Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Oct 1902, p. 1

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~ THE DAI 69TH YEAR. NO. 251 ANOTHER SHIPMENT COUCHES AND EXTENSION TABLES i The Daily Note Book For Whig sets at 4:55 p.m. muttered * meet r LOCAL MEMORANDA. Readers to Post Themselves By. Court of Revision Wednesday 4 p.m. This is St. Simon and St. Jude's day, Coutinuous advertising begets confidence in business. The sun rises Wednesday at 632 am, and Did Shakespeare wean Belleville when he 'Bo to"? Citizens interested in YMCA 8 pm. idle for vour ship to temperance movement It is to wait come Y BRITIS SH. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1902. (ROWDED OU. Ald. Behan's Charge At Council Meeting. MADE PROTEST. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest News Culled From All Over The World. Fred. Phillipson, London, has donat- ed £10,000 to the South Africa Col- lege, Cape Town, Hiram Cronk, of Rome, brated his one hundred birthday on Saturday. The crown prince of Germany may visit the United States in 1904 to see the exposition at St. Louis. During the past summer the Cana- dian chartered banks have opened six- N.Y., and cele third A GREAT SIGHT -- Muster Of Guards Serving In South. Africa. - -- ---- AN EXPERT FORGER. He Worked Ten Years at Job in Australia. Vienna, Oct. 28.--An extraordinary trial has Leen begun at Prague. 'The accused Alers Muller Von Milden- berg, described as an economic expert, aged sixty-four years. He is charged with wholesale forgeries of titles of nobility. Twenty three. separate charges have been brought against him,. involving hundreds of forgeries of state documents, rescripts of em perors and certificates of births, mar- > 18 LLAST EDITION Er ----. WEATHER PROBABILITIES, Toronto, Oat, 28th, (10 a.m.)--Strong northerly and north westerly winds, clowdy and cooler, showery in eastern portion, Wed- nesday, strong westerly winds, fair and cool- er. a Some KID THE KING'S VIEW riages and deaths. His clients includ- ed many well-known officials and pri- vate citizens and his operations ex- vou have sent ome oui. Sale of timber by Mucdonuell Farrell, Wednesday morning. in unless Rob I. Reid S, ty new branches in the west. & The wholesale' liquor house of L. A. limits CATHOLICS BEING CLEARED Good Tapestry Covered Couch for $4.50. Regular $5.50) Good Plush Covered Couch for $6.50. Regular $8.50. Gold Oak Finish Extension Table $4.50. Regular $6.50. Hat Racks $4.50. Regular $6.50. 'ROBT. J. REID, The leading undertaker, two doors above the Opera Housé. TELEPHONE 577. IMPORTANT: SALE Portion of 2 Great Bankrupt Stock of a Wholesale Fur House. We bave received instructions from the liquidators to sell by public auction, without reserve, the entire stock of Fine Furs, cons misting of inn Lamb Jackets, Plain and trimmed with Mink and Alaska Sable, Elee- tric Sval Jackets, Hudson Seal Jackets, all sizes, lined with the best of satin. Muskrat amd Mink-lined Men's overcoats. with Seal and Otter Collars; Unpes with Thibet trimmings; Boas, Muffs, Gauntlets, Sale to Sl place at 115 Princess Street, Comer Bagot. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 31st snd NOV, Ist, Ab two o'clock and eivht o'clock p.m. I'S. --Goods on view Thursday. ALLEN «xx BROWN, Auctioneers. THE DELICATESSEN 354 KING STREET. Table Board by the meal, day or week at very reasonable rates. Prepared to serve families at re- duced rates. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. W. J. STINSON, Proprietor. TO-LET. 266 JOHNSTON STREET, 248. DiVision Street. 7 ROOM HOUSE, Apply BOARD. == GOOD ROOMS = AND FIRST-CLASS BOAKD, also table board. May had at Mrs. Breden's, 24 Stuart street. LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE rooms, with modern convenicnces, cen- tral, mot far from City and Macdonald Parks. Suitable for a party of from three tp five, 195 Earl strect. WANTED. AT ONCE. KITCHEN qua GILL HOTEL. 1RO GOOD DININGROOM Hotel GIRL AT WINDSOR FEW SMART « Hostery RLS. Company APPLY KINGSTON NURSE. Nickle, APPLY TO MRS. 130 Bagot street. HUGH C GIRL FOR, GENERAL HOUSEWORK. NO washing. Apply at 195 Farl treet. claims sO wi'kout oughly Creditors of Burton Grimshaw mast fyle with T. J. Rigney by Wednesday. Making advertising profitable is not nearly Jiflicult making profitable it. No matter how good an article is, sell to any advertised. Ile that well and rightly considereth his own rks will little to judge hardly another.