Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1902, p. 6

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THE DAILY WHIG. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 18. ---- THE Ith EDITION. DEBT TO WIFE | =e mv muvee. INFWS OF WORLD Miners Expected to Favor Resum:- e Can't a) € Lan or | SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO | JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER HAS! wincharsic. In. Goer 15--In nc | VELEORAMS FROM THE FOUR ON PAGE FIVE. cordance with the call issued by order QUARTERS OF EARTH. Sell Coal 'BEEN VERY ILL. Z i the!executive Horr of the anthri- s districts of, the miners' union all | protiarsg That Interest Everybody : MME. AT MATTERS. His Devoted Spouse Untiring in | "locals" throughout the coal fields : But we can and £0 RCL Caring For ro Millionaire -- | have begun electing delegates to «the --Notes From all Over--Little HEE : do sell the nicest 1 Si x t convention which will he held here of Everything Easily Read and ess A 1 coe COAL O11 What Is Going On In the Business Has Been 11 ince a Recent.| yi ,nday to consider the acceptance or Remembered - by the Dear i : World--The Market News. Fire. rejection of the arbitration plan sub- Public. HEATER in : T 9 N.Y n 18.-- Whe itted by President - Roosevelt. Mr. Go I bec! liscovered in the Conge arrytown, N.Y." Oct. S.--When | mi S siden toc x, Salvati Ae ; : town for a Fr i es = Sy » "1 John D. Rockefeller, Jr., fully recov- | Mitchell does not care ta Aoviefpie ie Ken, Booth, of § alvation Army fame, ! 9 . ' . : ot . 2 i y acti f the conventi but fi S The scason's trie in' dry goods. continues] ers from his present illness he may | the action of the convention, 9 Burglars stole $30 from the military 3 Jaughter of Sena- | his manner it is taken that he. to improves" The outlook for the general thank bis i i, the: dag Ree of 3 DR Th oT Biest Jo a h | institute, "Toronto, on Thursday night. trade is also satisfactory. | or Fich, dor his conva e Turkish troops have captured Chiet has been untiring in her efforts to | sult. The export of rock phosphate from Florida bring him back to health, and his im- The principal question to be dis- Assa and secured complete control of We Will Hold a Special Sale of a Lot that Reach- was 255,238 tons in seven months, ending the situation in Mitrovitra, Albania. : : i ed condition is largely due to her | cussed before the plan is accepted by July 1st, which is a very satisfactory in- proved conc EEL h inars oi : I Redmond, the Irish agitator, arrived . . July lst, 3 rari. the miners will be that of taking care ed Us This Morning and we Want to Turn Heat your room "Fe nds and customers of Harris/ Gates & Rockefeller has heen more ill than | of all the mens: The conditions of the in Boston on Friday. He lh land- U g d , ends stome arris : g nave such tk - be | lordism is doomed in Irelan in a few minutes ' ; ! - i ouis. | is generally supposed. He has had a | miners are such that all cannot ° be 5 Ln Jr . Ad. save 5 Lo. New Jock. ¥io Rock Fon ih ike | Suis severe cold and sore throat. An given work immediately, and some Mr Kruger looks infirm. His rhy- the Lot Into Cash m ONE HOUR.. The Nashville co "anes oxi HE ; d Sy ha y an a your le a are pee i alarming aspect of his illness has been will have to wait for weeks before the §) ian says the length of 'the ex-presi - - ° Coal bill, "rh ol retin of the foreign trade of | his high temperature, which has exist- | companies can take care of them. The dent's stay in the Riviera will depend Price Will Surely Do Thisas Itis a , uw Fh ) e foreign ade : ay ; Bn ed since September 30th. The mem: | operators will not dismiss a non- | 01 his health. Ja HN shows le with Great Bri- . s : . . rahi yl 3 ie p a - 8 AT MITCHELL'S HARDWARE, Japan Fr 00) Sow re whe Son bers of the Rockefeller family bhavé | union man in order to give employ- | Archbishop Guidi, Apostolic delegate Tip Top Bargain. 