THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. ocTomER 9 MEET INCANADA VIONTREAL TO HAVE THE BIG GATHERING INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. A REMEDY GIVEN. y KEEP EM COOL . THIRTY DEAD BODIES 'IN COLD STORAGE PLANT How to Get Rid- of the Weevil, or Pea Bug. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Oct. 8.--Some members of the (iovern- ment Grain Standard Board, at Te- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Pea: Reporters On Their Rounds. Harrison Cos spetial to-day. Heavy caps for fall, 50c. Jenkins. aljeeheil ¢ Magic Cough Cure for : i | ronto, on Saturday week, after dis- Ice Cream Plant Furnishes Cold Laat cough, Duly at Taylor's, 121 | And August... 17th Will be The cussion, agreed that unless some dras- . s cess street. : i ic ASHES ke sx termi » Air Which Preserves' Them--A 3 a eur : Date--Will Take up the Subject | tic measures be taken to exterminate g ¢ Standard, select and blue point the "Pea Bug' the trade of Canada of Special Railway Rates. Montreal, Oct. 9.--Communications etween the Montreal Board of Trade and the London Chamber of Com- merce regarding) the proposition to 10ld the meeting of the chambers of Discovery Made in a Louis- ville Establishment. Louisville, Ky.,- Oct. 9.--Thirty dead bodies were found last night in a cold storage plant in the "ice cream factory on E bulk oysters, Malpecque, shell oysters at Carnovsky's fish market. Simmonds, electrician of the street. railway company, has shoulda ed his gun, and gone on a shooting trip. in peas will be entirely lost. This "bug" is the pea weevil, and Dr. James Fletcher, the Dominion en- tomologist, for some years has endea- vored to impress upon all pea grow- ers in the districts where this insect . + : a : Irs , Arch stree e » ire in the city . . 3 i ~~ op Phe same 5s which were used is Mrs. S. Angrove, Arch street, and ommerce of the empire in e 3 revails the necessity of makin a =. "ug Er. i hou sa pies aca Tr tale tal Mrs. J. Irwin, Wolic Island, left to- Juext September, have resulted in the prevajly She dor th _ - ' - were connected with a small plant in day for Ottawa, where they will spend § suggestion of August 17th as the without unity mere individual effort j 9 4 : a shed in the rear Where they kept the | 8 couple of weeks. slate for the proposed convention. will be in vain, because, if a farmer . bodies con). ' The following civic committees were Chat date was fied om as it would treats his own seed peas with carbon . o The heads of the several colleges in Sel 3p _ His Stternon Pro- Fee Member eh bisulphide, unfortunately that does N Y k C ial Ad - f S eas pres { : eS is nt. asserto "rty, 5 p.m.; board of works, 4 p.m.; §! ~ Ves 2 > e plore revel > veevils fr is e Tr er ' Nivea] iy the Ashlishment oui waterworks, 4.30 p.m. the wheat harvest. The London secre- | MOY prevent the weevils from his Ww YO ommerca vertiser o pt. 27th says that the British, neighbors' fields injuring his crop. Most farmers in the districts where the pea weevil occurs are pretty well acquainted with the life habits of the insect, and also know that the fumi- gation treatment is effective. By fol- French, German, Russian and N g with Fuel Oil on their battleships. United States Secretary Moody has ordered work on the coaling stations in the Philippines and Hawaii discontinued until tests are conclude : tary reports that the provincial cham- bers are favourable to the holding of the gathering here. Mayor Cochrane announces that a number of citizens are willing to ad- The finance committee of the board of education met last night and pass- ed the customary batch of accounts. The board meets this evening. A pleasant dance was held at Mis: mately from the penitentiaries, insane asylums and other institutions of Ken- tucky. The building is a small one and is provided with numerous thermometers orwegian Navies are all experiment- y , 3 o for maintaining the proper tempera- McGlade's rooms, corner of Barric | vance $100,000 to purchase wood to be lowing the instructions which are ; tute. The