=Thomas A. Kempis. as a business it will thor- not great extent unless w fined cause of \ No young person ds living up to the life who is not counting spe- men- of a noble cifically An eral to-morrow back to ductiveness of a compa itor's advertising. Thi, in; the y si 1899; duath College sure and constantly for some great cause, ad to-day may save you running sev- | ° to bring se- times the space the customer who yielded the world's history--Ladysmith of Prof. Max' Muller, founded, 1636; Major Soldiers at Khartoum, 1802, day god, 1900; Harvard Marchand and French INU; great fire at Milwaukee, of liberty erected in New York harbor, Alf ed the 900 FRENCH CHINA We Have Just Opened Up Some Very Hand- some Tea Sets. If you want to see some- thing preity give us a call. We will show you some eye- openers. We will put any set away for you. Come quick and get the best selec tion. ROBERTSON BROS. (| GRAND('OPERA (HOUSE. | ) WEDNESDAY, OCT. Ah n° "SiC. CIANNINT'S 60z0va. 60 New statue 1886; Great died, MARINE BAND OF ITALY AND GRAND OPERA Cu. is is the band that captivated a'l Band concert, first par Grand opera "IL TR OYATORE, » costume gnd Sonar, second part. SIG Mani ww i 50c., T5c., $1. on sale- at Hanley's, day, Nov. 5th, "THE in full Director SIGN OF THE VICTORIA THEATRE.) TWO WEEKS . W.B.SHERMAN PRESENTS The Elite of Repertorie. TONIGHT The W.s era Comedy Drama in 4 Acts "THE KING OF THE PLAINS." TEN BIG specialtice every night--mo delay tedious waits. EXTRA--ERMANI, at every performance. Prices--10c¢., 15¢., and 235e. SATULDAY. Entire . charge nizht. Plan the spectacular MATIN ON | ¢ of bill every bookstore, open at McAuley's I Varsity vs. Queen's |: Excursion to Montreal, Nov. 14th Ei MU A -- A GOOD Apply at 143 Princess A FIGURE saleslady as street. LADY. well. GOOD G well street NERAL recomended, cas SERVANT. MUST Apply il BE King FEW INTELLIGENT LADIES AND GEN. tlemen, straicht salary. Apply Box 333, Picton, Ont. AGENTS TO HANDLR OUR SPECIAL brand Teas, Coffees, Etc. The Starr Co., 185 Wellington street, Kiagstom. Friendless in o'clock t speech. vents falling aid gray hair; Fcrema and Neuralgia, sage. FOR THE"TIOME FOR Infants will be held Rooms, City 30th, at three ANNUAL MEETING Women and » General Committee THURSDAY, Oct the ngs, 8 CAPILLI FORMA WONDERFUL HAIR* PRODUCER. PRE- Cures Dandruff, Head and Face Mas- Ladies shampooed at home if desired. Ss His Church People centred upon the report mittee on council port be received read upon for The Castle Square Stock Co,| ns vu Catholic dancer | council, then settled who should be supported for QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS |": sent Catholic, SATURDAY, NOV. 1 | fedting of good will to-all men did not tions of the Excursion to Toronto, Nov. 7th. allow one another worship 'at the al tar go back to the days of bitter kL was one alderman straightforward OUT OF CIVIC OFFICES. Resent This Attitude--Ald. King Replied Saying Religion Was Never Considered in Appointments-- --Qualification Alone the De- sirable Thing. The discussion of the evening was of the com- works, presented to last night by Ald. King. The liscussion arose over clause three, which recommended that no appoint- ment be made forthwith to the posi- tion, made vacant by the retirement of F. G. Smith from the position of book-keep er of the department. Alds. King and Graham moved that the re- only, though several aldermen wanted the report taken up clause by clause. In moving that the report be receiv ed. Akl. King spoke highly in favor of the appointment of W. A. Newlands to the vacant position in the water works department. The department could not *® very well do without ' a book-keey for another two weeks. Als. wars and Mallen moved, in amendment, that the report be adopt- ed. All. Graham wanted a clerk . ap- pointed to the department forthwith. He objected to Mr. Newlands receiving the appointment, and pressed that John Walker be accepted. I'he amendment: ofiered by Ald. Sears was put and lost on a show of hands. - Ald. King's motion was amended to "and be taken up clause by clause." Clauses