87 PRINCESS STREET. fam 4 a fied St > i made every effort to keep the condi- | ment to a returning striker. It is un- | the Philippines, and his Seerclary, I te tion of the young man a secret. derstood the union will take cart of | Father O'Connor, started from Rome ine: oy e absolutely . ? x 7 . . . . hil i / Many lines of cotton goods are abso with the fire | al men who fail to find immediate to-day for Mars es, from which port / ois y ia ices. bit staple His illness began 3 h 4 Kingston to Alexandria searce in New York. Prices bid for staple hil a aa, the large | employment. 1t is estimated that | they will sail for 'Manila. wv? lines are vot temting when other factors MA : . A CR : . Pi Mo nt aslore hoctar 23 "" IRS tt considerstion country mansion of the senior Rocle- | twenty-five per cent. of the collieries Meat retailers of Manchester will 9 Bay. I Sy Ke. for coumons and cotion staples | S1ler, on Kykuit Hill, on the night of | will Le in operation on the first day [ask the "president of the board = of ~ e k r ¢ d sta s | : - : 2 ; 1 Cad . he A . hp 5 5. restrieti : pry -- "Ene d tic manufacturers | Sentember 28th, when. in a drizzling | after the suspension is over. agriculture to remove the restrictions \ very nm. The domes 4 rs } y 0 Ie : ! A SET OF NEW jt rain, young Rockefeller assisted "in on the importation of Argentine cat- ; Jt wo or bo! ers but are 1 : Y i are not worrying about - or saving property. He was suddenly Non-Union Workers. tle and the embargo on Canadian cat- | rather inclined to discourage large - orders. 1 P C d ized. with woveie coll. , Despite Scranton, Pa.. Oct, IS +s are i He: Gronts uve. who has Just returned | SeiZ00- With a sovefe, o esl a1 Scranton, Pa, Oct. 18.--Reports are YR hale : : Souvenir ost ar S A Toronto buyer Ww tes Just requened [SIRE DER ijess he superinte led circulated that the locals of the Unit- E. E. Clark, Cedar Rapids, lowa, as from the old country markets savs that every 4 ¥ : § 4 J amber of ¢ 33 rhitrats ; the removal of furniture to the house | ed Mine Workers in West Scranton, | 8 member of commission. to arbitrate 5 line of ress goods he manufacture of ; hers LD , , Yassin 3 % PQS(TIVELY THE BEST EVER |: 3 Ro, Tr i 15 per | OF Col. Edward Henry Kent, on the | Pittston, and some other local local- | upon the coal issues, officiated as an by OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC, which Botany yarns enter, are Rockefeller estate, and. it resulted in | ities had voted to instruct their dele- | arbitrator in the dispute six years ago N ' cent. higher. between the Grand Trunk and its en > i= catchi re C x is tempera- ai \ »acce e Sold tn Sets sr Singly. a0. tons. ot Bard con) wewally his catching more cold. His tempera- | gates to oppose the acceptance of the gineors. hi If Ow Yaif Haven and Sodus ture increased and at times it regis- | operators' proposition unless the com- shipped from Uswego, « u ¥ s ' p 2 anies w yree ischarce > The direct Boston-Manchester ser- [Kirkpatrick S Art Store to Canadian ports only 100000 has been tered 102. panies would agree to discharge the | ooh oston-Me for er: i Dr. Courtant, of Tarrytown. has | non-union men, take back all the old | vice of International Me oF weg eal pstimate that if : * . te * > J . of a» Ne -k . provided oO > 2 dea > e : ne wh om been attending the wealthy patient, | employees, drop the . suits instituted Marine company, and the New York, . Wey a ids g 5 o! « : Sn Ms . . »: AO . . AY the weather hoids good from th and as fast as prescriptions were or- | against strikers and 'recognize the un- New Hayen and Hartford Railway CAPILLI FORMA close of navigation, and the coal from the] j if Ali i : company, will probably start on No- t ured, that it will be possible the wife attended to them. ion. It was impossible to verify these DA ae 'ONDERF op .'