i We Can't Sell Coal But we can and do sell the nicest COAL O11 HEATER in town for $4.50 Heat your room in a few minutes and save your Coal bill. AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, 87 PRINCESS STREET. The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Office And Safe Deposit Vaults 99 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 81, VV,VL 80,000. Capiltal, . Reserve Fund - President : JOHN HOSKIN, Q.C, LL.D. Vice- Presidents : HON, 8. C. WOOD, W. H. BEATTY, Be... J. W. LANGMUIR, Managing Direotor. A. D. LANGMUIR, Assistant Maaaver. JAMES DAVEY, Sceretary. Authorized to act as Executor, Ad- minis ur wor, Trustee, Receiver, Commit: ee Lunatic, Guardian Liquidator, savinor, Ete. ; Deposit safes to rent. All sizes and at reasonable prices. Parcels received for safe cust Bonds amd other valuables Guaranteed and Insured against loss. Solicitors bringing Estates, Administra- tions, etc., to the Corporation are continued in 'the professional care of the same. For further information see the Corpora tion's Manual. (SES [5] i] [<i me Too i) oe] 1 DON'T WASTE MONEY On poor, ill-naveored but- ter, when you can get a pound of the best Clarified Butter, sweet and finely- flavored, for 25¢. Try a pound and see how pleased you will be. X Clarified Milk Co., .'Phone 567. Brock & Bagot Sts. a] eee 3 LACT oe INVESTMENTS --IN--- REAL ESTATE Mining and Gil Stocks See GEO.CLIFF, 115 BROCK STREET. 2] jo ee [3] 5 A (ax x Saou FreTToe oe fe [pg Toca] pe [Tx STRAIGHT BUSINESS! W. MURRAY, Jr., Auctioneer and Commission Mer- chant, Market Square. THANKSGIVING ANNOUNCEMENT. J. -MYERS; 56 BROCK ST., HAS AS 15H * a full assortment of Cooked Mears of aM kinds. Also 'for Thanksgiving plum pud- tng, mince 'meat and relishes. Special 2 lbs of lard for 235c. "Phone 570. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS Oct Open. 20th. Cl Pacific *(New) Canadian Can, Pacilic, Duluth S.S Montreal St. l'olislo Licht, loronto St Ry Heat Power St. John's Twin City Rich. & Ont Commereie Fransit Dav Co Tron Iron, a er, Pominion wl & Hominion" Steel & Ogilvie Flour Mills Po: Cotton «Wd Catton Dominion Coal Montreal Bank Ontario Bank Molsons Bank Y rchants Hunk Pid of Halifax an helaga "Bank HW ee ------ IN ALL THE NEWEST LIVINGSTON BROS. ---- THE 5 ¢ . EDITION SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What Is Going On In the Business World--The Market News. The Canada wes against 20 this same' week number of failures 13, total Was » m last last year. 11 3-16¢.; Napanee, Perth, 11 1lic.; sales :--Ottawa, 11ics Cheese 3-16c.; Iroquois, Kemptville, 11§c. virand Trunk 1902, Sth to 1901, 14th Octob- $612,759; earnings, $650,693; $37,034. C.P.R. trallic earnings for the week ending { October 14th, $954,000; for the same week last vear, $759,000. Increase, $193,000. ' The wheat ing quite rapidly and accoungs for the difference oi European buygrs," says | caco despatch. 3 liquid, used er, increase, increas- in- a Chi- world's available is the earth coffee, after to mix with They keep blossoming. using the the grounds of are excellent in flower moist and facilitate The United § stood to be the pots. earth ing linker beef combine, ed at Trenton, NJ of RB 000 000, ates pac company, was incorporat- . with an This increased to $.5,000,000. subse- The and deal ital amount quently will be to purchase stock, Off For Italy. The many Kingston friends of Miss Lillian Brady will be pleased to learn of her continued in her profession, that of teaching During the past vear she was at Glenwood Springs, Col, where she made a high reputation for herself as a teacher of music and violin soloist. She is now in New York and will sail this week for Italy, per steamship Al lev. After a short stay in will travel to Florence, where spend eight months studving violin methods and sing under the famous violinist, Thence she will to Paris and spend four months with Bonav. Miss Brady began her musical studies under 0. F. Telemann, His city, and her continued succes high com pliment to him as an fnstructon, authorizaxd live company is in cattle and other chosen music. located SUCCESS Naples, she she will ing Addressed Young Men. of Sundav aft- M. C. A, good at- D. N. first of Services The a series ernoon at the Y, was held yesterday, with.a tendance of men. Rev. Morden was speaker, and his subject was 'The. Manhood of Christ." He spoke of the two sides of Christ's life and character--Christ as God and Christ as man. The first three gospels, Matthew, Mark and Luke, showed him as man, and the wospel St. John showed as God. the address was a very inspiring