4 cH®_ Da!,¥ WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17. FALL SHOES! FOR MEN. BOX CALF, HEAVY DOUBLE SOLES, These are not the clumsy, ill- shaped, ill-fitting, brogan-looking 'affairs you usually see. They are and neat and stylish They are com- handsome from toe to heel. fortable and easy from the min- ute you on till the time they're ready for the junk- man. We have your size now. put them SHOE STORE. McDemoll's |aRY MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :(--As a can diate for Mayor for 1903, I re apect fully licit your votés end influence to elect me. C. J. GRAHAM. d0- MAYORALTY 1903 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEME N:~1 am acan- didate for the mayoralty for the year 1903, and respectfully ask for your votes and in- fluence on my behall. 2 J.T. WHITE. MAYORALTY 1203 To the Electors of Kingston: LADIE Sg ° AND GENTLEMEN :--I respect- . fully solicit your votes and influence to elect me as Mayor for 1903. Carriages Carriages EVERYBODY Whe "ag rubber tires on "their ses are well pleased with e and comfort they enjoy in driving, if you have not got them' on your carriage you should send to LATURNEY ~ and have them on and enjoy . your drives. JAMES LATURNEY, CARRIAGE MAKER, A00 Princess St. « Kingston, A BIG PART \& Of the earnings of a jewelry lusiness is its gain in repu- that Fancy tation, and, we feel, Stock Rings and Watches, are just the kind of geods that will furthey the confidence of our customers. cur Fall of advance us in ne SMITH BROS. Jewelers and 350 Yitng) Opticians. St. SAVE YOUR GOAL. Cover your with HOOPER'S ASBESTOS CEMENT. Thos save fuel and gut better distribution of heat. REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. Qend card ta our address stating surface to cover and we will advise you amount of | material required and poi HOOPER BRUS., ' INVESTMENTS --~IN~ REAL ESTATE Mining and Qil Stocks| Bet S GEO.CLIFF, 5 BROCK STREET. STRAIGHT BUSINESS W. MURRAY, Jr, - | Seer | furnaces, pipes: amd beatirs | 8: BROCK Auctiopeer and Commission chant, Magket Sqharey $3; ' STREET. | ~ { WILL INTEREST "EVERYBODY. Or at Least Everyone Who Suffers From Catarrh Catarrh in its various forms is a national disease, and the, fact that nearly everybody suffers from it more or less leads many. to ne glect its proper treatment. 'Nasal catarrh is a common cause of headaches, destroys sense of smell and if neglected reaches the throat, causing impairme nt and sometimes total of voice. Bron chial catarrh leads easily to consumption. arrh of stomach and liver are very serious and obstin me troubles, while it is now generally admitted that catarrh is the most common of all causes of deafn®ss. All of the rious forms of ca- tarrh begin with an catarrh the lo- cal symptoms, being a profuse dis- charge, stoppag: ~f nostrils, irrita- tion and frequent cleaving of the throat, ing, coughing and gag ging. I'he old joss more snecz with ete style of treatment douches, 1 sprays. salves, «imply give temporary relief and every: one who has used any .of them knows how u they and their incon such that very few have to continue their vers, 21088 are 'enie is the time or patience Se, A radical cure of catarrh can only be obtained from a treatment avhich removes the catarrhal taint from the blood because will now dis pute the i catarrh is a constitutional ot Li ., and local applica 't except to tem porns + Jocal symptoms, hich has been re He v Vv When curing catarrh no one no effec ful in tablet which 1x acts ny the sucees wit tasting nally and d mucous posed of a | Gm, blood pecifies wh cliiminate the System. pleasant to the mouth and and on t remedies wd similar ny th (tarrhal poison "from tal heing are dissolved thus 1 the finally the stomae tary canal. They t. trachea and entire alimen Id by druggists evervwhere under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. 1i desired, page of the nose lissoly warm water and usec a douche m addition to internal use, but a douche is not at all A \ 1 the mouth « will t Ainslee The i f Ntrart's wn internally will cure re rn! trouble without o the ' inconvenience of ¢ + an inh when there is much stop the tablets may Ix as necessary. ihy ler. ; seem to give a healthy tone to whole mueons mémbrane and it 1s remarkable how they wih the head and throat of the tural and poisonous catarrhal se n art's Catarrh the really clear soon Tablets is un doubtedly the safest, most palatable and certainly the most efficient and congehient remedy any form of catgrrh. for We illustrate here our No. 600 « SOLITAIRE" DIAMOND RING, which sells for $100. This stone is of the finest quality, fl and is mounted in 18k. gold. We personally select our Diamonds from the "cutters" stock, and with our expert knowledge of gems, an inferior quality never enters our stock. Our new illustrated catalogue will be forwarded on request. We cheerfully refund the purchase price where any article selected is not perfectly satisfactory. Ryrie Bros, Jewelers, Yonge and Adelaide Streets, Toronto. Every care that skill can devise orexperience © approve is used in the making of Carling's ale and porter. It is to your own in- terest to order Carling's and to see that you get it. Every dealer will supply you Hf you insist. It costs you no more. a Sole eat of Kingsto Henderson. . 