. THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY BDeseronto City Hall Depot at 4 . C.P.R. Telegraph Of \ Tweed, Napanee, Train lea R. J. WILSON Clarence strest. LEYS NN SYS, EM BOSTON AND RETURN $10.00 Tickets good gong Nov. 18th, Valid returning om or before Nov. 28th. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, DOMINION, LINE *Irishman . Nov. 22nd Californian Nov. 20th *Norgeman Dec. 6th *Turcoman Dec. 13th Colonian Dec. 20th *lrishman.... Dec. 27th teamers mer gers. RATES OF PASSAGE--Saloon. $65 and , single to service, Second Saloon, $37. up wards, single, x to steamer and ser- wios. Third olass, $26. FROM MONTREAL. SROMBI preise sions isiceicunnaie sine on; Novi 198h FROM BOSTON. Merion... wu Aare x tame 10th Boston the NEW SERVICE 10 5S satan. Vanoowver ..... se 'we. + . Nov. 29th New England Deel 6th Midubip, Saloon, Eleoulo light, Spacious promenade ' decks. J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleeve, Agt. G.T.R. dtation, 42 Clarence 8t. D. TO Co., Gen. Montreal and Portland. Allan Line Raversva & 2 Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Pretorian, Nov. 15, 5 am. Nov. 15,2 pm From St. John, From Halifax. Parisian, Sat. Nov. 22ud. Mon., Nov. 24th. Bavarian, Sat., Nov. 29th. Mon, Dee. lst. i Cabin, Bavarian and Tunisian, $60 upwards, : jrst Cabin, Parisian, $55, and upwards. First Cabin, Pretorian and Corinthiss, $50 and upwards, . Cabin, $37.50 to $40: Liverpool, jon, Derry. "Third Class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, Beliast, Glasgow, London. Montréal to Glasgow Direct. S. 8. Sicilian, Wednesday, Nov. 10th, at daylight. let Cabin, $80; 2nd Cabin, $35; 8rd : . J. P. Haaley, Agent. City Passenger De pos, Johnston and Ontario streets, J. P. Gildersleeve, Clarence street. ..BERMUDA .. THE NOW FARFAMED BERMUDAS, WITH cable communication and equable winter tmparature of 63 degrees, beautiful scenery and. 100 miles" of good. roads, headquarters of the British army 1 navy. is unrivalled iin its attractiveness, reached by the first class iron steamers TRINIDAD or PRETORIA in forty-eight hours irom New York. 'Sailing SATURDAY this winter. The tropical including SANTA CRUZ. ST. KITTS, LUCIA BARBARDOES and every inlads, MARTINIQUE, S ANR DEMERARA, also afford beautiful interesting tours, all reac hed bv steamships «f the welne Steamship Company from New = SPECIAL - CRUISE TO Titk TROP SR SS. MADIANA, 7TH FEBRU- ARY. 1." For descriptive pamphlets and dates of sailing apply to A. EMILIES OU T- ERBRIDGE CO., Agents, 39 Broadway, A Now Vorke J. P. HARLEY or J. "SLEEVE, : Kingston, Ont. ARTHU Kacretary, Quebec, P. GIL R- R AHERN, MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--As a oan- didate for Mayor for 1903, I respectfully so lici¢ your wotes and influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am aces didate for the mayoralty for the year 1903, and respectfully ask for your votes and in foence on my beball. J. T. WHITE. - MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I respeot- fully soficit your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor for 1908. J.. HK. BELL. ® FOR SALE. (CE YACHT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O. Box 83 : 4 3 ~ British General's Life Saved. Had Suffered For Years From Kidney Disease and Was Cured by Warner's Safe Cure. New York, May 9, 1902. 1 recommended old friend, Gen. Wil- the British Army, sufferer irom kidney grou He took advice, and, after using vour remedy, he Gentlemen--Many vears ago your Safe Cure Frost to my Nuttall, Jf Kreat long liam who Was a bles, after India, my wes compl service in elv cured, and was a hale and hearty man when 1 saw him last, amd must have been nearly eiznty years of age. He has assured me again and again that he carn sty believed Warner's Safe Cure saved his life, and he swore by it, 1. myself, have used your remedy wiih | the reat benefits as 1 was refused by the Fxiuitable Insurance Co. years since for indi cations of Bright's Disease, but after taking cure for some time I was able to ob- This