L a TAIRA Uo ~-------- ' . T . E_ 3 A All <a rx : eee orn YEAR. NO. 243. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1902 . 2 LAST EDITION B-- -- -- rrr re an w-- pe -- gaa 3 - rm rm i et, rR. mre REID, LCCAL MEMORANDA. |x REFOSMERS AT WORK. IS STILL WARM. lo.b Span Uanaerisirr, 22) Finca The Daily Note Book For Whig The Annual National | Convention The Temperature in the British a Telephone No. 577. Readers to Post Themselves By. of the W.C.T.U. : Commons. When you get a piano New York, Oct. I5.--The Tribune's { : Buy a Nordicimer. Pe: London cable says: The temper See J eid, 22 Yeldmas sicighe -------- has not fallen in parliament. Eve Ospi collections in the churches. Ev Spa a] eT ae meld To Be he i ts toy | Fpisode AL A Woman's Commission. Likely Organ. | xperivuced a debater as Sir Wilion . arcour called to or SPECIAL SALE A woman's whim is «ften a man's fate. "Trip to Coontown," Grand Opera House, Convention. 8 pm. Temptation alwavs Las an ov: out for the --0F---- - young man with his hands in his pockets. If it was vashicnable to tell the truth a WOULD NOT GO ing 1 € NT vould be andary. . L th Dinin Chairs great many people we uld t e in a quar . . ead er " Most people put in a lifetime planning for some preat pleasure and die before they get 5 around to it. ALLEGIANCE TO WHICH OF High Back Golden Oak Polished, The sin rises Sumdav wt 6:19 am, and Ho ERS ? $2.50. sets at 511 pm. Monday at 6320 am. THE LEADERS? and sects at 509 pm. High Back Upholstered = Seat, | _ hi day in the world's history--British and | Caused Internal Strife and a Live- Golden Oak Polished, $3.50, $4.50 | Boers have skirmish at Acion Holmes, 1899; $6.50. Sideboard 5 ft., Golden Oak regular, $75, for $60. Sideboard, 4 by 6 ft., Golden Oak, regular $55, for $40. Sideboard, 4 ft., Golden Oak, regular $25, for $20. ROBT. J. REID. SPECIAL SALE --OF-- ABOUT 4,000 CASES RUBBER BOOTS |- AND SHOES, ETC., (BY CATALOGUE,) AT AUCTION. The subscribers have received instructions to sell at their salesrooms, Nos. 86 and 83 St. Peter Street, Montreal, ON THURSDAY. Oct. 23rd At 10 O'clock A. M. (Fur account of whom it" may concern) About 4,000 cases Rubber Boots and Shoes, manufactured by the Boston Rubber Co, of Mowtreal, consisting of Ma's, Women's, Misses', Boys Chiklren's Cotton and Wool Lined | Men's and Boys' Plain Overs, Pure Gum Boots, etc, ete. Sule without any reserve whatever. © Catalogues mailed on application. The special attention of jobbers is invited to this important sale. Liberal terms. BENNING & BARSALOU, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, OCT. 2st. WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED BY W y Barker to sell without reserve at 5 Markland Street, Fine Weber Piano, Tapestry and other Carpets, Couch, Easy and other Choice Rockers, ete, » Extension and other Tables, Writing Desk, Bedroom Suite, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Springs, Mattrasses, Wardrobe, - Champion Range, Seal Peninsular Square Heater, Ladies' E.Z. Bicvels, Washine Ma- chine, Wringer, Baby Carriage, Tinware, Crockery, ete Piano sold ae p.m. Sale at 10:30: ALTAN & BROWN, Auctioneers. Auction Sale Of Carriages, Buggies, etc. ly Debate in the Scottish Wo- strike in Pennsylvania mines, sctilement of coal 1900 ; Napoleon defented at Leipsic, 1813; men's Liberal Federation -- Leign Hunt born, 1781; battle of Yorkrown, Countess of Aberdeen Chosen. 1781 : Dran Swift died, 1745 ; Napoleon I. London, Oct. 18. --Internal strife left Moscow, 1812; King John of England | growing out of the question of alle diced, 1216. giance to Lord Rosebery or Sir Henry = Campbell-Bannerman, culminated in y . disorderly scenes and striking vitu rench hina peration at a meeting of the Scottish : Women's Laberal Federation, compos ed of the' wives of members of parlia- ment and other notable persons. The We Have Just Opened members were specially gathered to receive the resignation of the presi dent, Lady Helen Munro-Ferguson, Up Some Very daughter of the late Lord Dulierin. : She, it appeared, after the federation Handsome Tea Seis. had passed a motion pledging con o| fidence, in the liberal leader" "in the If you want to see some=|house of commons, Sir Henry Camp- 3 3 R 3 bell-Bannerman, had sent out civculars thing pretty give usa call. of Lord Rosebery's Liberak League, We will show you some eye-| with a view, so it was alleged, of turning the lederation into an instru openers. 