hodiss were found i bores Fi William streets, last -night. Re- J sold to he poor of the ity. The rail- given here there will be really vers SSN, : 1 st of them were in a good | freshments were served at midnight. ways say that if the city has any well | 8 °° on Ee E. oy : wd wos of Sim ¢ go William. Dudley, who © conte it Ravi odat supplying woud at Goel little danger; but, of cour i Via 3 ork J. Pierpont* Morgan and his asso- The steamer Kensington of the state of ps 0 h ) Mos must be done with care. and seed dealers months at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., as § price, plus the cost of transportation, ciates will spend $20,000,000 to develap great Morgan Steamship Trust is burn. The establishment is maintained hy large seed oy x : 3 2 > growers several Louisville medical colleges. | Principal of the _ public school, is en § they will take the matter of special hes AE Hit which. thoy the Fuel 0il Industry in Califormia.-- ing Fuel Oil. Do you realize what this The heads of these institutions say | Foute for Queen's college to resume J rates into consideration. profess to treat, and some do regul- New York Herald of Sept. 27. means to the Oil Industry ? his medical studies. Sergt.-Maj. ('Hagan, of the R.C.F. A.. field hospital, is on two weeks' furlough, and has gone to Chicago Corpl. Williams, his capable assistant, The steamship Ontarian the steamer of the Canadian-South African service arrived in port yesterday and coni- menced taking on her cargo this morning. She will have a full cargo, they are given the bodies by the state with the understanding that they are to be held thirty days for identifica tion. In order to assist in the identi arly treaty; their seed, but a change for thd better might be made by do- ing this work earlier and much more universally. Not only is the carbon fication the cold storage plant was es, Nn hi gi B00 tons PA f bisulphide more easily vaporised in tablished and an arrangement made » ne is duties. "oh tons, I our, P 4%, | hot weather, but its efiect on the in- with the ice cream - plant to. furnish pleasant dance was conducted on ther grains, ay, esides a arge gects is much more fatal than in cold quantity of manufactured goods and machinery. She will be ready to sail on October 20th, the day set for the service to begin. Wednesday evening at the Barriefield town hall by George Finnigan. There was a good attendance, a number from the city. being present. Wiliam Grundy, late sexton of Sy- denham street Methodist 'church. leaves to-night for Winnipeg, where he will spend the winter. In the spring he will go on to the Pacific coast. Ww cooling air, weather, or later in the season, when the weevils are in the torpid state in which they pass the winter. The soon- er the fumigation is done after the peas are ripe, naturally, the less the seeds will have been eaten away by the grubs and injured. Moreover, by postponing the fumigation until late IN THE DRY DOCK. Will soon be producing 50,000 barrels of Fuel Oil mon enormous production from its 104 oil wells of makes this company the safest, best sin the United States. thly in addition to its Propellor Lake Michigan Receiving . Repairs. Thee propellor Lake Michi the government dry-dock re illuminating oil in Ohio. This and most profitable oil investment" IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. an is civing re- mn News Of The Districts On Both Richardsons' elevator: Steambarge e . i x v Sides Of The Line. in®the autumn, in some seasons a . a fa : pars. twill take a couple of davs A man who was before the polié This i 1 fall f 1 H { the weevila will Rr ee kA This om an dete 6 & al Pre Tr foe Eas nis has been an excellent fa or | large proportion o e Bays 3 Pp y ' t pola ote 9 n wo hil pat holy Sours on Tuesday for drunkenness, and 'arrving on the work of ploughing have loft the peas and escaped before A REVOLUTION IN OIL INDUSTRY. FORTUNES ARE MADE IN OIL. ras discovered ° . ere x ras arreste fter ring On ging, ; To : i J ciuple of new planks will be required n yo : a eased an on her