Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1902, p. 8

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RAN OVEN ? 0 : ¢ ¢ ? ) ~~ ) ¢ 4 * ¢ d sti am { It's complete in appointm ¢ and selid in construction. Ti i I DTV VLVVVLVLRLVLVVLVVRRN ee TEROADBRIN the failure of a SOUVENIR E with AERATED [neve 2 ARE You going to buy a stove'? Upon your de- psion. depends a great deal of e rsonal comfort, as well as economy. choice means A mistake in the trouble, worry, bad temper and dis- satisfied help. Buy a SOUVENIR RANGE with Aerated Oven and avoid all disap- pointments, discom- forts and waste of vi- tal tissues. Souvenirs are the limit in mod- -- ern stove building. ents, beautiful in appearance It's built to last a life-time. $ Nearly four hundred different sizes and styles of Souvenir Stoves and Ranges to suit all requirements and climates, ¢ and we guarantee every stove to do its work perfectly. aac S. J. HORSEY, Local Agent, Princess Street, Kingston. THE GURNEY-TILDEN CO, Limited, HAMILTON, CANADA, Stove, Range, Furnace and Radiator Manufacturers. Branches : Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. BVDV VN af VON THE Newsy Letter From Greater New York. MAKES APPEAL TO THE CITIZENS TO STAND FORTH In Defence of the Freeman's Bal- lot--Is New York to Become a Second Sodom ?--Harry Hill's Temple of Vice. (Whig, correspondence; letter No. 1,328.) New York, Sept. 26.--It is a little ss than two hundred years ago that "William Hogarth, an knglish painter, gave to the world a series of wonder: ful pictures which awakened old Eng- land to a sense of its debauchery and crime, startling not only England but les all 'the civilized nations of the world from its depth of degradation. Mil lions of people at the time stood around these wonderful pisces of can- vas where a story was told that will never be forgotten and which left its impress upon the age and body of the time. In this world of ours all LRIngs are bound to wear out, or seeming to wear out, but within some mighty secret which was buried in the carth and went through a process of decay, it sprung forth a ew Lie, or oven within the little grain of mustard seed is a proof that life eternal can never die. William Hogarth felt a spirit stirring within him like that which moved the apostles and sooth sayers of old. 1 ne came from his Master, the King of kings and the Lord , of lords. It must be given to the wicked world or the pro- phet himself would perish. On these canvases was that which- men had been seeking for ages. He listened and went forth proclaiming the * truth which: every man from the equator to the poles could understand and which is as bricht and clear to-day as it was message to a sinful world over two hundred years ago. It was on a quiet Sabbath evening when the bells were summoning gin ners and saints"alike to their places of worship that an ill-clad man of no remarkable presence started out from his humble home to seek some better place of rest, fon in his studic there was no peace, no rest; for he had not vet proclaimed the truth which for day and nicht, in the summer's heat and the winter's cold commanded him to po forth and give to the world the message of a new evangel. He paus- ed for» a few moments in the silent street as he listened to the lewd songs and base cries which seemed as though wickedness was everywhere and the new proclamation had not yet been horn. It was from this dream that the world was awakened when William Hogarth sent forth his canvas en- titled "Gin Lane," 'The Marriage a la Mod& Xl *"T'he Rake's Progress' and others equally remarkable, which will stand as teachers in the schools of the world and as witnesses when William rr ---- =------emm-------------- | Hogarth shall seek to pass the gate TO-LET. agg of which St. Peter is the trusty it Is d Difficult Thing To Please guard. It was two huadred years UOOD FURNISHE ROOMS, WITH O1 . later almost identical with the scene withot board, 101 Queen street. | All The People All The Time. I described a few moments ago, that WELL FURNISHED ROOMS TO. LET AT git hile reporter of one of New RR Vous Io 1% a | ork's greatest. journals sought ad i boar { MN It B ki { J 0 mission to Harry Hill's temple of vice. { Though hardly a stone's throw fr HOUSE 191 BROCK STREET, 9 ROOMS. | d red ds 00 wolice headquar Te Ty Te TO Ory ous | I ce head quarters, he was protected . «| by the entire "force "of his particular Livingston & Bro. FOUR. GOOD FURNISHED ROOMS, WIT board, all