Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1902, p. 3

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THE AVOIDING DAILY BRITISH wAia, MONDAY, THIS SAVAGE IS A GOOD DRESSER. OCTOBER 20. NAPANEE NEWS @ BLIGHT OR ROT Pacific Railways OF THAT TERRIBLE POTATO: CHANGE HANDS. Sales of TWO PARCELS OF OF FROPERTY Cheese on the Board --ff -- } Cannot Be Cured, but : 5 , ut Can Be Married cn Wednesday--A New Prevcated--What Potato Grow- Dam Completed ' Trains Leave Kingston :} «= skoud Do. Nea on tit te ses! " The Perfect Foed " ' ~ Dipurtment of Agriculture, Utiawt. . boar resterdav after 2) 12:40 p.m.--Mail, for Ottawa, Montreal, Que ii potato growers could only be led : 3 ard yesterday _Riterlooh 1,200 box- bec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Toronto, lt, rualize that late potato blicht r es of Cheese were boarded, 750 white Chicago, Denver, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Marie, = aL and > Lr and 450 colored. The market was ' Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, : Vancouver; Seat. { '0b cannot be cured Lut can be * pre brigk, and all sold at 1l}c. Buvers rain and -- tie; Portland --and-San--Francisco, --faented, they would nse Bordeaux inix- i SRC Alexander, Thomp La Cleall e ¢ do. s SEL J X > > S call; 5:30 p'm.--Local for Shark Lake, eon- rs te freely dha tagy a ; I 2 Vanluven, Bissell & McKinno nect) og with C.P.R. east end west. ge 2. in| 2 Mate 8 3 'L iam ok th 3 Toron. - i an annual visitor, nevertheless no one Willian Due Bathe ad bid 3, Toro 8:10 a.m.--Mixed, for Renfrew and inter} un prophesy when it will put in anf i ant * re an + The i bere ng 5 , mediate poinre. Gnwelcome appearance. After it makes iD hen " poise Mi W Passengers leaving Kincston at 12:40 p.m.: }its presence Visible by the leaves turn- Nis Retr Sr ea NW) Held arrive in Ottawa at 5:00 p.m.; Pe ro, Ling brown and drying up it is too John street, De wyn ack, a popular 5:10 p.m.; Tooter Jo pin Boston, 1:80 yp ave 'the crop for fungicides employee of Messrs, Boyle '& Son, was ; St. . NB. 1 a.m. : : , g t Tie dncsdic Coonige i. a.m.; St. John, afc only preventives. Samd not seme + married on Wedne d: evening to Mi. Fall particulars at g. & P. and C. P. R. dies. It does Hitle. if any. 'sood ' to Nellie Bernice, daughter of Hiram ck fice, Ontario bes : : soe lls ; i ' r CONWAY, Marie °F. A. FOLGER, JR. apply them aiter she disease appears. Sills, Hay Bay. . : Gen. Pass. Gen. Supt. and the spraying must he done before Mrs. McCabe, North Fredericksbu = it can be known whethar or not an bought the Briges estate, South Na- RA outbreak will occur. Thus it is that panee, The property consists of = +7. 1] il the blicht does not appear the stone house and tour and one-hali y nioney spent in spraying appears to acres of land. The price paid was Sl,- HUNTERS have been thrown away. Experiments 600. Thomas Johnston has been ap not only in Canada but ii the United pointed local agent for a number of » States have demonstrated that spray- fire Jasuisiice companies held by the ine is profitable whether the late late F. G. Davis, and will occupy the blight prevail or not. The early same offices n blight is almost certain to appear uh- The new dam above the falls is now P f h 1 h d f 1 1 Return tickets will te issued October 24th | loss prevented, and its damage, not so about completed. It is a substantial er ect €a t ) soun ' rest ul s cep, 10, Sovemier LE noticeahle in any one season. as that piece of masonry, and should stand . . - Lae i 1h bf the late blight, not fully as eveat for some time. W. J. Jowell is super | ff 'clear complexion, bright eyes, clean Bala, Ari Burk's Falls, fin the agoregate, mav he almost jntending the repairs to J. B. Wal- ' ' Foot's Bay, Hawil lists ville, I wholly avoided by