Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1902, p. 1

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THE AlL IT ISH WH 69TH YEAR.wNO. ALWAYS A DELIGHT Our Couches or Parlor Suites. Good Valour Couch from $5.50 to $20.00.. Tapestry Couch from $10.50. 5-Piece Parlor Suites from $20.00 to $75.00. Good Wove Wire Spring $1.75 to $5.50. Good Sanitary Matrasses from $2.50 to $8.50. $4.50 to from R. J. REID; The Leading ertaker, 228 Princess Street, Oppo! he Windsor Hotel. Telephone No. 577.| "Kingston ™ 4 A SET OF a Souvenir Post Cards POS(TIVELY THE BEST EVER OFF: RED TO THE PUBLIC. $old in Sets or Singly. JK irkpatrick's Art Store AUCTION SALE. We Will Sell. on, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1st, at 47 Clergy St., THE FOLLOWING FURNI ture Bru sls, Carpets, Wool tre, To a " HOUSEHOLD Parlor Rep. Dining ard Star Carpets, aml Lace Side Curtains, Cen Tables, B. W. Side Chairs, Rockers, B. Iron Belstoads, © Springs, 8, Quilts, Shps, Dressors, Fine Toilette Sotts, Sewine Ma Glass Decanters, Ok Oak Hall Rack and Chair, Lamp, Kitchen Utensils, ute, 10:30. Terms Cash. ALLAN & BROWN, . Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. WAIT FOR IT. IT IS GENUINE, vou out ? Employ be best. but bow pood. JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. and and Fasy m Suite Fillo board, Fancy W. Bedr Mut tress Washstands, chine, Cut Silverware, Linen, H ars, ete, Sale Croc Table Jem at : ARE selling Not how cheap, FOR SALE. , IT, ONE YEAR OLD. APPLY P.O. we ag 83 A HENNERY SUBSTANTIALLY building, hned lular wd tar 10 ft "wide, re divided into four comparing Price way down and will deliver it where, Will accommodate 150 hens, W. Newman, hing street Wiest BUILT throughout paper, 54 lagh fee HOUSEYALD 49 hing AN EXPERIENCED NICKLE, APPLY street COOK, 130 Earl street. APPLY . MRS. A HOUSEM Alb. Ring stro APPLY MRS. MARTIN, A HOUSEMAID. nee, APPLY TO MRS Corner Union and Bagot streets. er ------a GIRL APPLY TO ISU Earl stvet MAC- A COMPETENT Mrs. NURSE Thomas Costello, STRONG Faquire street. BOY TO LOOK AFTER HORSES. at Imperial Laundry, Barrie A GIRL 10 ASSIST WITH No winhing or cooking. street, HOUSEWORK Apply 195 Earl LADY SOLO SINGER FOR (OOKE'S byvterian" church. Apply to Miss L. 4 Queen street PRES Walk --_-- an LADY ire Brock QUIET GIRL OR WOMAN housework. Apply in the Gaover, 129 Wiliam street. CANVASSERS FOR ACCIDENT Insuraivce SR Mean n, sireet, 's next Wa FOR GENERAL evening. to Mr A UNIVERSITY HONOR ciahst in haguages, tor privately. Apply GRADUATE, SPE desires pupils to tu to Mo; Whig offioe, LADIES, COPY LETTERS AT HOME, per L000, Send stamped envelope application. Monarch Novelty Co, partment 74, Chicago, L110 for De CAN EARN FROM selling our goods for particulars. C. AN ENERGETIC $15 to &IS a week Large demand. | Write R. Fegan, Fenwick; Ont MAN at 226. et -- LOCAL MEMORANDA. The Daily Note Marks Bros. Guy Bros. » Vic rh av evening. Sun rises 547 p.m. Harvest home rieficld, Sunday Dr. Mecklenbirg's special Sumdav at service last fitting the eve class Unfortunately, {anthracite It delt's are not is well worth whi stock Sydenham Lo mMOrrow striking of Met Rev. fonture Strat ing A ladkies the Woman is the sleeve, elbow + The the rest thor; ion is should be without Polron & Co, New a © York ag ney especially, sides of the The azone are Loth wate You've heard about The having The bawl, wel cake gether to the han naughty This repulsed Arctic artress, dav w at 3 Vesta lost, Welling Britis 17 an 1 3 Busaco, 1810; 1816; Neleon Amo new the § medy, Ralston Brook whiskies, ure, v born, thing are Blood ne vlo-American medicine obesity and Prunectta at jokes about overcoats Whie Kingston, other m generally boats, tion hall thi Opera I 535 am, M s at St. night in tl jokes le looking amd suid hodist bir of chur Potts p the fal and i work of the larce, anc nv, are est ir forging ahes ¥ the unfortu od little wen, mixed two eps ing been orld's histo River, 1N54: fal re pulsed bombard ad Wine, White Hy Ten N. pa tooth Sleight H, medicines, ey mi 19000: Book For Whig Readers to Post Themselves By. Ss evening r. vuse, Mon and sels ark's, Bar- town, , for . we price of wer Twed tars h reaches. 