| minvs can be secured, » SS wii % ie : bv i p ) venior ols WONDERFUL HAIR PRODUCER. PRE- to Hy hie Canada botwewn $0000 and wilt team was constantly hitched up | peports. } 2 ET i : viuts falling and gray hair: Cures Dandruff, p with a coachman in attendance, and I'he ing of Portuga as leased Ecsema and Neuralgia, Head and Face Mas [100,000 tons, which will leave the Canadian | po oan pociillor personally ; : Portuguese South-East Africa | to re Junior Mrs. Rockefeller personally | | Conferred With President. * : g isd bel Al te Made from a good firm make of sage. Ladies shampooed at home if desired. market about 330.000 tons short of the sup- 1 arket ab "ry drove to the drug store in the dav Washing . Srivadier-Ceo Great Jritain ninety-nine years. Mme. Baer, NeW York, 106 Detacuse $i: | piv winnlly recited. time and had the doctors preserip- | jp de member | The Portuguese flag will continue to Shirting Flannelette. These shirts THE SKIRT SPECIALTY co tions compounded.. Then she would of the con) strike ee hitration om fly over the territory referred to, but > . * . Only One Gate Sold. drive rapidly home and watch careful- Sion and Carroll D. Wright recorder 1t i be for the sake of appearances are all good big Sizes. The patterns DRESS SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER, SAM- | ly over har hushand. Et ia : BR : only. : ples, Designs, Materials, ste, Cull on Sins |. The OH Mr. and Mrs. John ND. Rackeleilr, of the commission, had an extended Boer generals were given a tremen- are all pretty stripes, and the prices I. Sutherland, Cor. Brock and Barrie Sts, | Friday afternoon opened tenders for | J | conference with President Roosevelt s recantion in Berlin. The sale of Si | dous reception in Berlin. The sale o sold range from 50C. to 60c. , Neck Kingston, nse I 1 N 1 and who have been visiting in Cleve hl ois : a - \ d ingstc . the Srrdhe e of to Fates _ 4 Vand. have. returned to tins house 1a | to day. On leav ing the White house tickets . to hear them speak realized 2. No. 1. was not sold, and another ; : } Gen. Wilson said it was yet too early 86.750. Botha said tI ia ould s ROOMS TO RENT. sale has been talled for next Friday. New York. as they have no house to discuss for publication the work JU, Soton shu ad onl, od band sizes 15, 154%, 16, 17. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT | No. 2 was sold to Alexander Howie, they can live in at Pacantico Hills of the commission. He indicated the he {rug a, the proasy. of Peres, Powey ante ' : Dk ory y wv 0 axDress trai . ! one | said » Boers would awai od's and ary. centrally located. First class the present lissee, for 8 a smaller very dav thev hoard an express train body would ic organized in Washing: ai ¢ S WC a sod's table board if desired. Apply at 244 | > : to Tarrvtown to: see their 1 A time. : : - han last year. The commit- ibd Os S¢ er son, am > re its si 3 , . : : t Brock street. | amount than I: ) « return to the city at nightfall. ton, but when and where its sittings The czar in telegraphing his ghanks Y our olce 0-11 ww awarded the contracts for broken > hel - tails a5 i would be held were details which to the sultan for the cordial reception era a PORRD: stone to George MéEwen and Alexan LOVE OF YEARS REWARDED. would be worked out by the commis- Er der Howie, sion itself. It is known that the com- given Grand Duke Nicholas during hi: Sil : t at Constantinople, répeated his ; GOOD ROOMS AND FIRST-CLASS BOARD; : ! 5 ° Het he qian [visit an Conn also table board. May be had at Mrs. Elgin Business Man Weds Child- ian Toi ny begin He Jalions for urgent invitation for the porte to re- Breden's; 24 Scunrt strest. Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. hood Sweetheart. arsed to it $ : ow; de Tnlidr Sholarsi Vreaty; : of ; ' 3 Y V If we overcoat vou this fall you Chicago, I, Oct. : : "a3, which' provided ior an oliensive é é LARGE FRONT ROOM, ALSO TWO SINGLE V 18.