THE DAILY WRIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9 a | |THE "WHIG -- 68TH YEAR, io stat thy ike wih hiv ino 200000.60000666600000 | 9 wy sk ulpit DAILY BRITISH . WHIG, published each PeTLY ?"" they asked, and the pulp HEATING id , ening, at 306-310 King Street, at per through Dr. Minot J. Savage, of New y "ditions at. 2:30 and 4 o'clock. York % h s o - < = i153 LY BRITISH WHIG, 12 pages, pub- York, thundered out the same en Smokeiéss, QOdcriess, Iie hed every Thursday mornine at $1 a quiry and expected to find it applaud- a : tacied Is one of the best Job Printing ed. Have men, dealing with a public Cleanly, Economical. fos: in Cynasha; apd, sty lish and: cheap tility sok & 2 ir rainst the POG ' DW. J. B. PENSE, PROPRIETOR. public as the eoal owners Rave done? The Q n ili * "es er e ueen's co ege sports, mi itary : Says the Chicago Inter-Ocean very ; 9 7 J coilege sports and rsto iHE DAILY WHIG. pen y Fr : 31 . poin ly: Al fair, the last a junior Fibro. in 4 Opi/er per Orem Dicor ' "lt is true that isolated members of the way of sporting attractions, madé " +e. mmm the miners: union have committed fa Boric break for one afternoon SERA & T Orr y » vimes in the supposed interest of the } upon a dull October out of doors. It 7 THE LIMIT OF TROUBLE . ; : 22 : W.ll wu THEI I r TBI E. union. Yet the fact is no proof that | was an embarrassment of riches, - for . Ww I'he level-headed man - shines every- (he organization is a criminal con only one aggregation could be done arm where, and especially in politics. spiracy or that its acknowledged lena | Justice to and the others would have Rooms Across the way, in the centres where ¢rs are criminals. As weil say' that | redeemed sone dull days of the future. tad ny ini because there are imingral tha rain held off for that one Jay } ) some- gv a We 20 feet : ob opinion Some Christian church countenances vice ana the weather acted with becoming re- 5 times run swiftly, there are occasions fosters crime: spect for the unusual rush. The ca- Square when indisereet men can make excite "Un the other hand, what do we sec | ets fair young friends paid tribute In ment. The (roublers are not confined J- Pierpont Morgan and his ass ~| by marching to the campus in goodly to ARV country or state , tes, who are behind these charg numbers, to offer genuine appreciation state : a Cold Ther . ie a ing daily? They are not petty agents of the strenuous feats. For the se here was an evidence of this at the and obscure private members of thei ond year in successicn Cadet Hac- Weather | recent state convention of the repub- organization, but its very head and | =ett, of Montreal, won the champion- lican party in Massachusetts. Among front and controlling power. What do Swi uophy, and fiom the generous » See > ing ? applause he received will be encour- the aelegates were some who had r- we see them doing ? or ¥ : if sic he brai 0 far tar- | «We ses them; having obtained ab. | aged to repeat ex-Cadet Kingsmill's iff revision en the brain. One of them ' solute control of a necessary of life, | achievements of becoming absolute was Mr. Fitts, of Somerviile, and a combining to 1 restrict its production | owner by scoring a third triumph. former member of Congress. He 'was ~and to raise its price. We see them But he was closely pressed sterday Si I ery active, very important, very ag- . 5° using their power that without ky another personal favorite, Cadot i mp est, oresive. H : Yet h SN , their consent the people of the United tall, of Peterhoro, who lost by a lew Qressive, © 'nt Tore + 2 . ints ' S.fest and : e. yen eiore- the Plat- | States cannot obtain a natural pro- | Points only, and who bids fair to im- : . < form Committee and told it what he ' duct of their own soil. We see "them prove. Cadet Holmes made a husky Best, wanted, namely, gn immeaiaté revision determining, and enforcing their de third and Cadet Carr-Harris came --AT-- of the tariff. He based his demand teemination, just how much anthra Pa on sumbor of pees won, Thy ' npe : Te weave 'of My Ki cite the country