Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WRIG, FRIDAY. rane 1 MARCONI SAYS! moments or m= ax. | SNOW REMOVAL Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. WILL BE CONTINUED BY | mL =. STREET CAR SERVICE, |F: . Suith « fin "any Ciscoes at Carnovsky's. Ice cream on Saturday, moved yesterday afternoon to- his new stand. The safe is a monster, Wweigh- Big boys' suits, $2.50, Grand Union. damb-lined shooting coat, ing akout = tons. Mrs, Dafoe, Jenkins. : mother of J. R. Pafoe and W. A. : SShdton Fleming left at Round Figure--The Arrivals Datos, had the Histor pute to slip gon n : n awa. > { three stegs on Monday last, breaking miral Douglas, R.N. X es as . Fy Ele wrt Phe ie gas, Men's caps, 23c., oi Vessels LL _| one of the bones of her wrist, The in- Montreal, Nov. 7.--The removal of jury, besides ng a painful one, was snow. from streets by street cars will |» oreat shock to Mrs. Dafoe's| system, Halifax, N.S., Nov. 7.--A despatch ' kins. from Glace Bay says: "A number of | (ur dispensing is done ¢arefully'and workmen gre busily engaged at Table ! svctematicaliv. © Taylor. : have to be continued by the corpora- = she being well up in years and unable Head station completing the install- | "J. S. Briceland, of Wolfe Island, left | tion. Although tenders were called for | to stand very injury. ment of the machinery and apparatus. | to vixit relatives in Toronto. to have the work done-by contract. Penis Neville, an old and well known On two of the towers have heen placed | Aunt Jemima "At Home" in Red- only _two tenders were received. one | re.ident, who has been confined to his poles about thirty feet high; inclining ! (en's window. Have a look. . being for the whole, and another for | hed for the past six months with a slightly towards the east. Wires con- J. A. Porter, Watertown, Ny, is | a section. The tender for the whole | stroke oi paralysis, was stricken with nect these with wires which enter the spending 2 few days in the city. was Si0,119.50, but it was thought pneumonia early this week and now s receiving room. These are used in con- R. Cook, Watertown, N.Y., fell | too hich and nearly as much as it | Jing at the point 'of death. He is over much more simply and easily by the | jucting a series of important experi- | from a high scafiold on 'thursday and | rosts the city hy it: present antiqua- tv years of age, and his friends use of such a remedy as the Pyramid | ents on which Marconi is now engag- | had his neck broken. He was aged | ted methods, which will now havd to | foar the mak ady will be too much for Lie Cure: this has come to be recog- | od. thirty-eight years. e continue this: winter. i his Shas weakened constitution nized as the best remedy on the mar- Marconi, when asked, stated : "Thus Mrs. K. Roy, of Adams Centre," N. A seat on the Montreal stock ex- Ji d Lacoste Singer sewing i ket for the painful disease named, and | far the experiments are giving com- | y and Miss Pickering. Toronto, are | change was sold to the highest biddes chine agent, loa | to-day for, Mat- the druggists now sell more of it than | jete satisfaction." He would neither ting at the residence of W. H.] today for $21,500, to W. R. Miller, of ; awa and the north country. He was all other pile remedies combined. The | juny nor affirm that a message had Pickering, Rideau street. KR. Moat & Co. This is a high record one of the South African sol Hers ail writer personally knows people who | heen received from Poldhu hy Carlo Bova' Baan black price, the last sale being at $20,000, arant of G0 ATG of land WN is Siva "were afftictel with the worst form ol | Alperto, but stated - that important {long coats $4.50. Jenkins. a few weeks ago. eh His uip north Ie to ey bleeding and protruding piles and who announcements would be made in the Miss Edith Godwin. caughter of W. |. Fhe Allan line steamer Brazilian. kis farm: R. DD. Martin, Montreal, were permanently cured by the use of | course of a few days. Il. Godwin, Pine street, loft to-day from Montreal. for . London, arrived was in town vesterdav. George Huil Pyramid lil: Cure. In every ure cob] Admiral Douglas, R.N., was here ves: | jor Toronto to take , vocal course in | ©Ut on Wednesday afternoon ana land: | yan, 'attending . Que n's, spent vestor tiese cases the attending physician terday to visit the progress of experi- | the Conservatory of Music. od all her live stock without loss. dav in town with his parents Mr. and had assured the suficrer that only' by | ents. The admiralty is anxious to Aint Jembma's Jhhenlio four The Allan line steamer Numidian. | aps TT. A Hufhinan. 