'We will put any . : ment of the former premier. In spite set away for you. Come of resolutions to the contrary, Lady quick and get the best selec-| Helen persisted: in staying in the chair while the discussion of her conduct tion. = was going on. She hotly declared the tederation showed the, most indecent haste in desiring to get rid of her, ROBERTSON BROS. |i: » "1 am in the chair, an in the chair 5 I will remain.' wife . [8] f Y upporter the f al Une ~o r supporters, » 0 ( GRAND I OPERA I HOUSE. |) 'a member of parliament, made per --- --t-- sonal charges against their opponents and in spite of hikses and prolonged interruption, Lady Helen persisted in ruling that she be allowed to conti- nue. The wife of another member of par liament declared that the executive SATURDAY, OCT. 18 MATINEE AND NICHT COLE & JOMNSON'S FAMOUS ATRIP TO COONTOWN committee had deliberately tampered Popular prices--Evening 28e., 35c., 50e. with Lady Hélen's circular by issuing Matinee, 25c. to all parts of the house. it with underlined sentences which Scats on sale at Hauley's. | iis . | were not marked by the president. Mofiduy, October 28th, Robert Whittier, in | pp io statement, was greeted by a * TANGLED RELATIONS." chorus of hisses from the assembly. ca | Then the delegates stood up and QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS shouted and wild confusion prevailed while the' tellers for the vote on 'the , EY - president's vesignation were appoint SATURDAY, OCT. 25, ed. Lady Helen, referring te,one of . . the tadies® chosen, said, "she could surely be trusted," whereupon all the - other tellers believing their. honor to be impugned, refused to act. Ultimate . y ly a ballog vote was taken, and after Limestonas Ys, Quéen's lil. the uproar had died down it ~~ was "found that Lady Helen's resignation RMGC i VS Queen's I had, been accepted hy 133 to 63 votes. TUAD " . Thi Countess of Aberdeen was then elected president. NOTICE. J. F, M'DERMOTT, KINGSTON, HAS IN- "iss : wy hd structed me to sell bv public auction at his " She WI VOEhIG. CHRBENT Canadian-South" African Service. TO USERS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT. * wiry ns, #4 King street on SATURDAY, " Montreal, Que., Oct. 18.--The WwW : th, his extensive: wtock of carridies Owing to changes beine made at power MC ea', ue, Ug, . 1e new mikaduvs, furm and market War Soles Via re oH &® no eUsront yruishec] monthly ~steamship serviee between ele, oy To ook Saturday -ohetiy nn Noir Canada dnd--Soutir- Africa to~be-maine » at one o'clock sharp Pn . NE Oi ine bv + Llder-De "w TERMS--Twelve months' erxdit om ap Pa POIGPL dined oy Us Atlan, better Jor si proved, endorsed notes, with iniercet at 7 and urness lines was Imaugurated to- per Ceut. : LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. [day with the sailing from this port of W. MURRAY, Jr, Auctioneer. A BLACK AND TAN CoLIsta ANSWERING | the Allan" line" steamship Ontarian. tothe name oft Collie. - Any ins The Ontarian carries-a-full eargo and WANTED: Fru} a Tearing the i with bel (iG promoters of Che project express aukfully redeive ue ples ou . : J ¥ COUR --APPLY BO the v will be proseciaal, confidence in the fimaneral steerss----of treet. - 0. J. Hickey, arl Street the venture. The new service will 4 come into competition with the Am A FEW INTELLIGENT LADIES AND GEN- LOST. erican lines as the combmation - has {lemen, straight salary. "Apply Hox 833, |; vq SATURDAY NIGHT, THREE LAMBS, [decided to carry merchandise from soon, Unk = hud blue marks on thar backs. Went | Montreal to Cape Town at a rate five T0 RENT AT MODERATE TERMS, A RS ari aver on return 10 | per cont. lower than that now, otist Tinno, for eight months. "Apply by letter ine from New York. = to 'M. this oflice. - TO RENT. AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR SPECIAL | A HOUSE, PLEASANTLY 100 ATED, TARED Norway And Sweden Need Grain. brand Teas, Cofiees, Etc. The Starr Co. minutes' walk from electric we Vids rt. 18 F. Soutt : Tn a mnan Bd Wht lore Wood and C0 Ad Ottawa, Oct . --E. Sout tn, the dress GAR, Whig Oiliev, agent of the department of trade and CAPITALISTS. 