speaks for itseil. career 1 have benefitted by u-ing Warner's Safe Cure, not only in the torrid climates of Egvpt and India, but also Tour tain insurance. In my rovine been greatly in the Arctic regions of Alaska. Your cure has scrved me well. Yours "very faithiully, G. P. ARMSTRONG. TEST YOUR URINE. If there is a red dich sediment in your urine on standing twentv-four hours, or i it is cloudy, or if particles flout about in it, vour kidneys are discased, and you should at once commence waking Warner's Sale Cure, the greatest known cure for rheumatism, swelling, Bright's dis :, gravel, uric acid poison, éczema, ja ce, gout, dropsy, and all diseases of the kidoeys, bladder, liver and blood. It's dangerous to neglect your kidneys even one dn A free trial bottle has' often been suffi- cient to cure cases of kidney disease when the simple home test described above has been made in the earlier stages of the disease. Warner's Safe Gure is purely vegetable and contains no narcotic Iv is free from (Beware of so-call- or harmful drugs. sediment and is pleasant to take. ed kidney odor--they are cures fuil of sediment and of bad harmful.) "Safe Cure" does It kills Cure con=tipate. the discase germs. Safe leading doctors for over not \ arner's has been prescribed and uscd by twenty-five vears, amd is used in many prominent hos- pitals exclusively. what a need you can buy it at anv drug store, two regular sizes, 50c. and $1 a bottle; WARNER'S SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. Refuse Substitutes and Imitations. Theie is none *'just-as good' as Warner' Insist on the always Substitutes contain harmiul drugs which in- If vou decide Warner's Safe Cure is genuine, which cures. jure the system. > Trial Bottle Free. To convince every sufferer from diseases ol the kiduevs; liver; bladder; --and blood -- that Warner's Safe" Cure "will a trial cure them; bottle will be sent absdlutelv ree, vostpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet which tells all about the discascs of the kidneys, liver and bladder with a prescription for each dis vase, and many oi the thousands of testi monials receivet daily- from grateful patients who have been cursd by: Warner's Safe Cure" All vou Jo is to write Warner's Safe Cure Company, Rochester, N.Y." and mention having read this liberal offer in this paper The genuineness of this offer ia fully guaran: teed by the publisher. IRVIN ORRIN With our handsomely illustrated new catalogue the greater portion of your Christmas shop- ing may be done at me. Write ou, If on receipt of arti- cles ordered you are not perfectly satisfied, 'your money will be y re Aldana SHAUL it, and it will be sent of charge, by return > THs water is not sold that combines the purity, excellence and beneficial | qualities of the MAGI CAL- EDONIA WATERS. Sold by best dealers everywhere. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18. ---- TOLD IN THE TWILIGHT. Ii there's one time more than an- other when a woman can be justified in thanking a thoughtful Providence that she isn't as other women are, it's when she sees the self-imposed misery of the woman who is everlast- ingly looking out for slights and tak- : ing offence at everything. You all know her, and: just what to expeet from her, or rather, I suppose, you never know what to expect from her. You have met her one day when walk- ing but haven't seen her, something on the opposite side of the street at- tracting your attention perhaps. She concludes, of course, that you meant to cut her, and the next time you see her and, are as afiable as you know how to be, lo ! she will have none of you. Or she comes up to talk to you, and you, with your head full of fifty- five important and undone things, answer her absently. "Of course she meant to slight me,"' moans Miss Trying, and down to your discredit goes a big black mark. Another sweet little characteristic she has is to be always imagining that you prefer some of vour other friends 'to herself. (It's small wonder if you o, 'but this isn't quite her point