shall burn cach year. | champion is son of a clergyman, and i S Hardware. | nm the last message of Mr. MeKin- | Such a ponopoly of a ary of | his standing and his field, social and let in Bufialo. The committee "sat" : life as Mr. Morgan and his associates | loss records challenge those old fray- upen Mr. Fitts and his proposal, and have formed is contrary to the whole ed-out, wholesale doubts cast upon *sat' sugar them real hard... spirit of the law. It would appear to the innate goodness and practicability Nr. Tilia va: hurt. bat rush be such a conspiracy in restraint of of ministerd" sons. : % "6, but not crush- | (rude as the laws of the United States Ihe other popular attraction at the Cover your furnaces, pipes and heaters Mot In the convention he presented | expressly forbid. Simply as a mono- college, the, Thanksgiving hop, has with his motion again, and as an amend- | poly it is an utterly illegal and law- ia 0 in Wei as to appropriateness is ; date and as to continued roval ' ment to the party's platiornn. It breaking organization. 3 el ahplove HOOPER S ASIESTOS CEMENT. riind a Citi 2 delovate. "In the court of public opinion, as by the commandant. A more commen Thus save fuel and get botter distribution | |: = One deleganes Lin a court of equity, clean hands are dable proposal has heen made of a oe ¢ did not know how to «eal with the | demanded of the plaintifi. Until they dance on the evening of the king's issue. but they knew how to express | can show clean hands Mr. Morggn bi: thday, November Oth.. It would be REQUIRES NO EXPERIENCE TO APPLY. their disgust with Mr. Fitts, and they and his men can obtain no hearing | ® fitting celebration in a mitional in- Send "card to our 8 stating sustace J told him to 'sit. down" 1 sh * i for their attempt to frame an indiet- | *titution of 'a national holiday, and 0 ' 8 ni ir tO St « + s . - r . 1 , $ { : to cover and we will : you amount of . : : ants WL nent against 150,000 of their fellow | "ince the season is unfavorable to siatarial required sad pri up A panic was huminent when | citizens. out door chservance, it would set an 31 BROCE Nenator Lodge arose. He was an ex- "In the light of the notorious facts. | Xample of jollity and invest a hither HOOPER BROS., STREET. verienced hand in political erises. ho law-abiding American will have the | to dull day with pleasant remembran Mr. Lodee brought both Mr. Fitgs | lightest difficulty in determining | £63. Anyway, Queen's college students ¢ e : 31 whi.h--Jokn Mitchell and Kis men or | Pid fain to claim Thanksgiving day 360000 sacsvassnnsecae and the men who shouted at him to} J. Pierpont Morgan and his men--are for their annual free-for- all --to he, 3 BLINDS ¢ [their senses. The state convention | the real, the habitual and the unre | however, a might at the opera instead » : } ¢ | had nothing to do with tarifi ve- | Fentant law-breakers." of the time am Par: ade. : GRILLES, ' vision. - That was a nationn] issue Public feeling is not with- the syn- The Ta hi ' : vii) ; a aro fdicates. They represent --oppressi golf championship matches - at » STORM SASHES, ¢ | and woula be deate with on its merits eel 1 t i mM e SOW Toronto. Binks have been an exciting : And all kinds of Interior : by the national republican conven- generally, It is evidenced in their at event, the papers sav, and there are ° and Bxterlor ¢ | tion in due time. Mr. Lodge was not | 180Pts to take the miners and the con- | those who are more enthusiastically » € lat the convention to make a set] mers by the throat and extort from than ever convinced that there is no tWOOD WORKING pecch, but the attempt to stampede them their substance. It 's seen ne games he conus ith Eo al \ o 1} § Ir edit arama a cj even, as one remarked, 'ping-pong.' : Well Manufactured by it by fiery tariff revisionists = stirred thelr Sndiffarenen to the sufferings of I'he pretty club house resounded to S ANGLIN 5 C ¢ | him up amd he went at the Fitts fac- the people. Tt is seen in their sauci: | the gay sounds of ladies' voices, and i . ily 0. § tor nt Bar natal