oe THE DAILY WHIG. THURSDAY. - OCTOBER 2 SX TT MURDER PLOT| "esr NEWS OF WORLD| i h 'A. EDITION. 5% EE mF | eLecRams FROMTHE FOuRL | Waltham Watches. HOW ABOUT THAT LEAKY ROOF ? - We have a Paint that will stop it. Omly $1 gallon. Now is the time to touch up before frost. . Powder, Shot and Loaded Shell a 9 ialty. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE. SECOND EDITION NEWS ALSO ON PAGE FIVE. COMMERCIAL MATTERS, -------- What Is Going On Wn the Business World--The Market News. The, indications point to an unsettled mar- ket in Wall street for some' time. September "Wheat reached cents in Chi- cago, the highest price since the Leiter deal in 1898 3 } This week about three million and at half dollars "in dividends will be paid out to shareholders in Cgpadian institutions. A report just issued shows that the French wheat crop, for the past year, amounts to 125,000,000 hectol tres (327,000,000 bushels). his is the largest crop in twenty years, ex- vear 1898-1899. 295 cept thar ior the Last year, was the "biggest sardine season ever known in tla history of tha American industry. The pendulum has swung back this vear, however, for the be more frank, the little mednaden or herring-- are so scarce down east that only a few ol sardipes--ot, to the canneries are doing business. Rapid progress. is being made on the eut- off that is to place Brantford on the main line of the Grand Trunk. A freight train was over the new cut-off from ext run the other day Lynden to the Harrishurg branch. It is «! that the track wills be entirely finish- ed jn six weeks' time. 1t will still be a con- siderable time after that before main line is put over the new road. pec traflic The London Statist says that the C. P. R. the present time a most pursuc, company holds at and should it as The Happiest Home Is Your Own. | It is impossible to feel perfectly at home in the house of another. The only perfect home feeling comes to those who own the place where they live. We'll help to give you the real home feeling. The plan is simple; the cost reasonable. D. A. CAYS, Real Estate Agent, 346 King Street, Kingston. A BIG PART a Of the earnings of a jewelry business is its gain in repu- tation, and, we feel, that our Fall Stock of Fancy Rings and Watches, are just the kind of goods that will further advance us in the confidence of our customers. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and 350 King Opticians. St. "Kingston ™ 4" "A SET OF NEW Souvenir Post Cards POSITIVELY THE BEST EVER OFRERED TO THE PUBLIC. Sold in Sets or Singly. Kirk patrick's Art Store enviable position, it doubtless will, likely to become most prosperous Indeed, with far-sighted control it may pro- vide Canada with a railway service as econo- mical and efficient as is given or is likely. to be given in the United States. a conservative policy, it is the undertakings in soundest and America. one of Home From Toronto. City Solicitor Melntyre returned last evening from Toronto, after a short but pleasant outing. He went up to attend a sitting of the court of ap- peal, in swhich the question of the va- Jue of the franchise of the Kingston Light. Heat & Power company was up for argnment. Mr: McIntyre savs that the judges did not show any indica- tion as to their opinion of the ques- tion, merely contenting themselves with #ligening to the arguments of council. Tt will take the judges some davs to wade through the mass of documents before they can richtly grasp the finer points of the case and give judgment. -------- As You Pass By Look at the fine display of cakes in the window of 1. H. Ferguson's store on King street. All Kinds of pastry and pies, cream rolls, assorted tarts, roschuds, ete. Time For A Change. A chance will do you good. Try our underwear. 90c., 81, 81.25, 81.50, §2. 22.50, §3 to §1 a suit. "The H. D. Bibby Co. H. D. Bibby Co. Take the Rideaa Wing ior Uttawa every Tuesday and Friday, at 1 p.m. James Swift & Co., agents. 'COMMERCIAL, MONTREAL STOCKS. Oct. 2nd. rific Canadian P! Canadian Duluth SS, Duluth SS. Pid. Montreal Street Rv. Lo. Toronto Street Ry. Halifax Street Ry. Twin City Rich. &. Ont. Nav. Commercial Cable Montreal Telegraph... Bell Telephone y Montreal Power Dominion Steel EEREREEPRPREPRPREREER | bwin Stl, Pi. = : = Montreal Cotton Sl inion Cotton = SPECIAL... @ | Ogilvie Flour, Pid 3 2! | Detroit United 90 Toledo L. & 37 Nova Scotia 110 TROUSERINGS NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. Oct. 2nd. Sell. Buy. $5 00 A PAIR Union Pacific®, 1062 1063 . . St Paul... occa 192 , Manhattan ..... : - B. R. Transit Sugar x 2 CRAWFORD & WALSH, S|". y Us=. Steel U. S. Steel. PR Tailors and Importers. Z| Tom Cont