--Love, sO RIV: inne ae <i) rooms, with Boden Convenience; car will be a well-dressed, and satisfied kept alive for ten years, dur- | CHURCHES UNREASONABLE ? and 5% fensive alfiance between Russia tral, not far from City and Macdonald 4 ice 38 €17. The ib tine i ; 2 . " Parks. Suitable for a party of from three nan. Price 86 to $17. The H. D. Bib Ine which the groom had reinained a ---- The Hotel, Point Chau- 9 to five, 195 Earl strect. by Co. vachelor and amassed a small fortune, | R. W. Dillon Thinks They Want tauqua, N.Y., one of the largest and Sale at 7 Oo clock. any the bride was Youre, won, and Free Advertising. finest hotels around Chautauqua Lake, divorced from a rival, was rewarded was burned Friday, together with con- » county property committee At t'e Christian Endeavor conven- vesterday when Walt EP. H s p P of lain, and Mrs, Hextin Prana Col: | Hon in Ottawa, R. W. Villon, of the { tents] also the sunisement. hall, and - lins of Los Anveles Cal.. were mar-1 NV Mary's Argus, spoke on 'The | Summer cottage, owned by the ole ® ried in Chicago. Mrs Hemmens is al Church and the Newspaper." He an- | COmMpany. Phe hotd] was aed a daughter of Mrs Samah Peas of [ nounced that he did not propose to ig yd Butlo Svidieste aug Mrs. $ ase 20 as ss 8% Angeles. The groom is one of the pro say how Christ would FUL A news: ist ' minent busters a, iy Klemm 4 Pre paper. "That has been tried by one "iy 120-172 Princess Street, Kingston. ety leader, and the only brother of {lian and yon all know how it ended." VARSITY ALUMNI, > Harry Hernnner a, postmaster Mr. Billon said that mere negative . - INS ALAIN ANS To OP Png ~ We Want You to Buy Just, One Black Dress|"iy Hemmens, postmaster. | goodness was not enough vither in the | Graduates in Kingston Form a : me 3 pefsons: were: living: at Elgin, and iin churches or papers. "Churches and | Strong Association--The Objects. | == in EE -------- SON a ) 5 : From Us. s That Single Dress Will Plcase tending school, they were engaged fo | P'2Pers Should recognize the limita- There are in the County of Fron- 2 x Lr 0 i 3 v ar ron rq be married. Hattic Pease was.then one | HOM one another. | Preachers | tenac forty-four graduates of the Uni ~~ : go. : A : should know that a newspaper is a | versity of Tor ) > of chow y 9 7 dud a9 ) A 8 clog b : versity ronto, twenty whom You So well [hat Whenever Y ou 3 hink isi did pus I My business | proposition. Too many roto I the itr, Friday afternoon a Srey y : oh hurch, people expect the paper to run ting se was called confor lding suc arly ace s] Om peoj pect paj meeting of these was called to confer of Dress Goods the Na me < . Waldron" wedding "at such -an ony ly age, I'he their notices of socials free of cost. i J. C. Melellan, Ph.D. yarents y YB iin a with Cc. secretary : . i iris ne pe Church ri Stold have snare re- { of the Toronto Univesity Alumni, As . p . spec or hemselves and no SK some soc . will. at Once Enter Your, Mind, vo eo thy wore sopra, | S15 or tories gud" not unk some | ition amd 1. Button; MA : ten AH Pay a Don oT. lesson from the advance agent of a | Principal Ellis was elected chairman. ago * the news came from the west | Shops In this respect. In the. news us. Dr. McLellan outlined the policy of the Bb Gan i | pect, vou should not expect a paper | upiversity in forming branch organiza- that she had been divorced from her to uring Ton relintons artieles to the Je i I > husband. A few days previous the lo- exclusion of news and market reports | every county of the province. Fhe oh Remember We Guarantee These Goods to be Pure sa) Paes had briefly. announced that {any more than a Christian man to ject is to keep the graduates in touch Hemmens was about to start | 4 r . oy {spend his whole time in prayer neet- ith one other ith their i- Wool and Absolutely Perfect in Color. wist on n husioess trip: There cum] S100, JF Vice Line Ut PIRyer wel (van ove anther. and ith thee uni versity, that they may the ramon that ue bal gone west cane hen they would he nothing and vis interests. Dr Hatton mien A number of good makes ~ pilot her through the engagements of |, milk and water sheets and ahso- | od in a specially strong speech. "Var- ar Whe tn wotmnert FiteIY Widens." it men, he 'sit, dad wonced 0 | pocently