one and two were adopted without discussion. The third clause was to the eliect that no act- ion be taken on the matter of ap- pointing a successor to Fred a: Smith. Alds. King and Tait moved in amendment that ,W. A. Newlands be appointed at a salary of $750 a year. Alds. Behan and Graham moved in amendment to the amendment that John Walker's name be substituted for that of W. A. Newlands. In referring to thé amendment he had offered, Ald. Behan stated that he did not mean to 'cast any reflection the young gentleman who had already been named tor the position. But a circumstance existed which com- pellal him to introduce another name the vacant. position. He was ad verse to introducing the question of religion, but the fact remained, an. Roman Catholics felt it keenly, that Roman Catholics were being Mowly crowded out of the city buildings. He had been speaking to some alder- men about the matter and they ad mitted that a Roman Catholic should be appointed to this position. He had urged that a Roman Catholic should be appointed to allay: the feel- ing aroused in the ranks of Roman Catholics, and asked that this office, wing vacated by a Roman Catholic, refilled by a Roman -Ca- tholic: He dRl not urge that the ap- pointee should he a liberal, but mere- lv that -he he-a believer in-the Roman faith. However, 'the matter had been taken out of the hands of the council and settled by a caucus onsisting of twenty-one persons, soma f them not being members of the By ballot it was there and water the and redit be had position. It was a most un- unjust proceeding. To their it said, some of those pre- voted in favor of a Roman It was painful to him up this question. He could vears ago when the present o bring emember wrevail in the couniil. The members i coud] had come to agree on» with when they could con day and had agreet \ he other (ues- to of "their choice. "None wanted "to wrod the in behalf of and ill feel He had offere | ndme Sg tes ANNUAL MEETING. iy third ny yg may Ne of the city whe nekts rt being violated. Kine, "in reply, stated that he who had taken ac led to Ald. Behan's plain speech, and Behan for his plain, explanation. The give an answer from wp All which had He liked Ald. ion hanked peaker would his heart and which would contain the Views of his colleagues around the There was not one iota of hard Wilson & Co., Montreal, was damaged by fire to the extent af $10,000. Toronto ratepavers will be asked in January to vote a big sum to im- prove the city's sanitary conditions. Gen. Dewet will sail for South Af- rica jon November lst, Botha and De- larey intend paying a visit to Ameri- ca. The body of Fred. Archer, the fam- ous English jockey, buried within 200 yards of the winning post for the Cambridgeshire: Two earthquake shocks were felt at Sewanee, Tenn, on Saturday. Very little damage was done from the ef- fect of the shocks. A body of Toronto ratepayers have endorsed municipal ownership and ask the allermen to introduce it whererer pra ticalle, Including policemen, pressmen, bak- ers," postal employees and market peo- ple, at least 120,000 people are work- ing all night in London. Mes. H. Gilbert, Mansfield, dead from the eliects of burns ie eld on last Thursday nisht, the upsetting of a lamp. A bomb was exploded outside the Episcopal Palace at Leghorn, Italy, on Sunday night. One child was killed and another dangerously injured. The body of Patrick Lafrance, a workingman, was picked up on the Canadian Northern trak at Stearne, Man. Cause of his death is a mys- tery. Frederick Webb, I= Ont., is ely through whose wife is in New York, in an insane asylum, be- came <0 despondent that he took his own life. His home was in Clinton, Ont. At Moncton, N.B., Charles D. Thom- son, late cashier of the Intercolonial railway, died on Sunday night, after nearly a year's illness of heart di- sease. Emperor William will leave Kiel on the Hohenzollern, for the Thames, on November 6th. No confirmation can be received in oflicial quarters of the re- port. Gen. . Booth stock, Ont., this morning for where, to-morrow, the {former the of .a week's course tures Winnipeg buil: i inspector ates buildings "the, value of three million dollars jo. been and are in of erection in Winnipeg this left Wood- Toronto, begins of