Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1902, p. 5

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THE DAILY WHIG. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3 H FRIDA 'TOBI T00 GREAT EXPENSE Not The Reason. It is not because Pyramid Pile Cure is so 'expensive that many people. dé- cline to give it a trial, but hecalse they fina it too great yu tax on their credulity to believe that the published letters beard to the meri of this remeayv » genuine and bona fide; especial who have rea- hi the suffering incident to piles is it incredible that anyone who has been afflicted twenty five and thirty years with the worst 'forms of protruding and bleeding piles should be cured hy the application a simple remedy, when their physician has assured them that the only .rellef is in a surgical operatidn. This is rightfully viewed with dread by all those afflicted, as it means at the least a great shock to the nervous system, with more than a possibility of Tutter collapse and death; in the majority of cases, too, there is a return of the complaint, owing to the fact that the cause is nony of THE LADIES MET 5 Ta 4 ANNUAL SESSION OF THE W. C. T. UNION The Business Considered and Ofiicers Elected for -the En: suing Year--Helping Many in Trouble. : The nual meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held Thursday afternoon in the old collegiate. There was a very fair attendance. Mrs. Macallum, prési- dent, occupied the chair. The meeting opened with the usual devolional ex- ercises. © The minutes ofthe previous meeting were read by the correspond- ing secretary in the absence of Mrs. Lyon, recording secretary, who is sui- fering 'from a serious illness. The time was largely taken up with reports of the year's work in the dii- ferent departments. A large number the ? of interest. She said :. During the vear. there have been sent by the mem- bers of = the wnion and interested friends fifty pints, seven quarts, forty- five gla and seven jars of carciuily canned fruit, jelly and marmalade, al- aple syrup and broth. Miss Baker supplied over séventy patients, supplies being often greater than demands. Kind ' mention was made of the talks being given in the schools dur- ing the past two weeks by Mr. Prale. Téachers, scholars, and visitors are greatly pleased with his aqdre ana urge all who can and are interest- ed in the weliare of their children to hear him. 4 The prizes for physiology and tem- perance were presentéd to the sucgess- ful winners, Miss Marion Hewton and Master Reginald Ockley. Prizes have heen offered by the wnion three or four years past to the hoy and girl who take the hichest marks in those sub'ects at the entrance examinations. The offer is renewed for another year. ses 'NEWS OF WORLD TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Eyerybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Fitzsimmons woula like to fight Jei- fries again. A Cardiff firm has booked a single United States order for 13,000 tons of steam coal. The Chinamen town. N.Y., have ther examination. The Allan' line steamer Pretorian, from Liverpool, passed Fame Point, at 3.30 p.m., on Friday. In an elevator accident at the shoe in Water- for fur- arrested been held factory of A. FE. Little & Co., Lynn, Mass., to-day, two persons were kill- ------ Scenic Effects 'Fine. Lincoln J. Carter's "Alaska" plaved to a fairsized audience at the Grand Opera. House last night. While it pos- many "fine points, it is still considerably inferior to Carter's oth- er productions. The scene is laid on a lonely island in Alaska, where the few white settlers are attacked by fierce Indians, and are only saved from massacre by the officers of a re. venue cutter. Of course a 'thread of love runs throygh it all. A little child plays her part well, and adds a 'touch of tenderness to the story that it would otherwise lack. The leading role, that of loose-tongued, happy Widow Casey, was splendidly' por- trayed by Miss St. George Hussy. Her Irish songs gripped the throats of the gods, and they called her back tithe after time. T. F. Griffin, as Bap- tiste, the. half-breed. interpreted Indian character in realistic fashion. The Were ~ Very sesses "AT THE GRAND. the | i * a yi ; ~Eals I TARR Dsorbe the bagging, of wormy. oq also all 4 ving fant pover ALR CENNES " : Wi | ment par excellence. So positive aml thas my AER Be -" 'Edch Time You Call You. @@ Or each time you write is ives n onl at oh od Bi Dewalt a the prt. D x plaved me asthe foremost speaialistof the © write for blank for blank $07 home treatmen SE A) those who eankot Gill from Windsé¥, Dans 41 uty DR. GOLDBERG, go woo! He had the shrug of the shoulders, the stealthy, cat-like movements of the redskin. H. E. Rodgers, as Father not removed. The proprietors of Cure agree to forfeit one thousand The oflicers of the past vear were {ed and four wounded. re-elected : President, Mrs. (Rev.) | General Weyler, Spanish minister of Macallum: first vice-president, Mrs. war, will resign his portfolio on the were. read, but a good many had to be laid aside for want of time. The officers were first called upon. The Pyramid Pile dollars to anyone who will show a single published testimonial to be not genuine and unsolicited; this latter feature is most fving, inasmuch as these letters are written solely out of gratitude, and with the hope that those who are afllicted as the writers have been may learn that relief is at hand, at a comparatively trifling ex- pense, Pyramid Pile Cure is for sale by aruguists at fifty cents 4 packave, or will be mailed by the makers to any address upon receipt of price. Wm. Lichtenwalter, head of the largest printing house in Canton, Ohio, says: "It is with the utmost pleasure and satisfaction that I can say I believe Tam cured of protrud: ing and bleeding piles, after suffering more than & I havedeen in bed for two weeks at a time. | have net suffered in the least for over a vear, and I used only three fiftv-cent hoxes of Pyramid Pile Cure. T advi person suffering with this ana painful complaint to oive medy a trial. 1 have every confidence in it."" Write the Pyramid Drue Co. Marshall, Mich., for their hook on the causes and cure of piles, rte 3 ee em eeesa-- o years. OUR SHOES FIT Lots of women in this town are hobbling about in tight, ill-fitting shoes, ' simply be- cause they struck the wrong store. We make a specialty of Women's Shoes that are built to fit-- shoes that sup- port and hold up the instep and touch every spot without binding, "They'll Cost You . $3 Here But = the * satisfaction of wearing shoes like these is worth dcuble the amount in added comfort. McDemall's SHOE STORE. Mayoralty | 1903. E10 The Electors of Kingston : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a can', dilate for the mayoraity for the year 1903, and respectinily ask for your votes and in- fluence on my behalf. J. T. WHITE. Mayoralty 1903. To the Electors of Kingston: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I fully solicit your votes and in me as Mayor for 1903. J H. BELL respects fluence te elict THE GENUINE CALEDONIA SPRINGS WATER HAS THE WORD MAGI PROMINENT ON THE LABEL OF EVERY BOTTLE. DISCOURAGE THE PREVALENT FRADULENT SUBSTITUTION. a To prove to you "that Chase's Ointment Is dh ana absolute cure for each and every form of itching eo manufacturers have guaran in tho daily press and ask your nei they think ofit. You can use it our money back if not eured. 60c a box, af or EpuMaNson, BATES & Co, Sronte, [+ To hase's Ointment bleeding and protruding piles, | Dteed It. Soe tog | recording-secretary came first, and .al- thiowgh* there were only brid extracts - a Herbert Lyon; «treasurer; Mrs. 1: Dr.) Sparks; recording secretary, Mrs: | reopening of the Chamber of +"Ities' in consequence of King Alonso's Depu- ----- pa I, Haein His policy adopted against the J from the year's minute book, yet they were full of interest, and showed that the union had not been idle during "the year. The treasurer, T. X. Rogers, told very briefly of the amounts expended during the year being 890 for literature, ete. There is still a balance in our favor in the treasurer's hands. The corres ponding-secretary reported a large number of letters received and sent. | We will only mention briefly some | items in the departmental reports that | were read. Mrs, Snelling supplied the | fire station with a large