dt ite silt. ness towards the government. It ix | man, mere man, found himself - for g ui 1 heir dafiz § ; : once of little account. The pretty red he troublors y ohnse _peen in their defiance of public opin- |. : ) 00000000000 00000000000 Fhe troublers cannot be chased ab- | Th : : . ! ny Jackets, now almost universaily worn, out the country and regulated as they on. 1 situation points to a crisis, added greatly to the bright "picture leserve, but they occasionally invite the outcome of which will mean the | and the glorious October sun over all attention on the Lodge plan, and it dominence or death of all trusts, and gave the finish to a charming scene. i vere. ofietive.. No one isn can of this great trust in particular, and ie winhis of Lhe inst round were } : : : Mrs. arren, Mrs, 'k 'or ; THE GENUINE CALEDONIA run the country, the government or the sooner the people know their fate Misses Bond, Marler Tore: SPRINGS WATER HAS THE the party. He may have. his say, in | OF fortune the better. treal: Misses Harvey and Phepoe, : WORD MAGI PROMINENT wagon or ont of it, Int eventually he --_-- Hamilton. Mrs. Dick won the highest v ON THE LABEL OF EVERY inds that the government or the par EDITORIAL VIEWS honors din "igh up and seven to o S n > lay. Miss 8 I Ki ras BOTTLE, DISCOURAGE THE ty is bigger than hes is and he gets Fhe manufacturers of gas stoves are Day Porson, ah Kingston, wa 55 31. ay » successiul. le ir oronto she is PREVALENT FRADULENT his quiets. Mr. Fitts, of Somerville, | '™ luck. They cannot hope to meet | guest of Mrs. Lovell, Huron street. SUBSTITUTION. may he as bie as ever, but he does | the demand. Wannamaker, the mer- . " - » wt feel that wav. chant prince of New York, and Phila The jumble sales are again under : delphin, could sell a thousand stoves nh and the season wil] open on Sa tee Se 4 turday with one for very good THE "ISKSUR 240 ? CAT a day if he could get them. : or Q VOLy moo - Nv HE H St I Li I oR DEAT nH. : cause, «the hospital flower mission. HARDWARE Phere is a difference of opinion be Tl i : They are a popular form of - benevo- ~~ tween men as to the conditions grow ae SOuSery ative party did not see | lent work, since theré is a genuine i PAINTS OILS ing. out of the. coal miners' strike the 'use originally of a department of | rush to every sale, and every dollar ¥ g strike. das : : E i main er -- Fn a commerce in Canada. It is now sug- made from some object lvine un § Gl ASS and the coal barons, in their interview gost us thi one thing Hecdiul in th utilizea, and oftefr unvalued, in the i with President Roosevelt, were very | © " : } hee ¢ | homes. § CU I LLERY Btc lenunciatory of the miners' union United States. Canada and the libe uN. - & : They called it an illegal body, at ral party may be a little ahead of the The air so redolent of weddings and ars : : ee times. happiness was' chilled on Tuesdav bv ariance with the spirit of the day sdav by . STRAGHAN & 00. : = 3 the sad announcement of the death of wd res S \ . y ¢ stSnoRS " > 3 . ! spon ible for , the lasvlessne 8 The Montreal Star commends Mr. | a dear, beloved girl of fouk yeags, ANYTHI NG 10 SELL, MAM ¢ A rev atle in the antivacite av Ross' decision to remain in office and Marjorie, dnuphies ot on Alor ions. 'Are vou asking us," sai . i y ap: . fleming, © ontreal. Mr. and Mra. This is what thé second- Y ned ini Markl a Sking us, ud Mr. | Gefend his position until he meets Fleming: being -severclv. alm i Ail So , sorter bet Markle, 'to deal wi se i : . : : 5 Soyeroys Ost or) says when be calls at your Sor, an EI TTl t th a set of out-] with an adverse vade in the legisla- | cally ill, their daughter was brought . : aws ? 16 Cover . sai . . : 3 -. ye x ¥. you . proniily S3y By WHY os, vv 8 govermment, said Mr. ture. The Star. says-the premier. is | to Kingston to be with hr aunt, Mre. ht. 