lec- and party series estim- course season. "Jimmy'™ Bannon. who captained the Toronto baseball club for the last three years, has signed with the Co- lambus club, of the American associa- tion: John TL. Sullivan, once the cham- pion prize fichter of the world, cele- brated his forty-fourth birthday on Saturday with scltzer water 'and gin ale. Leslie home ill malady smallpox. with him. Justiee Lount for some days at friends have had iety. He now, improvement, A record run of miles in }26 minutes, from Chalk River to Ottawa, was made by a special C.P.RY train which carried R. L. Borden on his way to Montreal last week. The government has sold stock of fanatical Doukhohors and holds cas 820,000, in trust for them should they fall into absolute poverty and want as a result of their eccentricities. Three-fourths of the Doukhobors are onen converts to the religions he- lief, which has led many of the Douk- hohers to set free -all their animals, while others in settlement are in sym- pathy with it. ~ Telegrams to Dawson City, Grant, aged of James Grant, ing accident. Another les, was murdered in a few vears ago, result of a conference he- tween the employing printers and the female Lookbinders of Toronto, a set tlement of the wage and hour difficu! tv has een arrived at. The girls will receive ten per cent. advance in wages, The corpse of Nels Anderson, one of the best-known steamship men, . was found! on Monday in a c¢lump* of bush- es on the Washington Park golf links, Chicago; by a passing policeman. A bullet hole is in the man's head. but no trace of anv weapons can he found. Galt, Ont., came Ohio. His confluent isolated Brown, from Jackson, has developed. into Jrown's mother is has been seriously ill Toronto and = his cause for grave anx- is however, showing ~ 123 new Ont.. from state that Herbert thirty-seven, €econd son was killed in a min- brother, Char- Oklahoma terri- Prockville, PROUD OF THEIR PATRIQTIC SERVICE. A Splendid Spectacle Shadowed With Pathos -- Chamberlain's Visit to South Africa Has Aroused Great Interest. London, Oct. 28.<The coronation aftermath flamed up with an expiring gleam of scarlet at the review of five battalions of Foot Guards. The six battalions did not arrive in time to make a complete muster of the Guards who had served in South Africa, tak- ing part in the frontal attacks under Lord Methuen, at Gras Pan and Mod- der River, in the long forced march from Kimberley to Bloemfontein and Pretoria, and afterwards tO Komati- poort, in the tightening of the cordon around Gen. Prinsloo, and 'the guard- ing of the block house lines on the Orange and the Vaal Rivers. There were nearly 4,000 veterans of the nadiers, Scots and Cold Stream Guards massed in the Horse Guards parade, and they represented the en tive fighting army of over 25000. The hing inspected the ranks and thanked the officers and men for their patri- otic services, while the queen behind him looked on and smiled. The re- view was a representative act, like the inspection of Guards on the same par- ade ground by Queen Victoria after the Crimea, and the entire army was thanked, in the one instance as the other for the fortitude, gallantry and cheerfulness with. which its arduous work had been done. It was a splen- did spectacle, with a solid mass of scarlet flashing under a dull grey Lon- don sky and the background was sha- dowed with pathos, for among the re- gervists and discharged soldiers drawn up behind the battalions were men on crutches and cripples who had lost a leg or an arm. The announcement of Mr. Chamber- lain's visit to South Africa has arous- ed extraordinary interest in Cape Town, and is the sole topic of con: versation there. It is hailed with en- thusiasm as marking. an entirely new departure in the relations between Great Britain and her colonies. Mrs, Chamberlain, being intensely interest- ed in her husbahd's- work, will accom- pany him, The liberals have been so unsuccess- ful in" mustering their full strength against. the education bill that they reluctantly decided yesterday, to re- inforce the Irish members in the at- tempt to waste the time of- house in side issues; not connected with the measures for whieh the autumn sion is being held. Sir Henry Camp- bell-Bannerman has not led them with spirit, and