Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Oct 1902, p. 5

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» it o RTE womens or rag var. CAPE VINCENT.) Weak Men RENCH DUTIES CAPE VIF THE DAILY WHIG, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2 : | Newsy Paragraphs Picked up -by ~ - - SIR-WILFRID LAURIER WRITES | 2°Perters On Their Rounds. | gnGET OF NEWS FROM Bovs' caps bc 50c. - Jenkins Boys caps, 25c. and 50c.- Jenkins. VHI ACE "A LETTER -- -- | Goderith --summnier "hotel was exten: -- THAT VILLAGE ure ree sively patronized, but the manager ? = i i ran far behind financially. ' . iy » ; Showing That Canadian Goods b A Manitoba woman® wants, a divorce David Laird s Sudden Death - A s Should be Shipped Through ; because her hushand talks in hig Cape Vincent Boy in Politics-- United States to Escape Spe- | Sleep. Maybe it is the only time he A "Teacher Resigns -- Notes } ) i LS THR Send Name and Address To=Day cial Entrance Duties, gets a chance to talk. { About Many People. 3 BS a : CL When it comes to talking through Cape Vincent, Oct.> 1.--A. Sevmour ! : & jo l LR Ree J. Montreal, Oct. 2.--Sir Wilfrid | his #t beoins F as if Si = 5 le You Can Have It Free and hy antrea, bot ir Wilfrid Laur this hat it begins to look as if Sir and Alex. Horne caught a fine maskin- NPY" DOC ANN er has written to the Chambre De { Charles Tupper had nothing to teach onge ih Button Bay, Monday it weich- Re: : Be Strong and Vigorous Hii ig regarding French duties on | his "successor, R. L. Borden. 1g twenty-six pounds. The festival i For{Life. .! anadian goods, which would be ad- Arnot's Pills of Chamomile and re ite Hall oy Satucd ieyva) an i mitted on better terms were they-car- | Mandrake are purely vegetable, and tas a a fit i St ov You : ried direct, there being a. special tax sugar-coated, for the liver, stomach Pa Is > ee 3 5 He Bs Sent de DF Pods transhipped through Eng- | and kidneys, 25c., at McLeod's drug; Es ear a an id he . : . . y gland. The premier writes : store. y : Southern Pacific Railroad Co. has issued $15,000,000 in bonds to change 2,000 locomotives from coal to oil burners. New York, Chicago, Phila-. delphia.and all large cities are using quantities of fuel oil. The demand will ex- ceed the supply by thousands of barrels annually. This means big profits, big dividends and big advance in price of stock in Eastern Consolidated, Oil Co. 4 . "This i scuDine re : 3 scows Denver and Allie C. are i Insures Love and d Happy Home Te, Bis' question occupied my atten- Stiff front shirts, perfect fitting, fast SS ar As large ain the Y 8 my previous visit to | colors, swell patterns, 81, $1.25. Jen- : > Chi oh: How any man may quickly cure himself | Paris, and while unable to make any, | kins, ? 3 $= being brought to this port for ship- 4, ment. after years of sufferine from sexual weak- positive affi i a ; of n al s > allirmation, I have reas tor 2 \ g ners, lost vitality, night losses, varicocele, . ? ave reasofl to Hector Macdonald, the "Ordnance David Laird, a resident of this vil- = i lage, died suddenly at Riverview, where he resides in summer, Monday morning. He went to the barn to get C ready to drive to this village, and as he did not return search was made ° ' i ® and he was found dead near the door. As he had been afflicted with heart | ° trouble for some time, it undoubtedly caused his death. Mr. Laird was well known in this vicinity antl respected by all wig iknew Jin. He leaves @ Has paid 20 per cent. in dividends to its stockholders during the past 10 brothers and sisters to mourn his death. The funeral will be held at his home at Riverview this morning, and the remains placed in the vault in tiverside cemetery. It was expected that a game of baseball would be played here Satur- wife, adopted daughter and several i ie _sovela months, Can any company equal this record ? River property, begun' on large