10 INVEST IN = REAL A commakce. in Norway and Sweden ES 7 to 12 per cent. net. J. TO-LET. writes to. sav that the harv in 51 Brock Street. : RON HOUSE. 266 JOHNSTON STREET these countries were: more or « a o failire and that breadstufis are being $12 WE EITHER SEX, COPYING A 48 1 neal : TE), ee lotters ait home. Send stamp for par imported. The last steamer. from New ticulars. King Mig. Co, 248 Warren Av, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. York brought S000 sacks of wheat Chicago. : and Hour and several hundred barrels J I 0 WORK ON BAY I $12 WEEKLY, DOING WRITING y HOMI of rolld oats. Mr. Soutum savs that 50 LABOURERS, TO Wt ON BAY OF either sox Sh stampx for full particu s time ai 1 y ate Quinte Railway. Napanes, Ont. Wauves a Ne bi? Supply Co., Real Estat he has time and ain called the at ars al bi 1 I 3 5 or re Apply 'to P. McCoy, Board Buildings Chicago. tention of the Ca lian mills to" the ova otel, Napanee. = ements -- | possihiities of a steady large export $10 * T. NO BARS fon. | trade of their products to these conn $ NOW £LEARS 81. | | prod I _AN ENERGETIC MAN CAN BARN FROM Heat and Power from the sun without | {ac : $13 to $18 a week selling onr goods ire fare! Livestegy Scientific Dis Overy: Large demand. Write for particslars. C ion daily. New Corporation R. Fegan, Fenwick, Unt. 2 cents. each. 300 refer | Invites Former Queen To Madrid. we Co., St. Lomis, Mo . ' : LADIES, ALSO MEN,"TO COPY LELTERS rm ---- en Parris, Oct. . According ta current at home and return to usie goad pav SANTONS-DUMONT TALKS. ort the young kingsof Spain is de strictly genuine, res xeelsior- Man sirous of having his. paternal grand ufacturing Co., B., eveland, © . . mother. the former Gueen Isabella | Fly From Paris to San Francisco I io N ey Seen wo 5 B ls : . eturn te adrid and spe wv . BOYS AND GIRLS, WHO WILL WORK For $200,000 2 A a : ailv and earn from $2.30 to $3 per dein chung years in the panish capital. wink. Apply to Gomlds factory, Smith London, Oct. INS Former Mayor It is doubtful if the invitation will be sires, opposite 730° Privcres atte Phelan, Ssn Francisco, just arrived in | aecepted as the former queen, despite To 4 NEE ; london ffom the continent, says that [her age--she will 'be seventy-three to AGERTS SAN LED ai City on M. Saatos-Dumont, with whom Mr. | morrow--is known to he extremely owr > fak Lepr usines as : ) oh 898 wackiv." Write now Tor excius- | Phelan dined, is" about to make an liond of Paris and its gayveties, make $25 weekly { A ive territory. P.O. Box 373, Montreal. offer. to travel fiom Pans to San] | ! ------ - Francisco by awship. . Paper Makers Want Shorter Hours MARRIED COUPLE DESIRE ONE OR TWO <M. Rantos-Dumont," said Mr. Phe Gttawa, Oct. 15.--~The FE. B. Eddv well furnished and well heated roo : "asks that a price of 3200000 Le . : : : with bound, southern exposurg Give full | 2» ASKS THB o i ) : 1 1 paper makers are discatisfisd with par oh Addrdss © I." Whiv: Ofte put ui the sim, hi t nis the present hours of labor and want ------ The paid over 11 chse eS 3. tn a €inty tive hour week, while workin AT ONCE, AT NEW YORK DRFSSMAKING | cessi oe acronaut Sidhe tod at night... instead of seventyv-wight Academy, "good shwers to learn cuttine vl] his own expenses, an e 1S ry of labor ¢ The 5 by measure desing. HHEDIAR. 