'ihe Kingston R and Me} Jaen ote fathers Hg : ty Pin SOE : Fi : pught = 3 o= i igiton Ao Re acy, a contemptible failure if 10 orving the public interest hy stand- Frank Strange. In her unremitting al 'Co. anlyr ak I an protect" lite" and property only in Wis oi 1. Of sours v care Marjorie was both happy and a card to 3539 Princess street after you : ih vic Te tis ground. Of course he is. well until attacked last week with 3 W oT . i > amproinising with violators of aw on, J attacke < wk have sorted over all your 'old stuf hi 5 ; 4 uo 3 & 2 : tonsilitis. The case was -not truly and they will pay you highest easl § wd instigators of crime." Generally The Mail refers to the Globe as Mr. | alarming, but three physicians were prices. he talk of the coal barons was of- § Ross' organ. How can that be ? An | called in, that no accident might be tensive to the president. Inferentially | organ is supposed to reflect one's per- fall one whose constitution was none INVESTMENTS hey tobl him to mind his business. scnal views, and Mr. Ross says the | 19° Fobnsts ap here, 3 ny . . : as x s > hdart s n- And he did. He called the mén who J Globe does not present his mind on Nas uppermost; the heart sudden --IN~ . > , ! : be: I ly collapsed bene ath the strain of ill- RE L ESTATE vere capable of counselling with hint | the coalition question. In other words | ness and before the -change could he A 0 his side--Mr. Wright, the head _ of | the Globe is moulding opinion, not re- realized, a sweet flower had faded he Labo I . wd . a : from earth to become a sweeter bloom . : Aabour Bureau and the man who jflecting it. ! " : Mining and Qil Stocks RY Ba I hee rh | in heaven. The remains were taken to v 5 Uelalls o 1c strae Wttawa, where vo ostricke rents S i wid knew all about the Mr President Roosevelt asks the miners Shere the Sty jel N parent : ee : t em, and r. ; {were under the eare of ~ Sir Samdiord 115 BROCK STREET sargent, the head of the Immigration | © 2° hack to wor Rs at the old te rms, [1 leming and family, and where every R S =T. Jepartment and the former president and he will appoint a commission | tender consideration of no ordinary ! d the Brotherhood oi Railvav Fire with one object in view, to enquire | sorrow and sadness would he offered. wa) . : 61 A ~~ * Auct ion = >a le: 3 nen. The result was an order to the into their position and imprrove'it. He 0) ' § wer ueen's is *f ri » wovernor of Pennsylvania that more does not ask the coal barons to do ur om 45 i Th home ot sone, , ) . wre ' ) o. : | sure enough. We ig told o he isn SI roops were to be called out, that anything. Why ? Can't both sides { hopes of a great increase in numbér of : hi i : make: concessions I students 1 trulv science hall i very mine 'was to be carefully < mak 8 students, and truly science ha 1s N 3 v pic as 3 : : -- loing its part Last year. it showed ueted, the we s we of- : . 1 { 1 : - ! ee, SamuE oe g R 9 { : = wit protection xn to be of- l¢ Winston Churchiil (author" of Rich- | increase of fifty per cent in freshmen; Auctioneers. | "v0 oven worker. The coal bap- | ard Carve 1), has heen nominated by a | this vear shows as great percentage of ms are to be given a chance to do ropublican district in New Hampshire advance on the angmented ranks. Tt ; Ww osg woe " wo | has been a record steady growth 0 : IS NYY vhat they say they ean do--man the | fr a seat in congress. Political life | oq i BT i or on lil : he 1] ] anes and operate the sicesstille : z : i small at first, but growing like the ~ > iid | Say I may have its reforming influence, but polling snow ball, bigger: all the time. n i the state will prevent interference not ini the United States. Congress I the classes were so crowded as to / » row] » v ' ea r u Ww. Mur: as Jr., he president of the miners' union, at has not inspired. anything very great be Ynmanagenls Bont last ear, : he same © as 1 " RTs : > what would have been the condition Auctioneer and Commission Mer } a oe fnvited to: assist | 4 Hibroture. without the new government build- to BOVetting ctv hv . v a ~hant. Market Square. e _Eovernment In every 'way, to the in Hon. Dr. Ross and his colleacues nd that the coal barons micht de- The tory correspondent at Ottawa | poepive the thanks down deep in their ANOTHER SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT | nonstrate their case, Las been retiring one member of the hearts of all educatiorists in the east TO THE PUBLIC. Meanwhile these baYons are not ex | government after another, and won- for, the ies gonetans, sid. : RE W . i'w a . os . . ne good evidence © we good ered MYERS WILL HAVE ON SALE mpt from criticism. They have been j ders why they do not go. Tt is about'i 3% Guooy® are ite grafts m ot} fresh pork saus tenderloi i a ; : : ? ] A : of Queen's ¢ < gre Sa retorts dl mada brawn. ar aki serious mistakes Priinarily ! thee he was rotiving Fimseli. Apvone universitios. Among the freshmen thi all cooked meats. Just reovived a new lo" hey have heen to blame for all the ! who has ma le a failure Of the pro- | year are several Tram Dalhousie 3 Windeor Posmanh ang oe skinst secon rouble, - because they imported the pheey besiness should get out of it three. ii Rent Sigisem: and oue Yon orgs the place. Myors', 56 roc . : .x each fron nne an the niversity street. "Phone 570 Hav or slave fabour, inorder to res [with the first dpportumity., of New Brun ot | a Kingston is . 2 . j 1 © » an KR. » estoy 2 re -- gg -- née the wag hey supplanted - the . winnine collece fame in older lands, MONEY AN USINESS. F American -and British miner with the] Sir Gilbert Parker réoards Mr, Bale The guarte aly Record of technical and = west type of European labor. They four as the hope of the British na- seco ndary education. Lowlon, Eng LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE FIR! . avhiv i th Co Tatonfithe ane oe he 1 «land, a journal specially devoted to lusurance Company Available asset wade machines of these men, and hy U N ie, ene mah on whom depehos progress. in these h contains a re $51. 187.215. + addition to whi ch th xacting conditions brought about'the the tire greatness of the empire, | lug of the city's ueationals fea sliev holde: ave for security the wr . . . | ! ? eR imited liability © of ali the stockholder overty and distress that were simply Mr. Gollwin Smith regards him as | tores from Ln well-known and loval d City Property insure lowe: T. ne : " : wllv Bosal Tae Bolus insured A) Some ntollerable. The miners sgruck because the prime minister that Brig lly 'hand. hl i hi os . OfesSO Jor <"to conduct n= ving pew business get rates tro hav ere pairfi foRsetots Bi 5 1 has or a en | rofi r ' 1 \ * RTRANGE & STRANGE = Agents 10) wei PAINE) Shane thal for a een! ological elass to Jones sn graded position, and | in 'the UY Ss a ce whe Saturdav bv steamer, » with MONEY 10 LOAN 1% LARGE UR 'SMAT reanized 11 3 { 1} st ugliok i poo short han {oriek in als rich mme wt log ratae of interest an eit Ta . : . wr Sor. } nre They . Oo nld raise thomeoles shoy i he raafere. MP. Sova} v lone-distar Jotnurese i apenas Till ve oi : os yy Toe ding have sithers come wh S C. McGILL, manager of Frontena ee generg pC tor b P in scenery, students or Loan and Investment Society Office ot wise the harons had, in . recka ite the Poat Of : i i . 3 s 2 opisite th e Post Offee. in the exerdice of Fit Reform Overcoats. The ladies' committee in charoe of TWO RUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS rn ff which Mr. acer boasted There is a stele and finish to cnr Queen's 'girls' residence, opposite Chal sme as ii thousand do, tm ; ta efind. the Ta i ik Ba dies that is not to be found in mers' church, gave an "At. Home ollars oF particulars anply 0 gnn e: dace o anv other make 810; 12, 815. Jen- $ Wednesday ait yon from four to six CONWIN'S INSURANCE "Hs . : { oy A = dD. ' av , J Fair Haven't men » right tg kins. lo clock - to all interested in college § aver Expres Office, Market Sows . bat A suis t Told in The Twilight ! livray, The received Gopdwin, (Prof.) Macgil- Miss Choewn and Miss Drunr The refreshment table avas pr sided over by the Student boaters. The well-furnished rooms already des- eribed in these columns were much admired, and the building vot&l an ideal students' home, with many of the comforts and joys the dear old name implies. . visitors were Mrs. froth by ! Mrs. mond. Among