received. As they apologize for organizing in Kingston, - Mrs. Collins after a short visit at her Died-Iin The North-West : : : : . -West: {sine Queen's "men were already organ: ENGLISH SERGES--Thorough- | BLACK VENETIAN BROAD. [Chl howe in Fleineame to Uhicaso. | op ot | Td In Taro Tie snoiasied the] WRITE made specially for us we : ay I'he very deepest reget is felt on all : here she has since lived with frjend : : 5 ng , Ih s ly shrunk, both spft and hard fin- | CLOTHS, fine soit quality; light hid yr > sides at the death of Stuart Sinclair | difference between a state and a pri . = e- Rev, br. FF. Edwar Oo x b Ci nt . TS 2 . ish, plain and twilled, makes a land heavy weights, satin nit Sh fre hi =n ol Horns Wilson, voungest son of the late Maj. | vate niversity. I'he state university believe we can recommend 8g » 7 1-St--1e omew's neco , : CBW nel Canc dian iy 3 ror 1 : splendid skirt, 45c.; 50c., 60c. ; cb } 1a rector i oy I. B. Wilson, Royal Canadian Rifles, | may be. open to mote criticism, - anc ; 75¢c., 90c ' : » [ suitable for all styles of costumes | who, while rector in Elein was an'in who died. 'on Friday at Flemming, | may have-to wash its dirty linen in them, vy . and skirts, 75¢., $1, $1.25, $1.50, thle friend oi thy fron il ployed | Assa. Mr. Wilon, who was a very |.public, but it is the guarantee that CASHMERES AND MARINOS-- | $1.75, $2, $2.50. hi i a P he te BR | general favorite, was taken ill some | the privdte ones shall at least wash The ticket on. every piece is a Prairie AV ETie : ie yrds, ab of months ago, but it was hoped that | theirs in private. The undenoming- pd Q «© 2, good indication that the color is ENGLISH VENETIANS, all £ 1 he { the praivie air would benefit" him, and | tional university is the guarantee that right. Tie Sualisiey Re usual, pure wool, 54 inches wide, suit- : LAURIER IS HOME. | near Moosomin. But the disease had | cation in the church university. cannot be beaten, 50¢., 60c¢., 75¢c., |, 3 a as a : A ITO J hwy ay i Severa y o 1 vi gave their able for capes and heav, ts, $2 : : A . rained too much headway, and in Several of the alumni gave their 9Cc., $1, $1.25. $2.50, $3 andy Aeavy swLs, v Received Enthusiastic Reception : thd i . ort [ «went out to kis brother's ranch | there shall he a hroad and liberal edu- +{€ t spite of the greatest care, and the | opinions, all favoring organization for : at Ancient Capital. most skilful nursing, ended his voune | the Countv of Frontenac, and a mo- Pp FANCY CORDS, gte., for Skirts 2 Quelite, Oct. IN ~--Sir Wilfiid Laurier, | life. His mother and sisters, who were | tion to that effect was passed and a rincess Street, Kingston. and Dresses,. a splendid range in ENGLISH CHEVIOTS, 54 in. accompanied hy Lady Laurier, and | With him in the North-West, and his | constitution adopted. The iolloning > mn rep te all the desired weaves, heavy and | wide, all pure wool. We offer the | Hon. Mr. Fielding. artived at Levis, relations in town, have the sincerest | officers were elected : President, E. H. light weights, 60c¢., 75c., 80c., | best value ever shown at $1 yard. Friday, eveni At Quebies, he re- | sympathy of everyone. © Smythe, M.A., LL.D.; vice-president, ROSE BUSH IN BLOOM. LETTERS TO THE vy 95¢., $1, $1.25. ; : ceived an enthusiastic reception, Thou- | Prof. Martin, M, A; secretary-treasur- , # in i = sands of citizens were present on the Doors Were Too Small. er, 0. Sliter, - M.A.: councillors, Twentys Seven Buds Plucked in | Beautiful Weather in the West PRIESTLEY¥'S SILK WARP BLACK CRAVENETTE CLOTH, | \harf and lining the city streets, | An ATG nenienl = told in on SO Ellis, "MAG Prof. Maegill Worsted! re Crop Records. ) "HENRIETTAS--We carry these | 60 in. wide, perfectly waterproof, | through which the procession passed. { nection with a pulpit made by a local | NY. M.A.. Rev. Eber Crummy, B.A. Woodstock, Oct. ~Mrs. A. Me Napinka, Man., Cet. 12.