10 oT hire rt ak huildiue a ne : hours of labor as now we men are rr I a gE alrénly at wark huiiding ie d to be well orfanized, as mefnbers : shap po the Dt te ii tN] Gof the [International Brotherhood. of MARR IED COUPLE WOULD LIKE titely Confident of achieving his ob |p, Makers, withfa total member shid apartment | TE wets He pooh-poochs the ship of 23000, tw threes - : 3 - of in go atich dress ( Whig © Drops $2 A Ton. : Toronto, Oct. 1S he rst effect of SEVERAL BRIGHT PEOPLE WHO .CAN i tl : tliiis I ot earn at A are Weok.v or eftieme) 1 e. Loft » of our t nes +} 1 a ' t ' had lars toa dave Noo deliver i ftp Fve or +? The Century a. ! | 1 1 Toroote { | A e > A ie) » 8 i Git a v A. r | HALL'S BARBER SCHOOLS, 248 YONGE I ' hut jhe street, Toromta, Ont, also St. Lawreics Ir nou ! ! ¥ T 1 LTOr t: street, Montreal, P.Q and 18 East Se: he Y = NN \ ' rir the eca strat, Buffalo Flerantlv equippe . } i = hh Wages, Saturdays. ferme me Tonle > * : \ trial, lodgings, Taiiroad ticket and cata nt Thu <1 i logue free, v our "SPECIAL CO linterest to and shoe trade. | 2 ." . iy. jo = OPERATIVE PLAN" course is give ab fii 0 oii will conducted at oi | Bibby,s. To-Night. Bibby's. Sotely de. feo uy Kher . by of wellknown firm of] New ne kwear: new shirts: new hats: money at vour home, by working fc us warerooms nb Ne it on 1 [& 4 . ' . ¢ Write for partic v. ARs Owen! Benning & Barsalou." | pew underwear. The H. D. Bibb Co. MRS. L. M. N. STEVENS. Portland, Me., Oct. IS.--Promptly to the minute at the time set for the op- eming of the twenty-ninth annual na- tional convention of the W.C.T.U., Mrs. I. M. N. Stevens rapped the con vention to order. It was quite evident that the successor of Frances Willard enjoyed the highest esteem and affection of the cultured women before her, as she was required to stand for some time, bowing her acknowledoe- ments, before the warm. applause sub- sided. Surrounding the national presi- dent were a score or more of women who «are foremost in the temperance reform movement sin America. The stao® was neatly decorated with pot- ted plants and bunting. The main floor of the theatre was occupied with delegations from the different stations and tervitories, while the halcony was filled with interested auditors. ADVERTISED FOR A WIFE. Woman Responds, Husband Runs Away With Her $8,000. Juffalo, Cot A line-appearing man, who gave name as Charles John Ander came to this city a fow weeks neo, stopped at one of the leading hotels and advertised for a wife. Mrs. Adele Wager, Pennsylvania street, answered the advertisement. A few days later she was married to An- derson. The dav 1S has OT, they were married the bride gave the hushand the key of her strong box in a down town bank. The nexa, day she went to Detroit that she might dispose of some property there. © She sold the "property for 000 and entrusted the money to ho husband's carve. He suddenly disappeared, leaving her at the Cadillac hotel in Detroit, with- out a dollar: She returned to Buffalo, Arriving here che found gthat Anderson had relieved her of 85,000 whith she had placed - the box. : CONVENTION RENEWED. Feared Canada May Offer Much, Chamberlain will in the matter, uphold Newfoundland The Bullet Proof Coat. New York, Oct, ISA public the bullet proof cloth invented Rev. Zoglin: of male Montauk Fulton. street, cht calibre, The cloth was pierced hy bulleis from a revol- ver of theirty-eight calibre. ihe cloth which athe Rov. Mr. Zeglen has been working to perfect, for over fiftéen vears, made finely woven » pure silk threads. Zeglin to wear a waist of: the and to ofter himself a ta test by Chicago, billiard Brook of the wis Casimir at the No.DNT parlors, ver of thirty-vi af Mr. cont I~ purp ISOS fabric od as Found Dead In Her Room. Blenheint, Ont. Mrs. enson, an old "who had alone herg for years and was supposed, to be quite wealthy, was found dead in her home. It is thought + she died Sunday. 'The body when found dressed in rag The not known, but the been a oveat sufferer from rheumatism and had great din culty in getting around. Mrs. Steven son's husband is living, but the couple had been separated for vears IN Stey lived Jet, woman, Hany On scantily of death, had wars cause is woman some In Honor Of Late Emperor Berlin, Oct. The birthdav anni- versary of the late Emperor Frederick was quielty" celebrated in Berlin to In the morning Emperor William ed a wreath on the sarcophagus at I~ Potsdam. The wreath had attached to it a white satin ribbom with the ini- tials of the emperor and empress in cold, During the dav delegations from the differfnt regiments placed wreaths on the sarcophagus. The city of Pots- dam sent g laural crown. Earl To Wed Beatrice Irwin. New York, Oct. IX The Rialto heard with surprise this morning that the Earl of Rosslyn and Miss Beatie Irwin, both now 11 at' the Gar tick theatrs ' 1 Le married. "the marriag 1 iro take place next year at, Rosslin chapel, on the cat] 8 ostute ? Beresford Gets A Promotion. Chicago University olarshi Par Oct. 15.