scale, - means 50,000 bbls. more monthly. ° their holdings in anticipa- tion of rise in price of stock. Ea. CR ET RAT a Properties valued at 2 g a Giant to a Pigmy | | Enormous EC RETR 100 Producing Oil Wells Stockholders are doubling Development work on Kern now in Ohio will be in- : creased to 200 shortly, al Ee {digg " 4 Ly A SY), 7 SE 2 2 3 : day, between a_ club from Dexter and hss § 4 one front this village, but no game oc- ' Bas ; y z n : f : ; curred, as the former club failed to ie 1 4: Stengen and Viger top Men. ! ' put in an appearance. It is rumored ete. mply send your name and 'address to 1 { sw. Father Guilbax : Dr. Knapp Medical Co.. 1798 Hull Building, i * ? that Rev. Father Guilbault, pastor of Detroit, Mich., and they will gladly send the i St. Vincent de Paul's church, will free Terelin with fall dircetions so any man \ i have an assistant. Several voung men may easily cure himself at _home. This is 3 £ . . is wv have / . certainly a most gencrous offer and the fol ¥ 3 from® this place have gone to Water lowing extracts taken from their -daily mail, town, where they have found employ- ment. A petition has been circulated profits. Sure 100 per cent, advance in 80 ays. SIE fe. the Eastern Consolidated Oil Co. when compared with pretended = competi- 50c; "a share $500,000 will advance with for stock. a jump to millions when Will be $1.00 we strike oil in Santa Bar- by Jan. 1. bara. tors. 21,000 acres. Lt RT A ROARS TR A show what men think of their generosity "Pear - Sirs ~--Plea8s: accept . my. sine thanks for yours of recent date. 1 he given your treatment' a thorough tyst and the benefit has been: extraordinary. t has here to induce Hon. Watson M. Rog: ers, of Watertown, to become an in- The Pacific Coast O0il Co. has paid profits to its stockholders amounting to about $14,000,000. Few gold mines do as well as completely braced ume up. I' am just as vigorous ax when 'a' boy and® vou cannot Do yqu realize that thére is more money made in good oil stock than in all the gold and silver mining stock put together ? ) At the republican convention held last stocks when you can se- reakive how Vian 1 am." Forty week a Nr. Dates. x as Bopinuted, cure an ' established safe fully. Results were orociy. Wheto I oabiy ! : AE RRA 3 hut as certain things irregular occur dividend-paying investment Strength and vigor have completely return PR ; 7 \ red at. the time, a large number of with over half a million ed." republicams became dissatisffed, and assets, like the Eastern thus the movement to run Mr. Rogers, Consolidated. "Dear Sirs :--Yours was received 'and 1 had the only other candidate before the this. trouble in making use of the receipt as directed, and can truthfully say it is a boon to weak men. 1 am greatly improved in suronzth and Vigor ro Ane . : t h k : 12s T signed here and. similar petitions were Il correspondence is® strictly confidential, : circulated in the! district. Mr. Rogers ER ETAT RET RAC TERR, is free for the asking and they want every A 3 2 modest in- eT made over $5,000 per dependent candidate for the judgeship. Don't . speculate in 3] | convention. The petition was freely Why not in- vest at. once ih the best oil stock on the market ? mailed in plain scaled envelope. The receipt § (S989 [Sly RA . ra i : ay Jor the § So | i is al old Unie V incent poy snl ow : The Home O0il Co. has The Sunset Oil Co., with i o have it. 1 JE 2 : 3 rarardloss aq n § " 4 people, regardless otf politics, wi Je ; yostment now share profits. The Selma i t t f 1 / AH | A F glad to help to elect him. in this com- $50 To Le Ring Yoon TO-LET. Hh 2 pe ; : There is nothing definite regarding | Oil Co. yielded $1,200 per 4 4 \ Dany insures 8 share to its stockholders. the electric. light plant. The village board is working hard to accomplish Sonpetence for Gold mines can't equal : : life. do even better. the project, but are handicapped by. . that. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS' TO LET AT the amount voted for, $10,000. It ap- ET, hE ARTETA, . Yates', illiam street, with board ars th here must be some close pears that there m m > : AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN. ficuring to put «dn a first-class plant BE EAST CE AEE Latest photograph of Austen Cha mberlain, one of the young mem- | for that amount, and as the board Black Mountain started at $ .05 Advanced to $ 1.60 $100 invested would have ret'd $8,000 * "" ." will have nothing but a fries Central Point oh 2 00 100 " " 400 larly $500 a day net pro- fits. This company can HOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH O1 " without board, 101 Queen streat. HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. fl Dds improvaments. Apply to C. bers of the new British cabinet, for whim a splen- did record is predicted. whole village, the question of lighting Eldorado tt 2.00 100 800 FOUR GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WITE | = m-- iv. electricity is a.litile unteriain. If Thitti 5 2.50 100 1,000 with all modern conveniences, at wv electricity is a. little uncertain. If Whittier fi y for University Avenue. hope that, pending the establishment | street octogenarian, who has been ill | we should not get the plan at Pres: 1100 100 of a direct line between Canada and : for a couple of weeks, is now, his] ent. the time wi surely come when , 450 100 oe ue re The CAUTPUILY France, our products will escape the [friends will be glad to know, able to | necessity will demand it, and perhaps A 2 £0 100 2,500 and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers | special entry duties, provided they are | ba around. then, a proposition could not be car- iver 26.00 100 5,200 & Nickle. brought to France from some United A very happy event took place at ried. As a majority of the taxpayers Kern River BO. ; Co RTs A States port, Portland for instance, I Benjamin Way's, Mountain Grove, on | have said that we shall have electric Union | 1.50000 . 190 150.000 155 _COLEORNE (TREE: B58 MONTREAL intend to see the French authorities September 24th, when his eldest lichts, it will be. unsatisfactory if the Home 5,000.00 100 dwellings, slopes ad en, 7. S. R. upon my return to Paris, and 1 pro- daughter, Lucy, was married to A. EK. | village does not get them. Fred. Sto- McCann, 51 Brock street. ' mise to let you know the result of Cole, Port Hope. wel is attending the democratic con- : jy. | vention at Saratoga. It is expected 'the conferences as soon as I return to "a mtere s of Mrs BRICK RESIDENCE, 199 BROCK STREET, | Canada." + el ith entered the home of Mrs. that: he will-Taok. mit forthe interests A 1 cendition; modern improvemen 114 . FE.» Wallbridge, Massassaga, on Sep- ic Vine here rooms. Apply" to The 1. D, Bibby Co., tember 30th, and carried away her | ©f Cape ineont, dere line has ovis 78 to 82 Princess street. Celebrating Their New Year. mother, Ann Baird, widow of the late A slight nusuncerstanding hing X18 James McComb, Hillier, Deceased was ed in our high, school since the term aged seventy. plant and one that will Many people are living to-day on an income furnished by a $100 investment in a good oil stock. Fuel oil in California is in its infancy, butit promises enor- mous returns. The Eastern Consolidated is better equipped and has brighter STORE OCCUPIED BY R. ALEXANDER, No. | . Wednesday evening at sundown ush- commenced in September, the result 111 Brock street; with refrigerator, fix-§ oped in the Jewish New Year a per : 5 : : S 5. 