i Tron CE iEYEac = 5 Miss. Pacific 5 ERR RRERER ERE Serre Pacific : . Ontario & Western Union ANOTHER _ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT : T0 THE PUBLIC. po ) AVE ON SALE, SATUR- | Louis & Nash ; day. fresh pork sausave, tenderloin, blood | Hook (stand oo ! He a : whinsvivania RR. 161% 164 sausage, Fraukiorts, home made: brawn, and | Tiyac & Pacific 81 173 all cooked meats. Just received a new lot § Avchizon 00) 902 of Windsor Peameal, and breakfast bacons. | Col. 1. F : S282 Don't forget the place. Myers', 56 Brock = American Loco: 3H a1 street. "Phone 570. Amal. Copper 65k Hs? MERIT And That's the Reason Why so Many Men Prefer Buying Their Clothing At Livingston's, For over 50 years Livingston's ~.clothing has been before the public and to-day is more popular than ever. A TELLS . | - $ $ he ~\ w 3 75-77 Brock St. LIVINGSTON BROS., CHEESES 933 399 FEEEEE FEE EEE EEE 21133333 Veee = Kingston. hcame to him and cooly proposed Oak Hall. Now fall suits! New fall overcogts!- New rain coats ! New fall hats! The : . : . : : n Wb : - $ i ; 3 i . $ BROWN OF COLLINGWOOD UNDER ARREST It is Said He Sought Help to Get Rid of His Mother Who Had an Insurance of $1,500. Collingwood, Ont., Oct. 2--W. H. Brown, a fireman employed at the Coliinewood water works, was placed under arrest, last evening, by provin- cial Detective Greer on the charge of .attempting to encompass the death of his agec-~ mother in order to secure 500° insnrance - which was on her life in the Union Mutual Life Insur- ance company. Brown protests inno- cence of the charge made against him. He declared that the policy on his mother's life lapsea in June, 1901,' and that he would have no object in seeking her murder 'as stated by his accuser, John Rose, a Toronto insur- ance agent. Rose, who made out the policy on Mrs. Brown's life, alleges that about one month ago Brown the murder of the old ladv, Rose to re- ceive 8500 for his aid in the deed. The preliminary investigation will be held here to-day. Rose's Statement. Toronto, Oct. 2.--John Rose, the Toronto | insurance agent, upon the strength of whose statement W. H. Brown, Collingwood, has been placed under arrest, at. that place, charged with plotting to murder his mother, was greatly surprised when informed of the arrest. "I did not think it would go as far as that," he said. "I thought it a huge joke, as far as 1 am concerned, but at the same time I thought it should be investigated.' Rose added that when he notified the authorities he imagined that they would take quite a little time to sift the matter out. "However," .Mr. Rose, continued, "as I said before, the whole thing was a huge joke, as far as I was concerned. 1 couldn't for a moment imagine that a man could wish to murder his mother for a few paltry dollars. I thought I would see how far it would go in all seriousness. As a party to such a crime, with the intention of committing it, 1 could not he associated with so dastardly a thing for fifty million dollars, let alone five hundred." Pleaded Not Guilty. Collingwood, Ont.; Oct. 2.--W. H. Brown was arraigned before Magis- trate 'Nettleton here, this afternoon. He pleaded "not guilty" and was re- manded until Monday. No evidence was taken. John Bernie, K.C., and W. T. Allen, appeared for prisoner, and; Inspector Greer, of the provincial de- tective department, for the crown. Magistrate refused bail. WON'T CARRY COAL. Union Demands Men Be Paid Re- gular Wages. Chicago, Oct. 2.--Members of cal Teamsters' Union have decided not to haul coal to any public 'school building until the Board of Education the lo- induces © the Anthracite-Bituminous Coal company. which has the school contract for the north-west* side) to pay its men the union wage. The teamsters employed by "the com- pany went on strike last week, but the matter was considered of minor importance until the union head that the company was about to. employ non-unton teamsters, The company has no direct connec- tion with other firms under contract to the Board of Education, but the feamsters believe a fight against all would force the Anthracite-Bituminous company to an immediate settlement, The school contracts for coal were let last week. but there has been prac- tically no. hauling, and should the weather turn cold the sitwation would he / serions, Luck And Laziness. Republic. upon a cottage et tap: 5, who lounged within a® "wpon nix lap, xl out his slippers to the fire / gave. a sleepy vawn: "Oh, brother ! let him knogk again?" Ile said, but Luck was gone. St. Louis door, 2 Luck tapped again, more faintly still, Upon anothiér door; Where Industry was hard at Mending his cottare floor. J foor was