THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1s. HOW 1 Is vores LIVER? ST | marked by the opening Gi"tlie horse [slacken outside interest in the market College, in opening the new Strith | show, for all society flocks to town | Will increase. A man whose autumn cona school in this city, made a not- For Billous and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, {for this aus spicious national event, | business has required $100,000 sudden- able address, in the course of which £ Pian of Fest Lows of Apvetite, Portas Brin co five er Coit Chita I which usually takes place the third |lv finds he has use for, sav. $150,000. he advocated free education, which, he > bed Slee: righ ;, and all Nervous nd Trembling Sensations, &c. Ths | Weck in "Noveinber. "The exhibition | He brings the other $25,000 to Wall said, was vitally necessary in Canada So i sd mq, Mipuies. Ti: wil be acne Every | this year will excel that of all other | street. Outside money brought to Wall | as 'it had been found necessary in Sullerer 18 an sarmeetly fav el ho a oY us bbe a ety Aged | seasons, both from the social and [street is always employed on the long | other parts of the world. : WORTH A GIN remove Pe obstruction or "horsey" standpoint, for the number | side of the market and manv sto He called attention to the fact that of the system. igs of distinguished out-of-town - visitors panghes people have learned to expect | Great Britain, France, Germany, the i « lwill be h larger and there will be | and count upon a rising winter m Ini inte DG ge k . . wi re much larger and there wi re ir vinte ar- | United States, Ontario, and Nova « Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver vow cnirice, "Sonne of the im | ket, without knowing preciocly how i {orice | States, Ontario, and high is ~ . TR % . 3." . 5 bi : hath ; fhey ac ike magica tow will work wonders wpe the Vial Organs; Stvepgthon. | portance of this affair may be im- is time, he thought, for the people of ¥ thie muscular system TE ya PO a bring back the keen | agined when it is stated that $850 ET IT ---- Quebec to wake up, and insist upon " of appetite, and arousing with the Hoaith the whale {was paid for a single box. this year. | COTTON RAISING IN AFRICA. free schools and free educatio } £ the human frame. These are "'facts'" admitted by thousands, in ail classes This price sock the hist s an ee education in this i BE eS human In Re ote to the DETvods dnd alin i aes | price exceeds any in the history province. Continuing, Dr. MecViear . Beogsen's, Dliic have the largest dale of any Patent Medicine in the of the thos, fase vear' 2 record stand- Says Experiments Have Been |alludéd to the disreputable condition ' each : {Ing at $6335. isitors, however, are : of the schools forty years a 1 > go, and to > Prepared only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, England. {sure to see the grandest display of Li 1 Rasistactory. si Alfred the great progress 'that had been made i : a 4 ¥ Averpoo ov. 23.--Sir rel Sold here in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25c. beauty' and the beast ever witnessed Ton ot sions f the Liver 8 since then in securing the establish- Everyu and since it is not often that Socigty-- Sones, | , of Le Liverpool |, ont of efficient and up-to-date schools } as Sell . Chamber of Commerce, has just re- I | as it is spelled with a big S--turns : : in this city. At the same time very | 2 . ceived reports regarding the cotton : » out en masse, one is not supposed to so : > much yet remained to be done he | le 'h rifle as ; : in | raising experiments in West Africa. > : A let. such a trifle as money stand in Bo ; : accommodation was still inadequate { thee : > He said in an interview : e Bs Sul jnaduglinte the way of an attendance at the ew: i 4 ) for the pupils. A forward movement horse show. : "We sent out 100 tons of American Id: have bo to sadil I w : seed and divided it among the British | YOU have to Vie made speedily, or | Following "the horse show is the West Coast: colores. The resuits the city and province would suffer. grand opera, which begins November have been most satisfactory The The best investment of money, he { 24th, and continues for seventeen crops matured in ninety days, and | thought, was to provide elementary weeks. Two additions have been, made in quantity and quality were equal to schools. to the list of sopranos this season those of the ara stock. a sea- which were missed last season in the son we shall send Egyptian seed and Denbigh Doings. { persons of Mmes, Nordica and Melba. | oo hope for equally good results. The Denbigh, Nov. 11.