one. Trooper | Mulloy sang "Saved Py Grace," "in a very impressive manner. Rev. Prof. Jordan, of Queen's College, will be the speaker next Sunday. voung the of A Dishonest Woodman. Not many days ago, a Rideau canal man sold a quantity of hard wood to a Kingston dealer. Then he gold the wood to another Kingston deal and immediately afterwards he went through the same process with a prominent firm of brothers In each "the Rideau woodman collected the money. Then out for Chicago. On: 1 the Kingston dealers got wind of the aiiair, and, acting promptly brought the wood to the city. The ve- cond dealer after it-on Saturday; and of cowmrse didn't get it, and neith will the third parties who bought. sathe er, case he set sent Ler | Ordered - Struck - Out. application of the defendant Harris, who claims to he widow the late Hel paragraphs in in the of widow of On the Ilizabeth the lawial Harris, several statement claim odhier claimant nan the hae, non the case an the same namea Elizabeth struck" out, unnecessary ol of above heen ordered statements A ol [evidence Cases Dismissed. The "seventeen butchers against whom summonses were recently for selling meat without a were dismissed by the mayor at the police court this morning, it being shown that they had" complied with the by law and paid the license fee of issued license, An * orrespondent writes that cuted, Enelish the not cion, but because if alized and treated justly they would own half the land and, in short 'run' the country. ~The * Roumanian people are jealous of the Jews; ¥ John E. Andrus. New York, a mem- mr of the Meth t church, 0.000 GF churches of the New York would raise an addi tional toward the estabhkith ment of a fund to provide a home for ministers the conference, Jews in Roumania are perse account of. theirs reli thev were natur on ofiers the conference HHO On permanent disabled of THE BOYS CAN PLAY our DOORS And the doctor will stay out doors if you clothe the boys with.our FAILL and WINTER SUITS 92.5097. 'SHADES od FANCIES, a 15-17 BROCK authorized cap-' ~JAng decrease * the vatican. Ly THE DAILY WHIG' _MONDAY. OCTOBER 20. OYA RAMPAGE The Mad' Mullah Has Been Very Lively MISSION FAILS | Square, cate Hill, St. | Mansion House, 1 For « the ROUTE A RRANGED. Royal Visit to Lon- don. : Lonilos, Oct. 20. --T he plans for the state progress of King Edward and Queen Alexandra on October 25th, have been definitely settled. The pro- cession will go at a walking pace through the following thoroughfares : The Mall, Marlborough Gate, Pall Mall, the north side of Trafaloar the Strand, Fleet Street, Lud Paul's Churchyard, Can Queen Victoria street, the Princess street, Gres: non Street, | ham street. BRITISH SITUATION IN SO: MALILAND IS DESPERATE. News From Swayne Indicates That He is Obliged to Fall Back 150 or More Miles--Three | Thousand Soldiers in Peril. London, Oct. 20.--The foreign office has issued an undated dispatch from (Colonel Cobbe, commanding one of the columns of British forces operating | against the Mad Mullah in Somali land. The dispatch was forwarded | through the British vice consul at Ber bera, Somaliland. The British fore | engaged were composed entirely of native troops and levies. Col. Cobbe says. "My force reached Er this morn- ine. When about one day's march north of Mudug it waz attacked in the thick bush. The advances were made and the enemy was beaten back in the morning. Their were heavy and | we captured 100 rifles. Our force then | proceeded to collect animals for-trans- pariation purposes and to join the de- tachment at the stockade camp, In| the afternoon a reconnaissance was made and after sharp fighting the enemy was again driven off. "I 'deeply regret to report the fol lowing casualties: Col. Phillips and Capt. Angus and fifty men Killed and about one hundred men wounded. The | latter include Capt. Howard and Lit. Everett, but both are doing well. There were severe losses among the transport and riding camels. The will reach the stockade camp to- will advance to attack 20 losses force morrow and the enemy." The vice consul also telegraphs the of a later dispatch from Col. Swayne, who says that as a 1¢ cultof the fighting at Eregs, October | 6th, which was very severe, the Soma- i levies are considérably shaken. The Mullah, who said to be in communication with Kail and Inger in the direction of the Webbe river, is bringing up reinforcements from all sides, Col. Swayne is much hamper- ed owing to the necessity of trans- porting the wounded and water. He is retiring on Bohotle. He asks that 600 further reliable troops be dispatshed from Berbera