1 coat aring re-open: for from great Au- ng man ablishing a Catarch- xl fast om nate three has been an alto- up in wint vhed on a rv: Boers steamers of /Stras- Massena d at Algiers, vertised in Ribbor chem re- Sunny An- for owder, tablets SELF SEALERS CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN EVER. ROBERTSON BROS. KINGSTON. =/10NDON NEWS Failed To Interest Charles M. Schwab. JOIN INTERESTS RUSSIA AND MANCHURIA TO BE CONNECTED. Direct Communication Between Manchuria and Principal Rus- sian ' Cities--Wishes to Estab- lish New Trans-Atlantic Line --Perpetuates Old / Prejudices. London, Sept. 27.--The Manchurian Railway 'company, says a St. Peters burg correspondent, has arranged to secure the co-operation Russian railroad and steamship companies in the establishment of direct communi cation between Manchuria and the principal Russian cities. Representa tives of the various companies, ap- pointed to consider the question, have decided to co-operate with the Manchurian company under the same conditions as those regulating the direct Anglo-Russian passenger trafic. Through communication will be este lished, uniting the principal static of Manchuria with the chief pla on the Siberian railway and a number of cities of Rus Through tickets will be issued between St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw, and Shanghai and Nagasaki. Provision will be made for the through transportation of goods from Odessa to places on the Manchurian Tine by sea to Port Arthur, and thence by rail. A special from Aix Les Bains says: "M. lsnard, deputy for Brest, and secretary chamber of deputies, had a long interview with Charles M. Sch wab. lsnard has been working for more than ten years on a project to establish a trans-Atlantic line between Brest and New York. He wished to have Schwab's support in the enter prise, and said that by saving ten hours in crossing, the new line wonld do away with all others leaving from Havre, Cherbourg, ete. Mr. Schwab, although much interested in lsnand's plans, refused to have anything to do with them for good reasons, -the first and most important being that, belonging to the steamship trust, he would be running in competition with his own interests. He also said Am- ericans in general to French of object "GUY BRO Es senting modern, 3 Popular prices, of =e ervihine from Up-tord new Sale its at Ha Shipman GEORGE ARCIIER Present ALICE i A An Exceptional M Prices Seats mela Hanlev?s on Latest Scenic Popular \ prices, Monday Monday, sale vt Ha Ocrolsr S. to noveltic n start late Of the Best Minstrel Celebrities. 3e., 5 lev's Brothers H SUMM HOT Rox Septem v THURSDAY, OCT. 2, Lincoln J. Carter s a CBD apenas MONDAY, SEPT. 29, MINSTRELS." finish, 30 pre- " WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 ERS od SCOTGH MAJOR." Cast of High=Class Artists. gl 29th, - r nt Production cPrida of "ALASKA." A Reallstic Story of the Far North. Jennico" BOYS. AND GIRLS OVER 14 WHO EAN in our facts if steady to J. A ald & onposite 730 Princess make good pav workers. Apply Smith street, street. RHFUMATISY, . aralvsis, suf La at Quwen assay NERVOUS PHOS joints, cured by voir hone. Prof street Hichest taught, fi [RATION Swedish Yh 103 on s SEVERAL BRIGHT" PEOPLE WHO earn at least fifteen dollars weekly of our repressntatives make over lars 1 a da¥. No delivering nor eo id ing The' Century Christian Co., hmited, Toronto | SPLENDID Sr tudice also orpon TUNITY learn & under Higent FOR FOUR to fori an im NO. | (VICTORIA THEATRE ) TWO WEEKS, SEPT. 22 T0 OCT. 4. MARKS BROS.' To-N ight, 1A DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE. "KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN" THustrated acts, songs No waits 1» m Prices and Seats now « sale at and Specialties lew's between bookstore, Marn dry Stoa 10 «X thie ¥ MASSAGE, | | | | rrbhings : AND OIL pe ter ALCOHOL, . SALT } - ; PAR RE R Toronto, street, Montreal / ean street, Buffalo Waves Nataniuvs Terms mol rial, Nodgings, railroad ticket fe slaogue v our "SPEC 0 ERATIVE PLANT course is. given solutly free. Also opportunity to. earn money 'at vour home, bv working for us Write for particulars todav. Aldis Owen HAI L 248 os YONGE Lawr nee East Sen equit ped. te. T T0 WIL jor THE MYERS frost k dor orgct Phone HAVE tends | ANOTHER SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLIC. ON SALE SATUR- NEVER BUY M MINING STOCK , P'hoeni x, Ite a han STANDARD Arizona. Let ud DOLLAR steamship | ines, on. account of the French, trains, which rarely connect with incoming