F. D. McKay, Peterboro, formerly of | the operation. Three large railvay Systems in Ing. H i lh he-third fas} Another will be placed in the helt tom the t if Tn an fe 3 hin ea Belleville, has retired from the news- Dr. Fietcher asserts that any farmer land je fuel oil on locomotives in- as al er than coal and occupies far less Some caulking will also be done : an | ror cate as 3 mn again, he paper profession. can treat his own seed easily and stead of coal. space. { K s : ; , or 0 S * : : The total damage to propellor and Would get a mont in jail, William Morris, Beckwith, purchased | with perfect safety in the following 350 passenger steamers on the 20 3 g orrreiE es . lace > antity of peas : : i cargo will amount to less than $1, Fernleigh Items. he Horton Jigperty at an auction oy . Ine the A a Caspian sea and 'Volga river are : es Lens af laa oil iv be The cap is insure . x . . sale, paying ; ' we treated in a ar) v-five ; 3 % nto 000. The caggo is insured, , but the Fernleigh, © Oct. . 6.--The farmers G Pa oC Th p rall :oal oil barrel, which will hold using petroleum oil exclusively as : 2a vi 3 i 3 sleamer's WMPPly propellor is Met, at least. it is only busily hi i th hi ananoque council has made a grant | gallon coa oil Tan 1, whic a ol¢ fuel in Dividends tanks in an hour. The oil can be : ® : : v usily engage ireshing, report f 825 he Kins h ital, 815 bout five bushels of peas. he quan- . ~ sad) i \ ured ins loss. Hence the a en " iM B20 to the ngston hospital, S15 a ic, 2 \ . carried in. shi : aa i total los th i ne good yiela of grain. Card Bros., Plev to the Brockville hospital, and $10 to | tity of carbon bisulphide that has been Experts can calculate the extent of stead of water ballast. WHOS e to beg ¢ expense g LT fi > : . tit) 1 . : y Ph will ove In ben a | na, are threshing through this local § (ho Hotel Dieu, Kingston found neccessary to destroy the weevil the coal deposits in length, breadth D 1 th The Spreckels liner Enterprise took ( oun ha =] fie Fo amid . ay ' as . . . PH = : . 500 ak 0. proumbyy Bl, 'iy, and doing satisfactory work. Charles E. Pell, Arnprior, raised two | is one ounce to every hundred pounds and thickness, but not of oil.--Brook- uring e two days for coaling, When she wag oA Fred. Kellar has gone to Whitney crops of potatoes in his garden this | of sced--the treatment to last for for- lyn Citizen. : changed to an oil burner she took on Along The Harbor after a three months visit at M: year, one in July and one in Septem- | ty-cight hours. I'herefore, for the The steamer Pasadena, plying Past her supply of fuel oil in six hours. vis, : : : Davy's. We are sorry to record the bier. 'Both crops were first-class. above quantity, as peas weigh from along the Pacific coast, has burn- ' Craig's wharf : Steamer Oc an up. | aeath of Mrs. Harvey Martin. She The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Parks | 8iXty to sixty-five pounds to 'the a thi Tut fuel 2 i 3 On the torpedo boats Rodgers Swiit's wharf : Steamer Corsican, | passed away Friday and was buried Chandos township, Was hurne i to the bushel, three oun would be required €d nothing bu uel o1 Since 10 Months and Swin it was found that it re- from Montreal to-night. on Saturday. She was beloved by al! ) Lo. 0 ® | it the barrel were filled. The chemical 1887. Now hundreds of Pacific . quired 59 minutes to raise who knew her, and leaves a. husband eround on Saturday night, their three small children perished in the flames. may be poured right on to the peas, steamers use fuel oil. 85 Pounds of steam, as against. one Owen fr B i rain. nd one child t urn. Lyons Bros : h s Darre s . » covere T tarnoss. Ying ix 7 sx Pars 'm------ ' wi fron ath with g in, mn a io alld to mourn Lyons dros. I'hrep hundred thousand tons of coal | and the barrel must the n be sovered The Furness line is makfng experi * hour and 17 minutes with coal, - company elevator : Tug Bron- | intend purchasing a portable - saw have heen purchased in England, Scot. | quickly and closely, first with 5 thic ments with fuel oil, which, if satisfac- P P $ 1 Tv, MN . 