forthwith. The serious reverse in places the small British force there 2.000 men of doubtful reliabil an exceeaingly perilous situa substance Somaliland of about itv in tion. Since the be second campaign last May. lite the expeditic The present dispatches | seem to 4 that he retreating from the. Ralian frontier northward | when the Mullah attacked him at reco. Last December ported te have mostly mounted, whom were armed possible that he 15,000 "men. With this large him, Col. Swavne 3ohotle, "150 miles, miles still farther, principal British frontier post. This march must he made under scorch- sun and over an arid and road- desert, even if the retreat suc cesstul. The gravest anxiety will be 'felt un til Drther news is received. The entive | expedition will have to be repeated on a much larger Col. Swayne is accompanied hy over twenty white officers and has with him Maxim and some se ven pounders, The Mallah's will the whole Ogaden and Dolbahanty country aflame. Trade relations ad Bulhar have. shown an enormous | the operations of the cut off to the rich Ocaden and Dolbahanta. announced hv--tord Lans-! foreign secretary, in parla last: summer, that the Ttalians co-operating with Coll Swayne: | the dispatches made public do * not mention Tealian help, supposed that local ditt found in arranging for the co-operation, inning of Col. Swavne's against Lhe Mullah | has been® heard of was Mullah was re 12,000 men, large percentage of with rifles: eit now commands ahout the about force . harassing has to retréat to and probably 100 | to -Buraro, the scale. <hme RES HECEeSS set Berbera and since Mullah markets It was downe, Qeeess of nent, were hut, to-day as ois culty some was Troops At Service. London, Oct. 20.--In the commons to-day, Viscount parliamentary secretary * to cign office, replying to a garding the defeat of the British forces | in Samoliland by the Mad Mullah, said that Gen, Manning arrived at Aden, yesterday. to assist against Ben Abdulla. The Indian battalion and the remainder of the in British | Central Africa he" added, had heen placed at Gen. Manning's disposal. The country was a difficult ane | and this, in a at degree, accounted | for the reverse. house of Cranborne, | the for question re reserve most -- Minister's Wife Commits i Mass, Wik: of reeational Suicide. Oct. 20 the Mrs. pastor church, mitted ing herse! from melane holia prostration. \ ringed cor ~undayv hy hang been sulfering Hey ols " and Honors From St. Andrews. Oct The of lawsqwill be conferred Graham Bell, on \r ! Unive arn et > ren doe on Prof October non, 20 of ! tor on Noted Geologist Gone. Dr re 1 in and the ost bw Manila Archbishop ishment of di ' tween the United States and ans Ht uid wil ah! lomati wions | through | Dent Grant, { to woman. appeared here {with I the | | ports | tving | and i channel thus exposed shows. the | and holes due in 'the bottom hv | passage of pebbles | ternoon, | eral | covered. LU hodies y and After the luncheon at the Guildhall, the return journey to Buckingham Pa- lace will be made via : King William street, Borough" High street St. George's Bridge Road, Bridge street, Whitehall, the London Bridge, , Burrough Road, Cire is, Westminster Westminster Bridge, Parliament Square, Horse Guards, rhe | Mall. It is not expected that the luncheon at the Guildhall will last more than half an hour, but, as will be seen from the route selected, the progr London will occupy a very long time. SS MRS. GRANT ILL. Widow of Ulysses Grant in Feeble Condition. Washington, Oct. 20.--Mrs. Julia widow of the late Presi- dent Grant, has arrived in Washing- ton on a special car, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs." Nellie Grant Sar- toris, and their servants. Mrs. Grant is in a very feeble condition and con- fined to her bed. She will be seventy seven years old in February. She was very feeble when she left here in the early summer for Cobourg, Canada, but was much improved by the climate there, 'as was Mrs. Sartoris, who was indisposed most of the time dur- ing the past year, and was under treatment in New York. also A Toronto Woman. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Oct. 20.--** Mo- ther" famed as the woman who has contributed so largely to the sue- cess of the miners' strike, is a Toron- She left was seventeen years of age, and for several years was an inmate of a con- vent at Montreal. Her brother; Dean Harris, of St. Catharines, is one of the best known Catholic priests in Canada to-day. "Mother" Jones is a sweet-faced old lady, white-haired and tall. She was jailed for her defence of the miners by the United States court, and suffered much for her devotion to the cause of laboring men, but she gx- pre determination to continue the agitation to the end. Jones, Stratford Merchants Victimized. Stratford, Ont., Oct. IS.