opened wide at work once; me in the worker A And Luck was taken by the hand Ard fairly pulled inside He still is there--a wordrous guest From ont whose magie--hand, Fortune flows fast--=but Laziness Can never understand How. Industry found such a friend: "Luck never came mv way! He sig d quite forgets the knock Upon his door that dav. A Fine Exhibition. To-morrow Kirkpatrick's art gallery will he a centre of attraction, bet cause of the display of the water col- ors--of- Mr. Matthews: R.A all cent work. A cordial invitation re- to visit _ix extended. Kingston could and should, take a gweater interest in art exhibits. and 'by at least calling to them. encourage ithe visits. County Temperance Workers. Temperance delegates from many points in the country met in the Yr M.C.A. rooms on Thursday afternoon to for the coming dum campaign. A number of city pro- hibitionists attended the meeting. O1f- ficers were elected and plans outlined for the approaching 'fight. organize Industry Has Shut Down. The binder twine manufacturing plant. at the penitentiary has been closed, and there is a possibility that it will not again he started. TT. P. Connors" superintendent twine industry, left sone lime ago for the eastern states The London Medical and CireuJar says that Lord Salisbury has suffered fo intestinal pare- which have massages, suy Press years rom heen cts of movement to have a hew formed in New dioces i this morning. New cocoanuts at "Carnovsky's. referen- | of the binder | of the present districts of Petorboro be at least three more mestings of Frontenac cheese board this season Queen's central heating plant was | A' pretty home wedding took °place at 2.30 o'clock Wednesday. at the re- sidence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dun- net, 67 Huntley street, Toronto, when their niece, Miss Muriel Christine Ash- ley, was married to' Henrv Eger Liv- called, and only the immediate rela- tives were present. The bride, who was given away by her uncle, wore a gown -of white satin, 'trimmed with Brussels lace, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and maiden- hair fern. Her sister, Miss Rita Ash- lev, as maid of honor; woré¢ white po- plin, with a wreath of pink, rosesin her hair, and carried the same flow- ers. The ceremony was performed in an alcove banked with palms and under a large marriage bell composed of white roses, an aisle being formed from the door to the alcove by white Later on Mr. and Mrs. Livingstone left for a trip by water down the Hudson and on to Washington, the bride wearing navv blue cloth, with a Gibson coat, applicued with white, a navy blue beaver hat. and white fea- ther boa. On their return they will re- side at 45 Hazelton avenue, Toronto, which Mr. Livingstone has rented fur- nished. The bride is a daughter ' of George 1. Adhley, Markland street, this city, though for some time she has made her home with her uncle in Toronto. -- MARINE INTELLIGENCE, Notes Regarding the Movements of Vessels. Craig's wharf : Steamer Ocean from Montreal. ' Asvlum wharf : Schooner Fléetwing cleared for Charlotte. Swift's wharf: Steamer from Montreal to-night. Richardsons' élevator : John Milne, schooners D. and Monitor. M. T. company elevator : Steamer Myles from Fort William with 40.000 bushels of wheat. Corsican Steambarge Echo, Laura At Goderich the steamers Ossifrage, City of the Straits, and Pittsburg ave ent at to-day's session of the Fronte- nac cheese board were: L. W. Murphy, J. Alexander, FF. Vanluven, J. Craw- ford, 0. C. Bissell, D. J. MacKinnon, R. Thompson. There was a small at- tendance of salesmen. There were hoarded 200 white and S06 colored. Bidding opened at 10}c. and closed at 103¢. These factories had cheese for sale : : White--Cold Springs, 70; Gilt Edge, 50: Hartington, 53: Howe Island, 25. Colored--Arizan, 40; Cataraqui. 70; Emerald, 50; Forest, 80: Glenburnie, 60: Glenvale, 50; Granite Hill, 60; Pine Hill, 60; Parham, 60; Rose Hill, 35: Sand Hill. 35; Frontenac, 60; El- ginburg, 80: Thousand Island, 30; St. Lawrenee, 36. At the top bid, 10%c. these factories sold: - To 0; C. Bissell=Arizan, Emerald, Rose Hill, Sand Hill. To L, W. Murphy--Cold Springs, Cataraqui, Forest, Elginburg. School Supplies Stolen. Whtn Miss Hewton. who has been ill since the fehools--are-opened, returnea on Tuesday to her duties as teacher in Rideau public school, she found that a larce number of articles had heen stolen from her room. The miss- ing list included - pencils, crayons, brushes. books, ete. The teacher. sup- plving auring Miss Hewton's absence, did_not know "such articles had been loft in the room. and consequently did anthorities are positive that systema- tic