3 > " 1 . * [Vim 14 > 3 . . . . . mi oe son up with five light barges, : will, which will be erected on the land and Wales during the past few cloth or canvas, which has been damp- tory, will result in the equipping of resent rice The state Capitol at Columbus, I'he steambarge King Ben arrived at | Smith property, Long Lake. Walte weeks for export to the United States | ¢d in 'water, and then also with 125 steamers for burning fuel oil. Ohib, as well as thousands of public Richardsons® wharf from Montreal with a geaeral cargo. The steamer India and consort Bur- Cameron, cattle buyer, y our village = last week. crop is good this ed througl The potate season, although as ran Miss Carrie BE. Fulfgrd, daughter of John H. Fulford, Brockville, was mar- boaras. The carbon sulphide will ndt injure the sced in any way, either as to vitality to its wholesome- The steamer Mariposa, burning oil as a TU. S. navy experiment, of stock buildings and school-houses all over the United States, will be heated with i i Eos il this winter i p ce of th a s ried n Wednesdav : ly. ora : H 2 : 3 01 A er in consequence of the mah cleared from Garden Island, the | many of the farmers report ~having Riddmewir Yodnasday $2 ola M v. ness as food. Carbon bisulphide is a gained a whole day on her trip 56 sh high price of coal. i i T $ anv of \ : g + Tece } re Mas salt g % ih former for Two Harbors to load iron | many of them rotten. Roy Godkin An fmate of the Bro vill : pe colorless liquid which "readily turns between San Francisco and Tahiti, C. a S are, Th orc, and 'the latter for Fort William | was badly hurt returning from Fern on Tuesday night picked a 1 Th into vapor when exposed to the air, | § and reduced her complement of e space on La Lorraine for to load wheat. N 5 Jeigh Yh JREore, paoming down 5 gh hon hight Pieler a doe kw ith except in very sold Wonther, This va- men from 81 to 55 men. Will Advance to coal is 173,000 cubic feet. The Capt. J. P. Stephenson, sailing mas- | bow hill, the neckvoke broke, and the [2 Ras rip od nro | por is quite invisible, but has a very 2 : . ives os . same amount of fiiel in oil would ter of the R. & O. steamer, Algerian, | horses became frightened and caped. One has been captured so far. Fuel oil on locomotives ves ab . unpleasafit strong odor. It is heavier 1 witi | ful Ii | away. The rig was smashed 1th I'. A. Bird, for many years mangger | : 1. therel inks quickly ot 40 per cent. per mile. 1250 pounds occupy 129,200° cubic feet. If oil 3 OR ay OF - 8 S S. By r . 4 i % & pr ere Pe, 8 S : y , . . ¢ ¢ 3 : was presented with a heautihul gol w~ aE ashen, and the [oo fhe Brockville branch of the Bank | than air. and, therctore, sinks \ of oil will do the work of a ton of | 00 a Share were carried in the ballast tanks ring while the vessel was at Hamil- | horses were not much hurt. The driver | 22 4 : to the bottom of and permeates the . : a Mond io escaped with a deep gash 4n his fore | Toronto, will shortly be promoted tent f anv closed receptacle in coal--2000 pounds--and then there are = 100,000 'cubic feet more would be ; y SC Tas S ) s Ye ia . nts lose ce 3 . s . : = ton, on Monday night/ head The revival meetings he Id i to the most responsible position of in- wi . it £4 2 od fi free ir of in neither cinders, clinkers nor dirt, 2 saved. . os ' c Suse 3 gre - ; Rev: P. Phendeiasor. ot tir J opector: : hig Insects Jb is. however sexe which add greatly to the comfort- of by Jan, I, ; on "ix LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. ei yids 2, gh lealing Mrs. Jackson died at Morven. Sat- io ting en y Joe Ll the passengers, What h¥idands do you suppose this \ . . age, f 1 t the ve. of thirty Ne tremely z ble, H : " company wi pay when its 21,000 Avlsworth, road inspector assed [rcay, at the age of thirty-two years. | -* - form; consequently In ocean steamers oil saves 27 | en ST ------------------ 02" hid ? ) Sydenham Street Church Col, through last aE i ay Besides: Mrs. Kithorn, she is survived How acd yaa is to per cent. as against the expense . Serer of zich oil