or outgoing steamers, and they would object much more to eight hours from Paris to Brest than to ten 'hours more at sea." Published reports, savs a Tokio cor respondent, show that the new Chinese educational svstem is modelled closely on Japanese lines, bat a leading Jap anese journal strongly condemns the Chinese government's failure to se cularize education, thereby perp ing old prejudi A Paris correspande nt Grignan, closely associated with Mme. De Sevigne, rather, awhat the re volution left of it, is about te. be sold hy auction. - The eritic London, fire brig cording to the Daily Mail, in cision on the part Capt. chief officer of the brigade, to tual says Chatean sms on the efli le have : the de Wells, resign. ol MAY WED ALFONSC Princess Louise, of France, Offered King of Spain. Madrid, Sept. 27.--The hand of the Princess Louise of France has been of fered to King Alfonso, hy the French pretender, the Duce D° Orleans. Fhe court nobly horrthied at Alonso's idea of contracting a plebian marriage ure his to the ol mariage. v Spanish ministry, on the fearing complications with vernment, incline whim rather than proposed manic to. Princess Lhe king hb Promised to the matter carefully, hut has anv. wement to the Due D° Orleans." Tt is considered un likely that Alfonso will up his eg of wedding a Brazilian beauty. are wlier The hand, French Alonso's the Louise consider not my majesty accept other the towards towards eo ohiered encon rive ETNA IS WORKING. Catania is Flooded, Sicily Storm- swept By Tornadoes, Sept. 27 London, 2" ANNOUNCES A despateh from that a severe tor Catania on--the--rast-- Catania is flooded, been damaged, ered ioush at Rome Harto--has swept coat of [Siilw and many The railroads Fhe torn Modica, a T houses have have sat has wr town of ado a ONTARIO, MASCAGNI COMING OVER. The Famous Italian Composer to Visit America. London, Sept. 27.--The Amesican liner Philadelphia which sailed from Southampton for New York -to-day, has. among her passengers Pietro Mas- cagni, the famous Italiam composer, who is to pay his first visit to Ameri ca, a land of which he is a deep ad- mirer,as is expressed in.a hymn -to America, which he has just completed. Mascaoni"s orchestra and opera com- pany have preceded him to the United States, having sailed from Genoa a few days ago. The great composer will he heard first at the Metropolitan Op- House, New York, where he will an orchestra concert, to be of "Cavel- era conduct followed by a performance MASCAGNI, Italia comp America 1 The n who sails for great fav. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, WORLD NEWS Comes To Us Quarters. FEW BRIEF ITEMS TELEGRAMS FROM THE FOUR QUARTERS OF EARTH. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered By The Dear Public. The National miners in at cabled a message United States min Two children of of French Commentry, has of sympathy to s now on strike, A. D. Wolierton, Hartiord, Conn., visiting friends at Windsor, Oiit., have disappeared and it is feared they have been kidnapped. By the will of the late Charles F. Macdonald, formerly" consul of the United States at Hamilton, Ont., $2.- 000 is bequeathed for the improvement of the money drder system of the Un- ited States. Four stock men seriously injured between a train 11 Congress session killed and five Ay rear-end colli train and a the Burlington were in a sion stock passenger near Maiden, Frank Higgins, murder of William John, N.BI, will be sentenced on tober Tth.. Cowisel for defence move a new trial. A new coal field has been discovered on Lord Dudley's Staffordshire estate, England. It is estimated that the field will yield 1.5 for a ol the St. Oc will convicted for Doherty, at for MH) tons daily corwcert form. He (which will be time in America) nnpression. cana' iy the fh strong leria Rus expects his heard for to make a PEARY GIVES UP THE POLE. Endeavors. Me, Sept. 27.