Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1902, p. 8

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"$2 IN HARDWARE Given to the First Person Reading Sign in our Wind- ow Correctly. . Prize will be given and proper reading will be in window Satur- day night. W.A MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. "Guide fo Investors" and "Daily Market Letter" A most valuable aid to investor or specu- ' 000.000 worth of cattle lator. . Correspondence, also STOCK, GRAIN AND COTTON Orders, all amounts. HAIGHT & FREESE Bs ished CO. Maln Office, | 1890. 53 Bway. | STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, Kiangstor, - Ontario, "Determining the character and financial responsibility of your broker, is as impor- tant as the seleotion 'of rivht stocks" A GUARANTEED CURE FOR ALL FORMS Or KIDNEY DISEASE. We the undersigned druggists are fully prepared to give the following guarantee with every 30 cent bottle of Dr. Pettingill's Kidney-Wort Tablets. the only remedy in the wyrld that po- sitively cures all troubles arising from weak or diseased kidney : "Money cheerfully returned if the sufferer is not relieved and improved after use of one bottle. Three to six bottles effect astonishing and perman- ent cures. If not relieved and cured, vou waste no money." HENRY WARE, Dregpist, ov. Ont, FOR SALE. A GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED BUSI ness in flourishing condition. Good rea- rons for selling Apply through Whig Ollice COTTON. | hut } The demand is P60 THE 3 P.. EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is:Going On In the Business World--The Market News. Cheese sales: Brockville, 12 5-1Gc. Pittsburg ships more than 12.0005) of coal annually It that tons is said Texas alone markets $30,- 'annually, goods con- wholesale drv Values of the awd The comditions trade are sound healthy. tinue firm. The market for cotten goods has withstood the downward course of prices for raw cot ton remarkably well. The market for staple dry Travell:rs are sending in large demand for holiday goods is quite The total number of failures in Canada this week was the werk: a week's firm. The coods is order: active. as last twenty-three. of sateens for North- same total some twenty the was a scarcity year ago There is mestie linings West is The statistical nrove in Greece up ross, in lines do- blankets, orders Js viz., and of of condition The total 15th were 56,000 Zoo Receipt cause large the this scarcity im from 20 tons last continues to exports TLS gross currants. to October as against tons rar In 100 fined treal Loe. per of res market, Mon- 100 Ibs. $3.70 Ibs. of grades late cut the price of all sugar in the New York refiners reduced prices "Se. selling 0 per sympathy with the Ibs. in per at 100 granulated and nd now is vellows at $3.03 to & to quality, at the facto The Montreal Gazette feeling prevails as "A tery firm for potatoes, further che stock, Sales made savs market show for in the prices as vet no good choice were at ordinary at in a jobbinr way 70e. to SOe- bag! of choice varieties stock of car and toe. to and they per New York Horse Show. For the famous annual Horse Show at Madison Square Garden, New York v, a spe ial low rate will he offered fiom Kingston, Unt., by the New York Central; ticke cood going Tuesday, November 18th: retwin'ng, l aving New York to and including) Sunday, November 23rd. Be ides the Horse Show. the theatrical attrac tions the best ever offered. Secure cary information from F. A. Fol t, kireston, Ont. are nece Have You Seen hair knock-about hat, is to buy. George Wellington Street. Our camel's at 73¢.?2 To Mills & Co., see new currants, new new pes all our arcived. Jas, Redden New: raisins, prunes, new figs, new fruits, la.c & Lo. DID YOU FEEL THAT COLD SNAP? There Will be a Colder One Along Here Soon and You Should be Prepared For It. We Will Help You Save Money On Your WINTER UND Union Vests and Drawers--For Ladies and Children. The great advantage in these goods is that how often they are washed they never shrink a pax- ticle 'besides, . although they are comprised of half cottoh and half | wool, they are equally as cheap | as the all cotton ones. no matter For Ladies--Long Sleeve Vests, Buttoned Fronts, Very Elastic, Drawers (to match, open and closed, only 50c. each. Children's Vests and Drawers, all sizes, 25c., 30c., 35¢., 40c., 45c:, 50ec. Natural Wool Underwear--These garments are absolutely pure wool, every one is stamped unshrink- able and we guarantee them. ERWEAR Shirts and Drawers for Men, 24, 44, inches, $1, $1.10, $1.25. Vests, Drawers and Combina- tions for Ladies in every size, §i $1.10, $1.25, $1.60, T1.75 and $1.85. " Vests and Drawers ior Children, in every size. Men's