--The number of | There are likely to be interesting de- only question is whether we can make | Outside hunters and hounds in our Seiopme nts in republican polities in | po natives work so as to put big woods during the hunting season | 3his state uring the next two years. plantations on a commercial basis. | Seems to increase every year. This 1] 0 party os become "top-heavy," so | pha native wages are four cents a | Stason gangs of them are here from . [to sesh ' 5 vears of power in 0s day. But I am personally afraid that Napanee, _ Lansdowne, Perth, Brock- With cooler wea- By h ih - oar of power ip the a number of years will elapse before ville, i hi Reniow, Ardoth and | state have resulted in a condition | oo... \ 2 other places, gnc arge number of d : we 'can make the West Coast of Arica I > a a ge € < ther come thoughts { which may be described as "political a sorious competites of the Ames} an | local settlers are also trying their best of change of Shoes. | epsia. te oe erce of ur Southern states. 1f we could trans- 10 Sosure a eer ot two jor, theie pen . | Teed oO olhe patronage, IE yort the negro yopulation of the am es, tore hey are a exportec Light Shoes must is no mere word picture. Those who Dr states Poy the West Coast | '¥ outsiders, or driven away by their be laid aside and are able to look behind the scenes can there would not be any question of hounds. The only shooting accidént so something warmer See readily enough What is SOmg ON. | yaking Great Britain independent of fur reporied was the unintentional ane - Ly Fkey sce the clash of personal ambi- the rest of the world for raw cotton putasion of a big tog by William } dons. ie ta Lf. . S ' on. 'ish, reste a ale ia something that will Y Ty on ts of eho the] pug 1 have had one experience with Ne Sho resid gS ae of his . orkings o v » : os . : se > 0 : e S resist the cold and ! ¢ evenge am even" some | Aperican negro. colowization, and 1 do |? st Before. 1 on 1 ee so ' (of the evidences of corruption. "Lhere | | beliove it is possible to secure Am- Lust before 1t took a houon to go off, wet and chill of jis reason to believe that certain as erican eh the oe colton and Sliseied_ the, surgicgl operation re- a witblicanis wt Alhs - groe: r } ferred to. E. Petzold, Sr y Autumn, must be j pee of republicanism at Albany are | holt. We are sending: off Americans |» +s, 0 0 leit hi had the no hetter than Tammany in New 16 teach the Natives "cotton raisinir misfortune to get his leit hand and secured. Remem- | York, ' Phere are Roosevelt amd antic : 3 e. & S ie ls 2: | wrist drawn between two cog-wheels of : FHonsrvolt acti } and must wait to see how the experi- | his mill machinery, and got it severely ber, that at our store Friend i _ a 3 ty state. | vent turns out. | The question of | bruised. Fortunately the drivine belt nds o ne president are numerous a » p i f can always be found land strong, but his enemies are ex eight does not yet enter into the pro: was rather slack and was thrown off Il kinds { coctlinely hitter Bnd they It strik blem. - The railroads and steamships the pulleys by the sudden impact, so a kinds, or any ingly utter and they will strike pve sutend to transport African cot- | {ha secident mivht } fed § 2 Ki d £ Sh | at him whenever they can do so with- ton free." ive posyliec Jn 1nd o a good oe out danger from his popularity, which on Hee: the | I oss of his sam, ii not his life. 1. ). Bryan, of Rochester, N.Y., who h a woman ma an | has been even increased since. the re- Sr 0 Sas tyl y aut, Ogre Fall and Winter | cent election. Republicanism in| TO SAVE FINANCEE'S LIFE. enjoyed a couple of weeks' sport here, styles are now in and we believe there is not a Brooklyn is in a bad shape. There --- : pnd Javed his iriends ith a Visit, woman in town, that will fail to find here exact- Ale tho BF es Tuetions in this oily Romance of» Skin Graiting Oper. ra hoa Tolls Er {and altogether there i dang at ation In Toronto. : > Sf O ly what she wants in Fall and Winter Shoes. thie of 5 bad | exphai srr | Toran, aoe en a epending te Junting ssison ne . i ? osion. 3 . Toronto, Nov. 13. rather roman- | with us and is at the same--gime fi Every good leather. every right last. Women' S Platt Sime); admitted after the elee- | tie episode has just Hike n Plaes With. voring his manv friend ih ev > tion the > reduce re ' "kj a S at, gs x » Shoes, $1.50, $2, $250 or 33, and every pair | [Ln tus, he ined owen ma |i heal Gf Sanat Hohl | ES tt Lh SE S$ 8 wg 1g to the dissent- | In September 'ath harine Lawley am- | to lose his horse valuable S § se, alue imal, guaranteed. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO, Forshee ling factions in the party. Only the | ilton, while employed in the laundry and is greatly SR ey an I mas shilful eno gineering on his part | at Upper Canada College, unfortunate- want of another driver. Davia E. can prevent the threatened catastro lv had both arms drawn into a man- | Youmans amet with a similar Joss, phe gle. Not only were her arms crushed though the horse he lost was not so a ammany politicians are predicting | terribly, but the skin between her. -el- valuable. I. Petzold" has moved into | that they will be able to hold the | bows and wrists were destroyed for- | his new house. Mrs. F tein has mov- Ship over the new ly elected legisla- | ever. She has become the subject of | ed into the premises vacated by him, Hire and compel republicans to treat | two skin-grafting operations, the lat- | and has placed her son, Gustao, in [ the minority with. more consideration | ter of which is of a specially interest- | charge of her farm near this village. . than they obtained last year and the | inz nature. When it became apparent Joseph Rahm has again been appoint- i . | vear be or They "ate" péinting out | that the grafting was absolutely neces- | ed collector of taxes fer this munici- { that the republicans no longer have a | sary, an area of skin on her thigh | pality, and" has commenced to make two-thirds majority in each branch of | was stripped off and laid on her arms. | his not always welcome visits, | the legislature and Tammany leaders | This was a fair success, but more of - or expect to put a check on republican | the same sort of operation was neces- Because He sAdvertised. HE FINES : [leg rislation respecting New, 'York city ] sary, and she could ill afford to ecith- "1 "am going into this store tol I ¢|by withholding their assent to re- | er stand the pain or spare the skin. some eck went and Halil thing. ay { publican measures carrying an appro- At this juncture, a. voune man name- e a ke njarked a gentleman yesterday to a > priation of public moneys. : ed Hugh O'Connell, who is reputed to Whig reporter, as they stopped to con- Women S Every day or two some new rumor | be the voung lady's lover, came for- OIE, ih outside ey do De Pa se : » door . regarding Mr. Morgan's Atlantic ship | ward and gallantly volunteered to y : FO a mn wh i Ani A cess street men's furnishing store. Co ored combine, officially known as the Inter: | provide. from his 'own thigh .- enough The=speakerhad=but: recently re hi 3 . - wo [nat Gio Merchant Marine company, | skin for the second operation. Drs. to ry city from New Yorks Tap " ferops out. 1t is now understood that | Oldwricht and Macke 'nzie, who! have "I "am _ not well acquainted witd | there will soon be a consolidation of | been untiring in 'their efforts to allevi- Kiiig tons stores,"' he v us He ik rs s S, , [all the passenger offices of the steam: | ate the young lady's condition, did ell Opto Sav; . 1 5 . 2 Fm os . . : | but 1 decided to patronize this patti- | ship lines in the combine. the work. Young O'Connell is himself : ) . i + |cular store because the proprietor Ad | Despite the fact that the coal strike | in St. Michael's Hospital, and is suf- ge tis iv : : : hd vertises + and advertises extensivgly {has been settled; "the situation in | fering terrible pain, thouch itis be and well 1_have legrned througl [New York: city. is acute; and it- is | Heved all will turn out well.- When Miss |. SEs Sach Rnec rough ? | hardly possible that Mayor IL ill | Lawley first came to-the hospital no [C88 -of_expetience that the best mer- ' : foe oii phos - a il nyor ow will rs ¥ i 4 HE 10 Th . x chant with whom to deal is the ope { able rs \ : s ¢ CL ar as enter 2 3 ; g = 1d ordi ve: the smoky nuisance Pe-OL SURVEY Er Bre Way Serta yy, alvartises. | You will find, every | ordinance after to-day, as was origin- | ed. : . | time, that he handles the late and EL planned. Tt is certain that the best goods. The man 'who in . n y t B | normal supply of anthracite will 15tf= An Important Concession. ferior goods has something ack b ' 4 : yw Nov 13 Th... ] ; Is has some g ck- | be on hand i New York for some time St. John's, Nfid., Nov. 13.