modern conveniences, 191 University Avenue. Has Accomplisheds The Great Work. Ph at district." The sums demanded for this police protection were enormous and enabled the captaih of the policy force of that precinct to retire with a ble- FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED DWEL-| re ---- SYrie Sack lined with bright and lings, also stores and offices. J R. Me- | . shining silver _and gold. There rod _ Cann, 51 Brock sirect, next Wade's. | It Possesses All The Good Points |, other even 2. here Yo | That People L fr + ense=with whic : Tine SIhEnT. WiST REAUTIFULLY | at People Look from the ease with which the meat situated, facing the Harbor. Remt $240 | For. was cut and the sweet tenderness and taxes. Apply to Kirkpatrick, Rogers which made it the prime part of the & Niokle. | roast. | . The task of pleasing all the people As . y x 3 v : : Dp . swe "look > ' BRICK RESIDENCE, 201 BROCK STREET | all the time has been fully accom: | hase char: looks upon the wicked .and | .rooms, modern improvements, als |. = S se character of the men who were brick residanes 2344 Brask street, 10 rooms plished hy Mait Breakfast Food, the placed in commission to take charge m improvements. Apply = to » most delicious of all breakfast grain | of th tv's ; : aE H. Db. y Co.. Oak Hall, Princes | {dy 0! e "city's 'enormous income, wha ot : . How J Breil cil were to divide the spoil anrong the sakfast FF asses y a is Ly oy a ts ci Pp os ° ang henchmen and® to be sure and not for- id old a e time,, simply because | got the number one, with a sheet an- POSSESSION AT ONCE, THAT AIRY DE sirable house on the corner of Bagot and | it. possesses all the . g ood points that chor in the harbor of peace and ~ a tore streets, near th k. M ' 1 ; salth, ; hi : on i re fue park Moder i] eonpeilme to he Hy Young child- 1 kedge to the windward which insured B perfect order. ~Apply to Felix' Shaw. |"! thrive on 1t: ac ults find it ever: them the 'comforts they so richly de- 5 Bagot street. gizing and healthiul; invalids and con- | gerbed in their old Th in - valescents love it because of its _ fine | fdature bout a iL Wo A se 8 ature "abou re s elry AROHITECTS. wre "delicate flavor 'and its soothing] was that r rip ' ily sostelry 1 g § 10 thief" dare practice his = + ofiects on the weak stomach. It has voeati HETWEeR iE POWER & ° SON, ARCHITECTS, MERCH | «all _pal by its deli AHA EWE 1§S walle hag iee pai k Butiding, lent) Boe -- = Rptuted a : a ites ats delicious guage was strictly forbidden, No COR- Wellington streets. 'Phome 212. ness. our groeer sels it. versation 'in a loud voice. was per- ARTIIUR ELLIS CHITEC 'FICE | > mit ted on Sabbath evenings, nor was A RB aI ARCH TROT, ar 2 | Lord Wolseley's Unique Honor." solicitation by the soiled doves of the Il, ; precinct permitted, and so far as out- Queen and Montreal Streets | London Times. French officer is said to have: a |ward appearances were concerned it HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT! ETC, | 'unique honor' in the D.S.0. just might have been a: meeting of the Sodior Building, * Market Square, 'Phome (ferred upon him. The possession of a board of foreign missions or a con- : = | "unique honor" in the English army |gregation of Sunday school superin- tendents discussing the best means of WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHPTECT. OFFICE {is rare--in fact, is perhaps 'itself "uni C second or over Mahood's Drug Stere, | que." Lord Wolseley hugs such -a one, caring for the lambs of their flock. corner Princess and Bagot streets. Ea | and it is well worth the hjgging. It As 1 entered this" temple of vice I trance ow Bagot street. a is not paraded by any medal, nor is found ary Hill seated hetween a it- entered on any knightly roll. Al] couple of alluring spirits which are UNDERTAKERS: the same, it isthe one which gratifies | met on our sidewalks every night af = = aE Ee him more than any other. His health | ter dark. Harry Hill himself, who S. $3, SoRantY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 28! was onee proposed by Queen Victoria. could neither 'read nor write, was Lhy » BELOn I'hat was nearly twenty years ago. on | pointing out the sharp features of + his return as the victor of Tel-el:Ke- | Hogarth's great picture, "The Marri- T. F. HARBISON CO, UNDERTAKERS bir. Lord Wolseley went to Balmoral | age a la Modes" The bridegroom of a 233.235 Princess Street. Quality and | 10 make his report, and the reward few hours ago was being