lands are fully devel- er "w t o as k , S ures are | » take . » Cy : Kingston, Ont., -Oct. 9--(To the] |' I in rood condi ! * by her husband, Bryvron Juckson, and] §Toat an i lighted : > Never again will oped? The Kern River tract alone Editor): Some correspondents: are ov- Foes sin ie Soe ition. Maggi Sols Wb , bring any flame, not even a lighted of coal. It takes 21 tons of coal will be able to pay the present divi- a ; > avy, sick of heart failure, is slow ; i pipe or-eigar, near the liquid or bar- t i 7 7 y : SVs pe state 's- wr , } ric. nx ror Of gar, nes o accomplish the work of 13 tons dends whe rte . . wy eo. If Th per 33h Ww he nT recovering, Mrs. J. Moira has done te y. D. ores; i yer of Ottaw & | vol during the treatment. The peas or teal Sha SANIE. Eta ote a coal Strike incon= n the ten new wells come in. , , nO 3 \ < = -- ; H ¢ ; : 6 ap De! a, SEER . . : ia hi 5 a : church © sis the Kingston Hospital for treatment. Bae aa Est ok wor their 1 nine ther grain must be Toi In the-tighits as one to five. The cost of fuel venience this coun- The Eastern Consolidated Oil hat Sydenham of * Lh]: Kellar intends going t6 Oso on he: summer months at their hequtifal LL 70) BIE BUTE 8 08 el hours . : : 8. 9. : e : . 0 going 5 a L | | lv closed barrel for forty-eight hours 5 5 Co. will be able 46" suppl both Frovring uy for Sean, of col, vil isit next week. W. Davy had his foot home dow n at Pil lers (dbo lefi to destroy the weevils: it will, there oil is about $3 per ton. try. In the future ends of the oil rr Hig h come to the service ne . aay, © ,)vs ow oh mm or he capital on Saturday. ev are ; + », i inves 3 aster Y - , nearly shot off last week The cur I , . fore, be best to place the barrel in an 8100 invested now-in Eastern Con . : : $ . "wi + ke ; add ] : . 7 v inctic admirers of the & = . : . fy ; 3 F 0 rade illum will not only be kept warm, but may discharged while loadine and t enthusiastic admirers of the St. Law outside shed at somo distance from solidated * Oil Co., will mean $200 uel il will largely E i inating oil from its hear something that will make him a he con- tents went through his foot. Visitors : rence and the Thousand Islands. dhe living house. when the stock goes td par on or be- take the place of 104 oil wells in Ohio and -fuel - oil wiser and better man.--COM. D. Lyons at R. Hicks"; See The late sowing of peas is certainly fore January lst. to say nothing of for the Pacific coast trade from The Whic's i forts I irs ficial Maggie and Elsev Davy at W. Sal- FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. useful in preventing attack by pea the rich dividends, Now is the time to coal. its Kern River and, Santa Bar- 3 4 ale 0 3 Than bi an mond's,. . Myers' Cave: I. Kellar at i weevil. but "the method is not much lay the foundation of a competence bara oil tracts. The richest oil fi hi Ee be be i ide Uy was| F- Smith's; and F. Lyons at M.|Some of the Factories Sell Out at | in favor with farmers, because late- with a modest investment. ---- 8 roposition in America. tharong ily tenable. Of Hien) : Davy's. 10Zc sown 'peas in most seasons are liable : mistaken. . re Nes ildew as nn The trustees . of Sydenham Street Kingston, Oct. 9.--At this afier- | t© he so hadly ghiacied by Jalldew us ANNs Methodist church looked after. their | ACCUSED OF FOURTH MURDER noon's meeting of. the Frontenac = pe Try je renee ANOTHER NEW Ol1L WELL IN' OHIO - :oal in time. There are-in the bins S . Cheese Board 1,140 cheese were of-| "79 Phd. a ay SY po. on in, he Wa sia Yue 3i 5 rie oe . ry e $6 per ton and five tons Believed to Have Killed Achille fered for sale; 720 being colored and Dr. Fletcher consiaers an easy re I'o thg President of The Hastern Consolidated Oil Co., Hartford, Conn. at $7. Expressed The Same View. United States Secretary of the Trea- Guilbault, --- Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 9.