--Hobart le Ba has S000 francs to the Paris uni- versity to found a scholarship fo (oo French professors x reeptl ol ved study at Chicago university. Opposition. St. John's, Nfla., Oct. 18. --Premier Rond, of Newfoundland, has effected , renewal of the Bond-Blaine convention with the United States' cabinet on the most advantageous terms. The treaty provides for the adngssion of New- foundland. products into - the 'United States duty iree. It is feared that Canada will use every means to pre-s vent the treaty from being signed. It is: <hoped- that Colonial" Retretary ize at Early Date FULL ENQUIRY ten INVESTIGATION BROAD AND THOROUGH. It Is Said That no Non-Union Men Are to Be Discharged and This Has Caused Growling in the Union Circles--Ready to Operate. Wasnington, Oct. 18.--The commis- sion appointed by President Roosevelt to "inquire into, consider and pass upon' the merits, of the dispute be tween the anthracite mine operators and the miners will probably meet for ganization early next week. lhe date will not be fixed until after the expected action is taken by the Penn- Sylvania miners' convention, agrecing to return immediately to'work ui the mines. The meeting place of the commission will be in Washington, where an ganization- wiill be perfected and members will formaliy sident Roosevelt to receive general in- structions from him as to the investi- cation that will be conducted by them. DO IS org u's the wait upon Pre- far as known, of the operators as be investivated fied, and thet instructions of the presi dent to the arbitrators will probably follow in "a general way the lines laid down by the coal presidents in the proposition addressed to the public early this week. It is President Roos velt s intention, however, that the in tigation Yhall be as broad and thorough as possible, in order that all points at may he thoroughly the stipulations to the matters to have not been modi ve issue threshed out and passed upon in an intelligent and authoritative manner. The operators, speaking upon one important clause of their recommenda tion, da lared that toe non-union men now working, 17,000, will be re- tained in their present places and that none wiil be discharged to make some way for the strikers who are to be taken back individually and assigned tb work according to their capacity. Ready To Work Scranton, Oet. 18.~All the mines of the Lackawanna company, in this city, will be ready to the men signify back. This is true with a few tions of the other 'companies, there will be scarcely a mine Scranton region that. will ready for resumption by 'Wednesday next. I the miners go to work on next Thursday mornine,. coal will he- in to pour into New York on Satur- resume as their willing ne soon as w Lo go 'excep- gud in the not, he day. Meantime considerably coal that has been held "in reserve, but whi h is now of no further use, will be re leased and will serve to relieve the situation somewhat. Some. of the miners are growling hecause they will have to work with non-union men, but the companies will retain all that are in their employ at dhe present time. It is no secret, how ever, that those who are known. to have hail 4 hand in violence will not Lie re viaploved. Supply On Hand In-Fortnight. New "York, Oct. IS. It is predicted that hy. the end of next week the peo ple of this ¢ity will be able to" buy anthracite coal at less than $10 a ton, and that" two weeks hence the will be 87 a ton or standing the diiliculty thracite, about 20.000 stored in the various' metropolitan district. was released yesterday. Coal car roads, which all the anthracite in transit when the strike was declar ed, are supposed "to have had, includ: ipg anthracite in the and coal pockets, 600.000 tons on the dav after the