2 feria 4 or y pot to stricture. of : Prevents Contagian, meEvana Chemica Go €° Sold by Drug FURL CALL AND SEE IT .AT STRACHAN S HARDWARE, lv increase in act j= n MEN OF WEALTH ONLY FIFTEEN MILLIONAIRES | IN GREAT BRITAIN At Least This is the Record From the Official Income Tax Returns--Where They are Lo- cated. London Mail. There are Great Dritain, and one least this would appear to be the oflicial income tax returns sued. > According to the returns these teen persons make the sum tot: al of the individuals in t country who! enjoy incomes of over £50,000, and this is about the "millionaire" level. It is true that there are 131 peo- ple with incomes of between £10,000 and £30,000, and, of course, a con- siderable number of these are just on tha line across which they oid Lie classed as millionaires. Incomes of between £5,000 and £10,000 are en joved by 424 people To be an assessor of Income tax cone needs a heart of flint. To him the workl is a Dantesque Inferno, filled with dolorous complainings. It is always, "The worst vear § re- member, sir," or "Hard times, very hard times," every year sees the na- tion "on its last fina 1 legs." Unfortunately the great majority of the smaller income people have no op- portunity of pleading poverty. They are people with salaries, and the n- come-tax man has access to the tell- tale wages list. But the millionaire is not a salaried man. For the most part he pays on an assessment pro- vide d hy fimes Ii, and the above-quot ed fi vive one to think.' al the number until of in £200 there ave + while of smaller from taxation there are in lreland--at so -from gures Down the eradual- between wer-than not 112,- Oomes £160 no f eomes nd singular exception tis steady gradation, There are paratively few incomes of between Seach) and £900, the number being 1,- ONO in Great Britain, whe i res immediately above 2,641. appears, fatality of income, for we not only in the vate persons, but also of companies; -- and municipal Jut there is one weas the and below 2.935 an There strange lar is rare, indeed, about this particu find that it pri- public corpora size case of tions. The return gives startling evidences of the large proportion of the burden which is borne hy the comparatively poor mi wm. Of incomes £160 and £200, tl} amount assessed is £20 the incomes be tween £200 the amount a £21,215,614. of incomes £1,000 and the gross assessed between and sed is QrOss But between £2.00 amount was! only to note that there Britain 86 firms with an of over £50,000, hut not. on in Ireland; and that, in Great Brita there are 656 public companies, and in freland 19, which have incomes of £50,000. is interesting is in Great income over Chinese Art Of War. A novel method of testing new f now in vogue «cannon of the | nnported was China tvbe wi cently from Fu- rope, landed on the coast \ an darin | of the district first losely' and then reso They, therdiore, they anchored at the land, and ther cannon and fired : their surprise, the shot did the boat, but fell short, in the wate Lhey determined to try again, |} ut id not want to n a second time, y they the hoat to the spot where oth «t. shot had and_anch it_there. "Fhen and, hounded : a shot fallen thea fired, to_ thei joy, the throuyh the vessel ovid Iv, it never oO aefed cout have i more the ns ond hy lightly cannon, they mos e the il ini position of the , it did ocenr to 'them, thought that it ier to boat than tp "so n with vecannon that Vv. iin <olutely certain of not the ft Vv Experiment With Ruler. If vou « of the force of tinos tev the foll simple expe nt Place at fen a table it twit propeet t: Lab! . and then over ion of the 1 sheet w, it you ¢ to obtain a Vivi pheric wing Con hali of of the and the lay a {ordinary woe that cede uch a manne beyvonid the the table thereon I part out ¢ expose only fifteen millionaires in. just 1s- | SiX- ! THEATRICAL COMMENT. -- | Notes About English and Ameri- can Stage. Mme. Patti has commenced a tour through Great Britain. "Richelieu" is to be presented in New York, bv an "all-star" cast. J. M. Barrie's "Quality Street' gets a kindly reeeption from the. London critics. Weedon Grossmith, the median, is coming to Americ play at the New York Princess. "Quincy Adams Sawyer, a rural play, has been drawing immense ~~ au- | diences in foston for three weeks past. 5 | Two play sick recently appeared fin iim Ro in Toronto this week | -- The Pride of at the Grand, and "Alaska" at the Toronto. | Julia Moirlone will give the