spraving. This di lace's drug store, and rushing the hi h b h h d a Nipis io i] i y hissing. s 3 I ae River Midland, "Mae oka scase causes. the brown dead spots on work through with all possible haste. Ww ite tect ' sweet reat ' t €se "are Lukes, Parry Sound, Penetang the leaves, which are marked hy con Mrs. Sophia Williams, Milsap, sold s : Cocieburn, Silwomds,', Rowscau, A contri tines. and which sometinies her Gamden farm of 100 acres to -Jo- the blessings that follow a diet of i be pis AN a Bo | affect so much of the leaf surface that seph Leveqiie, Richmond, for $3,250. . : the nutrition of the plant is seriously George Dracup has rented his farm on Malta=Vita wily Frelfs ay = Aitava 22 checked. For this disease, as for the | the Kingston road to John Simmons, . . AE fay elusive: wor} inte blicht. Borde: i ro . Switzerville. Mr. Dracup will probably . s . * Ry ay Hy North Bav). | tate bly » Bordeaux mixture is an : lle. Mr. Dracuy I v M It V t : 1 1 d a almost perfect preventive. Its pro go west in the spring. a a= 1 a 1S just y entit ec to Soi S inclu fore tective power would probably he com : Mrs. J. J. Perry is in the Toronto T . qr : or hes or are vlete could cach leaf be entirely coat General Hospital, having undergone an be styled he Perfect Food for old from points reached hv Muskoka Navig 5 pl with a thin layer of the deposited Did 'vou cvertsce such a headdress as are allowsd to adorn themselves, in | OPeTation, the vesult of an injurv last - Company, or Huntsvilie and Lake of Bavs [lime and copper sulphate, hecanse the Is° maiesti 3 i ; . : : summer. She reported to. be doing 3 Navigatio o Stop over will be BN OL ale, a 1€ | this majestic-looking gentleman is this manner, and even thev must con- ; ) . . = o . Sk i Ee. Step YT North 2 Seren ot He disease could then not { wearing # It is made of tufts of feath- tinue to do doughty deeds, since ii at nicely, the operation being quite sat- an young, Sic or well, z J. I. HANLEY, Agent, find any vulnerable point. The near | ops inters erseidd among which are a any time they show lack of skill or Islactory. . . City Passenzer - Def Depot. ty 'this complete Soctiog is obtained | jaw peeds and bits of grass and it is prowess a village conclave may decide Wilin.son ol Be. Leonard, has Se: Being perfectly cooked, pleasant to taste, easily the more perfect will be the protection | the crowning ornament of Swazi war- to strip them of their nodding plumes. cWed a position in the Qminion HY irvye : 3 THE BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY and it can only be secured hy spray IE ix Dn : ; ; It is not a ns 1 yen Bank, Toronto. ~ William Shirlev, digested and assimilated, MaltasVita 1S an ideal ing carefully with a fine nozzle | : fo FE ra i trai : Wheeling, West" Virginia, spent last . ; he : n Swaziland only thoSe men who an authentic portrait of one of these Br y g » 8 . § : . i ~NEW SHORT LINE FOR While. Vordvans niNture bt not poi pots portland odly thode mel Who an Bhihenries of there | Swday: with his mother and sister in food. Made in Canada from Canadian wheat by Twn, Duscronsp 2208 Jooe) sonous to insects it is very distasteful -- am-- town. :, > s rr RIE. C.P.R. Telegraph Of | t© them, and Paris green combined | ee -------- Canadian workmen. ios, Clarence strost. with it can he more evenly distribut IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. COLD-BLOODED CRITICISM. Where Visitors Abound. . ed by the spr than in any other | ---- Collj iav ' lev . Cli SOLD BY NY ¥ } } * 33 x 2 ! ins Bay, Oct. 18.--Rev. Mr. Gib- Ir. GROCERS DOMINION LINE way. The lime in the Bordeaux mix- | News Of The Districts On Both | Of the Shces Worn by the Average won preached in the C. M. church on : ture will cause the poison to- adhere Sides Of The Line. Sunday ®@vening. . Mr. Lockwood and U j-- . 