of view.) Poor thing! When you feel amiable, you pity her for the trouble she is to her self. ana merely think of her as an unmitigated nuisance. But when you're cranky, vou wonder why she is allowed to live and cumber the earth. Taking it any way at all, there's no excuse for the grievances of the thin- skinned woman. In the first place there isn't nearly as much nastiness and meanness in our sex as the funny wan of the comic papers woula have us believe; and on the other hand, if any woman thinks that snubbing per- fectly inofiensive people makes a fas- cinating finish to her tout ensemble, why, nobody need object. The victim, it she takes it in at all, should re- gard it as just one of the many funny things sent to entertain her on the pathway through this vale of tears. - - - » Beatrice Hanscom. There are two women whom well 1 wot, And one is clever and one is not. One labors her livelihood to gain With a "really almost masculine brain." Amd the skilliul work irom her ready pen Has won applause from the world of men; And the labels she wears in the social mart Are "brilliant," and "witty," and "keen" and '"'smart," And one just gets, by the sunniest smiles And the most transparent of feminine wiles The things she wants from her own liege lord , Bv whom she is petted and suite adored, And ii there ~ are other much-coveted ends, She has alwavs a host of obliging friends Who are mote than delighted 'to be of use To "such a dear little helpless goose' There are two women whom well 1 wot, And one is clever and one is--not. . » - - A very enjoyahkle meeting of the I- deau Kuchre Club was held at Mus. Powers' on Tuesday of last week, Mrs, Tandy, Miss Sinclair, and Dr. Smythe being the successiul ones. The next meeting wil be at rs. Harry Tandy's on Tuesday, November 25th. Jv a regrettable error, Mrs. Hunter Ogiliie's enjoyable tea was announced. as being given for Mrs. Clapham, Que- hee, when in reality Mrs. Ogilvie en- tertained in honor of Mrs. Stansbury, who, iv her guest. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fra re- tired from Ottawa yesterday. The J.W.A., of St. James' ' church ws giving an "At Home this evening for the Church of England students at Queen's College. Mics Dobbs, who has been spending the lastvear--in-the--old- country, is now Vi iting her brother, the Reverend Quiliie Dobbs, in Brockville. Maior DB. I. V. Eaton is at weeny, Switzerland. 'Mr: and Mrs. Felix Shaw are visit ing Mrs, Massey, Montieal. The Whatsoever Circle of King's Daughters will hold a tea and sale of work and <¢andy at Mrs. W. G. ("raig's, Ontario street, on Thursday, November 20th. en Mon- The engagement of Miss Laura Ire land, daughter of Mr. James Ireland of Toronto, to Mr. Graham Thomp- son, has been 'announced in that city. "Miss. Ireland is a niece of Mrs. George King. Alice street, and has often been in Kingston. Mrs. and Miss Percival and. Mr. Joy were in Montreal last week, tak- ing advantage of the football excur sion. Mr. Joy will sail for England. not returning until February. Dr. J. A. McCabe, principal of the Ottawa Normal school, was married on Monday morning to Miss Almira Sims, daughter of Mr. R. A. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe leit for Mont- treal and New York on their wed ding trip. . The first. meeting .of the West End Euchre Club which was to have been held at Mrs. Hughes', Albert street. on Thursday evening, has been post poned to a week from that date. - - - - The engagement is announced in Ot- tawa of Miss Mamie Lewis, daughter of Mr. J. H. Lewis, of the post office department, to Dr. -D. H. Baird, the marriage to take place early in De- cember. Mrs. J. B. Learmont, Montreal, en- tertnined at tea on Friday last, amongst those assisting being Mrs. Stanley Bagg, Miss Evelyn Bagg and Miss Ada Lindsay. Mics Mowat, of Ganand jue, is iit ing Mrs. Wi Ince, Toronto, and many. pleasant little entertainments are be ing given for hery The unexpected death of Mr. Beckett, late of the firm of Dobell & Beckett. Quebec, wiil come as a great shock