first F Athoelcan performance of Mildred Al- drich and Paul Kester's translation of Mendes' "Queen Fiametta" in Bos- ton. Mes. Patrick Campbell has accepted a drama with the rather awkward title of "Frality, Thy Name is Wo- man." She will 'probably Keep it for her return to London. Willard, the English Toronto Princess this ing lady, Miss Fealy, vears old, and without voungest leading actress on (rican stage. Mascagni's engagement in America is for a period of sixteen weeks, and Toronto will be one of the early cit- jes visited, on October 30th. Every city of importance between Boston and San Francisco is to be visited, "I'he Eternal City" seems to be a popular hit in London, where it was produced by Beerbohm Tree last Thurs De The extracts from the ne wspapers sav it is showy, * 'meaty' and "hig." Sir Henry Irving's Lyceum Theatre, Londen, which is to be pulled down, did not come up to modern le- gal requirements, nor compare well in point of comfort, not luxury, with modern London layhous es.. It is not to be rebuilt. 'The old oi which dates back nearly a century, has not paid for. several years The latest Drary Lane London, ma, "The Best of is found- #d upon the Boer war. It tells of two voung college who, after an estrangement caused by mutual Jove for the «till further sun- dered by the which places one on the side, of the Boers and the oth- er with the British. Ree who played in Kingston last winter takes the part of one o i the heroes The chief plays now periorming in London, England, theatres -are : "The Best [ . at Drury Lane; "The Fs ing," at the Princess; "he | » Mc ¥ at the Gar- rick; * "The Maria Kitty," at the Duke of York's: A Country Girl," Paly's; "Mice and Men," at the ric: "If 1 were hit at "the James; "The Toreador," at the ( iv: "Naughty Nancy' at the Nov; "There's Many a Skip," "at the Haymarket; "What Would a Gentle man Da? at the Apollo. ¥nglish co- . He will Jennico™ is .at the His lead- eighteen the Am- actor, week. is only doubt the cabled about to say dra- i" rie nds,' 2 ades, conmt irl, are fighting same wes-Smith, Liv- St --tie-------- An Old Resident Dead. Oct. 14.--On the 6th inst. a much esteemed resi- dent. Mrs.- John Sleeth, after a lony illness of cancer. The the followino Wednes- by Rev. Mr. Wood. A large cortege followed the remains to the Sand Hill cemetery. On Thurs day evening the annual Bible mecting was conducted. in the dist cl h, Rev. Mr. McDona I, hure, \s very interes » in his addres close the « were elected ensuing ve Those township fair at In 6eh © inst, wep well show of and carried ¢ of our re Jattersea, death "claimed was conducted day. at the home Metho Pitts y Wi At. the for the attended the the the prizes were who verary on pleased with horses. Several in the latter some kidents. H. Keeler again securing first with his i driving mare in pallor and WY, erring fi on-lns pacing colt, John nie, in the Ia .. Kirkpatrick it have con cement stables. Job. Anglin his new barn. and? stables completed. W. Young has done avery extensive business in his cheese-hox factory this season. The following here or have been of late Thorne, Kingston; R. 'A. in Luvern; Smiths Fal Miss Ans Fulton, N.Y. The many frit nds atc A. M. Van Luven, Syracuse, v much shocked at the news ad and swlden death. His sisters Mi N. H. Williams bas returned from at tending the fun 1 NH. WN on hix return journey from friends in Michigan, also in at ne funeral. cattle class bv the Ls Bros. dros. structed new ouests are IL of his visiting was at the Glenvale Gleanings. Oct. ~The steam thre in our busi met Mr or oO Yabeock ro NOW rushing society neivhl ness at Mrs Binning proving. Joseph Lev Florence Binning Napanee Country. a funeral service § Society | ! hoots ti fed rou oli Merdfan se' here of THE BIG STRIKES PREDICTION OF A LONDON SOCIOLOGIST Labor Unions May Be Ruined -- Probable Result of Endless Litigation Initiated by Em- ployers. Boston, Oct. the well known who 'is now the versity and the club, prophes England © between hor and organized capital. He says: *in Ingland * the organization of Ta bor from the nature of things is far] less firml that that of: capital, still the organization of labor is going on rap- idly, especially where machmery 1s greatly used and skill is required. trades unions . object to the employ- ment of non-union men, in order - to protect their organizations. The em- ployers of England are alout to try to break down the principle of colle¢ tive bargaining, they have turned to the two weapons of law and politics. The House of Lords has decided that unions can. be sued. 'This will pave the way for endless litigation, in which, because of their weaker resour ces, unions may be ruined. English workmen will turn to. politics ii they have brains. In the meantime as trade declines, we will see a series of big strikes and lockouts." 15.