capried hv efficiency the best. Prices the lowest | for his long journey following a fati- ] some sympathizing friends to the bri Those Watercomm, 90. Night Calls-- | jing campaign was immediates At dal' chamber in the most hilarious A the first dinner the "queen; with- --ap- jpannes and quietly: laid upon the ~ propriate praises, proposed his health, floor. The streets 'were crowded with MONEY AND BUSINESS. and then drank i a ctr which | drunken witnesses and not very far Lord Wolseley has been © "onr only | avay, where Whitechapel, the most TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN sums from one thousamd to ten thous general" to receive. and dollars. - For particulars apply : GODWIN'S INSURANCE EMPORIUM, over Express Office. Market Souare. Not A Respecter Of Churches. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR BMA at low rates of interest on city Reyvina Standard. LL A few nichts ago a Winnipeg police notorious quarter in London, received a special bounty from the bridegroom for keeping away, from the, marriage feats. In the brief space of the canvas scarcely thirty inches in width was told one of the most fearful stories of sums, 1 a 2 3 and farm property. Loans granted on man arrested a sleep walker who Kad | gickedness and immorality that vas city and county - debentures. Apply to | wandered far away from his home in | iio oi he Jd. T.ookine 8. C. McGILL, manager of Frontemae | hic night clothes. On arousing--him given to the world. Looking at Loan and Investment Society. Office op | : = } ' ! | these remarkable paintinus the ques posite the Post Office. nt from his slumbers the prisoner tion comes to our" verv soul Whith- quired © "Surely you are nd coing . ; 0 y . i - IE fies: £ IL or are we drifting ? Is Ne k LIVERPOOL, LONDON 'AND GLOBE FIRE | to lock me up. I can't be responsible 0 iia ih i x A SM Yor 10 Insurance Company Available assets, | {i (he condition vou found me in. [I £eOIe 8 Second Sodom Are the evi- $61.187.215. = ayition to which the : nrambulist." © h | winals .of 'the entire globe to be emp- policy holders have for security the up: | lll 8 SOLIDE nus can wip 1 tied upon us vear after vear 'without limited lability of all "the stockholders. | what church vou belong to," replied Tr oy . Hy I and Gite Proveryy imtared: at Joweet | (he 8p: "if vou belonged to ail a sharp remOfStrance that will not be possible rates. Before renewing old or | 4 re the okt ih i Ik tl forgotten * giving new business 'get rates from | Gholi the city. you. cai l. Fa ae Before me is the drait of a magni < NGE STRANGE. A streets « peg i shir : eh 1 : : Fe 5 TRA & RA Sad genta. -- hese f Winnipeg in vou hirt cont city. with beautiful' thoroughfar FOR SALE. ail b buildings twenty and thirty stories THE SUBSTANTIAL BUILDING ON KING high as- if piercing the clouds and Street, between Wade's Drug store and Artificial but tevflies are' sometimes | one daring architect announces a Congress Hotel. In excellent condition | manufactured for sale as' rare speci building one hundred. stories high Second floor leased for a long term." AP | pions to natural history musenms and | Whither is this ambition to lead us, Kroe AR A. Cays, real estate agent private ccllectors. where is this stupendous enerfv' to DAILY WHIG, EE -- passing hour, and will we end this tremendous drama liké Icarus, who in- vented wings with which he mizht flv to Heaven, but the jealous gods, an- gered at his ambition, melted the wax upon the wings and dashed him to pieces upon the globe which he had spurned ? The manifestation of our present politics is not alluring, there is something rotten in Denmark when men like William S. Devery can come to the front as the exemplars of poli- tical virtue and uprightness, This brings us face to face with the corner stone upon which the temple of our liberty stands. The vote of the worst eriminal that ever darkened the walls of our state prison is equal to that of William Waldorf Astor, Andrew Car- negie, J. Pierrepont Morgan, if he shall have received the pardon of the governor five minutes before the legal term of his punishment ex- pires. What a monstrous idea is this that the murderer, highway robber, a burglar, or & common thief, though their sins were as ' scarlet, shall be made white as wool by the stroke of a corrupt governor's pen. They ask for no repentance, they seek no refor- mation, but they exercise this tremen- dous power by their corrupt will alone. Reflecting on the safety and purity of