to friends. Mr. Deckett his many warm who married the second daughter of the late Sir David Macpherson, of Chestnut Park. Toronto, has been liv ing in England for some little. time, was on his wav to South Africa, ands his death and burial took place at <eq. " Reassuring news has been heard rn carding the health of Mis. UI. § Grant, who has been seriously ill. Mr. and Mres€, G. Henshaw, who have. been visiting in Toronto, have oft for their home in Yancouver, B.C. » . - - Some truisms about our sex: "It is waste of energy to 'theoris about our sex,' said the Woman, "To begin with, no two of us ate alike even if we were the merest mite of a woman _can, in the space of hali an ' hour, upset all the theories man ever evolved about her. { Faith and hope .and love are ihe natural heritage of the normal wo- man. These qualities are as much a part of her as life itself. No woman with a heart ever really attains wisdom. - - - - Isn't this a good Tittle hit from the pen of the "Memsahih," of the Mon- treal Herald : "Do you clesp your hnnds tightly, hold your purse as if it were a strug- gling cat instead of a piece of - call skin, past struggling Tor all time? Do you hold vourseli against a.chair pack, instead of leaning against it? Co ou stamp one fout on another in- stead of crossing your pedal extremi- ties lightly, 1 suppose vou don't, but it mav be that your grand-aunt's only arand-niece does, so you might if youn are anxious. to do a bit of real good work in the world, implore her to 'oosen her grip" of things that don't matter, to relax her muscles, rest her n ves, iet her heart heat quietly and her body wander in the sweet land of nothing-to-do, ounce in a while just MAY BE FUTILE, THE RELATIONS ARE DECID- EDLY STRAINED } Between Baer and Mitchell Like- ly to Result in Failure of Ar- bitration and a Resumption of Strike. Washington, Nov. 17.--It is known that many of the president's advisers are much worried over the outlook for the settlement of the cdal strike. Things are not progresding to the sat isfaction of the officials here, who now see a danger of a deadlock and a pos- sible renewal of the strike. This feel ing of alarm is due to the bitterness that has developed between President Baer and President Mitchell over the recognition of .the Miners' Union. Reports 'received from Scranton in dicate that those two leaders are as He--Cigarettes have affected his She--Then he must have rolled the TO FIND HIS BRAIN. brain. m in search warrants. because bodies that are kept going too assiduously wear out before they were intended to wear out." - - * Neck of lamb stew--The neck lamb, though not a favorite cut very rich in nutritious juices. To pre- pare the stew separate the lean meat carefully from the hones, rejecting all fat. Set the lean meat away and put the bones on td boil, adding cold water enough to cover them. Let them simmer for two hours. Then take the meat, dredge it with flour, -euson with one-half teaspoonful of alt and a good dash of pepper; fry it with thre¢ small onions. Strain the «tock from the bones over it, add a ay leaf, a spra--.of soup celery, two sprays of parsley, a sprig of thyme, a hali teaspoonful of salt and two loves. Simmer together for an hour; then skim out the bay leaf and other nerbs, and serve the lamb with a garnish made of pot-pie, 'made by adding a cupful of milk to a pint of flour, in which a hali-teaspoonful of salt and two level teaspoonfuls of haking powder have been mixed. Drop these dumplings over the top of the lamb stew, cover the pot closely, and then cook steadily without uncovering for {en minutes. of is TIRED OF DETECTIVES. Multi-Millionaire is Weary of Sys- tem of Espionage. New York, Nov. 18.