6 TOF ; : 2 d 6 ar, 3 EY 1 soo | being the resignation of one of the Ee lor pele and iat tad. AG nh wt viet observance and feasting Fhe steamer Rothesay, which it is teachers last week... School commis- prospects than any of the companies mentioned above. plv to John McKay, Jr., 151 Brock street. which will copemuc for two days. This intended lhe blown up by' a de- sioner Chick came here this week and 1 C. B. HEYDON & CO. is one of tht most ancient of Jewish | tachment of cadets from the Royal rs were settled satisfactory to / 1 ildi POSSESSIONMT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE. customs, dating back for 5.663 years. | Military College, was not sunk in I behind tig oY ie | § Rooms 401 and 402 Manning Chambers Building, 72 Queen Street West, Corner Crore atone nena, of Hagot and] Many. of the Jews of the city fourncy | Kingston harbor, but in the Narrows school. The question regarding the Queen and Terauley Streets, Court House Square, Toronto, Ont. every way. Daisy hot water heating and | ed to Montreal; to celebrate the day | near Brockville, school house being too small to-ae- in Pyslect, onsen Apply %o Fuiir Shaw, in the synagogue there. Special ser The Ontario government has appeal- commodate the scholars and in an un- 2 . vices were held in. the Jewish hall; [ed the McLaren will case, of Perth. sanitary condition, has not been set- UNDERTAKERS. corner Princess and Montreal streets, | The appeal has caused surprise, be- tled. in August a resolution was # . . plan 1t was ule that he carried to expend $3,000 to build an A A A : : had performed their full duty to the +i sshuilding. Why thepro-} "mm PRIC Police Court Tips. hie or a addition to the *huile ing. 3 er J : . : ; Lo a, 233-235 Princess Street. Quafity ant T hotel tt -elintocd wit} . public in contesting the will. ay position was. not carried out is a] Wash. have returned home aiter a Nool, llc. a Ib; washed wool in trade, efficiency the best. Prices the lowest. wo hotel men charge Lo i hon In Chicago "black diamond' stick Imvstery short visit with relatives here. A 15¢. 4 Ib. \ Phones--Warerooms, 90. Night Calls~ | compliance with the regulations pov pins are being sold. They consist of a Ar--eriorstnkiny the Clhitoh A. | tirm of the supreme court opens in The Standard Rates -- Governing n ? of the | Watertown Monday. A number from The Local Markets. Jerome was to be manager Ie | Ht sited Mr wid Ais ey Fn <3 - | this place wi attend. Mr. a Mrs. i o : "ne | . 9 ¢ v elects io Tight flat when Jt ak In wh G oh. Watertown, spent Sunaay Kingston, Sept. 30.--The local pro- Butter--Creamery, 22. to 23c. a lh; ration, is denied by that gentleman. : : 3 H } a, i hay pT ERM rmers' in prints . 99 : o tions soprietor. of : hotel, man- | with relatives here. * Miss Mary Flake | duce market prices this week are: fa 5 1s in prints, 2e. to 22. 4 Ib; As. he is in 1¢ gro a : b ; Fruit--Plums, 50c. to 60c. 5 basket; a 8, Cais % Ib ager of the Bryan branch of the de- saches, d0c Gle basket; le % eese---10 3-16e. 8 i . ; peaches, 4c. to 60c. a basket; lemons, a 1b. 1olati i \ ioati aws : : mocratie. party and promoter of all . - x Ie Bo ic " Vey of violation of the navigation® laws. | cou) strike is. settled and a generous | | iat banly and] here, it would | Mv Russell. pastor of the Preshy | 10c. to 20c. a dozen; Jamaica oranges; but his case was enlarged for one supply is. forthcoming, a rorporal's a lv bo unkind to ask the worthy | terian church, is attending the preshy- | 30c. to 0c. a dozen; bananas, 15¢. to Dainy Retail. i 1 oy or © < S 3 : . hte: ante Hie wiles 3 - week. auard of soldiers wiil have to accom- | ain y to tke any more load. bn tery at Brasher Falls this week. Mr. 20c. a dozen; pears, 30c. a peck; Cali Butter--Creamery, 25c. a Ib: farm rentleman te Si ) aa, k , \ ' ce raids . forni ars: 40e¢ zen: x rs . ath Rte 9% : EIT pany every. ton - of coal sent out for bis hoalders. but as ho is 'a scholar | and MreK. Conners visiting rela fornia pears; d0c: dozen; grapes, 20c. | ers' in prints, 22c. ,, Ib.; in rolls, 20c. ais ¥onlders, a tives here for several weeks, returned | to 30c. a basket. a lb. ' With a bottle that * had contained | delivery in this city." i "public improvement,"" he Id , v . | h : ¢ ad te J : : of "public improvement," he woul \ : on . 