0 B® to the leaves so that its protective C. I. Hadcock, treasurer' of the Jef "Have vou ay. * aid the family have moved to Gananoque. WW. MALTA-VITA P RE F oD Ca. MAIL STEANSHIPS, LIVERPOOL SERVICE influence is strengthened and: the | ferson county, N.Y,, agricultural so critical follow a un Sa 1 h Tait's thresl ne machine is ¢ in in tisishipea. . HO Ju: period of its eflicacy prolonged. Flea | ciety, died at his home in Rutland on eciars hora are Sania Jug « this vicinity. "I he Sunshine Circle held TORONTO, CANADA rian, : Sept beetles as well as the ordinary potato | Monday. " ston ladies ? Go town Bria Be a tits last meeting at Miss Grass'. Bert *Turcoman beetles can then scarcely attack the Albert Priest, on a fil Ata: and iy ill . Clement has been making some im- Cotowiah Jy 0 Mehyit ; being poisoned: and | years, Lafargeville, as many well-dressed, smart ooking | provements on hi: buildines. Mics - ce ] Steamers war! do not carry passengers, | aPPHed with the Bordeaux mixture | wer two years of illness. Miss Emma | adios. as vo Ki ne Cora Garrett has returned after visit = -------------------------------- RATES OF 1 SSAC -Suloos $65 sm Paris green will not burn the foliage | Priest, Clayton, is the only child. a Jom on ly d in any is in iriends in Toronto. Mrs. R. J. goes 'o00¢ I ererssssssiertstttees 3 wpwards, single according to steamer and | ,i-it-sometimes-ehpess When applied as In Picton, on October 15th Mi-s | « tie : co: 1 | Hende has returned | » after } 3 orvi ac Salo 1. x N: 4 y oe > 8 ne thine noticeable a ritics enderson as returned home atter hold ig sinc. scoorline to in J -- a dry powder, or when simply mixed | Mary Ostrander was married to Alvin es sd Rois hi having ent a week with her sister 0p BRANDS: Don't be induc- vice. Third clase, $26. with water. Many authorities, too, | Monroe Doane, ' ail of Marvshurch. thet Ninny firniestone at Iadics ih here si Will Tait at filliam t "King Edward" ed to experiment : FROM MONTREAL. believe that the Bordeaux mixture it At the close of the ceremony the min- apparently insensible of the nocoRsicy Bell's: Joseph Purdy and wife, King 4 1,000, N Sul with other and - *Roman ... .. ...0ct. 18th [self exerts a favorable inHuence upon |i: ter, Rey. H., Leitch, on behali of | 4 properly 'gowning' their dainty | Sten, at his father's, John Purdy; yo 0 Su phur inferior brand. 3 "Manxman ... Nov. 1st | otato foliage not due to its effect up- | the groom, presented the bride with &®| jaoq. da ® Y.| Ernest Marsh at Mr. Letherland's, El- ¢ "Headlight" . 5 A on diseases or insects. Lhese reasons | cheques for g500. "Just notice this when vou are | inburg; Walter Hinch, Ernesttown : ' 500, : 3 Merion ...... .. Oct. Jun combine in favor of using it on pota- "ico, the Royal Cadet," was plav- walking behind. some smartly<dressed | Station, and Miss Emma Finigan, : 3 Al New England, . Oct. 2inc toes: and in the "experiments made, the ['ed in Picton by Deseronto amateurs. | voung ladv. who no doubt: feels that | Millhaven, guests of Miss L. Wood. ; "Eagle" 3 : NEW SERVICE Boston io the application of Bordeaux mixture and |on Thursday night. The production | ihe is correct in overv way. Look | cock: Wiliam (Clement and wife at ' 100 and 200. hi Veucouvers, Oct. 181: Cagibfomar, Now oh Paris green were profitable even in al was highly creditable. The violin | down at the foot coverings that peep | Schuyler Smith's; Miss Myrtle Storms | ; "Victoria." 3 Midabip 'S 10 Hecirin. lit ; Spe season _ when fungous diseases were | playing of little six-year-old Miss from beneath her handsome gown, an | returned from Shannonville;* Fred. | + ona, te pride, Saloon, oro ght, | Spacious scarcely noticeable. 