2 2 > an operation could he rid bimself of goon thoroughly up-to-date in all im- § best. got it fresh at Redden's from Philadelphia for Glasgow, arriv-| = = = : the disease, so much for the infallibi made on this svstem, On October 25th, Dr. Francis George ed at St. John's, Nfid., at 7 am., on | lity of the doctors. This remady, presence of Admiral Doug- [ Wallbridge, formerly of Belleville, now Friday. J Which 13 sold by all druggists at the of Midland, was married to Miss Char- - low price of hity cents, 3s in SUPPL lotte Brown Keating, Wyoming, Ont. The Late Mrs. Lyon, Colebrook. tory form, is applied directly to the On Tuesday Rev *" Visser. Brock Soth' Lv Col : parts affected, and performs its work He ort il iY a Sy ro . Hoth eon, Colebrook, reelted a quictly and painlessly. The Pyramit is ville, performed the ceremony which telegram from Winnipeg on Monday, Wriie Co... Marshall, Wich, will: wall excelent one," says Mr. Hart, "and junited for life Miss Stella, McVeigh, | stating that his wife had died that = [AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE Has it ever been your unhappy lot to be told by your physician that you must go to a hospital and submit to an. operation ? If so, you remember | THAT HIS EXPERIMENTS ARE" with what dread and shrinking you SATISFACTORY. { awaited the day when you must i endure the knife. The present day sur- : geon appears to he d "hy a mania for operating, especially in cases of hemorrhoids, or piles, and while the greater number of the pro- fession do not recommend this "last resort' unless they hone Aly believe it necessary, the fact remains that much needless operating is done, and the patient put to much expense and' sui- fering for what ? lo obtain a pos: sible temporary relici; these words are used advisedly, because in nine cases out of ten the affliction returns and the patient is just where he started from. Oftéwtimes he could he cured OLD LADY INJURED. {She Fell on the Stairs--Aged Resi- re safe in Was re- 50. ! Sale of a Seat on the Montreal Stock Fxchange at a Good | Workmen Are Busily Engaged at Tablehead Station -- Experi- ments Being Watched by Ad- NOS, ho! wen noon S0c., Tic., $1. Jen- seilous My treatment guaran TS Sire To eel ova complica diess, tadremember yet PAY WHEN CURED. You need nothing until are vinced that & Dina aay To Ta rege di oy no chances. ion cannot cal, write for blank f « P of home trea % call. BOOK FREE. M Heiohertar, or Canadian patients Datients shipped from Windsore-all duty and transportation c! en Loid---Bveryibing No names oa envelopes or pa es--Nothing sens C. O. ad woodwans AVE. DR. GOLDBERG, ® Nero: wien. leaves and white is the Bath Brevities. | Nov. seph Johnston is | home for a few A Frank Mills is ! clerking at O. Ball's. Leroy Haselton is working on the Bay of Quinte linc. Capt. and Mrs. Charles A. Gunn and baby daughter, Paterson, N..J,, who are on furlough, are visiting with Mr. Gunn's sister. A number of pepple are | improving their dwellings. The lad- { ies of the KEpiscopal church deserve great credit for the wav they have worked to earn money fer the new furnace put in. Rev. Mr. Spence preached at the quarterly service last Sunday, whith was attended. George hish, three weeks in a King- ston hospital, sufiering from an ace dent received from a gun, is home | onee more. It is to he hoped that his evesicht wi'l be the | cardens in Bath make a fine showing of vegetables this season. The. streets are getting | a covering of gravel, which has badly needed. provements hence the las. Bath, An Excellent Idea. "The idea of licensing factories is ni QUEEN QUALITY Of all the shoes for women on the market, there is but one that gives complete satisfaction because it combines in one shoe the advantage- ous points of half a dozen different shocs 1st. It combines strength with lightness. It is made of leather that is very light and yet extremely strong with great wearing qualities. 