Sir William Vernon Har- court and Mr. Bryce are the only men on the front benches who appear to be sincere 'and earnest: in offering re- sistance to the bill which has been so violently denounced by the Nonconfor- mist ministers. The unionists are now forecasting a vigorous application of closure and the shortening of the ses- sion. The comment in the lobbies on Mr. Chamberlain's -- visit to South Af: rica indicates Premier. Ballour's con- fidence in the passage of measure long before Christmas, owing to the weak- ness of the opposition, otherwise = he could not have spared his chief lieut- enant. There was a full muster of titled so- ciety at the wedding, vesterday, of Hon. Henry Anson and Lady Audrey Rider, -at St . Mark's church, North Dudley street, since the bride and bridegrobm were related to scores of great families. The eight bridesmaids in white satin wore white beaver hats adorned with tea roses and chiffon and two little train-hearers reproduced the colors of the bride, in green coats fac- ed with buff and white silk breeches. Gre- Ses New Bishop Of Cheyenne. Minn., Oct. 25.--The Ro cathedral in this city of notable ceremonies occasion of the conse- I'ather Keane, as Bis- hop of Cheyenne] Wyoming. Long I : fore the hour set for the beginning of the service, 9:30 o'clock this morning, the edifice was crowded to the aud many persons desirous of witness were unable to ob St. man Paul, Catholic was the scene to-day on the cration of Rev doors ing the ceremonies tain admission. The procession ope ming of the which sreceded the services igcluded all parts of tended over ten Vears. It is believed that he obtained large sums of money. In one case he demanded a fee of £3,- 000. PROMOTES Rae Rewards a Private During the Coal Strike. Shenandoah, Pa., Oct. 28.--Upon the recommendation of Maj.-Gen. Mit ler, Col. Rutledge has promoted Ar thur Wadsworth from a. private to sergeant. , Wadsworth shot and killed William furnham on the night of October Sth, while on guard duty, Durnham not weding the order to halt given by Wa lsworth, and the latter believing Durnham was about to attack the house of a non-union miner. The major-gencral says he deplores the killing of Durnham, but the pro motion of Wadsworth is a reward for the faithful performance duty. ol --- WANTED IN CHICAGO. Woman Arrested at Toronto Charged With Shoplifting. Toronto, Oct. 285.-- Mrs. August A. Lauberg, who, the Chicago police be lieve to be Mrs. Augusta Meyer, who left Chicago suddenly while inquiries were béing made into the fate of her husband, and arrested here for shop- lifting, has been remanded for gnother week. Among the things found on the woman was a rent receipt for No. 285 North Frankland street, Chicago, where Mrs. Meyer lived. The receipt is made by N. Greig. She aamits hav- ing lived in Chicago for two years. She will fight extradition. Fights Thugs With Knife. Chicago, Oct. 28.--With a small pocket knife as his only weapon W. K. Halverson, a wealthy farmer of Leland, Hl, fought a battle with three hichwaymen. One of the assail- ants, according to Halverson, received a severe knife wound in the right shoulder, but, notwithstanding the fact that the others were alsos slightly injured, they overpowered their vie- tim and robbed him of a cheque for $1,060 on" the National bank, of Bo- monaug, Ml; 4 gold watch and chain, valued at $80, and $120 in bills. Ground Slack Smoxa.ess. Cleveland, 0., Oct. 28. parture in fuel feeding, with a view of obtaining' smokelgss results, is being tried at a large manufacturing plant in this.city. With two huge mill stones slack coal is ground to dust and this is fed into the fire-box by an automa- tic feeding gear and air blast. 'Fhe dust, when blown into the fire, burns with the freeddm of a spray of oil and produces a surprising heat. One ton of slack is said' to do the work of two used in the old way. A novel de- Are In British Territory. Constautinople, Oct. 258.--Sir Nicho las O'Connor, the British ambassador, has 'informed the Porte that Turkish troops have advanced into British ter: ritory, near Aden, and, that unless they are withdrawn Great Britain is bound to expel them. A ministerial commission deliberated on the tion, Sunday. 