number of magazines aud periodicals and She was always, well received | for | | taken over some | books. i by the men and heartily thanked the reading matter she provided. Two union visited the hos pital alternate" weeks during the greater part of the vear. The female prisoners in the. penitentiary are vis : ited every Saturday at noon. There | not the union ! them also, but Mrs. Macal them twice and sometimes a month." "Bhere members of the | | are some members of who visit lum visits three times er women at have been in past years, six or seven seem are few- | the meetings than there | | being the number present. They interested in the bible study, and es pecially in the music, and seem to en- joy joining © in the singing of the | hymns. + Let us hope that the - good | seed thus sown may take root and-} bring forth unto eternal life. The Infants' Home is also visited | weekly hy Mrs. Macallum, and religi ous instruction given to the inmates, Mrs. Hanunond reported evangelistic work: a large number of 'visits were |! mace and help, given when nee-ted Mrs. Sparks read Miss Paker's, the Victorian nurse, report, which was fu! | kingdom by a note addressed to the signatories to the | {out for the arrest of Patrick Larury., I of Ashton, | Ashton. Larury was allowed {of Queen's College new buildings, who | day last, | fair, and a large number of Secretary of State Hays. Rogers: correspénding secretary, Miss BE. Clark. it was moved hy Mrs. conded by Mrs. 'Hammond, that Mrs. Macallum be appointed delegate to the provincial convention, to he held in Toronto at the end of October. The meeting closed with the doxology and prayer by the president.--Com. , Rogers, se SEEK HIS ARREST. A Warrant Will Be Issued Once. Toronto; Oct. 3.--Provincial Detec- tive Murray has returned from Otta- wa and says that a warrant will * he issued and circulars have been sent At of murder- Emery, of hy the on the charge ing his employer, James local authorities to escape. Orange Cake. We will have it for Saterday. W. .J, Crothers. VW. L. Toronto, architect, Svmons, has been in the city since Tuesday, lefi to-day for Ottawa. The police are still looking for Ald erman Fo Go Dunlop's- wheel, which some thief relieved him of on -Tues- Fo-day "Odessa held her annual fall King- stonians drove out to attend the ev- ent. & - JJ. Snider, representing J. A. Pitts, wholesale jeweller, Montreal, is in the city. ul shirts 81, 81.25. Jenkins, Hi hy eat Tis a sgetron of tree that is 2 the Niagare Falls Historieal 3 The 'car it bears lear » statement "l grew on Gost Island. and 400 ve nel over its sor ol rs stood sent when Columbus landed 'at San Salva dor. T.was 150 years old before a : dinn graves. | was a sturdy sapling | os t tree wan taract's roar." * " Jur UCHAR KING CHARLES OF ROUMANIA. rws has caused the attention of the world to Be rlin be addressed to his treaty by ,U, S. J. 8. Perdue, engineer, and Edward S. Keys, fireman, were. killed this morning in a railway wreck on the Washington trestle. Dr. John Byrne, of Brooklyn, N.Y., a noted gvnaccologist, died at Mon treaux, Switzerland, Thursday. He was seventy seven years old. I. G. 4lthofi, an ex-alderman of St. Louis council, swore in court to hav- ing been offered $50,000 to secure his vote for the Central traction bill. A disastrous freight train collision on the B. & O.RR. in a tunnel near Cornwall, W. Va., last evening; five men were killed and a number injur ed. * Fiity thousand lefters, containing five and ten cent contributions to the McKinley memorial, have heen veceiv- ed at Canton, Ohio, from all parts of the world. C. L. Beach. aged ninety-five, said be the oldest hotel man in the world, and proprietor of the Catskill Mountain House for sixty years, died on Thursday. Adam Rinewalt, Buffalo politician and editor and owner of a weekly pa- per, 'committed suicide on Thursdav. Rinewalt in a fit of despondency de- cided to: kill himself. Thursday at 'New Westminster, . the Shamrocks won, S to 4. The game was the fastest ever seen.on the orounds and 15.000 spectators were kept in a high state of excitement. The Columbian Fire-Proofing com- pany, Pittsburg, Pa., has just been awarded the contract for & new