--The body of a man supposed to be the fourth victim of Fournier, « the alleged inur- and 420 white. The following boarded their make : factorie medy and 'an excellent one when only a small quantity of seed ds required is to hold over until the second year Dear Sir : BOWLING GREE, Ohio, September 25th. Am pleased to report that No. 14 Hartman of the Trio lease; just drilled in, Crow Lake, Gilt Edge, 50; White--Cataraqui,. 30; 25; Cold Springs, 70; alter harvesting. This .must be done showing: in fact, she is conceded to look the hest of anv well drilled in this vic In, is making a verv fine inity. We were obliged to sought a pardon on the grounds, but . in close bags so as to prevent the es- st Irilling at 91 feet in the sand, as she flowed so strongly. We are tubing he -d : : ' ) , Ah ! H ar 50 hi 30- in « : g A stop « o { , 0 & glv. We ar hing er to-day, .and it will no sury Shaw, in g speech at the opening | derer, now on trial at Dawson, has H Artington, oh Howe Island, 30; Mo- cape of the beetles, which naturally surprise me if she produces a 23 0-barrel tank per day. Verv truly vou rs, THOMAS 0 TURNER, M ) of New York's new custom house, | heen positively identified as Achille deb, Go; Silvee-- Springs, 55; Collins emerge before the end of the second a . 3 » Mam spoke about the metric system. His | Guilbault, well known in Vancouver. Bay 20. : . ; con, and. as they. cannot perforate EE CO Ea, remarks coincided almost. in. exact | The body hal been prev ously identi- i olored--Arigan, 10; Cataraqui, 10, bags, even when these are made onlv i : wards with the specch "of Hon. Dr. | fied as that of "Gilbert Dufour. NER oe Glenburnie, 99; Yee of paper, wv must die; because, un- <. B. HEY ON & CO., 3 2, Is De . ie nla 2 SE der- |Y0; Maple leaf, 60: Ontario, 51; ine x > i i . Sullitan at the Canadian medical con- It is alleged that Fournier murder ; Ya af, 3 Onte y DL Ine ke the be weevil, they cannot pro- . . pi vention at Montreal, amd reported inl ed his victims for the purpose of se f Hill, 30; Parham, 35, Send Will, 85; | 16 the Jed Woes Hd SOsts Prot b Rooms 401 and 402 Manning Chambers Building, 72 Queen Street West, Corner the Whig last week. Mr. Shaw said :| curing thei old dust, The principal or Brow renee YE Fhoy aids 3 lands, peas is not injured to any appreciable Queen and Terauley Streets, Court. House Square, Toronto Ont. "We speak: the natural language of [evidence against Fougnier has beent} © k Elginburg, 75: Frontenac, 31. | y commerce. German may be the lan- | furnished by his former partner, La- | The buyers present were Messrs, 4 guage of science and French mav bel belle. ' Vanluven, Alexander, Crawford, Mac is | gliag Ne oi . bin The {de Se------------ - ------ - the: language of diplomacy, but Eng- Kinnon, Murphy and Bissell. I'he ; : ry lish is the language of commerce. We LIKES SKELETON CAMPS. hehay price Olered Jas H ia i degree hy this delay of one year be for his offence, notwithstanding the COMMERCIAL MATTERS. labor under a disadvantage, as com- -- t 15 _hgure 1e Tollowing sales we fore sowing. At the time of sowing [fact that he realized but a pittance . -- "" pared with some other countries, "inl win dv te the tem for [M2 1 . : the seed should be. examined, and. if by hi% crime. He is now confined to : f ay standard of weights and measures. a ot en : 2 Aleander--Avigan, Crow Lake, necessary, hand picked; every grain [his bed with diabetes and tuberculos- Vast noon o% i de Busluene 3 For ; 'ome tothe : Glenburnie. vhich has hee wriorated should. be | js 1 the indications are is orld- Market Ni Sooner or later we must come toc the " : 3, ¢ J . i which ha wen perforated shoule ¢ 11s and the indications are that his ows iri Eri and, in 'my judgment, Ottawa, Oct. 9.