robbery 1s going on. The Captain Caned. A pleasant event took place aboard the steamer Bohemiun Wednesday when a number of residents of Stanley Isl and, near Cornwall, boarded the steamer and "called down" Capt. An- commander of the boat, and. after reading him a complimentary address, presented the gallant mariner with a gold headed cane, suitably engraved. The recipient was completely taken hy surprise. Capt. Dunlop is one of the oldest mariners 'on the lakes or river. He is capable, _reliable _ and deservedly popular. Timely Action Required. Warden Spoor says that the county property committee will meet. at once, ane arrange for a concrete floor for | the jail and better drainage for the registry © building. The present jail floor is of stone Sagging, and its L dampness is injurious to the health of the prisoners. Unless something is done to the cellar of the registry build- ings the books in the vault will suf fer. Signs of melding have heen dis: covered for some time past in the of these "county records. eee eee pages The Chapman Fuel Economizing sys- tem of Albany. has been incorporated with a capital of 3500, to manufac- | ture an invention of John S. Chap- wind," "Tor economizing in the of use and fuel. arresting smoke increasing steam boiler capacity. The directors are: John- 8. Chapman, lsaac La { Grange, James W. Bentley and B. A, Chapmhn, of Albany: John Pressley, M. Pressley-and M. Weighill, of. Roch ester. R. Charles "RB Wellington street, | can write risks far below tariff rates in the Berlin Cash Mutaal Fire Com- pany. The only stock mutual in On- | tario. old and reliable with over halt a million agsets. The assize court cases were com- vletec at noon to-day. drew Dunlop, of this city. the popular{- QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little ingstone, Rev. Dr. Milligan perform- of Everything Easily Read and ing the ceremony. Owing to a recent Remembered. hereavement the invitations which had The bank rate at London, Eng., been issued for the wedding t6 take | ("4 day, raised from three to four place at Old St. Andrew's were re- " per cent. The Allan steamer Australian sailed on Thursday afternoon from Glasgow for Boston. In New York dealers are charging their customers a trifle over one cent a pound for coal. Four Chinamen, alleged to have en- tered the United States illegally, are under: arrest at Watertown, N.Y. In Manitoba the weather, this morn- ing, was clear, bright and quite cool. There was a stiff frost last night. The post office at Hancock, N. Y., was robbed and the burglars secured £1.000 worth of stamps and §200 in satin ribbons. Rolp Hees was best cash man, ad John Rogers and Albert At Manila, Frederick C. Jackson, Reed ushers. captain and assistant surgeon of the United States army, is dead of mor- phine poisoning. The United States government has hegun action to recover $1,035,899 auty, from Rosenthal & Cohn, silk im- porters, New York. Jacob Richards Dodge, statistician of the department of agriculture, died suddenly on Wednesday of heart fail- ure at Woburn, Mass. Over 600,000 bushels of wheat have been delivered at Port Arthur by the C.N.R.R. Some 1,000,000 bushels have been bought at railway points so far. L. A. Chevrier, a farmer of Spring- field, Man., slipped some weeks ago and fell on a pick axe, the point of which pierced his lungs. Death ensued on Wednesday. It is rumored at Sidney, N.S., that communication, by wire telegra- phy, has been established between Cape Breton and Cornwall, England. The distance is about 2,200 miles. The hody of Jennie Larsen, a young Danish woman. twenty years old, was SS found in the apartment of Louis Ap- plerod in a tenement in Harlem, N. Y. She had been dead for days. Ap- pleroa is held for murder. John A. Nicholls, a temperance ad: vocate challenges Edwin Dickie, or pul ™ : he steamer Toronto has made its . s 1 The stean 1 f+ Quifi'e |-8ny one he will name to discuss the last trip of the season. It left Swift's a : | x hart at five o'clock vosterday after Ontario liquor act at any of the ar € loc ster y- Tv y Whan at a 0 Lie , 3 pty | Nicholls referendum campaign meet- noon for Toronto to go into winter |. hk b CinnG Suarters ings a the province. : 1 oe There is a demand for laborers in Montreal. Only hali the number re- already laid up. ' The Minnie M. and quired could be secured for _ the com- King Rdward are still running from mencement of some new civie works the Sault to Toledo. on the harbor front. I'he wages paid -- by the city are $1.50 a day. Frontenac Cheese Board A Japanese loan is floated in Lon- z re don, the Baring Bros., the Hong Kong Kingston, Oct ~The buyers pres- and Shanghai banks and