strike: Part of tms was released from time time during the strike for hospitals and schools, and For the Manhattan. Railway It is estimated that the now from 25.000 to reserve left. A great leased as soon as oins. price less, of tons vards in Much of Notwith an been Securing had seized cars io company. companies have 50.000 part mining tons of this will be actually re o Won $80,000 On Races. New York, Oct. John A. Drake, the Chicago miionaire horseman and racetrack plunger, a large for tune on the result four races at Morris Park. He secured from the ring a sum varieusly estimated hy the bookmakers at from $60,000 to SU, 000. 1t was the largest amount won at race track this season by am one man ina single dav, although John W. Gates, with his friends, won [200,000 on the Futurity, but the am was divided number, Is won of a ount among a Pestered To 'Death. Rockport, Tex., Oct. 183.--X flock of 6.000 sheep belonging to George AL Prundrett and feeding on Maragorda I<land, were driven by tos ine to the water of Cedar An and all hut HH were drowred. The 'mosqu Los mere Ti that fa tui liens o aban fon thy I in }. Con- Wane rad elected t by Ab he Odell wacer is sai! tobe the lar 1 n pol Buffalo Bit bby' s. Oak Hall. Bibby's. i Ti} or 15t the | ht N~, I Co was repeatedly vesterday, in committee on ques-- tions of relevancy and was finally buked by the chairman, although protested that he was soliciting planations by which the debate on the education Lill wirht be shortened. The Irish members listless spectators der, re- he ex- were of. the proceedings, but the govern- ment benches thorouchly enjoved the veteran's discomfiture and the liberals bitterly resented it. Feeling is running hich at Westminster, with each bench accusing the other of deliberate mis representation and Premier Balfour de fining the character and scope "of the control which wiil be exercised in de- nominational schools especially with reference to the selection of teachers. The government supporters have been whipped into line temporarily by the uncompromising speeches of Premier Ralfour and Mr. Chamberlain's menace of a general election. But the effect of the harrassing tac- tics conducted by good fighters like Llovd George, for instance, can harl- lv fail to prove demoralizing if con- tinued week after 'week. The liberal party is united at last, on a fighting issue faction feuds ave forgotten and Lord Rosebery's speech has brought the leaguers and imperialists into line with the most unmanageable. radicals. Not 'only is the education hill being fought line by line, but word by word. The house of commons went in- to committee, vesterday afternoon, and an amendment to line four, clause eicht, was at considered and when adjournment took place twelve amendments had been disposed of, and, the committee had only reached the sixth line. Altogether there ave twen ty-four page amendments to this particular clause, and, althouch manv of them ave duplicates, considerable time must elapse in the ordinary course, before they can all be dealt with. Premier Baliour will probably be obliged to apply the closure fre quently or force the hill through in oroups or without: permitting a detailed dicussion. once clauses EXCITING TIMES. Demonstration Made Against Pre- mier Barton. Sydney, N.S.W,, Oct. The exas- peratioi against the working of the federal constitution reached a climax, vesterday, when riotous demonstra- tions were made against Prime Minis- ter Barton, who has been hooted in the streets here in conscuinece of the general discontent of the crowd with the government. The immediate cause of the troubles is the harrassing ad- 18. ministration of the federal tariff. Merchants are taken to the police courts and fined for trivial clerical er- rors such as describing imported con- densed milk as' coming from Switzer land instead of Norway. Mr. Barton's replv to those who have complained has been non-committal. He addressed a meeting at the town hall, vesterdav He was frequently interrupted by large minority who so angered him that he dgscribed them as a lot of anarchists, disloyalists and traitors. The persons to