--It is said the ex- To Bissell-*Hartington, Ontario, discarded, as it has been provea fhat | davs on earth will Po exceedingly few. Fight hundred tone of snails were sold in the sooner the better. ut we have | periment pied this year a generar Sam Hill, St. Lawrence, Silver it ie ippussii to grow stfong plants | For several months Hon has predicted Paris durine 1901. the advantage over all other great | Ing an annual camp only the o Icers | Spring. = from weevilled peas. - that he would not live long and aris pays ucarly one-quarter of all the di- thei countries in our 'monetary non-coms of the rural corps, in- To Murphy--Cold Spring, Forest, 2 non rect taxes levied in France, denominations--I wish 1 might sav in| stead of calling dqut the full regiment- | Howe Island, Mddel, Pine Hill, Elgin has been unable to secure it. He is While Scotland has 166 whiskey distilleries, our monetary system. But the dollar, ! al strength of the various, units has | burg. . SEVERE PUNISHMENT. about twenty-seven vears of age and | thre are onlv 27 in Ireland and 9 in Eng dime, cent and mill are the natural worked well. It is reported that the Jo Wo Bensley, inspector for this dis- . min . his family stands well in Adams coun- land. . complement to the metric system of | new Go 0. C., Lord Dundonald, ap- | trict, being present was asked to ad Ten-Year Sentence for $1.50 ,For- ty. ! The total capital invested in railways and weights: and 'measures.' | proves the skeleton camp «idea, after dress the hoard. He did so briefly, say- gery--Culprit Dying. canals in the Dominion of Canada is $1,100,+ seeing how it works, and that the | ing that bad roads and weatner had . 2 000,000. Importance Of Advertising. same arrangements will be followed a {prevented him making as many visits Columns ism il] no longer hea Prof. Dupuis' Invention. A 'mill costing $1,660,000 for the manalace PhiLikelphia . Record. "vear hence. ; as he had intended. He considered that menace to the cilizens of Adams coun It was Professor Dupuis who iro- | ture of course cloth is to be built at Huate- It is an indication of the import y the quality of the cheese in Erontenac ty, even if he was released, for he is duced the present bell-system into f ville, Ala. - ance of advertising in modern life that Tamworth Tales. county had improved duving the year, or his deathbed at the penitentiary | Queen's. Many vears ago, he invented | The Conakdian Parite relay compeay's leading business men in the east or Tamworth Oct." 2-The Bav. of and advised sell rs to-make a firmer IVE with two daadly. diconses. ™ He was | the clock, which stands in the senate | return of traffic earnings from Sept. 21st to ganized the Sphinx Club, the sole oh Oiinto clerical EE al cheese. The fru ty, odor, so thuch met ACTS GENTLY =) L R given a ten-vear senteng for forging | chamber, and which is the basis of | Sent. 30th: 1902, $1,162,000; 1901, $995,« ject of which is to bring advertisers | eck: hotween twenty and tweptv-five with, in cheese this summer, was due, ON £ 9" AND an order on a store for £1.50. on | the svstem. Electric wires are attach- | 00; increase, $167,000. together for an exchange "of publicity interes wéte. Ih ndanee! Rev. Jin his opinion, to the rag veed th, N B WELS which, he secured. 25 cents' worth of ed, and at the hour, five minutes ye. . ons i | Mr. and Mrs. Jones are on a trip to like: Sweet clover, had abounded in the KID tohicco. : iid hour ai five miniie 8 ter Country Produce In Toronto. J . Rresident of the argonization is New York. nN. E. Rose has returned | pastures. on A Sy 1 he crime was contmitted in 1506. 16 oar, ells xin i ve 2, om, of Beans--Market Sr; little olfasicg. Prices George H. Daniels, of the New York from Manitoba. Mrs. D. E. Rose and THE STEM and for that he was sent to the Ath- [most of Queen's buildings. Prof. Du nominal at $1.50 t> 1.60 per bushel. Central railroad. - Miss Young" are attending missionary Give Out The News. CLEANSE? . ens state hospital and was held there | buis Ie as clever In vonseruction rr he (nonne ls Redon wllO0 meetings at Campbelliord., Miss Wig An exchange truthfully savs it isa EFFECTUALLY; --for-a number of months and di=charg- jis ant eon iE i hot on ys ed jobbing at 6ie. to Te. per Ib. Typos. Were In It. | cam. of the W.C.'T.U., gaVe a lecture |iact that many good items are lost LS . 8 ed as cured. He was taken to the Ad- I eratidan, rr 2 neers Hops--Trade quite, with prices unchanged The Toiler, Torssto ; . .