Fleece Lined Vests and Drawers, a genuine bargain ; wool fleece, regular $1 quality for 50c. each. Men's Lamb's Wool Underwear, the heavy, soft make so desirable for winter, 75c.; 90c.; 81, $1.25; $1.50. GLOVES and MITTS Dent's Wool Kid Gloves, lined and unlined, for every- one, at low prices, > Heavy Kid Gloves, Dressed and | Undressed, for Ladies' wear, $1, $1.25 . Wool Mitts, dren. Kid Mitts, Chil- tor Boys' and Mitts, R0c., Heawy Gloves 25¢c., 35¢. ie le en, WALDRON. ! vou ? THE wu~ILY WHIG THE RECORDS Do Not Contain Another Case Like It CAN SEE BRAIN PULSATIONS ARE VISIBLE ON RIGHT SIDE. Broken Bones Removed and Rup- tured Membranes Sewed-- Many Stitches Necessary-- Daley is Now in Jovial Spirits. Chicago, 11l.,, Nov. 15.--'1 believe there is not in medical records a case exactly like that of John Daley, of this ¢ity, who is living and happy with the richt side .of his skull gone anl the brain exposed so that the pul- sations are visible at every beat of the man's heart," said Dr. J. C. Hep- burn. "it halt is not correct, as reported, that of the patient's brain has been removed, but the case is a most - re- markable one for all that. Two weeks ago Daley fell four stories and his head struck on an iron beam. The blow was such that the frontal tem- poral, occipital and parietal bones were fractured and splinteved. "The bones in such shattered condition that they were useless as a protection for the brain, and those that were not already cleft away by the blow itsel were removed, leaving practically the whole right lobe with out osseous covering. "Making the case "still markable was the fact that the mem- brane which covers the brain was bad- lv ruptured, leaving the delicate tissue exposed and hanging out. Ordinarily death' would have ensued almost in- stantly, but Daley was very uch alive when laid on the operating ta bl. were more re "The operaticn performed consisted of removal of the bone particles and of the broken membranes. stitches were necessary to bring together, the brain thoroughly cleansed sewing Many the several edues having first been forcign matter. "1 was greatly surprised at the pid recovery ol the patient. Daley perfectly conscious and in jovial spir- its, and there seems no reason why he should not be sent out of the hospital before long with a partially artificial skull and fit to earn his own living again." of ra- 15 PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From , All Over The World. Holvoke, Mass., has 50,000 people, e tv per cent foreign born. Blackpool, Eng., widening promenade at a cost of 81,500,000, Indiana politicians are booming Governor Winfleld Durbin, vice-pre- sident. for 1904, William Becker, $1,000 bonds, on tempted blackmail. Mr. Ruisch, a prominent citizen of Yorkton, was killed through a run away accident. Henry Maitland, of Fyieshire, Scot., left £2,500,000, of which only $150,000 woes to public benefits. In Britain a father and son can ahy marry That act was done Toronto the other dav. here is no' truth in the Yeport that the petition against Hon. E. J: Davies in North York v he dropped. The Portage La Prairie Presbyterian svnod has passed a strong resolution avainst Suncay cars in Winnipeg: The Boston police ave still-at work onthe assault cases in which it is be lieved George Perry, negro, involv- ed. It i= understood that the C.P.R. will he able to put the pension fund into operation. by the. frat of next Janu- ary. ' Col. M.-K. Dadv, Brooklvn, has. tiled charoes against his attorney, Joseph Yo Wveoli. who he says has absconded with $10,000. . At a meeting of the Manitoba Col lege Literary Society. Winnipeg, 4 life size portrait of himself, was presented to Rev. Dr. Bryee, by Knox church congregation. The officials of its 18 as is held in of at- New York, the charge leg- sisters. Pennsylvania line, west of: Pittsburg, have given notice that all employees getting than S200 per month will have wages ad: vanced ten per cent. President Roosevelt hunting at Smedes, Miss, but the only brain sighted. had been run down and mangled by hounds, the shoot ino party came on the scene. The Ontario government had appeal- "i to the court of appeal to set aside the will of the late John Alexander Maclaren, of Perth, and to declare the estate forfeit the crown. Aiter four days' marching the Douk- hobors have reached their homes at Swan River. Some of them still have their wandering notions and keep those in charve of them busy. Three Brit'sh cruisers have returned to Girraltar from Tetuan, and report that order has heen restored. The chief peril over. The Kabyles are still in force, mear Rio Samsa, where they have a number of prisoners. Mr. Choate, United States dor in London, on Friday, set of windows in Wesley chapel to --the_memory_of.