'Telemann! of Kingston, was greatly | Gh. horrors ! in nine cases "out of a | Finigan and Joel Kellar, Ermesttown: | £ _ ULittle Cornet." No Binarenids Fumes : . Nuvi J. P. Hanley, J. P. Gildersleove, Ihe bioncliny isu for ee i po Sopeciaied. ny Weioki. ii vou will find an old, rusty pair of Joseph of Jnl, ini, of x Cle * Ayt. G.T.R. Station, 42 S ne su. J tatoes should we made as follows : Ww uiral ean richt, thens, 1 shabbv-looking shoes. dm-over in' ments: Iss 'rank Smith at C. «D. RY di Gen. Ag arene Take "six pounds of copper Sulphate who in Prockviile attending = the a, ii) is | Davison's, Kingston. ! The / ® B. EDD Y CO i i Montreal bert Portland. | (blue vitriol) and tie it up in a piece induction of Rev, I. D, Wood oc el 10] wav Perhaps the ladies are. n > ! - ' Limited, of i ¢ ¥ arv s yar he intumbepev nity 3, can fir Le » a ' Allan Lime Srereeetane [of bin sloth "an, oninars Sal a 1h eens, of Feige chin on Latin fb dh it | pastor Set To peson. | Hull, Canada. answer we wien suspend it from anksaning cay. i & £ A% mind, no lady is fully dressed unless | "% 'k Magistrate Zeller sent Royal Mail Srna) 2 stick laid pes He top of a coal Hen suddenly 4 oery vio Ty J she has a dainty shoe." | ee Th : hy A. H . foul or other barrel half filled with wns remove to St. Vincent de -- PE is : 3 3 Br OES * EK 7 From Montreal. From Quebec. Jclean water, <6 that the hag may be] Parl hospital, and is happily muh A Dark Wight: & Dak Cit { itaitie, to the workhouse on Black- | NDRY, Agent, Kingston. Larisian, Det, 18, 5 am. Dose 18, : p.m. just Beneath the surface of the water, | Lett Citi - I Dan y: 5 I s binoud Jor SIX wonths, ha bus 3 - Try our new brands, "King Edward" and "Headlight." avarian, Oct. 25, '5 am, Oct: 25; mma hes iy : : 3 = = Ls 5 Sikes = ere had go remarkable career of swindhmg; 'Lunisian, Nov. 1, 5 am. Nov. 1, 10 p.m. when the copy wulphate will dissolve civen some idea of what the city a throughout the whole world Corinthian, Nov. 8, 5 am. Nov. 8, 4 pm. [in an hour or two. In another vessel White Blood A Reproach. would be like without ¢ dectrie light | : al i First Cabin, Bavarian and Tunisian, $60 | <lake four pounds of fresh lime in sui | Kor Te v i 25 \ ] an electric ie it | and yl howed wonderiul ability in dhs ) ansue City Journ vstem, company's ple as s heedling ovo " emine er od ps. Parisian, $55, and upwards. ficient water to male a thm white At the Atchison earnival one of tke To a tid i vas ane £2 k > pi b : ny o A IRIN hd L First Cabin, Pretorian and Corinthian, $50 Wash. Strain thi throuch a fine attractions wos an Indian irl orches veloped in darkness. The moon vi hich SH wil of Fe Sugty i NO 3H rime = and upwards. sieve or sack to remove all ling tra from one of the government schools | pad i or is 4 i ee sl eatancg, an annors. ! BOO u i. Ee ack al ps. | tra we of the g wht Schools VEL ust haa Toll. Won Tool er rial ee oa mang GOOD FURNISHED pom i $37.50 to $40: Liverpool | When the copper sulphate has all dis. | in Arizona. Some of the girls ic oe Fu hl a > La hie, i 3 Herd Hiei! Sins we Mrs. Batlle. | without board, 101 % 1 > 7. $ nese con ion, to pierce ' ek 38 am, al 8 & Whe Third Class, $25 and $26; Liverpool, Derry, | solved. pour the lime wash into a bar | full-blopds and some were halishrecds. | Jouds that covered the shy From) 1 ule Cochaat LS lv Stes os USE Beifast; Glasgow, Londoy. ref slowly, stirring tre mitre atl the | Pworaf them Mot to-quarreling oper Sndown Hvar orl I fot I Ww me : Fy Pind ban Las x I 5 HOUSE 191 - BROCK * STREET, 0 ROOMS, Montreal to Glasgow Direct. time. Now--4H up--the--harrel-to--the somes --snmaH--matter--and---one Witte : na i 2 : ye ock Hey ( i I< \ Phan addy Pun onal cand Lady i A) Diler Imes, App) ly to C. . 