the freeman's ballot, we are compelled to ask ourselves if our re- presentative republic the highest, noblest' and best form of human gov- ernment. A case in point oceurred a few vears ago, in a neighboring state. A notor- jous "horse thief, gambler and murder- er, of great political power, killed a gambler just like himself, in a dis- pute about money won and lost. The lie passed between the disputants, pis- tols were drawn, an explosion was heard, and one fell dead at the feet of the other. Sol. Somer, the moun- tain thief and gambler, was tried and convicted and condemned to the state prison for life. An election was com- ilo on and the influence of this. no- torious criminal was worth a hund- red votes. A few prominent politicians got up a petition to the governor, it was signed by people of high and low: degree without reflection. The governor wanted to succeed himself and, urged by intimate political friends he signed the decree which liberated Sol Somer and he went forth from St. Quintan, , free man, privileged to ex- ercise the highest prerogative of the highest and noblest citizen that tre- mendous instrument the freeman's bal- lot. Two days after his liberation from state prison, in open day, he murdered a man in the streets of the town where he was convicted, Santa Barbara, who was the chief witness against him in his former conviction. Howls of rage. disappointment and indignation swept through the state like a cyclone, from the horders of Mexico to the British domain of Vie- toria. and the governor was buried so deep that he was never heard of in state politics again. Another election in this state. 18 approaching is now : Citizens of New York stand forth in defence. of the freeman's pure hallot and let your motto be "God and the right." --BROADBRIM. Religious Animosity. One of the marked features of mo- dern Jerusalem is the intense animo- sity between religious sects. A Jew dare not show himself near the church of the Holy Sepulchre, lest he be torn limb from limb by the professed disciples of the Prince of Peace. Fifty vears ago it was death to a Christian to enter the Mosque of Omar, and now he can enter only on a permit secured hv his consul, and accompanied by the consul's canvass and a "Turkish soldier. The Turkish soldiers are al- ways on guard in the church of the Nativity, at Bethlehem, to keep the Latins, Greeks, and Armenians from flving atone another's throats, and the keys of the church of the Holy Sepulehre are always kept hy the Turks for the same reason. It-is said to be difficulties that arose in connec- tion with the repair of this building that precipitated the Crimean war. s------r-- _ Palpitation "of the heart, nervous ness, tremblings, nervous headache, cold hands and feet, pain in the back, and 6ther forms of weakness are re- lieved hy Carter's: Iron Pills, made es- pecially" for" the blood; "nerves and complexion. Stricken With Paralysis. Could Scarcely Walk and Was Given up by Doctors--An Ex- traordinary Case -- Now Be- lieves His Life Was Saved by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. ---- James A. Deal, a respected resident of Bridgewater, N.S., writes: "About a year ago I suffered a stroke of par- alysis, which left me in a very bad state of health. To add to my trou- bles, last winter .I took la grippe which completely exhausted my ner- vous system. I could scarcely walk or talk, mv legs and arms were partial ly paralyzed, my 'blood did not cir- culate properly, and 'I could not do any work. In fact, I was so bad that the doctors gave me up and thought I could not live through the summer. "l bhegan the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and persevered in the treatment, until now I am at work again. The change in my condition has heen most remarkable. It is a sur- prise to everyoae to know that I am able to be around again. My nervous system has been built up wonderfully by this remedy. I am able to rest well, my circulation is normal, and my general health good. My- appetit. is first class, and I have gained con siderably in flesh. "The results I have obtained from Dr. Chase's Nerve Food have been most gratifying, and I have no hesi- tation in stating that I believe I owe my life to this preparation. I am will- ing that you publish this letter, with the hope that it may be' the means of helping others to regain their health." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, six boxes for 82.50, at all deal era, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Tor- onto. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 os end. Speed is the shiboleth of the" "SHE PATIENTLY BORE DISGRACE A Sad Letter from a lady whose Husband was Dissipated. How She Cured Him with a Seeret Remedy. $ « 1 had for years patiently borne the disgrace, fd pivations dus 19 my morning and watched and pra ed for the result. suffering, mi husband's drinking habits. Hearing of you marvellous remedy for the cure of drunkenness, which I could give my husband secretly, I de- I procured a package and his food and coffee, and, as the remedy was odorless and tasteless, he did not cided to try it. mixed it in know what it was that so quickly relieved hi craving for liquor. flesh, his appetite stuck to his work regularly, for solid food returned, h: and we now have happy home, After he was completely cured I told him what I had done, when he acknowl- had been his saving, as he had edged that it h not the resolution to break off of his ow accord. I heartily advise all women afflicted as 1 was to give your y a trial. FREE SAMPLE for reply. Address The Samaria He soon began to pick up and, pamphlet giving full particulars, sealed envelope. & Correspondence sacredly confidential. Toronto, Canada. HER HUSBAND WAS A DRUNKARD ------ A Lady who eures her husband of his Drinking Habits writes of her . struggle to save her home { A PATHETIC LETTER «1 had for a long time been thinking of trying the Tasteless Samaria Prescription treatment on my husband for his drinking habits, but I was afraid he would discover that I was giving him medicine, and the thought unnerved me. I hesitated for nearly a week, but one day when he came home very much intoxicated and his week's salary nearly all spent, I threw off all fear and determined to make an effort to save our home from the ruin I saw coming, at all hazards. I sent for rE 'Tasteless Samaria Pre- scription, and put it in his coffee as directed next He At noon I gave him more and also at supper. i right never suspected a thing,and I then boldly ke on Re agit cog arly, as I had Er thing that set every nerve in my body tingling with hope and happiness, and I could see a bright future spread out before me--a peaceful, happy home, a share in the good things of life, an attentive, loving husband, comforts and' everything else dear to a woman's heart ; for my husband had told me that € | whiskey was vile stuff and he was faking 8 dislike a |toit. fe was only too true, for before I had given him the full course he had stopped drinking alto- gether, but I kept giving him the medicine till it was gone, and then sent for another lot, to have on hand if he should relapse, as he had done from promises before. He never has and I am writing Ss n HER FATHER A Plucky Young WAS A DRUNKARD takes Horsair to Gare ok Father of the Liquor Habit. STORY OF HER SUCCESS. A portion of her letter reads as follows :-- " My father had often promised mother to stop drin ing, and would do so for a time but then returned to it stronger than ever. One day after a terrible spree, he said tous: 'It's no use. I can't stop drinking.' Our hearts seemed to turn to stone, and we decided to try the Tasteless Samaria Prescription, which we had read about in the papers. We gw him the remedy, entirely without his knowledge, in his tea, coffee, or food regularly, according to directions; and he never knew he was taking it. One package removed all his desire for liquor, and he says it is now distasteful to him. His health and appetite are also wonderfully im- proved, and no one would know him for the same man. It is now fifteen months since we gave it to him and we feel sure that the change is for good. Please send me one of your little ou this letter to tell you how thankful I am, Tionestly believe it will cure the worst cases." Remedy Co., 23 Jordan Street, books, as I want to giveit toa friend." testimonials and price sent in plain Enclose stamp CAPE VINCENT NEWS. To Use Voting Machines in No- vember. Cape Vincent, N.Y., Sept. ~State Game Inspector J. W. Pond, of al bany, was in town last wee Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Martin and B. J. Gray, of Binghamton, are visiting re- latives here. P. Vanness, G. Pyke and J. Kinsley, of Wolfie Island, made large exhibits at the fair and carried offi a number of premiums. -A. junior baseball club from this village went to Chaumont Saturday , and defeated a club from that village hy a score of 92 to 12. William Anthony and daughter, Cora, left this morning for Paris, 11l., where they will spend sev eral weeks visiting relatives. Wednes- day of last week F. Southwell and' Miss 1. Bishop, of Three Mile Bay; were married at the Roman Catholic parsonage by Father Guilbault. The roofs of the Cleveland warehouses have been. painted. Mrs. H. J Bailey, who has been very sick, is now much better. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Flower, of New York, spent last week the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Woodrufi. Mrs. C. Gailach is recover ing from a severe illness: Saturday evening St. Vincent de Paul's church society will serve an oyster supper at the vacant store in Fmpire Hall block. A picture cof Father Guilbault will be drawn at the time. Miss M. White, stenographer for: the Lake On- tario Fish company, is taking a vaca- tion. Alexander Gibson has returned to Boston after spending the summer here. Rev. C. N. Tyndell' is attending con- vocation at Carthage this week. Mr. and Mrs. ©. T. Mackey, who have heen spending the summer here, have returned to their home at New. York. Mrs. James Davis spent a portion of last week the guest of ~ Mrs. L. O'Brien, Kingston. The Cape Vin- cent Grange will attend services at the Presbyterian church Sunday. The town has received the three voting machines and they will be used at the election in November. Miss E. Bres- tin has returned home after a visit with relatives and friends at Oneida and. Amsterdam. Frank Locket is at- tending the republican convention. at Saratoga. This village will have a lecture course this coming winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Vincent have 'taken up their residence in one of the houses owned "by C. C. Cooke, Broadway. The Roman Cath8lic parishes of Cape Vincent and Rosiere have been divid- ed®and Father Byers will be the new priest.at the latter place. Miss Flor- ence Becker, who has been the guest of Miss Emma Roseboom for several days, has returned to, her home at Point Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs, E. Conners, of Aqueduct, N.Y.. are visit ing relatives at this place. R. A. Davis, customs inspector at Round Island, has returned home. The next meeting of .the Grange will take place October 4th. William Murphy is out again after a severe illness. On October 1st Clinton Kilborn will commence the delivery of the mail on the eastern route which congists = of North Shore and Pleasant Valley-dis tricts. The roof of the water works pump house has been repaired. Arthur Gardiner was given a surprise party by a number of his friends Monday evening. John Stumpf, this village, acted as usher at the Davis-Aiken wedding which occurred " at Oswego Wednesday, Nothing definite has been | learned regarding electric lights as vet. - No engineer has been employed or bids tet Mra € Holcomb -- and: children, who have been spending the summer here, have returned: to their home at New York. Origin Of Ham And Eggs. Minneapolis Journal 'hen Noah had all the birds ralled in the ark, Shem, Ham and Japhet, his three sons, made some fa- mous collection, of birds' till Noah found owt what they were do- ing by catching Ham robhing the creat auk's nest. It was shortly after this incident that Noah made his fa cor- egos mous bon mot about Ham and Eggs exact wording of which estapes us, but which was often recounted at the old settlers' dinners in the vicinity of "Mount Ararat. ---------- Buckingham Palace occupies the site of the mulberry garden laid out hy James VI and I in his unsuccessful at tempt to start a silk industry in Lon don. "That is our bid" for making. SU HIGH ART . SHOES. your fall trade. In these days of "Good Taste in Dress" the foot plays a very important part. The Sutherland Shoes are the culmination of high art in shoe: OUR: PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN CANADA. We will be pleased to-HAVE YOU CALL. THERLAND'S 'SHOE STORE. a TS % 5 Perfect vr ' JAS. MIcPARLAND, AGENT, KING STREET, KINGSTON. : perial, Hercules, Metallic Babbit. factured by The Ideal Beverage JOHN LABATT'S | | .ondon Porter Full of the Virtue of Malt and Hops. ly Agreeable to the Most COSTPRICE SALE Of Men's and Women's PATENT LEATHER BOOTS ~All This Week. ts ee A. ABERNETHY' - PRINGESS y STREET. Delicate Palate. COAL AT $5.50 a TON Will drive your machinery twice as fast when babbited with Im- Give Canada a chance., Manu- CANADA METAL CO., WILLIAM STREET, TORONTO, ONT

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