__ Bishops Simpson and Ashury, of the United States Methodist Episcopal church. A dirty, tramp, asked per- mission to take part in a mass being performed in a Roman Catholic church at Chester, Pa., and thrilled the con grecation with" his wonderful He slipped awidy directly Service was over to the fact that ws for the referend those for Jess has been bear hefore Is ambassa unveiled a City Koad; racoed tenor voice after the « Ohwny ing oil the mm return election the provin- i~ obviously impos- of the provincial Ith of Decem wr so thereafter. ' Oak "Hall. hats shape > "Bibby's'"' Are H. "Bibby's."" The fall ready 0 RD) The Rew are New Co BB 1hby 30 1 Yellow su bert's. gar} SATURDAY. EE HOW IT LOOKS. Both Sides Preparing for the Re- ferendum. Toronto Globe. ; Kingston, Nov. 14.--Both the ad- vocates of temperance and the liquor dealers in Kingston are actively pre- paring for the forthcoming. vote. Each side has opened campaign quarters and installed managers. Literature is being circulated and every legitimate means being taken to advance interest in the, respective causes. The temper- ance advocates have purchased space in all three local papers, wheie ap- propriate articles appear each day. The liquor men ave confident of vie- tory despite the. aggressiveness of their opponents. They base their claims to victory on the fact that they won out in the Scott act vote sand again in the dominion plebiscite a few vears ago, and it is generally felt that their confidence on this ocey- sion is well grounded. "The prohibi- tionists are following out a plan of education, arranging for addresses by prominent temperance advocates of both Canady and the United States. Frontenac county is conceded to be a temperance stronghold, the Scott act still being in force sin a number of townships, but the fear of the tem- perance advocates that the forth- coming vote in' the county will be ad- verse to their cause. This fear is bas- ed on the fact thaw it will be x difh- cult matter to get all the favorable voters to the polls. H. A Calvin, M.P.. is a leading member of the pro- hibition party and his influence will count for much in the county .:cam- paign. A prominent temperance work- er. however, has expressed the belief that the county will against pro- hibition because it is felt that provin- cial prohibition will be difficult of en- forcement and that coaditions under such a system would not be as desir- able as at present. This reason also actnates many residents of the city in opposing the measure, taking the eround that in order for prohibition to become effective in Canada it must be enforced throughtout the whole do- minion. 1s ao Received His Decoration. Thiz morning lieut.-Col. Hudon, ('. M.G., commanding "A" Field Battery, who won renown in South Africa with his famous "C"" pattery, received from England the decoration of his rank, as a companion of the Order of St. Mi hael and St The decora- tion is a beautiful of work, in white and Blue enamel set in gold, suspended from a broad ribbon of blue and red. Accompanying the de- coration was a parchment certificate and a sot of by-laws of the order. The friends of the: gallant colonel feel as proud of his récogni.ion, he feels honored in being selected for so. great a distinction. George. piece as Case Further Adjourned. Before Justice Armour! in the court of appeal, Toronto, in the case of Dodge vs. Smith, in .an appeal by plaintiff from order of a divisional court reversing judgment at trial, and dismissing action for recovery of lands in the countv of Frontenac, A. Aylesworth, K.C.; for plaintiffs, moved for order allowing taking of further evidence, G. 'H. Watson, K.C., for de- fendants, contra. Motion adjourned to allow defendants time to answer plain- tifi's materials, Canadian Troops Mutiny. A private letter from South Africa, received a dav or two ago, contained the information that troop No. 17, of Paden-Powell's Sonth Afiican Con- stabulary, consi ting of 101 men and two officers, had mutinied, just pre- vious to the writing of the letter. The writer stated that the probable out- come would the dismissal in dis- grace; of the entire troop. The cause of the mutiny was not stated. Capt. Powell, of Ottawa, in command of tae troop. be is Postponed The Matter. N Hail, on Friday, Walter K.C.. and Edmund Bristol for an order' that sum- be issued acainst several Len- mers, commanding them to before the election court at Napanee on November 25th, and show reason why they should not be fined and impriconed for bribery in the re- cent election. Their lordships post- poned the taking out of the order. soode moved monses nox. ref appear Greatest In History. Ottawa. Nov. 15.