'the second dragoman of the British embassy has started for Aden. A boundary commission is now delimiting the Anglo-Turkish fon tier. , ques A Cuomsecration. Oct. 28. --To-dav anniversary of the Right Rev. bishop of Phila A:iniversary Of Philadelphia, Pa., was the ninety-second the consecration of Michael Egan, first delphia, and the event was observed at the cathedral with low mass cele brated by Archbishop Ryan. After Philadelphia became the seat of a bishop in 15058; Dr. Egan was conse crated by Archbishop Carroll of Balti mare, October 25th, 1810. He died, July 22nd, ISI, Killed While Cycling. York, Oct. nk E. Fl well, Brooklyn, an international au thority on motor, cycling and a fe quent contributor the magazines devoted to this sport, was Killed near Hicksiille, L.1., while participating in a club run. 'The headstem of his ma chine broke as he along at a fast clip, and to the ground with such his New 2X. --Fr to was speeding he was hurled force that GLOVE 'uggestions for Afternoon and Even- ing Wear, NEW EMPRESS KID GLOVE-In carl, Grey, with Black and White Stitching, one large pearl fastener, Special 75c. MARCELLE KID GLOVES--In White with Black Stiwhed cks, also self backs; also Light Grey, Tan and Fawn sShades, with 2 Dome fasteners, Special $l. OUR SPECIAL KID GLOVES--In all the leading colors, also Pearl, Grey and White, with Black Stitched Backs, 3 Dome fasteners, Special $1.25. 25, NEW ALEXANDER KID GLOVES-- All colors, also White and Pearl Grey, wew Stitched Back, 2 large Pearl fasteners, 8 Special $1.35. GLOVES--In White and Pearl Grey, finest of French Kid, 2 Dome fasteners, guaran to wash with soap and water, Special $1.65. NEW SUEDE GLOVES---24 Button lengths, in White, Black and Cream, Special $2.50. at $1.50," $1.75 WASHING KID Al: a good line and $2.25. TODD--In Storrington, on Oct. 23nd, 1002, Mrs. Jawes Todd, aged eighty-soyven years, MURPHY--In Brewer's Mills, on Oct. 7th, _ Thomas Murphy, aged eighty veara Funeral from his late residence, Thursdiy Sataing 9:30 to St. Barnabas' church, Albert years, SM --In. Kineston, Atkinson, amd son of the late Thomas Funeral from his Iingwood street, sday afternoon at three o'clock to - Jawmes' church. Friends wid acquaintances are respectiully ° invited to attend. "KINGSTON TO ALEXANDRIA BAY" A SET OF NEW SOUVENIR POST CARDS. POSITIVELY THE BEST EVER OFFERED TG THE PUBLIC. Sold Im Sets or Singly. KIRKPATRIGK'S. ART STGRE. LOST. THURSDAY NIGHT, ston and Union st BLOOCH, set with suitably. rewarded ofhce. Vet. 27th, twenty-four Atkinson. residence, 83 Cols ON BETWEEN JOHN- GOLD CRO Finder will stone 8. 3 leaving at this by FOR SALE. SET LIFEE OF NAPOLEON Bonaparte, ov Willuun Millican Sloan, I. H.LALD., professor of history in ces ton University. These books were never ual. Cost $30. Will be sold cheap at Jos _Salwr's auction room, Brock strect, DRESSMAKING. WME. ELDER, Dressmaking Parlors, 166 Princess St, EVENING COSTUMES, wa lQUSSRAUX, Tnilored Gowns. Coats and Wraps. Best of references, and best of work, Call and see it. . COMPLETE PRICES - Mme. Elder, New York, 166 Princess St. | hoard. feeling in the hearts of those eathered THE SKIRT SPECIALTY COMPANY. around the board towards those who DRESS SKITS MADE TO ORDER. SAM. | attended ALL Behan's church. The les; Designs, Materials, etc. Call on Miss | matter of church counted -no more or Sutherland, Cor. Brock and Barrie Sts. [ with the committee than the snan of Kiageton, one's fingers; it was a question of fit- ness: the question of church did not weigh with the speaker in the selec- tion of Mr. Newlands. It might be priests and prelates from the North-West. Archhishop Ireland acted as consecrator, assisted by Bis hop MeGolrick, Duluth, ana Bishop Shanley, of Fargo. 