--Several Stratford merchants have been the victims of as slick a swindler as has in time, cheques forged signatures being the me- With exception, frauds took place late on Wed- nesday that there was no danger that the banks would have any chance of discovering the forgery, as the next day was a bank holiday. With one ex ception the frauds were not discovered until the cheques were presented at the banks. The marwconcerned is deserib ed as about twenty-five years old, feet, eight inched in height, complexion, wearing blue guernsey, rough some thod employed. one SO five overalls, shoes. An Interesting Phenomenon. Toronto, Oct. 20.--C. W. Campbell, of the public works department, who has just returned from Niagara, re- an igteresting natural phenom- enon exposed as a result of the opep- ations company. A structed outside the the dam has heen Dufferin island channel between the mainland. The bed coffer con- emp island the rock water the will ol corrugated by the action of the all of which be quite interesting to geologists Canadian Woman Murdered. Buffalo, Oct. 20.--The body (f Mrs. Morton was 'found in a flat at floor near J. Willing, suffering from bullet wounds in the may die. Mrs. Morton had bep in the head, and apparently dij eral" hours hefore her body was Williog had shot the woman and then attempted to commit suicide, Mrs. Morton's parents reside in Galt, Ont. She fas a seventeen-vear-old daughter in a vaudeville troupe. On_ the corge Nine Bodies Petrified. York. Oct. Nine have been dound in tery attached to the New York Iniant asylum at Mount Vernon. The asvium was closed recently and it heeame sary to , remove the bodies in the cemetery, While the work was going the workmen exhumed nine have the appearance and are as solid gs New 20,-- petrified oales white a Ir wk. on that marble, ol Died At Fosterville. On Friday Migs, Minnie Murphy, of Fosterville, died" after several days' illness. Surviving her are Wer parents, sisters and three brothers, J he voung lady, iv Two le respected, whogswas hichiy niece 'of Mrs. Thoma this city; and of Mrs, tin, of Pittsburg. The tun- Sunday was largely assed was a Cunningham, James Me eral on To Make Cheese For Export. St. Thomas, Ont, tect. 20.--A joint | stock company is being: organized with manufacture will. be divided in pound a capital of K50 000 to export than sh a ! il a chore choose in puares wing witch from Tangier, Morocco, it all Europeans have been | om Fez "The [rip To Coontown' company "liv for Belleville this morning. ' Toronto when she | medium | carried on there hy the power | =} '| will __ | manufacture the ceme- | attended, | NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered by the Dear * Public. United States packers they have combined. The Hamilton printers and bricklav- ers are asking for an increase of wayg- es. "A full mail" carried by an Atlan- tic liner averages 200,000 letters and 300 sacks of newspapers. Yellow fever and small-pox have broken out among /the Colombian gov- ernment forces at Colon. The Emperor ana Empress of Russia will go to Italy next December, es- corted by a Russian squadron. The next meeting the St. drew's Brotherhood will be either in Peterboro or Belleville. Crown Prince Ferdinana of Rouma- nia has accepted an invitation from the sultan to visit Congtantinople. The trades and labor council of Brantford will run a labor candidate for mayor for that city next Janu ary. Orders have been issued in British India for the return to store of all ammunition 'containing. dum-dum bul- Jets. Somerville Beamish, of Toronto, was crushed to death in Winnipeg on Sunday, by being caught between cars, Postal clerk Walt, of the Oshkosh, Wis, postoflice, was trapped by a de coy letter, and confessed to robbing the mails. An explosion on the tugboat Neilis, Mound City, Ark., on Sunday, killed Mrs. Josie Hill, St. Louis, and W. A. Phillips, Memphis. Hiagh Turnbull, Speedsville, Ont., dropped dead while sitting in his chair talking to his wife on Friday. He was in good health previously. James. Younger, once a member the James gang, recently oled from the State penitentiary, mitted suicide at St. Paul, on day. By the parting of a steam-pipe at the Riverside plant of the National Tube Works in Benwood, W. Va., eight men were scalded and three of them will' die. SSE 9th United struck and instantly freight train east N:Y., on Sunday. President Fahy