--Lient. Peary, an interview, no account shall 1 make to return to the north. have done all that could be done with the facilities at my command, and shall' now resume my duties in the navy, reporting to the d partment at Washington in a few days. In coming back this time 1 have abandoned the pole. The pole he reached. is a question of money and of the ex plorers' outfit. Could I have put my ship as far north as I intended, and as'l could have done had she been equal to the requirements I could have the pole. Portland, 27 Robert EK. says: Un an eliort mn It can made $11,000 DUG UP. Package Containing Large Sum is Found Near Alexis. Toledo, O., Sept. men, who gave their constable as-George R, adelphia and Henry New York, dug ap a«package taining a little over S11,000 exis, a small town north of money is belioved- to be a portion of large sums taken in a couple of recent hank robb The men declined to make a statement, only saving to en- quirers that it was treasure buried by an old Vv ago. The money crisp, how- ever. "I'wo -voung names to a ldeal Miller, of Phil Armstrong, of con 108, some fresh ars and miser looked HOPED HE WOULD DIE. Policeman Relieved From Duty For Alleged Remark. o= Indianapolis, 27. esse Streit, a bievele mun on the suspended hy Superintendent charges formally prefered to the Board Public pressing "the with He would that he said to ter the president hospital, that he wished wonld die. * When his ported. his star was taken from him. Sept. force, was Tate and inst him for oy ident charged Stoo, al ken to the the president police of Safety vere yosevelt sever was re- WOR were Theosophists To Meet. JL. 27. Many cates amd visitors arriving for the sixteenth annual of the Theosophical Society America, wich conven tion, iis kind | at s the the Chicago, Sept. dele are convention of The of to me st in this the repre rrow. Huportant country opens the over held terded hy society from different world, and by dele the United States, and the Hawaiian ral re} te me he ot of tentative parts mn Canada, Ons al mn the theosophice where from Svracuse several z were: kill, Mount Etna, Catania. shows ity, and the oli the north active. per short nm | further voleano of a distance from ions of acti Stromboli, is sull s coast Sicily, Reciprocity Candidate Won. at cratiiving a To Retire. Fhe navy will ular officer "in Putnam. general New York Pay Director New 1 an Pav Dire torekoejer wha SINty-two Ve Putnam wk. pr. 7 ahl t Felwin vanl, f hi sweeping aca Boston, <Rettivns republican cancu vietord for Fag Mehvin: O nomination, The conte over the cessful busin Sept. t show wo nst i attr all | trv. t dor <3 but unknown in politi voli cog itform deel and munj | ing for Can materials The m Boston. that Mr democratic candidate | next month. and f uring in of Taw- . {vers of | pression will at ue the election stonal | navy a quarter of and wi T retire of admiral very \ "eon Vice ay rear in i of pa he retaine Found Gold And Coal. near On vod the same vicinity. Has Decided to Make no Further, "from all over | Mexico | r navy | period of eighty vears. Operations in the beef houses of Ar- mour & Co. Chicago, have heen of fectually tiod up hy 150 laborers. who went on strike for an increase of twenty-five cents a dav in wages. Harold Heimendinger, New. York, who tried suicide hy shooting himself in the abdomen, inflicting a wound like the late President MeKinley's hal eight perforations instead of tivo but is recovering. Louis A. Distrow, vouth accused of the ence Foster and "Dimples" has heen sent up for trial by the Sui folk, N.Y., grand jury. Public opinion is decidedly against the prisoner. . Justice David J. Brewer, of the United States supreme court, was quite badly burned about the face and hands at his summer home at Thomp- Point, Lake Champlaine, last He was using gasoline to the handsome murder of Clar Lawrence, son's evening. burn "some brush. A transient sharper. laborer, took in two Chatham, Ont. merchants by means of forged che- ques for R12.50 and SIL respectively. The discovery of the value of the cheques was not made till they were presented at the bank. Rev. John H. A. Hagan, of Catholic church of St. Paul of Cros Jersey City, No.1. wrote a tot published in a local paper. de claring that he was in favor of Sun day baséball, "providing the game plaved in-an-orderlv manner, The Tillsonburg, Lake Erie, Veifie Railway is now completed Port Burwell to Ingersoll, and neets with the Wabash, the Trunk, the Michican Central, Canadian Pacifi This road charter for, an extension to wood. dressed as a the the Is and Pa- from con- Grand and the Bas A Colling- Gatley, vector of Tris N.Y: has decline: extended to. him Thomas church, salary at pres- He has bedn of Rev. Henry 8. nity church, Wasaw, ed the eall recently to take charge of St. Brooklyn, Mass. His