whom these names were applied retaliated by cheering for Reid, of the. .federal .opposi on George tion. BEGGER HAD GOLD. Montreal Had Man Arrested In $65 in His Pockets. Montreal, Oct. IN. Fusebe Viau, seventy-two-yvear-old | Ar, vested on St. Janis street charge of beg without a When he was at the station 365 was found in one pockets... When brought before corder Weir he acknowledged that had been begeing for six years, out of his earnings he been to_save the monev. His honor said was about to snl not so much money in his pocket, better for a man to for thé days when he erless to go abroad and was on license. Central of his Re- he and able a ng wehed had that the because It try would be his although he man to jail it he had the was infinitely prepare pow- liv was and seek month more. BUILT AN HISTORIC BATTERY, Man Who . Mounted Guns That = Opened Civil War. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 15. Ma or John I". O'Lrien, a promiuent busin man and a confederate veteran, is dead. He was SIXtY two years obl Major OBrien was appointed ty the Military Academy at West Point bv Jefferson Davis, then secretary of war. He was graduated in 130, and a vear later was made a lieutenant oi encineers in the confadvrate armv. He was stationed at Charleston, 8 and designed and constructed the bat tery from whith the Lirst shot of the civil war was fired I'he. body will be taken to Knox ville, Tenn; for buri To Attack Nova Scotia. learned from tiatio art wa Seotd liquor trad Te ral Scott, yaritinge 1 -N i vritten ion, in Bis letter fer at. the trade should tury | its attention to the mantime pi | vines iia fend = - Tock His Life. ! 1 Oct. 15.2 Beniamin Fax htv-four, an old <ichet the section, who lived sabout hree miles t. of Listowel commit ted suicide bv hanging. Despondeney is the supposed cause, ing, than it was to beg in the streets' and then spend the money for whis kev. His honor sent Viau to jail fou one month with a fine of 310 or one all -AND Winter Cloaks Make an early choice--it will be to your advantage. We show only new goods -- you might as well have the newest, the price is just the same. Special Values $5, $7, $8, $10, Sil. Extra fine qualities, $13, $14, $15, $18, $ao, up. Come and see if only to see. McKIM--At Napanee, SMY THA BORN. Oct. 12th, 6 Mr: B. Mchkim, a daughter Descronta, Oct. 13th, to Mr, Med Augustus Po Smyth, a son. and and Mrs. N M'CULLOUGH-DEWET, McCABE--SCHRYVER--On DEYO--DUFFY--At SHANDREAU-SERO BABCO( BL AL MARRIED. On Oct. 15th, Tyendingga, to Riclkmond township. October "15th, North Fredericksburgh, Sharbot Oc telos Ist, Stephen Devo, Kingston, to Miss Bertha Duffv. daughter of William Duffy, formerly of Maber!y At Deseronto, on Oct. Alexander Shandreau, soronto, Lo lara Belle Sero, Tyendinaga. K--VANDERBURY--On Sept 10th, at Toromo, Minnie, danghter of Normumn Babcock, Arden, to" William ™ Vanderbury, Warburton Hav Bay, on -SILLS--At Selwvn Black, Napanee, Frede Wil- ham Miss thet McCullough, Dewet, Wilson C. McCabe, io Martha: Schryver 154 Mi Oct, to burgh, 15th, Nelli Tie ruice ASE RSON =On.. 0% Funwral will, Sil's, North DIED. Friday, Oct Johnston 71 var his late pu. dor private. Assa., Stuart the late Mador al Canadian Riv, and 2 17th, Se, hin An- at James Maon- cones residence on Cataragui Ife st 1:30 Funeral At KF young Ho Witsai, Ra VOeATS. Sins clair, SUITS and 1 WE HAVE THE. VERY LATEST John Tweddell, STYLES IN OVERCOATS AT REASONABLE PRICES Aerchant Taller, 131 Princess St. LADIES PERSONAL. * 1 USE OUR HARMLESS REMEDY for delayid or supiwessed period; it ean nit Trial frie. Paris. Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wie. intl The Cring the Ontario government consi the for further controkoved construction of railways. + is need electric | | i EE ¢ ¢ : | SPECIAL SALE. i Saturday Morning commence our reduced We price Everything in store except Waterman's Pens will be sold at cut prices. We give you the opportun- ity of buying the newest and finest quality of goods at notvequalied in: Can- sale ' Frices ada. i 'Reduced prices for .cash -- ,, C. JOHNSTON & BRO. LBL OEE TTT TLL TLTTTLRTETLTTTLTTLTELTTTRETS