the visitors of the week has been Surgeon Major-General Jameson, the imperial service, upon a visit his Mr. W. B. Jameson, of who has been a student cnool for two vears. It Jameson with an of to Eltham, oi the mjping is many vears since Surgeon was stationed in Kingston imperial regiment, but he has not lost old-time regard for the garrison city, to which he owed earth's choic- blessing, a good wife, in Mias Cartwright. He has been the of Sir Richard Cartwright and now visiting Rev. Conwav Cart- wright at "Hazel Dell." But all of his town acquaintances have passed awav but two, Messrs. Clarke Hamilton and Sydenham C. M¢Gill, thourh the new generation will cordially extend a renial friendship to a former resident whose great success in the army has buch gfistinetion, Capt. W. Bruce Carruthers contract- ed at Halifax. before embarking last January, a severe cold, and it was his steady company through the son, Eng., est Mary ouest 9® 9000 ®9 > 3 1 'GLOSTER GROSVENOR WESTMINSTER $9. 3 ORI 14, One Price lorweie House. Oak Hall, $9099 CIQOLIOLIO isso 2QC0 009 93VEOLOTO 99 LVOT® ©9099 Elegant and Aristocratic ARE OUR ew OVERCOATS STYLES $10, $12, $12.50, $IS. ® ® © *® O) ® See rough closing experiences of the in South Africa. A cool summer the St, Lawrence was calculated to drive it away and he has been order ed to the Adirondacks. He and M Carruthers will leave in a very few days, postponing their occupation of | "Otterburn' indefinitely. His returm, | well-as-ever, will be earnestly hoped | toy, Nr. tal, visiting and iriends as to his health, home fecling better. " a the customs , who has been well as Quebec consult medical has returned of St. J. John, Kingston as Montreal, to O'Keefe, N.B. . » Jishop Mills conducted the quiet aay at Wycelifie College alumni convention, Toronto, on Tuesday, and on Wedne day gave an address at the opening of the new Convocation hall. His lord- ship's addresses are always graceful and able, and his services are very mich in requisition. Miss Etta Macdowall was the King ston delegate to the King's Daughters' convention. The election of Miss Stranges to the provincial executive committee gives especial pleasure here, Miss Daisy Winslow, of Fredericton, Arthur Cunningham, visiting Mrs. Beverly street. Miss visiting Miss Mackenzie, Hugel has visit Mrs. Miss Ree ber 21st, Kingston Naughton. jor H.C, his service in his old home. Toronto. Mr. Beach, of Kingston, temporarily at Almonte branch. has been promo ted to the Bank 'of Montreal, Caleary. 1S Marion Redden is in Montreal, Mrs. William Creighton. Mackenzie the guest of Mrs. Montreal bank, and Miss arrived from Toronto, Skinner, Maitland house. sails" for Canada Octo and will spend the winter in Mrs. Mae to ie with her sister, on leave from on a visit to Nanton, India, 18 Latest letters regarding the health i Mr. Stuart Wilson are discouraging. and give his friends grave concern. . wa A letter from Archbishop Macray. of Winnipee. to a Kingston friend, states that he a good deal better and re lieved of the acute pain he suffered for many weeks. But he is still a priconer in his room, and recovery will take a long time. The best wishes of -half 'a continent follow this Grand Old Man of his church. Lord Plunket, appointed private sec rétarv to the now Irish vieerov, is the hushand of one of the daughters of war | on | SHOE roe OMEN FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT THERLAND' GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES BY THE MAKERS CF SHOE; STORE. Lady Dufferin. Lord William Sevmour, late -general commanding at Halifax, is now lieu tenant of the tower of London. Sir Richard Musgrove. Lady Mus grove, the Mis Musgrove, and Rear Admiral Rose. visitors from England, are in Montreal. Mrz. H. Montague Allan will not re turn to Canada, for some time, and meanwhile will visit Paris. | The Ottawa women's morning music | club "has heen . organized for another | season. { Yesterday was an ides day for golf. - - Monday Cornwail, "wash ¥va Snetsing of Morrisburg, Miss Anne Whelan, house popular wedding day be given up | for on the 6th Miss and Mr. G. Meekley, were marriea, and pls Mr. William N.Y. They were | Rev. Canon.