5 , a CSS prevaile urcn-coers. and other he lie yohice , : I 0. . S. 5 Siellian, Wednesday, Nov, 19th, at]top with water, and the mixture Is "I am just as good as the pest |, Wl Te had . Jenne x o To! teh Eller Bi J I oa Li a -------- davlicht. Ist Cabin, $50; 2nd Cabit, $35: | rendv for' use vou it half rahe Detiesteing ane & he » 0 len." She has plucked rick SOUR. G ie : 3rd Class, $25. » be >i Bly or 2 or : : foyou 30 4 am i making their way through 'the streets. ictims "in Encland, Scotland, Austra # PO OO FURNISHD ROOMS, WITH J, PB yn Ss. Agent, Clty Passenger Le lo ald this thi to the foli : I'he walks were not visible, and | lia and New York. Under these aliases 191 University ras SonYeh/ences «Blu of Johoaen, And_Onario stresta, J. FP lage the best and cheapest way is to What She Asked Him. many a citizen walked into the ditch | she was the sensation of London four AIT I TH TS eSYO DIENOR SUE hoop onan use a proper spraying pump and nos A mother asked a little boy on his [or bumped into a tree or telegraph | teen years ago. Ske got five vears for Cenuine 43 KING STREET, WEST, BEAUTIFULLY zle; but if these be not on hand "good | yerurn from his ficst day at school [pole, when he thought he was pur aliccring. monev for the distressed suai, lncig the Harbor. Hey $240 BAY OF QU JINTE ROUTE results which will well repay the trou how he liked the teacher. He said : [suing a clear path. Many residents | Scottish eroiters, and keeping what y ida pply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers ble may be obtained by applying the | "Mamma, she is the funniest teacher | | were thoughtiul enough to place lights she got. Before that she had relieved e 9 STEAMER ALETHA i Sate with watering cans supplied ever saw. She didn't ask me a thing | in the windows of their homes, and | Sir Ro D. King of $100,000, When ap r r S HOUSE. 7 hoon, No, 56 BAY STREET with fine roses, Yon ¢ y 4d a Mine . ot + } \ 0 ls To "wv vetween Bagot and Rideau streets; also : : . cept what 1 didn't know. these helped to lis the street and | Prehended: the other day there were stable and shed 4 Commencing Sept. 2nd, leaves week davsat | A creat advantage of. this mixture make travel safer. Quite-a mumber of | scores of complaints agamst her. ° . " / liao treet. sin roar." Apply 46 Wilk, 2 Lm te Piston 3, interinecists Hay of is that paris oreen, the onlv practicals citizens carried lanterns about the » Little I iver Pil Is. Tn -- Batartleve swarms cui ot Desrorey rod [Totedy-for the Colorado potato -heetle streets to guide their faltering steps. : / o | A BRICK. LC . NO. 25 NELSON STREET Belleville, ! Ln be applied at the fame time. To Shortly after ht o'clock the moon A Successful Ball. rr Brock Brea, ht Touma, 4 TEL For full information applveto do this Dr. James Fletcher, the Do ame to the city's i . The young amen. of Yarker cof on aiply No. 48, Willian Wiest, nant : R J i 1e city's rescue, and shed het ie young amen. of Yarker conduct Must Bear Signawure of King street, J. ® A EVE. Ticket Agents. minion entomologist, advises. mixing soft - light -over-the scone. a mest successful ball inthe pret -- * "James Swift & Co. Freiuht Agents. from a ouarter to half a pound of par opera house hall Fridav- night: lasi 7 115 STUART STRisk 9 ROOMS: "OT al a od BT) ig mn Sith latte water SO 9%, Ao Death Of Mrs. George Pogue. } You bel was Jpstalilly decorated and Fer Fs. ony i mei: 5 ha Sheeting is, make a thick paste, and wen adding Pha ods 1. . : tne floor suitably prepared for th « at x ge 'tthis to the forty-five callons of Bm i The death loo place in the General casion. The atteheas } oon -- : = Bre Bt deaux mixture, which renders the pois- yori al ; on = nday of Mrs. Geora wards of 160, guests being present 8c» Fac-Slmite Wrapper Below. RICK RESIDENCE, 199 BROCK STREET, on of exactly' the same strength as Taki after a Jong amd complicated from Napanee, Centreville, Tamworth ~ A 1 condition; modun {i bfovenents; i AL Y 03 when used with plain water. 