¢ | in the town hall on Monday evening | to the newspapers every day hv the oPE pS ¢HE , ams county jail, which was then new, [nic of the most ski ype. a4 1240. to 136.7 yearlings, Te. to To. : I'he delegates representing the dif i to a full house. George Waooacock, liv modesty of people who hesitate to ol cob pA ERS 'and confined therein for a few days. . Honey--Market steady, with strained job- ferent typographical unions at the | ing near Arden. died very suddenly on [tell of 'matters concerning themselves. HEA FEV! As the countv corginiksioners had of Montrealers Secure Contract. bing, at 8c. to 84c. per lb., and eomb at Berti, races and Lalor ( fhe | Monday from having a tooth pulled. | The right thing to do is to stop the : feted ar reward of SIN for Guy NON dey colle Ont, OF UseTokn Yono: {$7.40 to tl6n ed Oe ia ps the I Mrs ar York died nl Yonday i reporters on the street or AnyY hore OVERCOMES PATIO, ho, would viaje Tis escapes Jon isis] van of this city, in partnership with | Hay, baled--Market steady with offeriuze os be filled, sixteen were cap | was henen on eo Nesqay. ne meat vou happen to meet them and tell STI N us hand, was sud . Xe wos 5 Michael Doheny, of Montreal, has ~se- | moderate. No. 1 timothy is yuoted aé de > Yors. of rh ap" | sermon. was preached. by Rev. Mr.) vou were on a visit; that vou had a Na Co . the reward. As the money %as not cured a contract for grading. the first | 89.50 to $9.75 a tom_on track. eof the different ty- | Young. Javan] York. Lowville, was | friend visiting vou; - that vou enter- BITUAL PER ENTLY. paid, Hon 'took revenge by wie Jo ection ol ten miles on the new On- Straw--Market quite, with car lots om p) in attendance at the funeral. tained friends; that you aré doi MAN " | the country papers and giving all the | tario government railway to Lake | track. quoted at 85.50. - « . | Temiscamingne. "Mr. Donovan says he Onions--Market steady at $1.90 to $2 per _ . No Coal. : : , The Rink Collapsed. of course keep it to yourself (for there ITS B <0 GE) ECTS er matters. Another method of re- | Sn gaa hiavy piece of work 10 | barrel, ; ? ; . Tf you can't get coal; vou will hav Eredericton, N.B... Oct. 9.--The new are prhers who will'pell that. NEF F Yivenoe was to cteal a hound that, the | srform but does net expect much Poultry--Market quiet, with fair demand. to wear heavier underwear. - See ow RG000 skating rink, in course of erec i -------- ICIAL { office s had placed on his trac iy and ificulty in securing labor and sup- | Chickens, alive, 50c. to '60c.; chickens dress- at 50c., T5c. and £1. (jon here, seollapsed this "morning and | Bibby's Oak Hall Bibby's 3 » wake way with it. He also stéle ail} 1 CL. he fac at his work | ed 30c 0c. pe ir. Ducks, dressed tio ere, seo et « at oby's. e : Db . - E a) ; \ 2s plies owing to the fact that his work | ed, 30c. to 70c. per' pair. 8 , Jenkins is a total wreck. The loss will fa Try. one soi our dollar nonhuleing BUY THE GENUINE --MAN'FD BY w things from the huge of the ves 9 oir he hitee of surpli North | 60c. to 80c. per pair. Turkeys, young, dry on the contractors. lfess. shirts. The H.-D. Bib Ce oy heriffi when that officer was looking Bay, whence the work starts. picked, lle. to 12¢. pér Ib; chickens, cid, $1. Excursion To Rochester. $1. pi (AL'FSRNIA IG YRVFP Q for him. On several occa ons Hon pe 9. On Sunday, Oct. 12th, steamer | Bibby's. Oak Hall. Bibby's. Mrs. D. E. Edwards has returned to was surrounded hy off anc Sat {¢ H. Cunningham, piano tuner from | Potetoes--Car lots quoted at 6c. to 70c. North King leaves at 5 p.m. Monday | If you want the best underwear fot | Kingston after spending the summer | « oon, Fine 2 Eb ' ceeded in making his ns ne | Chickering's, New York. Orders re- [per bag, on track here. Small lots out - of in Rochester. Hoe Tuesday morn- | the money, come here, 30c., to $2.50. | at Fragktown. ? . a occasion being in his bare feet. | ceived at. McAuley's bookstore, store sell at 80c. per Bag. ing. Fare, 81. . 1 good. If vou have done anvthing mean The H. D.' Bibby Co. Taylor sells purest drugs. facts he knew about the jail and oth - Hon was given a ten-year sentence