build- ing forthe army medical department at Woolwich, Eng., to cost £30,000. At Toronto W. B. Farnworth, Cin cinnati, convicted some days ago of obtaining, money hy false pretences, by represonting himsc¢li. as an insur ance agent, was sentenced to cighteen months' imprisonment. The Club National, Montreal, has invited other bogies which propose to present addresses Sir Wilfrid Lau rier on his. return from abroad, to join them at the time of the presenta- tion of the club's adcress, One man was fatally others seriously and «two othe Iv in a collision Friday on the Pittsburg &. Lake Erie at. Sinclair street and 40th avenue, Mckeesport, Pa. The fog was responsible for the accident. Mayor Beck, London, Ont.. has pro- posed to the Board of Works the es- tablishme®t of a municipal wood- vard. The idea is likely to he acted upon. Tenders for wood for the city poor were as much as 812.50 per cord and were all refused. . - Frea. K. Sterling, property man for Kiraliyv. has jesned a writ {o up, three '3 slight Tmerie against bition company, claiming 81.000 dam oes, © that he was burned by a live ¢ ic wire while attending to his business at - the recent exhibi- ton. 2 'The body of Dennis .J. lector of canal statistics N.Y., who had heen Monday nicht, was afternsen bv the life saving corps in the river, abont ten feet from the Northern Transportation company's dock. Abner Bb. Brown, a junior partner of the & Brown, and Miss ¢ daught of Rev. . were married "Thursdav t the Rapist church, of wu party alleges Murphy, col- at Osweg missing since found Thursaay voung lawver and firm of Kel afternoon the a large Home-Made Bread. : bread that will ple to hav our wag self, W. J. \ If you w , telenhe H and try thers. ---- Overcoats, &10, 812; 215. , Jenkins: the Toronto Industrial Exhi-- Bernard, the missionary, Rose Merson, as Alaska, the Indian maiden, © and Grace Welby, as Jessie Dalton,. gave good support. The scenic effects were well worthy of one of -Lincoln Car- ter's plays. Seldom are better stage settings seen than those of last night. The play abounds in thrilling scenes that should please the lover of the sensational. > Victoria Theatre. The Marks' Dramatic company were given scope to show their capabilities in the drama produced last night, 'A Woman's Revenge." Helena Reicka was the young lady who got even with the villain, but not by the aid of the Irish comedian's revolver as is usually the case, Miss Reicka does all the company's love business, but found a truer character in the role of a revengeful French girl. Lydia Hav- den Poe seemed out of her place in her quiet part, when her flashing eyes and tart tongue should have been at work sending the: villain into hyster- ics, and making him tear out his hair. Strong support was given by Fred. Miller, who acted the genteel villain so well that some one in the bald- headed row got excited and wanted to help trounce him. Though a brave voung man, Mr. Miller, recoiled with horror at sight of Helena's eight-cent jack-knife. The other chief support was given by Charles H. Sanders amd Earl G. Simmons. A large audience witnessed the play. PROHIBITIONISTS ORGANIZE. Frontenac County "Workers Take Initial Step. Temperance delagates from the coun ty of Frontenac met in the Y.M.C.A. reception room on Thursday after- noon to take the initial steps in the organization of the county for the approaching referendum campaign. Among the delegates present were' Rev. W. F. Perley, Harrowsmith; Rev. R. I'. Oliver, Cushendall; Rev. J. A. McDonald, Pittsburg; Rev. W. Craig, Cata: aqui; Rev. J. M. Thedrea, i i Rev. I. Meredith, Inverar) 2v. Eber Crummy and Rev. Samuel Shibley, Kingston; Rev. I. Wheatley, Wolie- Island; Messrs... George. Lether- tand, Latimer; H. A. Calvin, M. P., Garden Island; W. J. Shibley, Har- rowsmith; 8. A. Lyon, N. Spooncr, Latimer; F. Barnett, Sydenham: Har vv Lake, Portland, and Noble Darling, Pittsburg. Rev. Mr. presided, and .ex plained the for which the meeting had been callea: The follow my officers were clected : President, Rev. W. F. Per.ey; secretary, Rev. J. A. McDonald; executive committee, H. A. Unalvin, J. 8. Galldgher; WW. J. Shiblew and the. chairmen of the vari- ous townshifi