5 Ho The we ba ey i lady was a | Marltbank., Sydenham, Hirrow smith Very small and as easy Ion ld Hid eH fy "Do Bibby Co., mM These mixtures must be kept con- daugnter of the late John Leadbeater. fl und Odessa. The ies were beauti 0 take us sugar. DT oe sree AYOR 7 ds stantly stirred while ining ei this city. Her hu band bas for some Rally SES Hi s he re on bo { STORE OCCUPIED BY R. AREXANDER, NO. To the Electors -o 5 ingston: both the lime in the Bordeau mix- Tans heen ny ill. of typhoid | costumes bic nding harmoniously and CARTERS as HEADACHE. 111 _ Brock sweet, wiv refrigerator, i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :i--As n can | (ure and the paris green quickly sink pedmonis, and 16, too, hax been con- | presenting a picture pledsing to © the [Far D1TTIRESS. Sizes; os sine work aud mewt rade. A Fidate for Mayor ioe aa 1 respectfully: 80- It, (he bottom sof anv mixtuie if heft he to He hospital, unable: to see lave. At midnight refreshments of a FOR BILIOUSNESS. street a ah 5 Brodk jcit your votes and influence to elect me. Haturhed : us wite. No children survivel but a | dainty che ' iy - x . : un 'isturbed. re DT 3 a dainty characters were cervea. and TORT _ C. J. GRAHAM. I he Bordeaux 'mixture is a prevent- ihe of brother. and SISters. mourn | dancing wi fator continued. miaslc FCR TORPID LIVER, SSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DF- ive remedy, and the time to anply it Q her loss. They are: Mes. John MéCut being. supplied hy: the best ho FOR CONSTIPATION. sirable house on the corner of Bagot and : + Po Son a heon, Princess street; Mrs. R. Staley. | Kine. : of. Drones FUR S Wi Gore streews, near the park. Moder in in. any locality is just hefore the : ! FA Is. R. Staley. | Kingston boasts of. The 'committee ALLOW: SKiH. every way. Daisy hot water houting sod bli his treated of usually appear '™N. x i Irs. Neil Me( war in roe of the successful affair was FOR THE COMPLEXION % perio order. . Apply to Felix Shaw. there, the object being tod keep the IVE and two brothers, one of composed of JJ. Hunt. J. 0. McDon GENUNNI MUST HAVE LONATURE, 5 Bagot street. NY ants during the whole of he thi ACTS GENTLY S whom resides in Chi 'ago. To the be- | ald and R. B. Gilbert: It is the in Cents | Purely Vegetab) - MONEY A MAYORALTY 1903] 11°25 Je to nine covernlwirh EY Tt An ES, isto rod or vt She Ul | tetten ok 15 coin so ue ge = ~ AFD SUSLNESS. of ie alin end the funeral of his faithiu elp went re <t and epea ° EADACH 5 \ the fungi ida preparation. KIiDN BOWEL i ort ton a By a a rg reg pd to lepes th DACHE. LIVERPOOL, LONDON _AND GLOBE FIItE To the Electors of Kingston : Fhe early blicht in Ontario and Que oathv ic extinded ht MEL all at np later date. Insurance Com pany. Available assets, - > ANY IA he» generally appears at the end of pathy is extendedes : a BOL IRIE dition niente 12. Snes A a i ~ 1903, Tine, or the beginning of Julv. The s THE SYSTEM Co-operating With The M x 1 1 Bmiead eth have, for i ng A darn, i , . 3. he, of J u Uv, - ratin i e 1 lity of to y Siete ix On mare de Su your io. J late: blicht or potato rot in most Cuenise Vandals At Work. As ¢ P ide 2g f the inter os 1 ;dPPIages Carriages Far and. Civ Veoperty inward a8 Tomsk fiusnce on my behall parts of Canada seldom show itself El I ALT Friday nicht a couple of © voung Bh nT ten a 4 eres taken posible ras. Bolo Before rr old_oe iT Avious th isiviter elie re Bn. ainda os : Yan ¢ Ce «ducation by 14 pro om J. T. WHITE. until August. § raving h ould. ther ELS nen, attending a local cat of learn grossive irl. the: Canadiay Lotomo TREN & STRANGE. Aiente fore, be begun early in Julv and be 16P LDS . ng, «destroyed. a number of valuable | fic, company. the me chanical drav EVERYBODY : = i reveated every two weeks at least un 0 [40] Her ERS signs hung before Princess street pla Ines at he { ML A : iret : it Si - (| WONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR SMALL 2 SO ¢ k Se uber. os of business: Thev sve the sic am RE Starts ils career : sums, at low rates of interest om city ol She 1 send wool in . th Jor air = ~ f bu: Iness, 1 hey tore the sion with a full complement of drawing Who has rubber tires on their and farm property. Loans. granted . Tee App catio of 0 mi OVERCOMES from thelr 8 'and some, ie TnEthuIents ahd a data money | carriages are well pleased with sty Ale debentures. , Aneiv to ture and paris n mav suthee, ex z it In ust it. 1 oh oil ki 3 a : J cG , managor of Frontenae periments showin in os saravid Tin we chase, hit were unable to Lhe of will be [instructed by Le ease and comfort they enjoy Loen and Investment Society. Office op- . hree times as much as fifty-two bu N oN the vandal F Lee, head dranchtsman of the | in driving, if you have not got posite the Post Office. MAYORALTY 1803" fe | AB TyAL ii compare. und witl munber toni | them "om your carriage you [mip A note per acre er ie pote y Nolh ni the shrss by remy 3 JO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN To the Electors: of Kingston : toes than in the nnspraved plots PERMANENTLY 5 y re Of Mag 1 ! 3 : m org Inty ng th should send to LATURNEY and sums from one thousand to ten thous i : oy : mi howd snvaved five Oi Xi G A Change Of Managers, above clas to the tireless «n-l have them on and any your and dollars. For particulars apply A LAD ES AND GENTLEMEN :--I ragpect-]'" * : 8 i ITS <0 Ep Nicholas Garland, Toronto, "who pur- °% of R. <«tudeént in me drives. GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, fully solicit our wyotin and Huse to ne | hudhels 7 re: to 'the acre than in ENEF| FFECTS, eee Be AN ran : ; Vos ering at the works ver Fores Officn. Market Ronnre me as Mayor for 1903. UN<Nra ve chased Starr &+ Sutelitie bankrupt lide ing at 1 orks. a-- -- . y : 0 ' ICIAL E tock in the city on Saturday - 2 ser. | --, eel wa by o Satund; JAM § LATRN Y, "UNDERTAKER. : 2 1 The agitation in Gordy "BUY THE GENUINE --MANFD BY inv glchs, N ITER chant Dowie's 1 I ena a PR RRR }i) 7 f fo 1 SP h 1] 5s Tol Ale i . T F PARPISON CO., UNDERT AKERS, ' sion ol fore Pronto ' i FUE] } 06 auicersit] % tech AURRNIA IG YRVPE de led | hot LI CARRIAGE MAKER, 293.205 Princess Steet. Quality € ties Mehh ; : 1 a i ) > " efficiency the best. Prices the lowest. > eo Jaroused considerabl resentment in | 1 : } nas to 399 Princess St. « Kingston. 'Phones--Wrrercoms, = 90 Night Calls-- . Russia. Sv, : < n ty T ¥ Harrdeon. £1 ie CALL AND SEE 1T "Take the Rideau Ring ror ama Uy "e Macs 2 on Stopes ' or ¥ 1 plead 100 -¥ an i ee & S CORBETT, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 281 ; T ; Y t arl i & ' Ar t a of 4 4 . sverv Tuesday and Friday, at | i sai BY AU DRUGGISTS. PRICE S0c. PLR BOTTLE . tet : er kb : FOR SALE. Princess Street, Kingston, Sucosesor AT Tames Swift & (Ca. acentas | his al . Badin 4 i * { THE SUBSTANTIAL'® BUILDING ON KING w Drennan. s One year's guar with op . 1 I . 4: hay Innes; Nod th v he was d nie fetes Wash The store and rs ~ : oA : hy bottle rchased frog t ion t RIS Who struck 1 | rmer Hovey Y a l . ant. hi ongress A n _ ex ent condition. .& STRACHAN'S HARDWARE Se Me Ra Fe Son i TOM a mediction of six hours a week ha Fst Charles & Cq.. wholesale grocers? : seek's delay sq that he to D. A: Ow jor 3 lone term. Ap ICE. YACHT FORA APPLY P $US s . won and aré back at work, of Montreal. He was 'held. wight if possible raise the money. ply " ys, fe ertate agent, | IC x 83. A » t Y PO, ; 4 3 .

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