the Yokoha- ma Specie bank will issue next week $25,000,000 Japanese consolidated honds Bearing five per cent. interest. The bonds probably will be issued at par. The" Cunard Steamship company an- nounced to-day that its. steamer Etruria will not sail for Liverpool on Saturday, October 4th, as scheduled, a flaw having been found in the ves sel's shaft. A new shaft has been or- dered and the ship will remain in New York until November. Judge Hazel, of the United States court at Buffalo, has rendered a de- cision holding (that the steamer North- ern Queen was responsible for sinking the whaleback steamer Sagamore near Sault Ste. Marie. August 29th, 1901. The whalehack was commanded by Capt. - FE. C. Joyner, Henderson, N. Y., and he and Ira Ives, Sacket"s Har- bor, were arowned and the cargo lost. The owners of the Sagamore demana 8250,000, and the Joyner estate sued for 815000, and the Ives estate for S10,000. The matter will now be re- ferred to a commissioner to be ap- pointed by the Uni@d States court to ascertain the damages. A Sailor's Summons. in National. came up last night, , perhaps, or: rain: Bl , flashed in and out, And beckoned 'gainet the window pane; It was @ bird, no doubt--no doubt, And wili. mot come again. not-miss them. The theft evidently Nad di beat with. uf e ACE ~ yr vacatd J And something beat with slow repeat, took place during the vacation, at And heavy swell, the okl seawall, which time many articles were pur- And shrill and clear and piercing sweet, loined from other rooms in the same ot thaught I heard the bontsunin's call, . The a i s aod + The sails were set, and vet, and vet, school. The matter will be placed in It may have been nd boat at all. the hands of the police, as the school But if to-night a sail would leap From out the dark and driving rain, You must not hold me back nor weep, For 1 must sail a trackless main, To fied and have. to hold and keep, What 1 have sought so long in vain I need no chart of sea nor sand, Nor anv blazing beacon star, My prow avainst wild waves shall stand Until it cuts the" blessed bar, And I run up the-ehinine strand Where my lost vouth and, Marv are. Hello,Boys! The cold weather woke you up to remind you of the kind of clothing you need. We foretold your wants. Our FALL AND WINTER STOCK Is All Complete. Just the kind you are looking for, cheap, durable, stylish and perfect fit. : Come Along. We can fit you with the clothes and your purse to your wants. Just step in. We will almost surprise you, with the bargains we are offering. Reliable we are, of that you are 'aware. We will do the rest. Don't pass us by; we have al- ways treated you well, and pur- pose to hold on to our princi- ples. Anything in Clothing, Gent's Furnishings or Furs go to, JOS. SILVER, (Successor to B. Silver,) 102° PRINCESS ~~ STREET KINISTON LADIES' COLLEGE ~~ KINGSTON, CANADA. Residential and Day Scheel for Girls, g Address MISS M. GOBER, M.A., « Priacipal. ' counsellor of all." free upon request. "Be ruled by time, the wisest "* The Perfected American Waich,"" an llastrated book of interesting information about watches, will be sent American Waltham Watch Company, _ Waltham, Mass. aids ~ } ready received. many others. ™ ~~ ANNA With Coal | al $12 a Ton The reasonable supposition is that this winter people will 'keep their bodies warmer and their houses cooler than in former years. lief is general may be judged by the fact that the. manufacturers of Fine Woollen Underclothing are rushed and will not be able to fill all the orders al- We are prepared with a very large stock of WARM UNDERWEAR of all kinds and you will find it to your interest to see what we are showing. Ladies' Vests and Drawers, 25c., 35c¢., 49¢., 69c., ?5c., 99c. and That this bes and makes. and Drawers. 'Children's Vests and Drawers, A most complete assortment of all sizes Men's Underwear, At prices much below former years, both in Fine Wool and Union Shirts alike. UNDERWEAR We have just what is required for boys' wear and have it in three different niakes. orm If Possible To Fit Shoes in The Store. No two pairs of the same number fit exactly Then we have so many different makes and each make has some peculiarity about it and we are always better pleased to send out a perfect fit. Take time to do it and you'll be well pleased. : . F. G. LOCKETT, Princess St I --------1 Think of Stoves! Isn't it about time to look out for a new one to replace the one that gave so much trouble last winter ? ; You will find what you want here-- STOVES OF ALL SHAPES AND SIZES; ECONOMICAL HEATERS; SATISFACTORY COOKERS. hh Both New and Second-Hand. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 'Brock Street.