2nd. It cconhines fit with form. It it fit- ted closely about and beneath the instep so that the foot cannot slip forward in wa'king --a feat- ure unusual in ready-made shoes. 3rd. It combines flexibility with wear. The soles are made extremely flexible to give a a light, graceful step, - 4th. It combines style with economy. In shape and appearance it has a distinction that no other shoe has ever been able to copy. Seeit! Tryiton! The best store in each city has the sole right of sale. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Popular Shoe Store. is offered the who is, will be found ing well some the out civilization. and single greatness saved. Some of license is to a flour, at been Death At Enterprise. Enterprise, Nov. 3.--l. D. Wagar pent a day last week in "Kingston. J. Lochhead, Kingston, spent Tuesday and Wednesday the guest of his mother-in-law, Mrs. M. P. Walkey. Miss May Davey, Newburgh, is visit ing * her brother, A. G. Davey. We i have to chronicle the death of Master Shier, voung son of Richard Sympathy is extended to the ones. Visitors: Messrs, Wagar, Tamworth, at Chloe Wagar at Loucks'; My. and Mrs. Judson Vanest {and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Reuben Wagar's: William Dopkins and family at Wilson Dopkin's. Arthur Smith; Moscow, has moved into our town. A few of our citizens have gone on a hunting expedition. Miss Evelyn Cars len, trained nurse, Belleville, nursing Mrs. A. Gi. Davey, but is now convalsscent. two ville, ton. BRAT Wt ME, shar NERS 0 es rls MEN TIBI. 8 He ns le to has begun on S00 tons per promising em 1 . of and costing Shirts excel. They give much distinction in personal ap- pearance. Roy Shier. bereaved Carscallen and their homes; Kingston Agency seems qitizens larger Jackson, at are Lang THE COLONIAL SHOE For Ladies is the Popular Thing one of serious and Pacific oil com is largely increasing Fall Importation Of 1902. Prevost, of the New York clothing store, Brock streét, has received ai: his fall importations far oraer work in his tailoring department. His ready-made department is well assort ¥" CLARK'S . : < id be endorsed by evervone inter- | Addison, and H. I. .Wiltse, Achens. morning. Mrs Vv i - free to aby address.g book telling all hogtd, . brig er at and ar wing W. H. Godwin | N : Ja i » Thise yon hee Want 3 : este ) ) a ro o ry . aves ; p ey SS we 3 about piles. or hemorrhoids, thei n « go a iodwin leaves on Monday for } peg thi mmer to visit her daugh A st that if public health through the manufacture | hunting party, which will spend a | place, where she was taken ill. It was reader ted, or knows anyone] cheese under proper sanitary condi- | week or so in the woods north of reported that she was gradually jm- >, as it Toros nas h tr avile vos « no. es ; intaliable in the factories, the many evils result Orangeate is . prepared" from the | was a shock to the community, as 0 ble. ts : . via . . . , from the multiplication of small | juice and slices of the orange and le- | well as to her family. Mis, Lyon, al resulting to our whole dairy industry | lade. It is a great breakfast dainty. | danght Mrs. Samuel Montgomery, through the inferior quality of James Redden & Co. Winnig and Mrs. Robert-York, Bat In the peculiar ed action, which is havdly possible ex- growth of the highest Angelos, Cal, at her bedside, The cept under governmental control. Be- | Rome in the zenith of other members of the family who . entity called | J the premises and. plant should be care: | benevolent institution. and her hushand. The remains will be fully insnectea, and no license should Aunt Jemima's pancake hrought home for burial. Mrs. Lvons teds upd n a well drained ite, is In William Anderson, , Barriefield mar- | was a very superior woman in every good saditary condition, and has a} ket gardener. met with a mishap on | way. She leaves five hrothers, John cans in which it is supplied should al von broke down, and spilled a load of | Sydenham, James at Newburgh, and to be inspected, and regulations simi- | vegetables all over the street. sisters, Mrs, Dennis