convention to vote support of Mitchell's advice to them to accept the of President Rooseve.t's special commission. The Empéror of Ching has issued an edict permitting the establishment of schools where the Russian language will be taught in the Chinese provinces conti to Asiatic Russia. delmont, Whitney will build a race track Plains, L.1., that will pass_all others. The ground eontains INO acres and cost $800 an pere. To win a wager, a voung English man jumped from a train. and was drowned in a creek near the Otoe In dian reservation, Oklahoma. He.was pn nephew of Lord Lonsdale, an English peer. - The event of the past week in Ber lin has been the adoption of a mon by the kaiser. One of his eves. is said to-hbe- stronger than the other, which is the reason for his wearing a single eve-olass, The export duty on lumber by the government of British Colum bia has resulted in driving a number of United States saw mills across the border, and largely prospering the Canadian lumber trade. A wild electric storm York state on Saturday. Livings ton county many barns hurned and- a church gt Sparty was destroved by. lightning. At Utica nine fine cows were burned in a barn. Private John EF. Dovlin, of the Un- ited States Marine Corps,stationed at the League Island Navy Yard, Phila- delphia, has been arrested, charged with being acecéssory after the fact to the murder of Chris Silinsky, : The Sturgeon Falls Pulp company propose a further expenditure of $2, 1000000 on plant -and machinery, mak | ing the total expenditure 83,000,000, Tt stop exporting pulp and will paper for the English deny that An held ot at of par com Sun- Jesse Lemon, of "H" States Infantry, was kitled by a Adams' Centre, expects the Miners' unanimously in |fervices uous and at sur ocle imposed raged in New In were market. Dr. Fees EF. Carpenter, superin tendent of the Columbus, Ohio. state hospital. died Sunday nicht of apo plexv. Ie was stricken, last Thursday night. Dr. Carpenter was one of the Lest known authorities on mental dis eases; The- Algeria-Moroeco pute has heen satisfactorily France obtains possession of the ais | puted districts &he already occupied, | but the sultan has. refused to ender tain the French proposal for Preferety, tial trade. , frontier dis Bet $25,000 On Cresceus. Memphis, Tenn., Oct. 20.--In defer to the opinion of the veteran drivers, Budd Doble, Ed. Geers, John Splan and Scott Hudson, that Cres eceus has his best dave and will not trot better than 2:01 on the occasion his effort here against the world's ord, Georce H. Ketcham, Cre owner, viester said that KU5. 000) if odds of will eirele 2:04. ence seen in of Ye us' he would that amount were one to five that the local track in Cover a wager posted at Crescens hetter, than Met And Adjourned. Wilkesbare, Pa., Oct. 20.- that 636 delegates are present Miners' convention. The adjourned until 2 pon. of the he made. Reports show the vention the fihal credentials at con when report commitiee will on Jockey Wins $25,000. Oct. 20 --NVanDusen, Used Tobacco 100 Years. Romé, N.Y%.. Oct. 20.--Hiy {whois 103 vears old, h a tobacco chewer his boyhe od uses ten cents' "the daily. an hee n a gr He weed since worth of settled" 5 Seal Brand imitations are numerous. Avoid them. (1 Ib. and 2h cans) Its Purity is its Strength Flavor and F ragrance its natural attributes. CHASE & SANBORN, - MONTREAL AnD BosToN. FALL and WINTER DRESS We Are Now Showing a Largér and More Varied Stock of DRESS MATERIALS Than Ever Befoie. Fine French Habit or Ladies' Cloths, Will not spot with rain, rich, Black, Brown, Navy, Hunter's Green. correct weight fur Tailor-made Colors, Mode Shade, Costome. English Venetians, 76c. and 99¢. In 8 fall shades, All-Wool Homespuns, Colors,' Dark Grey and Browns, New soft finish. Grey, wide. Price 5c. All-Wool Serges, 45¢, 25¢., 85¢ , 3Y¢ , English Broadcloth Suitings, New fall colors. are three-special values. Fancy Materials for Waists. Fancy Bilk and Wool Goois, nels, Fancy Serge btripes. Butterick Patterns for November Ready. LAIDLAW"S. 62 inches wide. GOODS. soft finish. Price 75c¢. Black, Wav, Mid 64 inches 55¢ , The. $1.26, $1.49. There 4 Fancy Flan- | | 3 J: | 8 $ | Lt ie nla ® 0) WNP nN NSS Ladies About This Time Require EVENING SLIPPERS We Have Them 'in Colonial and Other Makes. S222 94000 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE, For Spring? Wear a life tim Iron Beds, 0dd Stands to match. | JAMES REIL Comfort and Ease use our VICTOR MATTRASS, Lock Weave We pay all freights. Packing free. Mail ordegs promptly at- Dressers and | tended to. TRE LEADING-UNDERTAKEE; 'PHONE 147.