--J. Pierpont himself of the unpleasant system of espionage which is making his life miserable. He is constantly shadowed by "three sets of sleuths, first the pri- vate bureau and the police; second, life insurance detectives: third, detectives employed by speculators. The latter cause him the most trouble. It is not known just what steps the financier will "take. toilet powder, "large size "Tc Me- Leod's drug store. Morgan has begun a campaign to rid Piver's, Ros Iris and Trefle incarnat Sweet, crisp flakes of wheat and malt. | far apart as they were at the time they they were called beiore the pre- sident to first consider a compromise. When it was agreed to submit the matter to an arbitration commission, or an investigating commission, as the operators term it, the labor peo- ple claimed a victory, asserting that the action on the part of the rail- road men was a complete recognition of the union. Since then things have changed, and Mr, Baer alleges that he has not recognized the unions and re- fuses to do so in any future arrange- ments that may be made. It is known that some of the mem- bers of the commission fail to see how arbitration can possibly be successful when both sides of the controversy de- clare that upon one of the most im- portant points at issue neither side will, yield. If Mr. Baer and his asso- ciates in the coal business will not acree now to abide by the decision of the commission should the com- mission decide that the un- ion must be recognized, Mr. Mitchell, it is said, doés not see how miners should abide by the decision of the commission in case it decides against recoghition of the union. A Washington coal dealer, who is now at Scranton, has telegraphed his' firm here to stop selling coal in any considerable quantities for future de- ivery. Fortier's Father Sues For $10,000 Quebee? Nov. 18.--The .father of Young "Fortier, the apprentice pilot. who died after enduring such cruel treatment on' board the steamer Ine- wey, off the Newfoundland coast, a short time ago, as fully reported at the time, has now {faken a civil ac- tion for 810,000 against the owners of the vessel for the loss of his son. His attorney is Hon. T. C. Casgrain. The Crown perfumeries. Special odours in 1 oz glass stoppered- bot- tles, Crab Apple Blossoms, English Roses, Pea de Espagne, 50c. per bot- tle. McLeod's drug store. four clildren and they all love it. Waltham Watches. "From North to South, ~ from East to. West." ** The Perfected American Watch,"" an illastrated Book of inferesting information about watches, will be sent American Waltham Waici Company, Waltham, Mass. > iy ' { & O A aking and family sewing, Corticelli Silk i the best silk made. For hand or machine use it has noequal. Corticelli runs smooth-! lyin the needle! it is always even in and always full length and full strength. Ask your dealer for Corticelli. WASH SILKS are put up in patent holders, which prevents waste by tangles or soiling ; leeeps each shade separate and auto- matically measures a correct necdleful. It is recommended as the only proper way to put up filo and floss silk, and used by art coche es everywhere, : SKIRT PROTECTOR is of firm and even tex. ture. When soiled a sponge or brusii makes it clean again, and no damage done. 1t has peculiar werring qualities, and perfectly straight selvage. Corticelli Skirt Protector is a great favorite with careful and fashionable dressers. For sale everywhesa. om Florida. Oranges. Havana Red Pineapples, Hallowee and Arabian Dates, FINEST QUALITY. "CRY WAR, WAR!" Telephone Until CANADA FOR CANADIANS, Tariff for Tarif and made in Canada,. means something. . THE CANADA METAL CO'S Solder, toward that end. Ome thought in all lines--" "PERFECTION." Jim Dumps' small children liked to play At "having parties" every day; "Twill keep the little folks in trim; What helpful play!" cried "Sunny Jim." : FORCE" The Ready-to-Serve Cereal which pleases parents. Valuable Food for Children. "1 have recommended it to at least fifteen of my friends and all have had good results und praise 'Force! as a vaiuabie food, not only for children, but [i be old as weil. 1 use one package » das. I huve so do 1 + Mus, J. Lisviey Keng." CANADA METAL €0., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT. - And so the merry little brood Had milk for tea and " Force" for food. makes a play JUST ARRIVED Babbit, Lead Pipe helps