--The-con- ling in merit that he cannot v well | ve air idea of the presént state of vention with the United States, nego- advertise it. You can depey upon | the coal market mav be obtained from tiated by Sir Robert Bond, the prime {oottine vood va Tour money | the fallen story : The president of | ministef, includes the free entry into from the man who is energetic an) i feof the oh st coal-carryine roads, | the United States of partly cured as. progressive eénouvh to advertise his he ives in' this citv. asked his deal- | well as cured fish. This is an miport- | voods." er a fow days ago to send him five ant concession to Newfotindland. Isn't 'thére good logiexin his conten- THAT DELICIOUS CHEWING CANDY id That ho cond only sive Him on a : ; : on ? ' plied that he could only give him one Scarcity of water has resulted in $A » ton, as he did not feel that he could much loss of time in the Gananoque spare more than that amount for one factories, some of which have for Most people would r rd their edu- customer. **Very. good," said the pre at weeks past "been able' to run [cation as complete if they ould" un- . sident, "I'll have to be content 'with only™three or four days a week, Those [derstand an art eriticisma after they | cont t v ays ¢ h ! what you -_lgt_me have." The rail {whe uso steam. as an auxiliary have {have read it. ' . z roads are doing their best to get the decided to. avai emselves of i Men who are always telling vou 1} i 1% avail them of t i ; a 4 coal here, but the output of the mines] every d thus giving. ple f wat- things for vour own good mean well J. Telephone 1 everv day, thus giving. plenty of wat 0 : © mean well, A. REES, Princess St. ? 8. for the vear is from. twenty to twenty er to the others. but they are awfully tiresome No. 8 {ive million tons less than it was in e--g-------- ---- 1901, and the situation is difficult. It | -- ----te---------------- ee S-- EDUCATIONAL. jis the poor who will suffer the most n k @ Orono under the present circumstances. : The Republican €lub* has nearly SCHOOL OF ART | completed its new building in West Fortieth street, opposite 'Bryant Park Classes Re-opened on MONDAY, | General Trusts Thisis the club district, All che 1oli Oct. 6th, 1902. | 3 tical clubs are situated between Ma Mo s of Mamdey, Wednesday and Fri- | ai=on . Square and Sixticth- street, trom 2:30 to most of them on Fifth avenue, and 9 . = . tarday RO To 0 12 gictook. Co oration shlendid structures some of the 'mare Principal. too. The new Republican, Chib is neat > the new Public Librarv buile ding <gow : Mm course of construct This lLibrasr KINGSTON | Offies And Safe Deposit Vaults. i" 'f° of construction. Thix Khru BUSINESS 3% tkely to make manv chances. in this quarter. For one thing. it will STON. 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO probably make it the centre of th TORONTO COL LEGE nublishing business. One large pub BUSINESS ! lishing housé has already established TORONTO. Sunita, . - $1,000,002 itself 'near it. eserve Fund - 0,000 T : , . : oo: Largest and best equipment in Canada. | > 3 The New York Historical Society - Unequalled facilities for securing positions i has, however, located its new building 821 Queen Street. Kingston ~ 1 ident 1 wach further uptown in Central Parl ne Preai : \ . . SEND FOR CATALOGUE . JOHN HOSKIN, Q.C., LLD. ] st, near Seveutv-Sixth street. Here Oonlederation Life Buildings. Toromto. wi io . S to erect at an ultimate cost of { : Vice Pry 8 <1,000,000 an admir 51 buildine, hott HON. 8. C. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Ee. °° iniyanis nuding. ath ti S 1 J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Director. 1 "%'"HOU architecture and. interio Auction AICS: | | Lp LANGUIR, Awisiant Memecer Th o proud. duys--for--the das : JAMES DAVEY, Searotary ents of ond, days jor-the "ow SAVE MONEY . . . deners of the wealthy.s The season of : ; { : Authorized to act as Executor, Ad- or shows is at its heigl 1 exhi . iBY EMPLOYING ministeavor, i Trustee, Receiver, Commit- hi AY i al 1s heirnt and exh - oe of unatic, Guardian Liquidator, Dili olidwing. each = WwW Assiguee, Eto . v Ari i he ALLEN & BRO N, {Deposit saicaf to rent. : All wizes and at mich | n ' i { reasonable pricks. Parcels received for safe ' ih a Auctioneers, toy. ¥ e exhibits cor er <? . onda and other valuaMes Guaranteed aod who have card p n. at ay - v rcured against loss. not as a | i It ) Ny > STAMPS AND MARKERS iitors bringing, Estates; Administra. | NOY 83 8 IiCans of u - . "ons. ete, to the Corporation are contin the boast of the private cultivators of A Ys { ' RUBBER STAMPS OF ALL KINDS, SETd | on th- drofessional care same. I special plants that they. alwe have ! Lisen Markers, Dates, Seals, Stencils For firther information see the Corpora: pier varieties than the profassior 2 ie Bank, Tckes d ome Men! 4d J £ onal JOHN i Repairs | GFFORD. Whig Olin | growers. BIG NEW YORK. 