3 r" Vegetables--Green corn, 1Ce. doz.; Ma oralt 1903. wussic acid lying near him, Gilber "T don't intend purchasing ound y pe io : i e rig dace, | home Sunday. Mrs. Joseph Saunders g oH > a ; 1 : \ ho : nd pur gal be the right man in th cht ple : Ssitine rel : Chicas The | potatoes, 73e--a bag: cabbage, 5c. a . S. 'Lyles, a partner in the Chic of coal this winter,""" remarked a lo- Master 1. Fox, spending the summer | 15 Vijiung nts ol Heap. 3 head: carrots Leafe, cic Bc. a bunch: Eggs, : : . J ! Mas . 7.8 1g ¢ aidan er iv' clare is ad: ec =, beets, ote.. Se. To The Electors ot Kingston : Picture Frame conipany, was found | cal sport this morning. "How's that: here, has returned to New York, , inten of t : re. y's store. tomatoes, '75c. 5 $shel 4 ' Wholesale--15¢c. a dozen dead in his rooms. [vot your supply in? he was asked. fact} riages will ocenr in this] Teeciving extensive repairs. : nates; g Vholisa lo o : iN 5 Galician, ~ named Protzsco, has | «No but I intend. subscribing to the Jon Tt future. Rev. Dodge Invitations are oul announcing the Fish--Whife fish, 12¢c. a lb.: seq sal: Retail--17c. a dozen. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN :--I am a ¢an- hee mt for trial at Winnipeg on | "Por Te Tei i {rage In wlll : Ke | marriage of Miss Louise Beauiort, this { mon and Seattle salmon, 20c. a /lb; didate f h orally 4 he year 1003; § been sent for rial 2 peg oronto ~ Telegrain; there is enough and family. who have resided in the \ A i : fais for Jo majoralyy for the yom "| the charge of forging an endorsement | hot air in the porting column. of that ill the past summer, have moved | Village. to H. I. Finlay, New York. | <alt salmon, salt' trout, salt thackerel, py 0 of in- 5 fy vf * N = village e past Ss r, have 3 ' x i : ens ¥ pray Ning . ap i Rae rey oo . . ' 5 ; . and respectiully ask for your votes and in on 'a cheque which he had stolen. l paper every day to heat zny house." | | kk to un for the winter.) The interesting event will occur Tues 0c. a Ih; salt codfish, 7c. to 13c. Ib.; Toronto, Sept. '29.--Wheat, white, fu on my behalf. i : : The a : nt nthe building | day at St. Vincent de Paul's church. | kippered herring, 40c. 5 dozen; perch, | bush., 6Sic. to 693c.; wheat, red, new » P " ont s 0 > i 5 : a r 4 x " » Lt bev, = vy Os . ? J. T. WHITE mid Hy Daley, Broaday. have | Res. Father Kelly, of Plattsburg will | 2c. n _ doren: mnckerel, 156. a To | bush, be, to 006; wheats apm > ' id con deter. "J.. GQ. Gregor is Priorm the ceremony. The Epworth pike, Tc, a lb; halibut, 15¢c. q Ib.; [ bush., 63c.; wheat goose, bush., 62¢ ; Seen 1 7 iin ud io home League has elected the following offi | bloaters, 30¢. a dozen: finnan haddie, | to 64c.: oats, bush., 32ic. to 33 ry i sme & 8 : . " . unding- a Sm \ . ¢ President. Clara Robinson: first | 10c. a lb.; salmon trout, 12e. a Ib; | barley, bush., 42¢c. to 43c.: rve, | and making other improvements to : NE ; 3 . arley, bush., , to .; rye, bus hgh ® = vice-president, Mrs. C. Kilborn; second | blue fish, 123c. 4 Ib; frogs' leas, 306. 19¢. to 50c.? he er t 13 t 16.- his property. W Raymond has con- : v . + . e.g hay, per ton, 0 5. 1 y. oe yo . vice-president, Mrs George Ernest; | a Ih; ovsters, s. to 60c. a quart; | 50: hav ixed er t 7 to 89 structed a machine wherehy he pre; Tt . . a { : hay, mixed, per ton, y : | Kili at rood rate of "speed third vice-president, Mrs. C..Arm- {| shell clams, 20c. a dozen; . shell oys- straw, per 'ton, $10 to $11; Alsike ds a s ¢ TO ate speed. ; : . ! ) sike, pe A Sell ava ¢ 3 be hail pe i] strong: fourth vice-president, Mrs. oJ. | ters. '20c. a dozen; ciscoes, 106. a 1b; ! choice, No. 1 per bush., $7 to £7.10 ; I'he machine is turned by hant ane BE. Kiihor relare. Abbie Hilts: Yonota. 