Boyce, Belle- cities, to ensure a pur milk supply. |. thev came from Tavlor. should be enforced. Tispectors should The Kansas City Star before being abpointed. Provision | month for its own use : : should be: made dealing with ap plovment to 100 men Not long: ago a French explorer, M. Charles Meissen, in travelling through the act would have to be very eare- high for northern ideas. nts SLi 3 i hi 7 A fully drawn up so as to be workable, Leather jackets, S6.30. $7.50. - Jen ants w hich were new to him. lo his J surprise he noticed among them from Many are complaining of $ - ¢ : g was much "than the othe re, | With The Advertisers. the lovs of pet cats. One voung lady, | re an e loss of pet cats. e young lady, moved at a much swifter pas on and al shed. a pitift of v Joss m 't. gi pushed. 3h | a) jor tls Jos of he po saw, always carriec the grav v Atlas oe omp 7 is vo She declares » 8 mts 8 \ : Th: + X as Bread company is a. gen 1¢ res tha he udents tole, 1 ants'on its hack. This discovery led Mic Lithi i n dis icity & was in ¢ y i i . Buc hu I ithia Kidney Pills publicity § « it as in chloroform. He, soon saw that while the main Lack for this namie inside the Collar. is stalking furth from Boston. I'he thought that we are the actual body of grav ants was alwavs on juest by Wilson Brothers, Easton. } that just load us with a seiise of res: Ljegst-.one- of -their-own-sort. mountea |v ill, enn. nonsibility that will he intolerable or | on one of these larger ants. He mount pany, New York. tion. Yet, when we speculate about the | from the line. = rode rapidly to its advertizing. condition of the world in the coming | head, came swiftly back to the rear capable © in big cities look into Jin that age will be what we make expedition. claims of circulation and ascertain the fthem. Mr: Wells makes this point very a industry. The safeguarding of the § Eganville, where he will join a deer | ter, Mrs. Samuel Montgomery, of that ause ar o. 1 hook be sent fo ., | tions, the health of the men employed | Whitney. proving, and the news of her demise ana inferior factories, and the injury | mon, entirely different from marma- | though far away from home, had two of our cheese are reasons for concert- Fraternal societies are tersea, and her only son, Vincent, Los fore a issued to a factory. | power could not point mourn for her are her daughter, Berv] style hie rrantad antec the factors. io ai . in hi . wo oranted unless the factory is situa- | Redden's. wa< hell in high esteem by all "and 66 pure water supply. The milk and the Jiower King street. His market wag and Joseph residing hege, David at those existing in well governed Sponges. Prices as low as the place and Mrs. Martin, near Harting- be required to pass an examinati i S| ation aper ahe ¢ a paper mill to mak Do Ants Have Horses, Too ? peals from factories, and, of course, f 2250 600. This last estimate a: 3 Siam, observed a species of small ¢ ust. and impartial." kins : s time to time an occasional ant which Allcock's porous plasters with tears in her pretty blue eves, told { (oh of "these largor ants, M. Meissen eral advertiser in the west. it, and that while she was in tears the § jo to watch the movements closely i? vat s se Foranloat all bentuloniers A family grist mill is being adver- | creators of the world's fortune is one toot, thev were accompanied by at i I'he Atlantic inspiring according to. our disposi- | od and detached himself now and then 2 » +. * How many advertisers outside the f century we do not realize that things | and seemed to be in command of the rate are clear in a study. of "Mankind in the MINCE MEAT A blessing to the busy housekeeper, in the holi- day season--A pure food necessity -- Selected copies ? \ vertisement waking that establishment." they ) paying per thousand The S100 Pittsburg, Yen, shows increas® in small ad a vear agn. What a must have been in Leader, per cent. over up there Loughboro Township Council. an the ideal friendship should exact ? Will a woman he ter enyy or Making" in November Cosmopolitan. Can a woman give to another wom unswerving lovaltv which "an faithful to her friend not merely while she is her iriend, but af ? If for any reason, jealousy © om the poison of suspicion part Dried Potatoes For Cattle Feed. A (prize of 87,113 has recently fered by two of the leading p and manufacturing of Germany for the hest drying potatoes for feed for Almost onehalf the crop is © now used as heen agricul associations method of cattle, et German potato feed for cattle, Fhree and: one-half tons of fresh pota ed and a large assortment to choose from. For low price and durability he defies competition. **Bibby's." Overcoats. "Bibby's That S10 _bil! will rest in pocket, after vou have wn our overcoats. The H. D. Bibby Co not your S10 In Footwear, The Finest Assortment in the City Is To Be Found At meats, pure spices--Blen- 'ding just right -- Makes perfect pies--Sold in tins At all grocers. will each be loval to the keep its secrets and respect its tions 7 If two men who have wear out their friendship and perhaps exchange it for open en nity, they will respect the tie that has heen broken, For the fugure, they will strike as hard as they are' able, but will not violate their' old friendship. { recorder of the strike commiséion. re nor use the opportunities which it { ceived a telegram, to-day. saving that rives them for inflicting pain. But is fii js understood "that the large part this the case with woman : Does hon- | of the individual operators in the Lac or jean the same to a man as to a wo kawanna and Wyoming o coal regions man ? These are some of the ques | have avreed to become parties before tions 'which Rafford Pyke.asks in Nov the. commission sand accept its dedi on "What Wo | Gon. 1h are about seyenty of these operators working smaller mines in the anthracite rep the two, nast, obliv stone bce visiting at the condition George Colles, Montreal, Flushing,' LL... was bitten hand by a rattlesnnke.. H ise serious. Favior sells purest -drags. Tired Out Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time. Why? Your blood is impure. You are on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer's Sarsa- parilla and Be quickly cured. 3.C. AVERCO., Lowell, Mass. toes yield "one ton of dried ones. @ne of the conditions the award i= that the dee ten tons in twelve hour Sydenham, Nov. 3.-2Sums voted : W, H. Smith, culvert on Storrington bhoundary, £5: H. Loe; breaking near W, 5.10; R. i on Svdenham road, company, lumber, 3 culvert near his governing on U. dev Please remember that the boot Abernethy sx a: sma For All Kinds and Makes of Stoves to be Had From Us. Nichols. ends culvert 5: Rathbun . William Johnston, place and load of for Miss Dean, 810: Daniel Freeman, rebate statute labor, $5: Edward Patterson, statute labor performed, © 83: Daniel Freeman, for 4. E. and Stephe n Free man, error in assessment, 2M, H. Vanluven, gravel, 81 H. Martin, repairing. sidewalk, 83.15; L. MeDon ald, culvert near his place, 5; H Cor, breaking gravel, f11.20: Tobias Youno, breaking eravel and repaivinge culvest, £5.30. Adjourned till Decem her 15th. Joyvee, re Will Accept Decisions. Washington, Nov. 7.--Col. Wricht. wood ember: Cosmopolitan men Like in Women." Continuous Advertising. Philadelphin Record. Nothing is truer than that to have an enduring effect advertising must be A case in point is that of a once well-known: proprigtary m dicine which had a tremendous vogue and' paid énonnhous profits as long as it was widely adbertised. When, however, the proprietors quit advertising, thinking to do business > on the ablished reputation, the <ales aiminished until they became in Has Gone To England. Walter significant, : Montreal, en route to England. his na tive land, where he will probably re main. He has resided here many years and is well-known as an in lustrious mason and good citizen) A number sof kis fellow members of King lodge, 1.O.O.F., gave him a frienlly send off ¢ Indians On The Rampage. Fuscon, Ayiz., Ndv. 7.1. R..'Sul., livar superintendent a nine at La rue atid a halt dozen" Mexicans, have been killed near San Marcial Se Sworp chy Yaqui bndigns, who gree porte to have taken= the warpath and wre bevond the control of the small Me xican foree. Lcontindious, Not The Same Army. . .. : Ine the last the: Moon, To Clark S Delicious rontoe appears a aod cartoon hy Pork and Beans? J. WW. Bengough: Tt depicts Premier Ross and his colleagues on the stage, with Whitney and St. John as specta A sentence from Mr. the General Booth is quoted: "One of the corner stones of the Salvation Army, as | know it, ) : to seek to find a shelter and a r home for those who have none, for » downfallen, the wanderer, for live in the hichways and and who seem to have no one for them hen Whitney ho you "OhserE, St.John, + organization (pointing won the stage) doecsnéee offer ¢ tality to that sort of people !