ent [1.000 a vear. fered 36.000, The Neues Weiner Journal, Vienna, announces that as the result of a re- volt of peasants in the district of Badadeny, Hunoary, the military were calle upon to the disorder, and fired a volley, four per ons and womnding A cablegram hy ter at Washington crown prince of Siam has vanced the date of his visit to Ameri ca. The despatch states that he will sail from Southampton October 3rd, the Fuerst Bismarck. BUDDHISTS UP IN ARMS. suppress killing minis indicates that the again ad nese on x Britain is About to Dese- Sra Their Mecca. wel Cal., Dharmapla, Buddhist in America, has arrived from route to London. He has mmmunication to the calling their atten what he terms thesonreage m of the Britich officials" i Hreatening Claim 1.08 garika ¥ <= ntative im people, to © W . in which Mece ru andi ri Anuracthapura, Biddhi=ts as great Mohammedan-, Christians as Sues Vancouver Hospital. Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 27. --Allran | Pare, of 'Ottawa, the well known key plaver, has entered Paul's hospital for While ions at pital how ainst dam suit ag KIO en) id | irom deli trom typhi his arn peed 4h Parr ut of n cround, and ran | ters of Chm F { the o a windows | | 1 { | | | | 1 h " his capture DINrIes We our the price of tobae- | Play | size have not advanced tohae me air yme as former thr hoe Empire extegiied redempt of Spow 1st, 1904. The limited. me t os January Co. to | bacco 'urant To- ALL TREATED ALIKE. Rumors Not Well Founded--Want Bill Dropped. New. York, Sept. I'ribune Lon don Cable : Continental rumors, that the British government was consulted by the Umted States state depart- ment -before the appeal was made to the treaty powers in behalt of the Roumanian Hebrews, are not well founded. Ail the powers were treated on terms of guality, and there were no conferences in advance, with Lord Lansdowne. Lord Lansdowne's ac- tion on this question was sympathetic but was not the result:of prearrange- ment. Premier London the Bishop of playing Paliour and are placidly north of Berwick, while the ~Non-con formists are converting the education bill into a football and apparently en- loving the sport. While the opposi- tion to the bill receiving fresh im petus daily, there is no evidence that even churchmen support the measure heartily. Frederick Greenwood ven- tures to, advise the government to drop the bill outright, rather than attempt to force it through, for the sake of saving the prime minister's late. voll, . DIDN'T KNOW OF SHORTAGE. French Cruiser Puts Into Boston For Fuel and Pays High. Boston, Sept. 27.-~The tected cruiser D'Estrees, Commander Suisse, arrived herve to-day from St. Miquelon, for a coal supply. It is evident that the news of a coal fa- mine has not vet reached the island of Miquelon, otherwise the commander of the D'Estrees would | scarcely have sailed past Sydney and Louisburg and put' into Boston for a supply. It was only through the courtesy of one of the local coal concerns "that a tract for filling her bunkers could be made. The D'Estrees will take on 220 tos of coal. The commander is obliged to pay the current price for bituminous coal, which is considerably the' figures he would have had to pay in Cape Breton. French pro Pierre. con- above AMERICAN IMMIGRANTS. ' 28,000 Have Entered Mani- toba Territories. The official fig that from the hegin * down, to August 31s¢€ persons from the United Manitoba and the ter: settlers, It is end of the year 35.000. The Over Sept. show Winnipeg, ures issued ning of this ye over 2500 States entered ritories permanent expected that by the the number will exceed total immigration from all countries, including the older provinces, will ex- cend 60,000 for the whole year. as Result of Anti-CAntcen Law. Washington, Sept. 27.--Brigadier- General Funston in his annual report of the department of the Colorado, de- clares that -the recent anti-canteen le- gislation of congress has lowered the discipline of the army, ruined scores of good soldiers and enriched saloon keepers, gamblers and dissolute wo- men. His report announces a deplora ble in offences, particularly desertion, attributable by him to the abolition the canteen amd. garrison life restrictions of wen returning. from field service, increase of The Case Dismissed. Cobourg, Ont., Sept. 27.