'AN FROM GOTHAM. {Republican Party Has Become Top-Heavy -- The Coal Situa- i tion is Still Acute, Despite the i Strike Settlement. | New York, Nov. of the social season in New York is INTERESTING LETTER 13.--The beginning they can afford to spend more money in the cultivation of rare specimens since their energies are directed main: ly toward one particular flower. It is due to the fads of these multi-million. aire flower growers that such blooms as the thirty-thousand dollar pinks, chrysanthemums and roses of familiar name have been produced. Several of the larger commission houses in Wall street are encouraging conservative purchas es in antic ipation of a winter's rise. A professional mar- ket 'critic explains this attitude thus : "When autumn business begins to EDUCATE FREE. | Time For People to Wake Up--In Spite of Progress Made During ' REV. MAKES AN ADDRESS Forty Years Lowér Province is Woefully Backward. Montreal, Nov. 13.--Rev. Pri incipal McVicar, of the Montreal Presbyterian PRINCIPAL M'VICAR The King of Ranges-- "BUCK'S HAPPY THOUGHT" ! » For discrimhinating buyers--for particular people for those not just satisfied with ordinary things, The "Happy Thoughi" Range is a necessity. For anybody it is an advantage, and for the careful housewife it is a source of highest content. The 'Happy Thought" Range is ready tor work at any hour of the twenty-four; the fire being under exact control by scientifically arranged, patented dampers. Save your time, your patience, and your coal. The "Iapvy Thought" will do it. Show it no favor, but an opportunity. Write the Manufacturers for an Dlustrated Catalogue. 4 THE WM. BUCK STOVE CO." rons Sold by KcKelvey & Birch, **- 71 Brock Strest, Kingston. ESTABLISHED 1890. WwW. EB D EV E MAIN 4303. CO. STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 19 Wellington Street East, Toronto. Main Offices--47 Broadway, New York ; GO State St., Boston. STOCKS, BONDS AND GRAIN Soaput and Sold for Cash or on Margin. Particular attention given to Canadian Securities. letters mailed daily (4 p.m.) on application. vited. A CUT IN CUTLERY We are offering some rare bargains in CUT LERY at present. Market Correspondence in- Carving Sets. The finest in the city, at prices within the reach of all. Razors, Strops, Knives and Forks, etc. : A big selection, a right price. These go fast. See that you don't get left. There are bar- gains here to-day. Kiag St., Kingsta Lemmon, Claxton & Lawrenson, READY-TO-WEAR STREET SKIRTS. A Nice Trimmed Dress, Walking or Rainy Day Skirt, is something that many women are looking for these days... We desire to in- form intending purchasers that we have at present one of the largest and choicest collec- tion of Ready-to-Wear Skirts to be seen in this part of the country. Serge Skirt for Some of the Prettiest ..Womén's Coats in Canada are to be seen here. New Kid Gloves for Women, Foundes Make, 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.35 pair. i good "heavy Cloth coi Wool Frieze Skirts, nicely stitch- cd at bottom. Grey and Black, only $2.50 cach, This due to the fact that ot in his class." pair shops in Canada. an' y olette Wr . aks Firm and Heavier Makes, Plain Women's I lannelette Wrappers, pret ' w" : g ty patterns, all sizes and prices. Corded, Tucked and Flounced, Oxford | 3 ns and Black, $2.75, $3.50, $1, $5, each. Job line Serge and Leather 'I'ams, Oxford and Black, Homespun and worth 50c. and 75c., for 5c. each. Cheviot Trimmed Skirts, $5, $6, $6.50, Job line White Plush Tams, worth $7.50, $8.50, $10, each. y $1.25, for 75c. each. Special "line, All Wool Homespun Women's Hats," Children's "Fats and Plaid Skirts, regular $5, for $2.5 Old" 'Ladies' Bonnets. We can suit Pretty Wrapperette Waists you in style or in price. Our S1 each. millinery department is indeed a very Plain Wool, Flannel and Bedford: | busy one. © Hundreds of women: served Cord Waists, $1.95 and §3 each. and all delighted. CRUMLEY BROS. New Idea Women'sMagazine for December only 8c. a Copy. STOVE REPAIRS v For All Kinds and' Makes of Stoves to be Had From Us. We have one of the most complete re- © IMcKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street.