™ Genuine : Shi y A Farm Sold By Auction. . = ; C t . *'w Thursdav afternoon. .1. H. Mur Britannia Rules The Waves. ar er S 1a) 1! hy av tion the farm of London, Nov. 7.--Walter Lang. in 3 .* 1o lite R. V. Matthews, Perth Road. | speech, quoted | figures showing that | 86 a Ihe purchaser was Albert Matthews, \ the Britith navy had four times as | Little Liver Pills i ot sbiolicville, and the price paid was 9) Noh I'he many men as Germany. We were farm implement stock, et, hronght ? The season is in full swing spending £9000 4 vear on eon rood prices. Yearlings | struction alone, whereas the whole Must Bear Signature of clioat S32 , and cows from 33) down. : overcoats at 810 in dark | ws . : loose back. are going off cost of the German navy was but The First In Kingston. ; g Green Goods Depattment. wirackers ' ived this week a shipment ¢ . { = evl od wax . C 10.000 G00, a spinach. 54 orn if Rishop's have pinach 3 parsley, celery, cauli Sec Fac-Si rapper Bolow. » ii Thev require | ul 3 F lls W Solow. tv J fully ar inted a] tower. B Is... sprouts... aruchokes; : Grape Trista i 3 wash, salty," Boston ma BN , ii 'ra le arnovskyv's, "on the Cor Ta rg 0000020000000 0000CCROOOTS preserved fio Ith. to} hig Guava jelly, 1: Redden | 1° { ial bales for the entire Do you know SL All rugglats. Dr. issue of We have-one of the most complete re- nair shops in Canada. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street. Howard's London Condition Powders BEST FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. 2 Lb. Package for 20c. tors, Ross' speech at meeting Giddings Jefe last. night for Prominent Pomologist Dead. Napa. Nov. T.--Professor George one' of the best known the United States, © is seventy-five founders of Society, a azines, and viticulture *Cal., Huesmann, pomologists in dead, ~ aged He was one of the Pomolog those who SECURITY. - ston vears, the American = contributor to manv m Barbed Wire Telephone Circuits. anthor of several hooks on The Pacific Telephone com and horticulture. pany has decided not to oppose the extension of the barbed wire telephone and has made special offers struments at on harbed rapidly 1a CHEMIST avo DRUG GIST E. L. EBBELS, Market Square Drug Store, Cor. King and Market Sts. Kingston, The !deal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ .ondon Porter Full of the Virfue of Malt and Hops. Perfectly Agreeable to the Most Delicate Palate. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET. KINGSTON. "SEZ | TO THE BOSS' The best wiping Solder and Lead Pipe I ever used is what we It's a plumbers cinch, and is stamped. WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT, States BLINDS, GRILLES, STORM SASHES And al} kinds of Interior and Exterior WOOD WORKING Well Manufactured by hited Slates Tens hureny hy tS. ANGLIN & CO. systems, to supply farmers.with in vear for Its use spreading farming ditrict. wird cir the Jenkins' Overcoats. and the grey, long hike fire VCP DOhE PS Ses beans. 5000000000000 00s § timated Very sears a: he ire Tanned -------- { OVEFEGRLS. thee Jenkins® ve hi MANY MINERAL WATERS ARE ARTIFICIALLY MADE, BY WHAT EVER NAME 'SOLD? NONE HAVE THE HEALTH. . 1 Bj . GIVING QUALITIES OF THE Oak Bal Bley S hi Bb destroved 4 larve dart of theft o cow In MAGI CALEDONIA. SOLD BY ets wear, driving ot R a arg Pe t Tag " . BEST DEALERS EVERY The H. D. crop heavy sweater WHERE" ' Boys Jenkins ; " FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW: SKIN. "Bibby's."' her and Gloves for for dress. Stic. to. "82.50 Eibby Co. are now using. CANADA METAL CO., stre * Jénkins 25¢ $ "S0c 3 eaps, i plain, $1. 9 CURE SICK HEADAGHE. (.. 5 > > a - . .

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