'The sermon was deliverdd bv Jishop O'Gorman, of Sioux Falls. An elaborate musical service rendered by the cathedral choir. The well known authors, Paul and neck was broken, Victor Margeudite, have memoralized the French chamber of deputies for a modification of present law of di- voree. The petitioners ask for a law oranting divorce bv mutual consent, on the persistent Tequos) of either . the husband or "wife. CAPITALISTS, TO NVEST IN Estate, paving 7 to 12 per eent. S. R. McCann, 51 Brock Street. A Scheming Scoundrel. Winnipeg, Oct. A di Melita, Man.; says Rob vounyg farmer of that place, ont with 81,400 in cash. summer he bought a "farm crop, making a small "payment. REAL net. J. of oy TALK It is the prices that are making our sale a success. patch from raro, a skip During under H. AN ENERGETIC MAN CAN FARN PRON F $15 tw $18 a week selling our goods. i Large demand. Write for particelars. C. _R. Fegan, Fenwick, Unt. was pea the WHAT THEY BELIEVE. LADIES. ALSO MEN, TO COPY LETTERS : at home and return to us: good pav strictly genuine, Address Excelsior Man- uiacturing Co.. B, Cleveland, O 'BOYS AND "GIRLS, WHO WILL WORK steallily and earn, from $2.50 to $3 per week. Apply to Gould's factory. Smith street, opposite 730 Princess street. AT ONCE, AT NEW YORK DRESSMAKING Academy, good #swers. to learn cutting by measure, desicning, trimnfing, ete Mme: Elder, 166 Princess St Kinsston ANOTHER GOOD, SMART hov, to* Jd If kinde Meats, skresh Pork Roasts, , ete! Fordparticu bors, Pork Ma Orders INTELLIG of Cc Tend romjt IN CHAR Ger MATRON TO BE Nurses Annex at . For duties appiv in 'Person to lady superintenddnt of nurs Jotter to Prof. Marshall, Chairman of t Boa=d of Governors, eting remuneration A Miss Flaws, 1s ¥ | seve by ' ayo aintain their conviction that he of Father John of |t Cronstadt. t Oet. fanaticism ave illustrated by veneration of the fa Veneration 2X.-The ignor a the St. Poly ance and Russian peasantry the nt rehury, religions of persist ! John, of Cronstadt, Portraits of him sacred im ., forme to h ty mous Father gatnst his will frequently L ar and up ot vehe as beet of the despite his been fompell to rehippers tests. He swsonally has to Kost Roma { hi Wi {0 : ) \ ven of Fath Jobs placing | hiv on an gratin v with the per I'rinityt © During servicgs Cronstadt the peasants openly i ¢ in Chri-t. an but question of Basnli Pe sneaker 18 had twelve hat it was the question of church hat counted so much with the. Rom caused hard feelings, he could sincerely sav that the of church never entered into leration of the appointment to Mr. Smith, and the Ald. Behan to as sincere and true that the committe largé number would Catholies and consi eSSOr he a su asked nt ained th peaker hat stat he fact to Ww a Ke on alderman wo ir hin towards some iy to i Hity positi put the side. Mr. experience the mn he had juestion church to one years of in (Continued on page 2.) Will Stop Coercion. Oct The the striking representations to the effect 2x, national ¢om- miners having to Premier that the com- putin I ssure on the Paris, mittee of made ombes accept | | prevent Chav In | Néwlands | the | compel them to resume Combes has promised proceedings which the right of M. all interfere with men to strike The striking there at Rochef hecomeé and the troops been © There is a com- in the Pas de ort riotou Hed But. work have plete stoppace of ! Oak Hall. us vou tips half vour tailor' hill The H. D. Bibby ( i"Bibby's."' save "Bibby's 2 Let vou fail and We can 1 ao oO. would | 10 | { Married Seventy-One Years. St. John, N.B. Oct, Mr. and Mrs, William Kierstead, Collina, Kinas county, vesterday seventy-first anniversary ding. Mr. Kierstead is ninety years. of gee and Mrs. Kierstead There wa arge cathering t. Stephen, attendance. 25. of celebrated the of their wed- four nine = in A Settlement Reached. London, etd I'he libel suit of Miss Dorg 'Neale against her \ Hinryv Gordon \ 1 2%] aunt, rawn i addition charged rem orks character sents Neale some 1 on her aunt we hi sold the proceeds of the crop a his leaving creditors and effects, hirch. stock in the as Only a Slight Touch. London, Ont., Oct It i Judge Elliott's house that of paralysis which he was nr to- have « ained, was onl one ana that, otherwise, well and the set up within , " learned! from the attack rorted li " the doc sav | "Bibby's."' Oak Hall, "Bibby's } hall after Tmaste £10 Bithy Co Westy overcoats, art' H. D Whi was found the Cactus Club dance. A kev the bra-s in We are bound to sell the gocds -- cut is method. We_ put on sale to-day: Cream and Sugar Sets, regu- lar 'price $8 to $10; your choice while they last at $5. They are the highest qual- ity of silverplate in hand- some 'patterns. REDUCTIONS FOR CASH ONLY. A C. JORNSTON- % BRO.§ prices © = ~ VOUT TLLVLEVTTTRRS TTT LLTLLLTTLLTLLTTLLTVORIRD i

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