- (1 0. the splendid goods in a full range, | made from pure wool, splendid he proier wan escorted i the aril { firm for a church on the lower por B.Sc, Dr. Ackroyd, Dr. Clarke. Gachie, Brock ie is EP Vator) Tie whest it thie Yieinite 1u $1.35 1.50, 1.60, 1.80, u all, where he was presented with an | tion of Wolfe Island. The pulpit was Owner of au rose yush, °° enera threshed and. stored. Nothigg ut oats 8 $2 0 a : sole, $1.35 arg. ie address of welcome on behali of the | hilt, tondine to plans Ne i, What May Take Place. Jack." which, strange to say, is in gis left now, and the outfits are all : : citizens of Quebec. The city was beau- | tions, of fine quartered oak. When come According to militia orders, Lieut.- | full bloom. 'I'he bush has heen flower- | intending to stop this week. "For the ALL-WOOL SATIN CLOTH, has WIRE FINISH SERGES, extra tifully illuminated. oo [ pleted, it was viewed by the clergv- Col. Fages is to assume command of | ing steadily ever since the first of Ju-| past thirty-five days they have been a beautiful lustrous finish, very strong and heavy, no end to the ey Wi, in rapleiig to jhe aa j nan, for .whose church it was intend- TAY haueary; R.C.F.A., on He 2nd | lv, and Joearday Fenty Seven blooms Hing ; Stoadily aw aoly Due hall : ; ; : rear ; dress, thapkea the citizens o enue d « 8 : w- | inst. This change is not understood | were picked from it. wy are dark | day's rain, through which mos « c wear, alw . . + . . . cd, an pert wt ati=faction was ex g } J . soft quality, 46 inches wide, 80c., lways a good color, $1.35, for their énthusinstic reception. © He | ecee son Te here; its purport cannot be fathomed. | red, have a' delicious fragrance, and | them threshed, The amount of work $1 ward $1.50, $1.75,82 ; 1 ed. It was sent home in time, and | : purport cannot athomed. . £ bre . ! yy y POU), «FI was pleased to tell them that he was therthy "hinios a tale. 1t was found | The only guess than can be offered is as tarde as gnvosatimmer rose. The done in so short a time has filled the in the hest of health and reads for impossible to get the, fine piece oi { that Col. Drury is to he appeinted | late frost did not hurt them, although | elevators all along the line. Many of works although fonr or five weeks seo | furniture within the sacred edifice: no | inspector-general oi artillery, a post the bush is fully exposed to! them can not take in a bushel more. : he' would have liked to be i 4 door was large enough to admit of | that has remained vacant since the | the weather, A new outlit from North Pakaia has health. : . . its entranee, so a workman from the | retirement of Col. Stone, of the im come across. It threshes 2,500 Lushels Tha jremio will ari ' in Gitann city had 10 be sent dawn to take the { perial service. In that event, Col. Hu- Request Of The Chamber. or Jo pay, ecnch day. ight pitch rs ; Saturday evening and will be tended pit apdr hu tetwar RG don would succeeds Col. Drury ip the . = he. Cha and twelve teams are required to heep 0 ie of the Things in Which we Stand Unrivalled-- ol a warm welcome. on Sanh ual pell at of the R.C.I.A. If this is the Johgraesut 1% i han it going. They have a thirty-five yn ; 0 of Nunes Hus seal a leit PML horse power traction engine and a The ualit of Our Silks. . ; { : intention of the militia department, it z i solaring--thitt a large contri- 1 IOISe power 1 Q y WORLD'S CROPS. Schooner Wrecked. is a promotion all around that will Mids, A i I mn Jere four uch eylinder, self-feeder and v pn : : ive gener atisfactic 3 5 ; : | blower attached, : > 3 Seattle, Wash : 15. The little | give general satisfaction. would be disastrous to the future of rp " rope 4 at- Fone 2 3 * + coal dtrike has not afiected this BLACK AND COLORED SATIN | SATIN DUCHESS, the queen of | FUroPean Hn rvest ne o the Lat- | {naluska schooner. 