committees. The latter committees, with thé chairman cach, Mave been appointed, but the names will not he given out until it is seen whether the members will ac- cept or not. » Perlev reasons "Bibby's."" Oak Hall. '"Bibby's."' Gloves. We are - showing a swell range of gloves for fall wear. French and English makes, $1, §1.23, $1.50. The H. D. Bibby Co. Laxative Quinine Tablets. Will check a cold in a few hours, does not cause ringing in the head. 25c. at McLeod's drug store. a ees A. R. Miredonell, contractor for Temiscamingue railway, has haa many experience; has built railways under Mackenzie and Mann, and ha heen iaent I with Mr. Howan, of Ottawa, in contracts on the Canadian Pacific and in a contract for a dock and piér at Port Colborne for the Do minion government. Rev, Joseph Follick and daughter, have returned to the city, after a month's enjovable visit with his sis- ter-in-law, wife and family at Wales, Ont. Suspenaers to 1.50. Jenkins. Equip vourseli with one of Living- ¢ton's ready-to-wear raincoats. The kind we sell gre the very best, £10, S120 815 and §IN, Mrs. A. C. Mackay, Renfrew, came to tho city to-day to meet her broth- er from Detroit,--whom she has not seen in sixteen years. Arnot's Pills of Chamomile and Mandrake are purely vegetable, and sugar-coated, for the liver, stomach and kidneys, 25¢., at McLeod's drug store, Our taflies, pea-nut brittle coco kis es are the very best. Try a sample bo. Ws .J. Crothers,.. Raincoats 810, R12. Jenkins. vears' 25¢. -- Ng CURE YOURSELF .Uss Big &@ jor knbatubal dayn, ht "i witam irritations or Ea LE) not fo etrlovars. ol mye.sus merobranes, Prevents Contagies. sinless, snd not astrine foe Revue Onewiea On @eomt or olsbu us, ETA oct 0. Sold by Druggists, . a sent in [Hata SET rees, 2 BEAL TO RENT. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS, LIGHT and airy, centrally located, First table . board if desired. * Apply at Brock street ' STAMPS AND MARKERS. RUBHER STAMPS. OF ALL KINDS, SEE -Inkers, Linen. Markers. Dates, Seals, Stencils Ticket and Office Stamps, ete. . JOHN OFFORD Whig Offe- Leading Shoe Styles of Canada and the United States. We are showing in our windows | this week samples of the best and | latest styles of Men's, Women's and Misses Fall Shoes of the best makers in America, a few of the names of the up-to-date manufac- tures here given will be positive proof of the excellence of our im- mense Stock now open for inspec- tion : ORNE & GROVER, Mass. - KROHN Cincinnatti. WALKER & WHITHAM, Cam- pello, Mass. > The famous Crossett Shoe Boston, & FECHHEIMER, for A. ABERNETHY, New Fall and Winter Men made in North Abington, Mass. FLORISHEIM & CO., Chicago. GEO." A. SLATER, Montreal, Que. J. D. King & CO., Toronto, Ont, "VICTORIA SHOE CO., Torom- to, Ont. 4 SOVEREIGN BRAND, London. JAS. McCREADY, Montreal, J. & T. BELL, Montreal. JOHN McPHERSON & CO., Hamilton. We have just received a carload of Trunks and Valises, which we will sell at a very low price for the next two weeks. 123 and 125 Jw Princess Street. 1 1902 m0 1903 Jackets and Skirts For Women Our Jacket stock is now Canadian, New York and German Novelties complete, comprising many. | Loose backs, half fitting backs and tight fitting backs, with bust measure from 30 to 44 inches and length 24, 27, 30, 36 and 42 inches, Nev New New New New New New New New Vicuna Cloth Jackets, Beaver Cloth Jackets, Kersey Cloth Jackets, Curl Cloth Jackets, Freize Cloth Jackets, Cravenette Cloth Jackets, Ulsters For Girls, Beaver Cloth Capes; Curl Cloth Capes, Women's Walking Skirts in Black and Navy Serge; Black Freize, Oxford Freize, Black Cheviot, - Black Homespun, Oxford Homespun, Black Alapaca, Brocade Matalase. Our Skirts are the very newest styles and a 1 value. Prices range from $2 to $10 each. Try us for your N C ew Coat or Skirt. RUMLEY BI COAL Prime White Oil Head Light. Oi! S. J. HORSEY. PRINCESS OIL! 14c, Gallon 16¢. Gallon i <1 REET. I The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S [ .ondon = Porter Full of the Virtue of{Malt and Hops, : Perféctly Agreeable to the Most JAS. 'cPARL Delicate Palate, AND, AGENT, KRING STREET, KINGSTON.

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