---Thy West Durham Dominion election trial ofi" here this morning before Chief Jus tice Falconbridge and. Justice Street E. C. 8. Huvcek, K.C., of Cobourg, ap- peared for the respondent, Robert Beith, M.P., no appearing for the petitioner, James MeCormick. came one 8 The case being called and no evidence offer the petition was duly dismi confirming Mr. Beith in his « the remainder of 'the parliament- ed, wel. thus for ary term. ' To Improve Prisons. London, . Sept. In "a despatch from Fez, Morocco, correspondent, of the Times that the Sul tan has carried his promise. to improve the of the country and the conditions of the prisoners The work clransing and of dradmng the" prisons of the in mates with ly "in: 2%: the announce out prisons oF supply ing food is abe and hetter progress, Election. Sept. At the fourth of the trial of the petition to un G.-A. Stewart, M.I. for Lisgar, principal witness was James iid M.P.P., for, Lorne, who. admit that he tréated a number of vot election day. He denied any knowlidee of bribery, however. Two voters admit vesterday that had i votes, ! The Lisgar Winnipeg, day seat the del toed or 1 on more they then ing The Old Farm. v from ly Peloponness, a, contingous for the United figures how leit this women. The has acted ~Teav Athens, pros scribe thet he Cre of Rep Reports HCE, Ose exodus States that Crd year, whe unfavorable cu san of The ficial. 3, grants > t have " mi were harvest ineen Severe Sentence. Se Commandant le Forth aprons hare of fahng to close unantho Yaris Lgelurie te the | order Was dane hev an rized LAST p-- EDITION. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. Ont, (10 ocrasional south-west am), show winds, Sept Toronto Clowdy, with Ih south and DONNELLY--At Revelstoke, tember 21st, 1902, Charles 39 vears, I from his mothe street, city, Tuesday o'clock. Friends * spectinlly invited Sunday, showery. on Sep Donnelly, 3 York at three ANCES are res FOR SATURDAY SHOPPERS New Fancy Collars and Neckwear. New Corsets. New Underwear For ladies, children and men. New Kid Gloves. Specials 75c., $1 25. New Ready - to- Wear Skirts New Jackets and Cloaks for Children. Ladies Waterproof Cloaks, extra values, $5, $8, $10. New Ready-to- Wear Hats 800 New Cloaks and Jackets for Ladies, $5, $7, $8, $10 up. Coma and See, if uniyto Ses $1, B.C., G. I'm s_ residence, afternoon, and acquaint to attend. PERSONAL. = = mm SS LADIE a! OUR HARMLE REMEDY for delayud or suppressed period; it cans wot fail. Trial free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. £12 WEEKLY, either sex ticulars Building, WRITING AT HOME; anps for full par Real Estate Board DOING Two Gable Chicago. wt Co, UNENCUMBERED AMERI- worth $90.80 will marry im and present husband 810,000 Address Miss Berlin, lol ATTRACTIVE, MIDDLE I eautiful home, faithinl wife. Ad- Dearporn street, ry IENTLEMAN, AGLD $5,000, once, poor put Belmont, 40 I Chicago, 1 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. PARTNE FIP, HERETOFORE between TT. Fo Williaens ane V in the restaurant business, has been di solves from thi (17d [RLIZAN the bis will he conde ) Stinson, at premises situated at King strevts accounts are taken over "hy W Stinson, vanend th Ist of 1002 T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PROFIT GUARANTEED. r from the fire est In form- EX- J. date iin the ai to July WILLIAMS 10) sun without discovery 1iom refer ie Mo Heat or operation Shares Furnuee seientific New cor each St i TO RENT.! COMFORTABLY FURNISITED ROOMS, LIGHT and airy. centrally located. First close tablé board if 14 Prock: street TEN DOLLARS REWARD. tHE FINDER OF A GOLD. BAR' PIN, SET with an opnl, will receive above reward Loaving: same wt Whig Oflice, . Apply at denired at WOUND, INMATE OF 11k HOt fond, SOM MONeY oY fave wine i und OF PROVI- serday and entling r AN by 1 HOARD, at Mra ST CLA be has ot D honrd Sturt Fly may ind ce sewsveasil $ WRITING CHANGED | a Drudgery to a shes From I gaily lemme The oh J a hi Ww wrt his . Tount to mart i con Tilss rom arms vote ax missal Nak Hall. Bibby 's. Bare ti ' Dh Biih 4 Sfesss TTT VRONLS Jing bush, and We in, the ton, fir ame A movement re<ults. fatal 9 Luxury by WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN. A Pen ad Ink Bottle Com- hined -- The convenience of a Pencil--- The advantage of a pen. old by AG. JOHNSTON & Mme

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