| from one to the and is at to cannot day Carr and Louisville, weddings, Houston had the other. The Candwell, of Hoskin, Commerce, shortly, The Muriel, Simpson, Toronto, Hamilton. The French tawa. of and to hurry marriaoe of Miss Mdygaret Brantiord, to Mr." Gor the Canadian Bank of York. wiil take place of New don of Douglas Commerce, .«Lazier, annonnced Mr. of r encagement is daughter the Mr. of Bank Ernest of to of Miss Bunting, on Saturdav at the bride's French, gown al B of Ot marriage of Bessie to Mr. occurred George of meteor brid: of crepe, veil. 'ment iss de L take in Mr an Town annonnced lovle ta The Cape is Kate Harwood. at o will place vt ring. A t danght Frode Mrs [Ly 1] has rringe wart, Toronto, itatic ter, rick he ¥ of m, hy Octobe th William Lane, Tre marri if Miss Thomas Mor to con H Cord ah To Correspondents. Tha Avostles' Creel In 200, Rufnns Aaril ia (who died in rot = only vitrihnted th crecd de Apostles five } ried #1} <« had ¢ el one of the "They met. tog fer he. . ---h Coal Costs Money But it doesn't 'need very much coin to buy one of our Second-hand Stoves or Ranges. We have a few Heaters and Ranges which we will sell cheap, We Have Them at All Prices. Our Famous Active Range Is unequalled on the market. Will burn hard coal, soft coal or wood. Is durable; strong, satis- factory, - but yet reasonable in price. Hundreds of them are in use in Kingston. Lemmon, Claxton & & Lawrenson, King St. filled with t this compel to the re old one to those who should Lelie no great historical authority: been regarded by more ha- thors as unworthy of credence, and the gencral bel gradually ' vears and long after Apostles, It worship of dered at into the A he d of compo [TRAN af 1s th $s. reci the (nn ntioch; Holy what preach, each one contributing which Che sition, as a rule hat" th compiled in the the tal * iy eek it Roman Catholig they church Wa wt, €o w 1 a of fi Ku h relig ©orect cou time v the int church was omposad to is share they to ere vith linus as is story Wble au | - was re oof of public or- roduced vincthe elbventh century and contemporaneous- into The heard outlive remarkal 13 thy ly vou NIH a vespe silver ed Pope aho be | 1 the jubilee Fel was je cemhber 19th, Fe his as he' Damiet 27th, 1843, 19h of that Max O'Rel Feen French Woman! was | ta hy Ors ind Friend Ma Ris (1501) Woman ard nr is g diame al (1885): Donall Cont wn in America (1591) Jacaves Rovhomw (1000; { Highness Woman (1901): the Church of pope and the vas pre next le An once. of pa unary olden lai hes © nh) i recon Gregory and sare l--His Jokn Bull ¢ni tory inent Artist year I ver hakbly year, oo Thus it pacy 20th. jubile I by nna ile ol 4 Ar year chief the 1 (188 (1550 XVI vated ny Al that it wil hin I I Pius third] aia of Dish chi 4 We Island John Dear Pou A Jokn RB Her it Op Ta: Jor land. + 1903 What i Leo 1 prove n more I be In vleet will wdinal IX, De it will copay of anuary raary ha Fras. Pall Neiok (1556) inthan French ull and (1580, o Royal the EDITOR'S SHARP TALK. Size Don't Count. Spare Moments The tongue of a woman is said "to beesmaller than that of a man, but it does more work, ~ -- Won't Do That. Toronto Star They are sawing off election pro [tests mow, and if they'd only saw 'em tinto suitable lengths for our kitchen stove we'd be inexpressibly delight ad. Trusts Run Everything. Advertiser ident - Roosevelt talks of a com mission to revise the tarifi and the are ten to one that the trusts any such commission. His Education Misdirected. st-Srandard une King Alfonso of Spin ni hed fast accumulating evidence, in mbli ctacle he to of elf. that have longer manages he should and crowned lat- hin panke make n er. £ No Place-Like Héme. by | Trick pind I'm. elad me whisper I've heen andl' Phere Where # von "hustle' and ut » see vou home, hove, and Jot VOuy ognething in all over God's coun way back, and on the like "Ome. oot to "hustle" here ORs try anare g place vou've ro go you if youll get thar.