0c Ih ce, ' | ey 0 B/. propel wheel at the stern of | the fs, 0mm Staieiany, Abhi Hiss onpa, (eon * Al-ike, No. 2, bush., $6 to $6.75; tim- $t ot ; Ss > - = D , treasurer, «J. R. Kilborn. Poultry--Chickens, 50c. to 70c. a |othy, bush., $1.50 to $2.20; apples, nair; fowl 60c. to 70c. a pair; ducks, | bbl, 75¢. to %1.25; dressed hogs, cwt., Mayoralty 1903. boat. The invention is a success, io) z 3 The first lecture of the winter course ) Ww [ i hl. ; ; h i : ie. to 70c. a pair; turkeys, £1 to 81.- | $5.50 to £9; butter, dairy, 1b., l4e¢. to B i inner . bo will occur some time during the pres- Strangers Yet. y S i i 25 each. 17¢; butter, creamery, lb., 18c. to F. HARBISON CO., UNDERTAKERS T. F. Harrison, 81. erning hotel bars were called to ap- picee of anthracite coal set on a shaft, Dairy Wholesal pear before the mayor, who presided washed with gold. Perhaps after g y pi oga 8 at the police court this morning. while the owners of these novelties Their -cases were further adjourned for will pry the 'coal out and burn it. eight days. Capt. Roys, of the steam- "It just amounts to this," .remark- er Aletha, was to appear on a charge | 4 citizen to-day. "that unless the . 8. CORBETT, FUNERAL LIRECTOR, 281 Princess Street, Kingston, Successor to A nan. has cone to New York, where she will spend the winter with her sister. Rev. Markets Elsewhere. | i ; . . ' 3 To the Electors of. Kingston: : ent month. Joseph Peo. unwell dur- | Lord Houghton 21 hi ir. 5h 75¢.; SH : NTLEMEN 8 - | ing the summer, is taking a needed Strangers vet ! Meat--Beef, hindquarters, 6¢. to Te. [2c chickens, per pair, Jac. to Toe.; LADIES AND GENTLEME! i=l respect. vacation. For the first time in many After years of life together, a lb; forequarters, 5e. to 6c, a lb. ; ducks, per pair, 60c. * to 8ic.; . eggs, fully solicit your votes and influence to elect ; vears grey squirrels have been' seen -in Ak 2 ir and Stormy weather, choice cuts, 124¢. a lb.; mutton, 6e. to | per dozen, l6e. to 19¢.; potatoes, per 2 908 A bd Teoh Afte ave ar lands, 2 ar 350 0c. sof. fore rg Tie ag Mavorifor 1903, this vicinity. Two voung men living After touch of wedded hunds-- Se. a lb; dpring lamb, Yc. to l0c. a.! baz, 650. to 0c. beci, forequarters, J H BELL * | near this village enjoved a little un Ne thus jolnrd } Whe ever Inet h.; hogs, live. weight, 6c. to 6lc. a ®t» Shao to % 2 i beef hindquart- . * \ = Lo . « ~ ne strangers we ? * . 1 - "re a RT . a . - 3 : » pleasantness "Tuesday morning, the re { thmy mus rang Ih. veal, 3c. to Ge. a lh. tongues, 25¢, | °1S, €wt., $7 to 88. 0; 1 i ; medium, + 4 sult being a lawsuit in the evening. Strangers vet'! cach. carcase y CWt., " to $6 el, noice, "Wall Street Bargains Offering Le The vine was no coke of aetion? | fe id SE, Crat-Wheat, Nanoha, No. 1, | Greg 0s 81 Lo $50: iy cnt i "ne + 2 . 7 . £ had e oO ok RA. - . . - 2M mu on, « vy .) 0 ). 1 he new voting machine recently pur- After passions fierce and tender, ac. to SOc. a bushel: white winter coal cholo 27.50 to fX.50 i P t L L V . thased for this election district ix now Aber che ai self Weer k and Canadian spring, 63c. to 67c. al} EN y Sept iy ore whibiti in the firemen's building. Hearts may beat and coves be met chal: al i % = =. Montreal, . Sept. 9. -- : d Tesen ow ave ) on exhi ition in the ° 1's bu oe bushel; local soft whe at, 6c. to 70¢. about 700 head "of butchers' cattle, Mrs. JI. B. Kilhom is visiting rela a bushel: Northern. No. 1, 0c. a | fit salves and 1,200 sheep and lambs Write us and we will enumerate to vou tives and friends in the west. Dr. G. Strangers yet ! bushel; buckwheat, 45¢. a bushel: bar- ny a 5 a hs oo = End Al upen request what we consider the very be st A. Potter is repairing the interior of : i ther thouokt _t Sean lev. 40c. a bushel: peas, 68¢. a bushel; oftered for sale a on ( a I 4 market propositions at present time, for im 3 a Mi « Bola and Mi loneliness of man y oN = * attoir to-day. I'he butchers were } tions at » | N his office, Miss (. Robinson anc iss oats, 29¢. a bushel; rve, 45¢. to 48¢c. a Se in Ynaidar op mediate trading: we will also be pleased to < I Slot attended the Epworth { ! hal Je, present in onsiderable numbers, but end you, free of all cost, both our 400 page Ng Hy ne TE op : . ot ah He bushel, ade in ¢ 3 Ss ver \ v = ae b 4. illustrated "GUIDE TO i ' League convention - at Sandy Creek touch when met, Plour : : oy trade in cattle was. very dull and lov and "DAILY MARKET 1 > Jast k. Mrs. I. E. Smith, Jersey RT rs Flour and feed ~Bakers' strong and | prices were prevailing for all kinds ex- TORS" and "DAIL ARKET LETTER." Ast week, Te. fr 80 MU SESE farmers' flour, 82 to 82.10 a cwt. ; | cong: fo i s be ic ; A most valuable aid to investor "or specu ( ix visiting in' the family of her Mallory Hats Hungarian pat nt SY 20 to 22.30 a ns > ' > he i Thich Fold . . 3 Licit ) ~ " : . ) cr . . ae ¢ atent, 22.2 Dean a | from 4}c. to 4c. pe ).; pretty OH lator. Correspondence solicited, also . y In iM. Lee. George ke has . : fi i "il 1 : ow ! 1 2C. a G A NOVEL IRONING TABLE. > 4 Watertown. where he has se The stvlish blocks in fedoras and oe i al and solid oats, Bt 10 animals soll at from le. to 4c., oh STOCK, R IN AND COTTON . . : : : ured un position in a hardware Store. | stifis, will not fades Jénkins 2 a bbl; ; rn ne al, ot 0 2, the common stock at from 2c. to 3c Orders, All Amounts Now conics a new ironing board, | lower face 'of the hoard ana projects Fhe Cape Vincent grange attended ser n----e 0 a cwt.; bran 3 I¥ to 320 8 bons per 1b. Small bulls sold at from 1}e¢ : : which differs very much from the or- | from its side: the links are carried hy vices.in a body at. the Preshviorian My friend, look here! vou Kiew shorts, M4 to 3 a ton; hay, 86.50 | {(, 2. per lb. Calves sold at from HAIGHT & FREESE dinary one. True, the board itself is | the brace: the rods gre seceured Jo thel boon Sunday muting Mr and Met. f hows wealandenorvousvburawiiz Ses Sa lad ton: straw, #1 to 36 a ton. 23 to 812 each, or from 3je. to Sic » very similar to the old-fashioned® one links, and the apron is connected | ao Vial Vics : aro Ons at t know that Carters Iron-Pil Hides--These prices are given hy per Ib: Sheep sold=at-from-2fc. to : 4 ! Charles Bucklov.- Nea rk. are. guests and vou know 'tha a Iron ] 1 rr : Hstablish:d co 53 yay, N. Y. but connected with dt is Tan attach with the rods. : . in the family 'of Dr. H. GG. Dawson. 1 will relieve her, now. whv hot be fair} + hn McKay, Brock - street : Dekdn | 24c., and lathbs at from die. to near 1890. . Main Office ment which, on acconnt of its manifest The ordinary ironing hoard is a Mr. 'and Mrs. Thomas Davis returned | abouts it and buy her 5 box ? ns, Sly ta 60c. each: beef hides, | 33e, per Ih. Good lotz of fat hogs STOCKS, BONDS; GRAIN, COTTON. usefulness, will commend itself '¢lumsy affair. and giz not always | from th ir wedding trip Satfrdav. | M. Walsh. street railway motorman }; a 1h. lamb skins, 40ey to «old. at from 6c. to 6c. per lb, Kingston, = Ontario. _ The attachment comprises 4 brace, 4! casv to prevent clothed that are being Thev will make this place their® home is off on week's holidavs" He is on 3¢. each; horse hiaes, $2 $2.25 | weighed: off the cars. UDeturnining she Sharagier and financial 1 (G00 Gf pivoted, links, two rods and ironed on it from getting soiled. : a the Titi TE i shootin and. Wolie: Ixlanders | cach: rendered tallow. Sle. a un- ---- responsibility Ey an impor. an apron. The brace §& secured to the A I Mr A. G. Dunn, Seattle, hud | fois R. i the " washed wool, 6u to 7c. a lb; washed] 'Tavior wells the finest chocolates tant as the sclection of right stocks. vd at 2 : 2S Mr. and Mr A. GL. Dunn, Seattle, had better bewaft of their tows, . : z gcils the cst cho . " 1

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