--John A. London Hobson, sociologist, Harvard um Twentieth Century serious conflicts in organized la guest of Boers Beaten By Prayers. A writer inethe Fortnig Review throws a curious side on the | helief that they had Providence their side, and their sudden dis- ion. y *1t was a strange thing," he "that first disquicted the minds Joers, Despite the efforts of the min isters to conceal it, the report that a dav had been set apart in England as a day of national humiliz ition and in- tercession spread suddenly among the ia 1018. "The effect was of a kind that will® not be understood by those who have Boers' on illusi says, of the comme in contact with the stern Old Testament fanaticism of e Dop- per congregation. "Without the inter in the dav of was regarded by many as the terrible, as well as the least expe, veapon that the English and among even the most there ran a sudden fore "The writer proceeds to point that the dav I'lth, 1900--was the not least affectation this | sion mos- could use irveliol Hoding of it ont February | day on which the of intercession | punishme nt 4 l Waltham Watches. "The Signs of the Times." ""The Perfected American Walch," an illustrated book of inferesting information about watches, will be sent free upon request. American Waltham Watch Compan, Waltham, Mass. "WALKING SHOES FOR | WALKING LADIES Ladies who do any amount of walking will appreciate them. Firm, flat, mannish looking shoes some with extension sole. Women who wear perfect fitting, comfortable Walking Shoes walk better, and have a more graceful carriage than those who do not. Our Walking Shoes al- low perfect freedom to every joint and muscle. Comfortable ftom the moment they are put on. We can fit any foot, thick, thin, long or short-- best of leather only. $2, $2.50 OR $3 Will buy a pair. We shall be pleased to show these shoes to ladies interested. SHOE $SUTHERLAND'S "Store. French crossed into Boer territory on | tion which resulted Io the Kimberley. From tha all went well with the rit and "whatever may have been thoug = at home the ct upon the Boers was overwhelming." thé expe relief of indeed, Regular Wear Of The Boots. London Sketch. An army officer tive district in South Africa during the late war presented the Kafli v who acted as his particular servant ith a pair. of strong, heavily i nition The boy was 1 with the git, and at 8 and put the boots on. . the first pair he had ever had in i ad for several days after strutted proudly about the other article r waist belt! pendent from in charge of a 1 noots, once tL They f { | | { | i later ap- wit hj | "ialloa, master, for went by, "why Thre chapence," that was don't they te said h is wear w 4 vou x ul fo 5 Threeh: Pery --nice for walking h too much | now boots? Are "Oh, pence, they boots, sah; but no good or running. Make um fi slow, sah, Keep boots in-hod. YO SK replied nty big no, for Wi ar { --_-- The Cheeky INiddy: A good _story is told of Tord harles | : s : : { Reresiord and ne midshipman, al son of Lady fences Lixie, and | most cool, up-to-dates Amongst otha accom lis voung Dixie ma bill in his oli youn wed to run up he had the vine eiddy up him and cave him a bit of hi and Lori Chal cnn give "saying tory th the conll vo; Hed vou Fut dane rather che "WEF, Was FO 1 tt and > the lecture quite discounted ment wh follow na This own he which Was The Czar's Home Language. mercial Advertiser X receaver, Not . deputy has received a tex woth, chiel engineer of* y. in oh the visit the . * of | tioh of a fool In 1 $100 REWARD eadors of Sod by drug Asta Hall's Fawily I ills | rect thing in New York City to- as the leading novelty trimming One of these hats teet ees vs er 1 se OPI Sse rte ie BAIARNPANNIIS ES FRR DPA "LADIES NEW YORK HATS. We Have Jirst Received a Case of the Newest Hats and Hat Trimmings Worn in New York City. Beaver Hats are the cor- day with Frosted Fruit White Fur Felt and Silk | after leaving the hands of our trimmers would indeed be styled 2A AMERICAN BEAUTY We have a large and choice collection of Canadian | Ready-to-Wear Hats for women and children, all mark- ted at close prices. | November Woman's Magazine. : November Eashion Sheets. New ldea Newest Patterns Just Received. CRUMLEY BROS. Don't be induc- ed to experiment with other and inferior brands. "Victoria," USE LOY, . AL e Cori net." The I, B. EDDY CO. ies Hull, Canada. OUR BRANDS: «King Edward" 1,000. q FP No Sulphur PARLOR. WATCHES No Disagreeable Fumes "Headlight" 500. "Eagle" "100 und 260 Limited, J. A. HENDRY. Agent. Kingston. Try out new bra nds, "King Edward" and «Headlight.' rbd bbl tb EOADBLIS SOE L409 0PA00 pO ES 000900000094 NLIGHT Coal oil Is Gaining in Papua Every Day. Sal es Increasing. New Customers Coming. \ ?Tis-the, 'highes st grade and most satisfactory burning. oil coming into Kingston. Try a sample lot. MCKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, ( 26646402500 0000 Fo 0400000000 200000008 00004 496445494444 Lh.