--Speaking at a meeting of the Ottawa cheese board, Prof. Ruddick. the department of agriculture, said that this year was the greatest in the history of Canada. On the Ottawa board 32.514 boxes were boarded, the highest price paid was Iie. the lowest 9lc.. an ,verage of 10lc. Some S10,131.74 w paid to the farmers here every week, Divorced Wife Tries To Kill. Towa Nov. 15.=Mrs. Garrett was arrested ves- firing two shots at the former husband: The oris that her children have been maltreated by their stepmother. She begged another chance to kill the She was held for the vrand Ottumwa, Josephine terday for wife of her oner charges for woman. jury, Increases In Violence, Nov. 15.--The Stromboli and is accompanied hy carthquake and glarming Rome, the volcano 'n violence shocks of detonations. Ashes thrown out by the volcano are falling on hoats at sea. eruption Killed In A Church. Troy, Nov. 15.-Miss while taking part in a tainment' here, was taming spell and broken neck. Miss Read about to Jennie Read. church enter- seized with a Pell, Death was instantaneous, was a reejter and was pond to an encore. 'Bibby' Overcoats. "Bibby's."' The Westminstoa styles, new fabric, ®%, 810, 212, 512.50 XH, $15. The H. D. Fibby Co eee. overcoats, wishes at in the local branch i= that of honor- Alderman that his the Navy ary retary there ton attached to Young men's hats George Mills. & Co, 32 \tins ~ catsup, 3 2b. Kiny position 'v Leay I he not or e helng any remunera- office. latest and best. Wellington street. at Gil the e.. lert's. B.- NOVEMBER 15. mE TO KILL A KING AN ATTEMPT ON THE LIF OF LEOPOLD As He Was Leaving a Memorial Service in the Cathedral--The Attempt Was a Failure and the Assailant Was Arrested. KING LEOPOLD. Brussels, Nov. 15.--An attempt to assassinate King Leopold was made, to-day,. after a religious service held for the late Queen Marie Henrietta. The king was not hurt. Hix would-be assassin was arrested. His majesty had left the cathedral, when a man in the crowd was seen to draw a revolver, aim at the kind and blaze away. The fact that the shooter was near the king and the latter sustained no injurv, has given rice to a belief that the cartridges contained no bullets. There was a bie crowd about the cathedral at the time and feeling acainst king because of his treatment of the late queen was plainly shown by the utter indifference with which they took the attempt to kill him. Instead of excitement there was but murmuring. and the remark : "It would have served him rvirht if he had been hit," was heard repeatedly. HAS ISSUED A WRIT. M. J. Haney Wants Resclutions Declared Illegal. A special despatch to the Whig from Toarmeo says : M: J. Haney, railway ntractor, Ottawa, as a shareholder " 'the Canadian Locomotive com- vanv, has issued a writ against the company, Hon. William Harty ani Cornelius Bermingham, to have de- clared ill egal re solutions passed bv directors on July 3rd last, granting a salarv of $16,000 a vear*to Mr.'Hear- tv as president and $16,000 a vear to Mr. Bermingham as managing direc- tor, running from January lst last, Mr. Haney also asks a return of any amounts already paid under the reso- lutions, ' To Sue For Alimony. Belleville, Ont., Nov. ~Mrs. ander Wardhaugh has, ~ through solicitor. W. C. Mikel, issued 5 against her husband for alimony, also 'her shave and interest in the business and premises conducted - and occupied hy Mr. Wardhaugh. An ef- fort wi!l be made to have the trial take -place at the approaching sit- tings of the non-jury high court. Alex- her writ and College Stock Advancing. A despatch from Ottawa this morn- ing announced that there was a large gathering there football" en- thusiasts from all parts of Ontario and Quebec, to witness the Dominion championship match. Bets on Ottawa Citv, as the favorite team dropped from three to five and seven to ten to monev. The college fifteen feel of winning, - of even confident The Youth Goes Home. York, N.Y., Nov. 15.--7Theo- Roosevelt, Jr., left here, last night, in charee of three physicians en route to Washington, says a World despatch from Groton; Mass. He «aid to be suffering froin some trouble with his eves which makes it desirable that he co home at No details are obtainable. New dore is once. A Child Drowned. Windsor, Ont Nov. 15. tv-two-months-old child Mantars, of Sandwich West, was drowned in a well last evening, and the body was found soon after by the * niother. The Child, with others, was playing around the well when i¢ fell in. The twen: of' Joseph nes Oak Hall. newest Pibby ¢Bibby's."' styles, 2 for Co. "Bibby's."' New The col'ars, 25¢. H. D. The Trusts and Guarantee company, iamited, 11 King street west, Toron of | increasing. | | day, president Mitchell sustaining a | newest | { Kibition is {let understood | work iz a labor of | | banv, to, has been appointed administrator of the estate of George Kalbtleisch, late of the town Waterloo, Water loo, county, who died some time ago. The estate is of considerable size and consists chiefly of insurance moneys. The anthracite strike commission, began hearing testimony on Fri on the stand Clarence Darrow, of of for the mine and Chicago, chief consul. A social committer has ed in connection with the is inten led to hold socials every ; night, to which all young I be welcome The demurrer of Leland heen form Y.M.C.A. it Fri- men made Dorr Kent, to jndictment chaveing him with Eth was Roches el Blanche Dingle's murder, ser ed on the district attorney ter, on Friday. A summary of the k late Principal ( as a four-pa Holdors at tters written by rant ag mst pro leaf Ssocla the issued" by the Liwense tion. A comniunity ing adopted bv International tion of Machinists and United Metal Workers, Chivago. Edward S: Park, shot himself while temporarily Shredded plan is he Associa Metal of interest well known in probably msane. cocoanit, 1 to ., at Gilberts. INAS ANTS ANSON PNG AS ON NP COS ONSS ONTOS «mr NIN RINT SONS PON ONT Al GREAT SALE ON RIBBON MONDAY. A ribbon importer having too large a quan- - tity of Fine Taffeta Ribbons on hand and re- quiring cash at once sacrificed a portion of his stock. We were one firm of a syndicate that bought the lot and our portion has arrived and will be offered on Monday. 3,14 YARDS ALL SILK TAFFETA RIBBONS, Wide width, usually sold at 20c. and over. 1 Sale Price Monday for this Lot Will Be 1c. Yard. Colors are White, Light Pink, Black, Cream, Light Blue, Cardinal O!d Rose, Lemon, Navy, Rose Piuk. SALE OPENS AT 9:30 A.M. Sale la t as long as Ribbons remain. SALES FOR CASH. No orders accepted before time of sale. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON 170-1272 Princess Street, Kingston. Women's COLD WEATHER SHOES --AT THE-- Lockett Shoe Store. Felt Women's Felt Laced Boots, faced with fine Pebbled Leather, $1.25. Women's Felt Gaiter Boots, 75c. and $1. Women's Felt Button Boots, $1. F. G. LOCKET Laced Boots, heavy lining and faced with good | Leather Soles, 25¢c., 50c., 75¢c., $1. Kid, $1.50. Women's Felt Slippers, with Men's Felt Gaiter Boots, good soles, $1.50. with Men's Felt Slippers, 75c. to $2 Misses' and Children's Felt Slip- pers, 25c. to 50c. TRUNKS AND VALISES. TO oi she Ci ton, special Pp ei Char 18th, for visability collected ers, D. A John L Jas J. B Amd In 1 have 1 Sth com with a I'he VAS Presiden and ma Hilton Ad the {enson, of a beautiful gold ring, suitably er | graved. Shea, R oung George 2 31h i bert's. JOHN MORGAN SHAW, respectiully the Kings as m Weese, F. G Rexlden E. J. Steacy Mcleod, A, seventy-seven alled a meeting cimental financial the band's earnings $1,800.55 reported conditio: J. McGall Mills & Co., ty of Kingston. it please vour Wors ee The ratepavers of the petition that ic meeting to be r at 8 p.m, the purpose. of oA abolishing from farmers apd others ton market And vour duty bound will ever pray, etc. : Lockett, Jenkins, Dwyer, Revoer Ain ricthy, TUESDAY. discussing the various the aidlaw -& Son, BoP Steacy, J others above TUESDAY in the the for at 8 o'clock J. MORGAN plance with :mber, SHAW, Mavor. Band's Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the 14th Re last evening of showed the vear bank band was held full atten lance statement tor band's be in 1. These officers 1, Sergt. Robinson: nager, A. E. unt: awlito =, F. were 5. The to were elected! secretary treasurer the Robert of to casing feature presentation the retiring energetic Ste manager, The address was made by W J. Pennett handing latest and best Wellington street tins peaches, for 25¢., at Gil hats men's ESQ, MAYOR | un- ity Kings- vou po call a held in the Couns NOV. axl tolls, nttenching petition requisition, the Council ' members. | that account a satisfactory Tierney, J. | meeting over the Is hereby given the public that ! I purpose making it warm for all persons using my coal next win- Your order is solicited. ~ NOTICE oe P. WALSH 55-57 Barrack St. We Have No 'Coal But we have samples touched Sis Id. + These are given away with every heating stoves, consuming from 1 We 2 cents | worth of gas per bour. We have stoves | from the natural gas region to displace your 1 stove. No trouble: no dust; age an coal. And we ean give von some light on the quéstion by using the Kern Burner, consuming one-hall the gas of | other burners, and giviag times the Hi jie. evenings. Call and inspect. J. W. OLDFIN, ra Fr onRERR |} Best Selection, Prices Right. CRANFORD & WALSH, % © TROUSERS ! : ; jo TAILORS. 4

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