4. H. Ward: is a Brock Street Chere the Transvaal, and asking fr a Th i ol a MERO, every thread pure Silk, - all silks, for a rich 'skirt or dress, ad es os soars. : satis wil 2 Inanudah Bay, Nni % ol in Methodist hurl Rev. j PTOIMPL. announce mel of ie govern [DAZ rhea ho 23, Sons - . . . | mae i ; ashington, et. JN. we depart- | mak Island. Behring Sea. Or Pass G2rood Siren = 5 / =aLey., ent's "intentions. The chamber ae el] an aa Wi : firm strong 'quality suitable for | inagnificent sheer ami wolor $1485; wnt of acriculture's su arv of the | engers and crew harely escaped by h | Eber Crummy; BAA. B.Sc." pastor, ns ] . at i gst. no wie pave §Pree this year as last, $3.50 Jp ton; $1.50, $1.75, $2. $2.50 vard m agriculture mary th u i row arely escape with | i clares that, in any case, n I Geese are getting very plenfiful in 2 49) ¥% pr-ol) yard, | ero of the world show that owing | their dives and five of the number Sunday services, morning and evening ment should be demanded within five : BLACK AND COLORED' TAF. | tv the remarkable cool and wet supe | nearly starved to Meath after roach IT am, T pm. 'Pastor will preac h this vicinity, as many a# three have i ' 2. yours, been Killed with ond shot, BLACK AND COLORED PEAU Ee mer experienced throughout a consid | ing land {at both services. Sunday school 2 . s n FFTA SIIKS..-We situply desire nl ih ol Europe, the hereon of Particnlars of the disaster were ip.m. Pastor's Bible class 4:15. Week James Beattie has the record crop -- Tt san b ; tei ih ; i : ? DE FOIE The same on both you to examine the qualities we | |, i% one of the 1s te at on record. | tained from Cajnain Charles ; [ might services, Monday S pan. Chris To Settle Difficulties. of goats this year, having threshed |. sides, makes a very serviceable | are now showing, that will easily | 1h. promise of an abundant vield. ' quish, oi the r Portland, whi h tian Endeavor. Wednesday, NS pan London, Oct. I8.--T'he Expre as 1 260 bushels from' twelve acres. Charles dress,-75¢., $1, $1.10, $1.25, $1.50 | prove tliat they are the best val: | (horefore Heer only pa I. has reached this port They were: prayer meeting, ) certs that Tegetiationg are pr ot re Delfossa s next with a ninety : y . 21 a4 : oh 2 ay i 1 'oo . « nedowne and . Bo even bushel crop «ff twenty two acres, . 75¢ 90¢ 7c fil 11y Uron Win { ain ' ite | ® bv th ------ iti een Lord 1 Ww ! 1 1 | ¥Y lwo 3 75¢., 90c. yd. filled in wing fo " Loe ; wy th oo ; 2 nil ; uss. British and French for mi Catia Chreshid 960 bushels of wheat wher this a condi : ; Wu anning, | Kg i +o he h = 4 - ttienent Dito twenty two acres of land the CHILDREN'S FANCY WOOL GLOVES, for ths Tebually spmihed a vice] le ee Fete a EE re wea ling fgorete We) xcs Seb ia bar Tat White Red .and Fancy Designs, 17c, Cantie millers in the counted «| : = = | te Bn eo arc an er a I py. theron ther is beautifully cle waists or linings, only 75¢, yard. yard. "ues ever offered, 2 1 . . : Siete er A ; progeny 2 wg 3 i + fie fevanitbond bhp Bet cdl 56 la bit 200, 35C, PRT: os mis with the hone EWE ve ah pve A Yiu ry Te : : alist; w \ " { fonts . cular Indian® Summer, weather all tet for murder 1 the City i dd wil i ank by 3 i= "now Dleite rugby with Me Gill.' He Porch. climbers obtained jewellery | about over for the 3 , the gangs fir i » against William Hooper free his stock of ve ish = | h." formerly of King To throuch, The' railway construction as | Young. for killing Mrs. 'Anna Pultz-! (py in price for such I nuali- | was herewith the Mon#eal team this | valued gt %1,000 fron John Dryman's { having all hroken up.- . J L ne . v 2 2: ? i : er z ; {tv this is a very liberal offer. He vis- | afterfioon. house in Queen's Park, Toronto, while 2 : s A negro murderer was legally" hang | Navanece, Saturday, 15th: Kings- Rev. W. A. Guy, Bath, preaches in | the family were at dinner last hight There "aie fourteen schools in Renfrew ® 4 : -- ® | cd at Nacogdog) Texas, only two | ton, Thursday, 23rd, remaining. three the Presbyterian church, Napanee, to 11 he men had a narrow escape from |, W ai i \ ~ | - : mMPIrrow. arrest, but 'finally escaped. county. hours after réc sentence. days only. : : . ' * : . ' \

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